Animal N Styncts

By Kyle Smiley

Published on Apr 6, 2000


It's Kyle. Well here is part four of my story and I really hope ya'll like it. Sorry it's been a while since I wrote but all kinds of stuff from work and school just seemed to pile up. I would like to thank everyone who has sent me feedback. I would also like to thank my 3 best friends Esh, Jas, and Sharm for helping me with this story. If you have any comments regarding the story please send them to and I'll be sure to get back to you. This story is not meant for those under legal age and does not imply anything about any of the members of N Sync. On with the story.

Animal `N Styncts - Chapter 4

Recap: Garrett told Lance everything and Lance took it extremely well.

In Lance's Room... Suddenly Lance came flying across the small space between the beds right at me. I didn't even have time to move before he tackled me down onto the bed. We started rolling around on the bed giggling the whole time. We were like two little kids. But then I started thinking - I know, bad idea - and decided we still had to talk out everything that just happened so I stopped rolling and sat up. He popped up beside me and looked right at me.

"What's wrong?" Lance asked.

"Nothing. I just want to get everything straight about tonight. First of all you find out I'm a were-tiger and you have no problem with it," I said.

"Well at first I was terrified but then I realized that you wouldn't do anything to me cuz it wasn't safe for you. Plus you just don't seem like the kind of person to attack me. I considered you a good friend almost from the beginning I met you and as I told you I felt something for you. You also said that stuff about pheromones which probably factored into the trust and understanding," he responded.

"Then I tell you it was me who bit you and that you would turn into a were-tiger because of that and still you don't hate me," I said in an astonished voice.

"Well I have to admit that at first I was terribly angry at you but I didn't want to show in case I had been wrong and you attacked me. But then I looked into your eyes and saw how sorry you were and I couldn't not forgive you. Then of course you said I get to be a were-tiger too which is totally cool. Of course you'll have to teach me all about it," Lance answered.

"Oh I will teach you all you need to know. Don't worry about any of that stuff. But finally I tell you I'm gay and that were sort of pre-mated and you don't even bat an eyelash. You know what this means and it doesn't bother you at all?" I asked.

"Oh no. I'm very nervous because I've never exactly been with a guy before and I won't know what to do. But I can feel my love for you getting stronger by the minute and it feels...right, or even strong. I just hope I don't disappoint you," he replied apologetically.

"Oh James there is nothing for you to worry about. I've never been with anyone so we'll learn it all together. The only thing is that we sorta have to start tonight for my time of selection. We'll go as slow as possible but tonight it will be all the way. Does that scare you? I asked.

"A bit but I trust you so I can handle it," Lance answered truthfully.

"OK then why don't you come ad kiss me sweet," I said seductively.

He slowly started inching his face towards me as I did the same. I could soon feel his warm breath puffing on my lips. Our eyes were locked and it was like we could see each other totally. No secrets or lies just truthful emotion. Then I felt his warm, luscious lips press against mine and it was heaven. It was a simple chaste kiss but as the seconds ticked by it began getting hotter and more passionate. I stuck the tip of my tongue out of my lips and started to lick his full lips. They were so soft. He then opened his mouth slightly letting the tip of his tongue touch mine and it was like I was hit with a jolt of electricity. I then opened my mouth some more and suck his tongue in playing with and feeling it rub against my tongue and teeth. He then started to suck back and I let him pull my tongue into his mouth so I could explore some of this sweet paradise. We started to really go at it swapping saliva like pros when I had to take a break to get some air. After taking in a couple deep breaths I was able to speak again.

"Oh God that was incredible. You are so hot Lance," I said still panting slightly.

"Thank you. Your pretty hot yourself Rett," he replied. I then threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into the biggest hug I had ever given. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we just sat like that for awhile. Then I just happened to see the clock beside the beds on the little night stand and it read 3:30 am. We have been talking and ahem doing other things for three hours.

"We should really get to sleep if you guys want to go to the zoo tomorrow. We should leave somewhat early so it won't be too crowded or hot," I told Lance.

"Yeah. I'm really tired anyways so let's hit the sack. You want to sleep with me?" he asked.

"Definitely," I responded gleefully. So we went over to his bed and lay down with him spooning up behind me. It was so sweet and we were obviously cuz we were out like lights as soon as our heads hit the pillow. What a wonderful way to fall asleep.

The Next Morning in JC and Justin's Room...

"Hey J. It's time to get up if were going to hit the zoo," JC hollered as he started to shake Justin.

"I don wanna get up yet," Justin mumbled from the bed.

"Oh come on it'll be fun. You can get up grab a shower and some cereal and if you hurry you'll be up before Scoop. He's not even up yet and it's ten in the morning," JC said.

Justin suddenly shot up. "Scoop's not up yet. I thought he rose with sun like all good Mississippi country boys. If I get up now he won't be able to bust my ass for sleeping so late as often. Let me wake him up OK JC," he said excitedly.

"Sure but grab a shower first and brush those teeth or he'll smell you before you can play whatever trick your thinking," JC told him as Justin grabbed his essentials and dashed for the washroom. After cleaning himself up real nice he tiptoed over to Lance's room. He slowly turned the knob and whispered "Scoop". He got the door fully open and tiptoed over towards a large shape in the bed. He tugged the cover's off about to yell Scoop but instead his jaw dropped to the floor at what he saw. The tug of the covers and the slight astonished gasp that managed to escape from Justin's wide-open mouth quickly brought me and Lance out of our slumber. Lance shot upright and looked at Justin with a shocked look on his face.

"I can explain," he started to say when JC walked in too and drooped his jaw. What were we going to do? I don't think either one of us was quite ready to tell the other guys about our situation. Especially Lance since they meant so much to him and what they said could swell his heart or crush his soul.

JC then pulled up his jaw and opened his mouth. "What's going on in here Scoop?"

To be continued...

Next time Lance explains himself and the commitment ceremony begins.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story and if you have any comments send them to

Next: Chapter 5

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