Andy and Joel

By Mat W

Published on Oct 31, 2014



Hope you guys like this - more like it on the way!

I met Joel and Andy on the day they moved in next door. It was nice to have some more gays in the neighbourhood - I've lived here since my aunt left me her house when she died 10 years ago when I was only 22. Whilst I'm probably not the `only gay in the village', I'm the only one I know about apart from Vera and Dolly, the elderly lesbians who run the Post Office!

The house next door had been empty for ages - I'd got used to the peace and quiet. Originally one large detached Victorian villa standing alone on one side of the village green, the building had been split in two in the 1980s after my uncle died and it was too big for my aunt on her own. I had the grand entrance door at the front, Joel and Andy's house had what I guessed had once been the tradesman's entrance at the side.The conversion had been done slightly oddly, so while I had a living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs, with two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, next door just had the dining room and kitchen downstairs, with two bedrooms, bathroom and living room upstairs. The garden out front is all mine, with the side garden being theirs. The large back garden was split in two when the house was spilt, but both halves are still a decent size. The previous owners both obviously valued their privacy as, although it's possible to see into each others' back gardens from the house, you can't see across into one garden from the other.

As I say, I met Joel and Andy on the day they moved in. It was Friday and I got home from work to discover the removal van outside the house. I gave one of the removal guys a note to say that if the new neighbours fancied a cup of tea and a slice of cake, they need only knock on the door. At about 7.30, the knock came and I invited the two young men in to have a break. They seemed a nice enough couple, slightly mismatched, I thought, but nice. Joel told me he was 35, a lawyer, about 6 foot tall, in good shape and handsome, with short blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. Andy was 28, a maths teacher and, without wanting to sound like I'm stereotyping, looked like one! Taller than Joel at about 6' 4", Andy had dark hair which didn't look styled, glasses and was skinny. What we'd have called a nerd, when I was at school. I wondered how he coped in the classroom. We had a cup of tea and some cake in the garden, chatted about work and things, and then they went back to sort out their furniture.

After that first meeting, I saw Joel and Andy from time to time in the village, but I didn't hear much from them. One of the good things that the builders had done when they converted the villa was to make sure that it was more or less soundproof: very little got through from one side to the other. About six weeks after they had moved in was one of the hottest days of the year. It was far too hot to stay indoors, so I had taken a book and a jug of lemonade down to the end of my garden where I had a bench in a shady corner. I settled down and read and, in the heat, I dozed off. You know what it's like when you've fallen asleep outdoors in the middle of the day. When you wake up you're not entirely clear where you are, or what you've been doing, or what's woken you up. As I was coming out of my doze I heard this weird noise. At first I thought it was someone hammering in a nail, but it went on for far too long. And, anyway, I soon realised that there was no way that was a hammer and a nail. I sat up and looked about. I'd not sat on the bench for some time, and I hadn't realised that, after some garden tidying, I could see down from the bench into Joel and Andy's garden. And on this hot day, they had their french windows open and I could see into their dining room. And I could see where the noise was coming from. Sitting on one of the dining chairs was tall, gangly Andy, wearing a t-shirt and shorts like I was. But Joel was not. Joel was stark bollock naked. And he was lying across Andy's lap. And he was being spanked. Joel's muscular behind was already quite red, and Andy just carried on laying into it. I watched as Joel squirmed and writhed over his husband's knee. After some time, Andy stopped the spanking. I couldn't hear what he said, but I watched as Joel raised himself and walked to the corner of the room by the windows and stood there with his hands on his head, his bright red bottom on show. And that was it. Andy wandered off and, eventually, Joel was clearly given permission to move, and the show ended.

Of course, every chance I got after that, I was at my post on the bench, in the hope of a repeat performance. But I was disappointed. Not again that summer did I get to see the show. Life continued in its ordinary way, Joel and Andy were regular neighbours with whom I chatted briefly when we saw each other coming in or going out.

And then things got interesting. I got home from work one evening to find one of those `sorry we missed you' cards that couriers leave. I'd ordered some stuff from ebay - Octonauts toys for my nephew - and they'd arrived whilst I was out. The card said they'd been left next door. Before I started getting dinner ready, before I'd even changed out of my suit, I popped round and rang Joel and Andy's doorbell. Andy came to the door, looking flustered. He said that the washing machine was playing up and that water was all over the floor.

"Can I help?" I asked

"Well, if you don't mind helping mop up, that'd be great!" Andy said, "Joel isn't home yet, and I'm fed up with paddling round my kitchen."

We went down the corridor into the kitchen, which was indeed somewhat awash. Andy started wielding a mop and I started in on the pile of towels which looked like their complete stock. Despite repeated wringing out of cloths and mop, the water level seemed to be getting no lower. I'd taken my work shoes and socks off, as well as my jacket and tie, and was sluicing the boys' kitchen in my suit trousers and my shirt, the tail of which was hanging out like a slob!

What with the swabbing and the radio playing, I guess we didn't hear the front door open or close. Or Joel's footsteps on the stairs going up to their bedroom. What we did hear though was,

"Sir? Are you home?"

Andy looked up startled, and momentarily thrown. And that moment was enough. The kitchen door opened and with another questioning call of `Sir?', Joel came in.

I looked up and, I am sorry to say, I am sure my jaw hung slack like a yokel seeing his first train. Joel, the successful lawyer, was standing in the kitchen doorway, as naked as the day he was born. As naked, in fact, as the day I'd seen him getting spanked by Andy all those weeks ago. Except he wasn't exactly completely naked. Around his neck was a metal chain, with a small padlock at the front locking it in place. And unable to stop myself from looking down, his cock was encased in a plastic device which also had a small padlock, wrapped in elastic bands, locked at the point at which his cock joined his torso.

It was a bit like one of those crap comedies you sometimes see on satellite TV in the daytime. For what seemed like an age, we looked from one to another. Eventually Andy spoke,

"Um, Nick... Er, Joel, get in here and get this mess cleared up. Nick, do you want to come up to the lounge and I can explain?"

I was still slightly dazed, but I nodded as Andy held out the mop he had been using to Joel, who took it and walked past me and began mopping the floor. As he passed, I couldn't help but notice that his bare bum was a light shade of pink.

"And bring us a couple of beers up in 10 minutes, boy," Andy instructed Joel.

"Yes, Sir," Joel said, quietly.

Andy led the way up to their living room. As I said, it was upstairs and looked out over the side of the house, above their front door. It had french doors with a Juliet balcony directly above the door, something I assumed had been put in when the conversion had been done - I couldn't imagine the original owners wanting to look out above the tradesmen's entrance! Andy sat down by the windows and waved me to a very handsome wing chair the other side of them.

"I wondered how long our little secret would take to come out," Andy said. "As soon as we met you and found out you were gay, I knew it would only be a matter of time. In fact, I'm amazed we've kept it quiet this long. The soundproofing must be even better than we had been led to believe!"

"Well, Andy, I am a well-rounded kind of gay, but I am a bit at a loss, to be honest!" I said.

"Really, Nick? I had taken you for more of a man of the world than that."

"So, what's going on, Andy?"

And so he told me. Yes, he and Joel were married. They'd been together for 8 years, since Andy was 20. And all that time, Joel has been Andy's slave as well as his husband.

"Well, actually," Andy had said, "I prefer houseboy to slave, but slave about sums it up."

Turned out they'd met through a mutual friend. Despite being young and gangly, Andy knew he was a top through and through, and he'd started going to The Hoist as soon as he'd found about it after moving to London for uni. At an SMGays discovery night he'd got chatting to an older guy called Liam, and they'd become friendly. He and Liam met up for drinks and went around together; Liam became his `mentor' on the scene.

"It was a bit weird, really, "Andy said, "I knew I wanted to dominate other guys, I knew I preferred topping older guys, but I found I simply was not turned on by all the leather and dressing up. And then, one day, Liam texted to say he thought he had found what I was looking for, and that I should come round to his place that evening."

"So, I went. I wasn't at all sure what to expect. I'd been to Liam's loads of times, and sometimes we'd have some fun with the latest sub guy that Liam had taken on. Usually twinky types - Liam's kind of lad - whom we'd maybe spank and Liam would tie up, and all that."

"That evening was different. Liam answered the door wearing jeans and a shirt, which was unusual - if we were going to play he would usually be in his leathers. He had a big grin on his face..."

At that point, the lounge door opened, and Joel came in. Still naked and with the chain and device on, he was carrying a tray with two bottles of Cobra and two glasses on it. He moved a small table to between Andy's and my chairs, put the bottles and glasses on it, and then stood beside Andy's chair.

"Okay, boy, get back to work," Andy said.

"Yes, Sir," Joel said and, with his face flushing red, he turned and went back downstairs. Pouring himself his beer, Andy said,

"Where was I? Oh yes, Liam's surprise!. Well, he ushered me through to his living room and there, standing in the corner, was Joel. He was naked, his bottom was bright red, and he had his hands on his head with his nose against the wall. And he was gorgeous, as I'm sure you've noticed? And then Liam gave me another surprise. He said that the naked boy in the corner' was called Joel, he was 27 and a solicitor, he'd just had a good hiding over Liam's knee and that Liam was going to leave you boys to get better acquainted'. I was still staring at Joel's bright red bum as Liam put on his coat and went out!"

"And?" I asked, still slightly reeling from what I was hearing. I'd always been a pretty `vanilla' kind of guy and this was all new to me then.

"Well, we got better acquainted!" Andy laughed. He said that, at first, it was purely a roleplay situation. But after that first evening they'd swapped numbers and met for a drink the following week.

"I was, naturally, really attracted to Joel and, despite how odd it might sound, he said I was exactly his type. We fell in love. But we fell in love as a Master and his boy, not as equals."

As Andy said this, the lounge door opened again and Joel came back in. Without a word he walked over to the corner of the room more or less opposite where we were sitting. He took up his position there, with his legs apart, his hands on his head, and his nose against the wall. Andy looked up briefly, and then went on.

"So, I moved into what was then his flat. And as soon as I finished uni and got my first teaching job we sold that flat and bought a little house in South London. And now we're here - as you know, Joel now has his own solicitor's firm in the town, and I'm teaching at the high school in Claverington."

I was intensely curious now.

"But how does it work?" I asked Andy.

"You mean him being my boy?" he said, "Well, I am in charge. As you can see, he wears my collar locked around his neck. At the moment he is locked in chastity to help him focus on his work in his new firm - he can be a horny boy! At home, when it is just the two of us, he is kept naked. I spank his bottom every night before bed and usually again in the mornings before he goes to work and at other times if I think he needs it. His wages go into a joint account which I control and to which he has no access - he's not good with money, so I give him some pocket money, and manage the rest. Apart from the cooking, most of which I do because he is crap at it, and the garden, which we do together, the boy does all the housework. Cleaning, washing up, laundry, and anything else that needs doing. And now I think it is time we did something about the washing machine problem." He turned to Joel, "Boy, get over here."

Joel turned and looked pleadingly at Andy but said nothing.

"It's not as if you've never been spanked in front of someone else before, boy!" Andy said.

"I know, Sir, but this is different," Joel said quietly.

"Nonsense, boy. If Nick's not shy about watching, what has it to do with you? You want to see, don't you, Nick?" he asked me.

"Um, well, yeah," I said, feeling myself blush and being painfully aware of my hard-on now straining at my pants.

"I don't relish coming home and having to clean up the kitchen." Andy said to Joel, who was now standing in front of him with his hands on his head and his magnificent arse facing me. "That's your job, isn't it, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I am sorry, Sir."

"You will be, boy. And I had to ask our friendly neighbour here to help me. It's a good job he is so understanding, isn't it, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Thanks, Nick for helping out."

Andy slapped Joel's face.

"That is no way to refer to your betters, boy!" He said.

"Sorry, Sir, I should have said, thank you, Dr Mason, Sir, for helping out."

"That's better. Now, get the chair."

After checking that the french windows were closed, Joel pulled out a straight chair that had been against the wall. Andy sat down in it, patted his knees, and Joel laid himself across his husband's knee. Just like a naughty boy from the 1950's. Just like I had seen him do that day from the garden. And Andy began to spank him. For a while, the only sound in the room was the surprisingly loud noise that a man's hand can make against another man's bare bottom. After a little while, this was supplemented by the occasional gasp, whimper or squeal which Joel let out if Andy laid on a particularly hard smack, or landed one at that point where the bottom and thighs meet.

After a while, Joel's bum was quite a bright shade of pink, and he was wriggling a little across his husband's knees as well as whimpering rather more often. Andy paused in his spanking, and said,

"Since you had to help clear up this boy's mistake, Nick, do you want to help me teach him a lesson?"

"You mean you want me to spank him?" I asked,

"Yeah, why not?" Andy replied, "I am sure you'd like to. I'd guessed you'd like this ever since you saw me spanking him from your garden all those weeks ago!"

"You knew I'd seen?" I was flummoxed,

"Of course I did - why else do you think I'd chosen that position for his punishment, you idiot?! I thought you were never going to mention it. The boy had no idea you'd been a witness, though, did you, boy?"

"No, Sir," Joel replied from his position with his head against the carpet.

"So, do you want to give him what he deserves?"

"Sure," I said, "But I've never done it before."

"No problem," Andy said, "It's as simple as it looks."

And he pushed Joel off his knees, stood up and I took his place on the `spanking chair'. Joel laid himself over my knee - his weight felt odd across my lap, and my hard cock was slightly painfully crushed against my tummy. I looked down to see his gorgeous behind, reddened already by Andy's spanking. The chastity device was hard against my thigh. I raised my hand and started spanking him. I was worried about doing it too hard, but Andy told me not to worry, the boy had deserved a punishment and it was kind of me to help out.

I put more welly into it, landing smack after smack onto Joel's exposed buttocks. I realised that I liked this feeling. He began to squirm slightly over my lap, and also started emitting the same yelps and whimpers that he'd let out when Andy was spanking him. I could feel his chastity cage rubbing against my legs as he wriggled under the spanking. Andy watched intently,

"You're a natural at this, Nick," he said, "are you sure this is your first time?"

"Yep," I said, smiling up at him as I paused in my spanking, resting my hand on Joel's now bright red and hot bumcheeks,

"Do you mind?" I asked, as I began to stroke my neighbour's arse.

"Of course not, be my guest," Andy winked, "Mi casa es su casa, after all."

I ran my hand over Joel's bum, and probed gently between his cheeks. As if this was a completely natural thing, he relaxed and moved his legs slightly apart, so I could get a better feel. My middle finger found his bumhole, and I rubbed it gently. Joel groaned quietly, and I felt his back arch and his bum stick out more. I put my hand to my mouth and, looking to Andy for approval, sucked on my finger. Andy smiled widely and gave the tiniest nod. My finger returned to his husband's arse and, finding his hole again, I pushed my finger against it. Joel sighed and, giving way, my finger slid smoothly into him. I frigged him slowly and gently, all the while keeping my gaze locked onto Andy's green eyes, mischievous behind his glasses.

As my finger worked in and out of Joel's hole, he humped my lap in time with my movements. Andy walked the short distance across the room, bent over and kissed me. A passionate kiss which lasted a long time, during which I worked another finger, and then another, into Joel's arsehole. Joel was groaning now as I worked his most private place.

Eventually, Andy broke the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"Get up, boy," he said.

Joel stood and put his hands onto his head. I could see his cock straining in its plastic cage - pushing the device out from his body in an obscene manner. Andy took my hand and led me to their bedroom, Joel padding along behind.

And that was the first time that Andy and I made love. In his marital bed. His husband, whom both of us had just spanked until his bottom was bright red, kneeling beside the bed with his hands on his head, watching. Until Andy ordered him onto the bed. When he had obeyed, Joel took me in his mouth and Andy took his arse. And Andy and I kissed passionately as we used his husband's holes together. After some time we broke apart and, looking deeply into each other's eyes, we simultaneously unloaded into either end of the naked houseboy between us.

As soon as we pulled out of his mouth and arse, Joel swallowed my load and got off the bed and walked to the corner of the room, where he took up his by now familiar to me position; hands on head, legs apart, nose to the wall. Andy and I tumbled onto the bed and fell asleep entwined. I don't know exactly how long I slept for, but I was awakened by the sound of the bedroom door opening. Opening my eyes, I saw Joel standing beside the bed.

"A cup of tea, Sir?" he asked.

I nodded and he put a steaming mug on the bedside table. He moved round, touched Andy on the shoulder and asked him the same question as he stirred. Andy looked over to me, smiled and said,

"Yes, thank you, boy, that would be very nice."

That was just over 8 months ago. And that old house is no longer split into two. The walls came down weeks after that first encounter, and now Andy, me and our houseboy live very happily under one roof. Andy and I share one bed, Joel sleep on the floor at its foot. Andy and I manage the money and the cooking between us. Joel continues to do the all the housework. And he continues to get spanked daily - usually by me in the morning and Andy before bed. Joel stills get spitroasted regularly, but he still has that device locked on. Once a month he is tied to a chair, it is removed, we clean him thoroughly, shave him properly and milk him so that his prostate remains healthy. And then, after being fed his own spunk, he is locked back up. He honestly prefers it that way. The other night, whilst we were watching the Apprentice in the TV room, he looked up from his regular place (on the floor between our legs as Andy and I sit together on the sofa) and said,

"You know I've never been happier, don't you, Sirs?"

Andy and looked at each other, smiled and I said,

"No, boy, neither have I. Thanks goodness for that broken washing machine!"

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