An Evening In

By moc.oohay@niahctnahpele

Published on Mar 4, 2011


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An Evening In, Part Two


Tyler had just walked in as Robert pulled his bathing suit off, exposing it to Tyler's best friend, Sam.

"What are you doing, dad?"

Sam's eyes shot up from Robert's thickening cock to his friend, Tyler, walking back in with three beers in his arms.

"Oh, hey son," stammered Robert, "I was just trying to make Sam feel more comfortable."

"By showing him your dick?"

"It's cool, Ty," Sam interjected, "Really. He was just trying to make me feel better about my whole dick being on display. I actually appreciate it."

Robert was slightly taken aback by Sam's frankness and calm nature. He knew if he was in Sam's position he'd probably be thrown for a loop seeing his friend's father's dick.

"Actually, dad, I am kind of surprised you managed to keep clothes on this long."

Robert laughed.

"I'm that bad, huh," Robert inquired with a grin?

"Well, you're hardly modest, that's for sure! I mean, it's not a problem or anything, I kind of like how free you are, it's kind of nice, actually."

Robert was proud of his son at this moment. He truly had raised a kind and respectful guy, and a cute one at that!

"Well, thanks, son. I think."

Tyler handed everyone a beer. Though they certainly didn't need more alcohol, everyone was happy to have more. Sam reached for his bottle and finally uncovered his crotch, exposing his now erect cock poking straight through the newly torn hole in the bathing suit.

"Looks like someone's a little happy to see you naked, dad," Tyler announced, looking down at Sam's cock.

Sam immediately made an effort to cover up again.

"Oh relax, man! It's nothing I haven't seen before. Hell, I've see you do way worse," demanded Tyler.

"Worse," Robert asked?

Robert's interest was definitely piqued, as was evidenced by his completely now erect cock.

"Looks like Sam's not the only one who needs to calm down," Tyler observed.

"I hate to break it to you, kid, but from the looks of that speedo, yours is about to bust open too," Robert shot back.

Tyler seemingly forgot that just because his was the only cock that was still covered by fabric, it wasn't out of sight of the others. He too had grown completely hard seeing both his friend and his father erect.

"Here, hold this," Robert asked, handing his son his beer.

Tyler took the bottle.


With Tyler's hands full, and unable to stop him, Robert reached over to his son's waist and pulled his son's suit down, bending over to pull the suit down to his ankles, inadvertently giving Sam a great view of his ass.

"What the fuck, dad," Tyler screamed, with his erect, uncut cock bouncing into view!

"There, now we're all even."

"Seriously, dad? I can't believe you just did that!"

Robert was afraid of what might happen next. It was a bold move to strip his son naked like that, but he was completely buzzed at this point and starting to lose control over his inhibitions.

For as many times as he's seen his son naked, always in passing in the bathroom or changing at the gym together, he never once saw his son erect. It was an impressive view.

In fact, from what he could tell, glancing quickly, his son might actually have a bigger dick than him.

Tyler wasn't mad at all, actually, but he wanted to put on a show. He secretly had been hoping something like this would happen one day, but he didn't have the nerve to ever approach his father and say, "Hey, I know I'm your son, but want to fuck?"

"Oh relax, Tyler! You're hard, everyone could see it. Besides, I'm naked and Sam is practically naked! AND, from what you're saying, this isn't the first time he's seen you hard! So why are you so upset?"

"It's just... it's just"

"It's just nothing! You're my son, and I would imagine my son would be completely comfortable with his body enough to not be embarrassed by his own father seeing him hard? It's really no big deal!"

Sam, still reeling from the scene unfolding in front of him, just kept sipping his beer and covering his erection.

"It's just... you stripped me while I was hard. I'm just having a difficult time dealing with all this. Can you give me a moment to process it??"

Robert laughed, took his bottle back from his son, and took a sip.

"Of course, Ty. I can give you that."

Tyler chugged the remainder of his beer. If the evening was going to keep going as it had, he was going to need to be really wasted. He did not, however, make any efforts to pull his suit back up.

"I say we get back in the pool," suggested Robert.

"That's a great idea," exclaimed Sam!

Tyler stepped out of his suit and jumped back the pool. Sam, still covering his crotch, walked over to the ladder to climb back in slowly.

"You've got to be kidding me," Tyler called out.

Both Sam and Robert looked at him.

"You're not taking that stupid suit off?"

He was talking about Sam, who still was trying to be modest.

"My dad and I are both completely naked, and HARD, and you're still trying to keep that torn piece of shit on? Not acceptable!"

Tyler was feeling the effects of that chugged beer and was not going to back down. If he was going to be naked, so was Sam.

Sam froze, unsure of how to react to Tyler's demand.

Robert, who was still standing at the edge of the pool, walked over to Sam, and pulled him up off the ladder, while Tyler waded back over to the ladder and climbed out.

"These have to go," demanded Tyler, as he tugged on the waistband of the torn suit.

Sam backed away, not wanting to be stripped completely naked.

"Dad, hold him!"

Robert was perfectly willing to help his son strip Sam of what little dignity he had left and walked over behind Sam and held his arms, pulling Sam against him, pushing his cock up along his ass, sliding it in the crack of his ass.

If Sam wasn't completely hard already, he would have gotten hard just feeling Robert's cock against him.

With Sam held back Tyler took hold of Sam's cock and wrapped his hand around it as he pulled the suit out away from his waist and down. Tyler gave Sam's cock a good squeeze too, just cause he could.

Sam, still squirming, couldn't help it. Between Robert's cock against his back and Tyler squeezing his own cock he was feeling sensations he had never felt and his cock started to ooze some precum.

Tyler, still holding his friend's cock, saw the precum push out of Sam's cock and instinctively moved his thumb over the shiny, clear liquid and rubbed it around Sam's cockhead.

"Looks like someone is enjoying this a little too much," Tyler declared!

"Looks like," Robert added in agreement. "Maybe you should take care of the problem."

Tyler looked straight into his father's eyes, while holding Sam's cock in his hand and slowly started to tug on it.

Sam, meanwhile, stopped squirming and started sliding his ass crack up and down against Robert's cock. Robert, in turn, pushed his cock harder into Sam's crack and pulled Sam against him even harder. Robert also released his hold on both of Sam's arms, and just held him across his chest with just one arm. He knew Sam wasn't going to try and escape this situation.

Robert, now with a free hand, wandered down Sam's side and reached out to feel Tyler's cock, which was poking out completely unattended.

Tyler, realizing someone was now holding onto his cock, froze; clearly uncharted territory and unsure on how to proceed.

After a moment he looked up into his father's eyes, who was staring down at his intently and resumed stroking his best friend's dick.

... To Be Continued.

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