An American in Kandahar

By Amar Patel

Published on Mar 2, 2014


Written by: Amar Patel


The following story is fictional. The author (myself) is older than 21, anyone who is under the legal age (according to their country, state, or provincial laws) to view erotic material should immediately dissuade themselves from reading further.The story is fictional and similarities to events and persons (living or dead) are purely coincidental and unintentional. If you are offended by homosexual erotica or it is illegal for you to read such material. Please read no further.


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Dear Readers,

I would first like to apologize for my prolonged hiatus, and hope this chapter will rekindle interests. Unfortunately, I lost my grandmother in december, and my grandfather in janurary. It hit my family relatively hard, and we're struggling to come to terms with their deaths. On a brighter note, I would like to wish you a belated happy new year! (whether it be chinese, western, or even the persian one). I would also like to personally thank Gary once more for his contribution to the story, and to all you lovely gentlemen who emailed me with lovely messges (John, Vivek, Alan, and Steve to name a few).

Once again, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and my inbox is always open. (I cannot really say door can I?)


Amar Patel

Chapter IV

A familiar scent permeated the air, and I inhaled deeply in nostalgia. Floral with the slightest hint of sweetness, the smell of honey intermingled with the aroma of almonds. Opening my eyes, I found myself at a loss for words. Clad in black pants with a crimson sash tied around his tapered waist and a white dress shirt with puffed sleeves, a swarthy young man tipped his wide brimmed hat towards me in greeting. Raising his arms above his head in graceful movement, I heard the faint strum of a guitar and a single clap. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a single prolonged utterance. The boy's feet began to tap against the wood floor as the a men behind him clapped their hands and sang in an incomprehensible tongue. My eyes were mesmerized as the boy's rhythmic steps carried him across the floor to the moorish beat, and I watched as the taps increased in speed. Faster and faster the boy went, until he reached a god-like speed, and his boy glistened with sweat. His scent wafted around me, and the aromatic scent of almonds grew stronger as he went. Finally in a final flurry of movement, the boy rested on one knee, and removed the hat from his head. Applause rang out as awe filled me, it was the soldier who had just struck me with this dazzling feat, and my eyes met his for the first time. They were a luminous aquamarine, and it was like looking into the sea. I felt as if I were drowning. For some reason, my body began to shake, and I watched the scene begin to fade away. The soldier's adonic face grew more distant, and finally, everything faded to black.

I found myself being shaken by strong arms, and I opened my eyes to see Khaled's face. There was an expression of utter panic etched into his face, and my body became awash in apprehension as I sat up in bed.

"What is the matter Khaled?"

Khaled's eyes flicked towards the clinic "It is the soldier agha...."

Without the slightest regard to dressing myself, I leapt out of bed and sprinted towards the mosque with Khaled a step behind. Bursting into the room, I found an utterly horrifying sight. The soldier laid sprawled across the bed, and he let out a cry of anguish. I watched as he grapsed at his chest, and held the sheets in utter agony. He screamed in various languages, and I walked towards him feeling simply mortified

"How long has he been like this Khaled?"

Khaled looked towards me with concern "He has been doing this for the last hour now agha."

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?"

"You looked tired agha, I tried everything."

I returned my gaze to the soldier and saw cold sweat run down his face "He's not in any physical pain, but he will be waking up soon. Will you go make some tea?"

Khaled bowed his head "Dangyunhajiyo" (of course), and he disappeared from the room.

The soldier let out a groan, and I ran a rag under hot water. Dabbing at the sweat that ran down the boy's face, I saw his breath calm, and his muscles became lax. Suddenly, his eyes began to flutter, and slowly opened. I was taken aback as I saw those aquamarine seas once more. Stepping back from the bed, I watched as the boy sat up looking simply terrified. Those innocent eyes of his quivered as they flicked between me and the door. He was visibly shaking, and he backed himself against the headboard. For the longest time, we stared at one another, our gazes never faltering. Khaled returned then, and the boy grew even more fearful. His only means of escape were extinguished right then, blocked by a formidable man. I watched as the soldier pondered his options, and a tear ran down his cheek. His breath became labored, and our contest of stares continued. It was he who broke the silence.

He spoke with a trembled voice, but I sensed courage behind it "W-who.. who are you people?"

I tried to speak as calmly as possible, he was already frightened enough "My name is Jahan Ebadi, I'm the local physician. The man over there is my assistant Khaled. Don't be afraid, we're not here to harm you bachem (dear child)."

He was taken aback "You speak E-english?"

I nodded "We're not with the Taliban, you're safe here."

The boy's face still held suspicion, but his eyes softened "W-where am I?"

"We found you in an alley, and took you here to our clinic."

The boy clutched at his chest "Did you find anyone else?"

I felt bile rise in the back of my throat as the dead flashed in my mind "No, you were the only one we found. However, I promise that we'll keep you safe until your people find you." I dared to take a cautious step forward.

The boy allowed me to approach the bed, and I saw the sweetness in his eyes. There wasn't a single drop of malice within them, and I sat on the edge of the bed. Khaled felt comfortable enough to approach and laid the tea tray on the counter. Bringing a cup to the boy, he handed it to him with a shaky grip.

Khaled gave one of those charming smiles "Drink this, it will help you relax."

The boy took it gingerly "Thank you."

An idea hit me then, and I turned towards Khaled "Khaled?"

"Yes agha?"

"Please go set a room for our guest."

"Ne dangyunhajiyo" (yes of course), and he hurried off.

The boy looked towards me in surprise "I get a room?"

"Your wounds were minor, but it will take some time to heal. Let us at least make your stay comfortable."

The boy smiled for the first time "Thank you Dr. Ebadi, I'm not sure how to thank you."

"You can tell me your name for now bachem."

The boy turned towards me timidly "My name is Amal."

"Amal..." I repeated it as I pondered "that's not a typical name, isn't it Arabic?"

Amal nodded "It means Hope."

Hope.... what a suitable name for someone who still held purity and kindness, things that have long vanished from this country. Perhaps it was Allah's will that brought this boy to me. But before I pondered it further, I realized a rather embarassing fact, and my eyes struggled to not stare at the boy's bare skin.


"Yes sir?"

I stood and headed towards the door rather flushed "Unfortunately, your uniform was too damaged, but I laid out some fresh clothes. Come out when you're ready."

Amal noticed his bare skin, and covered his boxers "Oh... thank you sir."

Nodding, I fled from the room and met Khaled on his way in. "Agha, the room is ready."

"Which one did you choose?"

"The one near the hamman next to yours." I felt oddly excited with that statement.

"You did well Khaled, merci."

For a moment, I thought I saw a flush flash across Khaled's olive skin, but the clinic's door swining open caught my attention. Emerging from the clinc was a strikingly handsome Afghan boy, his sky blue payraan tumbaan complimenting his eyes. Giving a shy smile, the boy donned a taqiyah, and approached us.

"Thank you for the clothes sir."

"You're welcome, Khaled has set a room for you. Why don't you go see it, it's down the hall to the left. Then, we can have a meal to rebuild your strength."

Amal nodded "Thank you Khaled."

Khaled blushed again "You're welcome bachem."

"Can I do anything in return?"

Khaled looked towards me in suggestion, and I nodded "We'll discuss it later, but perhaps you can tell us about yourself, and maybe things about America as well."

He nodded eagerly "Of course."

With that, the boy made his way to his temporary home.

End of Chapter IV

I apologize in advance for any missed typos, and hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Please send emails if you have any questions, and I promise that there will be no further hiatus.

Next: Chapter 5

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