Animal N Styncts

By Kyle Smiley

Published on Apr 24, 2000


Hey everyone. I know its been a while since I've written anything but I've been terribly busy. I finally got some time this Easter weekend so I'll try to write as much as I can. Here comes part five. This story is not meant for anyone under the legal age in their area. As previously mentioned this story does not imply anything about the sexuality of any of the members of *N Sync. This story is completely fictional. I would love to hear back from you about the story and what you thought of it. I also wouldn't mind any constructive criticism. E-mail me at

Animal `N Styncts - Chapter 5

Recap: Lance and Rett declared their mutual attraction and talked through all foreseeable problems. A little making out. Falling asleep together. Justin and JC found the two of them together.

In Lance's Room... JC then pulled up his jaw and said "What's going on in here Scoop?"

" see..uh," Lance sighed, "I might as well just tell the truth since I would have to tell you guys anyways and I can't really lie to you since your like my brothers. Rett and I had a long talk last night and we came to the conclusion that were extremely attracted to each other and that were falling in love. Now I've never thought about another man ever but Rett just grabbed my heart and I seem to have grabbed his. I hope you understand. I wasn't really ready to tell you but please accept me. I don't know what I'd do if you turned your backs on me."

"I know this seems sudden to you guys but there is a lot of reasons behind our decision to try a relationship. If your worried about me hurting Lance you don't have to cuz I can guarantee that I would never ever hurt him intentionally. Please consider your words before you speak though because Lance's heart and soul are directly connected to your opinions and feelings since you are his brothers. I honestly can say I love him and hope you guys accept us since I consider you all real good friends as well," I stated.

JC and Justin turned to look at each other both still in some state of shock. Then they both ran over and pulled Lance into a hug. "Lance we could never hate you. We love you for who you are. If you love a man then we accept that love. You are ourbrother and we want you to know we will respect all your decisions. Plus we really like Garrett and if he's who you choose to be with we could think of no one better," Justin proclaimed. They then grabbed me and pulled me into the hug as well. This was such a relief.

Now Lance only had to inform Joey and Chris about this new facet of his life and all three of us would be there for him when he did.

"Well it's only been like half an hour since we've all gotten up and we seem to have gone through enough emotion to be classified as a chick flick. Why don't we go out and hit a McDonald's for a proper breakfast? Garrett can drive right?" JC said breaking any lingering tension.

"That's a great idea cuz I'm starving," Lance replied, "But first Rett and I have to get ready. Why don't you two go get Joey and Chris up. Then Rett can drive us to the closest McDonald's. Well I'm off to the shower. Rett you can use the one in J's room," Lance said.

25 minutes later... After a nice warm shower I was ready to face the day and get to know my soon to be mate a lot better. I was also glad that I would also get to know more about the rest of the guys since they are such an important part of his life and they would also have the dirt on Lance. Now I just had to figure a way to keep five overgrown children calm until we can get food and then keep them entertained until we got to the zoo.

"Come on guys. Out to the car so we can get your breakfast and then we're off to the zoo," I yelled through the house.

"Shotgun," screamed Lance.

Eventually everyone was in the car and we pulled into the drive-thru of the closest McDonald's. "Ok so what does everyone want?" I asked.

"Hotcakes with sausage," Lance replied.

"6 hashbrowns and an order of pancakes," Joey replied.

"Big breakfast with scrambled eggs," said Chris.

"I'll have the same," Justin added.

"Yeah and I'll have the same as Lance," JC finished.

We pulled up to the window and I ordered everything. Then I pulled out some money and paid for the food. Once we picked it up and they started scarfing it down I headed off towards the Metro.

At the zoo... We had been here for about three hours already and luckily the guys hadn't been noticed which surprised me as their disguises weren't too original. Unfortunately it was starting to heat up and the guys and I were obviously tiring out so I suggested we head back to town and that we could hang at my apartment for a while. They readily agreed as they wanted to get their newfound friend a little better. We evetually got back to my pad but every one was so tired Isuggested we all grab a nap. I put JC and Justin in the guest room, Joey and Chris on the pull out couch, and had Lance stay with me in my room. Soon everyone but me and Lance were in dreamland.

"When are we going to tell Chris and Joey about us Lance?" I asked him in a gentle manner so he wouldn't think I was pressuring him.

"Probably tomorrow after the concert. That should wipe them out enough to have them sedate and not have me worrying about anything being put at risk if they take it badly." he answered.

"Okay and all three of us will be there for you. One more thing though sweet. I need to start my ceremony tonight. Are you up to it?" I asked him.

"Once I get a little rest I should be ready and raring to jump your bones Rett but you will of course have to explain this whole procedure to me. I can't wait to feel you in my soul though. Sweet dreams!" he replied. I snuggled up to his back and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt like it was a perfect fit and just sighed into my sweet's gorgeous neck. I then drifted into extremely sweet dreams of the night to come.

At Garrett's apartment around 6:00 PM... "Rise and shine guys it's been nearly three hours since we went to sleep. I've ordered pizza and it's over on the table," I yelled out to all the rooms.

"Yum pizza!" hollered Joey as he shot off the couch and ran for the table with Chris right behind him and JC coming from the guest room. Justin then came bounding out soon after. The only one not out yet was Lance. I went to my bedroom to see what was taking him. When I got there he was still asleep curled up on what I consider my side of the bed. He looked just like a sweet little cherub. I slowly tiptoed over to him and leaned down so I could look at his gorgeous face. I then dove in for a gentle, tender kiss. He seemed to instantly awaken his green eyes locking on my blue crystalline ones. The kiss slowly became more passionate with our tongues running against each other and it didn't stop until we had to pull away for air both of us panting heavily.

"What a way to wake up!" Lance cooed.

"Come on babe. There's pizza on the table," I told him.

He jumped up and bolted out the door but not before saying "Yum but I'd much rather taste your sauce." Ooh my boy can be naughty. This was gonna be fun.

After we finished eating I asked Lance if he wanted to spend the night at my place as it would be easier for the ceremony and his imminent transformation. He readily agreed as long as I was able to have him at the concert venue by noon. We informed the other guys that Lance felt like staying at my place to get to know me better and that he would give them the "scoop on Rett" as he called it the next day before the concert. They had absolutely no problem and headed back to the hotel after saying their see-ya-laters.

After they left Lance and I headed into the living room to become prepared for both his first transformation and our mating. This was going to take a while but was totally worth it.

"The first time you transform is very strange cuz you can feel all the parts of your body changing and the animal instincts pushing on your mind. All you have to do though is to keep a firm grasp on your human identity and you should get through it just fine and I'll be here the whole time in case you need me. The selection is another matter entirely and I must explain it to you so you don't freak out. We do it in human form and it is basically the act of making love except for one part. The claiming. This is when each of us marks the other permanently and takes in a bit of the other's life essence. What we do is bite the shoulder and lap up the blood. We then leave the bite mark to form the mark which is basically a scar. Do you think you can handle that?" I asked.

"As long as I'm with you I can handle anything," he answered very strongly.

"Well let's head to the bedroom for some more comfortable surroundings," I told him.

To be continued...

As usual send all comments to Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

Next: Chapter 6

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