An Evening In

By moc.oohay@niahctnahpele

Published on Mar 3, 2011


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An Evening In

Robert walked in the door carrying the pizza box in one hand and wrestling a case of beer in the other. He, like most Fridays, was looking forward to a night at home alone. The routine was him home alone while his son, Tyler, was usually out cavorting, and doing God knows what! That's how 17 year olds are, he fondly remembered.

He was surprised, however, to see Tyler on the couch with his best friend, Sam, watching tv.

"Hey, guys, what's up?"

"Hey, Dad! Is it cool if Sam sticks around for dinner tonight?"

"Of course! You should have told me, I'd have picked up a 2nd pie."

"No need, Mr A," started Sam, "I'm not all that hungry anyway, just one slice for me."

"By all means, boys, have at it."

"Hey, dad! Can we have a beer too?"

"You know I should be saying, `No' to this, right?" Robert started, knowing full well he wasn't going to actually say no. He'd let Tyler have beer before, and he'd rather them drink here with him than out at some random party and recklessly drive home.

"Come on, dad, don't even try it. You know we'll be good."

"All right, boys. I'm going to go change and I'll be right down. Just one beer each!"

With that Robert headed up the stairs into his room to change into some sweats and a t-shirt. Normally he'd just strip off everything and lounge around naked, but he knew better than to glide down those stairs, cock bouncing in front of him, with Sam there. Tyler seeing him naked wasn't as big a deal, but still, not something he made a habit of. He did decide, however, to go commando under his sweats. It was his small way of being somewhat deviant, as mild as that was. He smiled inwardly, but then started to get slightly aroused thinking about Sam and Tyler seeing the outline of his cock.

He needed to snap out of it. Though his sexuality wasn't exactly a secret, it wasn't something they discussed often, and he had no idea if Sam knew at all.

"So what are you boys doing tonight?" asked Robert.

"We were thinking of just staying here tonight actually," answered Tyler. "That cool?" "Of course! Did I tell you the pool guy came out yesterday to fix the pump? You guys could go for a swim too."

"That'd be awesome," in chimed Sam.

"Yeah, that would be fun. Though Sam doesn't have a suit to swim in."

Robert's cock gave a little twitch thinking about Sam and Tyler in skimpy swimming suits.

"Well I am sure one of us has one he can borrow or something," reasoned Robert.

They continued eating their pizza and drinking their beers while mindlessly watching some television. Robert, not really paying attention to the amount of beer he was drinking, seemingly forgot he limited the boys beer intake to just one beer each and offered to get them another round when he got up to get one for himself.

About an hour later, and three beers each, the boys were feeling a bit buzzed and Robert was becoming less concerned with propriety and wishing he could just slip those sweats right off and lay back on the couch, au natural; boys or no boys.

The two boys went upstairs to rummage through Tyler's clothes to find a suit for Sam to borrow.

"Hey dad!"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Um, can you come up here for a second?"

Robert lazily pulled himself out of the arm chair and padded up the stairs towards Tyler's room.

"What's up?" he asked, leaning in the doorframe.

He saw Tyler wearing his usual red speedo suit, which hugged his ass quite nicely, bending over trying to rifle through a drawer.

"Do you know where my blue suit is? I can't find it," he inquired.

"You mean the one that tore and had a giant gaping hole in the front," his dad inquired back?


Tyler had forgotten that the suit ripped in the wash a few months back and was rendered useless so it was thrown away and resolved to be replaced. Clearly that hadn't happened yet.

"Ugh, so I don't have a suit for Sam to wear! I'm sorry dude!"

"Actually, I think I have a spare one he can use," offered Robert, "follow me."

They all walked down the hall into Robert's bedroom while he opened up his dresser drawer and pulled out two suits: a skimpy white one that had seen better days and a baggier, orange, short type suit.

Sam eyed the white one and hoped that that wasn't the suit he was expected to wear.

"Unfortunately this is the only other one I have," holding out the white one in Sam's direction, "I'd let you wear the orange one, but I can't fit into the white one anymore, so you'd have to take that one."

Robert, though not in peak physical condition was hardly anything to scoff at. At 5'10" he weighed a solid 185 lbs, and still had a decent build, with a tiny gut starting to show.

The suit fit him just fine, but he knew if he was going to be in a pool with those two boys as scantily clad as he'd hoping they'd be, the flimsy fabric wouldn't stand a chance the second he popped a boner. Besides, he knew how sheer the material was, especially when wet, and he was hoping Sam would fall prey to an involuntary game of show-and-tell.

Sam, ever the polite guest, took the suit and thanked him, shuffling off to the bathroom to change.

The moment Sam stepped out into the hall from the bathroom he knew how revealing everything was just by looking at Tyler's face.

"Wow, man. That suit really doesn't leave much to the imagination, huh?" Tyler thought aloud.

"Is it really that bad," Sam asked?

"Ha ha ha, um, well we now know you're circumcised," offered Tyler.

"Sorry, Sam. I wish I had something better for you to wear," consoled Robert, knowing full well he was glad he didn't.

"No, it's ok, I guess. Besides, it's just us guys so it's not that big a deal." "Yeah man, it's not like I haven't seen it already in the showers at the gym," reminded Tyler.

Robert's cock gave another twitch. This was going to be one hell of a cock tease of a night, for sure, especially if comments like that kept erupting from Tyler's mouth.

Sam gave a good natured chuckle and shifted his hands in front of his crotch to try to garner back some dignity he left behind in his jeans now sitting on the bathroom floor.

The three guys hopped in the pool and swam around for a bit, stopping every few minutes to take a sip from what was now their 4super thnosupersub beer each. The intoxication levels were definitely increasing, and Robert's inhibitions were certainly decreasing.

Then Sam pulled himself out of the water to take a bit of a breather from all the fun.

"Holy crap, dude," laughed Tyler, "put that thing away!"

"What," asked Sam?

Then he looked down, where both Tyler and Robert were staring. Not only had the fabric of the bathing suit become completely transparent, but apparently it wore away and Sam's cock head was poking out of the newly torn hole.

Sam did his best to try and cover up, but it was fruitless. His cock was basically on display for his best friend and his best friend's dad to see.

Even Robert gave a good chuckle. His plan had worked pretty easily. He was glad the replacement suit he had just underneath that one went unnoticed when he opened that drawer back in his bedroom.

"Ok, ok, ok. No worries, Sam. I know you're embarrassed, but honestly, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. We're all men here. Nothing we haven't seen before, right Tyler?" Robert was trying to console Sam, without tipping off anyone to the absolute excitement he just experienced seeing his son's friend's cock.

Robert pulled himself out of the pool and walked over to Sam, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Hey buddy. Seriously, don't be embarrassed. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Robert put his arm around Sam's shoulders as Sam stood there, stunned completely still.

"Seriously, it's no big deal. It's just a penis." Sam looked up at Robert and glanced over at Tyler, still in the pool, looking back at his best friend and his dad with a completely passive face. He truly wasn't going to make his best friend feel bad. Secretly he kind of enjoyed seeing his friend's penis too. It was a nice penis, and he enjoyed all the opportunities he had to see it. In fact, he always wanted to touch it.

"You know what? I know what will make you feel better."

"What's that," Sam asked, meekly?

"Another beer," Tyler called out, excitedly.

Robert laughed.

"No, that wasn't what I was thinking, but if it'll help, sure you guys can have another one. Tyler, go grab us some from the fridge."

Tyler got out of the pool and walked, soaking wet, into the kitchen to get three more beers.

Robert was about to chastise him for tracking all that water into the kitchen, but decided now was not the time to be the angry parent.

He turned back to Sam, looking a little less dejected, was still covering his crotch.

"What I was going to say is that we should all just take these suits off and just swim naked."

Sam looked at Robert straight in the eye and didn't say a word. With that, Robert reached into his shorts, untied the string and tugged his suit down and off, exposing his thick, uncircumcised penis to Sam.

Sam's eyes shot straight down to Robert's dick, which coincidentally, from both being freed from the confines of fabric, and now being spied on by an adorably cute 17-year-old boy, started to thicken and rise.


...To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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