An American in Kandahar

By Amar Patel

Published on Mar 30, 2016


Written by: Amar Patel


The following story is fictional. The author (myself) is older than 21, anyone who is under the legal age (according to their country, state, or provincial laws) to view erotic material should immediately dissuade themselves from reading further.The story is fictional and similarities to events and persons (living or dead) are purely coincidental and unintentional. If you are offended by homosexual erotica or it is illegal for you to read such material. Please read no further.


The story may not be copied, distributed, in any way, shape or form without consent from the author.

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Chapter IX


On the eve of our departure, Jahan-jan felt it best to bid farewell to our neighbors and friends in the town, and

that afternoon, Jahan-jan and Anas-sahib dressed in their best clothes, and paid their final respects to Kaka and Khala

who watched over us from Jannah. The bachem and I spent the morning gathering whatever else we might need along the way,

and he was quite logical in what would sustain us. Matches, canteens, several jars of Kimchi that I had made, and of course

pillows and blankets to make the bed of the truck more hospitable. That afternoon, the bachem and I went out to the garden,

and picked bundles of herbs, and I felt that he needed to know us better. Picking a bundle of flowers, I wheeled him out

to Baba's grave, and told him how he lived, how brave he was. Though I had known him only a short while, I felt as if we

had become friends, and it brought me comfort to have such a willing ear. The bachem recited a prayer for Baba much to my

surprise, and taught me that in Spain, it was customary to give a Catholic mass to the deceased. I could not help but run

my fingers over the letters of Baba's grave for the last time, and the bachem rubbed my shoulder for comfort. Though I

knew it would make agha unhappy with me, I told the bachem about Kaka and Khala, how they died, and what their plans were.

He listened intently, nodding silently, and did not judge agha for his distance and crude demeanour. Death was never an

easy thing to grasp, and he thanked me for being so open with him.

That evening while I loaded the truck, the bachem did his best to pass the lighter boxes up towards me, and to

our surprise, a crowd of people emerged from around the corner. Led by the woman officer, our neighbors were teary eyed

and held all sorts of things in their arms. Jahan-jan and Anas-sahib heard the commotion, and several of them ran to hug

the doctor that had served them for all these years. Pashtunwali was a powerful thing, we were given gifts of blankets and

freshly woven clothes, sweets for the road ahead, and of course numerous nods and embraces. Pashtuns are not known for saying

thank you, but Jahan-jan understood that a nod and embrace was the closest thing to it. The female officer eagerly approached

the bachem, and gave him her blessing. Jahan-jan was up until midnight with neighbors, and all was quiet. The bachem and I

decided to sleep in the bed of the truck, and awaited day break.

Several hours later, I felt a hand shake me awake, and I opened my eyes to agha's face leaning over me. The sky was

still a dark blue, but there was flecks of pink and orange, and the air was refreshing and cool. Shaking the bachem awake,

we went to take our baths, and refreshed ourselves for the journey ahead. Making lunches for the road ahead, I heard Anas

fire up the engine, and saw Jahan-jan bending over Baba's grave. It made me smile when the sight of fresh flowers caught my

eye, and he smiled at me from afar, his eyes glistening with life. Shutting off all the lights, I wheeled the bachem out to

the truck, and lifted him onto the bed with a bag of medical supplies. Jumping onto the bed myself, I shut the door, and we

began to move under the cover of darkness. Passing through the town, we saw several neighbors wave from their windows, and

to our amazement, several police officers tailed behind with the lady officer at the lead. They followed us until we were

several kilometers away from the town on their motor bikes, and returned only when they saw no danger ahead. The bachem leaned

his head against my shoulder in exhaustion, and was soon fast asleep. I unzipped a bag of yarn, and decided to past the time

away knitting.

We have been on the road for a long time now, and I could tell it was mid-morning based on the outside. I've managed

to stitch several taqiyah, and was half way through a shawl when the bachem stirred. Opening his eyes, he sat upwards, and

looked around at the pile of yarn. Looking at me sheepishly, he must have realized that he had used my shoulder as a pillow

throughout his nap.

"I am sorry Khaled, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I wanted to keep you company"

I cannot help but admire his innocent nature "It is alright bachem, we are not even that far along in the journey."

He picked up a taqiyah "Wow, you made this?"

I nodded "They are all for you."

The bachem picked one up, and tried it on "Thank you so much, Khaled. It means a lot to me."

I could not help but blush "It is my pleasure bachem."

He looked in the direction of Anas-sahib and Jahan-jan "Have you heard anything from them?"

I shook my head, I did not want to think about what they possibly could be doing up there. Though I feared that Jahan-jan

might connect with a fellow Pashtun, at least I was comforted by the thought that my love for him was not rooted in the masjid,

that I truly and honestly loved him. "Nay bachem, we have not stopped yet."

The bachem placed his hand on mine "I've been meaning to ask you something, do you mind?"

I was worried, but yielded " Of course."

He smiled "I've been watching how you react to Dr. Ebadi, how you blush all the time, and that you are so shy and timid

around him. I don't know how it works here in Afghanistan, but the way you act goes beyond what would be expected of a

voluntary servant. I wanted to ask if you uhm... love Dr. Ebadi?"

His power of inference and deduction was astounding, or perhaps I had made myself too obvious. Even when I mentioned

agha's name, my heart beated uncontrollably. "Yes bachem, I have come to love agha. Even more than myself."

"Does he know?"

Agha never seemed to notice my rather "obvious" affections, but yet the bachem did "I don't know."

"I think he might." The bachem replied "The way he looks at you, it is like he is a different person. I can tell he

cares about you deeply."

I could not help but feel flustered "You think so?"

The bachem nodded "But have you ever considered telling him?"

I was shocked but also torn "I do not think that I will ever have the option, bachem."

"Why not? Is it because of how homosexuality is seen here?" The bachem's tone was sad but empathetic.

I tried my best to explain it. "Yes bachem, it is haram for a man to feel love for a man, but it goes beyond that. Agha and

I, we are from different worlds. He is a Pashtun, well only half, but he is considered one. Me, I am a Hazara, a Shi'a. Our

union would be haram against Afghans and Allah."

"In the U.S, you have the option. In Spain, France, Belgium as well. Why not? Don't be afraid to love someone."

"I do not know if agha loves me this way, bachem. I have spent all these years trying to make him alive again, and yet,

it was Anas who made his eyes glisten brighter than ever..." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

The bachem put his arm around me "Don't feel inadequate. Anas may have this truck and connections, but you have served

Dr. Ebadi for years now. You have that emotional connection. Anas may have temporarily connected, but it is only because

you have devoted so much more."

I wiped my watery eyes "Gracias bachem."

"De nada." He replied with a smile.

Suddenly, a thought entered my mind "Bachem, may I ask you something as well?"

He seemed taken aback, but nodded "Of course."

I was hesitant, but his understanding expression gave me confidence. "When you told me about America, you told me that you

did not want to talk about it, and I wanted to know why."

The bachem looked down at his lap, and shook his head "I knew this would come up eventually, but since you told me about such

a personal thing then I am comfortable sharing with you."

He cleared his throat "The reason why I became a medic was because I was tired of being persecuted. Being Muslim in America,

it is as if you are fighting a war of self preservation. I was always teased in school for going to the mosque. They always

used to say things like "Oh you are going to marry a goat" or "Have you been working on your bomb making skills?". After awhile,

I stopped going to the mosque, but it didn't stop. They would follow me home and trip me, they would take my things, and one time,

they pushed me down the stairs. It was not just at school, it was everywhere. To them, I was the one who killed all those people,

I am the one who will rape their daughters and sisters, I am the one who will behead and stone them, but yet, they are the ones

being violent. For a long time, I did not have friends besides my fellow Muslims, Moroccans, and Spaniards, and I met my best

friend near the end of high school. He made me feel human, like I belonged, a friend. That's why I joined, so I could prove that

Muslims are good people. That we mean no harm. That's why I want to leave the U.S, why I feel safer in Spain or Morocco."

He was shaking in what I deemed to be anger, and I embraced him. I felt something wet on my clothes, and saw that he was crying.

I could only imagine what torturous feeling had possessed him, but I understood what he went through. "Bachem" I hoped my words

were coming out right "Hazaras are like what you describe. We are the enemy of the Pashtuns, we defile their blood and country.

I know how it feels to be alone, but like you, I have found a true friend. We are friends, right bachem?"

He dried his face "Of course we are friends."

My mind became a flurry of ideas "Bachem, when you go back to America, will you write us?"

His eyes widened "Of course I will."

"Good, then we can never forget one another."

The bachem shook his head "Even if we don't write, I will never forget the time I have spent with you and Dr. Ebadi."

Suddenly, we felt the truck come to a sudden stop, and the bachem and I exchanged looks of confusion. Anas-sahib

and agha opened the bed door, and Jahan-jan's face was filled with concern. "Khaled, we have reached a military

checkpoint. They are asking us to get out of the vehicle, keep Amal behind you at all times. Understood?"

I nodded, and I turned to the bachem. "Are you able to stand?"

"I don't know... what's happening?" The bachem donned a taqiyah.

I tried my best to explain it to him with such a shortage of time "We are at a military checkpoint, they are going to

inspect the vehicle, and want us to step out."

"Is it the wheelchair nearby sir?"

I realized that we had put it away "Nay, it is in the front..." Then I remembered the crutches that I had laid behind the

boxes. "I have the crutches though." Moving the boxes, I passed them to him. "Scoot yourself to the edge bachem, and I will

help you down."

Leaping from the bed of the truck, I gently helped the bachem down, and placed the crutches under his armpits. Making

our way to the front of the truck, we were met with the sight of a traditional house with high walls, and a booth that had

been setup in the middle of the road. Two soldiers awaited us with rifles at the ready as we joined agha and Anas-sahib on

the side of the rode, and as I took in the soldier's emotionless faces, I could not help but feel disturbed by my sense of

dread. The soldier at the left was a burly man dressed in a green uniform that hugged at his burly frame, his skin tanned

from hours of duty under the hot sun, and his thick black beard and brows made me think that he was a Pashtun like Anas

or possibly a Tajik. I could tell that he had seen many horrible things by the lack of shine in his penetrating brown eyes,

and how they seemed to be devoid of any emotion. The soldier on our right to my surprise was a fellow Hazara, his slim frame

dressed in a trim gray uniform, his sandry brown hair was cut close to his scalp, and his blue slanted eyes gazed at me in

curiosity as they approached. He was boyish compared to his companion, and seemed to be around the bachem's age. Regardless,

both held an air of authority, and I took notice of the symbols on their uniforms.

The burly soldier spoke first "Assamalu Alaikum, I am Captain Mahmood, and this is my subordinate Azra. State your name,

origin, and ethnicity." He pointed his finger at agha. "You first."

Jahan-jan tried to remain as calm as possible "Salam Brother, I am Jahan Ebadi of Kandahar Province. My father was a Farsi

and mother was Pashtun."

Captain Mahmood smiled, revealing teeth slightly stained with betel nut."I could tell you were Farsi brother, you do not

look like a Pashtun, and the way you speak. It is with a Tehrani accent." He cleared his throat "You in the suit."

Anas-sahib showed no emotion like agha "I am Anas Alam of Kandahar Province, I am a Pashtun."

It came to be my turn, and I tried to speak with calmness, but my voice shook "I am of Khaled Rahimi of Bamiyan Province, I am

a Hazara."

For the first time, the Hazara, Azra spoke up "My family is from Bamiyan."

"And you bachem?" Captain Mahmood pointed to the bachem, and I felt my heart drop. He asked the question in Dari, and the bachem

looked confused for a moment.

"Forgive him brother, he does not speak Dari, he is an injured Pashai boy that we found. We are reuniting him with his family

in Kabul." Agha said this matter of factly with no hesitation as if he anticipated that this would happen.

"A Farsi, Pashtun, Pashai, and a Hazara traveling together. This will be a story to tell, no laaf, but the question is why?"

Captain Mahmood's eyes gleamed with suspicion.

"As I said brother, we are taking a trip to Kabul. The Hazara is my housekeeper and cook, this Pashtun is a friend of mine,

and the Pashai is but a temporary companion." I saw a bead of sweat run down agha's face.

Captain Mahmood stroked his beard "Then you wouldn't mind us inspecting your truck then, brother? It should not take long,

and you can be on your way."

"It is no trouble at all "Agha replied.

With that, Captain Mahmood nodded to Azra, and the two began glancing over the truck and the bed. For a moment, I felt relief

with the thought that we could go on without issue, and the two soldiers returned with cool and collected faces. Suddenly, a

chill ran down my spine as the captain smiled. "Brother, do you want me to shoot you?"

Agha froze, and I saw his fingers trembling "What do you mean brother?"

"You heard me, do you want me to shoot all of you?"

"Nay" Agha replied.

"You have some nerve to think me a fool brother, that is quite a bit of valuables for a simple trip to Kabul. Now tell me the

truth or I will shoot you all here and now, and take my fill."

Jahan-jan looked towards the ground "My Pashtun friend , my house keeper, and I are fleeing to Kabul. What I said about the

Pashai is true though brother."

"See, that was not so hard was it brother? Since we are honest men, we will let you through for a small fee seeing that you

have nothing dangerous. Is that alright brother?"

Anas and agha fished out money "How much?" agha asked

"We have no need for money. We have a price in mind." Captain Mamood said this cooly, and to my horror, both soldiers gazed

at the bachem. "Give us an hour or two with the Pashai. It is so hot out, and I find myself stirring. Don't you agree Azra?"

"I agree indeed " Azra said with a grin, I was appalled at how a fellow Hazara would agree to this.

Jahan-jan moved closer to the bachem "Please brother he is injured, could you be more considerate?"

The captain shook his head "The price is set, and he is quite lovely. I would like to make him squeal like a woman."

I do not know what came over me, but I found myself speaking "That is haram agha."

I regretted my choice instantly as he turned to me with manic anger "Haram you say? Ah! I know the term, I too am Muslim.

Let me educate you. Let me tell you what haram is! Haram is using your religion to justify evil actions! Haram is using

a facade of religion to slaughter and pillage!" He got within mere centimeters of my face "Haram my dear Hazara is defiling

a man's wife in front of her children and husband! HARAM IS MAKING THE HUSBAND WATCH AS YOU SHOOT HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN!!!!

I WANT TO PISS ON YOU SELF SERVING BASTARDS!!!!" The captain took a deep breath "Do you know where Azra and I are from?"

"Nay" I said sheepishly.

"We are both from Mazar-i-Sharif. We were forced to watch as the Taliban slaughtered our families. Don't talk to me about

haram. I am not using my religion as an excuse. I have needs! Now give us the Pashai or we will kill you all."

"Please brother, he is just a bachem." Anas tried to approach them with hands upward.

"Stay still!" the Hazara soldier hit Anas across the face with the end of the rifle.

It was all my fault... how dare I speak out of turn.... now the bachem and everyone are at risk. Allah... are you really

going to let these men rape a young man?... Nay, it is my fault forgive me. I must do what is best and give them what they

wish. I looked at agha, how he had so much terror in his eyes, and the bachem who was mumbling prayers. It is my duty to

serve and protect agha at all cost even if it meant my own life... I could not even process what I was saying, but I

felt a surge of bravery as I said it "Take me instead. Use me." I never heard my voice so confident before.

"Khaled?!" Agha looked at me in horror.

"Please, I will serve you instead agha." I bowed my head.

The captain and officer looked at one another and moved several feet back, and began bantering in hushed whispers. Anas

looked at me with admiration as he rubbed his cheek, and agha approached me. For the first time in many years, he was

shedding tears, and the bachem like me was dumbfounded. Agha placed his hand on my shoulder "You do not have to do this

Khaled. There must be another way."

I never thought that I would be the one with sense "Agha, they will not leave us be. This way, the bachem will be safe,

and we can go on."

"Ahem" We heard the captain clear his throat, and I saw them gazing at me with lust "Hazara, we have agreed to your proposal.

You are quite lovely yourself, but my subordinate has a condition of his own."

I could not help but cringe "Yes agha?"

"We would like for your master to watch, so that he may see your worth is all brother." I did not like the way the officer's

eyes gleamed.

Agha looked incredulous "Are you truly serious?"

"Of course we are, now come. We are done talking." The captain pointed to the house. "And you two, the Pashtun and Pashai.

If I hear anything suspicious, I will not hesitate, and you have my word as a Tajik."

I felt as if I were a criminal about to be sentenced as I walk behind the captain, and felt my heart ache as I

watched agha's expression shift between pain and sadness. I never would have thought that I would lose my virginity

this way... I figured my first penetration would be from agha's loving and tender thrust. Yet, I found myself being

led to a bedroom like a common prostitute. We entered a rather large but spartan room, and I saw that it only had

two beds for the posted officers along with a couch and small television set. A radio was perched on a shelf, and

a nightstand stood between the two beds. Officer Azra moved the couch so that it faced the beds while the captain

pushed them together, and I felt the air grow tense. In silence, the captain pointed to agha and then pointed to

the couch, and with one last glance of pity, agha sat on the couch. The captain and officer began removing their

guns and equipment, and laid them within arm's reach, but for good measure, they bound agha's hands with rope.

Bringing the radio down, Azra flipped through the channels, and landed on a bollywood track. It made me realize

then that they have thought of this for a long time now, but finally got to act on their revenge. They both sat

on the beds, and Captain Mahmood clasped his hands.

"Brother, you said that your mother was a Pashtun yes?"

"Yes..." Agha replied.

"Did you know that your mother's people brought this upon you, them and the filthy kochis. You see, they made my

wife do the exact same thing that your housekeeper is doing now. Stripping his clothes only to be ravaged, and as

you imagine, I sat where you sit now, and I too told them that it was Haram. Your mother's people always speak of honor

and duty to your country, but yet you neglect your fellow countrymen with your bullshit honor. Tajiks, Hazaras, Balochs,

we are all Afghans, but all you care for are Pashtuns. I am going to make you relive what I've been through, what

Azra has been through as he was forced to watch his sisters being defiled by the Pashtuns. Funny, they condemn the

kunis (faggots) and rapists, but yet they rape young boys. I want you to keep your eyes on us, and my threat still

stands." He turned to me then "Now my lovely Hazara, why don't you dance for us, and show us your charms."

As Jahan-jan looked at me with a solemn and pained expression, I began to dance for their amusement, and tried

to mimic what I have seen in the past. Gyrating my hips and making my arms move to the beat, and my feet escaped from

my sandals. To my relief, the soldiers were fixated on me, their mouths watering as I moved about the limited space,

and I felt both pride and shame as I threw my taqiyah onto the nearby couch, shame for I knew that I was but an object

in their eyes, and pride for Jahan-jan seemed to gaze at me in intrigue. My shirt was the next thing to be casted aside,

and I saw my skin had begun to glisten from my movement and the heat. I saw that the soldiers' eyes had widened as they

took in my naked flesh, and I saw Captain Mahmood edge himself forward. Suddenly without warning, I felt his tongue flick

across my nipple, and felt a flurry of kisses on my skin. Azra sooned joined him, and together their mouths explored my

torso. I stopped dancing as I felt Captain Mahmood's beard graze my muscle as he bit and sucked on my nipple while Azra

buried himself into the crook of my neck as he squeezed my bottom. I heard the radio grow silent then, and felt hands

loosen the drawstring of my pants, and in one swift motion, I bared my legs and genitals to the ravenous men. Standing

there with hands clasped over my manhood, I watched as the two men began to strip, but I noted how they laid their weapons

within arm's reach. I dared to look back at agha who stared at me with no expression, his eyes wide, and I looked away in

shame. I always wanted agha to see my this way.. but not like this, and I stared ahead. Captain Mahmood was a hairy man,

his toned body covered in coarse black hair that matched his beard, and his manhood jutted out like a spear. Thick and of

impressive length, his manhood was covered with veins, and the angry purple head was dripping in anticipation. Azra in contrast

was of a slender and tone build, his skin glowing in the faint light, and though not as thick as Captain Mahmood's , his manhood

held an impressive length as well, but he was leaking far more profusely. I felt as if I were a freshly slaughtered lamb surrounded

by wolves, and my hands were removed from my manhood. My last defense gone, Captain Mahmood grabbed my face, and began kissing

me aggresively.

His tongue entered my mouth, and I felt him breathe into me as he forced my tongue to dance with his. Suddenly, I felt

my legs being spread, and felt something wet slip across my entrance. As the captain violated my mouth, Azra violated my hole,

and I struggled to breathe. Captain Mahmood pinched my nipples as he broke the sloppy kiss, and I felt spit drip down my chin.

Azra on the other hand was unrelenting in his assault, and finally, his tongue entered my inner sanctum, and I felt a chill

run down my spine. I did not want to feel pleasure... yet I did, and I found myself collapsing forth into Captain Mahmood's

chest. His hand found his shaft and mine, his body humping my own as our manhoods rubbed against one another, and I felt my

shaft grow slmy and slippery from the fluid that ran like a river. Captain Mahmood held my face once more, and as he gazed

into my eyes, I felt a sudden pain. Something was inside me... like a needle, and I felt Azra's fingers dig deeper without

regard for lubrication or decency. He hungrily kissed my neck as he rapidly pulled in and out with his digits, and as I tried

to let out a scream of pain, Captain Mahmood kissed me once more. It hurt so much... it felt as if someone had lit a fire at

my entrance, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. To my horror, Captain Mahmood smiled, and I felt the fingers withdraw.

"Are you hurt my dear Hazara?" He said this mockingly.

I nodded weakly, and struggled to stand straight. "Please agha... it hurts."

Azra chimed in "But we are barely getting started, and you agreed to see this to the end."

Captain Mahmood sat on the bed then, and Azra turned me to face him. Pushing me back, I landed against Captain Mahmood,

and his arms locked me into place. I was ashamed to be facing agha, how he looked at me with terror, and I saw his mouth gape

as my legs were pushed upward. I could see myself in the television set's reflection. My hole pink and slightly red, my eyes

full of fear, but only my manhood stood firm. Azra turned to look at agha as he positioned his fingers at my entrance once more,

and I let out a yelp as he plunged in. I tried to clamp down, but Captain Mahmood spread my cheeks. He whispered filthy things

into my ear as my hole yielded, giving Azra full access, but for some reason, something changed. As he pushed three fingers into

me, pain turned into pleasure, and to my shock, my manhood began leaking as well, and I let out a soft moan.

"You may not mentally like this my brother" Azra smirked "But your g-spot does."

"You moan like my wife used to." Captain Mahmood began rubbing my entrance "I think it is time."

"Time for what?" I asked myself, I swear I can hear the heart beat inside my chest, but suddenly my thoughts were interrupted

by my chin being lifted upward. Azra smiled at me, and to my horror, stepped on the bed.

"Open your mouth!" He hissed, and he slapped me on the cheek with his manhood. A string of his seed connected my cheek to his

angry head.

I shook my head, and felt a sharp slap make contact with my bottom. I felt so humiliated, was it not enough they were about to

deflower me? To savage me in front of the man I loved...? I felt my cheeks stinging as Captain Mahmood slapped harder and harder.

"Open your mouth!" Captain Mahmood sounded manic, beastly as he said this, and his fingers entered my hole. "Now!"

Looking at agha, I felt a tear run down my cheek as I reluctantly opened my mouth, and immediately felt Azra's manhood

thrust into my throat. His tube clogging my throat to suffocation... I tried to push him away, but he continued his assault,

and my eyes watered as I struggled to breathe. His skin was salty against my tongue, his seed like honey, and I knew that if

I were to make them orgasm, I would not have to endure this torture. In a mixture of fear and lust, I began imagining this

intruder as agha being rough with me, and I let my tongue tickle the underside as my mouth sucked on his spear. I must have

been doing a good job as I watched Azra thrust faster and faster, and pulled out with a string of my slobber. He looked at

me with hungry eyes, his manhood well lubricated from my sucking and teasing. Mahmood kissed my neck then, and allowed me to

breathe before he replaced his comrade at my mouth. Dare I say, my mind was in full resignation, and I tried to imagine this

thick sausage as an ice cream. Mahmood was certainly what I expected agha's manhood to be like at full mast up close, and I

eagerly teased the head. I let my tongue glide under the cap, my hands stroking the monstrosity. Soon I was sucking, letting

my throat swallow him, and soon I was taking him near the base. He was much sweeter than Azra, and I suckled at the sweet nectar

that dripped from his opening. He was moaning as Azra looked on, his hands stroking his sausage furiously. I felt my hole being

violated again and again by finger and tongue, and knew what was about to occur. Mahmood removed his pole from my mouth, and

caressed my cheek with his hand. Though I felt a sense of dread as I was laid onto my back, I also felt lust, but not for them.

Nay... I felt lust for agha as he watched me with stoicism. Did he feel shame towards me? Did he like seeing me this way?

I could not tell.

"You have been such a good Hazara, and now, I will take you." Mahmood purred as he rubbed his mushroom against my entrance.

I was scared, I knew it would hurt... "Please, be gentle agha." I felt shame at the way I said it, like a whore about to make

a rich client happy.

Azra held my hole open as the Captain thrust in with all his might, and I felt as if my very being were ripped in two.

I tried to clamp... to stop the brutal attack.... but all was in vain as I felt his balls touch my hole. I tried to scream,

but Azra's hand stifled it, and Mahmood paused with a look of upmost staisfaction. I saw agha looking at me with remorse, his

wrists red from his attempts to stop this ordeal. I wanted him to be safe, and so I smiled weakly as the Captain began slowly

thrusting in and out, and then I felt it... It felt as if someone had given me a massage, a pop of pleasure, and soon it was

overflowing. I could hear myself letting out soft moans as the Captain began picking up his pace. Soon, his balls were hitting

my bottom constantly, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the smell of sweat filling the air. Azra's manhood found its way into

my mouth once again, and I found myself sucking it eagerly, hoping to extract his seed. My mind no longer had control, and I

let my hands roam my body. Oh Agha... how I wish it were you... these emotions... these reactions.... it is because of you.

I began squeezing the Captain as he pummeled me, and suddenly, he let out a beastly roar. I felt something warm inside me,

and it was a copious amount. Mahmood sighed, and collapsed onto me, he was whispering his wife's name over and over as he

bit my neck and pinched my nipples. A strange odor filled the air as Mahmood pulled out, almost fishy, and I felt something

thick begin to run down my bottom. Agha's face was white... and I wanted to end this. Like a ravenous wolf, I sucked furiously

on my tribesman's manhood, my tongue doing all it can to massage him. I heard him heaving, and at last, I tasted something

sweet with a hint of saltiness. Quickly removing his erupting tube from my mouth, my face felt hot and sticky as ropes of

white fell across it.

"My my, you are quite skilled Hazara." Mahmood said as he took a glob of white from my face. "Have some of your reward."

Automatically, I opened my mouth, and began licking his fingers like a dog. And all I could do was watch Agha who stared

at me in a mixture of shock and was that lust?...

"I did not want to cum this fast, but you have satisfied me. I almost regret not keeping you." Mahmood fell onto the bed.

His hairy chest covered in sweat.

Azra moved slowly and untied agha's hands, and as I tried to stand, I felt my body give way. Agha caught me, and for the

first time, I felt him stroke the back of my head gently. "Don't move Khaled-jan."

It was then that the pleasure wore off, and I felt a pain at my entrance. I felt something drip down my leg, and

looked down to see crimson. My discarded trousers were covered with droplets of blood, and I saw Jahan-jan stare at it.

The soldiers did not seem at all bothered, and had the nerve to use my shirt as a rag for their sweat and seed. Agha

had an angry look on his face.

"Now that you have had your fun, can we leave?"

Mahmood stood "I had my fun pounding his pussy, so yes."

"And his clothes? Do you not see what you did?"

Azra chimed in "It is not our fault his pussy was tight. I do have some spare clothes though." I heard a drawer open,

and saw agha catch something.

Jahan-jan led me to the couch and set my limp body down gently, and I saw him rip a portion from my now useless pants.

With curious glances from the soldiers, he made his way to me, and ever so gently, he parted my cheeks. I felt a sharp

pain as a rip reopened and felt liquid flow, and with no hesitation, I felt agha begin to dab at my hole. Lifting my feet,

I felt him help my legs into a pair of briefs and pants, and pulled them up in one swift motion. "Okay Khaled, let us


"God be with you" Mahmood cackled.

My vision became blurry as we walked outside, and I recall the bachem and Anas looking towards me. I slipped in and out

as someone lifted me onto the trunk, and watched as agha walked away. When he looked at me, it was cold, apathetic, and I turned

away in shame. My body felt like stones in water, heavy... tired... I closed my eyes to sleep the shame away.

Dear Readers,

I am sorry for any spelling errors, but I hope you are continuing to enjoy my story, and I apologize for the sensitive material.

Next: Chapter 10

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