An Epiphany


Published on May 17, 2009



After our wonderful evening love session, we decided to share a bath and prepare for retiring to bed. I went around turning out the lights in the living room and Jess turned down the bedding, adjusting the thermostat to a slightly higher temp so as not to freeze our butts. I was sitting on the toilet when Jess entered to brush his teeth. There is no need for privacy when performing our body functions due to the fact that we are into each other's bodies, seeing our nakedness, handling what is most private, and simply the innocent comfort of not being ashamed for what is designed by nature. We exchanged places after a while, and I brushed my teeth with Jess relieving himself. We filled the tub for a nice soaking in warm bubble-bath, sitting facing each other. I grabbed one of Jessie's feet and placed it next to my scrotum. One by one I massaged and gently pulled on each of his toes, and leaning down I planted a kiss along with sucking his big toe. Jess was content to have both of my legs between his, and each foot adjacent to his cock while he softly caressed them. Jess ended up turning his body around and sat between my legs, adjusting my flaccid cock to fall into his ass crack. He leaned his back against my chest and turned his head to meet mine for exchanging a kiss. We started our conversation about the camping trip along with his suggestion of going on line to search the contact number for obtaining information about what is available for camping, the required fees, and the driving instruction to the main entrance.

"If we like this camping stuff, Willie, then we could consider future events in the Ocala State Forest, or even go down to the Florida Keys."

"I'd like that very much, but just to let you know, being with you means everything to me no matter what we do or where we go."

"That?s good to know and thanks love, for the sentiments are the same for me."

"Jess, don't even think about why we didn't meet each other sooner, and I suppose God had something to do with it."

"You're right, Willie; the important thing is that we are now together, and have the rest of our lives to be together."

Hearing the last sentiment expressed by Jess made me reach around and hold on to his floating penis. One hand lovingly caressed the soft shaft, slowly moving his skin up and down over his gland. The other hand played and toyed with his balls.

"That feels good, Will," and we leaned our heads together for a bit longer kiss, with some sucking and playing with our tongues. Somewhere my own cock was smashed in between Jess's butt and my abdomen. My dick would find itself later on when going through a slight erection, which caused Jess to make further adjustment of placing it between his butt crack. We both felt a chill since the water cooled down considerably. I suggested that we continue our conversation in bed and get about washing each other. Jess handed me the soap and knelt down on all four in front of me. I lathered my hands and proceeded to thoroughly wash his anus, even sticking a sudsy finger into the hole. With loving hands, I washed each of his hanging balls and scrotum. Then I continued down his buttock and upper legs to the water line. Jess knelt upright, which I had to do the same for scrubbing his back, neck and arm pits. He turned around, and I continued to soap up my hands once again for washing all his frontal area. When I got to his penis, he held it out of the water and pulled back his skin while I soaped it with lots of suds, and the finishing touch of kissing it. Jess smiled, and gave my own penis a kiss, taking it into his mouth for a quick suck. Surprising to me, my cock stayed only somewhat erected, and did not go to full mast. We repeated the ablutions with Jess washing me all over, paying attention to my ass opening and genitals. We both stood up and Jess opened the drain. Waiting for the water to subside, we stood and embraced each other tightly, all slippery wet with soap and water. We went into a passionate kiss, and this got both our dicks ready to enter into a duel of sword fighting. True to form, I had to take a leak, and so I simply let it flow during our embrace. Jess decided to do the same pre-rinse with his warm urine. With the tub almost empty, Jess turned on the shower to wash our hair and faces. Toweling each other was given the same loving touch as with our bath. We took turn using the hair dryer, and after getting ourselves all perfumed with nice body cologne, we exited the bathroom for bed. Jess grabbed his lap top, and after nesting ourselves comfortably in bed, propped against a host of pillows, we sort of made it a game of each using one hand to operate the computer since we were holding hands between us. Jess used his left hand for the key board, and I used my right hand as the mouse, a bit awkward at first, but we started to get the hang of it. There wasn't time for the Tosohatchee W.M.A. to send us literature, but when we saw how relatively close we were to the Preserve, we took note of the directions to the main gate, and hoped to begin the camping tomorrow. As stated on the web site, there were designated areas for camping which had facilities, and then there were areas for primitive camping, which meant no facilities and you were on your own as regards drinking water, bathing, and so on. We felt this latter type of camping more suited for our needs of self-exploration of the flora and viewing of wildlife in addition to giving us more privacy. With all the information noted, we turned off the computer, and settled in for our nightly ritual of a short prayer followed by blessing each other's cocks with making a sign of the cross on them followed with a sweet kiss. We turned off the lights, settled in for embracing each other initially, but eventually we knew we preferred best to spoon into each other for our night's sleep with Jess placing his penis in my ass, and wrapping his hand around my torso for holding my cock. If this isn't a perfect recipe for a good night sleep, then I don't know of any other.

At this point of the story, please allow me to interject some heartfelt sentiments concerning our love relationship. Love is for the most part a very spontaneous thing, and we do not always plan rigidly when we make love. When it happens, it happens, and we both naturally give in to the desires of each other, submitting to the needs of one's partner. This is so very necessary if a love relationship is going to survive into a life-long marriage. We are not always wired the same way in our heads, dicks and emotional needs. And so we established this fundamental love of submission, even if we sometimes don't feel in the 'mood'. Thank God that Jess and I are in a gay relationship, since generally speaking, us guys usually have a similar emotional pattern, unlike heterosexual couples. Furthermore, we are not encumbered by hormonal female events, and guys usually have the same depth of physical needs or craving. This is not to say that heterosexual couples cannot have very deep sexual desires. Yes, they do but it seems they have more adjustments to make in their lives. I say all this because generally during our night sleep, either Jess or I want to make love and engage in sex. When this happens, we both, and I emphasize 'both' enjoy the sex and desire it very much once the sleeping partner wakes up to what is happening. An example in mind took place this very night, in the early hours of the morning, and being early, we still had sufficient time to rejuvenate our minds and bodies with a continued sleep until awakened fresh for a new day's activities.

I was somewhere between deep sleep and dream stage, and my body turned slightly more from sideways towards the bed. This meant that my cock, still soft, was against the bed sheet but with the fingers of Jess not quite holding me. His fingers were sort of dangling around my shaft. My body movement caused my cock to push slightly into the hand of Jess, which caused it to give a pulsating twitch and then relax again in its flaccid state. Jess also made a slight body movement, perhaps to adjust to my body position. His cock was nowhere embedded in my ass crack. I was aware enough to reach back with my left hand, find his cock and place it once again in my crack. When I let go of his penis to spread open my buttock, I was able to feel Jessie's cock respond by stiffening up, and this made it easier for me to push back my body against Jess and embed his penis firmly against my love hole. I was now content to fall back to sleep. I'm not sure how long after, but Jess started an ever so slight humping motion. Again, I reached back in my dreamy state of mind, and held open my buttock while pushing back to meet Jessie's thrusting. His cock slid right in, and again, I was in heaven with a full feeling up my ass. Jess started a slow rhythmic movement, and this woke me up. I softly whispered his name and inquired if he was awake. Jess let out a low moan, which I interpreted to mean that he was awake and enjoying the feeling of fucking my ass. Jess must have reached a certain point of arousal, when all of a sudden, with his cock embedded, he started to turn my body over as he lifted my left leg over and around him. He was now on top of me, and holding on to my raised left leg. I then spoke:

"Morning, my husband; I love you very, very much."

"Love you, too," and then Jess proceeded to make slow and tender love to me. I started to masturbate myself, and knew right away that Jess hitting my prostate, besides having the wonderful feeling of fullness, would not let me last too long. Jess was having the same quickening feeling of an early ejaculation, when all of a sudden he exclaimed with opened eyes:

"Here it comes, my spouse;" and I could feel a lot of pulsating going on in my rectum while Jess continued to breed me with his love offering. That also sent me over the edge and my sphincter tightened as I exploded my own strong ejaculate, which caused me to raise my buttock off the bed. Here Jess thought that his orgasm was nearly over when all of a sudden, he started a second wave of pulsating ejaculation. Keeping his cock deep within me, Jess leaned forward to place his body weight over mine as I embraced him. We gave each other a long thank-you kiss which ended when Jess spoke:

"Thank you beautiful spouse for letting me seed you," and getting close to my ear, he whispered:

"Thank you Jesus; use my seed to make Willie into a reflection of your love."

How could I not love Jess after hearing such a beautiful sentiment. I want Jess to be my life joy, my everything for the rest of my life. He truly completes my very reason for existing. Yes, I could have been moody and grumpy when waking up to Jessie's early morning love making, but then I would not be living up to my end of commitment to love him forever until God takes my life. I want to always submit myself to Jess's love advances. Keep in mind that there is a big difference between submission and surrender. With the one, I freely make the choice while the other is a choice forced upon me. I want to love Jess for who he is and seeing that he truly complements my life. When he makes love to me he is my husband and I am his spouse. When I love him, I become a husband to him and he is my devoted spouse. That's just the way it is, and with God as our third partner, our commitment will last.

With the sex draining our balls, and Jess still in me, we manipulated our bodies around and he spooned into me for continuing our sleep. Refreshed by a nice deep nap, we took a piss and jumped in the shower for a quick washing of each other. Not only does it seem that we will never be taking off our own clothes, but now we seem destined to washing each other. And while staying in the apartment, we both have developed that wonderful freedom of staying naked for each other's enjoyment. After all, what Jess has hanging between his legs is 'little Willie,' which means that I have 'little Jess' between my legs. We will always cherish our gifts.

I felt like preparing breakfast for my spouse instead of going out to eat. During the prep, Jess opened up the tent box and started to read the setup instructions. Right there in the middle of the living room floor, Jess laid out all the components to make sure the tent was complete, and to become familiar with setting it up. I know what's coming next after we finish eating breakfast-the setting up of the tent fully in the living room. Heh, let kids play with their toys. The only thing is that we both are kids, and I was as much into setting it up as Jess. We sat down to a nice breakfast of a fresh fruit cup of strawberries and melon topped with heated orange marmalade and orange juice (what else is there when you live in Florida), a couple strips of bacon, medium soft scrambles, and a split bagel. Jess likes coffee and I prefer tea, but this morning, I opted for coffee. Jess has commented from the earliest start of our dating how much he appreciates my cooking abilities. Of course it is very easy for me to be creative when my spouse happens to be Jess. He motivates me beyond my imaginings. I also like it when Jess always volunteers or insists that he clean up and put away our pots, dishes, and flatware. I make it easy for him, though, because generally by the time we sit down to eat any meal, all the pots are washed and set in the drying rack. The moment had arrived when we started to erect the tent in earnest. We had to shift around the furniture, and Jess read the instructions while I did the assembly. We wanted to see if one person was capable of setting it up. Towards the end, I welcomed his help.

"It's great!" we both exclaimed, even though the tent was not sufficiently tight but a little floppy-looking since we couldn't apply stakes at all the corners or stretch the roof portion with the tie-down ropes. The tent was basically being held up by the support of the flexible carbon rods. Still, especially nice is the ability for us to stand up in the middle portion, and the screened porch area is terrific. I guess we figured which area would be our love chamber, and which will be used for sleeping. It was quite fortuitous, as I look back, for us to purchase two air mattresses. We could both sleep on one in the porch while the other would be used for love making. Once set up, the top of the dome came very close to the ceiling fan, and so we made a mental note not to turn on the living room fan. We wanted to try out the air mattresses, but sort of ran into a temporary snag when Jess pointed out that we purchased a 12 volt air pump, our reasoning being that an extension cord would be useless in a primitive camping area. We each started to blow up by mouth the air chambers, and then it hit us to take these mattresses down to one of our cars for using the pump. We decided on the sufficient firmness, but since the queen size mattresses were rather bulky to navigate into the elevator, we carried them one at a time. Jess put his mattress in the love chamber while I laid mine on the floor of the porch area. Jess started to get into one of his giggle laughing spells as he blurted out:

"Willie, we've got to try these mattresses out when making love. Either they will help us or be a pain in the ass."

He no sooner finished his comment when I started to approach him with:

"What's taking you so long to put your words into practice?"

We quickly undressed each other and dove into an embrace for deep kissing. What eventually took place in our love making session might easily offend some readers who might have delicate sensibilities. We ended up engaging in fellatio, or the commonly used term of eating out our asses. This activity would not be found in sex class 101, although it would be mentioned under the topic of giving oral stimulation to either a female's vagina or a man's penis. For the reason of being so worked up and full of lust, we automatically engaged in rimming each other's asses. It just seemed natural for us to do so. Besides, I briefly engaged in sucking and fucking his ass with my tongue last night when we returned from our shopping spree. There was so much new stimulation for us, and we were so much intoxicated with lust, that we both thought of trying this new activity on each other. Maybe it was the new environment of making love in the tent. When we first started to love each other in the enclosed portion of the tent, we decided to take our love making to the porch area for more light as well as ventilation. After all, we not only wanted to touch and rim each other; we also wanted to see the beauty of our ass and bud openings. When you are in the throes of love, every aspect of making love is so very beautiful and natural. That's the key from becoming turned off to ass stimulation. You need to be in the depth of physical lust. You need to work up to this point by lots of fore play. Also keep in mind that when properly washed and prepared, one's ass is no dirtier than a vagina or penis. Some might object to this activity because of the elimination of waste through the rectum. After all, a woman menstruates through her vagina, and the man urinates through his penis. Double functions do not or should not cause any alarm or disgust as long as proper caution is taken in preparing oneself. Last evening Jess and I thoroughly washed each other's asses, even inserting a soap-covered finger deep into the sphincter. We both had a nice bowel movement before last night's bath, and this morning, another shower after pissing. Twice we washed our asses. Although we did not douche ourselves, we truly felt empty of any residual feces, and keep in mind that generally speaking, our tongues will not go beyond the inner sphincter muscle into the general rectum chamber. Yes, we can reach in and stimulate our prostate gland, but the tongue is not as long an appendage as one's middle finger. Finally, preparing oneself properly will remove any offensive odor. Do not confuse sexual musk odor with that of feces. Surprisingly, as we both found out, there is a certain sweet smell directly associated with the sphincter area and in no way is it offensive. Having said all this, for our sexually straight readers, I would recommend that you approach your wife very cautiously when bringing up the topic of rimming, either her doing it on you or performing it on her. The reason I express this caution is that a woman takes much longer to become physically aroused and sufficiently full of lust that she would desire performing rimming. Having made these comments let me continue with our love making in the tent.

Our penises were quite hard, and so we elected to try out the air mattresses by lying down in a sixty-nine position. We both wanted to swallow our spouse's cocks and get right into sucking each other. I look back with amusement when thinking how noisy was our oral sex, both in the sucking action, the masturbating movement, the inhaling deep breaths through our mouths, and all the exclamations. We were in sex frenzy. I suppose I should give a brief description of our penises. Both of us are cut, but I could hug and kiss the doctor who performed circumcision on me. He only removed the very tip of my skin extension, while keeping intact most of my foreskin, including the flap of skin attached to my nerve bundle under the gland head. Without having to make an effort to do so, my skin will automatically cover most of my head. The skin is loose enough that when I become erected, it quickly retracts over the crown rim where it settles behind my head, thus exposing fully the gland. When I masturbate, I usually perform my up and down motion using the skin as a buffer so as not to irritate the exposed head. Jess, on the other hand, has slightly more skin removed, and the result is that it barely covers over the ridge of the crown. When fully hard, Jessie's skin is tighter than mine. That's why when I perform oral sex on him I use a lot of saliva as lubricant. This being said, we got right into sucking off each other. We both seemed to mimic the other because when he placed a hand around my waist to separate my buttock, I did the same. When I changed body position to be situated on top of him in order to have my nose more in his scrotum and butt area, he started to raise his head slightly to place his nose right on my ass crack while I separated my legs to give him easier access. Even though I was the top man, and Jess did separate his legs, I still had to use both of my hands to pull apart his ass cheeks. Being the top man, it was easier for my ass to be exposed when I arched my lower back to put my ass higher in the air. Jess really started my heart pumping when he used his tongue to push my skin back and over my gland ridge. We both paid a lot of attention on tongue swiping our nerve bundles and crowns, especially placing the tip of our tongues into the slit openings of our dicks. I alternated my tongue swiping with taking in his penis all the way to the back of my mouth, and increased my sucking on the withdrawal motion. Jess was beginning to squirm under me. Almost simultaneously, when Jess remove my penis from his mouth and started licking all around my love hole, I repeated his action, but not until I reached all the way over to place my nose over the opening and in the stretched out buttock area. I just love the way Jess smells. I then started my own licking of his beautiful puckered hole. It had more of a brown color while Jess expressed to me that my rose bud had a dark pink pigment. We each wanted to fondle our plump egg shaped nuts, but thought against any further stimulation on this area for fear of spilling out quickly. In fact, I stopped my rimming and asked Jess if he wanted to do me alone, and after finishing me off, then I would have my turn on orally stimulating his ass. He liked the idea, and so I lay down with my legs in an upright position and spread very wide. Jess loved the view he was receiving, and this was very intoxicating to his eyes. This eye appeal helped to further stimulate Jess into enjoying our new sex activity. He pretty much did the same nose sniffing, and made the comment of how much he liked my odor. His licking resumed on my opening, and now he started to curl his tongue and make it rigid for penetration. With all the spit he deposited, his tongue easily slid into my opening, and I blasted into a joyful orbit. Wow, if you haven't experienced this wonderful expression of love making, you really ought to give it serious thought and properly prepare for the experience. I was able to see Jess crouched on all four, as he deliciously fucked away with his tongue. Once in a while, he would place his entire mouth and lips on my hole, and continue with his sucking, only to repeat the tongue fucking. It was so wonderful that I had to literally fight back the urge to grab my cock and finish myself off with an orgasm. But this was to be my love gift to Jess, and I wanted to share or place my seed into him. While bringing his head so close to my ass, he decided to lick each of my testicles which sent shivers up my groin. When he toyed around with my nuts, he did not abandon my ass, but inserted a finger and continued the fucking. That was it, the stimulation was so great that I insisted on doing Jess and letting him feel the same joy. So reluctantly, Jess exchanged position, and allowed me to repeat the same ass magic and stimulation on him. Note that Jess preferred to my request and submitted himself willingly.

Jess took the position of kneeling down with his chest and head against the mattress and his ass held high by placing his knees close to his chest. This position allowed for a nice arching of his lower back. What struck me as interesting and thought were so cute were the tiny hairs forming a nice pattern surrounding his ass, all the way inward to encircling the external ring of his opening. I did a lot of licking so that the hair was clumping in bunches due to all my saliva. I, too, repeated the tongue fucking Jess did on me as well as placing my lips over his opening and sucking. Being in the position he was in, Jess exposed the beautiful view of his hanging balls and sack, and the little forest of hair. I reached for the penis shaft and started a milking movement of masturbating him. By further stretching his buttock, and the oral stimulation, the opening muscle started to relax and open slightly on its own. This allowed me to push my tongue deeper into his ass. I also wet the middle fingers of both hands, and likewise inserted them, thus stretching his opening further. I could now see the inside lining of his sphincter and the dark cavern beyond. This was all the invitation I needed to raise myself up and insert my penis. It went in so smoothly, and without any effort, my cock slid in. I was able to mount and insert into Jess while holding on to both his side buttock areas. My fucking began in earnest especially when urged to do so by Jess. With his kneeling position and my modified standing/squatting stance, I was able to make very deep penetration. I leaned on to the back of Jess which caused the angle of my thrusting to point more in a downward motion, thus hitting his prostate gland and stimulating him further. It was almost tortuous to watch Jess keep his hand off his cock and bringing himself off to a rapid conclusion. That's a lot of love from Jess to me. I was really going in so deeply that my balls were getting a pounding, and thus being stimulated. Jess was commenting how much leakage he was having with strings of precum reaching all the way down to the mattress and forming puddles of their own. He also expressed how tight his balls were in his sack, and that he was getting close to climaxing without any hand stimulation. I quickly responded:

"How do you want my seed?"

He pulled himself away from my penis, and lay down with his back on the mattress. It was also with quick speed that I knelt before his stretched legs, holding tightly my cock, and finally let go with volley after volley of sperm spewing over his ball sack, and forming puddles around his pubic and ass areas. We quickly exchanged places with me also on my back, and Jess carefully wiped up as much of my seed as possible in the short time available and proceeded to lubricate his cock with it. The rest of the sperm was used on his fingers to quickly open me up, stretch my muscle, and insert his cock before his own ejaculation came to be. He got literally on top of me, stretching his body so that we were able to continue kissing while he performed his fucking. His pace of pelvic thrusting increased dramatically while our kissing reached a fever pitch. That's when I felt the nuggets of 'little Willie' give up their love offering in wave after wave of filling up my rectum.

"Oh, my God, Jess, please stay in me," and then I wrapped my legs around his lower torso and buttock to lock us together in a wonderful, blissful embrace.

"Willie, I love you so much. Thank you and thank you God."

My sentiments were the same. When we finally parted from the embrace, we both agreed that rimming and tonguing our asses had to be part of our sex repertoire. One really opens up himself when presenting his ass to his lover. We both felt no embarrassment or shame associated with this form of sexual expression. It brought us to even greater heights of sexual enjoyment for the very reason that we felt no stigma attached to this natural form of sex. I can only say from experience how wonderful this has been for Jess and me, and hope the same will be for you and your partner.

Next: Chapter 9

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