Angsty Alexander

By Sam Bam

Published on May 20, 2015


Angsty Alexander part 15 Please donate to nifty to keep the stories flowing.


The whole situation was weird. I'd just had a horrid public row with my boyfriend and here I was at my exes house sobbing in his arms. I couldn't stop. I was shaking into his chest as he held me close and the tears soaked through his shirt. I clung to him.

Alexander just held me, rubbing my back, kissing my head and I sobbed. As I felt his breath on my ear I calmed down. I began to breathe and slow down and relax into him. He moved my head and wiped my tears.

"Go wash your face, I'll make some hot tea." Alexander said.

I nodded and went to the bathroom. The house looked amazing. It somehow was perfectly Alexander. The small ground floor shower room was great, rain shower, gray tiles and matching towels. I took my time washing my face and trying to calm down.

"You've done an amazing job with this place, I can't believe how much its changed since I was last here." I say.

" I didn't do anything but choose what I wanted, with some help from Peter. The contractors did the lot, even had people in to arrange all the furniture as it came." Alexander said.

"I love it." I say honestly.

We sit down and Alexander hands me a mug of tea.

"So, whats up with you? You weren't yourself in LA and this week you've just not been you. I don't believe its just Ben, you never stay in a relationship that isn't working." Alexander says.

"Its just a bunch of stuff. My parents have always been on and off, they're off, off at the moment. My Mom had a health scare." I begin.

Alexander looks stricken.

"She's fine. It was just a scare but she missed some work, got fired and had to move somewhere smaller. I had to give her the last of my savings so she could pay for the new place. She's working again and fine but I'm totally broke and there's no room for me at her place. Hence I couldn't go back to the country club this summer and needed a good job." I begin.

"I'm sorry, I know what it feels like to have no where to go, though my situation was more of my own making than yours." Alexander says.

"I did think of you at Thanksgiving when it happened. But you have this place now." I say.

"So do you. The others are all for you not living here but I never stopped hoping you'd move in. It won't be how I originally imagined but as a friend would be great too." Alexander says surprising me. "You thought of us together here?" I ask.

"Of course, it wasn't just you that saw marriage and forever you know." Alexander admits shyly.

"The others said they don't want me here?" I ask, ignoring Alexander's declaration.

"Eric and Peter. You were very rude to Peter over spring break." Alexander says.

"I was a dick. I'm sorry. I can see how much better you are now and know we all owe Peter for that. Eric hates Ben, all the dorm guys do. Its the other thing that's been getting me down. Its at the stage where I don't even bother to say Hello to them when I'm with Ben as the eye rolling starts if he says one thing. I miss having them as friends, especially as Ben is so busy and so I'm alone a lot but I can't be around people who bitch about my boyfriend." I say bitterly.

"Do they have good reason not to like him? Does he treat you badly?" Alexander' asks.

"No he's great with me. Makes time for me whenever he can. He is a bit over the top though and can be bitchy. But he's mostly great to me." I say.

"Mostly?" Alexander asks.

"We have some issues but nothing visible to anyone else." I say, I cannot tell Alexander my boyfriend is bad in bed.

"You stood up for yourself today. I can't imagine you actually let him be rude to Eric, Brian or Jamie or anyone." Alexander says.

"He's not directly rude but dismissive, a bit like you sometimes are. He was upset today, today was not how he usually is. He's an actor he felt insecure about you and Eric getting the prize and you having more parts than him." I try and explain.

"I'm an actor too. I've lost out on loads of parts and never win prizes, I would never be rude to people who could help my career." Alexander says.

"I know but you made it without having to work for it. No I don't mean that but you were acting from birth you were never in a position of really wanting to be an actor and not knowing if you'd actually make it. " I clumsily explain.

"Yeah I know. But you know last year if you'd been at a dinner with alumni or professors from here you'd have kissed ass not called anyone names." Alexander says.

"True. But if I'd just lost the chance of a scholarship I might not have been so polite." I say.

"If you love him and he loves you he can't be all bad. I hope we can be friends again. Properly. We were doing well after you and Peter split before I complicated things. I miss you terribly I handled things so badly when you rejected me." Alexander says.

We hug and suddenly he kisses me, not a gently friendly kiss.

"I'm sorry." Alexander says "I promise I won't be a letch if you move in."

"I'd love to move in." I say.

He smiles so broadly, it runs through his whole body.

I stare at him, hard and I kiss him, for a few minutes its just us again, how we were. Then he pulls away.

Before either of us can speak Peter comes in.

"Jay has agreed to move in." Alexander says brightly.

"If its okay with you." I say to Peter.

"If Alexander wants you here I don't get a say. But I'm happy if he's happy. I hope we can become friends again Jay." Peter says.

I shake his hand and we hug.

"We both love this guy and I think he'll need us close." I say.

Peter smiles.


Once we get back to our room I look at Peter a bit worried.

"I kissed him." I say.

"Just a kiss?" Peter asks.

"Yes, but I wanted more for a moment." I admit.

"Its always going to be complicated with you two. I knew that when I dated him, I knew when we got together. I love you and trust you. If he was single I'd suggest you two should be together when we're being open." Peter says surprising me.

"I think that would fuck with both our heads and anyway he love Ben." I say.

Peter nods.

"I'm sorry babe I would love to take you straight to bed but I have homework. I think you do too." Peter says.

I nod. We both hit the books. I finish before Peter I'm less behind than I thought so feel pretty good.

With the plays over I'm in a playful mood. I look at Peter, all sexy sat at his desk just wearing loose shorts. Its not like me to distract anyone from study but I find myself stripping quietly and crawling under his desk. I nuzzle his crotch taking in the amazing smell of him. I nudge his shorts up a little with my nose and try and lick at his balls up the short leg. Then just lick him through the material. Peter strokes me head.

"Okay here you go." Peter says as he stands up and pulls his shorts off. He's a little swollen and I'm very excited and grinning. He sits back down with his chair pushed out a little more to give me space.

I happily tease his dick and balls with my tongue, lots of small licks and kisses, just enjoying him, enjoying watching him harden so close to my face.

"Good boy, now suck my dick. Go on take me."Peter says trying to guide my mouth to his head.

I carry on the tease a little more and he moans a little.

"Bad boy, take my cock." Peter groans and I finally give in.

I enjoy myself sucking and licking him, giving him a proper working over before taking him as deep as I can. He holds my head in place as he's deep in my throat. I love it and once I'm again loose he's pushing my head aggressively and I'm taking all I can. I love him like this. When he eventually coats my throat in his hot cum I'm in bliss. I stand a little unsteadily, fully erect. I kiss him gently and he moves to touch me but I knock his hand away.

"Your ass is mine." I say grinning.

He stands with his hands held up with a big smile on his face.

"Do what you will." He says.

I lift him up and throw him onto the bed and pleasure myself deep in his ass until we can stand it no more.

Lead in bed together after he looks at me.

"Fuck, that was FUN." Peter says.

"What came over you?" I ask with a grin.

"You interrupted me. What got into you?" Peter asks laughing.

"Lust, pure lust for my man." I say.

We shower together, lovingly washing each other.

Its a busy week we're both studying hard. Lots of projects and papers are taking up our time as finals approach.

Its parents weekend, it should have been in november but was postponed due to a heavy storm. Peter's parents are coming so I'm pretty nervous and Jamie has roped us in to being tour guides.

Friday night we spend at the house, we love having proper alone time and I want to make sure the house is clean for parents coming to see where their sons will be living.

On Saturday morning we drive to campus early have breakfast and then go and meet our tour groups. I kiss goodbye to Peter as mine is ready to start off before his parents arrive.

Mid way through the tour we stop for coffee and allow the group to look at some statues and sculptures. A couple of parents approach me.

"Are you our Gary's friend Alexander?" The mom asks, she has a faint Irish accent.

"We thought, you might be he said you were tall." The dad says with a much stronger accent.

"Gary, of Blondie. Yes I know him, we used to be in the same dorm." I say.

The Mom envelopes me into a huge hug.

"You're the poor orphan boy. I told Gary he's never to leave you alone for a holiday again. You're always welcome to come to our house. Always." Blondie's Mom says.

Her husband grabs my hand to shake.

"Thank-you for making Gary's start at college so easy. He talked non stop about you and your friends. Made us feel so happy he was settled." Blondie's Dad says.

For the rest of the tour they don't leave my side, asking questions, telling jokes. They make my job easy and the whole group has a fun time.

"Hey, I'm going to lunch with Eric and Peter and their parents. I'd love if you guys would join us." I say just as Blondie walks up.

"Oooh Gary, your Alexander has invited us to lunch. Isn't he grand." Blondie's Mom says.

"Is that okay, its on me." I whisper to Blondie.

"Honestly its a great idea." Blondie said loudly.

"Thanks I need help keeping them entertained." Blondie whispers

"Please be civil to Peter though." I say quietly.

"Don't worry I'm long over all the drama." Blondie mutters.

Peter comes over and introduces his parents and my worries disappear. They are lovely people.

"We'll meet you at the restaurant. We want to go and check in. Eric and his Mom will come too as she's staying at the same place." Peters dad says.

"Okay, we'll take my car and meet you there." I say.

"Where are you guys staying?" I ask Blondie's family.

"In Gary's room. His room mate is staying at his girlfriends" Blondie's Mom says.

"Please stay at my house." I say without thinking.

Blondie's look of sheer relief makes me smile.

"Please its no trouble, we're going there after lunch any way. Lets get your things from the dorm." I say.

"If its really no trouble that would be marvelous. I did not want to use the dorm bathroom." Blondie's Mom says making us all laugh.

"Honestly its no bother at all. I'm sure you'd be a lot more comfortable." I say.

We walk over to the dorm to get their stuff then head to Mamma Cats.

We arrive before the others, we have a reservation but now have more people, its no trouble and I organize paying without the bill being presented to save any awkwardness.

Just then Peter and Eric arrive with Eric's Mom and Peters parents. We sit down and soon in true stereotypical fashion the Moms are talking about how their sons don't call enough and all the worry they had letting them go to far away schools and the Dads are talking sports.

The adults are drinking and I start to worry about the bill. As I wont be able to pay for alcohol. I whisper in Peters ear and give him some cash. He sneakily texts his dad under the table and they both excuse themselves to the restroom before the food arrives.

I see his dad talking to Mamma Cat on his way back. He nods at me when he sits back down and I relax.

Its a little awkward with Blondie back. I can't believe how Eric and I have become like strangers to him. His choice for being a dick. I still miss him though. We start talking about the play festival. Blondie surprises me telling me he'd been to see us. That helps thaw things a bit, yes I was flattered.

We have a great meal and I talk to Peters parents about the house, my grades, my summer plans. Erics Mom is so excited that Eric and I are off to Europe to do the film and Peters dad is absolutely bursting with pride over his internship.

Full and happy we head back to the house.

I show Blondie's parents to their room and they seem happy. Peter and Eric give a tour of inside while I chat with Blondie downstairs a little.

"Thanks so much. It was going to be so awkward having them at the dorm." Blondie says.

"No problem. I really like them, I wanted to spend time with them. I hope its not too weird. I'm friends with Jay and I'm Peters boyfriend. I forgave them, I've long forgiven you. I know we're not exactly in the same circles these days but I'd like us to be friends again. I'm sorry I took so long to tell you about my past." I say.

"I'm long over it too. I'm sorry for how things went at New Year. I let my crush on Jay get in the way and used your secret to justify it in my head." Blondie says.

"You had a crush on Jay?" I say.

"Always, cute, skinny, nerd. Exactly my type back then." Blondie says.

"And now?" I ask.

"Okay I still like that type but right now I don't need a boyfriend." Blondie says.

Everyone gets back to the ground floor and I show them outside to the deck and tell them about needing to put the outdoor furniture together.

"What are you all doing this afternoon?" I ask.

"We're going to watch a tennis match."Peters Mom says.

"Gary is taking us to a Business lecture." Says Blondie's Mom rolling her eyes.

"We're going to an exhibit at a gallery." Erics mom says before describing it.

"Sounds like something my wife would enjoy. Son I know you want to show us your world but why not take your Ma too. I'm thinking I'll keep Alexander company and if doesn't object we'll get some steaks to grill, lets have a bit of a party here this evening." Blondie's dad says.

"A party is good with me, I have a grill and it would be good to have a hand putting the outdoor gear together. " I say smiling.

Peters dad looks at us.

"Son I think it sounds like Mother Son time is wanted. I'll help the guys if you don't mind." Peters dad says and his wife gives him a sweet kiss as a thank-you.

"Well we still need 2 cars, we'll drop you at school and then head to the store." I suggest "We can swing by to collect you later."

"Please pick up some salads and desserts" says Erics Mom pressing some cash into my hand.

I grin and nod.

We head off to the gallery, I drop Blondie and his Mom and Peters dad comes over. I get out and hand him the keys and hop in the back.

"Like father like son? I never get to drive." I say.

"Ahh you're too kind. I brought my son up to appreciate beautiful cars and this one is beautiful." Peters Dad says as we drive off.

"Oh its grand. A bit fancy for a young guy like yourself." Blondie's dad says.

"Like the house I wanted something to last." omitting that I hadn't actually bought it myself.

We shop for the food, more alcohol and a few bits and then go back to the house.

The Dads get started on the furniture and puts the grill together while I marinate the steaks and put things away. I go out to help.

"Bet you can't wait to be allowed your car next semester." Peters dad says.

"Yeah, though I'm thinking of riding a bike to school when its dry." I say.

"A bike thats a good idea. Do you think Peter would like one? I want to get him something for doing so well this year and getting the internship. We're so proud of how he's doing after that Aaron business." Peters dad says.

"You've lots to be proud of. Peter has been my rock this semester. He would love a bike, I know he's looking forward to using the car this summer but a bike would save him money." I say.

"We are so glad Peter finally has a sensible boyfriend. There you are no parents to guide you but you put their money into this house, get great grades and you love my son." Peters dad says.

Blondie's Dad heads inside mid speech to give us some privacy.

"How you offered your home to strangers and handled the restaurant. It was wonderful, especially as I know you and Gary have not been on good terms. Don't look like that Peter tells his mother and she fills me in. I think you're a fine young man and we already see you as family." Peters Dad finishes.

I have a tear in my eye.

"Thank-you so much Sir." I say.

I head inside to grab some tablecloths and candles.

Peter eventually calls and his Dad offers to go pick him up.

Blondie's Dad and I start the grill and have a beer.

"I know you and Gary don't spend so much time together any more but we are glad he met you. He told me you were a normal guy who happened to be gay and that made him feel at ease in his skin. And this weekend offering us a place to stay and getting me out of that bloomin lecture, its grand." Blondie's dad laughs.

The others are back shortly and everyone pitches in with the cooking and final prep.

I pop inside to wash up, when I come out the bathroom I stop. Erics mom and Peters mom are talking and I listen in for a moment.

"I can't tell you how pleased I am that Eric has moved on from Aaron. I was so worried he was losing himself. But you have to let them learn on their own." Erics Mom says.

"Aaron was always the biggest cause of arguments in our house. He almost got Peter expelled from high school. It was very touch and go for awhile. Peter almost lost everything. Then when we found out they were rooming together we almost refused to pay Peters tuition. We're so glad its all behind us." Peters mom says.

I step back into the bathroom then come out more loudly.

They smile at me and I head outside. Drinks are flowing and Peters dad is telling his college stories. He's a nice guy.

Blondie's Dad is chef for the night. The way he's pitched in so much makes me think so differently of the way Blondie has described him as a loser in the past. Its the first time I've been around parents in a long time and it feels less awkward than back in Seattle,maybe as these never knew my Dad and don't know about my Mom. Actually Eric's Mom knows, Eric told her who I was when he got the movie. She's been great, no pity at all. Eric must have briefed her well.

Peter comes over and gives me a big hug, we stand arms around each other enjoying just being together.

I head inside to get some more drinks and Blondie's Mom comes in too.

"I know who you are." Blondie's Mom says.

I look at her.

"Don't worry, Gary didn't tell me and you boyfriends parents have no idea. Gary must have watched every film you ever made over Christmas break, and I watched most with him. I knew something was bothering him, I'm guessing you told him just before break?" She continues.

I nod.

"He's a good boy but has a jealous streak, being the youngest he never had anything new and you having all this is probably a bit much for him. He'll come round. And I meant it about holidays. We might not have a fancy house like this but we'll always welcome you." She says drawing me into a hug.

"Thank-you. You've been great today, I'm really glad you were on my tour." I say.

In the early hours the Eric's mom drives Peter's parents and Eric to the hotel in the rental, she's the only sober one. I show Blondie to a room given its late to be heading back and head upstairs with Peter. Too drunk and tired to do much more than pull my clothes off.

"Thanks for today Babe, my Mom loved the exhibit and spending time with the other Moms and my Dad clearly loves you more than me." Peter says.

"Your dad is great and is so proud of you." I say.

"Its been good, even Blondie behaved." Peter says as I lie on his chest.

"I overheard your Mom and Eric's mom talking about Aaron. Your mom said something about trouble in high school." I say.

"It was stupid, I was so infatuated, he had a hold on me. We took stupid risks and I let myself be manipulated. Its in the past. Please leave it at that." Peter says.

"Sure. I don't know why I asked." I say.

We kiss a little and fall asleep.

The next morning Blondie's family have to head off early, I offer a ride to the airport but they insist on a cab.

We wave them off, promising to keep in touch.

"Thanks for everything Alexander. I hope we'll see more of each other again." Blondie says.

"Yeah me too. I missed once I stopped being so mad. Where are you living next semester?" I ask.

Blondie blushes a deep red.

"Uh theres a guy like me here who is a senior." Blondie begins.

"Like you?" I interrupt.

"A master with boys. He has 2 full time live in, they all live in an apartment not far from here. He's graduating and has a job in New York lined up. His guys will be juniors next semester. He is letting me live in his old room for free in exchange for keeping an eye on his boys." Blonde says.

"Sounds like a good deal. Are his um boys okay with it?" I ask.

"Yes they'd do anything he asks but they seem to like me too." Blondie says.

"I'm glad you're all sorted." I say.

He heads back to school and Peters parents arrive.

Peters dad jumps out and gets 2 bikes out the trunk.

"For my two boys." Peters dad says.

Its overwhelming for me. I don't remember my own dad buying me a bike.

"Thank you so much." Peter and I say at the same time.

His parents are in a rush to get to the airport, we thank them as much as we can before they leave.

Just before leaving Peters dad takes me aside.

"I've done some research and I know what a room in a house like this should cost. I won't accept paying less than that for Peters share. As soon as he moves in this summer." Peters dad says.

"No, this summer he is house sitting for me." I protest.

"You have done so much for him. Accept my offer, we have a healthy fund for Peters education, he can pay his way." Peters Dad finishes.

I shake his hand and thank him again and again.

Once they're gone we go inside and make out for a few minutes.

"Guess we best get our homework done." Peter says.

I nod.

"Lets move in properly next weekend." I say.

"Yes once classes are done. The bikes will make things easier." Peter says.

"I'm so excited I feel like a ten year old on his birthday." I say.

"I told you they like you." Peter says.

We study like the nerds we are for ours breaking to eat leftovers from the night before.

We watch a movie on TV and enjoy being just us. I look at my sexy boyfriend and feel so lucky.

"Time to go upstairs?" I say.

Peter grins. I make love to him hard and fast.

"We neglected each other this week, I needed that." I say while I lie panting.

"Yes, was great baby." Peter says grinning and kissing me.

"What are your top 3 fantasies right now?" I ask.

"Really?" Peter asks. "Sure, what would you do if you had the chance?" I push.

"Okay, no judgments?" Peter asks

"Of course not." I say.

"First the other night when you blew me and I got a bit aggressive, I'd love you to do that to me." Peter begins.

"Okay, what else. What are you thinking about in your lone showers?" I tease.

"Two the usual I crave a really rough night, wresting, my ass beaten, rough anal." Peter says quietly.

I kiss his chest lightly and hold him close.

"I have a plan for that, but its a surprise." I say.

"I love you. Finally, I um really want to see you fucked by Harry." Peter finishes.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah, ever since Eric's birthday I've thought about it." Peter admits.

"That was unexpected." I say.

"What about you baby? What do you think of solo?" Peter asks.

"Well I don't have your sex drive so there is not much solo action. Don't worry I love you the way you are. One I want to take you bare." I admit starting with the easiest.

"I'd love that too. Did you get fully tested at your medical for the film?" Peter asks.

"Yes all clean. You?" I ask.

"I was last tested a few weeks ago, all good." Peter says grinning.

"Good to know. Second is outdoors, in the garden on the beach, I want to be totally into it outside and to be watched, but the first I know I've been caught is when some cum lands on me." I say blushing a little.

"Hot, I don't know if I want to be watching or fucking more." Peter says.

"And last, I want to catch you at it with someone and join you by rubbing myself against you as you fuck, like a dog humping a toy." I say quietly, embarrassed and excited. Happy I trust Peter enough to tell all.

"I love you baby, I love you so much." Peter says.

"Love you too." I say kissing him before sleeping on his chest.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think at the email above or

I know this chapters a little rushed might rework later. Just one more part to go.

Next: Chapter 16

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