Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Feb 29, 2012


Like always the door opened before I reached it and Jules came running out, jumping into my arms. He had a big smile on his face and kissed my cheek. It was incredibly cute but nevertheless, I only managed a weak smile and a 'Hi, Jules.'

His smile was replaced by a concerned expression. "Are you not happy, Andrew?" He asked me and I tousled his hair.

"Let's talk inside. I'm sure mom has dinner ready."

He nodded and I realised I called Jessica mom. That was a first. But perhaps it was because I felt like I needed a mom right now. Within a few minutes we sat at the table.

"How was your last week?" My father asked.

"Okay." I answered. What a total lie. This week held some of the best experiences ever as well as some of the worst.

"Did you give Joey his ticket to fly here?" He had given me the ticket last weekend. Joey was supposed to go home for christmas and then fly back here, to me.

"He's not coming." I said.

Julian's head flew around. "Why?"

"What happened?" Jessica asked.

"His parents found out he was gay and we were boyfriends."


"It was an accident."

"But couldn't he just come anyway? He's an adult, isn't he?" Julian asked.

"No... his parents threatened him and... I guess he was scared? I don't know. But I couldn't force him, you know? It's his life. His decisions. It would be selfish of me to force him to come, he'd lose his family." I fought back some tears. "May I..."

Jessica just nodded, understanding that I needed some time for myself. "Of course."

"Thanks." I got up. "Dinner was great. I'm sorry..." I hadn't eaten very much, just a few bites.

"It's okay. We understand. Just get some rest and I'll bring you some hot chocolate later."

"Thanks..." 'Mom.' I thought and went upstairs and fell down in my bed.

The last months had been so full of ups and downs. First there was Mike, the dog guy who taught me how to deep throat. And then there was Nick... we did have an amazing time together and then the accident happened and he forgot who I was. And now, Joey. My beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, intelligent, kind and sexy Joey.

I was so in love with him... I knew he was hurting as well.

When we went back to his room after Nate told us everything, his phone rang again. I couldn't hear what Joey's parents said but I saw his face. Joey tried to say something but his parents seemed to be talking nonstop and his face fell with every second. His eyes looked more and more desperate and lost and sad the longer his parents talked or yelled or ordered.

In the end there was only defeat.

He didn't have to tell me. I knew. He gave up. He gave up on his happiness. He gave up on us.

"I'm so sorry, Andrew. I don't know what to do." He whispered and I just hugged him.

"They... they are going to send me to my aunt. She lives near some correction institution or something." He continued and it felt like his words stabbed my heart.

He shivered and held on to me. "They want me to change. They say it works."

"That's bullshit." I answered.

"I know. But if I don't, they're going to disown me. I have no other home, I have no job, can't get one and I have no money. I have to go home."

"We could work something out. My father is rich, he'd be glad to help you."


"Please, don't do this."

"I have to. Oh god, this is so hard. I don't want to leave you. I really love you. So much! But it wouldn't work. I can't just depend on you and your family."

"You are our family."

"Andrew, I don't want to be in debt and I need to do this."

"What?" I'd tried to hold back the anger and I knew I shouldn't be angry at Joey. But it was so hard. "You need to go do that stupid therapy to become straight? You need to do this so you can live a lie? Joey!"

"I'm so sorry." He shook his head and I realised he had made his decision. It was not up to me to tell him to lose his family for me. He shouldn't have to choose between love and family. It was so unfair.

And so we just held on to each other. I had completely forgotten that Shane was there the whole time. He hadn't said a single word. And when I saw him move he just smiled weakly. "I'm going to sleep in your bed for the next two nights, Andrew."

I nodded. "Thank you."

Someone knocked on my door and Jessica entered with a cup. "Drink this." She said.

"Thank you."

"I'm here if you want to talk and your father is, too."

"Thank you."

She probably saw that I wasn't ready. "We're downstairs if you need us."

I nodded and she left. I took a sip and the sweet flavor reminded me so much of Joey.

That night, wednesday night, Joey and I went to bed early. He barely let go of me like he needed to hold on to something. And then he undressed me with an urgency, almost ripping my clothes off my body. His fingers slid all over my skin and I kissed him hard and full of desire.

Soon we were both naked and had throbbing erections. "Make love to, Andrew. I need you in me."

In response I just kissed him with more need. We hadn't crossed that line yet but I knew I wanted Joey to be my first. We had talked about it. He had gotten tested after the accident and we had decided that I should get tested, too so that there would be nothing to separate us.

He looked incredibly sexy with his lips red, wet and open, his legs slightly spread and I crawled on top of him, began to caress and kiss and touch and lick his whole body, trying to remember every detail.

He reached to the night stand and tried to get the lube while I licked his nipples. He moaned and his cock dripped.

"Here." He said, his voice deeper than usual, and handed me the tube.

I continued on my way down but only briefly touched his cock and balls. I went further until I reached the part of his body nobody had gotten to touch yet.

Without thinking I grabbed his ankles and led them above his head and then kissed his pucker and then licked around it. He shivered in pleasure and I began to rim him. When I first heard about it I was both disgusted and intrigued but now it seemed the natural thing to do.

"Please... Andrew... aah..." Joey whimpered and I went a little deeper, enjoying the response I got from him. After a while I opened the tube and took some of the lube and began to work it into him.

He took the first finger without a problem and I worked my second one into him. His eyes were closed and I leaned over to kiss him again. He moaned when a third finger joined the other two. I slowed down a little.

"Don't..." He said. "I need you... make love to me... now!"

"Alright, love." I positioned myself and slowly pushed in. He urged me to go faster but I took my time, I knew it hurt him, couldn't go too fast anyway, would have come otherwise. He was so hot and the feeling was indescribable.

"It's all in."

"Feels so good. Amazing." He said and put his legs around my waist, our lips touched again.

It was the most incredible feeling and as I slowly pulled out and pushed back in again, I looked carefully at Joey, saw what he liked and repeated it, getting an even stronger reaction from him.

His cock was constantly leaking and once I slowed down a little to make this experience last longer but soon Joey yelled out my name and came. The sight of his jizz spurting out and his ass, clamping down on my cock sent me over the edge as well.

I moaned and pushed in one last time. It was the most intense orgasm ever.

When we both calmed down we just lay in bed, we cuddled, we talked little. That night we made love again and the next night again. Every time was amazing, every time was different.

The second time was more tender and the next night we both felt desperate, knowing it was our last night together. I really wished we had more time but that was it. Two nights. Two amazing nights.

The last time was in the middle of the night and it was wonderful, so full of love and so full of sadness.

When I woke up friday morning he was gone and I went back to my room to pack my things.

I emptied my cup and a little later Julian came inside in his pjs. He jumped into my bed.

"It's going to be okay." He said and I smiled. I was really lucky to have him as my little brother. I put my arms around him and he soon fell asleep, me close behind.


The next two days went by really quickly. It was christmas and it was nice. We invited the same people like on Thanksgiving and it was nice. Yeah, nice.

I couldn't be happy. Every few minutes or so I thought about Joey. Jessica's brother tried to lighten my mood and he really managed to get me laughing a few times. But that was it.

We exchanged presents and I remembered I hadn't given Joey his yet. And probably never would.

Just before our guests left I got a call from Shane.

"Merry christmas." He said.

"Merry christmas."

"You don't sound very happy."


"Yeah, I know. Just wanted to let you know, Joey's leaving tomorrow morning. 8 o'clock. Want to know which gate and everything?"

"Are you telling me to stop him?"

"He wants you to stop him."

"I tried."

"Not hard enough. Besides, he's been like a zombie since he got home."

"Did he tell you he wanted me to stop him?"

"Didn't need to."

In that split second I made the decision that I was going to stop Joey, no matter what his parents said.

"Tell me everything I need to know." I said and Shane did.

I got a last minute flight after explaining everything to my family and arrived at the airport at three o'clock in the morning with nothing but my wallet and the christmas present for Joey in my pockets.

I sat down in a restaurant and drank four coffees. The hours got longer and longer, I'd only gotten a half hour of sleep during the flight and even then it was full of dreams.

At 6 o'clock I walked down to the gate where Joey was going to fly away. I had to go to the bathroom and saw that I looked horrible. I splashed my face with some cold water, which didn't really help.

And then the waiting began again. It made me nervous to just sit and wait. I began to imagine different scenarios like how he would react, if Shane was right, what his parents would do.

It was nerve wracking.

And then I saw him. A woman was holding his hand and a man had his suitcase and was talking to another woman. Probably Joey's aunt. Yeah, there was no was that Joey was able to fly alone. Sitting in a plane was way too difficult and dangerous for him, right?

I waited a little and I couldn't believe my luck when the two women went to the bathroom. The man just stood there but didn't look at Joey.

Before I reached him, Joey lifted his head and I knew he knew I was there.

"Andrew?" He whispered.

"I forgot to give you your christmas present." I said.

"Andrew." He whispered again.

"Here, open it." I handed him a small box and he opened it with trembling fingers. He took out two necklaces, both of them had one half of a heart.

"Shouldn't you wear one?" He asked.

"That was the idea when I bought it. But you know, I gave you my heart when I fell in love and now you're going away and you're taking my heart with you. I know that sounds real cheesy but I'm just hoping that one day you'll come back and give me back my heart."

His lips trembled and I saw tears streaming down but his glasses hid his eyes.

"I don't want to go. Take me with you, please. I don't..."

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" An angry voice asked and it was Joey's father.

"Dad..." Joey said with a surprisingly strong voice. "This is my boyfriend, Andrew. I love him and I decided that I'm not going! I'm not going with aunt Ida!" He pointed at her and I could see that his father was surprised that he knew where she was.

"What's going on here?" His mother asked.

"This filthy creature just suddenly appeared!" His father said.

"Joey! Is this the guy that seduced you?" She asked with disgust in her voice.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend." He took off his glasses and looked her in the eyes. I could tell she was feeling uneasy. "Believe it or not, I'm the one who seduced him. We were in the same class when we were much younger. And I loved him back then! I didn't even know I was gay then, or didn't want to admit it but I loved him when I was just a kid. And the girls? Tsk, I never loved them. They were fun but that was all. Andrew is fun, too. But I love him, I love him so much! You have no idea how sad I was when I was back home. You thought it was just because I was stupid and missed the sex or who knows what but that's not it! I felt like my heart was torn apart but you never noticed. And when you guys called me, you didn't even let me explain! You didn't want to listen. You just assumed things that were not true and I hate what you called Andrew. I hate the way you look at him now! Yes, I CAN see how you look, dad! Didn't think I was able to do anything, huh? Mom, I tried to explain you so many times that I was not some helpless, blind kid."

His mother was in shock and his father's face was red, I was afraid he was going to explode. But I was so proud of Joey to finally tell his parents what he thought. He didn't let them say anything and just continued.

"But as always, you didn't listen. You just didn't want to believe that I could do things on my own. Yes, I can walk without you holding my hand! And yes, I would be able to fly down there alone. And don't look like you don't believe it. And you!" He looked at his aunt. "Others don't know us and don't care about our arguing and besides, I'm not talking that loud. So don't look so ashamed, got it?"

His aunt had been looking at other people, trying to look small and probably just wanted to vanish. But now she looked shocked.

"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I can FEEL you. I probably can see better than you all! Did anyone of you see the coffee machine back there?" He pointed at it and I was surprised at his precision. "No, you didn't. And now you wonder why the blind kid knows it? Well, I'm not as blind as you thought! I'm not that helpless! I'm going to Switzerland whether you like it or not. And I'm NOT quitting college. I'm going to get my Ph.D. and teach history at the college. I don't want you to hate me but this is who I am. So take it or leave it."

His parents weren't able to say anything for a few seconds.

"Do you want some coffee?" Joey suddenly asked me.

"Yes, that would be nice." I said and gave him some money.

"Thanks." He said and turned around and walked towards the machine. His parents were still stunned from his outburst and didn't react for a few seconds but then his mother wanted to go after him, to 'help' him but I looked at her. "Just watch." I said and they did.

Joey didn't walk slowly and his steps were confident. He had no problem avoiding people, not that he needed to. He walked so straight and his beauty and determination were so strong that others made place for him. He stopped before the coffee machine and actually managed to throw in the money and took the coffee.

I glanced at his parents and could see their more than surprised expressions.

Joey came back when suddenly a kid came running. The boy stumbled and almost fell but Joey caught him! Without spilling any coffee! The boy's mother came running, thanked Joey and took the kid's hand. Finally Joey stood before me and led the cup to my mouth. It was very hot but I took a sip.

His parents couldn't believe what they saw and there was probably a lot they needed to think about.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going now. I really hope you won't hate me but I can't deny my love for Andrew and I'm not going to change. As you just saw, I can do things by myself and don't need your constant help. I'm really sorry to disappoint you but I'm not sorry to stand up for what I believe. Good bye." He said, took his suitcase and grabbed my arm. We walked away, leaving his parents stunned and speechless.

We both didn't talk but when we sat on the plane on our way back home his shoulders began to tremble and he let out a sob. I pulled him into my arms and he began to cry. People looked at us and a stewardess asked if everything was okay. I just nodded and Joey let everything out, soaking my shirt with his tears.

I think some of the people were disturbed or even pissed by his crying but I just didn't care.

When Joey finally calmed down he looked up at me. "Sorry." He said.

"It's alright. I just hope you feel better."

"I do. Thank you so much. For coming here for me."

"Shane called me."

"Ah. I have to thank him as well. I'm really sorry for leaving you! I was just really scared and... I'm sorry. As soon as I left I felt terrible and when I came home I just wanted to turn back the time. I'm so glad you didn't give up on me."

I just smiled and kissed him. I heard someone gasp.

Joey smiled back at me and then took out the necklaces and put one around my neck. I took the other one and put it around his.

As we left the plane the stewardess was smiling at us but some of the passengers stared at us with angry expressions. Good for them the flight wasn't longer. But there was also a girl that handed Joey a handkerchief and wished us merry christmas.


We had a great time in Switzerland. Well, that was one huge understatement. We stayed in a hotel in the alps and the first day we just relaxed. Jules was happy to 'have Joey back' and we went to the pool, we ate great food and got a wonderful massage.

We decided to go skiing and talked about how Joey would be able to do so. I had only gone skiing once when I was much younger and mom was still alive. Joey also only went a few times when he was younger. Dad got us an instructor who was to help Joey a lot. At first he didn't want Joey on the piste but then he said that he could let Joey drive with Joey in front of him, his skis between the instructors'. It worked since the instructor was huge and really strong and Joey learned fast.

I also had fun but I was a little jealous of the instructor. He got to hold Joey all day long!

Jules was one hell of a driver. He was way better than my father and me but I think I improved a lot.

Once we also went sledding at night. There were lights and not too many people. It was amazing and incredibly romantic with Joey and me on the sled, sliding down in the night, the stars were bright and we could see the lake at the foot of the mountains. We took a break once, just to make out.

For new year Joey and I stayed back at the hotel. The rest of the family went to watch the fireworks but since Joey couldn't see them we decided to make ourself a wonderful evening, meaning hours of making love.

Joey decided that he wanted to try to top me and well, I had been curious about it but was still nervous. Joey prepared me for a very long time and when his hard cock slid into me it hurt but my own boner never went down.

It was pretty good but we both decided that it was better the other way around. We ate a lot of Swiss chocolate and drank champagne and then I made love to Joey. We both climaxed and were on top of the world as the year came to an end and the new one began. What a way to start into the year.

Time passed fast and soon we had to go back and the semester began. Joey's parents hadn't called and I could tell that Joey was feeling depressed about it but I did my best to make him feel better. At least they payed his tuition.

The second semester went by faster than the first but a lot less happened. Joey and I loved each other more and more everyday and we had a great time with our friends.

Dylan and I fought again at the next fight. It was harsh and very close but I won. Dylan improved a lot and when I had taught him everything I knew we were good friends but I was no longer his teacher. I was sure that he could have defeated me then but he went pro before we had a chance to fight again.

Joey's mother called on his birthday. Just a few minutes but it was a start. His father needed more time but next christmas he called and he said that he still loved Joey but just couldn't understand. They talked and I think it was good for both of them. At least Joey was incredibly happy after the call because he knew his parents didn't hate him and just had a hard time with his 'choice' as they called it.

Joey and I were tight. People on campus knew about us but if anyone had a problem, they didn't bother us. We both did well and I had so much more than I could have imagined a year ago. I had a wonderful family, I had the cutest brother, a father whom I could talk to and a very young mother, I had more friends than ever... I had confidence and strength and most importantly, I had my gorgeous boyfriend, Joey.

We were happy and still are and will be.



Hi everyone. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would love to hear what you like or didn't like about it. I want to thank everyone who encouraged me to write.

I'm working on a second story and will probably post it in a few weeks. The first chapter is already on my yahoo group.

Thanks for reading. All the best, Azula

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