Angel and Demon

By Scorpio

Published on Feb 21, 1999


DISCLAIMER The following is an erotic story detailing the relationship (both emotional and physical) between two consenting adult males. This work of fiction contains graphic descriptions of m/m sex. If this is offensive to you, if it is illegal in your area, or if you are underage, please leave this site. If none of the above applies to you, please enjoy....

As always, comments are greatly welcomed,... flames ignored.

Angel & Demon,... A Love Story by Scorpio

Chapter 10 Demons Love

Demon carefully dried Angels now clean body off with a large, fluffy towel. Still, as gentle as he was, Angel flinched and gasped when he touched the more tender and sore areas. As he quietly worked his way down, Demon was pleased to note that Angels knuckles were also banged up. A slight surge of pride swelled in him at this silent proof that Angel had fought back against his attacker. Slowly, foggily, an idea began to grow in his mind.

After quickly drying himself as well, Demon gently lead Angel out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. He walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge, pulling Angel over to him, so that he stood right in front of him. Demon gently moved Angels left arm out of the way, so that he could examine the big, dark bruise that covered the ribs on that side. Gently, Demon probed at the spot with his fingers. Angel flinched away in pain.

"Hey, easy Baby." Demon said quietly, reaching out with one strong hand to pull his lover back. "I don't think they are broken, but let me make sure, okay?"

Angel visibly braced himself, and moved his left arm away from his rib-cage again. Demons fingers were steady and firm, but gentle as well. He didn't want to hurt Angel, but he needed to fix all of the damage from the fight. After a moment, Demon sighed with relief.

"Well, they are all whole." He grinned up into the most beautiful green eyes in the world, even if one of them was bruised. "There might be a crack or two, but nothing dangerous. Just painful."

Angel let out a half snort, half laugh, "Yeah. I noticed that it would be painful almost immediately after I got kicked." His voice a mixture of humor and sarcasm.

Demon felt his anger stir again at the thought of anyone daring to kick Angel, of anyone wanting to hurt him at all. Demon knew that Angel wanted to take care of this by himself, and Demon could understand that. It was a self-respect thing. It was a step into adult-hood. A child might run for protection, but a man faced his enemies. And if Angel wanted to stand up and be a man, Demon would not stop him. Even still, just thinking about someone hitting Angel made his internal temperature start to rise, so he figured he had best distract himself.

Standing up, Demon said, "Let me go and get some Band-Aids or something. We'll have you patched up in no time."

"Yes Dad." Angel grinned and comically rolled his eyes.

Demon chuckled softly as he walked out of the bedroom. Demons first-aid kit was simply a conglomeration of medical type stuff crammed into a cardboard box on the bottom shelf in the bathroom cabinet. As he retrieved it, that idea in the back of his head began to grow. He let it take root in his mind.

When he returned to the bedroom with the first-aid kit, he found Angel sitting in the middle of his double-sized bed, indian style. Angel was looking around the room with his mouth hanging open. Demon held his breath. The rest of his apartment was very spartan. It was functional, and nothing more. The bedroom however, was a different story. Demons personality shone through.

Demon also looked around at the familiar things, trying to imagine how it must be for Angel, seeing it all for the first time. He took in the half burned candles and the incense holders, the posters of rock-bands, motorcycles and naked men up on the walls. He saw the milk crates with all his folded clean clothes stacked neatly against the far wall and the shelves and hooks which held the tools and toys from his days as a prostitute in the shadowy world of dominance and submission. When Angel glanced up at the ceiling, he did as well and looked once more upon the hooks and pulley system he had painstakingly crafted a few years back. When Demon finally glanced back down at his lover, Angel was looking at him with a slightly stunned look on his face. An icy finger of fear traced a path up his spine as he waited for Angel to reject him.

"Interesting decor."

Demon blinked in surprise. That wasn't the reaction he had expected at all after watching Angel intently study his bedroom.

"Are you going to come in and kiss my boo-boos all better or are you just going to stand there looking sexy?" Angel asked with an arch look on his handsome face.

Demon felt a goofy grin creep over his face. He couldn't help it. He knew that the things in his room were pretty intense, especially the stuff on the shelves and hanging from the hooks. The fact that Angel could accept it made a light, bubbly feeling rise up inside him. Feeling better about himself than he had in a long time, Demon walked over and climbed up on the bed next to Angel. With a flash of a mischievous grin, Demon leaned forward and kissed Angel on the tip of his classic Roman nose.

Demon could feel himself blush at the force of his awakened emotions. He was very familiar with feelings such as; engulfing sadness and black depression, blood boiling anger or soul numbing fear, and even the deadened coldness of aloof indifference. But this was new territory for him. Angel stirred things in him that had been buried so deep for so long, that Demon could barely recognize them, let alone deal with them. He quickly looked down into the cardboard box, digging through the pile of stuff before he either burst out laughing or broke down and cried.

Demon finally located a half-used tube of Neo-Sporin and a box of Band-Aids. He put them on the bed next to the box, and then started digging in again. After a quick search, Demon pulled out a water tight bag to put crushed ice in. Then, shoving the box aside, he turned to Angel.

Angel sat quietly and passively as Demon tended to his scrapes and bruises. He tried to be as gentle as possible while he placed ointment coated Band-Aids on all of the black haired beautys scrapes and cuts. Demon could feel the protectiveness rise up in him again. But unlike earlier, when that need to protect Angel had been dominated by overwhelming anger, this time it was tempered by love and tenderness.

After putting the last Band-Aid in place, Demon grabbed the water tight bag and stood up off the bed. He walked out to the kitchen and began rummaging through his freezer for ice. He turned around to find Angel standing beside him, looking into the freezer, letting out a whistle of awe.

"Gawd damn." Angel breathed. "If Billy saw your freezer, he would think he had died and gone to heaven."


"The bottles." Angel said, reaching in and sliding two of them out slightly to read the labels. Rumpelmintz and Fire Water.

"Oh." Demon grinned. "I have a little bit of a collection. Only the shots are in the freezer. The rest of my alcohol is in that cabinet." Demon said pointing.

Angel chuckled and watched Demon put a pile of ice-cubes in the middle of a dish towel on the counter top. Demon folded the towel over the ice, looked around for a second, then grabbed an iron skillet. With three powerful smacks of the skillet against the towel, the ice-cubes were successfully crushed. Demon then put the ice-chips into the water tight bag and tightened the rubber sealed cap. Turning, he handed it to Angel.

"For your eye."

Angel put it to his black eye and winced, pulling it back off.

"Gently, Baby, gently." Demon said with a concerned frown.

Angel slowly replaced it with great care as Demon took his other hand and led him back into the bedroom. Once there, Demon ushered Angel into the bed with a light slap on his naked ass. With a soft giggle, Angel crawled across the sheet to the far side and then stretched out on his back. Demon couldn't help but smile at the beautiful sight of Angel lying naked in his bed. He climbed in and lay next to Angel, letting his eyes roam up and down the erotic form of his lover. When Demons gaze traveled back up, he saw Angels bandaged knuckles holding the ice to his eye. The idea that had slowly been forming in the back of his mind suddenly burst to the front. He liked it. It would satisfy his need to protect Angel, while still allowing Angel to stand up for himself.

"Angel?" he began tentatively.

Angel turned his head to look at him questioningly.

"Ummmm..." he wasn't quite sure how to propose this. He wasn't sure Angel would like his idea and he didn't want to offend him.

"What?" Angel asked.

"Well,... I,... I know that you want to face the guy who did this yourself and all."

Angels face became serious and he nodded.

"But,... I,... I want to help you..."

"No!" Angel cut him off, rolling on his side to face Demon. "I mean,... I appreciate the offer, but,... I have to do this myself."

"Yeah, I know." Demon took a breath and then plunged into his idea before Angel could stop him. "I don't mean that I am going to go after the dude, well,... unless you ask me to."

"What I mean is,... I want to help you be able to defend yourself. By yourself." Demon started to blush, but then looked right into Angels face. "Angel, I want to teach you how to fight."

Amazed confusion washed across Angels face, the ice bag lying forgotten on the pillow as Angel propped himself up on his elbow.

"You what?" curiosity evident in his sexy voice.

Demon saw this as a good sign. Angel hadn't shot down his idea outright. His idea felt right to him and he knew he had to convince Angel.

"I want to teach you how to fight." He said in his quiet voice, while taking Angels free hand in one of his. "I mean really fight. You know, karate." Demon blushed slightly as he said, "You read my letter, so you know I've studied it for most of my life."

"Yeah, I know." Angel said softly, gently squeezing Demons hand in his. "But, why do you want to teach me karate?"

"So that the next time someone picks a fight with you, whether it's the same guy or a different one, you'll be able to defend yourself."


"I know I can't stand over you, protecting you from the bad guys all the time, and it wouldn't be fair to you if I tried. So, this is the next best thing."

Demon watched Angels face as he thought the idea through. He could see Angel turn it around in his mind. Demon held his breath and waited. Finally, Angel looked back up at him, sincere gratitude in his green eyes.

"Yes." He smiled slightly. "I think I would like that very much."

A huge smile erupted on his face as relief washed over him. Demon knew from painful experience that life could suddenly turn dangerous, even deadly, and that an ability to fight and defend yourself could make all the difference in the world. He was glad that Angel was willing to learn a skill he personally considered to be absolutely vital, and he was proud to be the one to teach it to him.

With that settled, Demon felt a genuine sense of curiosity flow through him. There wasn't a desire to go mental over it, well,... mostly there wasn't. It was just a strong desire to know.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Demon had caught Angel off guard with that question. A myriad of emotions raced across his exquisite face, one after another. Demon watched, enthralled. He was slightly startled to note that anger was not one of them. Angel started to go pale and he began to tremble at the power of his memories. Concern and empathy washed over Demon, and he reached out with both hands to Angel. Taking the young man into his arms, Demon pulled him in close. With a quiet cry, Angel clutched at Demon and pressed his face against the heavily muscled and fantastically tattooed chest beneath him.

In a quiet, emotionally charged voice, Angel told Demon about the events of earlier in the afternoon. He explained how he had been in the back yard of Delta Kappa House when Tommy had attacked him without warning. Angel gave detailed descriptions of each blow of the fight and how he felt during the wild adrenaline rush of violence. Demon held him tighter, caressing him gently when his voice broke while he repeated what Tommy had said. Demon felt his chest tighten in empathy. He had also been the victim of anti-gay attacks, and even though he had always come out on top, it was still a painful and bitter feeling to be hated.

"So," Angel was saying, "Not only did Tommy try to beat the crap out of me, he outed me to the whole frat."

Demon had to forcibly repress a shudder at the thought of what Tommy had done. The fist fight was one thing, but outing Angel was another. Memories surfaced in Demon suddenly. He had been outed against his will when he had been Angels age. It had turned his world on end. People he had once considered friends had turned against him. Strangers he didn't know had ambushed him in dark alleys. It had been a hellish time for him. Now it was Angels turn. A single tear welled up in his eyes and slowly caressed his cheek only to die on his lips.

"I know that Joey and Billy are cool with it. They both like you and want us to be happy."

Angel sighed with sadness and then continued, "But I don't know how the rest of the brothers are taking the news. I mean,... I think that some of them will be okay with it, but..."

"I know." Demon whispered pulling Angel in closer, making the young man shift so that half of his body was draped over Demons own. Angel lifted his head to look at Demons face while entwining their legs together.

"I really had planned on telling them about me,.. about us. Especially since Joey and Billy were so cool about it, but..." Angels face was sad and frustrated all at once. "Well, I wanted to do it myself. My own way."

Demons heart broke with pain for Angel and the difficult situation he suddenly found himself in. He reached up with one finger and gently brushed a stay curl out of Angels face.

"What ever happens, you don't have to face it alone. I'll be here with you." Demon whispered softly.

"I know." Angel breathed.

Angel leaned forward, kissing Demon softly on the lips. His green eyes were sad and he seemed an odd mix of quiet strength and open vulnerability. His ever expressive face revealed his gentle soul to Demon. The hardened and cynical man clearly recognized the signs of Angels innocence slipping away and a wave of guilt washed over him. He had known from the beginning that it was inevitable, but still, he grieved for Angels loss.

Angel broke him from his deep thoughts with another kiss. This one was more serious, sensual. Demon let his grief fall away as he kissed Angel back. He could detect the faint coppery taste of blood on Angels swollen bottom lip. Demon opened his mouth to Angels probing tongue and felt a lovely tingle course over his skin as Angels fingertips traced a path down his chest.

Angel lightly ran his hand along Demons skin, leaving a trail of tingles. When the gentle fingers found Demons right nipple, a soft moan escaped him. He could feel Angel carefully turn the silver ring that pierced his flesh and his desire grew.

Carefully, so as not to aggravate his injuries, Demon began to stroke the smooth skin of Angels back. The heat of Angels flesh was exciting to Demon and he felt his cock begin to lengthen. Enchanted by Angels soft seduction of him, Demon traced a loving path along the young mans spine, eliciting a sexy moan from the beauty in his arms.

Angel pulled away from his lips, only to plant a trail of tender kisses along his jaw and down his muscular neck. Electric tingles flashed across his skin and he sighed in pleasure. He could feel Angels dick begin to grow hard against his hip as Angel kissed and sucked his neck. Demon let himself get lost in the erotic sensations Angel was creating in him.

Slowly, with deliberate movements, Angel shifted himself until he was laying completely on top of Demon, with his long legs spread out to rest along the outside of Demons.

"Mmmmm..." Demon moaned in delight at the feeling of Angels weight pressing into him. He could feel the blood pumping into his shaft, making it swell to full hardness.

With exquisite slowness, Angel kissed his way down to Demons nipples. A delicious shudder raced through him as Angel took the left one into his mouth and gently sucked. Demon ran one of his large hands through Angels curls and grinded his hips up into Angels six-pack as his lover took his nipple ring in his teeth and gently tugged. That slight pulling on his ultra sensitive nipple was so erotic it made his bones turn to water and a drop of pre-cum to form at the piss-slit of his cockhead.

Angel stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked a path to his right nipple. The air suddenly felt cool against the wet trail of saliva, and goosebumps rose up along Demons skin. Angel ran the tip of his tongue around Demons nipple twice before gently taking it into his mouth.

"Oh Angel." Demon breathed in a husky voice. "You make me feel amazing."

Angel glanced up at Demon with a tender smile on his face, "Good, because you make me feel wonderful too. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than make you happy."

Demon gently ran his hand through Angels hair again, enjoying the softness of the shiny black curls as they tickled his skin. With an expression of desire on his beautiful face, Angel leaned down again and kissed his way down Demons chest. From his solid and colorful pecs, to his sculpted and equally decorated six-pack. Demon moaned and writhed in pleasure under Angel. He could feel his foreskin pull back to expose his throbbing cockhead in response to Angels seductive mouth on his burning flesh.

Angel shifted his body down lower and lower. Demons steel hard cock throbbed and pulsed with excitement as Angels loving mouth drew closer and closer to its goal. Demon could feel his abs flex and twitch underneath Angels delicate lips, and he shivered as his lovers fingers traced circular designs on his pecs.

"Ohhh..." Demon whispered softly.

Just when Demon didn't think he could stand it anymore, Angel ran his tongue down, in a path from his abs to the base of his straining dick. With a tenderness that stole his breath and made him tremble, Angel leaned up and took his cockhead between those wonderful lips. An intense wave of pleasure raced from his cock throughout his entire body as Angel swirled his tongue around, licking softly at the pre-cum that was flowing from him.

Electricity pulsed in erotic surges from Demons cock, up his spine and into his head to form flashes of light behind his tightly closed brown eyes. Demons shaking hands grasped at the sheets as he felt Angels tongue exploring the space between his cockhead and his foreskin. He could feel Angel working it back and forth with his soft lips as he trembled in helpless submission to the pleasure assaulting him. Slowly, Angels lips slid down his shaft, taking his cock further into the moist, hot mouth that had suddenly become Demons entire world.

When Demon felt his cockhead reach the beginning of Angels throat, he had to actively restrain himself from the urge to force his thick shaft in further. The last thing he wanted to do was choke Angel, but the sensations riding along his cock was driving him wild. The urge to thrust his hips up towards Angels lovely face was getting stronger.

Demon lightly ran his fingertips through Angels soft curls. "Baby,..." he breathed erratically. "hold it in as,... as far as you can."

Angel sank a little lower and Demon could feel his throat twitch slightly and he backed off again.

Caressing his hair lightly, he said, "No, Baby, it's okay." After a little gasp from the sudden increase in suction on his swollen cockhead, he continued. "Hold it in again,... that feeling will pass,... try again."

Angel once more slid Demons cock into his mouth. Demon felt his gag-reflex again, but this time Angel held his ground.

"That's it Baby. Relax your throat. It'll pass,... relax..."

Demon could feel Angel forcibly relax the muscles of his throat and consciencely take control of his gag-reflex. Gently, slowly, he began to push into the tight confines of Angels throat.

"Open up for me Baby." He moaned. "Oh yeah,... that's it. Ohhhh..."

He slowly pulled back into Angels mouth for two heartbeats and then gently pushed back into his throat. Surprising and delighting him, Angel took over once more, this time not hesitating to take Demon into his throat. He bobbed up and down on Demons hard shaft, going a little further each time. Finally, Angel could take all of Demon in, burying his nose in Demons shaved crotch.

Demon moaned and writhed with the intense pleasure which rolled over him in continuous waves as Angel sucked on his dick. It was amazing. Angel was a natural and was soon using the muscles in his throat to milk him.

"Ohhh Angel." Demon whispered.

Demon could feel his cum boiling up out of his balls as they pulled in tight. Crimson light gathered in the base of his spine and a dull roaring washed over his ears. Tingles flashed through his body, tensing every muscle along the way. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his toes curled up tight as his cock swelled in the hot confines of Angels wonderful throat.

He tried to warm Angel, but all that he could manage was a deep, lung expanding gasp. The first blast of cum that shot from his cock was so powerful, Demon felt as if he had been slammed into the bed. He threw back his head in a silent cry of passion and Angel hungrily sucked the cum right out of his balls with powerful swallows. Blast after blast rocked through him as he shuddered in pleasure so intense, it was almost painful.

After the last of his seed poured out onto Angels tongue, his lover gently licked his softening cock clean. Delicate tingles zigzagged across his body in erotic patterns as he lay there, totally vanquished by the power of the orgasim Angel had given him. He was only semi- aware of Angel slowly making his way back up his flushed body, until the black haired beauty laid down on top of him once more.

Words seemed so inadequate, so Demon thanked him with a kiss. It was a truly beautiful thing to taste himself in Angels mouth. It seemed so,... right.

Next: Chapter 8

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