Andy and Troy

By Jonboy

Published on Aug 9, 2009


Disclaimers and such: The writer holds all legal rights to the story, characters, and so on and so forth. I hope you enjoy!!!

Troy Denning stretched out on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was Friday night, the third week of summer, and he was alone in his room. Again.

Troy pondered his predicament. He was on the basketball team (which had won the regional championship), he would be starting his senior year in the fall, he was popular, good looking, muscular, and tall (six foot five to be exact). So why was he alone?

He knew the answer. Troy was incredibly shy around girls. It wasn't because he was oblivious to their advances. In fact, he was very much aware that several cheerleaders were actively trying to get him in the sack. He had known the cause of his shyness since puberty.

Where Troy had been blessed in athletic ability, height, and looks; he had been cursed (as he saw it) with his dick. For two years, Troy had measured the length of his cock daily, hoping every day that it would reach further along the ruler. Every day, Troy looked down morosely as the tip of his hard dick stopped just after the four-inch mark.

Fearing that word would get around about his "baby-dick", Troy never showered with his teammates, never changed in front of any of the other guys, and never, ever dated. Thankfully, his friends assumed his modesty and abstinence were for religious reasons; something Troy never dissuaded them about. The truth was, Troy would be willing to fuck any girl, if he could only be sure she wouldn't laugh at his little boy dick.

So, for another summer, Troy's secret shame kept him in his room. He lay in the dark, wishing his cock would grow longer, dreaming of what it would be like to have a bigger cock.

As he lay dreaming, a dim light suddenly came through his window. Figuring his neighbor across the way was in his room, Troy rose from his bed to close the blinds. As he reached for the cord, he glanced through his window and stopped short. His neighbor, Andy Shetfield, was standing in his room with a towel over his shoulder. Having lived across from Andy for years, Troy was not surprised at seeing his neighbor shirtless. What caused him to stop was the fact that Andy was completely naked. And what dropped his jaw was the size of Andy's dick.

Troy stared in astonishment at the limp cock that was easily as big as his was hard. He wondered how big it could get and realized he'd find out shortly as Andy's hand began to rub his manhood. Troy considered closing the blinds, but his curiosity got the better of him. He watched as Andy's dick grew longer and fatter. Troy felt his own little dick stiffen in his shorts at the sight of Andy's giant cock. Feelings of shame and lust flooded into his mind, but he couldn't turn away.

Andy seemed to sense that Troy was watching him as he stopped suddenly and looked out his window. Troy pressed himself against the wall, afraid that Andy had seen him. He risked a glance back out the window and was both relieved and excited that Andy hadn't closed his blinds and was still stroking away. Troy watched as Andy sat on the edge of his bed, one hand stoking his long cock and the other his kneading his nuts. Andy's eyes were closed, his mouth was open, allowing his tongue to slip out and moisten his lips. Troy felt his cock leaking precum as he watched his neighbor pleasure himself.

He watched for ten minutes, unable to look away for a second. He saw Andy's hand move faster over the length of his cock before rope after rope of cum shot from the head. With the last of his orgasm, Andy collapsed backwards onto his bed, his chest heaving.

Troy closed his blinds and walked over to his bed. His cock was still hard and leaking, the image of Andy stuck in his mind. Troy reached into his shorts and began to jack his little dick. Thinking of Andy, he quickly shot his usual tiny load into his shorts.

The next night, Troy waited in his room with the lights off. He had worked through his feelings of revulsion during the day and had convinced himself that his desire to see Andy again was just part of his old fantasies. After all, it's easier to imagine having a huge dick if he can actually see one. The fact that he had jacked off last night thinking about Andy had been quickly forgotten.

At nine o'clock, the same as the night before, Andy passed in front of his bedroom window, completely naked. Again, Troy watched Andy jack off, his own dick rock hard. Later, Troy shot another tiny load thinking about Andy.

Every night, Troy waited for nine o'clock to roll around so he could watch Andy. By Thursday, six days after first watching, Troy was jacking off along with Andy, shooting his load moments after seeing Andy cum.

On Friday night, Troy was seated in his desk chair, lights off and staring out his bedroom window. He was already naked, his little dick hard and oozing in anticipation. As the clock ticked over to nine, Troy's bedroom lights turned on and a voice he knew asked, "Waiting for me?"

Troy leapt out of his chair grabbing for his boxers on the floor. Covering himself with the discarded underwear, Troy turned towards the door. "Andy...what...what are you doing here?"

"I came over to find out why you've been looking into my window for the last week, but I guess I know now, huh?" Andy replied, a confident smirk on his face.

"It's not what you think! I was...was," Troy stammered, mind racing to come up with a good excuse.

Andy shook his head in silent dissent. "C'mon Troy, you don't need to lie to me. I know what you were doing. It's a little weird, but it's okay. In fact, I came over to, uh, to..." Andy trailed off, his eyes fixing on a spot on the ground.

Troy didn't want to ask, but his mouth was moving before he could stop it. "To what?"

"Well," Andy said, glancing up at Troy, "I came over to see if you wanted a better view."

Troy stared at Andy in surprise, his adrenaline spiked as he thought about the offer. He was definitely interested in a better view, but should he admit it?

With a slight nod, Troy responded with a barely audible, "Sure."

Andy's whole body relaxed, the pent up tension disappearing. Andy looked up at the basketball player, a smile that was a mixture of happiness and mischief on his lips. "Well, I guess I should get undressed too."

Another nod was all Troy could manage. He watched as Andy kicked off his sandals and pulled off his shirt. Watching him undress, Troy realized how much smaller Andy was than him. It was understandable since Andy was three years younger than him and would be just starting high school in the fall. Troy couldn't help but feel a little weird and ashamed.

But these feelings did not drive him to stop Andy from undressing. Truth be told, Troy was getting even more aroused. Something about the soon-to-be freshman stripping in front of him was really lighting his fire. When Andy tossed his shirt on the floor, Troy took the moment to look over his neighbor.

Andy was short, about five foot three. His chest, arms and stomach were developing nicely; thanks to the weight lifting routine Troy had given him three months ago. The developing muscle hadn't added a lot of weight, as Andy couldn't have weighed more than a 100 pounds. Troy marveled at the situation he was in; after all, he could bench almost three times Andy's weight.

These thoughts were quickly pushed aside as Andy started undoing his shorts. Troy could feel his heartbeat quicken as he watched Andy pull down the zipper and let his shorts fall to the floor. Troy's cock hardened even more, his precum leaking at the sight of Andy's manhood. Not even hard, it was already longer and thicker than Troy's little boy dick.

Under Troy's intense gaze, Andy's cock grew, extending further from his groin. As his monster cock fattened, its weight pulled it down. Troy could only assume it was done growing when the head came within an inch of Andy's knees.

"How," Troy wheezed. He swallowed hard and found his voice. "How big is it?"

Beaming with pride, Andy responded, "The last time I measured, it was eleven inches."

Troy's jaw went slack. He just couldn't believe that the little pre-frosh in front of him had almost three times as much cock as he did.

Slowly stroking his monster cock, Andy looked up at Troy. "You ready to watch?"

Troy nodded, his mouth too dry to speak.

"Why don't you sit down and get comfortable?" Andy said, gesturing with his free hand towards Troy's desk chair that sat unoccupied between them. As Troy moved to sit, Andy walked to the desk that was in front of the window. Now seated, Troy had a similar view that he had enjoyed over the last week, only now, Andy was a couple of feet away instead of twenty.

Leaning against the desk, Andy stroked his cock. He was leaking a copious amount of precum, which he smeared over the head. Using his precum for lube, Andy tightened his grip, sliding his hand over his massive tool and milking more fluid.

Troy was enthralled. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Andy's dick. His mouth was dry, his breath short, his heart pounding. Troy was still covering himself with his boxers, but he could feel his own cock twitching in excitement.

Troy's room filled with the scent of musk. The only sounds were the squelching of Andy's hands on his cock and the panting of both boys.

Through half closed eyes, Andy watched Troy. He could see the excitement and lust in Troy's eyes. The eroticism of the situation, a championship basketball player watching him jerk-off, was too much. Andy could feel himself reaching his peak and threw his head back, letting out a loud moan of pleasure.

The first shot of cum landed square in the middle of Troy's muscular chest. The rest of Andy's load covered Troy's six-pack abs. The final shot landed on Troy's hand that still held his boxers over his dick.

Troy didn't notice that Andy's cum had landed on his body. His eyes were closed, his own small load coating his boxers. Unknown to either of them, when Andy's first shot splattered on his pecs, Troy's little cock had exploded.

Recovering from his orgasm, Andy opened his eyes. Seeing Troy, cum running down his chest, Andy gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean know."

Andy's voice broke Troy out of his trance. Glancing down, he realized that he had Andy's cum on him. Blushing in embarrassment, Troy reached for the towel that he had started keeping next to his chair. "It's okay," he mumbled, wiping cum from his body.

Walking over to his clothes, Andy started to redress. Stuffing his cum slick cock into his shorts, he tentatively asked, "Same time tomorrow?"

Troy's only response was a brief nod of his head. Andy quietly left, closing the door behind him.

The following morning, Troy tried to work through the mixture of emotions. He felt like he was drowning in shame, disgust, curiosity, and excitement. Try as he might, reconciliation was not forthcoming. After a couple of hours of brooding, Troy did what most teen boys do, he buried his feelings and ignored them.

Throwing himself into a heavy workout, Troy stamped out these emotions. With every rep, every set, Troy grew calmer. After three hours of lifting, Troy felt better, more relaxed. Of all the feelings that had plagued him in the morning, only his excitement remained.

Nine o'clock came swiftly. Andy arrived at Troy's, his cock at half-mast in anticipation of the night's activity. Once safely in Troy's room, Andy shucked shirt and shorts. Troy, hoping to avoid any embarrassment, decided to keep his basketball shorts on.

Andy and Troy shared stolen glances, both afraid of appearing too eager about what they were doing. Troy pulled his chair a few feet from his desk and sat down. Andy, moving towards the desk, smiled and said, "Same as last night?"

Troy nodded, his eyes moving from Andy's face to the heavy cock within arms reach. Leaning against the desk, Andy stroked his cock, again using his precum to lube up.

Through half lidded eyes, Andy watched Troy. The tall, muscular basketball star appeared hypnotized by Andy's actions. A smile played on his lips as he wondered how far he could go with Troy.

Andy's fantasies did nothing to slow his orgasm. With a focused determination, he raised the head of his cock as the first wave of his release over came him. Opening his eyes after the rush of excitement had ended, he smiled at the sight before him.

Troy's face was splattered with Andy's seed. As near as Andy could tell, his first shot had hit Troy above his right eye, the second near his mouth, and the rest took him squarely on the chin.

Troy's eyes were closed, his orgasm having over taken him. Andy watched as the star player shook from the power of his climax. Catching his breath, Troy opened his eyes and reached for the towel at his feet. Andy was surprised when Troy made no comment about the cum on his face and watched in silence as he merely wiped it off.

Troy spent many hours following Andy's departure staring at his ceiling. He wondered about the situation he found himself in and what it all meant. He was definitely confused and a little scared. He hoped that Andy hadn't noticed what had happened.

Troy thought back to the moment of Andy's climax. He had seen that monster cock fire it's first shot and had closed his eyes to avoid getting cum in them. But when his eyes closed, his mouth fell open in surprise. In that brief second, Andy's second shot had landed in Troy's mouth.

When the realization that Andy's cum was in his mouth (on his tongue!), Troy's four-inch dick sprayed his boxers. It was definitely one of the most powerful and draining orgasms that Troy had ever felt.

And that scared him. He had never thought of himself as being gay. Never looked at any of the other guys on the team. Never wanted to either. But Andy...something about him unleashed strange desires. New curiosities.

Troy's mind wandered. He thought about Andy's cock, how it looked. Imagined what it would be like, his palm wrapped around it, his hand slowly stroking. How it might feel in his his mouth.

That thought shot Troy out of his imaginings. No, he thought, there is no way I'm going to be some faggot cocksucker. He resolved, then and there, that what happened tonight would not happen again.

As Troy blasted through his morning workout, the strength of his resolve waned. He was, after all, still a horny teenager. During his sets and reps, Troy was able to again stamp out his fears and concerns. After a few hours, Troy was nothing but pumped muscle, sweat, and lust.

Andy took his now usual seat in front of Troy, eleven inches of hard teen cock between them. Reaching for his manhood, Andy was stopped by Troy's large hand.

"Would you mind if...could I," Troy stammered, before taking a deep breath and pushing forward, "Can I touch it?"

Surprised at the request, Andy could only nod in response.

Releasing Andy's arm, Troy's large hand slowly wrapped itself around the base of Andy's cock. With over six inches of manhood rising from the top of his hand, Troy found himself again in awe of this monster.

Slowly moving his hand up the long shaft, Troy marveled at the touch of another dick. The dichotomy of hard and soft, the smoothness of the skin and the feeling of heat coming from it were mesmerizing. As he reached the head, pre-cum began to flow, coating Troy's hand. Pulling back towards the base, Troy spread Andy's precum along the shaft. Every stroke of Troy's hand released more, providing a natural lube.

Troy was fascinated by Andy's leaking slit. It seemed to him that a river of precum was flowing. A new urge filled Troy's horny teenage mind and before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and licked up the freshly formed drop at Andy's slit.

Quivering in pleasure from the feel of Troy's tongue on his cock head, Andy audibly sucked in a deep breath, trying to bring himself under control. He so badly wanted to push the head of his cock into Troy's mouth. Fighting the compulsion, he glanced at Troy's face to see how he was reacting. Taking in Troy's handsome features, the answer Andy got could only be described as perplexed lust. He decided to wait and see what Troy would do.

Troy's mind raged for the briefest of seconds before good ole fashioned teenage horniness won. Opening his eyes, he saw that he had stopped jerking Andy's cock and was now holding the shaft, the head of the beast pointed at his mouth. Leaning forward, Troy took the head into his mouth, eyes closing again as his lips encircled the ridge.

For what felt like an eternity, Troy's tongue explored the surface of Andy's cock head. Pressing his tongue against the slit, Troy let the copious amounts of precum run along his taste buds before slipping down his throat. The texture and flavor were like nothing he had ever had before. It was almost as if he could taste Andy's masculinity.

Troy eagerly licked off the sweat and precum that had coated Andy's cock head. It occurred to him that there was even more on the shaft. Slowly moving his head forward, Troy let more of Andy's fat cock enter his mouth. His tongue bathed every millimeter of cock that passed through his lips.

Andy was in seventh heaven. The feeling of Troy's tongue on his cock was incredible. The fact that an older, bigger, and very sexy jock was sucking his cock just added to the excitement. Andy alternated between closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling and watching his cock slowly disappear into Troy's mouth.

After taking about five inches of cock into his mouth, Troy could feel Andy's cock head at the back of his throat. Pulling back, he let his tongue slide along the underside of the shaft as it left his mouth. With just the tip of Andy's cock at his lips, Troy paused for a moment to lick and suck down some of the free flowing precum before taking the massive cock back into his mouth.

As Troy slowly bobbed up and down on his cock, Andy could feel his balls tingling as they prepared to release. Moments after the start of his first blow job, Andy started to cum. The first shot went straight into Troy's mouth. Startled, Troy jerked back, Andy's cock leaving his mouth. Andy watched as five thick ropes of cum covered Troy's face, coating his cheeks, nose and lips. Resting a moment, Andy caught Troy's eye, a silent thank you passing between them. He then stood up and went to his clothes. After dressing he looked back at Troy, still sitting in his desk chair, a drop of cum hanging off his chin. "I'll...I'll call you tomorrow, okay Troy?"

Troy just glanced at Andy before turning away. Figuring he would get no better answer, Andy walked out, closing the door behind him.

Thanks for reading for the first chapter. I have the second one almost written and will be posting it soon! Any comments or questions can sent to I always enjoy hearing from you guys.

Next: Chapter 2

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