Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Dec 18, 2011


Andrew's strength - Chapter 11

Hello everyone. I apologize for the long wait and for the shorter than usual chapter. I had a bit of a blockade and some trouble writing but I'm over it.

I hope you enjoy and there are about two or three more chapters to come.

All the best, Azula


I shook Mike's sleeping body. "Mike!"

He groaned and then slowly turned around, still half asleep. "What is it?"

"What did we do yesterday? What happened? Shit!"

"Yo, chill out." He said and sat up. Damn, we were both naked.

"No, please tell me, I need to know."

"We didn't do much."

"What do you mean?"

He grinned. "What do you think?"

"Shit! Are you serious?"

"Hmm... Want to do some more?"

"No!" I said and then got up to get my clothes but I couldn't see them. "Where are my clothes?"



"You puked."



I turned around and moved nearer to him. Then I pushed him down hard and held him so that he couldn't get up.

"Now, tell me the truth." I said.

"I did."

"Stop teasing me. I'm sure you remember that I'm not weak at all. So just tell me if we did anything."

"Okay, don't get so aggressive. First we drank a lot and everything was okay. But then you puked and I had to get you out of the dirty clothes. I put them in the laundry and brought you to bed. And then you started to hug me and it was really inviting. I undressed and was really ready but then you began to call out some other guy's name and I can tell you, that's a huge turn off."

"So we didn't do anything more."

"No. After a few minutes you fell asleep and I did as well."

"I see." I was incredibly relieved to hear that.

"Is Joey your boyfriend?" Mike asked.


"I'm happy for you. It seems that you really love him."

"Yeah. Could I lend some of your clothes? I'll bring them back."



Mike gave me some clothes and even offered me breakfast but I declined. As soon as I was outside I told myself never to go back there again. Except for the clothes-exchange of course. I didn't even want to think about what could have happened.

It was already later in the morning and I thought back to yesterday evening. I was still angry at my father but even more with myself. I just ran off like a fool. I really didn't know why I did that. When I was beaten I didn't run. I trained and trained until I was strong enough to fight them.

But yesterday I just ran. And now I had to deal with the consequences. I knew that I had to tell Joey even though Mike and I hadn't done anything. I felt really bad about that.

The nearer I got to the house the slower I walked. I really didn't know how my father would react but at least Jessica was on my side. Somehow it was sad that a woman I didn't know that long yet accepted me more than my own father. But my father was someone I didn't know too well after all. We'd wasted so many years, rarely talking to each other. It was no wonder we were distant and that I didn't trust him enough to come out to him first.

I stopped before the door and breathed deeply. Then I opened the door and entered.

"Andrew? Is that you?" My father's voice came from the living room.


I heard him get up and when I saw him I knew that he hadn't slept much last night. He had dark rings under his eyes and looked miserable.

"Andrew... I... I'm sorry for yesterday. Could we talk for a little? There..."

"Sure." I said and sat down in the living room.

My father was quiet for a few moments and I realized that it had often been him who began the talking when we had a serious discussion. So I decided this time it would be me.

"Dad, I'm also sorry for running away like I did. That was a really childish thing to do and it won't happen again. But I want you to know that I would never, never touch Julian in that way. I really love him. But as a brother. And I don't know how you grew up, but gays aren't pedophiles and..."

"Andrew." He stopped me with a weak smile. "I know that of course but there is a reason I reacted like that."


"Well, yesterday after you left Jessica was really pissed at me and yelled at me for the first time. She didn't understand me until I told her what happened back then." His face looked lost in memories and I just kept quiet.

"Tom and I were best friends and we spent all our time together. We were twelve when I came to his house a little earlier than usual. I went to his room and heard strange sounds. And when I opened the door I had the biggest shock of my life. I first saw Tom with a pained expression and tears in his eyes. And then I saw that he was naked and saw his uncle... I was so shocked I couldn't move. His uncle of course was also shocked to be seen and he got up and threatened me not to tell anyone."

"What... what happened?" I asked.

"I nodded and Tom's uncle left. Tom was still in his bed, crying and when I came nearer I saw that he was really hurt. That day I was very careful with him and found out that it was the third time his uncle had done this to him. When I came home that night I just wanted to hide in my room but my mother realized that something was wrong. I was so scared to tell her but in the end I did and she said I did the right thing and that we had to stop Tom's uncle. So we went back to Tom's house and you can believe me that his mother was really surprised to see us. Her brother had already left. Tom came down and looked just as scared as me but my mother had convinced me that I had to tell his parents. When his father asked me what was wrong I tried to explain but his mother got angry and said something like: 'Just because my brother is gay is no reason for you to make him look that dirty.'"

"She didn't believe you?"

"Not at first. I was really desperate so I told her to look and turned Tom around and just pulled his pants down. She almost fell unconscious and after that his uncle was arrested and... I hated gay people. I didn't get to know any or at least they didn't tell me so there was noone to make me see that not all homosexuals are like Tom's uncle."

"What happened to Tom?"

"We were best friends until high school. But then he went to another college and I met your mother and even though we promised to stay in contact... I haven't heard from him in years."

"That's too bad. Don't you want to invite him sometime?" I asked.

"That's a good idea. But I'm not even sure if he still lives around here. But I'll try to contact him. Well, son, now you know why I reacted like I did and I just hope you're not too angry and can understand me. I will also try to understand you and... I'm sorry."

"Me too... It was stupid of me to run away."

He smiled and hugged me very close.

"Since when do you know?" He then asked.

"That I'm gay?"


"Actually not that long. Just shortly after I defeated my bullies at school. Before that I really didn't have any time to think about anything else but school and getting stronger."

"So it's not been that long... Is there... someone you like?"

"Yes. I have a boyfriend."

"Really? Since when?"

"Not that long. Not even two weeks."

"I see. Well, I'd like to meet him sometime." He said and I was incredibly happy that he'd accepted me.

"Thanks dad."

"Your welcome."

When Jessica and Julian came back we went to get something to eat and Jessica had a big smile on her face to see my father and me a little closer than before.

I soon left and Jules' sad face was so cute and heartbreaking. I kissed his forehead and promised to be back soon.

While driving back to college I thought about the talk with my father which had gone really well. And then there was the talk with Joey that I feared a lot more. We were only together for a few days and something like that happened.

I knew that my feelings for him were really strong. I had had a great time with Nick and I'm sure I could have fallen in love with him if it were our destiny. But with Joey it was so much easier. There was no need to try to fall in love because deep down I knew that I already loved him. It probably sounded foolish and I could imagine that some people would say that this was first love and first love's usually didn't work out or weren't real and so on.

But even though we were both young and not very experienced, I could almost see us living together in ten years or twenty or thirty...

I just hoped Joey would forgive me.

I parked the car and then walked to his room. The nearer I got the slower I walked. I could still decide not to tell him anything but I knew that wouldn't be good. The thought that I almost cheated on my boyfriend would constantly be on my mind and some day he'd probably find out and...

I knocked on the door and seconds later the door opened. Damn, he looked like an angel in human form, he was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hi Andrew." He said and gave me a small kiss.

"Hey, baby." I answered and when I realized what I'd called him I smiled at him. "Joey, there's something I need to tell you." I said in a serious voice.

"Sure, come in."

We sat down and I saw different emotions on Joey's face. Uncertainity, a little confusion and some fear. I really hated to do that!

"Joey, I love you, I really do. And honestly, A few months ago I never expected to feel that way about anyone. But it happened and I'm so happy that I got to know you. But this weekend something happened."

Joey's body tensed.

"Well, I came out to my parents and..."

"You did?" He asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes. I was really happy when I got home and told Jessica. She was really cool and, her brother is gay. I think I met him at my parents wedding but we didn't really talk. Anyway, my father overheard and he totally overreacted and even accused me of being a pedophile and molesting Jules!"

"Oh Andrew." Joey said and caressed my cheek. He made it so easy to forget that he was blind.

"You can imagine that I got really pissed and ran outside. I had to clear my head and I wasn't up to talking to my dad. And that's when I met Mike, the dog guy."

I didn't dare look up at Joey's face and just continued to tell him the rest.

"He invited me to his home and gave me some beer and we drank and I let out all the anger I felt about dad's reaction. It's the first time I drank so much and I don't remember what happened, but... Mike said I puked and he got me out of the clothes and I hugged him and..." I breathed deeply. "We didn't do anything else because I was calling out your name and he got turned off and after that we just slept and the next morning I woke up I had no memory of last night."

"Damn." Joey said and I looked up startled. But he didn't look too angry...

"I was really scared!" Joey said. "I thought you were going to say you cheated on me or that you wanted to break up or... I don't know." He chuckled. "And there you go saying that you even think of me when you're drunk."

"So you're not angry."

"Not very much. A little... but you were drunk and you told me so there's not really a reason for me to be angry."

That put a huge smile on my face and I began to kiss his lips with passion until he stopped me.

"What about your father?"

"Oh, everything's okay. He wants to meet you and it might be a little awkward but I think he'll like you. And Jules and Jessica. If you want to."

"Of course, that would be great. Just..." He said.


"It's just that I'm going home next weekend since it's thanksgiving. My parents expect me to come home."

"Of course. But I'm going to miss you."

"Me, too."

"Mhm..." I just said and went back to kissing my lovely boyfriend when suddenly the door burst open and we both sat up.

"Shane!" Joey yelled.

"Oups, sorry, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to eat something."

"I am eating. Can't you see that? Really sweet candy. So get out." Joey said and Shane grinned at us and then closed the door.

"Why does he keep doing that? I'm sure he does it on purpose." He sighed and then went back to eating sweet candy.


"I want you to let the energy flow through your whole body and then you put some in your feet and bundle some in your arms and let it out." I instructed Dylan who had made much more progress in the last week than I thought was possible.

He nodded and then I felt his energy flow. First he let it circulate through his whole body and then he concentrated some at his feet so that almost nothing would be able to move him and some energy went to his arms and as he punched the air I could feel the strength. Our next fight would be much harder and on a higher level. I also felt that by teaching him I learned a lot about Qi.

Joey, sitting next to me nodded. "It's not perfect yet but I can feel the energy and it's good." He said.

"Thanks." Dylan said and did it again and again, everytime it was better.

"He learns really fast." Joey commented.

"Yes. But you never told me who taught you to feel it."

"Just an old guy I met in a park. You know that I was really depressed to find out I was blind. One day I decided to go out and with some difficulty I managed to get to the park and with the help of a man I sat down on a bench. The man and I came to talk and he told me some really interesting things. You can imagine that Shane was incredibly pissed at me for running away but I felt better for the first time so he let it be and from then on I went to the park every day and that guy taught me a lot."

"Cool." I said when we both felt a big wave of energy.

"Had to stop you two from talking." Dylan said with a big grin in his face.

"That was almost perfect." Joey said.

"I think I'm beginning to get it."

"Yes. Our next fight is going to push us both to our limits." I said.

He smiled. "Yes. I'm really looking forward to it."

"I don't think I want to see that fight." Joey said.


"It will be much scarier than your first fight and believe me, afterwards people wouldn't even dare talk back to you."

"But we can't hold back." Dylan said.

"I know. And I feel that you're both really strong. I'm just saying that it's going to be amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if you broke the ring. But I'll be there." He added with a smile. Needless to say I was melting.

"You guys..." Dylan shook his head. "I know I'm new to this energy-thing but I feel that you two are good for each other. It feels as if you complement each other and give each other strength."

"Of course we do." Joey said and I just had to give him a little kiss. After all I wouldn't see him for a few days.


When I drove home on wednesday I thought back to all the thanksgivings I'd spent with Tanya and my father. There was one time my father didn't make it home and it was only Tanya and me. I was disappointed but as always I didn't want to let it show and the evening was nice but just not special. It was one more of those evenings I spent alone in the huge house, doing nothing else but reading a book and training.

Other kids often talked about their family gatherings and the food. The food was always great but even when my father was home it didn't really feel like a family. He talked a little, asked me a few questions but it was always clear that he didn't know me and was far away with his thoughts.

But this year would be different.

Since our house was big Jessica had invited her parents and her brother and dad had found Tom and invited him as well. His parents couldn't make it but Tanya promised to come by with her daughter and promised Jessica to help in the kitchen.

I felt a little nervouse since I didn't know all our guests but I had a feeling it was going to be a nice weekend and the best thanksgiving I'd had since my mother died.

That's why I had a big smile on my face when I arrived at home. I was only halfway out of the car when the door flew open. In a flash Jules was in my arms with a huge grin on his face. I smiled at him and rubbed his head. I looked up and saw Jessica looking outside from the kitchen window with a big smile on her face. My father also came out of the door, greeting me with a gentle hug.

Yes, this was going to be great...

Next: Chapter 12

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