... And Doug!

By Olando Reez

Published on Jun 22, 2023


This is a functional story about the guy from the liberty mutual commercials. I don't know about you, but I found the guy that plays Doug hot. Love his look, scruffy beard and mustache. And there have been a few commercials that got me going he was in.

It's only fiction as he is an actor and I don't know his sexual preference. But Doug can come to my house the sell me anything ..


... And Doug!

I can say one thing as I lay here in bed, about to get slammed again by the sexy insurance guy Doug. We have been going at it for months now, he and I. Me laid out and fucked silly by this sex crazed dude. Over and over again as he drove cock into me. This hot guy with the nice body and great ass and legs I had connected with after a deep search for insurance needs. His thick cock gunning into me at a vicious ferocity as the stud slammed up my guts. It was a heaven I never thought I would reach. Pleasure unlike any guy I had ever been with. And his insatiable lust for sex and almost non stop sexual appetite always leaving me drained and sweating afterwards.

"Fuck me Doug. Fuck me daddy!" I shouted "Crush my guts again. Crush em" "Hmmf fuckk!"

Yes, the best sex I ever had started with this small celebrity. (Well certainly not small), but certainly a celebrity as he was in those advertisements about insurance. Him an the weird animal mascot of the company. And it was Doug, my hot delicious Doug that kept me content with my security and pleasures. And I was so glad I chose to search for insurance as it lead me to this sex God

But let me get to how this all started. Not to get ahead of myself now. I was in the market for new insurance. Car, home etc. My current company had decided to raise my rates considerably. And I had never had an accident. But I took it as a sign that the drivers in my area that had it were just fuck ups. Causing everyone's rates to skyrocket. Something I could not see my self affording.

"Fucks" I huffed to myself

So I began the grueling search for a.new insurance plan. Online and phone call quotes to check which one may be best. Now I had seen the quirky Commercials for the liberty company that was on TV. The obsessive yet hot dude Doug and his side kick the Emu. They were kinda dumb, but I was always caught off by Doug. He was attractive for sure. The furry firearms a tell of what lay under his clothes. And a nice enough looking ass in those slacks he always wore. And I even got a quiet from them. Not the lowest, but seemed like good enough info and coverage. But it was Doug himself that was the selling point. Moreover a particular commercial I saw where he and his buddy the emu were at the beach. Him in a volleyball tournament, selling insurance. But it was the fact that he had on shorts and not pants that sold me. Those shorts showing if his hot thick hairy legs. I almost lost it there. I called back the insurance agent and had her hook me up with the plan. I would be sending a check to them soon enough.

"Tell Doug, thank you!" I said at the end "Huh. What? She asked back "Doug. The guy from your commercials" "It was his. Uhmm.. interesting way of selling his character that sold me on it all"

She thanked me for that. And said she really didn't know the actor. But would let management know.

Meanwhile I went back to that commercial. Finding it online again. Then replaying it for myself. I er and over again. Glancing at the hot man's legs. Seeing if there was good crotch view in any of it. Alas that was not easily seen as he moved around a lot in the video. All I knew was his legs were gorgeous. I literally wanted to lick them. To run my tongue over then, over the hair on them. And wanting to get more of him.

"He sure is a hot fucker" I huffed to myself "Bet he is hot naked too" "Great legs for sure" "And I get he fucks good too"

All these I assumed just from what I was seeing of the man with the scruffy face and light brown hair. Yeah he was very very hot. So hot so that I found myself jerking myself off to the sight of his hot legs alone. Wishing I was between them. Running at them, caressing them, or just running my fingers up and down the man's thick thighs. Doug was giving me such a boner that it set me off.

"Fuck. Doug. Fuckk!" I shouted as I sprayed myself with hot cum all in the hot guys name

Laying there after still starting at the paused image I had left on the monitor of him. Thicks delicious legs stuffed into his shorts.

"Gid.ahwt I wouldn't give to meet that hot man" I finally said to myself...


To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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