Andy and Troy

By Jonboy

Published on Dec 8, 2009


The writer retains all rights to the story, blah, blah, blah.

Holy crap, this took along time to finish! Sorry to all of you were waiting for the next chapter. Writer's block can be a real bitch, especially when you've got tons of ideas for what happens after this part, but you can't figure out how to get there.

I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!

The next day, Troy mulled over everything that had happened. His actions, the thoughts and feelings he'd had, and what to do about it. Fighting through feelings of anguish, lust, anger, confusion, sadness, and depression, Troy eventually reached a decision that he resolved to share with Andy when he showed up.

Shortly before nine, Andy arrived. His greeting died on his lips as he entered Troy's bedroom. The senior basketball star was sitting on the edge of his, head down and hair covering his eyes. Apprehensively, Andy walked over but decided not sit. "What's up?" he asked.

Troy raised his head in response to Andy's voice. Sitting on his bed, he was almost as tall as the thirteen year old in front of him. Avoiding eye contact, he said, "Andy, I don't think we should do this anymore."

"Why not?"

"Because, I'm not gay, that's why."

Andy stood quietly for a minute, trying to come up with something. "Troy, I don't think that's entirely true..."

"Yes it IS!" The anguished response brought tears to the teen jock's eyes. "I am NOT gay!"

Andy watched as Troy put his face into his hands, muffling his quiet crying. Unsure of what to do or say, Andy carefully placed his hand on the older teen's shoulder. "Well...maybe you're not gay. Maybe you're bisexual."

Andy's words pierced through Troy's crying and rang in his ears. His crying started to subside as Troy thought about it. He did like girls and other than Andy, he had never really looked at another guy. Maybe... maybe Andy was something different, something special. Feeling his roller coaster of emotions coming under some control, he looked at Andy. "Do you think so?"

Sensing that his answer would have a profound effect, Andy carefully chose his words before saying, "Sure, I mean, I'm not gay, but for some reason I think you're really hot. I still want to be with girls, but there's just something about being with you that just feels...right? Maybe? I don't know what it is, but I like being around you, you know?"

Watching Troy's reactions, Andy was happy to see that his little white lie seemed to be working. The truth was that he was gay. He had lusted and masturbated to the thought of Troy for over a year. However, he sensed, on some deep level, that admitting as much would drive away the boy he wanted.

Troy sat quietly, head down, thinking about what Andy had said. The idea of being bisexual was appealing to him. This new identity would allow him to keep doing things with Andy without having to be labeled as a "faggot". His greatest fears could be buried underneath this new persona and allow his desires to take free reign. Troy felt happy at the idea of being able to spend more time with Andy.

He could feel Andy's hand, gently rubbing his shoulder. Knowing that he was trying to comfort him made Troy glad he had such a good friend. Being a virile teenager, Troy's mind turned to the best way to thank his good friend. Not moving his head, Troy glanced up and caught sight of Andy's crotch. Reaching forward, Troy cupped the younger teens groin in his large hand.

Massaging Andy's groin, Troy could feel the smaller teen's cock begin to grow. With his other hand, Troy undid the button and zipper of Andy's cargo shorts. Continuing to rub the enlarging organ, Troy paused to take in the sight of Andy's exposed bush before moving his hands and allowing the loose shorts to fall to the floor. As was his custom, Andy was not wearing any underwear and his long cock was now fully available to Troy.

Troy sat still for a moment to take in the sight of the bottomless teen in front of him. He watched as Andy's dick continued to lengthen and fatten, its weight pulling it down. He noticed a tiny bead of clear precum begin to form at the slit of the head.

Andy was definitely enjoying the view he had of Troy mesmerized by the cock in front of him. Eager for another blowjob, Andy gently applied some downward pressure to Troy's shoulders while taking a step back to give Troy space and to get out of his shorts which had landed on his feet.

Feeling the gentle pulling from Andy snapped Troy out of his momentary trance. He slid his butt off the bed and kneeled on the floor. On his knees, the top of Troy's head was almost even with Andy's chin.

Taking hold of Andy's dick, Troy lifted it up. Giving the shaft a few gentle pulls, he watched as the precum began to build up on the slit. Bending down, Troy lapped up the clear fluid before taking the large head into his mouth. It was the same as the night before, he paused to savor the taste of sweat and precum. The mixture was intoxicating, a taste sensation that overwhelmed the seventeen year old.

Probing and massaging with his tongue, Troy coaxed Andy's cock to release more of the sweet ambrosia. With the fluid running over his taste buds, Troy's eyes closed with a muffled moan of pleasure. For a few minutes, Troy focused on swallowing as much precum as he could, using his hand to massage and stroke the length of Andy's shaft.

Andy was enjoying the attention that Troy's mouth was paying to his cock head, but he wanted more. Moving his hand from Troy's shoulder, Andy began running his fingers through Troy's hair. He slowly moved his hand along the side of Troy's head until his fingers were cupping the back. He gently pulled Troy forward, pushing a little more of his cock into the older boy's mouth.

Troy could feel Andy pulling his head forward and realized that he had been neglecting the rest of the pre-frosh's giant dick. Moving his head forward, Troy let more of the long shaft past his lips. He tried to lick every inch as he filled his mouth with cock. Once he felt pressure at the back of his throat, Troy moved backward, pressing his tongue along the underside of the shaft. As the ridge of Andy's cock left his mouth, Troy moved forward again, establishing a steady rhythm for his second blowjob.

It continued like that for several minutes. Andy enjoyed the feeling of Troy's warm, wet mouth on his dick, while Troy savored the taste of precum spilling over his tongue and the sensation of hard, fat cock filling his mouth. Troy's efforts eventually caused Andy's balls to churn. Both boys could feel Andy's cock begin to pulsate as his spunk was pushed up the long shaft.

Andy tightened his grip on the back of Troy's head, wanting him to swallow the whole load. Troy didn't fight him because he was just as eager to taste Andy's cum. With a gasping cry, Andy shot the first of his load straight down Troy's throat. Pulling his head back a little, Troy was able to take the rest in his mouth. As Andy finished, Troy slowly leaned back, using his tongue to clean any of the sweet tasting boy-cum from Andy's cock. With a mouth empty of cock, Troy let Andy's spunk roll around in his mouth and coat his tongue. He was surprised at the delicious mixture of sweet and salty that sizzled on his taste buds. Almost regretfully, he swallowed the last of Andy's cum.

Looking up, Troy was taken by surprise as Andy leaned in and kissed him. Frozen, Troy didn't react as he felt Andy's lips on his, the younger boy's tongue gently pressing and probing for an opening. He felt Andy's fingers tighten in his hair as the heat of the moment over took him. Troy's lips parted, his mouth accepting Andy's tongue as readily as it had accepted his cock. Troy reached up, placing one hand on Andy's neck and the other on his back. Pulling the smaller teen to him, he felt Andy's passion overwhelm him. The younger boy, who was physically no match for Troy, aggressively forced the older boy to floor.

Andy was now on top of Troy as the boys made out. Moving from Troy's mouth, Andy began to kiss and suck on the nape of Troy's neck, grinding his thigh into the Troy's crotch. The double sensation was causing Troy to pant and mewl in pleasure. Whispering for Andy to stop and hoping he wouldn't, Troy's eyes closed as the sensations of Andy's mouth, hands, and leg propelled him to climax. Biting his lip, Troy exhaled sharply as the first wave of his orgasm hit. Feeling Troy tensing beneath him, Andy slowed the actions of his leg, making his kisses gentler. As Troy relaxed, Andy shifted his mouth back to Troy's lips, kissing him deeply, his tongue gently massaging Troy's.

With their lips locked, Andy reached down and slipped his hand under the waistband of Troy's shorts. He found Troy's hard four inches and felt Troy's body stiffen under him as he slowly stroked him.

Breaking their kiss, Andy asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's just...I'm embarrassed," Troy admitted, unable to look Andy in the eye.

"It feels just fine to me. Nice and hard. And covered in cum," he said, wiggling his eyebrows, a lustful look in his eyes.

Troy, catching the playful dirty look Andy was giving him, chuckled. "You really think so?"

Giving him a peck on the lips, Andy smiled. "Definitely. Especially when I'm the reason it's covered in cum."

Troy relaxed; thrilled beyond words that Andy hadn't made fun of him. He felt very happy that Andy had helped him figure out that he was bi-sexual.

Andy watched Troy's eyes close as the older teen released a contented sigh. As he cupped the softening cock in his hand, he felt very happy. A sly smile appeared on his lips. Now that he knew about Troy's little dick, he felt very confident that no girl would be stealing his teen stud away from him. Hell, he might even be able to get Troy to completely forget about girls.

I hope you enjoyed reading. I love to hear your feedback, so feel free to email me at:

Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up in a week or two, but please, please don't hold your breath! I can't have another fan die on me, I need all my readers!

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