Anatomy Class

By Peterbilt / Devon Campbell

Published on Oct 9, 2018



This is a fictional story about a high school student who convinces a very muscular senior to serve as his model for an assignment in anatomy class, in exchange for a blowjob. All legal disclaimers apply. If this topic offends you, do not read any further; and ask yourself why you are at this site. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) and too young to be reading such material or if you are in a locale or country where it is not legal to read such material then please leave immediately and come back when it is legal for you to do so. We'll be glad to have you back.

If you meet the criteria then read on, enjoy, and kindly let me know what you think. On the sites that provide for you to rate the stories or leave comments, I value your thoughts and opinion; I would also like to hear from you personally. Personal stories and accounts of your own similar experiences are always welcome. Contact me at

**104 - Anatomy Class

Anatomy Class

I approached Brian Colson with some trepidation. Brian was intimidating. He didn't intend to be but it was pretty hard not to be intimidated in the presence of the big athlete. He was a mountain of muscle on the move. It took a lot of nerve for me to approach him. He was not only a senior, and I was a sophomore, he was a super jock, about the most popular guy in school and definitely the best looking and by far the best built. I hoped he didn't wave me off.

"Brian, could I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, approaching him at his locker. He looked around but didn't say anything. "I would like to enlist your help with a class project." I was so nervous I didn't know how I managed to get it out.

"What kind of class project?"

"Health class. Human anatomy. There are four assignments we get to choose from; skeletal, circulatory, nervous system and muscles of the body. I chose muscles of the body. I wonder if you would be my model for the project."

"You want me to model my body? Do I look like a model?" He wasn't rude but he sounded a little irritated.

" do. You've got muscles where other guys don't know they're even supposed to have muscles. You would make a perfect model with your great definition. I mean, all of your muscles stand out."

"You're not talking full body," he said.

"Well, not nude. I don't think we could get by with that. But down to a pair of shorts. You could wear a swim suit, or your gym shorts. Everybody's seen you in your gym shorts."

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

"When you're thinking, remember Please, Please, Please ringing in your ears. I'll even give you a blowjob if you'll do it," I added jokingly, although in truth, I wasn't joking.

He laughed. "Man, you are desperate."

"I really need this grade. I'm a borderline F. Which means I have to get an A on this assignment. I'm sure I could ace it with your help."

He laughed. "Okay, fuck, I'll do it. Do you KNOW all the muscles of the body?"

"Yes. But being able to just name them isn't going to get me an A. Naming them and identifying them, live, as you demonstrate each muscle or muscle group, I think will ace it for me."

"So what do I have to do except embarrass myself in front of your entire class?"

"There's no reason for you to be embarrassed. You've got a terrific body and everybody knows it," I said.

"Everybody knowing it and me showing it off are two different things."

"You show it off every day of your life, just walking down the halls," I said.

"No, that's just walking down the halls."

"Well, it's pretty hard not to notice the way you're put together," I said.

"I said I would do it. Now what?" Brian asked.

"We'll have to practice the demonstration."

"I don't need to practice taking off my clothes," he said. "Besides, I'm not going to take them off in front of the class. I'll wear a robe or something."

"That's fine. By practice, I meant I would point out each muscle and explain its function as you demonstrate by flexing."

"Sort of a show and tell," he said.

"Yes, except instead of show and tell, it'll be point and flex," I said.

"Okay, if it doesn't take up too much time," Brian said.

"I know the muscles. I just need to practice the visuals, then there's the class."

"Okay, when do you wanta practice?" Brian asked.

"You name it. I thought the best place would be in the locker room; where you're used to taking off your clothes."

"After school, then. I'll just be finishing working out, my muscles will be pumped."

"Will there be others around?" I asked.

"It's Friday, people are anxious to get a head start on the weekend," Brian said.

I was so excited and nervous as I made my way down to the weight room which was just off from the locker room. Just the thought of being alone with the big stud in the locker room made me break out in a sweat. I prayed I would be able to maintain my composure. I sure as hell didn't want to expose my little secret. Well, I did with him, but I was afraid to. Two guys passed by me going out and then the locker room was empty, hopefully, except for Brian. I head the showers running. I went back to check. Brian was in the shower by himself.

"Be out in a minute," he called out. He came into the locker room a few minutes later, drying off. "Figured you didn't wanta get close to me after working out," he said.

If he only knew. I would crawl between his legs and lick the sweat off his balls. He got a jockstrap from a hook in his locker and slipped it on. He nearly took my breath away just putting it on. Not just his incredibly muscled body but the way the pouch of his jockstrap bulged so heavily with his manhood. Then he slipped on his PE shorts and stood waiting.

"This okay for the demo?" he asked.

"Y-yes, that...that's fine," I stammered.

"So what do I do, just stand here?"

"Yes, but you'll have to turn around as I name the muscles in front and side and back. I'll just tap you lightly when it's time to turn."

"Okay." He moved away from his locker and stood in the middle of one of the wrestling mats spread on the floor.

I was almost shaking. I'd seen the big stud naked before but this was the first time I'd ever been alone with him like this. To make matters worse, I'd heard one of the last jocks leaving tell Brian that he would lock the door on the way out so nobody would bother him. I grabbed my notebook and pencil to use as a pointer. I hoped as I got into it I would overcome my nervousness but my hand holding the pencil was shaking. I hoped I didn't get this nervous in class; I would make a total ass of myself. My hand was also shaking turning the pages of my notebook where all the muscles were listed. I broke out in a sweat and felt butterflies in my stomach. I suddenly lost it.

"Look, I can't do this," I blurted.

He blinked, with a what-the-fuck look. "Why? What's wrong all of a sudden?"

"It's just not a good idea."

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked with a confused look

"No! You're fine. It's me, I......"

"Are you okay? You're sweating. And you look sorta funny. Maybe you need some cold water on your face. Come on over to the sink."

"No, I'm fine, I.....I just need some fresh air. We'll just call this off and I apologize for wasting your time."

"What about your assignment?"

"I'll pick something else.....the nervous system," I said, and I picked up my notebook and pen to leave.

Suddenly he was standing squarely in front of me, like a brick wall.

"I don't know what happened all of a sudden, but something's screwy here," he said. "You asked me to be your model, I said okay, I'm standing here ready and all of sudden you go whacko on me. So you're not leaving till I find out what's going on. If it's me......"

"No, it's not you!" I said loudly. "Well, it is, but....look, just let it go."

"No, dammit! First you say it's not me, then it is me. So which is it? And why? What the hell did I do to get you so unnerved?"

I let out a sigh as I dropped my notepad on the bench.

"Alright, I owe you an explanation. It's not you; it's me. Except it's you that's making me this way."

"That was clear as a pile of cow shit," he drawled.

"It's you because you're so fuckin hot!" I blurted, practically yelling. "And I'm gay!" I added in a quiet tone.

"You'" he asked, obviously surprised.

"I promised you a blowjob," I reminded him.

"Hell, I wasn't holding you to that; I thought you were....joking," he said, laughing nervously. "You..... you really are gay?"

"Please, I don't want anybody to know," I said.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything. But I would, uh......"

"You what?" I asked.

"I'd like to go back to Plan A and finish practicing your assignment. It's kind of flattering to be asked to show off my muscles, and, well.....if the blowjob is still on the table......." He let it go with a smile and a shrug.

"It was never really on the table; just in my head because I didn't really think you would.....but if you......"

"Only if you want to," he cut in.

"If I want to?" I scoffed. Shit, didn't I just tell him I'm gay!

The moment's hesitation that followed killed it.

"Okay, I was out of line, "Brian said. "I had no right to say those things to you. I'll get dressed and leave," he said as he was shucking his PE shorts and tossing them in his locker.

He had his thumbs hooked in the waistband of his jockstrap when I stopped him.

"Wait! Don't. Don't take it off," I said. He stood there looking at me. "You ask me if I want to? Geezuss, Brian, you have no idea! Let me clue you in. You are the stuff dreams are made of. You've all but got STUD tattooed on your forehead. Every girl in school wants to be with you. Every guy in school wants to BE you. I've heard guys say, I wonder what it's like to live in a body like that."

He looked bewildered. "It's the only body I've got; only one I ever had. I can't trade it in," he said with a shrug.

"Do I want to?" I went on. "Godd, I've wanted to since the first time I saw you in your football uniform, back when I was in sixth grade and you were a freshman. The only reason I went to football games was because you were playing. I didn't care about the plays or the score; I just wanted to see you out there on the field. Then when I got in high school and you were a junior.....Fuck, I couldn't believe how big you got. When I saw you at practice in your pads and jersey and football shorts I about died. Then in PE class.....I didn't know freshmen and sophomores would be in PE class with juniors and seniors, and that first class, when it was time to shower I thought, Oh God, I'm going to see him naked. I was so nervous I almost threw up; I was afraid I would get a hardon."

"Geez, Scott, I'm sorry I put you through that. I had no idea," he said with true earnest.

"I know, you were clueless. You still are."

"I don't know what else to be, but clueless," he said, laughing. "I guess it goes with being a dumb jock."

I'd said all that needed to be said. The opportunity of my lifetime was before was now or never. I sucked up my courage with a deep breath and went over to him; close enough that I could feel his body heat and smell his cleanness.

"You ask if I want to....I want to more than anything in the world," I said as I bravely reached down and cupped his jockstrap.

"Okay," he said in a choked voice.

Okay! Godd, I had his manhood in my hand and he said okay!

The pouch was so heavy; I wondered what he had packed in there. I mauled it gently for a moment and felt it coming to life. He'd said okay!! I shoved my hand down inside to get a handful of his man meat.

"Geezusss, do you need a permit for this?"

He laughed. "They don't know I've got it," he joked.

I went to my knees. I had no choice; they were giving out. Besides, it was where I belonged in the presence of this magnificent stud. When I leaned in to press my face against the warm pouch, Brian put his hand on my head and smashed his manhood harder in my face. I mouthed the pouch, chewing on it gently, till the material was soaked with my spit. Then I tugged it aside to free his cock and balls. His cock fell out, meaty and heavy and swung against my face.

"Well, hello there," I murmured, causing Brian to laugh. I held it in my hand and kissed it all over while it grew longer and harder and I wondered how big it would get, till it was standing straight out. I knelt back to admire it and stroked it gently, drawing back the sheath, pulling the collar back from the wide rim of the head. He was oozing precum and I quickly licked it up. "Don't wanta waste it," I said.

"Are you gonna suck it?" he asked.

"Has a goat got an ass?" I leaned in and took about half of his cock in my mouth; all I could handle as the head pressed against my throat.

"Awwww, fuck," he moaned softly and put both hands around my head and I began sucking him.

I sucked him with a reverence. In my mind I was worshipping his body, as he deserved. I wondered if anyone else had ever been where I was. Very soon, his legs were trembling and he eased me off of his cock.

"You've got my legs shaking; I need to sit down," he said.

"Why don't you stretch out on the bench," I said.

He moved over to the bench, straddled it and lay back, his cock standing at a sharp angle way up over his stomach. I was impressed that it extended well up over his navel, a good nine inches in length. I straddled the bench between his legs and wrapped my hand around his cock, pulling it straight up.

"You done this before?" he asked.


"Me either," he said.

"No kidding! I'm surprised."

"I'm glad you're my first, and I'm your first. We're losing our virginity together," he said.

I already had his cock in my mouth and I only murmured agreement. He laid his hand on the back of my head again and guided me gently up and down on his cock. I didn't need the help but I liked his big hand on my head.

At one point he asked, "Do you think we might do this again sometime?"

I rose up to answer him. "Are you kidding?" I asked as I stroked his slick cock. "Let's just say you've just taken out a lease on my mouth."

"You're funny," he said, laughing and I laid one hand up on his stomach to feel his hard abs dancing.

Sucking his cock was pure bliss, made more so by feeling his hard, hairy thighs and running my hands up his sides, and across his chest.

"You like my muscles, don't you?" he said.

I nodded and murmured around his cock. I found his nipples and tweaked them with my thumbs.

"UUUhhnnnnnn!" he moaned loudly and clasped his hands over mine.

"I like your tits, too," I said.

"Fuck, I didn't know I had feelings there."

"I'll bet you've got feelings a lot of places you don't know about."

"Are you gonna show me?"

I was already kissing my way down his balls. I pushed them up out of the way to kiss lower, dragging my tongue along the crack of his ass.

"Oh, shit, where're you going with this?"

"I'm showing you where you've got feelings," I said.

He brought his legs up, spread high and wide, to innocently offer his butt to me. I hunkered down and pulled his butt apart to get to his asshole. I was surprised at what I was doing but I couldn't help myself. He was the reason I'd turned into a butt man. I had admired his butt from afar, as did everybody else in school, I just didn't know why. And now I had it in my hands and I had to take advantage of that. I licked up and down his asscrack, wetting the hairs there. He liked it and he reached down to pull his butt wider apart. He had figured out where I was going and he was going to help me get there. I licked his ass and tongued his puckered hole. It was delightful the way it clenched, like it was winking at me, inviting me in. I didn't know if it was a natural reaction but it looked like he was pushing it out. When he did that, I shoved the tip of my tongue in the pucker and the ring closed around it. He pushed out again and I shoved my tongue deeper.

"Awwwh, fuck, man, you're gonna eat my ass?"

"Keep pushing out like that," I murmured and drove my tongue deeper. Before I had a chance he dug his fingers in close to his hole and stretched it wide open. I could see the pinkish lining inside, clenching and palpitating, as if begging for more attention. I gave it. I clamped my mouth around his hole and drove my stiffened tongue deep inside his, and those palpitating muscles drew me in.

"AAaaahhhh, Godd, Yesss! Do it! Fuckin' eat my ass!" he cried out.

Novice that I was, I still recognized what gave him pleasure. I didn't know he had these kinds of feelings in his ass either but I was determined, now, to explore them. If my tongue felt that good, what about my thumb? I began massaging his asshole with my thumb and he moaned his pleasure. His asshole was opening up and using my spit for lube, I eased my thumb inside him. He liked it enough that he pushed back on it but my thumb didn't reach very far and I decided to use my middle finger. He liked that even better, and I liked exploring the inside of his ass, so soft and satiny and alive. I had not intended to take this path but it was reaping rewards I hadn't imagined. I felt something not too far in; something alive and moving. Palpitating, almost dancing. I felt it again and Brian cried out.

I eased away from it, thinking I'd hurt him but he grabbed hold of my wrist to keep my hand there, with a murmured, "You can keep doing that."

I explored further, felt its size, about the size of a walnut, and in that moment I realized what I'd found.....his prostate! I didn't know all that much about the organ, only that men had it and women didn't, and now, that it was very obviously something very special. Touching it was driving Brian a little crazy. I gave it more special attention; massaging it gently. He locked his mouth over his forearm to stifle his outcries.

"Geezuss, man, what'd you find in there!" he exclaimed. Then, "Get back on my cock and suck it while you're doing that!"

I was glad to oblige, convinced that I'd found a critical point of his sexuality.

"Awwh, fuck that feels so good!" he groaned. "Don't stop. You're gonna make me cum.....don't fuckin' stop!"

I wanted it to last but I didn't stop. If I had, hard telling what he would've done to me. His asshole told me he was about to cum; it suddenly tightened around my finger, then loosened, then sort of fluttered and his prostate went crazy, like a Mexican jumping bean. The next instant he was cumming, hard spurts of huge ropes of thick cum splattering against my throat, covering my tongue, and very quickly I had a mouthful of cock and cum. Which faced me with a new dilemma; what was I going to do with a mouthful of cum. I had not thought this far ahead in my fantasies. In my fantasies about him, Brian jacked off and shot his load on my face. The decision was suddenly a no brainer. I would swallow it. I had to. I sure as hell couldn't spit it out. That would be the ultimate insult, and it would probably piss him off.

Brian saw my dilemma and told me, "You don't have to swallow it."

But I did have to and I clasped his hands around his hard, tight butt to hold him in place and keep his cock swimming in his own man juice while I worked up my courage. Then I started swallowing.

"Aww, fuck, you're doing it!"

Yeah, I was doing it, like a good soldier. It took several gulps to get it all down then I milked his cock with my pursed lips before I let it fall free.

"Fuck, man, you didn't have to do that," Brian said.

"Yeah, I did."

"I'm glad you did; it was hot as hell," he said.

We took a moment to recuperate.

"Do I still have that lease on your mouth?" he asked.

"It's a lifetime lease," I said.

"Well, we'd better get back to practicing for your assignment."

The day of his assignment, I waited for Mr. Langley to call on me. I was nervous at first but after the first two assignments, I was more confident. The other presentations were pitiful.

"Scott, I believe you are going to identify and explain the muscles of the human body," he said.

I got up and went to the front of the class.

"Well, it has to be broken down more than just the human body. We all know that males and females are put together differently. Example, females have breasts, males have pectoral muscles. And we know the other differences that I won't go into right now. Also, although females have most of the same muscles as a male, for the most part females are smoother in body tone and generally lack the definition of most healthy males. For that reason, I have chosen the male body. Also, because I am a male, and therefore, and sadly, I am more familiar with the male body than I am the female body."

That got me a laugh and loosened my own tension.

"I have enlisted the help of one of our athletes as a live model. You all know and would you welcome Brian Colson.

On his cue, Brian entered the room wearing a dark blue, satin robe, belted around his waist. It struck him just below the knees, and he was barefoot.

"Wait! Wait! He's not......" Mr. Langley began.

"No, he's not naked under the robe," I assured the teacher. "I hope," I added under his breath. That got me more laughter, but it embarrassed Brian a little.

I began my dissertation with an overview, and at a certain point Brian loosened the belt on the robe. You could almost feel the anticipation. I was a little breathless myself wondering for the first time what he would be wearing under the robe. I assumed his PE shorts, but we had not had any final discussion about it. He opened it and shrugged it off his powerful shoulders. There were some soft gasps in the room. I hoped I was able to hide my own surprise, for Brian had not worn his gym shorts! Instead, he had on a pair of white briefs. By brief....they were about two inches wide at the hips, the waistband dipped in front from the weight of his manhood, and the pouch bulged and strained under it. He was tantamount to being naked; only better. I was afraid to look around at Mr. Langley; instead I waited for him to say something. He didn't get the chance.

"For the record, this is a professional posing suit I'm wearing," Brian explained as he handed the robe to Tammy Ballard, sitting in the front row. "Would you hold this for me, please," he said.

"Of course," she cooed. Her eyes never lifted from the direct gaze at the bulging briefs.

I still waited a moment for Mr. Langley; by his expression, he was not pleased. When he didn't say anything, I spoke up.

"If it appears that I've pushed the envelope, this is a demonstration of the muscles of the human male. All that you see are those muscles, and the garment the model is wearing is no more or less than you might see on a public beach." In that moment I noticed the hair showing above the waistband of the suit.

When Mr. Langley still didn't say anything, I went over and picked up the pointer that was on the teacher's desk.

"We'll start at the bottom and work our way up," I began.

"Yes, lets," someone said quietly, causing soft laughter around the room.

"I will only point out the major muscles that are well known and easily visible on the model. Starting at the lower limbs, we have the tibias anterior and gastrocnemius which make up the calf muscles." As I spoke I put my hand on Brian's hip to turn around and show the class from all angles. Brian turned and flexed his calves.

"While he's in this position, up from the calf are the semitendinosus, gracias, the abductor magnus and semimembranosus, all of which make up what we know as the hamstrings." I trailed the pointer up the back of Brian's leg. "And, back around front, the quadriceps."

Brian turned and flexed his thigh muscles, his left then his right leg.




Brian had massive, impressive thighs, and I lingered for a moment to let the class admire them. Moving up, I went from his thighs up to his neck. Then the traps, shoulders, biceps, triceps and forearms, using the textbook names of each muscle or set of muscles, and lingering to let everyone ogle the athlete's muscles as he flexed them. Next, the lats and muscles of the back, saving the front till last. I noticed that Mr. Langley had moved from the side of the room where he leaned back against the windows, to the back of the room where he stood with his arms folded. He looked like he was ready to pounce.

I turned Brian around to face the class again.

"These are the pectoral muscles," I said as I trailed the pointer lightly over the big athlete's chest and he flexed them for me. I noticed he flinched when I touched his nipple. I went on. "Down here are the abdominals, separated into the upper abs, middle abs and the lower abs, together, commonly called the six pack. Most guys never develop the lower abs but as you can see, Brian has outdone himself with an eight pack." I let the pointer linger right above the waistband of Brian's shorts as I spoke, again noting the hair sticking out.

"And that's my presentation. I would like to thank Brian for his help."

Before the applause, a feminine voice said, "I would like to see a bit more of the lower abs."

Everyone laughed.

"I want to see the gluteus maximus. It is a muscle, after all," another girl said.

"Well, yes it is, but...." I looked to the back of the room. "She's right, Mr. Langley, the butt is one of the most powerful muscles in the male body."

"We've come this far so what the hell," Mr. Langly said. "That would be up to Brian."

I looked at Brian, a little surprised that he was nonplussed.

"Okay, as long as I won't get in trouble," he said and with that he turned and pulled down the back of his briefs and tightened and flexed his butt muscles several times.

"Holy Shit!" someone gasped. It was a male voice that blurted it out. Brian gave it an extra twist by clinching one side then the other, making his butt bounce.

"Oh, My Godd!" That was a female voice.

"Can we touch!" exclaimed another.

"How about the front, now," someone said.

"Uhh....sorry, that's not a muscle," I said.

"What do you mean it's not a muscle? You mean I've been wasting my time, exercising it all the time?"

The class roared with laughter.

"If it's not a muscle, what is it then? It flexes under the right circumstances," one boy said.

"I think,'s gristle," I said.

"Yeah, especially the end of it."

"And that is the end of Scott's presentation," Mr. Langley announced firmly as he came up to the front of the class. "Thank you, Scott, and thank you, Brian, for participating. And, I'm afraid we don't have time for another presentation."

"We don't NEED another presentation, after that one," someone said.

Just then the bell rang and Tammy stood up and held the robe for Brian. As he slipped into it she patted his ass.

I went with Brian down to the locker room.

"That was awesome, man! I think I aced it," I was saying excitedly.

"It got close to embarrassing," Brian said. "I'm surprised Mr. Langley let it go on as long as he did."

"I was too, but you handled it like a pro. You were great. Thanks. I owe you."

" do," Brian said. "But then you're already paid in full, with that lease. But I was being gay and you fuck?" he asked with a grin.

"I never have but I could be convinced," I replied.

"What would it take to convince you?" he asked with his killer grin.

"That smile alone is pretty convincing. Add that incredible body and you've got yourself a piece of ass, as well as blowjobs for life."

"Well then, I guess we get to lose our virginity all over again."

At Brian's gentle urging we arranged what he called a fuck date. He wanted to do it in the locker room during school hours. He said that's how he'd pictured it from the moment we talked. It made sense; the locker room was his natural habitat. But during school hours would be risky. Still, it sounded exciting as hell and I agreed and came up with a plan to make it happen. I was so excited about it that I would've let him fuck me in the middle of the gym floor with the entire school watching, and probably cheering us on.

I was proud that Brian was seen at my locker.

"Can't wait," he said under his breath. I had to laugh. "Fuck, man, I'm so excited and nervous, I hope I don't lose my hardon," he said jokingly.

"No chance," I said.

"Today, then?" he asked.

"Today, during study hall," I said.

There was one little detail that needed to be attended to. I went to the drug store on my lunch hour and bought a Fleet, along with a small bottle of lube.

Brian had a permanent pass out of study hall to go to the gym and work out as long as he did his assignments and kept his grades up. He didn't even both going to study hall to report in. I got a pass out to work on the school yearbook. I was on the committee so I wasn't questioned. I just hope nobody checked on me.

My legs were shaking as I made my way down to the boy's locker rom. I let myself in. Brian was in the back lifting weights. I went back to get him.

"Here or the locker room," I asked.

"Here's fine. We've got our pick of machines," he said, laughing.

I started taking off my clothes. So did Brian, only he didn't have much to take off. My eyes were glued as he shoved his PE shorts down. He kicked them off and I saw that he was wearing his lace up jockstrap. He had the only lace-up jockstrap in school and it was sexy as hell. It had character. It was so sexy the way he untied the laces and loosened them and the garment parted and fell off his hips, letting his cock and balls fall free.

"I'm kinda nervous; how about you?" he said, tugging on his cock. It wasn't like he was trying to get it hard; it was more like he was giving it his usual greeting, letting it know how proud he was. And with good reason. The thing hung out in a slight arch over his hefty balls, thick and meaty, easily six inches or so. He was cut but still with a generous collar that hugged the gristled rim. The head was wide, slightly flat, and blunt. It had a serious look about it; like a strong, proud sentry ready to be called to action. He moved one of the benches aside.

"How do you want me?" I asked when I was down to my shorts.

"Naked," he replied.

"I know that. Which machine?" I asked.

"This is one I've imagined," he said as he sat on one of the benches and laid back against the barbell with his arms stretched out over the steel bar. His big cock lolled out over his balls, twitching and pulsating.

I straddled the end of the bench and lay forward, nuzzling my face in his crotch. I bypassed his cock and went for his balls. His balls were so big and impressive, and sort of smooth, I loved spending time with them. And I would eventually get to his ass. His cock slowly lifted and swung up over his lower abs, now throbbing. It stood up, proud and even angry that it was being ignored. Brian pressed his hand on my head and I sucked his balls harder.

"Awww, fuck yeah......suck those big babies," he moaned, but his hand guided my head when I lifted his wet balls up out of the way and went for his ass. "Fuck, man, you know how to drive a guy nuts."

After a while I reared back and told him, "Stand up and turn around; lean over the barbell."

He took the position, and knowing what I wanted, he pulled the twin mounds of smooth muscle apart for me. I gave the wide crack a few licks before I zeroed in on the clenching hole. I flicked it a few times then gave it some serious attention. I buried my face in his ass. Godd, I loved rimming his awesome ass! I wanted to take it further, using my finger, but I refrained. He wanted to fuck and I didn't want to take the chance of getting him off and spoiling that for him. I did him as long as I thought I dared then I straightened and asked him if he was ready.

"You ready to fuck me?" I asked.

He shoved himself up and stepped aside from the bench. His big cock swung around like a battering ram, causing me some misgivings.

"How do you want me?" I asked.

"Lay back on the bench." I did and he took hold of my ankles to lift my legs up. "Hook your feet under the barbell," he said.

I did as he said; bent in half, making myself ultra-vulnerable for the onslaught that was to come.

"The lube is somewhere," I said, trying to look around for it.

He found it on the floor and uncapped it. He squeezed some into the crack of my ass then pulled my hole open to let it run inside. There was a look of begging/longing in his dark eyes.

"This is going to be so awesome," he said.

"That's one word for it," I said.

"What word would you use?"

"Frightening?" I said, laughing.

"I know I'm big, but you let me put you in the position you're in, so I figure if it hurts some, well it was meant to."

"Your simplified logic isn't very comforting," I said.

"You wanta change your mind?" he asked.


"Good, `cause I wasn't going to let you," he said.

"You would rape me?" I joked.

"It ain't rape when you're curled up on the bench like a pretzel and your asshole is winking at me," he said.

My breath came short as he moved up to me astraddle the bench and I braced myself when I felt the broad, blunt head of his cock press against my hole. He pushed and I felt the spongy muscle surrounding my hole give way. He pushed harder and my hole began to give way to the big intruder. He didn't intend it but it felt like a battering ram when he shoved through and slowly buried his cock all the way to his balls.

"Gawwdddd!" I groaned aloud.

"Geezuss, I never felt anything like this in my whole life," he said.

"That goes double for me," I said, my voice wavering, for I was afraid I might pass out. But before that happened I felt the pain begin to subside and the hard throbbing of his huge cock was sending little jolts of pleasure all through me.

"Feels like you ass is kissing all up and down my cock," he said.

"It's trying to push you out."

"No chance," he said. He paused a moment longer then asked, "You ready to be fucked?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Yeah. If you wanta change your mind, just say so and I'll pull out and we'll forget it."

"Don't you dare!"

"Then I take it you're ready to be fucked." He eased back, drawing his cock back though my guts till my asshole locked around the head and held on tight. He smiled and tugged back, pulling and stretching my hole.

"I guess you're gonna get fucked, `cause your asshole won't let go of my cock," he said.

He began fucking me in slow, steady strokes, withdrawing to the head then plowing back in. It was wonderful. So good I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Godd, Brian, I never dreamed it would be like this."

"Me either. And I'm glad you picked me to lose your virginity with." He leaned over me, grasping the barbell for support. "I wonder when it's gone; when my cock penetrated your hole, or when I went all the way in? Or do we have to take it all the way before we're not virgins anymore? Like let my cum wash it away?"

"I don't know and I don't care. Just fuck me," I said.

We were well into it when Brian suddenly stopped cold, his head snapped back and his mouth dropped.

"Coach!" he blurted. Then, "Fuck, I thought you locked the door!" he said to me.

"I thought I did."

"Oh man, I am so busted," he said.

"Looks like he's the one getting busted," Coach said. He moved more to the side and I could see him; his eyes raking over us. "Well, I'll leave you guys to it. Brian, drop by my office when you're done," he said, and with that he left the weight room.

"Do you believe that?" Brian said, "He just walked in on us fucking and he shrugged it off."

"I seriously doubt that's the end of it, though," I said.

"Well, he said he would leave us to it, so do you wanta finish it?" he asked.

"You haven't lost your hardon and that would be a terrible thing to waste," I said.

He picked up the pace. He didn't want to stop but I thought he was a little uneasy about fucking with the Coach there. It took some of the edge off of it for me but I didn't want him to stop either. I had decided that my virginity wouldn't be gone till he shot his load in me and washed it away. Which he did in short order.

He was fucking me with gusto while I reveled in the sight of his muscles bulging and rippling.

"Ohhh....Awwh, fuck.....Ohh.....Unnn....." he groaned as he skewered me. Even his groans were sexy, as was his handsome, screwed up face.

My ass has opened up considerably, making me wonder if it would close up after the pounding he was giving me.

"Oh fuck! Ohhh....Awhhh....I'm gonna cum!"

The next instant I felt spurts of warm cum bathing my insides. I squealed with pleasure as I clasped the balled muscles of his shoulders and raked my fingers down his huge biceps. Brian broke out in a sweat in his face and on his chest and he got so red-faced I feared he might pass out. But he rode it out till he was drained then he collapsed over me without crushing me with his full weight. I loved the weight of his sweaty muscles against me. Finally, when he was recovered, he shook his head, sending droplets of sweat flying, and eased himself up. His cock pulled out of my ass with a soft, wet suctioning sound and suddenly I was empty.

"Fuck, you're wide open," he said, looking down at my gaping hole.

I was so weak he had to pry my feet from under the barbell and lay me out on the bench. I clenched my asshole but I felt his cum draining out of me.

I didn't cum but I didn't have to. It was enough just to watch Brian's magnificent muscles bulging and rippling as he fucked me. I think I might have screamed if he'd made me cum; it was that good.

"I swear, I'll make it up to you," he said as he was catching his breath.

"There's nothing to make up, but remember you do have a lifetime lease," I reminded him.

He pulled me up from the bench and rivulets of cum ran down my legs and there was a big pool of cum on the bench.

"I'll get a towel," he said.

"No," I stopped him, then I leaned over and began lapping the stuff up. He stood gaping at me. "It's too precious to go to waste," I told him.

"You honor and humble me at the same time," he said. "Come on, we both need a shower. I'll tell Coach."

Back in the shower, I wondered what Brian's demeanor would be; I was pleasantly surprised.

"That was fucckin' awesome," he said as we were soaping up.

"It was," I agreed.

"Are you closing up?" he asked.

"Feels like somebody drove a Mack truck up there," I joked.

"I hope I didn't hurt you."

"I'm fine. I hope you are."

"I'm good," he said with some enthusiasm.

Back in the locker room we went to Coach's door with towels around our waists and Brian tapped lightly.

"Can we come in, Coach?" Brian asked.

"Of course," came the reply.

We went in and stood behind the old couch that sat in front of Coach's desk, holding the towels knotted around our waists.

"For the record, Coach, none of this is his fault," Brian said. "I forced him."

"That's a lie!" I cut in quickly.

Coach sat behind his desk, leaned back with his fingers interlocked across his massive chest.

"Well, maybe not forced him, but look at me and look at him; he didn't have much choice, did he?" Brian said.

"I was a willing partner, Coach," I said. "We wanted to lose our virginity together."

"I doubt there was much virginity left for Brian to lose," Coach said.

"With guys," Brian said. He shifted his weight nervously, tugging on the knot at his hip. "So, you're not going to bust me on suspicion of being gay? `Cause I'm not."

Coach chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "I don't give a rat's ass if you are gay; either one of you. Boys have experimented around since the beginning of time, and that's likely all this was. So Brian, go get dressed. Scott, stick around for a moment."

"He's not in trouble, is he?" Brian asked, sounding defensive.

"He's not in trouble. You have my word on that," Coach said.

Satisfied with that, Brian left, closing the door behind him. I stayed standing behind the couch, wondering why I was held back.

"You're not going to turn me in, are you?" I asked.

"No, of course not. Who would I turn you in to? Being gay is not a crime. No, I was wondering if you might want to put your.....uh, talents to good use."

"What do you mean?"

"You like Brian," he said.

"Everybody likes Brian," I said.

"But you like him for a special reason. You like his body....his muscles....his big cock, and how he makes you feel."

"That goes without saying. That goes with being gay," I said.

"There are some other pretty hot athletes in my sports program."

"Yes, I know."

"How would you like to be the team manager, for all the teams?"

"I don't know what a team manger does."

"You would look after the gear, make sure everything is ship-shape in the locker room, order replacement gear, make sure there are clean towels, sort of pick up after the guys and do the laundering of the towels, and there are always some jockstraps and stuff left laying around to toss in. It would mean you would travel with the team." He seemed to let his last words hang out there.

"That's not it? I mean, you're not....saying everything, are you?" I said.

"You're a smart guy; you can figure out the rest."

"Would I be accepted? By the guys, I mean. I'm not going to set myself up for harassment and ridicule."

"I'm sure you would be accepted with open arms. Or open legs, as the case might be. Riding on the bus to another school, you could get the boys pumped up. Riding back after a win, you give them their just rewards; after a loss you could offer them your special brand of consolation."

"I would have to be sure of that first; that I would be accepted. I'm not going to expose myself to any homophobes," I told him.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

"How? Are you going to force our players to have sex with me?"

"No. They can opt out. But anybody gives you any shit, he's off the team."

"That's pretty severe," I said.

"Maybe so but I'll make it very clear," he said sternly.

I thought it over for about a minute; about being the center of attention on a bus load of horny jocks needing to be rewarded or consoled. A bus load of hard cocks needing to be serviced and all of those balls needing to be emptied. It was an offer I couldn't turn down.

"You would have a neat jacket to wear with Team Manager and your name on it," Coach said.

"You just sold me," I said.


"By the way, does that include you, Coach; all the consoling and rewarding?"

"Hey, I feel just as bad as the boys do about losing a game, or winning," he replied.

The End

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