An Inkheart Interlude

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Apr 21, 2009



WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



G. Cutter

Mo and Meggie withrew to their room for the night leaving Dustfinger and Farid at their room door. Dustfinger entered cautiously followed by the Arabian boy now in his western dress but carrying his native clothing in a bag.

'It is like a palace,' he gazed around the room as the man closed the door and released Gwin, the bright eyed marten scampered around sniffing here and there. Farid smiled down at the small animal and he was sure Gwin smiled back. Farid opened a door and found a bedroom with only one big bed he noted. He opened another door and gasped. A huge bath, a toilet and a bidet and the final treat, a full length mirror facing the door. He preened himself watching his reflection until Dustfinger tapped him on the shoulder.

'Don't be so vain, boy,' Dustfinger growled although his lips curled in what passed for one of his rare smiles. 'At least you can wash off the desert dust in that,' he nodded at the huge bath. 'And probably learn to swim,' he added.

Farid looked at the bath again, it was big and the thought of wallowing in warm water was very appealing. 'Meggie says we are laying low. What does she mean?'

'She means that we are in hiding and Silvertongue or Mo as you know him has decided on this place.'


'It is expensive and there is a Carabinere Station across the square. Capricorn's scum will check the smaller pensiones but will not check this one. To the best of their knowledge we are bankrupt.'

'Mmm... that is good?' Farad grinned and stroked Gwin's silken fur as the beast ran up his leg and back.

'Depends how you look at it,' Dustfinger shrugged. 'We need to rest and gain our strength. The longer we stay here the further afield they will look and in the end maybe decide we have returned south.'

'Good,' Farid nodded. 'I have a lot to think about.'

'About your old life, your own world?

'Yes, my desert world.'

Full of thieves, magic princes, cruel sultans, genies in bottles and sand.'

'There are also kind people and friends my own age,' Farid snapped wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

'Sorry,' Dustfinger allowed. 'My world is also a world of magic but also my beautiful wife and children. I miss them very much, I must return and Silvertongue is the key.'

'I am sorry too,' Farid lay his hand on Dustfingers arm. 'When do we eat.'

Dustfinger gave that half smile again, the moment had passed and Farid was a boy... boys get hungry.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Mo identified himself. Dustfinger opened up and Mo came in followed by his daughter, Meggie who smiled brightly at Farid, Farid returned the smile. He liked Meg who to be sure wasn't a boy but at least near his age. He had noted her curious looks when he'd worn his baggy pantaloons and belly baring waitcoat and knew what she liked. She liked half naked boys or at least she liked looking at them but was too young to appreciate that fact. He knew that if she was a street urchin on his own world she would have been his by now but this was a very different world.

'I have told the hotelier that we shall be here for two nights and depart around midday on Wednesday,' Mo told them. 'I have also informed them that we require all meals to be served in this room and complete privacy,' he blushed a little. 'I told him that I am writing a screenplay and that you are my team, Farid and Meg are my children.'

'Farid is a raghead,' Dustfinger scowled. 'He hardly looks like your son.'

'The Italian coast has irt's share of mixed marriages,' Mo replied blithely. 'When he has a haircut he will look no different to any well sunburned Italian port boy.'

'A street Arab,' Meg giggled. Farid was puzzled, were they mocking him and what was a 'street Arab' and a 'raghead', they didn't sound very complimentary.

'Mmmm...' he wandered to the window for Mo to promptly bound over and draw the curtains.

'Don't be overconfident, Farid. We are safe here as long as we remain out of sight. Anyway, clear the table... dinner will be arriving shortly.'

They settled down and Dustfinger actually removed the long trenchcoat he habitually wore. To avoid any panic amongst the staff they locked Gwin in the bathroom and Dustfinger promised the beast to release him when the meal was served. He could go out and have a run around the rooftops later but not just now.

Two of the hotel staff served the dinner at the large table and it was a good meal with even wine for the 'children'. Farid felt a glow, he'd drunk fermented juice on his own world but nothing as sharp and as strong as this, towards the end he was praying for the meal to end but it went on. Even after the table was cleared away Dustfinger and Mo discussed their plan of attack on Capricorn's villiage something that had to be done but something Farid dreaded. Then again he owed these people for his rescue from the evil Capricorn and his Black Jackets who he suspected would have fed him to the wild aminals they'd imprisoned or even raped him. He may have been a young man on this world but he was versed in the ways of evil and evil men. He also knew he was good looking and natural prey for older and and the more depraved of men.

As he chatted to Meg and they sat by the fire he told her of his world and his adventures but all the time his eyes were drawn to the lanky and rather scruffy Dustfinger. He would look a different man with a good bath and he wasn't that old. God, he had that stirring at his loins, the same one he got when he was alone with one of his dusky skinned young friends and he knew where that had often ed.

'Are you listening, Farid?' Meg pouted. 'Father says he can return you to your world when this is all over.'

'And what if I wish to stay here?'

'Then that is your option,' Meg giggled. 'You really can become my brother.'

'There you go then,' Farid laughed. His options were truly open but there was a major battle to be fought first and he had two nights in this room, two nights alone with Dustfinger.

The conversation faltered and then Meg produced a pack of cards and started to instruct Farid in the good old children's game of 'snap'. He liked it, it was quick, noisy and fun. The two older men sat in the gloom and talked on, quite a family scene but all moments like this come to an end.

'How many beds have you in your er... apartment, your room?' Farid whispered.

'It's a room,' Meg looked into the fire. 'We have two. Why?'

'We only have one.'

'No matter, you'll have to share.'

'Only if he bathes,' Farid nodded Dustfinger's way. 'He looks and smells like a tramp.'

'I'll tell him you said that,' Meg giggled. 'I thought he smelled of marten.'

'I can live with that.'

'He likes you,' Meg observed as Gwin appeared at Farid's right shoulder, nuzzled at the boy's overlong black hair and then licked his ear. The marten looked at the girl with it's bright eyes and she could have sworn it winked. It rerurned to licking Farid's ear until the boy started to giggle. 'Begone, enchanted beasty,' he wriggled his thin shoulders and Gwin promptly jumped into his lap nestling right on top of his boyhood. 'He's trying to keep you warm,' the girl remarked with a slight grin.

'He's doing well... I shall give him a bath later.' That was it. Gwin dug his claws in and leapt for the floor, Farid was sure the animal could understand human talk. Why not, Dustfinger understood marten talk. Shortly after that Silvertongue or Mo and his daughter departed for their own room promising to return at nine in the morning for breakfast.

'Meg appears to like you,' Dustfinger pulled his chair neared the fire and after removing his tattered footwear roasted his feet encased in holey socks.

'I like her,' Farid grimaced at the smell from his companion for the night. Outdoors he probably wouldn't have noticed but in a hot room it was too much.

'Don't get too close,' Dustfinger warned. 'Mo is blind but I move around with young people in my travels and I know what they get upto.'

'I don't know what you mean.'

'Yes you do,' Dustfinger grinned and this time it was a proper grin maybe distorted by his facial scars but a grin all the same. 'Don't worry, I wont tell.'

'There's nothing to tell,' Farid snapped rather upset that apert from being a marten speaker Dustfinger seemed to be able to read his mind. He had been imagining Meg with her undeveloped breasts and fuzzy slit slipping into the warm water right next door whilst he lay naked in his own bath stroking his long brown cock.

'Bathtime for children,' Dustfinger finally spoke. 'Way past your bedtime, young man.'

'I am fourteen or fifteen, not all that young,' Farid objected. 'I may even be sixteen.'

'Fifteen looks good on you,' Dustfinger looked at the boy curled up at his feet. 'You can have the bed, I shall crash on the sofa.'

'What's wrong with the bed?'

'It is not proper for a man to sleep with a boy, especially strangers,' Dustfinger scratched his stubble. 'Have you no morals on your world.'

'Yes,' Farid replied. 'But not silly ones. We are companions and brothers in arms not strangers... and it is a big bed... and very conmfortable.'

'You're tempting me,' Dustfinger grinned his crooked grin again.

'But you must bathe first.'

'You sound like my wife...' The man broke off and dropped his head in his hands. 'Leave me Bathe or bed, your choice.'

I shall bathe,' Farid declared firmly. And go to bed. You must bathe and bed, you have been told to rest and build your strength for what comes.' He stood and picked up his bag on his way to the bathroom. 'Do what Mo says... please.'

'I shall,' Dustfinger muttered.

Farid enjoyed the bath. He'd never had the luxury on his own world, he and his clan bathed and in the wide and ancient rivers of their world and amongst the bullrushes. The only time one or the other may have a proper bath or the alternative, a body oiling was if they were taken by a noble or rich merchant for a night of pleasure. Farid had been with older men in his past but he much preferred the soft and supple bodies of his younger friends. The exquisite sensation of taking one of his young companions between dark skinned buns was the ultimate. Maybe the squirming and little moans of a smaller boy beneath him an especial bonus. As he soaped and played with himself he wondered what the rangy and disheveled Dustfinger was like under his much travelled clothing and sour exterior. A clothed man and a naked man, now there were two totally different animals. By the time he arose from the bath he was sporting a good erection, a lusty need and a dribbling cock.

He had two choices as he clearly couldn't masturbate in a bed with Dustfinger. That was to have a quick hand job here and now or to save himself and hope to get lucky over the course of the night, he opted for the latter hoping to get lucky. He dried off and willed his member to relax, then donning his briefs and thin cotton pantaloons he stepped back into the room to find Dustfinger dozing by the fire with Gwin in his lap.

'I have emptied the bath and rinsed it out,' he touched Dustfinger's shoulder gently. The man's eyes shot open and fixed on Farid.

'I thought Mo told you to dump that stuff.'

'It is comfortable and reminds me of home.'

'Yes,' Dustfinger smiled sadly. 'We all need our memories,' he tickled Gwin between the ears. He also casually studied the slender Arabian boy standing before him. Quite beautiful even if he was a boy. Slender or lithe and a pleasing light brown, more of a caramel colouring really. The boy had a fine face and if his lips were on a girl Dustfinger would have been in love.

'You're staring,' Farid smiled patting himself under the arms with his towel. Dustfinger looked at the little tufts of black hair in the boy's armpits, he must have a healthy pubic bush as well, he thought.

'I'm sorry and yes, I shall bathe and join you in bed.' Dustfinger arose as if he had made a decision. Farid grinned, he knew exactly what decision the man had taken. It may not have involved sex but once in a bed together who knew what would happen. At least Dustfinger wouldn't smell.

'See you in a while,' Farid whispered and made for the bedroom surprisingly followed by Gwin. 'What are you, a damn spy?' The beasty chittered away and jumped onto the bed giving his answer. Nothing was going on around here without him knowing about it. Farid thought about things for a while and then realised he was contemplating seduction. It wouldn't be his first time but Dustfinger or Dusty as he privately thought him was something different. Vunerable, sad and sly, most of all sly. He didn't need to understimate the older man. He lay on top of the bed in his Arabian clothing aware to to anyone with the slightest inclinations towards boys he was a gift. He parted his embroidered waistcoat exposing his gently rounded brown belly and his darker brown nipples and waited.

Dustfinger was in the bath, the first one he'd had for ages. When you are on the road living off your wits cleanliness came well after food and the search for copies of 'Inkheart'. All the same, he was a man and had needs as other men and he was well aware that Farid the beautiful Arab boy was playing a game. He smiled his crooked smile as he lathered across his chest and then stood massaging his penis and soaping his balls. Yes, that dusky skinned darling was asking for it. As he soaped and his seven inches of man meat arose he thought of plunging it into the boy's mouth and then between those sweet buttocks. He had the funiest of feelings that the boy wouldn't object in the slightest. Farid was also far from his home world and those he loved, the boy needed cuddling, a bit of comfort and maybe more.

Dustfinger had remained faithful to the memory odf his wife and children and knew with absolute certainty that he would return home but when would that be. For the next two nights he had Farid. He grinned again and ran the shower attachment rinsing off the soap and grime of his travels. Fun wasn't a word in his language but maybe just for one night. Farid looked a little girly anyway, perhaps his boy fanny needed a man. Gwin chittered from the chair as if blessing the coming endeavour.

The man continued to rinse himself until all the soap was gone and then more. Totally refreshed with a good meal under his belt, clean and with a boy to share his bed, he was ready.

Farid looked up as Dustfinger entered the bedroom, the long haired blond had shaved nicking himself a couple of times and his wet hair hung lank but he looked a new man years younger. He looked down at Farid sprawled out on the bed and spoke. 'You aren't sleeping in that gear are you?'

'No,' Farid felt his face heat, This was the moment, he knew then and there that Dustfinger was going to make a move on him, lust was in the air. Farid removed his waistcoat and sat on the edge of the bed. 'Which side do you want.'

'Topside,' Dustfinger actually laughed. The first time Farid had heard the man do such a thing but he also dropped his towel and lay in the centre of the bed totally naked with his big cock straining up on his belly. Farid gulped and then laughed. He hurriedly tore off his pantaloons and silken briefs and then naked himself jumped onto the bed with his brown cock swinging and straight into Dustfingers welcoming embrace.

The two melded together stroking each other's bodies and rolling around both delighted that they had got what they wanted. . The first kisses were on the neck and shoulders but then the jaw and finally on the lips.

'Aaaaaah...' Farid squirmed under the passionate embrace. Dustfinger's rigid cock and hard belly pressed into him squashing his own penis and the man slowly moved up and down working the two erections as one. Farid giggled as he felt the smear and then the easing as precum puddled between them. He didn't know the last time Dustfinger had indulged in sex but the man was on top line. His fully extended seven inches of man meat was oozing copious amounts of juice making their squirming all the more pleasurable. 'Do you want me, Dusty?'

'Yes, Farid... more than anything,' Dustfinger reached under the writhing boy crushing the soft brown globes of flesh in his hands as he pulled Farid in even closer.

'Doggy first,' Farid giggled. 'Then another way later.' The Arab managed to turn around in Dustfinger's arms and pushed his bottom onto the hot and oozing weapon pressed against his back. Another move and he was on his knees and then Dustfinger was arranging him on all fours with his legs parted.

Farid squealed when he felt Dustfingers mouth at his crack and then the licking and lapping began. Dustfinger spread Farid's tight little buttocks and his tongue plundered into the crack sucking and munching at the dark brown pucker facing him. Farid dropped his head and his long hair fell over his eyes, his own penis was fully hard and he dragged a pillow down to rest his head. The first one would be quick and maybe a little painful but the second one would last longer. 'Do me, do me,' he growled wriggling his sweet bottom on Dustfinger's flickering tongue.

Dustfinger couldn't have been versed in the ways of boy sex as he didn't finger, probe or ease Farid at all he just placed his swollen glans at the Arab boy's tautly stretched pucker and slowly pushed. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, the flood of precum was the saving grace and as his bulging knob stretched Farid's ring and entered the warm inner the Arab boy's head dropped as he moaned and bit the pillow but Dustfinger was inside him and moving. Farid sighed. The initial entry had hurt but now it was inside him it was easier and the next bout would be easier still. Dustfinger's hands ran up and down the boy's smooth torso as he fucked sinking deeper and deeper into tight flesh and now Farid was pushing back onto his advances. The boy was tight and warm but mercifully also slick with precum and as Farid clamped and eased at each thrust Dustfinger realised that the boy was well versed in the ways of man sex.

'Yes, go, go, go,' Farid pushed back hard taking the remainderof Dustfinger's shaft in one go. Dustfinger ground into the boy and then forcing him down onto the bed began to hammer into the sweet and soft flesh beneath. Farid moaned into his pillow but also savoured the hot stiffness in his gut. Dustfinger must have been his biggest to date but it was nice and he loved it as the slippery meat moved in and out and began to increase speed, Dustfinger was about to climax for the first time in many months.

'Farid, Farid,' Dustfinger dug away at the sweet honeypot spreading Farid's skinny legs ever further apart and made one final and mighty lunger into Farid's bruised pucker.

'Oooooooh, oooooooh ...' Farid squirmed and wriggled as he felt Dustfingers big cock seem to swell and then exploded a geyser of man spunk deep into his bottom. The climax seemed to go one forever and Farid giggled as he felt his belly full and even the mess betweeen his buttocks. Dustfinger even slipped free and squeezed his organ so that his final droplets fell on Farid's smooth bottom.

'That was so nice. Thank you Farid,' Dustfinger massaged his cum into Farid's buns in love with the firm bouncy flesh and the smell of raw sex. He'd needed that so much and he had the boy for the remainder of the night and even the next one. 'Turn over.'

'I'm messy,' Farid giggled.

'You haven't cum?'

'No. Nearly, but not yet,' Farid craned his head to look over his shoulder.

'Turn over then,' Dustfinger chuckled and rolled the boy onto his back. Farid for a fifteen year old or thereabouts was respectably built Dustfinger noted. A long and healthy penis darker brown than his body and at full stretch glued to the boy's belly with belly sweat and precum. Dustfinger knew he had to have the boy again but there are certain dues to be paid. And, so what? They were in private and neither of them were going to blab. He ducked his head and took his first lick of teeny boy cum. Farid moaned and held Dustfinger's long hair as the man's busy tongue cleaned him up seeming to take extra pleasure at lapping his tight balls before actually licking the twitching shaft. 'You like that?' Dustfinger whispered.

'Oh yes, yes...' Farid gasped as he felt a finger lift his hardness and then warm and wet suction sank over his glans and shaft. Dustfinger was sucking his organ and there was only one end to that. He gently pumped upwards as Dustfinger held his sticky buns and bobbed his head up and down. Farid moaned his pleasure as he felt his balls rise tight and the heat begin. It started in the base of his scrotum and tore up his shaft finally exploding in Dustfinger's mouth . The man gagged and choked swallowing Farid's young seed and then slurped the following youthful blasts until the boy lay limp and exhausted on the bed.

'Good boy,' Dustfinger kissed Farid's smooth belly and slipped up alongside his heavily breathing partner, one final bout of lazy kisses and they dozed off both still outside and on top of the bed.

The candles flickered and wind rattled the shutters as Farid came to full conciousness, where he wasn't sticky he was crusty and slipped from the bed quietly tottering to the bathroom. There was no sign of Gwin and Farid wondered if the marten had watched the performance on the bed. He shrugged, why worry, the beast wouldn't be telling tales. He laughed as he did his business and experienced his first game with a bidet, a very useful bathroom item he decided. Refreshed and feeling still wide awake he looked at hmself in the full length mirror and then turned and bent over to look between his legs. He looked fine, a little red maybe but undamaged... even ready for more. Spotting some handcream on the shelf which had probably been left by a previous guest he opened it and sniffed. Squeezing some out he smeared it between his fingers. Perfect. He applied some between his cheeks rubbing it in until he felt his pucker smooth and pliable and then he returned to the bedroom. He wanted more.

Dustfinger was laying on his back still fully naked with his big turgid cock laying up on his belly and snoring gently. Without any ado Farid spread some of the lotion the length of Dustfinger's warm cock and grasped it in a normal wanking grip moving his hand up and down until he felt the mighty mass slippery and coming to full bloom.

'You're asking for it,' Dustfinger mumbled sleepily as his cock twitched and began to assume full rigidity. Farid jiggled the man's balls feeling the weight and the fluid within.

'I know,' he giggled and stared into Dustfingers grey eyes. 'I'm ready,' he fell on his back as Dustfinger rose above him and just in case the man didn't know what to do Farid raised his knees to his chest exposing his oiled and welcoming hole. 'Come on, Dusty.'

Dustfinger nodded and kneeling moved his swollen knob back to it's target centred and pushed in. Farid bit his lip and shut his eyes as he felt the now familiar lump slip into his eager boy fanny... this could be a long night. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck dragging him down for a kiss and then his skinny legs wrapped around Dustfinger's waist. Once again they were as one joined in lonliness, need and a little love.


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