An Epiphany


Published on Jun 3, 2009



Prologue: I am putting on the finishing touches to this Chapter 9 only two days before our momentous one month anniversary of a happy day for Jess and me. I begin by posing a rhetorical question: When does a marriage begin? It's an interesting question because if one answers at the altar or before witnesses and a clergy member or Justice of the Peace, then does that mean all the earlier forms of love making before this 'official' ceremony were somehow lacking in sincerity or not genuine enough to make a lifelong commitment? Or does a marriage begin only when it is formalized before witnesses and family? As you can readily see, there needs to be a distinction between the private, intimate love commitment between two lovers with that of a civil one recognized in society. I dare say that all couples in a sincere life-long commitment would say their marriage journey began when they each exchanged their true, fully recognized love making as being sincere from the heart, mind, body and soul. I truly believe that this is the time when even God bears witness to the genuineness of their love. While he planted the first seed of attraction, the meeting, the sexual response, still, it is the couples themselves who bring this gift of God to fruition, and recognize in their love a lifetime of commitment. This fruition is only the result of the two lovers sharing common activities, experiencing mutual compatibility, and recognizing the goodness in each other for completing what is lacking in their own lives. Then the chemistry of emotion kicks in and both respond to each other sexually. I speak these comments because this is also the story of Jess and Willie.

I remember the date well, being May 4th, when Jess and I began our drive from the condo and headed East on the Beach-line or Beeline Expressway towards Interstate 95. We decided to use my own Ford Escape for hauling all our camping gear, and figured that a mini-SUV would handle the load as well as the dry dirt roads of the Preserve better than using Jessie's Chevrolet Corvette T-Top coupe. At the intersection of 520, we headed somewhat North for a short distance taking a second right onto Taylor Creek Road, which took us to the main entrance of the Tosohatchee Wildlife Management Area. After checking in, we were told that camping is permitted by reservation only and in designated camp sites. We did not make prior arrangements by telephone, but the kind staff member Patsy took our information and auto tag number and description of the vehicle, a nominal fee of $4 per person per night. We decided to stay for a three day camping experience. Finally, we were instructed to park in designated areas spread throughout the Preserve. The ranger answered our question for the area which would be most beautiful with a pond or lake, and lots of flora and wildlife. After suggesting several sites, we decided to drive to area numbered 10 which was located by Lake Charlie. The road was dirt but quite passable since it was still the dry season. Otherwise, during the rainy season, these dirt trails can become quite muddy and sometimes impassable. The landscape was rather dull and grassy areas very dry and lacking color. Even the various clusters of trees seemed uninviting, but as we continued to drive further into the Preserve, the world around us seemed to change into beautiful mosaic vistas of freshwater marshes, pine woods and hardwood hammocks. These varied plant communities supported abundant wildlife of birds and wild flowers. We didn't expect to be driving through the Preserve witnessing lots of exotic animals as white tail deer, wild hogs, bobcats, black bears, foxes and turkeys. None were to be seen as these animals preferred to venture out into the open during the night time. What we did see were many alligators and waterfowl.

We continued our drive and noticed Lake Charlie. Then we came upon Lot #10 completely void of other parked cars. After scouting around, we found just the right area near a hardwood hammock, and there did not seem to be any campers. We carefully drove our car closer to where we wanted to make the campsite, and unloaded the gear. Jess returned to park the car in the lot as we were instructed that vehicles could not be parked at one's campsite. Before Jess returned the car to the parking lot, we used the 12 volt air pump for inflating the two mattresses. While waiting for Jess to return, I took out my camera and tripod, and took a couple of pictures of the undisturbed site. Of course I am only kidding myself as I am sure plenty of previous campers used this same site. The final instruction given us by the ranger was to leave the site undisturbed and the way we first found it. We could not cut any tree limbs, alter the ground in any way, not disturb or remove any wild flowers, and so on. We could, however, move away any fallen limbs and vegetation to set up our tent. Jess came back shortly thereafter and also commented on the natural beauty. We picked a spot under the umbrella canopy of three large oaks with their spider arms going in all directions. A big help was the fact that the tons of fallen small oak leaves would serve us well as a cushion floor for the tent. The temperature was beginning to warm up, and I am glad we left the condo at 5 A.M., stopped briefly for breakfast at a Waffle House, and arrived at the Preserve shortly after 8 A.M. It didn't take all that long to set up the tent, put in our gear, and placed both mattresses in the enclosed private area. We didn't store any gear in the screened porch section of the tent, out reasoning being "out of sight out of mind". We decided to place the portable toilet in the confines of some bushes, also out of sight. Then Jess and I gathered some fallen small limbs with dried-out leaves, and piled them up into a small privacy mound on the side of the screen porch facing away from the clump of trees.

"Whew, it's getting warm, and time to shed these trousers," commented Jess.

"Allow me the honor, I responded."

We went into the private room of the tent, and undressed each other. Of course we just had to make it an official welcome to the campsite by some kissing, and a sufficient time for sucking each other, although none of us discharged our seed. We stepped into walking shorts minus any underwear giving another intimate kiss on our penises, and then allowed ourselves to zipper up for fear of snagging any pubic hair. I kissed Jessie's arm pits, taking note of his wonderful body aroma, and gave a brief suck on each of his nipples before putting on his t-shirt. While body odor might be offensive for some, still, it is intoxicating when it is from your lover. He did the same to me in kissing and putting on my t-shirt. We each grabbed the camera and tripod. We weren't planning long forages into the wilds and so only a couple of water bottles and one can of insect repellent were added to our pack. Before donning straw hats, we applied sun blocker to faces and arms. We secured the tent screen flap, and headed out for nearby Lake Charlie. Looking back at the tent area in the foreground of a wooded hammock resplendent with hanging moss, and partially hidden by the pile of dead limbs we placed as a privacy curtain, we decided to take a photo of it with the two of us standing before the camera set for timed picture taking. Of course I wrapped my right arm around Jessie's waist, but he decided to use his left hand to cup my groin. We decided to take a second picture with me on all four and Jess straddling me like a horse. This horse- playing soon ended up with the two of us rolling around the dried grass, tickling each other as two kids having the time of their lives. We ended up feeling each other up. Catching our breadth, we drank some water and pushed on. Jess sped up toward the lake while I continued with a lazy walk, taking time to view the wild flowers, mostly yellow along with some white ones. While they were generally nice to look at, still the view didn't warrant a picture.

"O shit, Willie, look," as he pointed towards the right at the bank of the lake. "You've got to see this."

I hurried along, and noticed the pair of alligators sunning themselves on the mud bank.

"If these are a mama and papa, we better watch out and stay away from either their baby crocks or their eggs," I quickly pointed out.

"No way, Will, a mother alligator doesn't let the father come near the eggs otherwise he'll eat them up."

"That only means the eggs hatched and the babies are swimming under the protection of the parents."

"Besides, maybe both alligators are female and big daddy is out there looking for food," I answered. "Think we'll move on to another spot after taking a picture."

Just then one of them opened its mouth and simply kept it open. They surely must have heard us, but showed no sign of turning towards us or becoming aggressive. We continued along the lake side towards another swamp-looking hammock, leaving the alligators far enough behind us, although once in a while we would turn to see if we had visitors following us. It was a nice hardwood hammock with oak trees extending their limbs far beyond the shore line. Lots of tall grass of some kind was growing all around but it didn't look inviting for us to wade out into the water through mud. Almost in front of us lay a large fallen limb perhaps being struck by lightning or the result of decay. It had fallen in such a way that part of it landed against the oak tree to form a nice bridge for us.

"What a beautiful sight, and how inviting it is," said Jess.

We took off our socks and shoes and walked with careful step. Once we reached the large fallen limb, Jess climbed on board and gave me a helping hand as we balanced our way to the main trunk. We were able to reach and climb onto another low limb, straddling it facing one another. Each of us had an outcrop smaller limb to lean against. Below us was the water. It was clearer than I expected since the bank was quite muddy.

"Heh, Jess, look at the small fish."

Closer to the bank were some medium size rocks, and on one of them was some kind of tortoise.

"Maybe the tortoise is just napping after eating a few of them."

Jess was facing away from the shore towards the open lake. The hanging moss added a sense of mystery. I slid over from my perch, and sat in front of Jess between his hanging legs. He took off my shirt, and wrapped both arms around my lower waist, and I mean lower. One hand rested in front of my pants against my soft penis. I placed my head against Jess, and simply wanted to stay in the comfort of his embrace.

"I love you, Jess." He leaned over to plant a kiss on my right cheek and whispered the same sentiment to me.

We remained silent for a long time, hearing nothing but the occasional splash or bird. I leaned forward and asked Jess to remove his shirt. Then I went back to my reclining position with first my right hand tweaking his right nipple and toying with it. I did the same to his left nipple, while he opened the fly and top latch of my shorts. This gave him easy access to my waiting cock. I closed my eyes feeling his slow playing with my balls and dick, and soon I started to swell up. He stopped and only held my almost-hardened cock with his wrap-around fingers. I guess the pressure of my leaning against Jess stimulated his own cock, and it, too, started to become erect. He had to let go of me to open his own shorts and allow his cock to point in its natural erect position. I leaned once again against Jess, knowing I had a special love tool against my back, and every once in a while, I could feel it pulsating in sync with my own throb. It was all very nice, very quiet, and we were peacefully resting in the cradle of a tree. I would say at least an hour passed by since both our cocks became soft and we were really feeling dry with thirst. All good things had to come to an end and so we retraced our steps and descended first to the fallen trunk and then to the ground. We used our shirts to wipe away the sweat from our faces, and went to our water bottles stored in the shade and on a rock outcrop. We guzzled down most of the water. Jess and I both came to the same idea, and quickly gave a good look all around us for any visitors or fellow campers. Spotting none, we quickly dropped our shorts and made our way over the muddy shore on the downed trunk. The water was clear enough to see that no large rocks were under us, and together we jumped into the cool water for a bit of skinny dipping. We didn't want to disturb the mud at the bottom nor did we want to call attention to ourselves. We simply wanted to float, and cool down our hot bodies. We were really surprised at how much colder the water became just a few feet beyond us, and into deeper water. We swam back to the safety of the bank and the fallen tree. After a while, I lifted Jess up to the fallen trunk and when he sat down, I grabbed on to his legs while he grabbed my crotch and helped me up by pulling on my leg. "Watch out for my jewels," and laughed all the way until I was firmly situated on the limb of the tree.

"Boy, that was really graceful, Willie."

We both got ourselves up and together we decided to take a pee, watching the arching of the urine, and bubbly rings on the surface of the water.

"Didn't the ranger say something about not polluting the Preserve?"

We started to laugh all over again, and went back to dry ground to put on our shorts, socks and shoes for the hike back to the tent. We were hungry, and the subs we had purchased from a Publix supermarket will taste just fine. As we spread the sheet over one of the mattresses, Jess slid over the cooler to serve as a table. He handed me both subs, and then surprised me with a bottle of white wine he secretly stored in the bottom of the cooler under all the ice. And so we sat and ate our first gourmet meal in the tent, taking turns drinking from the bottle of wine since we did not bring along any cups. We were grateful the bottle cap was a twist-off type and did not require an opener. The rest of the late afternoon was spent squaring away things in the tent, and covering the second mattress with a sheet. We placed the batteries in both lamps to be ready for use once it became necessary. The pillows were taken out of their plastic garbage bags and placed on each of the mattresses. We went outside to survey the tent area, and after determining there were no fire ants, we laid out the beach blanket in the more private hide-away section of our site. Jess said he had to use the toilet, and after a while, I proceeded to do the same. We did bring along three five gallon water bottles and a large funnel to refill a gallon plastic bottle for use in any necessary quick bathing, along with a small deep washing basin such as used for washing dishes. We had earlier hung up a nice rope line inside the tent for our towels and wash cloth. When Jess and I each took a dump, we came back naked, carrying our shorts just in case we had passersby. How fortunate that we were somewhat isolated in this section of the Preserve. Moving the curtain of dried bush and limbs to afford more privacy, we took turns soaping the other's bottom, crotch and arm pits in particular, using a wash cloth and the bubble bath body wash we poured into the basin. We left it to ourselves to wash our own faces. Jess bent all the way down and spreads open his buttock, and so I was able to use a gallon plastic bottle to rinse off all the soap solution. I then carefully rinsed off his penis and balls, and splashed the water to his arm pits. It took two refills to rinse him completely. He did the same for me. After toweling off each other, taking a kiss here and there, we topped off our bath by applying nice body cologne. We did not apply any to our private and intimate areas so as not to mask up our natural body aroma. The dry grass under our feet quickly drank up our water so as not to cause any excess mud.

Stepping into our flip-flops, we reentered the tent all squeaky clean, or so we felt it. We did purchase two wonderful camping chairs which fold up when not in use. These were a bargain at only ten dollars each. We set them up in the screen area, and brought along our shorts just in case we had to quickly don them for an unexpected visitor. We felt relaxed, intimately happy with each other, and all was well in our little world of tent-living. Jess and I talked about many things, and mostly about us. As it was approaching sunset, we decided to take out from the cooler our store purchased roast chicken and small tub of potato salad. Only one of us tore at the chicken with his hands and used the plastic plates and flatware for the meal setting. I went outside to wash and rinse my hands while Jess took out the wine and set out a couple sheets of paper towel for use as napkins. As far as we were concerned, this was as fine a restaurant as ever we enjoyed, made so because of being naked in an intimate campsite with only one's lover and surrounded by the ever increasing noise of nature. Before complete darkness settled in, we went outside for another pee, and to brush our teeth. Jess decided to bring over to the tent the toilet seat, and installed a new plastic bag. He dropped in the special dissolving and deodorant tablet and tightly secured the used waste bag, hanging it on a tree limb. Before setting out in the morning, we would bring into the tent the toilet bag. As an aside, there is a dumping station and waste collection area, but this was near the entrance. Now it was time to lie down for quiet time, listening to the music of nature with all its night sounds of various critters, or the silence of nature with only the slight rustling of leaves. It was also quiet time for Jess and me and to engage in intimate conversation and expressing our mutual love and admiration. We lit one of the lanterns and set it for a low setting, thus creating a nice soft glow. We both fell asleep without planning it, and sometime quite early into the morning hours, we woke up from our nap with hard cocks poking each other. We had fallen asleep facing each other, which was unusual since we usually spooned into one another. Jess and I leaned in for a kiss, and this was followed quickly by a more passionate one.

Jess rolled on top of me, and by the look on his face illuminated by the soft glow, I knew this was going to become a special making of love.

"Willie, I thought a lot about what I am about to say, and I want to let you know that I never met anyone in my entire life as you. You are so special to me that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I felt the tears roll down my cheeks, and my mouth was opened. Jess first lifted my legs into a bent position, and without any further words, he started to lick my penis, balls and perineum. When he got to my opening, he proceeded to apply lots of saliva with his tongue kissing. Many times he penetrated me with his tongue. He raised himself to straddle me and crawled over to my face so that his cock was touching me. I reached up and took it into my mouth when I proceeded to suck it and make love to it. I guess he felt that sufficient lubrication was applied, and so Jess went back to my bottom area, lifted my legs on his shoulders, easily entered me and made slow short thrusts. He bottomed out with his pubes and balls tightly against my own scrotum. Just as slowly as he entered did he withdraw his penis, but never taking his gland head out of my anus opening. He continued for some few minutes making slow love. Soon he was thrusting rapidly, and I felt the inevitable conclusion was soon to take place. Jess stopped abruptly, but kept his cock deep in my love tunnel. He also let go, and asked me to hold both his hands. And so he continued to speak the most amazing words I ever heard from his lips. "Willie, in the presence of God I, Jesus Moreno, take you William Romero for my spouse to love, honor, cherish and embrace forever. I promise to be true to you in whatever comes across our path, both in good times and in bad. I will remain faithful to you forsaking all others since I truly feel in my heart that you are the one chosen by God to be my spouse. I take you to myself also to be a husband so that you will make love to me in return and I become a spouse to you."

With these word, Jess resumed his thrusting, going deep and hard into me as he has never done before, grabbing tightly my thighs. His eyes turned glassy, his mouth opened and his breathing was labored with short breaths. When he was about to speak, he quickly grabbed hold of my thighs and pulled me so tight to meet his thrusting that he literally lifted my entire lower half and brought it close to his cock while remaining in his upright position. As he pushed so hard into me, he continued:

"Willie my love, I sign my marriage vows with the pouring of my seed into you;" and so he exploded so many waves of semen that I lost all count.

All I know is the experience of his convulsing body and feeling the hard spilling of his seed into my rectum. I felt him coat all the inner walls deep into my colon. And then it was all over, and Jess was exhausted. He lowered my legs, and leaned over my entire body, where I embraced him as he broke down into crying tears.

"Oh my beautiful husband, yes I accept the gift of your love, and will be forever your spouse as you will always be a husband to me."

It seemed that my own tears stopped because now I had a husband to comfort and this was more important to me than my own feelings of emotions. After a while, Jess was able to get a grip on his emotions, and gave me such a beautiful smile along with his words: "I love you Willie."

With his own composure returned, my own exchange of vows began with softly asking Jess to lie on his back. I proceeded to mount him, lifting his legs on my shoulders, and holding on to his thighs. Without even looking to aim my cock, my penis slid in his crack until it mated with his opening, and slowly pushed into him. Jessie looked so radiant and flush with joy, hope and anticipation. His eyes looked so lost in love, and he, too, pushed against me to meet my penetration. I could feel the slow oozing of his seed deposited into me when he expressed his marriage vows. Now it was my turn.

"My beautiful Jess, I freely and knowingly take and marry you, Jesus Moreno, as my spouse in the presence of God's beautiful creation of trees, birds and animals as witness. I follow the path God laid out for me which my mind, heart, body and soul say to take, forsaking all others. I take you for my husband and spouse, to have and hold until God decides to call us to himself. I will love you in happy times and sad, in good health and take care of you when you are sick. I will always forgive you with the love of God of any harm or wrong you inflict upon me. You will always complement and fulfill my life as no other can. I solemnly pledge that be us rich or poor matters not, as long as you are present to take my enduring love."

As I started to feel the rapidly approaching climax, I continued with the words:

"Oh, Jessie love, I sign my vow with the pouring of my seed into you. I love you so very much;" just as wave after wave of semen poured into my beloved spouse, and surprisingly, Jessie's sperm was oozing out of my ass.

Jessie clamped his legs tightly behind me to lock us together and keep my precious gift inside him as long as possible. I laid my body on top of his, supporting my weight on my elbow, and exchanged my first passionate kiss as Jessie's husband. We must have stayed wrapped together for only God can tell for how long, because we were both awakened by the night sounds of nature and crickets. We must have fallen asleep temporarily overwhelmed by the beauty of the occasion. We are married. We kissed each other and sealed our love with the making of the sign of the cross with our thumbs across our penises. Jess surmised that the time of our marriage vows must have been after midnight.

God has been, and always will remain our partner and witness in marriage. We will now love him when we love each other. The date is the 5th of May, a day we will both cherish and celebrate for the rest of our lives. We wrapped ourselves in an embrace, and fell asleep for the remaining early hours of the morning. Sunrise opened our eyes, and to each other, we said: "Thank you husband; thank you God."

Next: Chapter 10

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