Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Feb 7, 2012


The week went by with a lot of learning. Joey and I were almost constantly near each other. Sometimes Shane was with us or Nate sat down to join us with his books. And at lunch we were together with Laura and her friends. That time was always full of laughter and joking around and allowed us to relax.

Dylan also came to my room regularly to train but after he demolished my wall we decided to go outside into the woods. I trained with him and we spent a lot of time hardening the bones of our fists and I was sure that we'd be able to defeat more than a dozen guys if we were to fight together. And when I passed the boxers to go to karate class I saw Dylan fighting a guy that stood absolutely no chance and Coach Ellington's approving smile.

It was Thursday afternoon when Dylan and I walked back from the woods. We both had slightly red knuckles but felt good. He said bye and went to his room and when I opened the door I couldn't see anyone. I took a shower and when I came out I saw the tapes on the table. Had Joey been here? I walked into the bedroom and gasped.

There was Joey sleeping in my bed. He was almost naked and the blanket only hid his midsection.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. He stirred and then whispered: "Andrew?"

"Yeah. What are you doing in my bed, sleeping princess?"

"I'm... sorry." He sat up. "Nate let me in and I learned a little but then I got tired."

"Where is everyone else?"

"They went out."

"So it's just the two of us."

He grinned sexily and I felt the blood rush down. "So?"

"Did you learn without clothes?" I asked.

"No. I just don't like to sleep with clothes."

"I think you did it on purpose."

"Oh? And why would I do that?"

"Well..." I looked into his beautiful eyes. He'd been wearing his glasses less often the last week and I loved to see him without them.

In the end I didn't answer his question and just kissed his lips. It felt great to hold him in my arms and to just kiss him.

He put his arms around my back and we just made out for what seemed like hours.

Just kissing him made my blood rush down and his fingers on my body sent shivers through my whole body. I ground my crotch into his.

"Joey." I whispered.

"Yeah. Cream your pants." He whispered back and I stopped for a second to look into his sparkling eyes.

"You little..."

"Just shut up." He said and I lifted my hips to let him open my pants and pull them down. We got rid of our boxers and it felt wonderful to feel his skin on mine, his hard cock rubbing against mine.

It didn't take us much longer to come and make a mess between our bodies.

We kissed some more, cuddled and then went to take a quick shower.


I could feel that Joey was getting nervous the nearer we got to my home. He didn't say much but I could see it in his expression. I reached over and put my hand at his shoulder for a short moment. He smiled.

Later I slowed down and parked the car in our garage. "We're here." I said.

"Okay." He got out of the car and I walked over to him to lead him inside since this was new territory. I just took his hand and caressed the back of it and could feel him relax a little.

Even before we reached the door it burst open and Julian came running outside yelling 'Andy!'.

But this time he didn't jump into my arms. He stopped and looked at our hands and then at Joey.

"Jules. This is Joey. Joey, meet my little brother."

"Hi Julian." Joey said and held out his hand. My brother shook it with a shy but very cute smile.

We went inside and my parents were in the living room. Jessica had a big smile on her face and I could also see that my father looked friendly. Though he looked a little insecure at Joey and me holding hands.

"Dad, Jess, this is Joey."

"It's nice to meet you." Joey said and held out his hand.

Jessica just hugged him. "Nice to meet you. We heard a lot of things about you."


"Yeah. You should have seen how troubled Andrew was after that first date."

Joey smiled. "Oh, that was my fault."

"Why are you wearing sun glasses?" Julian suddenly asked.

"I can take them off." Joey said and when he did my little brother smiled.

"You have beautiful eyes." He said and I was so happy he did because even though Joey had become more confident I felt that he wasn't sure about his looks. And now that someone he just met confirmed it had to mean something.

"Thank you."

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Andrew, you can show Joey the house and then come to eat."

"Okay." I said and again took hold of Joey's hand. I brought him upstairs and told him how everything looked and Joey memorized the amount of steps the stairs had and other details a person usually didn't care about. We put his bag into my room and then went down and sat at the table.

"It smells great." Joey said.

Jessica smiled. "Thank you."

It didn't just smell great, it also tasted great. We all had seconds and my father asked us about college and our friends.

"I like him." Jessica said when we finished and I was helping her in the kitchen. Julian had pulled Joey with him. It gave my heart a warm feeling to see how my family welcomed Joey and I could see how relieved and happy he was during dinner.

Suddenly there was a bumping noise in the living room and I heard Joey's whimper. Within a second I was there and saw Julian standing there with huge, shocked eyes and Joey lying on the ground.

Julian saw me and his eyes began to tear up. "Andy... he fell..."

"Yeah. Joey, are you okay?" I asked and he sat up.

"Yes. I just tripped over something and fell on my ass." He said.

I helped him to get up and realized that I had forgotten to mention an important detail to my family. They didn't know he was blind. Sure, I had led him everywhere but they could have thought that it was normal for us to hold hands the whole time. And he also had no problem with looking other people in the eyes. I didn't really understand why and how he did it but even before he'd taken off his glasses it was always like he was looking at the person he was talking with.

Joey sat down on the couch and Julian went over to him.

"Joey, I'm so sorry." He said.

"It's not your fault." Joey said.

"What happened?" Jessica asked and I turned around and saw her and my father stand at the door.

"I just fell over something." Joey said.

"We shouldn't let anything on the ground." I said. And my father had a confused expression on his face. "I forgot to tell you." I looked at Joey and it was as if he felt it and smiled.

"I'm blind." He said and my father's jaw dropped.

"For real? But... I didn't realize. I mean..." He looked at Jessica and then saw her not too surprised face. "You knew?"

"I wasn't sure but I suspected it." She said. "I'll see that nothing is lying on the ground anymore so you can walk around safely. But I have to say that you hide it very well. You looked into my eyes and also walk very confidently."

"You get used to it after some time." Joey shrugged.

"So you weren't always blind?"

"No. I was in an accident."

"I'm sorry."

"You can't see? That's terrible." Julian said.

"It's not that bad." Joey assured him with a smile.

"But how do you go to school? And..." He gasped. "You can't play any computer games! And you can't watch TV! And you can't read."

Julian's expression was so shocked we all had to chuckle and the next hour Joey spent explaining him the differences between his life and ours and how he managed to go to school and use computers and everything. Julian hung at his lips and asked thousands of questions.

It was great to just listen to them and when I went to get us something to drink my father followed me.

"Andrew, I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"You don't have to apologize. I really just forgot to tell you."

"Yes. You have an amazing..." He hesitated a little. "...boyfriend."

"He is."

"It's still a little weird. I thought one day you'd bring home a girl but it's a guy. But I think I can see why you like him. He's strong and seems intelligent. And I have to admit that he looks very good. You look good together."

I looked at my father with big eyes and then smiled and hugged him. I just had to. It really meant a lot to me and now I knew that both he and Jessica liked him. And Julian of course was totally in awe of him.

"Thank you." I said.

He smiled and we went back to the living room.


"I like your family." Joey whispered when we finally went to bed.

"They like you."

Even in the dark I could feel his smile and put an arm around his warm body. It was so nice to sleep next to him and I wished we lived in the same room on campus.

My eyes got heavy and I soon feel asleep.


Saturday we all went out and even though it was beginning to get colder it was nice. We ate at a good restaurant and Julian told Joey all the things he saw.

Jessica was smiling all the time and my father's expression was funny sometimes. And I almost felt as if he was holding back something.

In the evening Joey and I decided to go out for a walk. I just wanted to tell my father when he said he wanted to talk to Joey and me.

I had no idea what it was about and we just sat down. Jessica was tucking Julian to bed and my father again had that weird expression.

"I didn't travel a lot the last few months." He began. "And I usually travelled for work. Jessica and I talked and well... we thought that it would be nice to go on vacation. With you, Joey, coming with us."

Joey looked stunned. "Me?"


"Wow. I'm... I guess I have to ask my parents."

"Of course. And everything would be on me."

"Where to?" I asked.

"The alps in Switzerland."

My jaw dropped. Switzerland?

"Just think about it." My father said to Joey who nodded. "I won't hold you any longer. You wanted to go out, right?"


"Have fun, boys." He said and both Joey and I left the house.

We just walked around a little and then sat down in a park.

"I can't believe it." Joey suddenly said.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I've never been abroad."

"Me neither. And I hear Switzerland is a beautiful, small country."

I could see that he really wanted to go. But a few seconds later his face fell.

"I don't think my parents will let me. The only reason they let me go to college was because I had some teachers that talked to them and because Shane promised he'd be with me all the time. But if they could, they'd just have me stay home all the time. And there's no way they'd let me go to Switzerland."

"What if Shane came with us?" I asked.

"Even then they'd not allow it."

"And if they came?"

"You want them to come with us?"

"If that's what it takes."

"I don't know. Perhaps, perhaps not. But we wouldn't be able to do anything. No holding hands, no kissing..."

"That would be annoying."

"Yes." He leaned his head on my shoulder. "If only I were normal they wouldn't be so protective."

"My dad could talk to them. He is a business man and I know he has a sweet tongue."

"Okay." He said but I could hear the doubt in his voice.

"We'll try everything to convince your parents. And if they still won't let you, we'll go when we're older and earn money. We'll go traveling and do everything we couldn't do now."

He chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."

After a while we got up and walked back through the park. It was dark now and almost no people were around.

I could feel it before Joey pressed my hand. We were being followed.

"Andrew..." Joey whispered.

"I know." I whispered back.

We continued walking but I could feel their presences and I didn't like it at all. The guys probably just waited for us being the only guys around and walked faster, caught up to us. I held Joey's hand even firmer.

"Hey." A voice behind us said and I reluctantly turned around, Joey a little behind me.

There were four guys. They were probably our age and looked strong and muscular and had evil expressions. I could see that they were just itching for a fight and Joey and I were the perfect victims. Well, I'd see to it that nothing would happen to Joey and just stared into the eyes of the guy who was apparently their leader.

"We hate fags like you." One of the guys yelled and the leader smirked.

"He's right. Can't have you walking around holding hands. It's disgusting." He almost spat out the last words.

I didn't say anything. It wouldn't be of any use. This was a fight we couldn't avoid. And Joey felt it too, I was sure of that. He stepped back a little and the guys laughed.

"See?" One yelled.

"Yeah. His little boyfriend is running away!"

"What a wimp."

"We'll get you both."

"You won't be walking a few days. Or weeks."

I just slowly took my coat off.

"He's not running away." I said.

"Oh? Then he's just letting YOU take our hits, huh?"


"Oh, shut up. We can see that you love your little fag friend."

"Look how he's shivering!"

I smiled. "He's just giving me place to properly punch your -" I jumped forward as fast as I could and punched the leader's face. "FACE!"

The others looked stunned and then attacked me with all they had. One punch to avoid from the right side. I let his fist fly by right next to my ear and kicked him hard.

I ducked and got up with a spin, threw my punch into the guy's solar plexus with my whole body weight and so much energy he gasped and didn't get any air for a while.

My arm blocked one punch, blocked again and then attacked. I got his chin and took care that it hurt but wasn't broken or anything. Even though I would have liked to do that.

He let out a loud yell and the guy I kicked attacked again when I suddenly felt a cold shiver down my spine. I turned around while kicking him once more and saw that the leader had snuck by me and his fist was just inches away from Joey's beautiful face, coming nearer to his cheek and it was as if I saw it in slow motion.

"Joeeey!" I yelled and ran towards him.

The fist had almost reached it's destination. No, it did. But it only hit air.

Joey just dropped to the ground and the attacker almost lost his balance when I punched him hard and pressed him to the ground.

He groaned and I gave him a few more punches. I looked up and saw the other three guys. One just held his chin and looked at me, the one I kicked was out cold and the third was still gasping for air but looked at me.

"Want to know why we held hands?" I yelled at them and the leader I was still punching. His head flew around but I didn't hit him hard enough to do any real damage.

"Yes! We're fucking gay and I love him! But that's not all you morons!"

A few more punches.

"He's fucking blind! You hear that? So even if we weren't a couple I'd hold his hand! Get that? You fucking idiots looking for a fight! Get a job or something and don't let your aggressions out on other innocent people!" I was really angry and gave the poor guy one final punch. Then I got up and walked over to Joey and put an arm around his shoulder.

"So the next time you want to beat someone up, don't do it. Hit yourself in the face or a tree or something. But let us alone! Get it? GET IT?"

The guys nodded and Joey and I walked away.

I was still fuming with anger and held Joey's hand harder than necessary.

"Andrew." Joey looked at me with his beautiful eyes and everything just melted away. I totally loved him.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be. You were pretty cool" He said with a smile and I calmed down.

"Thanks. But what you did was amazing. I mean you felt his punch, right? And you just relaxed and dropped to the ground. Where did you learn that?"

"I got into some fights before the accident. And as you remember I was like a younger version of that guy you used as a punching bag."

"Oh, true."

"And well, I feel those things and I guess watching you and Dylan train helped me as well."

"I'm so glad. But why didn't you just avoid it and punch him back?" I asked.

"That's not really my thing anymore. I gave up fighting after the accident."

"Oh man. I really thought he was going to punch your beautiful face. And I was just too slow."

"You got him pretty good at the end."

"Yeah." I sighed. "I'm so glad I had Sensei who taught me everything. If he hadn't taught me any self control I might have broken a few bones."

"Andrew, you didn't fight because you wanted to. You fought to protect. And you were amazing. And I love you so much." He said and I just had to give him a kiss.


Of course the rest of the weekend went by really fast. Jessica and my father were shocked to hear what happened but glad we weren't harmed in any way.

We spent Sunday with all of them playing games and then drove back. Joey had called his parents about the vacation but as expected they didn't allow him to go. My father promised to call them or even go to see them even though they lived quite far away.

Christmas was now only three weeks away and time went by really fast. In our free time we went out and also bought some christmas presents. It was the first time for me to buy so many. Usually I just got one for my father and for Tanya. But now there was a whole bunch of people I wanted to give something.

For almost two weeks we didn't hear from Joey's parents but then there was this one phone call that made us both jump with joy! They agreed to Joey coming with us!

I had no idea what my father did and I didn't really care. Joey was coming with us on vacation.

For a few days we walked around with big smiles on our faces and Shane, Laura and everyone else was happy for us. Finals came and we both had good feelings.

The last week, Wednesday, began normally, then went to pretty amazing. Tyler and Bo were out and Nate went into the other room so Joey and I had some privacy which we definitely enjoyed.

Later we went out to eat with Shane. And I think it's when I saw Nate running towards us I got this really bad feeling. He had a phone in his hand. Joey's phone. His face looked a little pale and his eyes didn't meet mine.

"Joey..." He said out of breath. "I'm so sorry. So sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. I thought it was a friend of yours."

"What happened?" Joey asked.

"Your phone rang. You forgot it in our room." He looked down and for a second I wondered if he was trying to hold back tears. "I'm so sorry. You weren't there and I picked it up. It was a woman..." He swallowed hard.

"I thought it was a friend and she asked me where you were and I said... I said you were with your boyfriend."

Both Shane and Joey looked really pale now and I could feel the fear creeping into me.

"She thought she misheard and asked again and then I realized something was wrong and asked who she was." Nate continued and we were all just waiting for the bomb to finally hit us.

"It was your mother."


That was chapter 13. I hope you enjoyed the story. Yeah, it's coming to an end. I think there's one or probably two more chapters to come.

I totally loved writing it even though there were a few times I didn't have too much motivation. But comments from you always pulled me out of that. Yeah, I love to hear from you. You can contact me at

I also have a yahoo group where I post the chapters first and there are also two others stories I wrote/'m writing.

I wish you all a great week.


Next: Chapter 14

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