Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on May 19, 2011


She was beautiful. She had long, blonde hair and a good body. I could understand why my father would fall for her.

"Hi. My name's Jessica."

"Hi. I'm Andrew."

"I've heard a lot about you. Ah, and this is Julian." The small boy hid behind her legs.

"Hi Julian," I said. He timidly came forth and gave me his small hand. God, this boy was so cute! "Hello," he said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'm Andrew."

"You're gorgeous." That took me by surprise!

"Thank you. You are the cutest boy I've ever seen!"

I tickled his neck and he giggled. Oh, I hoped my father would marry Jessica. It didn't matter if she was a witch or whatever. I wanted this boy as a brother!

My father gave her a kiss and we then went to the living room. Jessica asked me some of the usual questions about school. Julian sat on my lap the whole time.

"He likes you." She said.

"I like him as well."

"That's good. He is usually very shy."



I then showed Julian the whole house and some of my old games. He loved them. He especially loved to be tickled and I loved doing it.

The meal was great as well. Tanya prepared a huge amount of food. I guess I didn't look at my father and Jessica at all, Julian had stolen my heart.

When they left, Julian gave me a peck on my cheek. I tickled him one last time and then told Jessica goodbye.

"So, what do you think?" My father asked.

"Marry her."

"Just like that? You aren't angry or anything?"

"Would you not marry her if I told you not to?"

He was quiet for a moment. "Probably not."

"Heh, so it would be useless to protest anyways. But I want Julian."

"You really like him."

"Yes. He's so damned cute!"

"He's a lot like you were."


"Yes. When you were his age you sometimes even got mistaken for a girl. You were so pretty."

"Ah." No wonder I was bullied.

"But now you're all grown up. I can't believe how fast it went."

"Mmh. I'm going to bed."

"Good night."


In my room I did a few exercises and then went to bed. I hadn't slept so peacefully in a while.

"Do you have a date for prom?" A guy from my class asked. His name was Jake if I remembered correctly.


"You want one?"

"Ahm, why do you ask?"

"My girlfriend has a friend who hasn't got a date yet."

"Ok. That would be cool."

He smiled. "Your name's Andrew right?"


"What happened to Mark and his friends?"


Jake grinned. "I heard they got beaten."

"Really?" I tried not to show anything on my face. Rumors always spread fast.

"Yes. You weren't really their friend, right?"

Now I looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want?"

"Ah, don't get all defensive. I guess everyone knew."


"You want me to tell you what they did to you?"

"No. No need." They knew? Everyone knew? Why didn't anyone try to help me? What the fuck was wrong with all these people? I already wanted to decline the date when he said: "I know what you're thinking now. But you have to understand, people are scared and weak. So, I'll call you. Gimme your number."

I gave it to him and then left the room. What a fucked up world. Really. I couldn't believe that they all knew. Four years! Four years! And no one even tried to help me.

I went to the toilet. I was so angry! Shit! I hit the toilet door with my fist. The door flew out of the angles and crashed against the toilet.

I couldn't stand anymore. I just sat on the floor and began to cry. The first time in four years. I never cried since the death of my mother. But now I just let it all go. I don't know how long I cried, but when I left the toilet after having washed my face, it was already too late for the next hour. I decided to skip the day and left the school.

I wandered around in the city for hours. I never went out and I didn't know many places. After a while I came to the darker and more dangerous area. There were dark figures, prostitutes, druggies, thieves and other people. It became darker but I didn't really want to go home.

Suddenly I saw someone I knew. It was the guy... Mike. Yes, Mike was his name. He just vanished behind a house and I decided to follow him. He was quick and after a while he went into an old house. I didn't really want to go inside. Who knew what was inside? So I waited outside. Just when I decided to go home he came out. But he wasn't alone. There were about six other guys and one girl. They all looked... scary, somehow.

When I followed them I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"...Our area... step... gets... no... more than... injured... " I didn't understand anything at all. Were they some sort of gang? It surely looked that way. They all had the same wristband.

A few minutes later they arrived at a big parking place. There was a bunch of other scary looking guys waiting, about fifteen of them. If they wanted to fight they probably had no chance. They looked strong but there were almost twice as many other guys.

Mike went to the one who looked like the leader of the other group.

"You overstepped your boundaries!" He said.

The other one just laughed. "Stupid boundaries. No one cares about them."

"Everyone does. You guys are the only ones stupid enough to..."

"You call us stupid?"

"Yes! Stupid!"

"You guys are just a bunch of kids. You are all losers. You even lost one of your best men. Heh, how do you want to fight against us?"

"Don't worry about that. If you don't promise to accept the boundaries, we'll have to..."

"I won't accept them."

Mike shoved him away and went back to his group. What boundaries? I wondered.

That moment, hell broke out. Mikes group attacked the others and in awe I observed this brutal, wild fight.

It was incredible. Mike and his guys (and the girl) were strong and if it were a one on one fight, they would have won without a problem. But it wasn't and they were struggling quite a bit.

I didn't know if I should intervene or not. But then the bad guy (Mike's opponent) took out a baseball bat! If he hit him with that...

I didn't finish my thought. I just jumped out of my hiding place and stopped the baseball bat a millimeter over Mike's head. Then I sent the bad guy flying. Probably a little bit too hard. I heard one of his ribs cracking.

Mike was surprised but didn't question me. He just smiled and we then fought back to back. They had no chance. In just a few seconds I sent five guys flying.

When I finished the last one, Mike's friends looked at me in awe.

"Wow!" One said. The others just stared.

"We... probably should call an ambulance." I said.

Mike nodded and we went to one of the public telephones. Then we left.

"Who the hell are you?" The girl asked.

"Andrew, right?" Mike said. I nodded.

"Wow. Wanna enter our gang?" One guy asked.

"What sort of gang is this?"

"Ah, actually... we're just one of the many gangs that are around here."

"I'll think about it. But I gotta go now."

"Ok. See ya."

I left them. Should I join such a street gang? I really had no idea what they normally did. Where they always fighting? I didn't really want to do something like this.

Tanya wondered where I had been all this time. I never came home this late. But she didn't say anything at all. She knew that I would tell her if I needed to talk about it.

I went to bed, but there was so much in my head. I couldn't sleep at all. So I went down to the basement. Tanya must have tidied up the room; the broken things were gone.

I began to practice some Taekwondo movements. Then I did all the katas I knew. I learned Kata in karate class. They were fights but you did them by yourself. Defend and attack against someone who wasn't here.

I liked doing them. I always had to concentrate a lot and it cleared my head. After an hour, I took a shower and went to bed again. This time I fell asleep.

I usually sat alone eating lunch, but today Jake waved me to take place next to him. He was sitting with a bunch of guys and girls.

"Hey Andrew," he said. "Sit down. This is Jane my girlfriend. And these guys are Sam and Paul and this is Louisa." Louisa sat next to Jane and was probably my date. She wasn't bad looking at all, but I really had no interest in girls.

"Hi." I said and they all greeted me back.

"Pretty, isn't she?" Jake whispered into my ear.

"Your girlfriend? Yes, she is." I said.

"Dummy, not Jane. She is of course. But I mean Louisa."

I grinned. "I know dummy. Yes, she is."

He grinned back at me.

It felt really different to eat with these guys. They were pretty fun and I enjoyed eating with them. After lunch I went to class with Jake.

"Hey, I'm sorry for yesterday." He said.

"What for?"

"Ah, don't act stupid. I was really tactless. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't."

"I'm... don't act like it didn't affect you. You were gone the whole afternoon."

"I just needed some time."

"Ok. You're a cool guy."

"Thanks. Same for you."

"Heh, I guess this friendship comes kinda late. We've been together in class for such a long time."

"That was mostly my fault. I was so uncertain all the time."

"Right. I thought you changed. What happened?"

That moment I saw Mark. He was back. When he saw me he flinched and turned the other way. I smiled. "Not that much."

The rest of the week passed quickly. I continued eating with Jake and the others. Louisa showed great interest in me but I wasn't sure how to treat her. I didn't want to give her hope but I also didn't want to treat her rudely. So I was just friendly.

"Don't you like her?" Jake asked once.

"I do, why?"

"It doesn't seem that way."

"It's just... I... ahm... I've never dated anyone and I'm not sure I want a girlfriend right now. School is almost over."

"Oh, I see," was all he said.

Thursday night Mike came to our house.

"Hey Andrew."

"Hi Mike. Wanna come inside?"


We sat in the living room.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My group has been pestering me about you nonstop. The want you in our gang."

"Oh. I'm not sure... I won't be here much longer. I'm going to New York after summer."

"I see." He smiled. Oh wow, his smile was intoxicating. "You're the strongest guy I've ever seen. Would you help us out if we got in trouble?"

I wanted to push him down and straddle him and...

"Of course," I said.

"Cool. Well, I gotta go now."

As soon as he left, Tanya came into the living room.

"Wasn't he that dog guy?"


"Hmm. I don't like him."


"Don't know. Just take care."

"I will."

When Saturday came around my father was home again.

"Morning, Andrew."


"Happy birthday."

"Wha... oh... oh, right. Ha-ha, today is my birthday."

"You forgot?"

"Seems like it."

"Boy, you can't forget your own birthday," Tanya said and gave me a small gift.

"That's from your dad and me."

I opened it and found the keys for a BMW. Until now I never had the need of a car. School was pretty near. But soon I would be at NYU.

"Oh, wow. I... wow. Thank you!"

I gave Tanya a hug and then stood before my dad for a moment. I hadn't hugged him in years. He saw me hesitate and pulled me into his arms.

"Thank you... dad."

"Anything for you. I'm sorry for... the last years. And now..." He looked at me with glassy eyes. "Check out your car."


I ran to the garage and there stood a beautiful, silver BMW ...

"Want to take a ride?" My father asked.

"Breakfast first." Tanya intervened.

Later we went for a drive and ate lunch in a restaurant. When we came home the doorbell rang. Tanya opened the door and Julian came running inside and jumped me.

"Andy, Andy, Andy..." He cried.

"Hey Jules. How are you?"

"Missed you."

Awww, he was sooooooooo cute!!!

I heard my father and Jessica chuckle.

"Me too." I said.

"Here. For you." He gave me a small gift. My name was written on it. I opened it and there was a chain with a beautiful stone pendant on it.

"Oh, wow. Jules. Thank you so much!"

"I made it."

"Wow, really?"

He nodded proudly. I gave him a peck on the cheek and then tickled him. He put the chain around my neck.

"Looks good," he said.

We left the adults by themselves. Oh, right, I was now an adult too. I didn't feel like it. We went to my room and I really loved playing with him. I already thought of him as my brother.

"Are you strong?" Julian suddenly asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm weak."

"You want to be strong?"


"Why?" I dreaded the answer. It couldn't be, right?

"There is a guy in my class. He always bullies my friend."

"And you want to help your friend?"


I thought about that for a moment.

"Jules, what do you think about this. Bring your friend sometimes and I'll teach you both how to be strong."

"Cool. You're the best."

I wouldn't teach them about Qi, yet. But some karate or taekwondo knowledge could always be useful.

Next week were finals and then came prom night. I bought myself some elegant clothes and picked up my date with my car. I had to meet her father! He seemed to be one of those guys who didn't want to give their daughters away to some younger guys.

I didn't talk much on our ride. I just listened to her. She talked about... gosh; I don't remember what she said. It was so much and not important. But I had to admit she looked pretty in her dress. If I weren't gay, I'd definitely go for her.

I couldn't really dance so we mostly just talked with the others. We did one slow dance but I wasn't really comfortable with it and it probably showed. She found some other guy to dance with.

A little before midnight my handy rang.


"Hey Andrew. It's Mike."

"What's up?"

"Wanna come over?"

"Where to?"

"Our clubhouse. Wait, I'll give you the address."

"Ok. I'm on the way."

I told Jake and the others goodbye and then left.

The clubhouse was the old building Mike vanished in to.

It was late and I saw a lot of suspicious figures in the dark. If I weren't so strong, I would never walk around here at night.

I entered the house and went upstairs. Only Mike and two other guys were here, Jim and Thomas they said.

"Hey Andrew!"

"Hey guys."

"Come here." Mike patted the place on the couch next to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Just hanging out. We have nothing to do tonight."


"Hey, you look great." Jim said.

"Ah, thank you. I just came from prom."

"No way."

"Yes way."

"You just left?"

"Yes. There wasn't much action."

"But... your date?" Thomas asked.

"Ah... she... was pretty, but... ahm... we..."

"You didn't have the same wavelength?" Mike helped me.

"Yes. Right."

"Ah, I know that. So many girls are just boring. Always talking and no action. Oh, do you guys want to watch some movies?"


"Is that what you guys usually do?" I asked.

"Depends. We have some real action about twice a week. Fights and other things. But other evenings we are here. Sometimes there are girls as well.

"I see."

"What do you want to see?" Mike asked.

"Didn't we buy a new one yesterday?"

"Oh, right." Mike took one video and put it in the player. I was shocked when I saw that it was a porn movie! That's what they did almost every evening? And sometimes there were girls? Oh my gosh!

Soon I could see that they were hard. Well, I was too. But only because the guys in the movie were so hot. Around the second scene they began to take their erections out and began to slowly jack off. I couldn't do that. Next to me I could feel Mike's presence, his body heat. The fourth scene was... the best of all of them. It involved two guys and one girl. I was mesmerized by what the guys did to each other. I guess the girl was too. I almost creamed my pants.

At some point in the movie Jim and Thomas both came. Then they excused themselves and went to bed.

"How was it?" Mike asked me.

I blushed. "Ahm... it was... cool, I guess."

He chuckled. "So, which scene did you like the best?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I have my favourite. You have too, right?"


"We'll just say it at the same time. Three... two... one..."

"Four." I said. He just smiled. "Cheater!"

"Hehe, I knew it. It was the guys, right?"

"So what."

"Well, it's my favorite as well. It was so hot."

"Are you gay?"

"Yes. Thomas and Jim are, too. The others are straight."

"Why did you buy straight porn?"

"We were unsure about you. And we often watch straight porn with the other guys. But we also have a big amount of gay porn."

"I see."

"Right. And I want to see yours too." He pointed at my tented jeans.

When I hesitated he just opened my pants and pulled my cock out. "Nice." It stood up and pointed at him.

"Ever had a blowjob?" He asked.


"Want to give me one? I'll teach you."

My body reacted without my command and I nodded. He smiled and began working at it. His cock was pointing right into my face. I touched it, stroked it and then began to lick on the head.

"No teeth." Mike said and I began to copy what he did to me. I felt like I was in heaven. It felt so good. I licked the shaft and then took the head into my mouth. I tried to bob on it like Mike did on mine.

I gasped when he took all of my cock inside. How did he do that? I almost chocked when I tried to get even half of him inside me.

I couldn't take his deep throating much longer and could only moan and gasp on his cock. I came harder than ever before.

While I came, I didn't feel how Mike changed positiones. He took my hair in his fingers and began thrusting harder. I was still in heaven and didn't react. I didn't even notice until he pushed his whole cock into my throat. I chocked and felt like throwing up but I suppressed the feeling. I didn't get any air but a few moments later his spunk went right into my stomach. He then pulled out, still panting.

"That was great." He said.

I didn't know what to say. Was a blowjob supposed to be like that? I felt good, of course. But now...

Mike pulled his pants up. "You're welcome here whenever you want."


"Want to stay the night?"

"No. I have to go home."

"Ok. See ya."

I left the building. I just got and gave my first blowjob. Why wasn't I happy? I just felt dirty and somehow used. I just couldn't resist his charm. He looked so good.

In my fantasy it was me who pushed him down and took control, but I was inexperienced and he had taught me something.

My throat was still felt sore. He just pushed his whole thing inside. He didn't care how I felt. It was like he expected me to do it to him because he did it to me.

When I came home the house was dark. Tanya and my father were asleep already. I took a long, hot shower and went to bed.

That was the second chapter. Hope you enjoyed. I'd love to hear from you. Any comments, good or bad can be sent to Azula

Next: Chapter 3

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