Andy's Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Mar 6, 2005



I do not, nor have I ever known the celebrities mentioned. The events in this story are not true. To my knowledge.

Andy's Boy Part 1 by Banky Edwards

I drifted in and out of sleep, as I usually did when I slept in. When I happened to roll every now and again, beams of sunlight passed over my eyes. In my stupor, I complained. "I told him to close the blinds last night," I thought to myself. I rolled to my right, hoping to feel his warm body, but found nothing but air. The creak of a door nearby caught my attention.

"Andrew Stephen Roddick, get your ass back here,"

I opened my eyes to see him stop in his tracks. He turned, smiling mischievously. As I had done so many times before, I looked him over. From his messy brown hair down to his lightly muscled chest and beautiful legs, Andy Roddick was a prime slice of man. "I was just going to the bathroom," he replied. I sat up in the bed. "Then, why are you opening the closet door?"

Andy looked over his shoulder at the opened door, then returned his dark eyes to me. Then, without warning, he shot across the room and jumped on me, kissing me playfully. I laughed, pushing him away. "Happy birthday, baby," he said quietly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him closer. "Oh, it's a happy one all right. Since I'm here with you,"

"Aw, aren't you all mushy today?"

Andy hopped off of the bed and strutted into the bathroom, his gorgeous ass clad in a pair of tight quarter cut briefs. I popped half a bone just watching it wiggle. "Get a hold of yourself, Bryen. It's only your boyfriend's butt. You've seen it a million times." I laughed to myself. "But, it's still an amazing ass and everyone wants it."

"Shower with me?" Andy called from the bathroom. I threw the sheets back and stretched my legs. "Sure, as long as you promise to keep it clean,"

"You're the one always dropping the soap," he shot back. I gasped melodramatically. "I would never do such a vile and sluttish thing!" Andy peeked around the door, an impatient expression on his face. "Bry, if you're coming, come on. I don't have all day,"

"Are you going out with Mandy today?" I asked seriously. Andy shook his head furiously. "God, no. Today is your day, Bry. It's just me and you. I just... have some things planned." I joined him in the bathroom, drinking in his sexiness. He drew me into a hug, pressing his naked form against me. "What sort of things, Andy? Nothing too garish, I hope,"

He grinned and kissed my nose. "You'll have to see. Now, come on. Strip and get in the shower."

Andy jumped into the shower, humming to himself. I quickly shed my shorts, glancing into the mirror. My shaggy, dirty blonde hair was tossed in every direction, my green eyes were still sleepy and my body had marks where I had slept on the wrinkles. Not to mention the hickey on the right side of my neck. I wasn't much different from Andy, body-wise. We were both muscular, but slim. Whereas he had major strength in his arms and legs, mine was in my abs and chest. I could easily bench two ten and crunches were equivalent to blinking.

"Stop ogling yourself and get in here!" Andy said shaking me free of my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and joined him, keeping my eyes trained on his face. Not that I'm overly sexual or anything. I just can't resist him. Who could? I kissed him passionately, hands at his waist. I could feel him smile in our kiss as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Bry, you're doing it again,"


"You're tempting me,"

I gave him the most seductive look I could. "They say the only way to rid yourself of temptation is to give in to it,"

Andy let out a deep sigh as I ran a hand over his right nipple, a hot spot for him. His eyes rolled back and he squeezed my shoulders. I slid my hands over his back and kissed where his jaw met his ear. Andy quivered, then slammed me against the shower wall, kissing me furiously. I grabbed a handful of wet hair triumphantly. I knew how to push Andy's buttons. I had been doing it for almost a year.

A year. The thought passed through my mind. Andy and I had been seeing each other for nearly a year. Despite the large, sexy tumor I had on me, my mind wandered back to when Andy and I first met...

"It's hot."

"Drink some water."

"My clothes are sticking to me."

"It's almost over."

"My balls are stuck to my left leg,"

"Bryen! If Andy gets one more point, the match is over! Can you please keep your lewd comments to yourself?"

I sighed and looked at Mandy. She brushed a lock of brown hair behind her ear, adjusting her sunglasses. Although one hundred percent gay, I admired Mandy's gorgeous looks. Even in the scorching heat of the L.A. summer, she looked impeccable. Her hair was perfect, her skin was clear and her outfit? Exceptional. Of course, these are all the things a pop star like Mandy Moore is supposed to be. I, on the other hand, was in such a foul mood and it reflected in my appearance.

My dark hair was absorbing all the heat it could, making me wish I hadn't dyed it black three days prior. Even though it was a thin tank top, my shirt was soaked with sweat. The only point of relief I had was the fact that I had chosen not to wear underwear, so the occasional breeze found its way up my shorts leg. Outwardly, I looked like I had been at the gym. Inwardly, I was bitching out Mandy for making me come to this match. I liked tennis and all, but the heat was too much.

"Match point!"

"Oh, thank Christ," I groaned, prying myself off of my seat. Mandy applauded her boyfriend's win, waving to him excitedly. He headed over, embracing her sweetly, despite his sweatiness. "Good job," she said. "You really showed him,"

"Thanks. Are we still on for dinner later?" he asked, scratching his back casually with his racket. Mandy glanced at me. "Do you mind if Bryen comes along?"

I jerked in surprise. "Oh, no. I'm not going to impose on you two having-,"

"Bryen?" Andy asked, looking me over. "As in Bryen Tatem? From `Flights of Conservation'?"

Andy was speaking of a movie I had done recently. Breaking onto the silver screen wasn't easy, but I had managed to get a pretty significant role in the film. "You saw that?" I asked, feeling a little taken aback. Andy nodded, smiling. "I loved it. Especially the scene where your character and the other guy get revenge on those jerks, then... well, you were in it." He chuckled nervously. The scene he was referring to ended with me and another guy doing the deed itself. Although no parts were shown, it was hot beyond comprehension. Lots of sweat, kissing and moaning. We got some good reviews.

"It was an interesting scene to do," I said ambiguously. Andy nodded, then said, "I don't mind at all. The three of us have plenty to talk about. I have to go shower. Do you want to meet at the restaurant later or what?"

Mandy looked at me as if asking my opinion. "Doesn't matter to me. But, don't you have a shoot tonight, Mandy?"

"Yeah, but it's not until ten. So, how about we meet at the restaurant at seven thirty? That way, we'll have plenty of time to talk and eat,"

"Works for me," Andy chimed. "So, I'll see you both later. Mandy, make sure you keep up appearances until you get there, if you know what I mean."

She rolled her eyes and began out of the stands. I lingered only for a second, watching Andy walk away to the locker rooms. I joined Mandy quickly, not want to ogle her boyfriend for too long. I joined her at her car, careful to keep our identities a secret. Mandy pulled her hair up into a baseball cap and I... well, I had dyed mine black. We made our way to the car without incident. Once inside, I turned on the AC full blast. "Mandy, that man of yours is amazingly attractive."

She laughed to herself, backing out carefully. "I know. Although, he can be quite a handful sometimes. Have you seen the picture?"

"The picture?"

"The one of him grabbing my breast while we're walking?"

I laughed. "No, I haven't. But, I'll keep an eye out for it."

The ride back to my place was filled with typical fag/fag hag conversation. Hot guys, celebrity rumors, new fashions and the lot. Mandy and I always talked like that. She and I had met about six months before at a photo shoot for some magazine. We swapped numbers and hit it off big. We spent a lot of time together. Obviously. By the time we reached my place, the talk had come full round to Andy. "So, you approve, correct?" she asked.


"Yes, approve. Fag hags are not allowed to date a guy without the approval of their fag," she explained. "Don't you know the rules?"

"Of course I approve. The guy is talented, sexy and sweet, from what I've seen."

Mandy grinned from ear to ear. "Good. Get out. Shower. The attire is dressy casual. Meet us there at seven thirty on the dot. You know how to get there, right?"

I nodded as I slid out of the car. Mandy sped off, only having three hours to get ready. I jogged up to my large, but modest home. I debated whether or not to take a nap before the dinner, finally deciding to do just that. I picked out my outfit, checked my messages, took a brief shower and settled onto my couch. Before I knew it, my cell phone alarm was going off. I headed for the bathroom and spent the next twenty minutes prepping. You know, washing the face, doing the hair, mini-manicure, moisturizing, etcetera. I slid into my outfit, spritzed on some cologne and grabbed my keys.

The car ride was uneventful. Well, not considering the moment I dropped my cell phone, bent down to pick it up and nearly careened off the side of the highway taking a tractor trailer and SUV with me. Other than that, just normal. I pulled up to the restaurant and gave my keys to the valet. Once inside, I gave my name to the garcon and he guided me back to the private tables where Andy and Mandy sat.

"You're late," Mandy said, not bothering to look at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down. Mandy looked nice in a simple dark blue dress. Andy had on a gray suit jacket and slacks with a black shirt underneath. A very fine couple they made. I sat down and picked up the menu, quickly deciding on what I wanted. I loved this place. Mandy and I had been plenty of times, so I knew it like the back of my hand. The waiter came, took our orders and left us to talk.

"So, Bryen, working on any movies right now?" Andy asked, leaning forward on the table. I shook my head. "Nothing right now. I'm taking a little publicity break. You know, letting the public fawn over me so my next movie will be eagerly anticipated,"

Andy chuckled, his smile bowling me over. "Well, you had a spectacular game today," I commented, trying to strike up conversation. Andy shrugged modestly. "It was okay. My forehand wasn't as strong as it could have been. And, my services were slow. And-,"


He looked at Mandy who gave him a `You're Going Overboard' look. He promptly stopped talking, laughing nervously. "Sorry. I tend to get a little passionate about the game,"

"It's okay,"

Then, a cell phone went off. All three of us reached for ours, looking at the screens. "It's me," Mandy said before answering. "Hello... what?... I thought it was at ten!" Her eyes darted from me to Andy and back. She sighed deeply. "All right. I'll be there,"

"What's up?" I asked, noticing the concern on her face. She put away her phone. "The photo shoot is at nine, not ten. And, they want me there fifteen minutes early."

I glanced at my watch. "It's eight already,"

"I know. So, I have to go. I hope you two don't mind,"

I shook my head, as did Andy. She smiled. "I'm really sorry about this you guys. We'll do this again sometime,"

With that said, she grabbed her purse and left, leaving me with the hottest tennis player on the scene. He smiled, obviously looking for something to talk about. "So. when you did that scene in the movie, did you really... well-,"

"Did I really kiss him?"

He nodded. "Of course. It wouldn't have been convincing otherwise."

"And, were you really naked?"

I nodded. "Wow," Andy whispered. "It must have been hard. The acting that is,"

The conversation shifted to our personal lives instead of professional. "So, where are you from, Bryen? Originally,"

"Seattle, Washington," I told him. "Born and raised. Yourself?"

"Born in Texas, raised in Florida,"

"Hot weather boy, huh?"

Andy laughed and nodded. "That I am,"

I found myself staring into his eyes as he talked. Not just for the sake of politeness, either. For my own pleasure. Before things got too personal, the food arrived and the conversation was kept to a minimum. As twisted as it sounds, Andy was even sexier when he ate. Watching him wrap his lips around forkfuls of food sent chills through me. He would sometimes catch me, smirking through chews. Once the meal was done, I debated dessert, but turned it down. Andy did the same and we both paid, heading outside.

"Oh, crap," Andy cursed. I looked at him worriedly. "What?"

"I rode with Mandy," he laughed in disbelief. "I can't believe I forgot. I'm so used to driving myself everywhere. Do you know a good cab company here?"

"I'll drive you to your hotel," I offered. Andy shuffled uncomfortably, placing his hands in his pockets. "I don't know, Bryen. I don't want to ask too much of you,"

"Andy, it's not a big deal. It's my pleasure."

The valet brought my car around and we hopped in. Andy told me which hotel he was staying at. It wasn't a surprise that it was one of the nicest hotels in the L.A. area. It was a short ride from the restaurant, permeated with silence. Andy stared out of the window most of the time, occasionally looking over at me. I kept my eyes to the road, randomly exchanging glances. When we pulled up to the front of the hotel, I put the car in park and looked at Andy. "Well, this is your stop,"

He nodded and opened the door, stopping as he stepped out. "Do you want to come up? Just... you know, for coffee or something. I could order some cake from room service. Or... something."

I took a deep breath, weighing my choices. I could say no, go home and be alone. Or, I could say yes, go up to Andy Roddick's room and have cake. Cake is good. "I'll park the car,"

I parked quickly and joined Andy in the lobby. We took the elevator up to his suite, which he opened and held for me. The hotel room itself was almost as nice as my home. The carpet was plush, the color scheme was calming and the furniture was inviting. Andy ushered me in, closing the door behind us. "Do you want some room service?" he asked. I shook my head. "I'm still full from the lamb."

Andy moved into the room, removing his shoes. I followed, admiring the room. There was a very nice kitchen attached to the main room, complete with a small island, fridge and microwave. There was a large TV in the living area and a doorway which I assumed led to the bedroom. "So, tell me more about that movie scene," Andy said, sitting on the back of the couch. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you want to know?"

He shrugged. "Did you have a problem kissing another guy?"


"Did you enjoy it?"

I crossed my arms. "Yeah. Why?"

Andy stood up and walked up to me. Before I knew it, Andy's lips were on mine and his hands were holding my face. I leaned into his kiss before snapping back to reality and backing away. "Andy, I shouldn't do this. You're Mandy's boyfriend,"

"Is Mandy here right now?" he asked challengingly. Obviously, she wasn't, but I still felt immense guilt. On the other hand, Andy was remarkably striking and hitting on me. I turned on him and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and getting some water. I chugged the whole glass in seconds. Andy strutted into the kitchen, smiling. He stared me in the eyes before dropping to his knees in front of me. "Oh, god," I muttered. He undid the zipper on my pants, making me jump. "Oh, god,"

"You're acting like you don't want this," he chuckled, rubbing his hand over my growing erection. I ran my hand over my face. "Um, I do, but you're dating Mandy and.... she's my friend,"

He reached inside my boxers and began stroking me. "What Mandy doesn't know can't hurt her, right? Besides, this is just a little fun between us boys,"

In one fluid motion, Andy whipped my cock out and engulfed it. "OH, GOD."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So... how'd ya like it? Was it good? Was it great? Lemme know!! Chapter 2 coming soon!

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