Angsty Alexander

By Sam Bam

Published on Feb 15, 2015


The characters in this story are all fictional and not based on anyone in real life.

Angsty Alexander part1


I arrived at the dorm around 2pm, it wasn't as busy as I expected. I was excited, paid the cab driver who had unloaded my bags. I grabbed my backpacks and suitcase and dragged them up to my third floor room collecting my key from the desk on the way.

It was a traditional old dorm, a beautiful gothic building on the outside, a rank prison lay within. The floor had a long corridor with rooms each side, at one end were 2 bathrooms at the other a common room.

Opening the door I saw my room mate had picked his side and unpacked already and there was no sign of him. I dumped my stuff, riffled through my bag for my shower kit and headed to the bathroom.

It had been a long day travelling from Europe. I'd been working in Bucharest all summer on a Zombie film. I'd been an actor since birth ( I was a baby on a soap opera until I was 2), until I gave it up at 14.

My Mom had died when I was 12, she had managed my career and saying no when she was alive wasn't an option. Dad took over where she left off, becoming as pushy as she had been. Working us both like crazy for the next 2 years so we wouldn't notice the gap my Mom had left.

When I was offered a network TV drama I put my foot down. The contract was potentially 7 years, I was 14 I could be tied until I came of age. I was tired of the business, tired of tutor after tutor, early starts and no friends.

I let it all out in a stream of rage at my dad in the car.

" I just want to go to high school, no more acting, I hate it. I want a real life. I want friendships that last longer than filming, I want to study, play sports. Go to the mall. I fucking hate all of this"

"Thank fuck for that kid." I was shocked my dad never cursed. "I'd love to try normal life, let's sell up and move to boring mcboringtown, find you a high school, get me back to writing and forget this crazy business"

We spent the summer camping, hiking and fishing and getting to know one another again. Sheer bliss.

We sold up the LA house (though I did pitch another fit when I found out the house and gross expensive furnishings had all been paid for by me) and settled near Seattle. That summer I grew and grew. By the time school started I looked nothing like that cute kid from the movies and after a year people forgot the connection or stopped asking me about it.

I came out the summer before junior year, dated a guy for 8 months then my dad got sick and he couldn't handle it, Dad was gone by the start of senior year. My business manager and Lawyer got me emancipated before dad died. Emotionally it was hell, I felt I was rejecting my dying dad but it meant I could live alone senior year and had access to money.

Senior year I whored it up, no end of guys wanted to just try something, I barely turned anyone down. However I stayed on top of schoolwork got into an amazing East Coast college and decided to nudge open the acting door. My agent was delighted with my, anything with heavy makeup plan, made some calls and a zombie it was.

Upon graduation I sold up the house, put what little I wanted kept in storage and headed back to the movies.

Now in my dorm room I stand 6'3, I'm blonde, not too hairy (oh how I wished for more hair), green eyes, swimmers body not super defined but ripples of muscle. My cock is big 9inches, cut, not overly thick but curved.

I'd just finished unpacking and was surveying my surroundings when I heard a key in the lock, just then a calendar on his desk caught my eye I bent over to get a closer look, looked up at my room mate and said

"You like guys"

And wiggled my ass to show my approval. Before full mortification could set in he was grinding against me.

"You do too".

I stood and turned into him and we kissed, it was an epic kiss, he tasted great, his lips were soft, his stubble rubbed against my face as he moved around. We pulled each other close so there was no space between us, kissing, flicking our tongues, exploring, biting at each other's lips.

It was the sexiest kiss I'd even been a part of. There was no hiding our hardness. I pushed him onto his bed and pulled at his tshirt, he pulled at mine, we were ferociously making out, running our hands over each other, exploring pecs, nipples, tasting.

We stood and striped off our shorts. He wore fitted boxer briefs, I had tiny briefs on that couldn't contain my hard dick. We both had damp patches. I wasted no time pulling mine off he followed and we were back on the bed.

He was on his back and I was kissing down his skinny body.

He was about 5'10 dark hair, dark eyes, skinny build all limbs, hair lightly coated his chest, more heavily his legs, he had a beautiful jet black trail leading to trimmed pubes and a leaking 7inch cut cock sticking straight up, his balls were big and low.

His nipples were large and dark, so exotic compared with my own small pink ones, I licked and nibbled at them, causing him to gasp and moan. I moved down lapping at his balls, breathing him in. We were on fire. I lifted his legs and sent my tongue down his crack, his groans were sending me wild. I dove in licking his ass with abandon, poking at his hole with my tongue which was twitching and welcoming in me in.

He scrambled in the drawer and chucked lube and a condom at me. I lubed up his hole and he welcomed in 1,2,3 fingers.

"Fuck me,arrrrgh, please, I'm so ready"

I worked my cock in slowly and he bucked up to meet me. I began my assault with my cock, man he was loud, every cry and moan was spurring me on, I felt I couldn't get deeper, his hole sucked me all in. I was sweating and groaning and having the time of my life when he reached forward to stroke himself I exploded just as he did. We were both shooting gallons. His chest was covered, my condom full. I withdrew and unwrapped then collapsed forward into him, spreading his cum between us.

When we caught our breath I looked at him held out my hand and said

"Hi, I'm Alexander, your room-mate"

He blushed, he was so cute.

" I'm Jason, Jay, uh call me Jay."


When I arrived at the dorm I was kind of sad to be the first one there, my parents helped me unload and unpack. My other friends all knew about their room mates, they'd befriended them online and discussed fridges, TVs and other room stuff. I'd not even been given the name of mine.

Before coming to college I decided to just be out, no big announcements, no drama, I put a calendar of nude male models on my desk and the dvd collection I put on the shelves included a fair number of films with male nudity. We finished setting up with still no sign of my room mate and then we headed out to lunch.

At home I came out junior year, dated a footballer senior year and I'd been pretty lucky not to be bullied too badly, it helped my boyfriend was huge and scary. We broke up just after graduation, he was heading west on a football scholarship and was going to a fitness camp first, there was no need to prolong things. I made hay over the summer with a few flings, enjoying sex without ties.

After lunch I said my goodbyes to my parents and headed back to my room.

There I had my first sight of my steaming hot room mate, bending over my desk, I was worried he'd see my rapidly expanding wood. But then he wiggled his fine ass, I lost my senses and was grinding into him without so much as saying hello.

We proceeded to have an amazing fuck. I was spent , sweaty and covered in cum. When he put out his hand to introduce himself I was in shock, in my head I was planning my life with him and I bumped down to earth realising I didn't even know his name.

"Now we have a problem"

I looked up at him terrified as he continued. "The bathroom is like 5 doors away and there is no disguising that cum, it's even in your hair" he said running his hands through my hair making it worse.

He kissed me again and I moaned into his mouth.

"Okay let's do this" I said grabbing a towel. We ran down to the bathroom, it wasn't busy. I wanted to suggest showering together but the forwardness I had shown earlier deserted me.

I relived the encounter while the hot water ran over me, enjoying the rise of my cock but not jacking off, I was hoping there would be more fun with Alexander later.

I could not believe my luck, I had a hot gay room mate with a mighty fine 9inch cock that he knew how to use as a precision tool in my ass. College was awesome.

When I got back to the room Alexander was on his bed flicking through the course catalogue. I started to ask normal get to know you questions and he started to get annoyed. The atmosphere switched from sexy to ice cold.

"Where are you from."

"All over"

"What do your parents do?"

"Nothing of note"

I asked about his family, high school, getting snappier and snappier answers.

"Do you know what your major will be?" I finally tried.

"Uggggh just stop with the questions. Let's go eat and maybe you'll find someone else to interrogate ."

I had no idea why he was being so rude, he didn't even try and ask me anything. Was I just a plaything?


College was meant to be another fresh start, I just wanted to be me. Not the actor kid, not the orphan kid, just Alexander. But he just won't stop with the questions and my avoiding them is making things awkward.

I suggest we head to the dining hall and that maybe he'll find more people. He doesn't look happy but agrees.

The food is awful, I need to go shopping for snacks and stuff for the room. Freshmen were not allowed cars on campus so I needed to befriend some older people.

Our table soon filled up and Jay was busy chatting to loads of people, he was so cute when it wasn't me being given the third degree. He was openly chatting about his football player ex and asking about everyone else's status.

Two of the guys were sophomores and they lived on our corridor, result. Felix was tiny, he had a tight shirt that showed definition despite his small size. His jet black hair was spiked high and he was camp as a row of tents. Not usually my type but somehow I found him kind of attractive. His room mate Jamie was a beanpole, skinny like jay and oh so straight.

"Uh, sorry to ask for a favour after like 5minutes but do either of you have a car? I really need to go shopping soon"

"Sure, tomorrow or do you have orientation stuff booked?" Felix said.

"Not til late afternoon for me. Jay what about you?"

"Same, ive the tour late afternoon" Jay said, cheering up. I guess he'd been a bit quiet as I'd flirted with Felix. His big smile gave me a bit of a stir.

We all swapped numbers then headed back to our room.

We had a hall meeting shortly, Jay was so keen, he had a notebook and wanted to get there early. I asked him to save me a seat. Early is not my thing.

The common room was packed. None of the guys were as cute as Jay, I was a little disappointed at the high level of meh guys. Jay had saved me a space on a table at the back. He was chatting away with others, but squeezed my leg when I'd sat down. I grabbed his hand as the talk began, there was definite movement in his shorts.

Given his calendar and his talk at dinner about his ex I figured he wouldn't mind being this open and I really didn't care about anyone else's reaction.

On the way back we knocked on Felix door and arranged to meet at 11am to go shopping. I kissed his cheek, brushing my hand over his stomach as I thanked him again. Jay stomped ahead to our room.

He was laid on his bed with an adorable scowl on his face.

"Scoot over" I said climbing on beside him, I leaned in and whispered "Kiss me hot stuff".


Dinner was fun until Alexander started flirting with Felix, I was surprised he wanted me included in the shopping trip, I thought I'd lost him already.

Then he held my hand through the dorm meeting like it was a normal everyday thing, I've no idea what was said in that meeting, I was starring at my hand in his and practically planning the wedding. In a few hours I felt closer to him than I had to my ex in 6 months.

Then he was back flirting with Felix like I wasn't there. Arrrrgh at his hot cold nature. I headed to the room and flopped down on my bed.

I was trying to work out what his deal was, if I wanted to pursue this despite the mood swings, wondering if he'd give an explanation, was he just toying with me until he got Felix? Though I'm pretty sure he could have Felix right now in the corridor.

I Ignored him when he came in, he was stripping off and I averted my eyes, my cock clearly didn't know I was giving him the cold shoulder as the sound of him undressing had me at full attention.

"Scoot over" he said climbing on beside me, he whispers in my ear

"Kiss me hot stuff"

The weak willed horndog in me pulled him into a ferocious kiss, he was pulling at my clothes, I quickly wriggled out of them and resumed making out skin on hot skin.

He was kissing my chest and stroking my cock both movements so gentle, I was moaning loud which was making him smile, he made me feel electric. He moved back up to kiss me again, long slow kisses, exploring each other, dancing with our tongues. It was the opposite of our earlier fuck. It made me feel like I was his first choice.

He was stroking me lightly, looking down at my leaky cock when we stopped kissing for air. He took my hand and placed it on my cock, his own twitching as I took myself in hand.

It was my turn to discover his body with my mouth, I kissed his pecs, rolled my tongue round his nipples and down the ripples of his lightly muscled abs, he put my hand back on my cock so I kept stroking as I continued down, running my mouth over his trimmed pubes and smelling his manliness, I lapped at his balls then took his cock into my mouth, savouring the taste and bobbed up and down as his groans urged me on. I took his full load, swallowed and then kissed him, he moved down to finish me in his mouth, I was so, so, so close I lasted only moments before shooting 4, 5, 6 shots into his mouth.

"Al, Al, oh god Alllllll" I screamed as my orgasm took over.

My, cock slipped from his mouth and rather than kiss me he stood, eyes of ice, wiping cum from his lips"

"I'm Alexander, not Al, not Alex, not Sasha, not Xander. AL-EX-ANDER"

He turned from me and climbed into his own bed pulling his covers over his head.

My eyes filled with tears, how could he be so angry about a moment of passion. I pulled on my shorts and headed to shower. Under the hot water I let the tears fall. I was a bundle of confusion. I was scared how fast I was falling for a clearly unsuitable guy. How could I live with him for the rest of the year and how could I resist his next advance? Would I want to?


I woke feeling better, I felt a small niggle of remorse for my anger at Jays sex cries but he won't call me Al again, well unless he wants it really rough.

Jay was still sleeping, his covers half off exposing that beautiful skinny body that turned me on so much. I enjoyed the view for a moment.

It was 10.30 so I hurriedly dressed and leaned over to kiss Jay awake.

"Come on sleepy we need to go shopping" I smoothed his beautiful dark hair from his confused eyes.

He dressed as I brushed my teeth at the room sink, he bumbled over to join me.

We called on Felix and he and Jamie led us to the car. On the drive I suggested we bought them dinner off campus later to say thanks. The car ride was fun, a lot of innuendo from Felix about what Jay and I had been up to and he and Jamie gave us lots of tips about school.

We split into pairs and agreed meet up in the electronics department when done as they'd be heading there to try out some games.

I grabbed a cart, Jay was being quiet still. I didn't want to apologise but did need him back on side so right in the homeware section I stopped and pulled him into a hug, kissed his nose. He giggled.

"We're in public" "So, you have a cute nose, I'm sure everyone is jealous" "You have cute lips"

He kissed me. I grinned, he giggled. It was cute, ice melted.

I found a microwave and a rug, our tile floor was freezing this morning.

"Hey should we get beanbag chairs or just some cushions?"

Jay shrugged, he'd gone quiet again since I'd started loading up the cart. "Shit man you bought the Tv, fridge, Xbox, and a kick ass did collection, today it's all is on me, you've more than covered your share"

His shoulders visibly relaxed and he squeezed my arm.


Whoooooop kissing in the store was so amazing, it did feel like we were a normal couple out shopping for our home together. It was amazing picking things out together. I suddenly snapped out of dreamland when I started to price up what he was picking out.

My family are not well off, I'm very lucky I got great financial aid and I have outside scholarships but I don't have much money for extras. I know study will be hard from the start so hope I don't need to get a job during the semester. I worked all summer at a country club and hoped to again during breaks.

When he assured me today was his contribution I was able to relax and go back into daydream mode. I was still a little wary of being heartbroken but decided to enjoy the good times to the max for now. After picking up cushions, pillows, some plastic plates and bowls.

" I think we're going to mess up a lot of sheets and I couldn't bring any extras, I flew straight in from my summer job in Europe. That's why I wasn't in touch about the room, I just got all the mail from college 2 days before coming home, I had a PO box in Bucharest but mail forwarding took forever"

"Why couldn't your parents just open it and read it over the phone?"

"Hey do you like the cotton or flannel better?"

I couldn't believe it, he opens up a smidge then clams right up when I ask an easy question. We move onto the food department, we pick up milk, water, fruit, cereal, microwave popcorn and protein bars. Then he adds a heap of instant noodles.

" I know they're shit but the dining hall is not looking promising, anything else you need?"

"Uh, maybe we'll need more condoms"

He kisses me. "Yup and a tonne of lube"


On the way back to school we ate at a drive-through. With the 4 of us it took 2 trips to get all our shopping upstairs, Jay and I spent some time arranging everything, we had about 2 hours before our scheduled tour.

I started to strip off sweaty after all the mornings activities. Jay did the same and I stood back and admired his body. He caught me looking and blushed, though he was clearly checking me out too.

We walked down to the shower I stopped to shave at the sinks. As I was walking to a stall Jay pulled me into his, I liked that feisty Jay had reappeared.

We were washing each other and making out. Both stiff and enjoying the feel of hands and mouths.

"Do you want to finish this here or in bed"

"Bed, I want to feel you inside me again and we've no condoms here"

We rinsed off and ran back to the room.

Once inside the door we dropped our towels and resumed making out. No one kissed like Jay, I loved the feel of his lips, his tongue, his teeth as they nibbled at me.

I lay him on the bed and headed straight for his ass with my mouth.

"Maybe we shouldn't have showered" "I think you'll have me sweaty again soon"

I licked at his crack then sent my tongue in to probe at his hole, spreading his cheeks with my hands. He again chucked condoms and lube at my head. His hole was responding to my probing tongue and he was moaning loudly.

"Come on I need your dick in me. Please. Please fuck me. Noooooow"

I giggled and continued teasing, opening him with my fingers and delighting at how welcome they were, I rolled on a condom and lubed up.

I slid in with one push, he squealed. As I rested a moment he began to move his hips. "Mmmmmm love your big dick"

He started stroking himself for me, I leaned in for a kiss then started gently pushing my cock in and out in long lengths, he was pushing up to meet me and moaning in complete pleasure, his cock was dripping onto his belly. I picked up the pace and he smiled and groaned, begging for me to go deeper and harder.

Picking it up another level I started to slam myself into him giving as much force as I could face to face. I enjoyed watching him too much to turn him over and i was getting close, he arched his back and shot, his hot hole closed tightly around my dick and with 2 more strokes I joined his orgasm.

Panting I fell onto his chest and he kissed all over my face.

I lifted up to lick up some of his cum, then used my towel to clean us both off.

He cracked the window, our room smelt of manly, manly sex.

Then the questioning started up again and I had to grit my teeth, why wasn't what we had so far enough for him?

"Jay, please, we've just had a great time in bed. Don't spoil it with another inquisition, we'll be rooming all year. I'm not big on sharing minor shit for no reason. Come on we have to get to the tour"

We dressed in a hurry and headed out for our tour.

Thanks for reading. Any comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 2

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