Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Jan 16, 2012


We sat on the table and my father asked me how my friends were, if I was working hard and much more and I told him everything and wanted to ask him about his work when I saw that Julian was almost bursting. He had sucked in a lot of air and opened his mouth from time to time but was surprisingly polite and didn't interrupt my father and me. He looked incredibly cute and I had to hold back a laugh. I saw that Jessica had to hold back a huge grin as well. Just to tease him I asked dad how his day was when Julian let out his breath and continued eating.

"Jules, is there..." I began my question when my father finished. His day wasn't that interesting.

"Andy! I want to watch the DVD Zach lent me with you and you know we have a new teacher and she's so cool and yesterday we learnt that we are made of cells and that at first there was only one and then two and then more and more and then we became a baby and we also learned how to do handstand and roundoff and I can do it now and last weekend I almost didn't see you because mom said that you had some things to discuss with dad and... and I missed you!" He said without a break and I just had to hug him.

"I missed you, too. But hey..." I lifted his chin and looked into his big eyes. "This weekend we're going to be together all the time, I'll carry you around like a prince and even feed you." I said and took his fork with some meat and tried to put it in his mouth but he turned his head away.

"Hey! I'm not a baby."

"I know that." I grinned at him and he just stuck his tongue out but for some reason I think it would have been nice if I could have met him when he still needed to be fed. I glanced at Jessica and wondered if she and dad had any plans of making our family a little bigger.

Later Julian and I watched 'surf's up' together which was a lot of fun. Thinking back I'd seen many movies with Tanya but never with someone nearer my age.

Before I went to bed I called Joey.

"I wish I were with you." He said and I smiled.

"Me, too."

"My parents are always fussing over me and treat me like a child and won't let me go out by myself and it's just annoying. They don't think I'd be able to do anything on my own."

"Sounds annoying. Is there no way to prove them wrong?"

"I don't know. Since the accident they've been like this and they only trust Shane because he always was by my side. That's why I don't like coming home that much. And when I'm going out with them they want me to hold on to them and don't believe that I can feel people."

"It might change one day. My father was the complete opposite of your parents but now it's different. Oh, and I told Jules about you and he's looking forward to meeting you."

"Me, too. You're constantly talking about him and I have to know the other guy that captured my boyfriend's heart." He said and chuckled. Argh, I so wished he was here.

"If you were here I'd give you a huge kiss!"

"You can give me one through the phone."

"Don't expect me to kiss the phone."

He laughed. We talked a bit more and time passed fast. When I heard him yawn we said goodbye. I fell asleep with a smile on my face and my head full of thoughts of Joey.


Tanya was the first to arrive with her daughter Eliza. It was so good to see her again and I hugged her for a long time.

"You look happy." She commented.

"I am."

"That's good. You deserve some happiness." She said and I then helped her to carry Eliza who was in a wheelchair inside. She looked pale but had a nice smile.

Tanya also greeted my father and Julian and then she went into the kitchen with Jessica. They closed the door and would only come out to go to the bathroom or to greet the other guests. I heard them laugh and talk a lot like they were great friends.

Later in the evening Jessica's parents and her brother arrived. It was Julian who opened the door this time and he sounded happy to see his grand-parents and uncle.

We sat down in the living room and they all talked a lot while I looked at Jessica's brother who sat at my left. I didn't even know his name. I really hadn't noticed him at the wedding but now I had to admit that he was handsome and when he smiled there was this mischievous glint in his eyes.

"So you're the adorable little son my dear sister got, huh?" He said with a grin. Adorable? Little? Son?


"Just kidding. She said you were cool. You know, she was worried at first that you were one of those rebellious rich brats and that she couldn't handle you. But all I heard about you is good."

"Really? Well, she is great and I have to admit I like her a lot."

"That's good. So, I heard you are into guys." He said and then added: "What do you think about me?"

"Well... you seem nice but why do I get the feeling that you are one hell of a player?"

"Perhaps because you're right." He grinned at me.

He sure did look like one. There was something about him that made him look a bit unserious. He seemed fun and handsome and everything, just not very serious.

Twenty minutes later the door bell rang again and my father went to open it. I heard voices and then he led two men his age into the room. They were both tall and looked very handsome.

"These are Tom and Jake." He introduced them.

"Tom is an old friend and sadly we haven't been in contact for years. Actually it was my son's idea to call you. Tom, this is my son, Andrew."

Tom and I shook hands. And sometimes it happens that you like someone from the first moment you see them. Tom's hand was big and his grip was firm and there was something really kind about him.

"Hi." He said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here. I have to say you don't look like your father very much. You got the looks from your mother."

Before I could reply Jessica came into the living room and announced that the food would be ready in about 15 minutes. She was also introduced to Tom and Jake - who was Jake anyway? My father hadn't mentioned anything about him.

A little later we all sat down and looked at the food on the table. It was a huge amount and it looked good but smelled even better meaning the taste would be amazing.

My father said grace and Julian the ever impatient one held up his plate. "Mom, may I have some of the turkey?"

Geesh. I poked his cheek. "Guests first."

"Okay." He pouted and everyone just had to smile at his adorable face.

My father and Tom told us a lot of funny stories when they were still in high school and we all had a blast. Jessica's parents had many embarrassing stories about her and I was just glad my father didn't get the idea to tell anything about me.

I'm not sure why but I didn't participate much in the talking on the table. I listened, laughed and replied to questions but mostly I just enjoyed the atmosphere. It was such a nice picture of all these people sitting at the table, eating, talking, laughing, having fun.

I could see how much Jessica's parents loved each other. They teased a little and sometimes the look in their eyes was so full of love. They sure must have had one good and happy life together.

Jessica's brother Cole also had a lot of things to tell and he had fun telling Julian jokes. Tanya, her daughter and Jessica talked a lot but I didn't hear it all and then there was my father, talking with Tom and Jake...

Jake was more quiet than Tom and my father, but the looks he and Tom shared were the same as Jessica's parents. Oh my, did the amount of gay people just double? And did my father know? If he did he had to just found out lately because when he told me about Tom he made no comment about his sexuality. And besides, he said that he always thought bad about homosexuals...

Dessert was great as well and we sat down on the couch to drink some coffe and for some reason I found myself next to my father, Tom and Jake. This was my chance to find out about them.

"That meal was amazing. I must say I'm surprised you guys aren't fat." Tom said and laughed at me.

"We sure have great women in this house." I said.

Tom nodded. My father looked at me with a questioning look and I realized that he wanted to know if it was okay to out me to his best friend. I wondered a little why he wanted to do that but it was a funny situation. I grinned and decided to talk myself.

"I only heard about you last week." I said to Tom. "My father and I had a big fight and afterwards one very honest talk. Anyway dad, I don't think they're going to have a problem with me."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You two are a couple, right?" I looked at Tom and Jake.

"That's right." Jake said.

"Oh, I had no idea." My father looked from Jake to Tom and back again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your thanksgiving." Tom said. "I knew you hated gays and I was just really happy to hear from you again."

"Wow, I had no idea. Were you always...?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I never told you." Tom's face looked a little worried but that was understandable. Had he told my father last week his reaction would have been very different.

"No, I totally understand. God, I've been such an asshole. I had no idea. How often did I talk bad about homosexuals. Tom, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I totally understand as well. But I take it you're gay." He said looking at me.

"That's right." I could almost feel how Jake had begun to relax during the whole conversation. He must have been really worried about doing something wrong.

"And that's why you had a fight."

I nodded again.

"Well, it looks like you two worked it out. I'm happy for you."

My father smiled and put an arm around my shoulder. I looked at him with big eyes but he didn't look at me like he was a little embarrassed himself. "How long have you two been together?" He asked.

"We met in college." Tom answered with pride in his voice.

"For real?"


"And you stayed together all this time?"

"There were ups and downs but we love each other."

"That's so cool." I said and knew that this was what I wanted my future with Joey to be like. These two were the proof that it was possible.

"You already have someone?" Jake asked me.

"Yes. He's coming over next weekend and he's just great. His name's Joey and we just met a few months ago but... I hope we'll be like you two in the future."

Jake smiled and nodded. We talked a lot more. I learned some more details about their relationship and how they managed to stay together all this time. They also had a lot of funny stories to tell and he and my father caught up and slowly got to know each other again but just looking at them one could see that they had been very close in the past. Julian came over and sat on my lap while listening to us talk and giving funny comments from time to time. Around nine he began to yawn and Jessica tucked him into bed.

A little later Tanya and Eliza went to bed. My father had told our guests beforehand that they were welcome to stay the night. Tom and Jake got one of the guest rooms and Tanya's parents the other one. That left only Cole who was going to sleep in my room.

We all went to bed very late but when I laid next to Cole I realized I wasn't very tired. I looked at his face and even though it was dark I could see that his eyes were open.

"Not tired?" I asked.

"Not really. I think I ate too much."

"Yeah, me too."

He was quiet for a while and then said: "I heard some of the talk between you and Tom and Jake. They've been together since college is that right?"


"And you and your boyfriend are in a serious relationship as well?"


"You know, I'm 26 already but I've never really had a partner."


"I'm not sure. I think I might not be ready for it and you know, when you're in a relationship you can't sleep with hot guys anymore and it's going to be boring. One day you'll grow bored of each other and break up and then you're already old and fat with wrinkles and no one is going to want you."

I turned around to face him in the dark. "You really think so?"

"Yes." He said and his view of it made me sad somehow.

"I know I'm younger than you and have much less experience but I can tell you one thing. I'll stay with Joey as long as he'll have me. And you know why? Because I feel good, alive and happy whenever I'm with him. The first guy I played around with was very hot. But after we did it and the sexual tension was gone I just felt empty. But not with Joey. And that's because we love each other. So maybe you just haven't met the right person yet or perhaps you're just not the kind of person to have a serious relationship. Or perhaps you need someone to capture you, I don't know."

He laughed. "Capture me? What's that supposed to mean?"

I grinned. "Some handcuffs and ropes."

"Sure. Ever tried that?"

"No. I told you I'm not that experienced."

"I have."

"Kinky. How is it?"

"I kinda like it. It's nice to have someone completely at your mercy."

"And the other way round?"

"That's... a completely different feeling." He didn't say anything else but I had to admit that it would be an interesting experience and a totally hot sight to have Joey cuffed to my bed. Naked and not knowing what I was going to do. I'd tease him and pleasure him until he couldn't think straight anymore.

"You're having dirty thoughts." Cole stated.

I laughed. "You're right."


How come weekends pass fast and long weekends go by even faster? Our guests left the next day and I invited Cole to come over whenever he wanted. He was really nice. My father and Tom also made arrangements to meet each other more often.

I spent the other two days with Jules as promised. Jessica and my father went out and Jules and I went out to play, to watch movies, to go to the arcade, to eat and much more. He also showed me his acrobatic skills and I was very surprised at his talent. His posture was very good and his roundoff looked very elegant. In the evening I talked to Jessica and suggested to send Julian to acrobatics since he seemed to really like it and also have the talent for it. She was a little hesitant because he'd have so much training and many of those who did acrobatics concentrated only on the sport and when an accident happened they didn't have anything else. But I think she was open to the idea because it made Julian so happy.

On monday someone knocked on my door while I was learning. Exams were coming nearer and I had a lot of work to do.

"Come in." I yelled and the door opened.

"Hi Andrew." Joey said and came to me. He looked gorgeous today.

"Hey baby." I said and kissed his lips. Man, they were sweet and I put an arm around his neck and pulled him nearer to me. He allowed my tongue to enter and after that long weekend of not seeing him we kissed like lovers that hadn't seen each other in years.

His breath became quicker and he suddenly put his hand on my chest.

"Andrew..." He smiled. "That's not why I came here."

"Oh? You just hurt your boyfriends feeling."

"Yeah. Well, you were learning, right? I just thought we could maybe learn together. I mean, we don't have any classes together but we could just sit next to each other and do our work and later go get something to eat..."

"Sounds great. Sit down."


I looked at my watch. "Let's say two hours and then we can go."


I just wanted to get back at my work when I realized that I had no idea how Joey learned. I really didn't know that much about him yet so I just watched. And as expected he knew that I watched him.

"After the accident normal things like reading weren't possible anymore." He said quietly. "My parents sent me to a school for blind people and there I learned braille. But I knew that if I wanted to go to college I needed to train my memory so when I'm sitting in class I memorize almost everything the professor says. But I also take some notes and I have tapes. My laptop..." He fished it out from his bag. "'s almost like a regular one. Even the keyboard because I could type without looking before the accident. But there is a program installed that reads everything."

"Wow, that's amazing."

"Yeah, it helps a lot. And then there was always Shane."

I nodded. Shane was really a great friend to Joey and I came to like him more and more.

"Don't nod." Joey grinned and then put earphones into his ears. He opened a file that were his own notes and listened to them.

I was totally in awe of my boyfriend. He was gorgeous, kind, understanding and apparently a very modest genius.


That was chapter 12. I hope you enjoyed reading. Everything seems to be going great =) but still... there is this one unsolved problem.

I'd love to hear from you and... Happy new year! All the best, Azula

Next: Chapter 13

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