An Introduction to Myself

Published on Jul 21, 2020



An Introduction to Myself

Please follow the laws where you live. This story is about a young man's homosexual awakening at college. Although part of the action was unexpected he learned to enjoy what the uninvited guests did to him. This story is partially true and partially fiction, I have changed all names so that those involved are not outed.

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College was nothing like I expected although my expectations had been low, I had dreamed that I would be around young men like Shelly and Lord Byron talking philosophy and literature. For the two years before entering my freshman year at the college I had been living on my own with no family or roommates. If I had the needed money I would have taken a room off campus to live that way but I had barely saved enough to supplement the scholarships that allowed me to pay the tuition.

We were boarded in a co-joining suite with three boys on each side of the restroom not ideal as far as I was concerned.

The three boys in the room joining mine were no one I would associate with given the choice. The two I was forced into rooming with were physically better but one was a jock and the other a joke. I had been the second to arrive so I choose the bottom bunk, the jock had been there for a week and had taken the single bed. Will and I immediately took a dislike to each other and unless it was needed didn't speak to each other. The following day Bryce arrived with two of the boys that would live across the hall from us.

Bryce and Will hit it off and soon excluded me from most of what was happening. After a few drinks I blame the way they treated me on my lack of success my freshman year. Honestly it was because I didn't study, I spent more time playing cards and tutoring a couple guys for their math class. I was two years ahead of the ones I tutored when I graduated from High School, I guess that is the advantage of not attending a city school. One of them is a friend to this day although not gay or near.

By the time Christmas vacation arrived three of the six guys in the suite across the hall from us dropped out. That left one guy in one room, he and I had some classes together so I started to do some studying with him, not enough: I tried to get him to allow me to move in but he liked the solitude. I was in and out enough that he gave me a key one of his former roommates had left. Dave was attending the college on a Soccer scholarship but didn't spend much time with the other players after practice. He was a cute blond, a few inches shorter than me and almost as antisocial. We could study for hours in his room without talking, it was almost a private study hall.

Two days after we returned to school in January I went over to his room to read one of the novels required for my literature class that I hadn't finished while on vacation. I went there because my roommates thought it was a good time to gather their friends and have a party. It was the first time that I walked into the room when Dave wasn't fully dressed. He was propped up on his bed reading something, dressed in only bright white briefs. I remember them because they were so much brighter than any briefs I had and fit him so snugly.

Until that day I was a gay virgin although there had been two men I worked with on the farm where I was boarding that I would have gladly learned about sex from. Over the two years I had lived there they had kidded me about my lack of sexual experience. Tom and Roger were about twice my age but both men were physically fit from farm work and had great personalities. Unfortunately for me they were married to jealous women. There had been two times that I left the farm with Tom in a van the farm company used to haul horses around the eastern part of the country. There were sleeping quarters in the van but I was too shy to try to get Tom to fuck me although that is what I dreamed about all night, to this day I wish he had been the first man to fuck my ass. He and Roger always joke about which of them had the longest cock, from what I had seen Tom was definitely the longer at least while soft, I think he went commando most of the time.

Walking in on Dave in only his tighty-whiteys was life changing. I knew exactly what I wanted when I saw him and it wasn't to read the book in my hand. He and I had never talked about sex, he had admitted he didn't have a girlfriend: at the time I was still dating a girl in High School but not fucking her. I surprised myself and dropped alongside his bed where I could get a better look at the bulge in his briefs. I thought I had seen larger bulges, that wasn't what attracted me. He was my best friend and I thought it was time to loose my gay virginity in whatever way he wanted.

"Dave, do you get a lot of guys offering to give you blow jobs?" I knew then that was an odd way to start the conversation I wanted to end with his cock in my mouth. He looked completely shocked at the question.

"No one has ever offered to blow me." He had taken his eyes off his book and was looking me in the face, I think he was trying to decide if I had just made the first offer. I couldn't take my eyes off his bulge, it had started to stir. I hoped that he was showing that he was interested.

"I have never taken a cock but if you want I will try to give you a blow job." I was being more forward than I had ever been with anyone, I had a hand on his lightly furred leg and was gently rubbing it closer to his bulge as I talked. I didn't know what to expect from him, the college was a church related school that required us to attend services every morning and on Sunday evening, something that didn't bother him as much as it did me; he would often sign me into the morning services so I could sleep in.

"I don't know about that." By the time he said that I had my knuckles rubbing against his balls. He may not have known whether he wanted a blow job but he moaned in pleasure at my fingers touching him. He slid closer to the side of the bed so I was able to reach his bulge easier. I went from rubbing my knuckles against him to actually groping his balls through the cotton briefs. I had gotten shyer or I could have had his cock in my hand. We didn't do anything more for five minutes, I was enjoying the feel and heat of the first balls other than my own that I had in my hand. Both of our cocks had gotten full and thick.

I could tell that his cock wasn't any longer than mine or if it was only a little, he waas stretching the briefs to the side.

"You can take my briefs off." I don't think I was expecting him to tell me that and when he did I wasn't sure that I wanted to pull them down until he lifted his butt from the bed and I saw how easy it would be. I stood up to pull his briefs down, I didn't even have my hands on them when he told me to take my clothes off, too. He had never been domineering in our time together but this new side of him was attractive and I had my T-shirt and gym shorts off in seconds. I can't remember if he had ever seen me naked before that day, I hadn't seen him without clothes, I'm sure. I think that was the first time I had ever seen him without a pair of pants, shirtless sure it was an all male dorm after all and we had played sports that fall (shirts and skins).

As I took hold of his briefs Dave reached over and rubbed his hand through my hair, it was surprisingly sexy and I went from fully erect to leaking pre-cum at the touch. I have to admit to naivety, I didn't have any idea why he would want me naked. I wasn't expecting him to reciprocate anything I did. When I had his briefs off he spread his legs so I could kneel between them, the closer I got to his cock and balls the more I enjoyed the smell. The scent was intoxicating unlike anything I had ever smelled. I forced my face down and ran my nose over his balls into his pubic bush inhaling deeply.

I was scared. What was I supposed to do? I had offered a blow job but I really didn't know what that meant. Was I supposed to blow air on his cock? There must be something that innately tells a gay boy what he wants, as I filled up on his scent I reached out with my tongue and touched his cock. It was my first taste of sex, I thought a cock would have a "dirty" taste so when I tasted the flesh I was pleased to know there was nothing "dirty" about what I was about to do.

I'd love to be able to describe his cock and balls for you, I'd say he was about six inches long and thicker around than the top of a beer bottle. He was furry above his cock and on his ping-pong sized balls. I wanted to take his balls in my mouth before I sucked his cock but there was too much hair for me so I settled on licking at them and picking hair out of my mouth before I took his cock in my hand and held it up straight. Any reluctance I had once I had him naked had retreated and I ran my tongue around the head of his cut cock. Like me he was leaking pre-cum but much more.

His pre-cum had one taste, sweet! I loved it and dove for the rest of his cock. That first try at taking his cock into my mouth had me gagging and my eyes watering. I pulled away and sat up.

I was as hairless as he was furry. I was still gagging when Dave began playing with one nipple. I hadn't known that I was directly wired from nipple to cock until then, my cock bounced up and down as Dave rubbed then pinched my nipple. I thought I was going to come while he twisted them both. As soon as I stopped gagging I bent over again pulling my nipples out of his hands and slowly took his cock into my mouth. He had to warn me twice to watch my teeth. I was learning that my lips and tongue were what were giving him pleasure, he was moaning and groaning as I took more and more of him in my mouth.

His cock hit the back of my throat and he held me there. I wanted to gag but I loved the feel of his tube in my mouth and wouldn't leave go long enough to even cough once let alone gag. I squeezed at his cock with my lips and tried to suck at him. His cock began to swell and throb, from all the times I had jacked off I knew he was getting close to shooting a load of cum. I tried to pull back but he was holding me fairly firmly and I was only able to pull back an inch or two, moments later I felt the hot cum landing on my tongue and hitting my throat. At first I didn't know what to do, was I supposed to swallow or spit it out?

Dave was not letting me pull off his cock. I let the cum slide towards my lips and washed his cock in it. As I washed his cock in cum I was getting used to the taste and honestly can say that I wanted more. As soon as I admitted that to myself I swallowed his cinnamon flavored cum then tried sucking him more, I was able to move my head a couple inches. He was still holding my head in his crotch when his two suite mates rushed into the room, Ruby Tuesday blaring into the room when the door opened.

Letting Dave know that I was wiling to suck his cock had been an act of bravery on my part that I wasn't ready to repeat for anyone else, but Frank and Fred could see what was happening. Both of the guys were taller and stronger than Dave and I, Fred was about six feet eight (college basketball player) Dave was about six feet three. They were both super friendly guys and unlike my roommates good guys. I was struggling with Dave to get loose, it was extremely uncomfortable having my naked ass exposed to the guys, not that I expected them to take advantage of me but just normal conditioning. I couldn't believe Dave was holding my mouth on his cock while they looked at us.

"Dave, why didn't you let us know you had a faggot that was willing to suck your cock. We had blue balls half of the first semester, someone always wanted into the bathroom." I guess I wasn't the only one jacking off in the shower. I turned my eyes to look towards the voice only to see Fred stripping out of his basketball shorts. I had seen lots of cocks in gym class in High School and after track meets but Fred had a longer cock than any I had seen. He easily hung out and over his sac that had to be four inches long with egg sized balls. What I saw made me gulp, a movement that allowed Dave's cock to slip deeper into my throat bringing all my attention back to sucking out more cum, making me forget about the two guys that were watching.

"You two can have his mouth, I like fucking assholes." I wasn't surprised at all that Frank wanted to fuck. There had been times when he had bragged to my roommates about what he was able to get the girls he dated to do. While I had dreamed about sucking Dave's cock a few times I had never dreamed about getting fucked since the times I had been on the road with my co-worker, the idea was frightening. Would he tear up my insides? I tried to see him only to get a look at his butt as he pulled off a pair of white boxers. If I looked that good I could understand why he wanted to fuck me.

"Dave slide down the bed a little so I can get at Tommy's ass." There was no doubt about what Frank was going to do to me. I think my asshole clenched as tight as possible against the thought of being invaded.

"Frank, be careful. He was a virgin up until twenty minutes ago." I was glad that Dave was looking out for me but it would have been better if he had told him not to fuck me. Frank had taken hold of my butt and pulled me back far enough that he felt like he was going to be able to do what he wanted. I couldn't remember anyone ever grabbing my butt, sure I had a few atta boy slaps playing sports and a possible grope or two but not a maintained grasp pulling me into a different position. I wanted to fight against Frank but I was still enjoying the first cock I had ever sucked so my concentration was split.

Frank let go. I didn't know what was happening but I felt the bed shaking as Fred lay down next to Dave. "Share his mouth, Dave."

Fred didn't wait for Dave to let go. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me towards him. Dave released me and the huge cock that I had seen earlier was only inches away. Fred was even more domineering than Dave had been and told me to suck him while still pulling my head his way. I wasn't sure I wanted a second cock in my mouth. Just as I was about to refuse to suck Fred's cock I felt Frank run a finger over my asshole with some lotion. That was the first time that anyone had touched me there. I had been healthy for all of my seventeen years so since being diapered as a toddler, there had never been any need to have my asshole looked at or touched even for sports physicals.

Frank knew what he was doing, after running his finger over my asshole a couple times he gently pushed the finger in up to the first knuckle. The pain surprised me so much that I went to scream, Fred took advantage of my mouth opening and pushed his cock in a few inches. I guess with the pain and surprise he was fortunate that I didn't bite down on his cock. Watching me suck on Dave and seeing his roommate fingering my asshole had his cock more than just leaking pre-cum, he was pumping out enough to cover his entire eleven inches. Fred may never have had a blow job either, he was too anxious and wanted to push his entire cock down my throat.

I started gagging furiously. Frank pulled me back further and thankfully Fred lifted my head. Frank ran a second finger into me while I didn't have the cock in my mouth, calling me all sorts of foul names, he repeated faggot at least ten times. As soon as I had stopped gagging Fred slipped his cock through my lips, this time allowing me to take as much as I could suck. I was starting to enjoy the fingers in my asshole by the time Frank pulled them out.

I was doing my best to suck Fred's cock and play with Dave's balls when I felt the heat from the head of Frank's cock touched to my asshole. Instinctively I tried to pull away but Frank grabbed me and told me to stay still. I had never been told to do this and that so much since I had left my family home three years earlier. As Frank pushed his cock into me I started crying. I sucked the cock in my mouth like it was a pacifier and tried pushing back on the cock in my rear as told, but it was all too much.

Fred didn't last nearly as long as Dave had before shooting a load of cum that was at least twice as large, nearly drowning me. I tried not to swallow but he held his cock in my mouth and made it impossible to spit out his cum. I still had some of Fred's cum in my mouth when Dave pushed his cock back in. Frank was pounding away at my ass, it had gone from painful to feeling so good I didn't want him to ever stop. Dave fit in my mouth much better, after trying to suck Fred's longer cock I was easily able to take all of Dave in my mouth, with Frank still pounding at my ass I didn't need to do anything but try to suck.

I swear I felt the hot cum filling my ass. Frank pulled out as soon as he came. Seconds later Fred was behind me and pressing his larger cock into me. I wanted to yell at him to stop and not fuck me but Dave was enjoying the feel of my mouth and wouldn't allow me off long enough to say anything.

"That was a nice piece of ass, you should give it a try." Frank had returned from the rest room after washing the lotion and me from his cock. He had sat down next to Dave, I was able to reach over and first play with his balls and then stroke his cock. Dave saw his cock getting hard again.

"Maybe you want to take a turn in Tommy's mouth?" I was happy with the cock that was already in my mouth and didn't really to suck the third cock of the day. I tried to create a suction that wouldn't allow him to pull out but when Fred pulled back and I slid up his shaft until only the head was in my mouth he pushed me off. They didn't take long to switch places, I had been afraid that Frank would try pushing his cock down my throat but he lay back and let Fred's pounding do the work.

"If he was really a virgin when he took your cock for the first time he has learned well. Have you tried sucking his cock?"/

"Fuck you, Frank, I'm no cocksucker."

"No? You seemed to enjoy having a guy suck you. Give it a try, he's still hard." I hadn't even noticed that I was still erect. Usually shooting one time was all I managed, being with two other guys must have been thrilling me unconsciously as well as consciously. Frank kept trying to get Dave to suck me. After a few minutes he reached under me and stroked my cock a few times and then told Frank he wasn't going to suck me.

"Why did you guys come over here?" Dave was used to being left alone most evenings so the intrusion by his suite mates must have meant something.

"We all got invitations to Fraternity parties, tonight. We were bringing yours over to discuss which to go to first." Frank was one of those students you knew was going to pledge a fraternity. Dave was one that I thought might if any of them were interested in soccer. Fred just liked to party with the rest of the basketball team so if asked he would join. I had gone to some of the open houses but being as anti-social as I am I hadn't met any one I wanted to talk with let alone spend the next three years around.

Teasing Dave had Frank aroused enough that it only took him a few minutes to start shooting cum on my tongue. I didn't enjoy the taste as much as I had Dave's but I swallowed most of it, the rest landing on my cheeks and chin. As Frank pulled away Fred knocked me flat, I had managed to stay on my knees and elbows until then but laid out on the mattress Fred sped up and shot his second load in me.

"We're going to go to the parties."

"Don't wait for me, I'm going to give his ass another fucking."

I guess you could call what happened that evening a lot of things, rape (Maybe), a gang bang? ( Are three a gang?) Fun between friends? (Only Dave and I remained friends) An introduction to myself? Definitely, while I never had sex with Fred or Frank again I did suck Dave's cock a few times, mostly when he came back from a party drunk and horny. It was a year and a half later before I had my own cock sucked, I had met the guy over the summer but it was New Year's Eve before I was brave enough to ask him to the apartment I was sharing.

That first night he sucked my cock like I was never going to allow him to do it again. He taught me what I had been missing. I wish I had known more about what he enjoyed, we might have stayed together. To this day he was the best cocksucker I ever met, I think part of it was due to the exercises he did for his music classes. I never asked him to fuck me, to this day I wished I had. The night we broke up he showed me what it feels like to get your asshole rimmed,. That should have been enough to keep us together but it wasn't, I have to blame my own bigotry and his curly, black hairs on the sink.

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