Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Apr 4, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. The author of the story which is referenced in this one was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did. I have discussed the idea of some of his characters visiting, but that won't happen for some time and he will have a chance to read and suggest revisions before it does.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Sorry for the delay, Been a little busy and had difficulty with how I wanted the story to go. I've probably rewrote this chapter four or five times. This chapter is a little on the dark side, but with wanting to keep with reality, not everything can be rosy, so keep that in mind as you read.

Another Chance

Chapter 14

Jim met Dusty in home room. "Remember, I'm seeing your dad after school today. You still willing to go with me to visit for my first time?" Jim asked.

"Like I said, I may have to wait in the waiting room, but I'll take you and be there for you. Maybe afterwards, we can go do something. Zac coming?"

"Don't know, but if not, maybe he can meet up with us when we're done."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll check with Cheyenne to see if she wants to join us later, too." Dusty grinned.

At lunch, Zac met up with Jim and Dusty. "Dusty wants to know if you're joining us or if you'd like to meet up with us later. We're thinking of doing something later."

"I was thinking about going out to the ranch. Jackson wants to talk with me about plans concerning the ranch. He told me whenever I'm available. I think it'll only take an hour or so, so we can meet up or something."

"Sure, I think Dad's only meeting with Jim an hour today, and then another hour whenever. We can come out to the ranch and go riding." Dusty offered.

"Yeah, come on out. I'll try to have the horses ready by the time you get out there." Zac offered. They talked while they ate their lunch. Dusty was surprised when Cheyenne never joined them. He hadn't seen her for a couple of days.

After school let out, Zac met with Dusty and Jim to see how many horses to saddle. "I'm guessing three. Apparently, Chey didn't come to school today."

"I didn't see her in class, either." Jim stated.

"If you want to go see her, I can take Jim to see your dad." Zac offered.

"No, I promised Jim that I'd be there." Dusty stated.

"Look, I understand if you want to go check on Cheyenne. Zac can take me."

"She probably just has the flu or something. If it were serious, she'd call me, right? I'll just call her later."

Zac got in his truck and headed for the ranch. Dusty and Jim headed to Dusty's dad's office. Jim walked in and Dr. Bear was waiting for him. "Is it alright if Dusty joins us? He already pretty much knows everything I can think of to talk about." Jim asked.

"That's up to you. If it'll make you feel better, then by all means. This first visit is mainly to get to know you to see what direction, if any, we need to head down."

Dusty followed his dad and Jim into the office. Dr. Bear gestured toward a couple of chairs. Jim and Dusty sat down. "I looked over your file and hope you don't mind but Dusty has filled me in on certain things going on in your life. From what I can tell without seeing you, you seem perfectly normal for what you've been through."

"I appreciate that. I'll always miss my dad and Shadow, but I don't feel as depressed as I was." Jim stated. "Since I met Zac, my heart has been soaring. Then Dusty took me to get a couple puppies. They remind me a lot of Shadow, but in a good way. The one looks just like she did and acts like her."

"I'm glad to hear that. I understand that you've made a few friends at school as well?" Dr. Bear asked.

"I won't mention any names, but one of my class mates, related to you, by the way, kinda put me in my place on that." Dusty and Dr. Bear smiled on that. "He simply would not accept me trying to push him away."

"He is a friendly young man and I have always been proud of him." Dr. Bear stated. Dusty grinned.

They chatted for the remainder of the hour and Dr. Bear finished up. "Well, I don't think you need to continue seeing a therapist, but if you ever start to feel depressed, talk to your mother, Zac, Dusty, or you can call me any time. You suffered some great losses in your life and it's natural to feel depressed. You just can't let it control you like you were. If anything changes, feel free to give me a call."

"Thank you, Dr. Bear. As I said during our chat, I do have bouts with depression, but I can look at Zac or the puppies and it usually goes away. And when I'm in class, since I've become friends with Dusty, he's done a good job of helping me through it."

"Remind me to send you a bill." Dusty quipped. His dad and Jim smiled.

As they were walking towards Dusty's car, he asked Jim if it would bother him to stop by Cheyenne's home. "I appreciate you asking, but I kind of expected it. Really, as worried as you are about her, you didn't need to take me. You could have gone to see her."

"I know, but I promised and like I said, if it were serious, someone would have called me. She's probably just sleeping with the flu or something."

"Well, you're a good friend. Let's go check on her and head to the ranch."

Dusty pulled into the Cheyenne's driveway and parked the car. He and Jim got out and went to the front door. Dusty knocked on the door. A lady who looked to be in her late thirties or early forties came to the door. "Dusty, we've been trying to find your number ever since last night."

Dusty went pale. "It's in Chey's phone. What's wrong?"

"Cheyenne was attacked last night. She's in the hospital and her phone was smashed."

"Wh. what? Why? Who?" was all that Dusty got out.

"We have no idea. Someone found her last night lying on the ground when they came out of church. So far, she hasn't woken up." Dusty looked like he was about to pass out. "Come inside and have a seat. I'll get you some tea."

"I'll be in in a minute. I need to call Zac." Jim stated.

"Just come on in when you're ready." The lady told Jim. She led Dusty into the house and got him seated.

"Zac, this is Jim. I don't think Dusty and I are going to make it. Something has happened to Cheyenne." Jim started then told Zac what he knew. Zac told Jim that he'd be there as soon as he could.

Jim went in and sat beside Dusty. "So, what are the doctors saying?" Jim asked.

"They're not saying much, just that she was sexually assaulted and severely beaten. You must be Jim. Cheyenne has told us a little about you." The lady stated.

"I'm afraid to ask." Jim chuckled.

"Don't be. She thinks highly of you. She had been telling us about this boy who just started school and didn't want to make any friends until Dusty kind of forced him to. Then she said what a sweet guy he is. Also says that you can rival Dusty in academics."

"I don't know about all that." Jim smiled. He could hear Zac's truck pull up. "That's Zac."

"Can we go see Chey?" Dusty asked.

"I'm not sure she'd want you to see her like she is, but then again, maybe you're just the presence to bring her around. You're in no condition to drive, though. Jim, can you drive him?"

"I don't have my license, but I'm sure Zac wouldn't mind."

Zac was at the door when Jim said that. "Mind what?"

"Taking Dusty to the hospital to see Cheyenne." Jim stated.

"Sure, the three of us can fit in the truck, then I'll see if we can't get your car there somehow." Zac offered.

"We can take his car there when we go. We're just waiting for Cheyenne's father to get home from work." Cheyenne's mom offered.

Dusty handed his keys to Cheyenne's mom, then Jim led him to Zac's truck. At the hospital, Zac told the front desk who they were and asked if they could see Cheyenne. The nurse was hesitant, but she called the detective handling the case. The detective wanted to talk to Dusty before he saw Cheyenne, he said that he'd be right there.

Fifteen minutes had passed before the detective showed up. He apologized for the delay and asked if they could go somewhere more private. Dusty explained that anything he had to ask or say, he could in front of Jim and Zac. The detective told Dusty that he's not a suspect, but they needed to question him to be thorough. Dusty nodded his head that he understood.

The detective, seeing how distraught Dusty was, kept his questions simple. After he was done, he walked up to the nurse. She told Dusty that they could go in the room, but only two at a time. Zac told Jim that he should go in with Dusty and just be there for him.

Upon walking in the room and seeing Cheyenne, Dusty almost collapsed. Jim helped him get in the chair closest to Cheyenne's bed. Dusty grabbed Cheyenne's hand. "Oh Chey, who did this to you?" Dusty cried. He held her hand close to his face and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Dusty?" Cheyenne gasped. Dusty looked at her face. Though she was badly beaten, she still looked beautiful to him. Jim ran to the nurses' station to let them know that she woke up.

"Chey, I'm here." Dusty said.

Cheyenne tried to talk, but was having difficulty. A couple nurses and a doctor came into the room. They tried shooing Dusty from the room, but Jim insisted that Dusty could barely walk in his condition. Reluctantly, they let Dusty stay but told him under no condition was he to get out of the chair he was sitting in until they were through.

Next: Chapter 13

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