Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Sep 2, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave". And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. Mr. Todd was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did.

This chapter has been revised. I realized that Jim should be a sophomore, not a freshman for his age and grades.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 4

As Jim and Zac entered the house, Mrs. Bolt was signing some papers with a cashier's check sitting beside Zac's mom. Without looking up, Mrs. Bolt said "House across the street is ours as soon as I finish signing all these papers."

"Great, Mom. How much will your payments be, if you don't mind my asking?" Jim said.

"The house was low enough that what I was expecting to put as a down payment covered it. We won't have any mortgage or payments, so you needn't worry about us losing it and having to move again."

"How'd you manage to save that much? I thought you didn't have anything left from selling off the ranch." Jim wasn't sure if he should be upset that his mom had that money all a long or happy that they had this new house and would never have to worry about moving from it.

"I saved the money back from the parcel we sold with the house. The bank took most of the money we received from selling the property, but I managed to save enough. I didn't want to use it unless absolutely necessary so we would be able to get our own house again. I just thought I needed to have more of an income to cover payments and all." She said as she signed the last page. Then she looked up at Jim. "Have you been crying? Are you alright?"

Jim hugged his mom. "I love you Mom, and you won't believe it. I'm going to be working on the ranch with Zac and THAT isn't even the best part." Jim relayed the events of the day and how Gold came up to him. He told her about the offer that was made for him to get Gold back.

"That's wonderful, Honey. Does that mean I get my happy-go-lucky son back?" she asked. Jim cracked a smile.

"I still miss Shadow and always will, but yeah, I think I'm the happiest I've been since we moved." was all that Jim responded. Zac walked over and put his arms around his mom as they watched Jim and his mom interact.

"Well, once we move in, you can get a dog or puppy." Mrs. Bolt promised.

"I can never replace Shadow." Jim said solemnly.

"And I'm not asking to replace her. She will always have a spot in your heart. But I know Shadow would want to see you happy with another dog. It can be any dog that you want. You want another black Lab?"

"I was thinking maybe a golden retriever or a yellow Lab." Jim said.

"We'll see what we can find. I want you to choose a dog or puppy that will make you happy." Mrs. Bolt said. "I'm so proud of you. I know it's been rough on you but you're finally making friends at school, you had that spark back in your eye when you were talking about Gold. And now maybe you can find yourself someone special."

Jim was a little embarrassed with his mom saying that in front of Zac and started to blush. He thought Zac was very attractive but didn't know how Zac would feel if he know Jim was bi-. "You mean a boyfriend or girlfriend, right?"

"Doesn't matter to me which, so as long as whoever makes you happy."

"Did I hear you right? Did you just say a boyfriend or girlfriend? I'm guessing then that you're bi-sexual?" Zac asked.

"Hope it doesn't upset you, but yea, I am," Jim said. "I'm hoping we can still be friends."

"Dude, would it upset you if I said that I was gay? I so wanted to kiss you many times, today, but I wasn't sure how you would react." Zac explained.

"I definitely would not have minded. I've wanted to kiss you, too. Now that we're neighbors, maybe we can hang out and see what happens." Jim said. Zac smiled.

"Just don't break my boy's heart." Mrs. Bolt said. "He's already had a lifetime's worth." Jim started blushing again.

"Mrs. Bolt, is it alright if Jim spends the night. I know we just met and all, but Jim will be starting to work the ranch in the morning and it'll be easier to go from my house than for me to come pick him up. It'll also give us a chance to talk more."

Zac's mom piped up, "And my room is right beside Zac's so if you're worried about anything."

Zac interrupted, "Please Mom, we just met. It's not like we're going to do anything."

"It's fine by me this night." She responded, then looked at Zac's mom. "How long until we can start moving in?"

"Well, officially, you can't start until everything is legally in your name, which will take a few weeks, but the previous owners don't care. You can start moving in as soon as the utilities are switched to your name if you like."

"Can't do that until Monday." Mrs. Bolt commented.

"We're having a cook-out for dinner tonight. Jim's already been invited since he's staying the night, would you like to join us, too. Since we're going to be neighbors, perhaps we can talk."

"On one condition," Mrs. Bolt stated.

"Which is?"

"Once we get moved in, you come to the house warming party that I intend to throw."

"Well, that's easy, of course I will attend. And I'm sure Zac won't mind helping you move, would you, son?"

"I'd be happy to help you move. You're a sophomore at Cody High, right?" Zac asked looking at Jim.

"Yea, why?" Jim was wondering what Zac was thinking.

"Cool, I'm a junior there. Figure after school Monday, you can ride with me and we can grab a load and put it in my truck." He looked at Mrs. Bolt. "If for some reason you don't have the utilities in your name, don't tell Mom, but I'll still start moving things in. I know how to get the key." He smiled.

"I'm right here, goofball." Zac's mom said. "Besides, I'm giving her the key now. I trust her."

"Would it be alright if we took another look at the house? I'd like to visualize how I want to set up my room." Jim asked.

Zac's mom handed Jim the key. "Just give it to your mom when you're done. I think there are other keys in one of the kitchen drawers."

Zac looked at Jim, "Mind if I tag along? I'm curious as to which bedroom will be yours."

"Is it alright, Mom?" Jim asked.

"Sweetheart, you don't need to ask. I trust you." Mrs. Bolt responded.

As Jim and Zac headed over to Jim's room, Mrs. Bolt was chatting with her soon-to-be new neighbor. "Mrs. Schoen, may I call you Marilyn?"

"Please, all my friends do." Zac mom responded.

Jim and Zac walked into the empty house. Jim turned on a dime and Zac ran into him. Jim grabbed him and started kissing. Zac responded by slipping his tongue into Jim's mouth.

"I've been wanting to do that all day." Jim said as they parted.

"So have I. And that was the best kiss I've ever had." Zac said, slightly out of breath.

Jim looked into Zac's hazel eyes and moved in for another kiss. Zac wrapped his arms around Jim and held him tight like he never wanted to let go. "It'd be cool if just the two of us could sleep here tonight. We could throw a couple sleeping bags on the floor and kinda camp here."

"Yeah, that would be cool, but I don't think either of our moms would allow it." Zac stated.

"Probably not, but we can always think about it." Jim said as he headed upstairs.

The Master bedroom would be Mrs. Bolt's and Jim took the bedroom facing the backyard. He looked out the window and Zac saw a tear run down his cheek. "I take it, you're think of what's her name, Shadow?"

"Yea, she would have loved that yard." Jim said.

Zac moved close and put his arm around Jim. He pulled him close and started rubbing his back with his left hand. "I'm sure she would. You obviously cared a lot about her. I'm sure she was very special."

Jim placed his head on Zac's shoulder and just sobbed. Zac moved his right hand to the back of Jim's head and just held him. It seemed like hours, but Jim stayed there being held for several minutes. When Zac let him go, Jim apologized. "I'm sorry, I must seem like a little kid right now."

"No, you just seem like you lost someone special and needed to cry. Do you feel better?"

Jim looked directly into Zac's eyes and said, "Yea, I really do. I've cried many times over losing her, but that's the first time I actually felt relief from crying."

"Good, then getting a wet shoulder was worth it." Zac said with a smile.

Jim chuckle and said, "I'm sorry about that. Perhaps we should head back over so you can get a dry shirt."

"We don't have to head over yet. Have you figured out where everything will be going?" Zac smiled.

"I think so. My bed will go here, my dresser can go over there, my desk there, and my TV there." Jim said point to various parts of the room.

"Sounds like you have it all planned. So, you wanna head back over, or would you like to chat or whatever?"

"I'd like to chat, but we can do that tonight. I think we should head over so our moms don't send a search party over." Jim stated.

"Yea, we've been gone for almost an hour. They might be starting to worry."

As Zac and Jim walked into Zac's house, Zac's mom looked at them. "What happened to your shirt?" she asked.

"That's my fault. I was looking out my bedroom window and started thinking about Shadow. Zac held me as I cried." Jim volunteered.

"Well I hope you feel better. From looking at Zac's shirt, do we need to take a mop over there?" Mrs. Schoen smiled.

Jim smiled back, "No, I think Zac's shirt caught it all."

Zac piped in, "I'm gonna go change my shirt. Jim, you coming?"

"Don't be too long, you need to start the grill before too much longer." Mrs. Schoen stated.

Jim flopped onto Zac's bed as Zac pulled off his shirt. Jim couldn't help but stare at the six-pack starting to form. He smiled and then absentmindedly started licking his lips. "I take it that you approve?" Zac inquired.

"Hell yea, I do. Riding horses definitely looks good on you."

Zac smiled. "Can't say that it's all from riding horses. Lifting the bales of hay, mucking the stalls, and all the physical demands of working on a ranch help."

Much to Jim's dismay, Zac pulled a dry shirt on and headed to start the grill.

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Next: Chapter 21

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