Andrews Strength

By Azula Sherry Noise

Published on Sep 10, 2011


I'm sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. I was on vacation last week, the week before I had exams and before that I was cramming like crazy. Anyway, I don't reveal yet what's wrong with Joey in this chapter but you might have already realized it. I promise you'll get to know in the next one. Enjoy.


"You going home again?" Nate asked when I got back to the room on friday after classes.

"Yes. You stay here?"

"Yes. My family isn't near. And as I said, our relationship isn't as good as yours."

"Want to come with me?" I asked and thought it would be fun to spend the weekend with him and Julian. He was a nice guy after all even though some of his jokes really annoyed me sometimes.

"Huh? I don't know..."

"Come on. Tyler and Bo won't be here. I'm sure Julian will be happy to meet you."

"Ok..." He said, still looking a little unsure. "Thank you. You're a great friend."

"My pleasure."

He smiled and an hour later we went. On the way he asked a lot about my family. What my dad was like, if Jessica was pretty and how old Julian was.

"We're here." I said when we arrived at our home.

"Whoa. The house is huge! You must be rich!" Nate blurtet out.

"My father is - was a workaholic."

"I see. Erm, are you sure it's okay that I stay here? They don't even know I'm coming."

"It's alright." I said even though I thought that I probably should have called them beforehand but I somehow forgot.

Nate looked unsure and I thought he was going to say something else when the door opened and Julian came out, running.

"Andy! Andy! Andy!" He cried and jumped me. I caught him.

"Hi Jules!" I gave him a peck on his forehead. "How are you?"

"Good! Missed you! Oh... who is that?" He looked at Nate.

"That's my friend Nate. Come in."

We went inside and my father and Jessica came out from the living room and looked a little surprised when they saw Nate.

"Hi Andrew." He greeted me and then he turned towards Nate. "Hello, I'm Marcus, Andrew's father. And this is Jessica."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nate."

"He stays here this weekend." I said and it almost sounded like an order. My father just nodded and Jessica said that dinner was ready. It was good as always and my father and Jessica seemed to like Nate and Nate opened up fast. Soon we were laughing, talking and enjoying the evening.

Julian was just a little shy in the beginning but soon laughed at all the jokes Nate told him. Normal jokes and no jokes about gays, luckily.

When it got late I brought Julian to bed. He was asleep a second later.

"Where is Nate sleeping?" Jessica asked later.

"Oh, right. Nate, there is a guestroom but you can sleep in my room."

"We're roommates. Why should I sleep in the guestroom?"

"Right." We said goodnight and went to my room. He looked at my huge bed. "I can sleep on the couch if you want." I offered.

He shook his head. "It's okay. The bed is huge and it's not like we're fags."

I bit my teeth together and wondered what he would do if he knew I was a fag, as he called gays. We both took a shower in my bathroom and then went to bed.

"Your family is great." He said, looking at the ceiling.

"Yes, they're nice. But you remember I told you, it wasn't always like that."

"What happened?"

"Jessica isn't my real mother."

"I suspected that. She is really young. And beautiful." He said with a grin.

"Yes. Julian is her son. We're not related by blood. My father married her this summer. Before that... well, it wasn't nice."

I thought about all my lonely days. Even when my mother was still alive she was in bed almost all the time. Later I had Tanya but I was still lonely. No friends and everyday I came home to a huge, almost empty house.

"How was it? Or is it too personal?" Nate asked.

"No, it's okay. I was really lonely. I told you my father was a workaholic. The last four years I saw him probably once every week. Sometimes less. And I had no friends."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I can't really imagine you without friends. You're a cool guy. And good looking. The girls must have been all over you."

"I was different in high school, not confident at all, weak but I worked really hard to become strong... What about you? It seems you don't really like your parents."

"They just seem to never understand me. They are so serious and distant. We never had a close relationship. I always thought they didn't care about me."

"But they do?"

"I think so."

"Did you talk to them?"

"I can't really talk to them. It makes me uncomfortable. But I have friends who I can talk to. You know, you make it really easy to talk to because you listen."

"Thanks, I guess."

"What are we gonna do tomorrow?"

"We could do something fun with Julian."

"Cool. Good night."



When I woke I was warm and comfortable. My arm was on Nate's shoulders. He was still asleep. I really had to piss so I got up. He stirred but didn't wake up.

"Oh, morning Andrew. Since when are you up?" He asked when he finally opened his eyes.

"Twenty minutes."

"I slept reeeeally well. I hope you did, too."


"Wow. It smells great."

"Mmh. Breakfast is ready."

We went downstairs. Julian was already eating.

"Morning." He said. "Mom and dad went out. What are you guys doing today?"

"We'll go out as well."

"Can I... come, too?" Julian asked, afraid I might refuse. His expression was soooo cute!

"Of course. What should we do?"

The day was great. We went to the park and later watched a movie. Sunday came fast and we soon had to go back. I didn't really welcome the new week.


The next week I ate lunch with Laura and some of her friends. Three girls and two other guys who were the boyfriends of two of Laura's friends. They were all really fun and I enjoyed eating with them. They were all at least two years older but since it was Laura that introduced me to them, they treated me like one of their friends as well.

One of the girls, Sarah, really clung to me. She was pretty and had a nice voice but I didn't respond to her flirting. Soon the couples left us.

"Hey Andrew!" Laura said.


"You either already have someone you like or you are gay. Or both."

"Wh... why?"

They both grinned. "My efforts are all for nothing! Tell me you're gay or my self-esteem will be gone." Sarah said.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry."

"What does that mean?" Sarah asked.

"I am gay."

"Oh, good. Hehe, that's good. I was really worried when you didn't respond at all." She said.

"You don't care?"

"Naw. We're fine with it." Laura said.


"Soooo, who do you like?" Sarah asked with a wicked grin on her face.

I grinned back. "I won't tell you."

"Come on. Is it one of those jocks? They have great bodies but aren't as handsome as you. Or do you like those openly gay guys? Or fems? Or..."

"Laura!" I stopped her. "I won't live peacefully until I tell you, right?"

She grinned. "Correct."

"Ok, but promise neither of you will say anything."


"It's Joey. The guy with the glasses."

"Wow, I know him... You have good taste. I saw you eating with him and that other karate-guy. What happened?" Laura asked.

"Nothing." I grumbled.

"Oh, come on. I can see you're lying." Sarah said.

"I'll tell you another time. Now you two... do you have crushes or boyfriends?"

"No." They both said.

"No way. Who do you like?" I asked.

Laura grinned. "Noone right now. But I have a few dates every week. I just didn't meet my Mister Perfect, yet."

"Oh well, good luck for both of you. You're both beautiful and fun."

"Wow, what a compliment from a gay guy." Sarah said, grinning. I just grinned back.


"The fight will be wednesday afternoon. I have chosen our team." Gion Sensei announced two days before the big fight and everyone at the dojo was really motivated. Shane and I were both on the team. The others were all older. Do I have to tell you who was number ten?

After the training Gion Sensei held me back.

"Andrew, I wish you good luck against Dylan." He said.


"You know some things about boxing, right?"


"The fight won't be easy. Dylan intends to go pro. He is in middleweight but I know that his punches are really heavy. The last time he broke two ribs of his opponent."

"Ok. I'll do my best."

"Good. See you."


"What did he want?" Shane asked when we were in the shower.

"Not much. Just because of the fight."

"He really has a lot of confidence in you."

I nodded. "You're number five, right?"

"Yes. Man, I'm really excited. I never had an interdisciplinary fight."

"We'll win."

"Sure... Andrew..."


"You've really gotten close to Laura and that other girl."

"So what?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering if you were just playing with Joey."

"Definitely not. But at least Laura and Sarah don't ignore me."

"I still think it's some sort of misunderstanding. He knows you're sitting with them... and I can tell it hurts him."

"I'll try talking to him once more, next week, after the fight. But it will be the last time."

"Thank you. I'll talk to Joey."


Wednesday we all assembled in the boxing rooms. We were already warmed up and all the other students who couldn't participate and even some others were present. Nate was here. Joey was here as well. To watch Shane. No, stupid. He couldn't see. He probably just wanted to be present and cheer for him.

We had our numbers on and sat opposite of the boxing team. Soon the first fight started. I watched a while. It was really different than a normal kumite fight. The fighting styles were different and the fight showed that not only technique but also instinct was very important. Suddenly I felt someone's stare. I looked up and saw Dylan staring at me.

He had gray eyes and I felt a bit uncomfortable. But I stared back. He was taller than me and his arms were really impressive. I thought he was good looking but his stares were scary. Three years earlier I would have flinched and run away. But I was different now so I just stared back.

I didn't even take my eyes off him when Shane went for his fight. It was like our fight already started. I felt my body tense and it felt as if the energy was in my eyes.

"Next is Dylan against Cole." Someone announced. Cole was our number nine. Dylan stood up but his eyes were still fixed on me. When the bell rang he flashed me a smile and showed me his strength. He was really strong. And fast. His punches were almost invisible and Cole stood no chance. He went down after less than a minute.

"Now is the final fight. Which team will win? Both number tens. Dylan, the boxer, as good as a pro. And Andrew, a freshman. What is up his sleeve?"

I got up and felt all the energy running through me. I almost didn't hear the cheering and only had eyes for the guy standing before me. We continued staring at each other but when the bell rang Dylan immediately attacked. He was the strongest guy I ever fought. I had trouble blocking his fast punches and he landed two hits. But even though they were heavy I had no problem. I had endured much more.

I began to counter and before he knew it I landed a hit. Not with all my energy but enough to make him almost go down. I saw that he hurt but his eyes were filled with energy and willpower.

For two seconds we stared at each other again. Then we attacked at the same time. We both landed a hit. We both didn't block.

We did the same thing again but this time I caught his fist with my other hand. He stared at me and I knew that I had really hit him hard but the fight wasn't over.

The next punches came fast. I hit him and then he hit me. We blocked some and sometimes didn't. After what felt like hours and only seconds at the same time, I began to feel some pain and I could see that he was, too.

We both grinned at each other and attacked one last time.

It seemed to happen in slow motion. We both landed the hit. I put almost all of my energy in the punch. I knew that with that much energy I could make a normal person fly away. I could destroy walls or punching bags. But he was incredible and I thought that he could take it.

I could feel his punch and almost buckled. For a second that seemed like eternity we both stood and stared at each other. Then he went down and I heard the cheering of the others.

"The winner is the karate team. This is the first time in two years!"

I looked up and could see Gion Sensei's happy face, then I saw Joey's face. He turned away and left. I saw Shane and Laura. They both held their thumbs up. And then I saw Dylan. The strongest guy I ever fought. He was unconscious.

I called the ambulance and Coach Ellington and me went with them. I was still in my gi.

"You two showed us an incredible fight." Coach Ellington said.

"Dylan is really strong."

"Yes. I never saw him as energized as today. I hope he'll recover soon. It seems he finally found someone strong enough to fight."

In the hospital they did x-rays and checked his whole body. Dylan had two cracked ribs from the last punch but the damage wasn't too big, luckily. I was really worried about him. Every normal human would have had severe injuries.

Dylan was brought to a normal room and was sleeping. I left and went back to take a shower and do some homework.

Later that evening Shane came by. "Wow! That was the most incredible fight I ever saw!" He said.




"I talked to Joey." He said.


"I promised not to say anything. But I can assure you he has his reasons."

"What could his reasons be that he won't tell me?"


"Am I that scary?" I was getting really angry. I hated to feel so insecure. Joey should have just told me he hated me or whatever it was. Otherwise I'd just keep hoping and not being able to move on. The last week I'd been able not to think about him too often but as soon as I saw him from afar or heard his name, my heard jumped.

"I'm sorry I can't say anymore. But if you really want him you have to be able to bear... a lot."

"Is he going to die or what?"

"I said I couldn't say anymore."

"Okay. I get it." I grumbled but I knew that I had to talk to him the next time I saw him. Even if it was probably going to be hard and not very fun. It was something I had to do.


The next day I went to the hospital to visit Dylan. He looked really bored in his bed.

"Hello Dylan." I said.

"Oh... you." He said and made a disgusted face. I was taken aback for a moment but then he grinned. "Just kidding." Oh wow. He was really handsome without his scary look.

"How are you?" I asked.

"My whole body hurts thanks to you."


"No need to be. Yours doesn't?"

"A little. I'm... used to it."

"To getting blows?"

"Yeah." My voice sounded more defensive than I wanted. He didn't ask anymore.

"I never met an opponent like you. Want to fight again?" He asked.

"Sure. When will you be out of here?"

"Soon. Right now I'm just here for observation. But I should be able to go back soon. And next time I'll beat you." He said with a huge provoking grin on his face.

"We'll see." I grinned back.

"Andrew... to be honest I haven't lost a fight in two years. I was bored with my opponents and felt so strong. But yesterday..."

"I didn't make you feel weak."

"That's right. You brought me down to earth and even though I lost it was the most exciting fight since... ever. It somehow gave me back the will to get stronger. I really want to thank you for that."

"It was my pleasure. I was really impressed - no, more than impressed - with your strength. I didn't think anyone could take my punches like you did. If it were a wall it would break. Even metal bars would bend. But you..."

"I haven't ever taken such a blow. Gosh... how come you're so strong. You don't look like it." He looked at my arms. They had definition but they surely didn't look like the arms of those bodybuilders that could benchpress more than 200 kg.

"Training. Endless training." I said.

"Oh well, I'll just have to train more and next time it's me who's going to win." He grinned again.

We talked some time and he was easy to talk to. Soon visiting hours were over. I said goodbye and was sure that I had found a new good friend.

When I was lying in bed I thought about the incredible changes that happened in my life. From getting bullied everday to being the strongest guy in the dojo, winning fights, making new experiences...


I had promised to talk to Joey after the fight. Now was already friday but I hadn't seen him since then. He wasn't there at lunch time so I decided to go find his dorm. It wasn't too hard to find his room and I soon stood before his door.

I knocked. Nothing. Wait. Steps. The door opened.

"What do you want?" Joey asked. How did he manage to recognize me every time?

"May I come inside?" He just nodded and I entered the room. It was similar to mine, perhaps a little smaller and it wasn't an apartment. Noone else was here. I sat on a chair.

"What do you want?" Joey repeated.

"You." I answered bluntly.


"Why? Could I at least have an explanation? I have no idea what's going on and it's pissing me off!"

"I'm sorry but I..."

"No buts! Just tell me what's wrong. Are you dying?"

"What? Where did you hear that from?"

"You see? I have no idea! And you just won't tell me! Is it something I did? Because I licked your finger? I'm sorry for that. I didn't think."

"It's got nothing to do with that."

"Then what?"

"I can't tell."

"Is it that terrible? It can't be worse than death. Are you a prostitute? Are you mafia? Are you in danger? Are you..."

"Andrew! It's nothing like that. I just can't tell you."

"Do you like me?" I asked and hated how desperate my voice sounded. I really wanted to get to know this guy. He was beautiful but that wasn't all. He was fun and intelligent. And he was mysterious. I sometimes forgot he was blind. It was as if he could see.


"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to be with me. Then I'll leave you alone. Only then."

"I don't want to be with you. Just go." He said. Was he looking in my eyes? I couldn't tell.

I took his glasses off. "I can't see your eyes." I said. Then I saw his eyes. They weren't dull. They were a beautiful, deep, dark mix of blue and green. And they seemed familiar.

Joey hid his eyes behind his hands. "Give me back my glasses." He said, his voice trembling.

"Why are you hiding behind those glasses?"

"Give them back."

"Tell me first."

"Andrew!" It looked like he would begin to cry every second.

"Okay. I get it." I took his hand and when I put his glasses on I couldn't withstand the urge to kiss his eyes. There were some small scars but they were almost invisible. The surgeon must have done a good job.

When my lips touched his eyes two single tears streamed down his soft cheeks. He turned away.

Should I go? No. I couldn't leave him like this. I put my arms around his shoulders and he began to sob and cry. I had to hold him or he would have went down. I don't know how long we stood like that. When his body began to stop trembling I led him to the bed. He lay down and I put a blanket over him.

"Thank you." He whispered. And then: "You've gotten really strong."

Next: Chapter 9

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