Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Oct 27, 2011


Andrew's strength - Chapter 10

That punch hurt. But the words that followed hurt more.

For a few seconds Shane just stared at me and then yelled again, not realizing that there were two more guys in the room.

"You know, I really liked you. You were funny and nice to be around with. Training with you was cool and I even admired how strong you were. But today you just disappointed me! How could you just walk away without saying anything? Do you know how hurt Joey is? He was really happy the last few weeks! Happier than in years. And you know, it took him all his courage to tell you the truth. But you? You just walk..."

"What was I supposed to do?" I stopped him, hurt and also pissed at his words. And the punch. "I had no idea he was Black and it was a real shock. I didn't know what to do! I was confused!"

"You could have at least yelled at him or something! But not saying anything is the worst!"

"I wanted to talk to him! But I couldn't find him! I went to your room but noone was there! And you have no idea how much I suffered back then! You have no right to yell at me!"

"Joey's my friend and I have the right to protect him."

"Not if you don't know everything! Do you even know how crappy I felt today? I'm confused and I really didn't know what to do and there you come punching me! Do you think you can just punch me? No you can't. This thing is between Joey and me. Got it?"

The last few words were really loud and I could see that Shane was taken aback by them.

"Now, just tell me, is Joey in his room?"

"Yes. But don't you dare hurt him anymore." He said and I stormed out of the room. I didn't want to hear anymore of Shane yelling at me. I really liked him but he had no right to talk to me like that.

The short walk over to Joey's room was good because I quited down and managed to get my thoughts right after the fight with Shane.

I then knocked at the door but there was no answer so I just opened the door. I saw Joey sitting on his bed and even his back looked gorgeous. He didn't say anything but I was sure he knew it was me so I sat down next to him. I breathed deeply and wondered how to start what I wanted to say.

"I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry for walking away." I began and because there was no reaction from Joey I continued talking. "I was really shocked when I realized you were Black. Honestly, I hated you back then. But that was back then and now is now. And right now I want to say the words you didn't let me say." I took one more deep breath.

"I love you Joey."

And then I waited for Joey to react. For a long, long time he didn't move. But then he slowly turned his head and it felt as if he was looking at me. He opened his mouth and then said: "You're kidding me."

"No way. How could I not like you. You're gorgeous and I like your personality."

"Me and gorgeous? Now I know you're joking." He said and sounded very serious.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm ugly. You saw my eyes. There are scars everywhere and my face looks terrible."

"You... really believe that?" I asked.

"It's the truth."

"Oh my god. You have no idea! Didn't Shane or your parents tell you how gorgeous you look?"

"Shane did assure me the scars were almost invisible but he did that to make me feel better."

"Joey, you have no idea! All the girls are looking after you. You're incredibly handsome and when I first saw you I held my breath. And your eyes are really beautiful... and look so pure."

"But there are scars."

"Well, Shane was right. They're almost invisible and one would never see them when looking at you from a normal distance."

Joey smiled. "You're cute but you don't have to lie for m..."

"You know what?" I disrupted him. "I'm going to convice you later that you're one of the most gorgeous people on campus. Right now I want to..."

I didn't manage to finish my sentence. Joey hugged me and it just felt so right. He caressed my cheek and I lifted my hands to remove his glasses.

His beautiful eyes looked at me. I moved my lips closer to his and when they touched his soft lips I felt like I was in heaven.

I don't know how long we kissed, I don't even know if my eyes were open or closed. I just felt great and never wanted to let go.

But since kissing for an eterny is impossible we finally released each other and I was a little out of breath.

"Wow." Joey said.


"What now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Erm... it's just... do you forgive me? And can we make a new start?"

"Of course I forgive you. I forgave Black long ago."

"So we're like a couple now?"

"If you want to."

"Of course I want to. But I wasn't sure if you were really serious about me."

That insecure side of Joey was new to me. But it was cute and somehow made me want to protect him. "I am. But I haven't much experience so..."

"More than me. I was never ever with a guy."

"We can just take it slow."


"Are you out to your parents?"

"He isn't." That was Shane's voice and we both turned around.

"Shane? Since when are you there?" Joey asked.

"His parents don't know and it would probably better if they never knew." Shane said, not answering Joey's question.


"They think it's a horrible sin and even though I know they really love Joey they would never understand."


"And Andrew. I'm really sorry about what I said and the punch."

"It's... well, I'm sorry as well." I said.

"You punched him!" Joey said.

"Don't worry. Your boyfriend's face isn't really hurt."

Boyfriend. I really loved the sound of this word.

"Tsk. You were watching the whole time, right?"

"It's Andrew's fault for not closing the door." Shane said and grinned.

"Get out!" Joey said.

"And let you get dirty on the bed? No way. I'm hungry and I'm sure you are as well. Want to grab something to eat?"

I had to admit that I was actually hungry and Joey - my boyfriend! - was as well so we went to the cafeteria. It felt great to sit with them again now that everything was out in the open.


"One talk with your beloved and you already abandon us!"

I turned around and looked into Laura's smiling face. She, Sarah, Josh and his girlfriend sat down next to us.

"It seems that you talked everything out." Josh said.

"We did. Joey, Shane, these are Laura, Josh, Sarah and Tamara."

Joey smiled and Shane also said hello.

"Noooow, I want all the dirty details." Laura said.

"There are no dirty details."

"What! You want to tell me you're not with Mister gorgeous?" She asked and looked at Joey.

"We are together." Joey said with a smile. Ahhh~

"And Andrew can't take his eyes off you." Josh commented.


"It's the truth. Now, what happened yesterday?" He asked.

I wasn't really sure how much to tell them and Joey probably felt it because he began to talk. "I was the one who acted really stupid and I apologized to him. It wasn't as easy as it sounds but we talked it out and are now a couple."

"Cool. But you still didn't mention any details." Laura said.

"You're so dirty-minded." I said. "And as I said, there aren't any."

"No way."

"Yes. But it's because of Shane."

Shane looked at me with mock anger. "Me? I didn't do anything!"

"You came into the room just when we finished all the talk and wanted to get to the action." I said and when I saw how Joey blushed I felt my heart warm up. I was such a lucky guy!

Joey didn't talk very much but then he suddenly looked up and nodded into my direction. "Who is that?" He asked and I turned around because I also felt someone watching us. It was Nate. He hadn't come back to the room last night and I wondered if he'd stayed with one of his friends. He sat alone and just stared at us with an angry expression.

"That's my roommate. He overheard me on the phone and realized that I was a 'fag' and since then he doesn't want to sleep in the same room anymore." I explained and it sounded more bitter than I wanted. We had been friends for a while and also talked a lot during the last weeks. Now he was like a completely different person.

"Joey, are you really blind?" Laura asked.

"Yeah. I just felt his stares."

"Whoa, that's incredible."

"He's hot." Shane suddenly said and all our heads flew to his direction.

"What?" Joey asked, as shocked as the rest of us.

"He's hot. I'm going to talk to him."

"But he..."

But Shane already got up and went over to Nate. We all stared at him, saw how he flashed Nate a smile, took the chair, sat down and said something.

"What the hell?" Laura said.

"He's definitely crazy." Josh said.

I thought Nate would get up and throw a huge tantrum but he didn't. We just saw them silently talk and when it was time to go they stayed where they were and it seemed like they were seriously discussing some things.

"Shane is actually a really good talker." Joey said when we walked out of the canteen.


"Yes, that is if he's calm and knows what he wants."

"I really wonder what they're talking about."

"Just ask him before or after training."


"Oh right, Andrew, your fight was amazing. I didn't really see it but I felt all the energy and it was just incredible. You're so strong."

His words meant a lot to me. And he had been there to watch my fight! "Thank you."

"Do you have time tomorrow?"

"Sure. Want to go out?"

Joey smiled at me. "It's a date."


"Hi Andrew!"

"Dylan. You're already back?" I asked the boxer.

"Yes. I still have to take it easy and am not allowed to fight but I'm ready to train!"

"I'm glad to see you so enthousiastic."

He grinned. "Scared that I'm going to beat you the next time?"


"Just wait and see."

"We will." I said with a smile.

"Yeah. Do you have some time after training?"


"Would you like to hang out?"

"Sure. See you later."

"Yes. Bye."

I got into the dojo and as always, training was fun and exhausting at the same time.

When I came outside Dylan was already waiting for me. We went to a small café and there we just talked about all kinds of things. I learned that he was an only child and his father was a really kind man while his mother was a real power house.

He'd started boxing when he was still very young and had always been very talented.

Then he looked at me with a serious expression. "Andrew, you know I intend to go pro."


"I actually wanted to ask if you could teach me about qi. I saw your karate-instructor and asked him if I could also join the karate-team. He asked my why and I explained that I wanted to get stronger, just like you. But what he said really surprised me. He said that it wasn't him at all who teached you but that you mastered qi. It's amazing. He said that you were probably stronger than him."

"Is wanting to go pro the reason for wanting to learn about qi?"

"Partly. It's my ambition to become the world champion. But it's not just the fame I want. Fighting was always my whole life and becoming stronger my ambition. And I feel that I didn't improve much during the last year and I'm willing to put a lot of effort into it."

"Well, I'm honestly not sure if I'd be able to teach you how to master it. You're already using a lot of energy and you're strong, your technique is precise but mastering qi is on an even higher level. I spent a long time learning it and it isn't just physical training. Mostly it's mental."

"I get that and I'll do whatever it takes."

I nodded. "Okay. We'll start with some breathing exercises and I want you to do them as often as possible. And remember that you're not doing this just to master qi. We do this because it's good, clears the head and it helps the energy to flow steady."

"Yes." He nodded and it was an interesting feeling to teach someone who was really interested. But I really didn't know if I was capable to teach about qi. I'd probably have to call my Sensei.

Not caring that we were in a café I showed him the exercises I wanted him to do.

I went back to my room and saw Tyler and Bo there. Last night I hadn't seen them because they were out with some friends.

"Hi Andrew."

"Hey guys. How are you?"

"Fine. And you? What happened yesterday?" Bo asked.

"Erm, that was Shane... a friend."

"Oh? And why did he punch you? I don't think he ever noticed us." Tyler said and grinned.

"Yeah, sorry about that. He was angry at me for hurting his friend. But it's okay now."

"I see. When he first stormed inside I thought that he was probably your boyfriend and you cheated on him." Bo said.

"No... he..."

"But we soon understood that this other guy he talked about - Joey - is your boyfriend, right?"

"Yeah, you got it."

They both smiled. "Good for you."

Before I could answer the door opened again and Nate came inside. He didn't look at us. He was quiet, had a grim look on his face and just went into the bathroom.

"He's back?" Tyler asked.

"Seems like it." Bo shrugged his shoulders.

I didn't know why Nate had decided to come back. But it was a start and perhaps our friendship wasn't completely lost yet.

My heart jumped when I saw Joey the next day after school. He looked absolutely gorgeous as always. And he was MY boyfriend. I somehow still couldn't really believe it.

I would have loved to kiss him when he smiled at me but we were outside and I wasn't sure how open we wanted to be about our relationship.

The next week was pure bliss and I spent three evenings with Joey. I felt a little bad because we left Shane out but he said it was alright and that he had a lot of work to do.

Originally I'd intended to go home during the weekend but Thursday Shane came to me.

"You know, I'm going back home for the weekend."


"Yes. Are you going home as well?" He asked.

"Yes..." I said but then I saw the grin on his face. "No. I'm staying this time."

"Yeah. Have a nice weekend."

"You, too."

I called home to tell them I'd be staying here for the weekend. Julian sounded really sad but I promised we'd do something cool the next week.

And then I went to see Joey. He was in his room, listening to music.

I tried to sneak up and wanted to surprise him with a kiss. But just before I touched his lips he grinned.

"Hey Andrew."

"Oh, shit. It's impossible to surprise you!"

"Yeah... I think I shouldn't have said anything."

"True. You would have gotten a real passionate kiss. But now you..."

"I can still give you one." He said and put his arms around me. And his lips touched mine. Heaven.

"Did you talk to Shane?" He then asked.

"Yes. He told me he was away for the weekend."

"Yeeees. And he also said that you'd stay here."

"True. Do you have any plans?"

"Nope. Except for going on a date and then finally getting a little dirty on the bed."

He looked at me with a suggestive smile and I gasped. Shit, he was so sexy and gorgeous and I just wanted to throw him on the bed, rip his clothes off and... "Sounds nice. I hope I'll be the date."

"If you want to."

"Of course."

Later Shane came back and I said goodnight. I was really looking forward to the next few days. I didn't know how much we'd do but I was willing to do anything - even nothing if this was what he wanted. I had incredibly nice dreams that night.

Friday evening I went out with Joey. I really wanted to make it a special date and I bought tickets for a concert. We both really enjoyed it and later we went to a restaurant. But even though the food was good we both seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get back.

We were quiet on our way back and I felt that we were both a little nervous. I had no idea what the night would bring but I was sure it would be amazing. Until now we hadn't done anything besides kissing and I was okay with it because I also felt that Joey was someone who needed to be treated very specially and that I had to be gentle. Even though I knew he was a strong guy I felt like I had to protect him and wanted to put my arms around him as soon as I saw him.

When we were in his room it was a little awkward but then we just hugged and began to kiss. Soft and tentative at first but that soon changed. The kisses became more passionate and our hands explored each other's bodies.

The clothes were in the way and we began to undress each other. Joey's body was just as beautiful as the rest of him and I almost couldn't stop myself when he whispered my name.



"I don't think I'm ready to..."

"I know. We don't have to do much mure but let me at least take care of this." I rubbed his tented pants and he moaned.

Somehow we managed to get to the bed and there I took away the last piece of cloth he had on. He was gorgeous in his birthday suit and I took a step back to just look at him.

"What are you doing?"

"You're beautiful."

"Stop saying stupid things." He said and I smiled and kissed his lips and then his neck. His nipples looked just as delicious and when I licked and sucked a little on them Joey moaned again.

I let my hands wander down on his body and then finally touched his dick. I licked on the head and was rewarded with another sexy moan.

That moment I was glad that I had some experience and knew how to please my Joey. I did my best and Joey sure enjoyed it. It didn't take him very long when he suddenly touched my head.

"Andrew... I'm... close..."

"Mmmh..." I said and continued to suck his beautiful dick.

"Andrew... aaah..." And he came.

He panted hard and then pulled me up to him. He kissed me and I was really surprised when he opened his mouth and got a good taste of his own cum.

"That was amazing." He whispered.

"It was."

"Let me..."

"You're almost asleep. Let's just get some rest. We still have tomorrow."

"You sure?"


"Are you staying?"


"Good." He smiled and I put my arms around him, his back to my chest. That way my still hard dick was in his crack. He wiggled a little and then turned around.

"I can't let you sleep like this!" He said and then stroked my dick and even though I wanted the sensation to last longer it didn't take very much.



"I love you." I panted and he smiled.

"I love you, too."

That brought me to the point of no turning back. I came and yelled out. "Joey."

"Well, that's a bit messy." He chuckeled.


He got a tissue and then we went to the same spooning position and fell asleep within seconds.


"How was your weekend?" Shane asked. Joey and I were sitting in the room, listening to some music and talking about small things.

"Great." Joey said.

"I bet. Did you go out at all or did you spend all your time in here?"

"Oh, we went out. To get some toys, rubbers, lube and..."

"Oh, stop it. Too much information."



"We weren't as dirty as you probably think. How was your weekend?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Surely not as exciting as yours."


On monday I met with Dylan again and I could tell right away that he'd been practicing a lot. We sat down in a quiet room and I told him many things I'd learned from Sensei. He listened and I had the feeling that he'd be stronger than me if he mastered qi and would definitely be a successful man.

Nate began to greet me again the next week but that was all.

"Nate, could we probably talk for a minute?" I asked him when he entered the room.


"Last time we didn't really talk. I really had a lot of problems and couldn't deal with your reaction."

"Yeah. I guess I reacted really bad. You know, I hated fags, I mean homosexuals, my whole life because my friends and parents always talked bad about them. And to be honest I still don't understand it. But I also talked a lot with Shane. He's a great guy and... I'm sorry for what I said. Could we probably try to go back to being friends like we were?"

"Okay. I just don't want to hear any stupid comments."


"And one more thing... I also hate those bigoted comments and jokes."

"Oh... I guess I never thought about that either."

"You know that we're all humans and we're all the same. People that make mistakes."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just glad you forgive me."

"Sure thing. Give me a hug?" I asked with a grin.

He hesitated for a moment but then he smiled and put his arms around my back.


"Jules, have you grown?" I asked and patted my brother's head.

"Have I?" He asked and shifted a little so he was a few millimetres taller. Aww, he was cute as always.

"How have you been?"

"Good. But I missed you last weekend."

"Yeah, I missed you, too." I said but I felt a little guilty because that weekend there was only Joey on my mind.

"You look really happy." Jessica said as she set the table.

"Yes, the last two weeks were great."

She smiled. "Does it have something to do with your special someone?"


"So you talked it all out and you know what the problem was?"


"So you just got your first girlfriend? What's the name?"

"Boyfriend actually. And he's called Joey."

Her head flew around. "You're gay?"

"Yes." Even though she looked surprised she didn't have an angry or disgusted look on her face. "I hope you don't mind."

"No. My brother is gay."

"I see."

"I just didn't think you were gay."

"What are you talking about?" That was my father's voice and I got a little nervous. I thought that Jessica was nice and I was just so happy about Joey that I told her. But I had no idea how my father would react.

Jessica looked at me and I didn't know what to do. So I just slowly turned around and looked at my father.

"Is what she said true?" He asked.

I closed my eyes for a second. "Yes."

"No way. My son can't be gay. It's got to be a phase or..."

"Dad. I am gay."

"But I always thought..."

"Yes, you thought!"

"Oh my god, I can't believe I have a gay son. What are the others gonna think? And Jess, I'm so sorry. I had no idea about my son."

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Julian... I didn't think that..."

"Dad! What are you saying? You seriously think I'm a pedophile?" I asked and thought I heard wrong.

"You were always so close to him. I should have known something was wrong. Andrew, we should probably go and talk to someone. There are people that can help you."

His calm voice made me raging with anger. "You know what, I'm outta here! I can't believe what you think of me! I thought we wanted to try again and get to know each other after all these years. But I had no idea you were such an asshole!"

I went outside and slammed the door behind me. I probably should have stayed, should have talked to him but I just couldn't believe that he actually thought that Jules and I... I shuddered at the thought. He was a child, for heaven's sake.

For a while I just walked around in the city and suddenly felt a warm hand on my back.

"Hey dude, long time no see."

I turned around and looked into a smiling face. "Mike!"

"Yup. How are you?"

"Terrible, I just came out to my parents."

"Ooooh. They didn't take it well?"

"My father didn't. Wanted to take me to a shrink and thought I was a pedo."


"Yeah. How have you been?"

"Good. Want to go have a drink?"

"Sure." I said and even though I had never drunk any alcohol I thought that I could really use some.

We went to his house, not the old clubhouse. It was a small apartment but nice. He handed me a beer and I didn't really like the taste but I knew that one would get used to it.

I think we talked a lot and later we drank vodka and other drinks that were actually sweet and good. I don't remember what else happened but when I woke up the next morning, I knew I'd fucked up. Big time!


That was chapter ten. I hope you like the story so far. I'd love to hear your opinion.

You can contact me at I wish you all a nice weekend. I really need it ^^ Greetings, Azula

Next: Chapter 11

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