An Epiphany


Published on May 13, 2009



Yes, all genuine love is made in Heaven, and is an extension of God's love for us.

Furthermore, as both Jessie and I are discovering by our many expressions of love, sex is indeed the sacred exchange of love, and at the same time, love unites us as one---one in mind, one in heart, one in body. I want to be so much a part and one with Jessie, and he with me.

Perhaps this is the reason why we seem to never get enough of each other, and are always looking for ways to celebrate our sexual love. When I love Jessie, I feel deeply in my very soul that I also love God, and when Jessie makes love to me, he feels that he is also making or celebrating love with God. It really helps our love and fosters deep spiritual feelings with both of us being Christian and knowing the basic values taught by our families and church. The fact that we both share in and practice the same Catholic faith is a big plus for our relationship, although there is so much commonality among various Christian denominations that we can come to agreement as regards moral rightness. Even though we both were raised Catholic, it has taken a life-time for us to understand that God judges us by what is deeply felt in our minds and hearts, but this isn't saying that the strict moral teachings of the Church as regards sex, especially gay sex are false or worthless. We both feel that what is in our conscience and heart will determine how God judges us, and have both accepted the fact that we are gay and meant for expressing our love in a gay manner. Yes, the teachings of the Church are the ideal universal norm in regards heterosexual love in order to propagate the earth by our offspring.

However, the Church does take into account the fact that individual conscience and how we interpret what is right or wrong for the individual is what God uses to judge our moral rightness. Also the Church recognizes the fact that two men or two women can have genuine love for each other, and as long as both partners are in a sincere and monogamous love relationship to further love for God in our love for each other, then Jessie and I feel drawn to and happy to continue our wonderful love. And this life-long gay commitment doesn't preclude us from adopting or taking in foster children, thus fulfilling one of the purposes for marriage, provided that we have the stability in our relationship to raise kids in a good environment and are mentally and emotionally fit to raise a child. It will be a matter of time when we both take the giant step into making our love relationship a life-long marital commitment. This commitment, we feel, is what unites us to God, as well as to each other.

To our readers, you might think that our relationship is one sex act after another, and us having an insatiable appetite for sex. When writing this dialogue of our love, I do highlight the many times we celebrate our sexual love because those incidences are special and beautiful, but we also talk a lot, especially when we cuddle into each other, whispering tender words of love and expressing what is in our hearts. We do get serious in our sentiments, and do not hesitate to speak what's really on our mind, usually coming into the realization of God's presence as we caress and lovingly fondle each other. And then we pray together for God's love in our lives, and humbly thank him for bringing us together. Yes, God is the author of all love, especially the love Jessie and I share with each other. We even feel that our sexual love continues our prayer of thanksgiving to God. He is truly the third and most important partner in our marital love. But we still need to know everything about each other, not because we have doubts about the sincerity of our love, but to honestly lay all the cards out on the table to know each other's strong and weak points, and where we can complement each other. What is a weakness in our lives or a flaw in our personality will need to become a moment of sharing by forgiving each other, especially surrendering to each other's heartfelt requests. Genuine love can only be characterized by humble submission, forgiveness, and total respect for each other. Never should a love-spouse dominate or control his lover.

"Hello my love, you mind sharing with me your deep thoughts? You look so happy Willie that I swear your face is flush."

And so I proceeded to softly share my spiritual sentiments with Jessie. In fact, as I spoke, he held me ever so closely in his embrace because I could feel the wetness of love-tears falling from Jessie. Separated briefly to give me a kiss, Jessie proceeded to undo my belt and top latch of my pants. And then he fell back into embracing me and I lean back against his naked chest and placing my head at the base of his neck. As I continued to quietly share my sentiments with him, Jess extended his right hand and entering my pants, he found and cupped my soft cock. After a brief while, Jess then bent down to give the exposed penis a loving kiss, and a quick swipe of my cock head with his tongue. We continued our cuddle in silence, my having finished speaking my thoughts to Jessie, and simply wanted to bask in the love glow between us. As Jess continued to fondle my cock and gently make circles around my balls, I reached over to undo his pants and fish out his cock. Jessie was still soft and flaccid, but as we both caressed each other, our cocks were quickly filling up and standing at attention. We both were feeling relaxed sitting in the living room, but then Jessie suggested that I sit outdoors in the enclosed privacy of the balcony for a little bit of afternoon sunshine. We both got up, undressed each other of our pants and underwear, and I went out to recline on the chaise longue.

It felt good to have the warm sun bathe my body, and it wasn't too long, my cock hung flaccid with the scrotum really stretched out with two little elongated balls resting on the lounge. It wasn't long after that Jessie stepped through the sliding glass doors into the balcony patio holding a bottle of rubbing oil. At the comment of Jessie stating how beautiful and relaxed I looked, I started to have a smirk on my face, and asked him what he wanted to do about our situation of being naked outdoors while still having our privacy protected with the fairly high balcony wall.

" about my giving you a nice massage/stroking, and you just close your eyes and enjoy." How could I ever refuse such an offer and so I let out a nice long sigh and surrendered my body to Jess. Before closing my eyes, I did see Jess knell down beside me as if in prayer, and felt him lean over to plant a nice wet kiss on my penis. That really made me feel good both inside and out, knowing that I am in the protection of a devoted lover. I extended both arms on the arm rests with the palms facing up. Jessie immediately started applying some oil on his hand, and softly rubbed them along my right arm, beginning at my fingers, palm, and wrist. He continued his ministration up and along my arm, and proceeded to work the tips of his fingers deeply into my shoulder muscle and my right side of the neck. Although he was now behind me, he still leaned over, and kissed me on my forehead, nose and finally reached over to my lips. How delicious he tastes. As professionally as he could be, Jess controlled his kiss to a simple one even though I tried to slide out my tongue with my eyes still closed and only imagining what was happening. Jess continued to massage all around the back of my neck and both sides of it, until he stopped to apply more oil on his hands. When he finished with my left shoulder, he started on my chest area, paying close attention to massage each nipple. He would cup each breast with both hands and press out the nipple, and then he would lean over and take it into his mouth for a gentle love bite. Jessie's style of massage is quite erotic because he adds his genuine love. Jessie continued down my left arm, and stopped at my left wrist where he rolled his finger tips around all the tiny wrist bones. I opened up my palm and he also worked on each of my fingers. I knew he was finished with this part of my body by his leaning down and kissing my palm with a nice French kiss, swiping his tongue all around and sucking in each finger. Jessie's approach or technique is quite exquisite.

Jessie came around the foot of the chaise lounge, and knelt down at my right side. His left hand softly picked up my penis where he laid it on my pubes. After apply more oil, his right hand started to massage my sack and roll his fingers around my orbs. He lifted and held my scrotum with the one hand, while his right hand fingers tickled and caressed over my perineum until he arrived at my anus. He kept circling my muscle, and with his index finger, he penetrated my hole, continuing the slow and gentle circular motion. This absolutely wonderful feeling I was experiencing started to elongate and stiffen my cock until it was really hard, pointing towards my face as I opened my eyes. Even my balls started to feel that fullness and begin to fill up my sack no longer as "resting" sperm factories, but awakening in full production mode. Jessie used the two hand method and wrapped his fingers around my cock where he started with short strokes. It was a combination of my feeling so much love for my spouse-lover, that I was quickly approaching the inevitable conclusion. Jessie was responding to my reaction and quickly placed his wrapped-around left fingers on my lower shaft while his right fingers were picking up the stroking speed and massaging my nerve bundle under my gland. My breathing was quickening, and I started to stretch out my body on the lounge, while flexing my ass muscles and buttock. I knew my eyes felt trance-like, and I could feel the rigidity in my lips. I was beginning to be lost in that wonderful lust feeling. Three short spurts erupted and planted pearly white blobs of sperm on my belly. I gripped tightly the arm rests with my fingers, and surrendered to wave after wave of spewing seed which oozed over my gland, down my shaft, and flowed onto the fingers of Jessie. It was really a powerful ejaculation, and made so because of the love and worship Jessie was giving to my cock and me his lover-spouse. I know I belong to him, and want to give Jess the very depth of my love and essence. Jessie let go of my cock with his left hand and lowered his right fingers to surround my balls, keeping my cock pointing upwards until all my seed flowed out and bathe his fingers. The three blobs of sperm started to liquefy and run down my abdomen towards my pubic hair. I watched as Jess leaned over, and started to lick each of the three rivulets of sperm, and then placed his fingers one at a time into his mouth where he was storing all of my love-offering, some of it dribbling over his bottom lip. In true lover fashion, Jess got up and placed his left hand behind my neck where he proceed to raise my head and face to meet his kiss. I opened my mouth to suck in his tongue, and we both received our communion of love with alternating lips. I wasn't just tasting sperm, but the offering of love, and that made both of us melt our hearts into one. Even though I had a smile on my face and the look of contentment, my eyes told a different story of grateful love as tears streaked down my cheeks. Jessie loves me for who I am, and I love him for who he is. We couldn't be happier. Jessie broke off our kiss, and started to swipe away at my lips with his tongue the residual sperm of our love making.

"Jessie, I said, "I give you an A+ for love but only a C for the massage." He started to laugh, and interjected that it was probably because he never did finish the massage on my thighs, legs and feet. Jessie then smacked his lips, saying how good I taste, and proceeded to spread himself on the adjacent chaise lounge for some quite hand holding and sun tanning.

"I love you, Jess, with all my heart." In turn, he answered: "I love you Willie, and hope you will be my spouse for life."

"If that is a proposal, then I accept."

Yes, while our love is made in heaven, our marriage will be celebrated with a love commitment on earth. After we toasted our bodies for about an hour in the hot sun, Jess and I went to take a communal shower tenderly washing each other, and planting simple kisses here and there. We decided to go out for a very early dinner since we idled away our day way past lunch. It was during dinner that we discussed what to do about our picnic or perhaps a mini-camping trip to the Tosohatchee State Preserve. After going on-line and searching the web, we decided to opt for a camping trip since the Preserve is listed as a primitive-camping area, which borders along the beginnings of the St. John's River. We were both surprised when reading that the St. John's River was the only one flowing North-bound all the way to Jacksonville with wildlife and fowl aplenty amid the various oak hammocks, blogs and grassy wetlands in between a series of lakes. The "kid" in us was getting excited the more we got into preparing a list for camping supplies, and checking maps of the area, not to mention how our imaginations were running amok, conjuring up with anticipation the celebration of our love for each other outdoors in the embrace of Nature. After-all, we want this to be a shared experience of love and activity in the midst of the beauty of Nature. To preserve our privacy and maintain some quality sleep comfort, we started our hunt for a camping supply outlet where the first consideration would be a nice tent and a couple of sleeping air mattresses. We drove around for a while until we located a Walmart. There wasn't much of a selection in tents, but we did notice a roll-back pricing on a North Pole Dome tent, rated for sleeping six with even a screened porch area. Our eyes settled on the easy set-up advertising, and with the price just under a hundred dollars, we placed the box in the shopping cart. I had to get a second cart since we decided to add a battery operated lantern, insect repellent, a portable folding toilet with a package of plastic bags and two air mattresses. Jess added to his cart a suitable drinking water cooler but not an ice chest since he already had one in the apartment. Jess put the charges on his credit card, and I settled later with him for half of the amount.

Walking to the car, I stated: "You know," Jess, "if we keep spending our money like this, we may as well start thinking about pooling our funds as one account, especially if we see our love heading in the direction of a marriage." He retorted with: "How did you know I was thinking along the same lines. Maybe when we spend a couple of quiet camping days we can think seriously about where we will live, our work and opening a joint bank account. And with Iowa being the latest State allowing for gay marriages, we might have to consider whether or not we want to take a trip."

"Jess, let's drive home, unload the car, and settle in for an early bed time to know each other better, if that's possible, and just toss around a few dream-like hopeful wishes."

"I'm for that," he answered.

I suppose one could consider driving a car while fondling each other as Driving Under the Influence, but we were safe as our love only went so far as to holding hands. Did it ever occur to me to reach over and stroke Jessie's package? You bet I did, and Jess also expressed similar sentiments to me. We both couldn't help noticing the hard outline of our cocks against our trousers, and every once in a while, we simply squeezed our hands or brought them up to our mouths for a kiss. We would have preferred otherwise, but Jess is a good driver, and I must be a responsible passenger.

Next: Chapter 7

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