Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jun 27, 2015


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character is fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. Mr. Todd was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 42

Jim was unusually quiet at the reception. Joe looked at him and asked what was on his mind. Jim said that he was just thinking about stuff then he turned to his mom, "What are your thoughts about Matt McCrery?"

"That the boy on the trail the other day?" Heather asked.

"Yeah, Zac was taking him and Gina out every Saturday, but since I've been there, he usually rides with me instead. More because Zac is more managerial now."

"He's an alright boy. I don't care for him calling Zac Homo, but if Zac doesn't mind it, I suppose that I can't complain," Heather stated.

Jim went on to tell how Matt had been there when Zac's dad left. Then he explained that Zac was there for Matt when his grandfather passed away. He also let Heather know that Matt was the second person that Zac told he was gay and Matt never once thought any differently of him.

"I didn't know this. I guess Matt is a better person than I was giving him credit for. I'm still not crazy about him calling anyone Homo, but I guess it's just his way of having fun with Zac. And Zac does call him Straight Boy in the same manner. You really like Matt, don't you?" Heather asked thinking her son was wanting to be friends with this boy and he wants her to like him.

"Yeah, I do. I was talking with him earlier today and found out that he has a heart of gold. You know that Zac keeps saying that his college is being paid for? Well, I found out that Matt has been putting a percentage of his allowance in a fund for Zac. Matt treats Zac as if they were brothers."

"I understand more that the name calling is all in fun like brothers, I guess. Matt does seem like a nice guy, maybe a little egotistical, but a nice guy," Heather admitted.

"That's all in fun, too. Matt knows that he's a good-looking guy, but he really was just joking with Zac and me that day. Matt didn't tell me, but Zac said that once Matt met me and knew I was a part of Zac's life, he doubled what he was putting in Zac's college fund so I can go," Jim stated.

"I thought Joe was paying for your going?" Heather remarked.

"I am," Joe declared.

"Matt started this before Joe even joined our family. Zac told Matt about Joe wanting to pay for my education and Matt said that was cool. He said that whatever is left in the fund after Zac and I graduate, we could use towards getting a house or whatever we wanted. Matt may have money, but he holds his friends as more important. Given the choice, Gina would be his first pick and then his friends come way before money."

"Wow, I guess my thoughts on Matt have really changed. You see him as a great friend and I can understand that. Thanks for sharing this," Heather hugged Jim.

Heather walked over to Matt. "How are you doing, Mrs. Bolt?" he asked.

"I'm good, thank you for asking, you?" she inquired.

"A little nervous as to why you came over here, but otherwise I'm good," Matt responded. Heather could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Jim told me how you've been there for Zac. Like a brother when his dad took off, and him for you. I just wanted to say that I admire that," Heather started.

"I appreciate that," Matt said feeling a little more at ease.

Heather continued, "I won't say that I am at ease with you calling Zac or Jim homos, but I do understand it a little better. I know that you are not being hurtful."

"I would never do anything I thought would hurt either one of them. Zac is my best friend, after Gina of course. And I think a lot of Jim. I am so happy for both of them being together. Greatest guys I could ever have as friends," Matt spoke.

"Next to you, of course," Heather joked.

"No, I may joke, but the world is better off because of them more than me. I am so lucky to have them as friends. Not sure what either has told you, but they seem to care about me for me, not what I have or don't have," Matt said hanging his head down.

"I was only teasing Matt, but you have shown me what I believe to be your true self. From what Jim has told me and what I see now, you are a great friend and I do like you. As for the world, it's a better place because of guys like you, as well," Heather smiled.

Matt smiled back, "I appreciate that. I try to treat others like I would want them to treat me, but I know Jim didn't know until today some things about me and he has always been a friend. Zac has always known but never once treated me any differently than any of his other friends. And they both love and respect you."

"I know that they do. Jim says that Zac told him about a college fund?" Heather queried.

"Surprised that Zac waited this long to tell him, but then, he was probably waiting for me to tell Jim about my inheritance. Yeah, I've been putting money in a special fund for Zac and Jim. Zac's started ever since I got my first allowance from my trust fund. I started Jim's after Zac told me about this amazing guy he fell in love with. I understand that Joe's wanting to pay for Jim's education. If that makes Joe feel good, I don't want to take that away from him, but until they both finish school, I want to keep adding to it. Whatever is left is theirs to help them start their life together," Matt said

"I'm glad we had this talk. Jim says that you have a heart of gold and I see why. What do you plan to be when you complete college?"

"Not one hundred percent decided, but I'm leaning towards veterinary medicine. I'm getting a full scholarship to play football and I like football, but for me, it's just for fun. I want to do something where I can help others," Matt said starting to get excited.

"You can make good money at that," Heather stated.

"If I charged. I'll have enough that I'm not worried about it. I don't want to charge for my services. I'd gladly give my time for the horses at Jackson's ranch, the Horse Rescue, and other animals. I just want to help," Matt explained.

"Talk like that, you might get too busy. I think you'll make a great vet."

"He always wanted to be a doctor until I got him interested in horses," Gina stated. "I was going to be his nurse. Now that he's changed his focus, I want to be a veterinarian assistant."

"I can understand that and if he's as busy as I think he'll be, he'll need you. I loved this chat and I hope to attend your wedding when it happens?" Heather hinted.

"I would consider it an honor for you to attend," Gina declared.

"I wouldn't dream of not inviting you. I mean, you are an important part of Zac's and Jim's lives. I feel much better after talking with you and hope we can be friends," Matt stated.

"You are welcome to visit my home whenever you want. Don't have a desire to be friends on the same level as you, Jim and Zac, but I would be blessed having you as a friend."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Bolt," Matt responded.

"Please, if we're going to be friends, call me Heather. Now if you don't mind, I want to chat with the newly wedded couple," Heather gave Matt a hug.

Heather walked over and hugged Jackson and then Ryan. She offered to take Colt in while they went on their honeymoon, but Jackson informed her that Zarek was staying at the ranch while they were gone. And Jeff would be there. She gave her approval, not that they needed it, but more as a friend.

After the reception was over, Jim decided to take Gold for a ride. He rode to a remote part of the ranch that very few people have even been. He dismounted and was sitting on a stump talking to Gold. "I really miss my dad and times like these should be happy, but they make me sad," Jim told his beloved animal. Gold started stroking Jim's cheek as if he understood.

"I don't know how I got so lucky to have you as a friend. Even when I had to get rid of you, you let me know that you didn't hate me. I wish my dad didn't die, but I'm glad I came here. I got you back, met Zac, and made a few great friends. Then Jon showed up and the feeling of loss hit hard. He seems like a great guy, but he looks so much like my dad." Jim was saying.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any pain," Jon said as he approached Jim. Jim jumped, not knowing anyone was out here.

"I can't blame you, it's not your fault," Jim admitted.

"Perhaps, but I didn't think about how much my looking like your father would affect you. I can go back to Montana if it would help. I've been told that my old job will always be there if I want it," Jon explained.

"That wouldn't be fair to you. You're making better money here, you just bought a house." Jim debated.

"But if my being here puts you in pain, I should give it all up," Jon reasoned.

"No, no you shouldn't. I'd be selfish if I thought differently. I appreciate your willing to sacrifice for me, but I could never ask that of you," Jim insisted.

"Never knew your dad. I wished that I did, but I can tell you, he would be so proud of you right now. And you're not asking anything of me. I just don't want to see you hurting like this."

"I don't want you to leave. I want to get to know you better, but at the same time, I do feel more of a loss for my dad. Please don't leave, maybe you can help me figure out how to get past this pain. Kunoichi has helped me deal with losing Shadow. She is almost an exact copy of Shadow."

"Since you asked me to stay, I will. I really didn't want to leave either, but I would have for you." Jim ran and put his arms around Jon.

"So not many people even come to this part of the ranch, why did you?" Jim inquired still holding Jon tight.

"Vince asked me to check it out. Seems we've had a cow disappear last night. I heard you talking and at first didn't recognize your voice. Thought maybe someone was trespassing," Jon explained.

"Well, I'm sorry if I upset you in any way with what I said. I really do like you," Jim apologized.

"I can understand you're hurting. We'll figure something out and I promise, I won't leave unless you tell me that my being here hurts too much, or I get a better offer," Jon stated giving a quick grin.

Jim did feel better after talking with Jon and even told him that. He climbed onto Gold and Jon mounted the horse he was using. They rode back to the barn chatting the whole time. Jon asked Jim to tell him about his father. Jim went into great detail revealing every aspect of what he knew about his dad.

After the horses were put away, Jon walked over to Vince. "Was there really a missing cow, or did you have other reasons for sending me there?"

"No, we did have a cow missing, but it was found right after you left. Seems it wandered into the barn where those hands keep their horses. Why?"

"Just seems a bit convenient that I was there when Jim was talking to his horse. What are your thoughts on beards?"

"Not crazy about them myself, but as long as it's kept short, I won't say anything, why?" Vince was curious.

"Thinking of growing one so I don't look like Jim's dad so much."

Jim saw Jackson's mom walking toward the barn as he was coming out. "Hi, Mrs. Sprayberry, enjoying your visit?"

"Please, call me Julia. I never did like that Missus stuff. Yes, I'm really enjoying myself. All my boys are here. I'm getting to know Jacob more. You know when I visited last month was the first time for me to see him?" she asked.

"Now I know where Jackson gets not wanting to be called mister," Jim laughed. "As for you not meeting Jacob until last month, I am aware of that. Hard to believe that Jackson has a twin and never knew it for all these years."

"And that is a cross that I will bear the rest of my life. I'm so glad that Jacob understands why, but having to make that decision," she couldn't continue.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up," Jim apologized.

"No, not your fault. I should be happy that he's back in our lives. He has such a wonderful family," Julia stated.

"Last month you were going to talk about Jackson growing up, but he seemed to stop you. What was he like?"

"What can I say? He always had pictures of horses in his room, which he took pride in keeping immaculate. Growing up, his dream was to own a horse ranch, even when he was five he claimed that he would. At the age of eight, his father bought him a horse. About a year later, the horse had severe colic and died."

"OH, I didn't know that? What did he do?" Jim's heart was aching as he thought what he would be like if he lost Gold that way.

"Like a typical nine-year-old boy, he cried. Then when my husband took him to look at other horses to consider, there was a mare giving birth. Her owner tried to get Jackson away because he didn't want the boy to see what was going to happen. The mare was just shy of three hundred days, maybe a week or two."

"Jackson mentioned that he had seen a foal born without the lungs fully developed. Didn't know it was when he was nine. After seeing two horses die so close, I'm surprised he still wanted a ranch," Jim realized how much horses really mean to Jackson.

"To be honest, it made me want a ranch more than ever. I wanted to try and establish a place where that sort of stuff doesn't happen," Jackson spoke from behind Jim, causing him to jump. "I have since come to realize that some things just can't be prevented. I've been researching horses ever since that day and am still learning about them."

"And you told Zac that he has a real passion for them," Jim smiled.

"He does, maybe not to the extent as me, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were close."

"So, you going to stop your mom from telling me stories about you?" Jim asked, grinning.

"Only if she gets to the embarrassing stuff," Jackson chuckled.

"You mean like when you came home from your date with Billy Sebastian?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, leave that one alone," Jackson suggested. Jim was all ears.

"Can't really say much, but he didn't have a stitch of clothing on," Julia started, then looking at Jackson, "What did happen to your clothes?"

"Let's just say that Billy only pretended to be gay and leave it at that."

"Is that why you never went out with him again? Never did trust him. His dad's a politician."

"So did Billy convince you to get naked and steal your clothes?" Jim queried.

"Just never mind, and I think it's time for Mom to go inside," Jackson was slowly turning pink.

"I'm forty-two years old, I think I can decide when to go in," Julia stated.

"So that means that you had Jackson when you were nineteen?" Jim calculated.

"I was almost nineteen. Reason I visited last month was for my birthday. It was so nice sharing it with my three sons," Julia explained. "I made the mistake of getting married right out of school and neither my husband nor I had a job. Once I became pregnant, I did start getting help from the state, but not much. And I think I need to stop before I start crying again."

"I understand," Jim said feeling like he put his foot in his mouth again.

"Listen, Jackson, I really do want to move out here. We can sell that big old house and get a small one. I don't need such a big house for myself," Julia explained.

"What about dad?" Jackson asked.

"He's hardly ever home. He's been going to the Ohio State University James Hospital in Columbus and they give him a year, maybe two," Julia responded with sadness.

"A year? Why didn't you tell us?" Jackson was upset.

"Your dad didn't want you to know until he had passed. He wants you boys to think of him as the strong man he was, not the frail thing he's become," Julia explained.

"Bull shit, he may have adopted me, but he's still my father and Jeff's. We have a right to know. Ryan and I are going to Ohio for our honeymoon. I just hope Ryan understands," Jackson stated with fire coming out of his eyes. Jim has never seen Jackson this upset.

Putting his hand on Jackson's shoulder causing him to jump, Ryan spoke, "I totally understand. If you ask me, I think we should postpone our honeymoon and take Jeff and Colt with us to go see him."

Jackson stood up, turned towards Ryan and wrapped his arms around the man he loves. Ryan pulled him in tight and just held him. It was then that Jackson's anger subsided and he started crying over the thought of losing the man he had known as his dad. Julia wasn't sure she did the right thing telling him, but she did agree that he should be able to see his father before he passes.

Jeff, Jackson, Ryan and Colt boarded a plane that night. Jackson told his mom that she could stay at the ranch as long as she wanted, or she could visit with Jacob. She opted to spend nights at the ranch and days visiting her other son.

Zarek was told of the development and he offered to still help at the ranch while Jackson was away. He would work while Zac was in school and let him know if anything needed immediate attention. With Zac coming after school, it made it easier to keep his hours down, unlike when he ran the ranch during summer.

The week went rather quickly and without incident. Jackson went off on his father for keeping his dying a secret. He loved the man who adopted him. Mr. Sprayberry didn't have to do it, there was no one to try and take him away, but he loved the boy as though he were his son so he wanted to make it official. "Jackson, I didn't want either of you to see me like this. This is one of the best cancer hospitals and they say that I have a year, maybe two but I feel they are being over optimistic. I give myself six months tops," Mr. Sprayberry stated.

"Don't say that. I know it's going to happen eventually, but I know how strong you are. People beat cancer all the time and you can, I know you can," Jackson was crying.

"Dad, I love you and I wish I had known. I left the house only four months ago. When I asked why you were losing weight, why didn't you tell me? Sure, I see you like this now, but my memories will always be of that strong man who taught me about riding a horse and driving a car. I remember playing football with you and how you made us work to beat you, but eventually let us. You are in my mind, the strongest man I know. I always thought you made Superman look weak," Jeff sobbed.

"You're so right, I shouldn't have kept it from either of you. Guess I was being selfish and always wanted you to think of me as a great father," Mr. Sprayberry stated.

"You have and always will be a great father, but more so, you are a great dad," Jackson told him.

"You were so young when your dad passed. I loved your mom so much, but gave her time. I knew that you came with her and I was so proud to call you my son. When your mom told me that she had reasons to think you were gay, I told her that didn't change who you are. I love you Jacky Boy, just so very much."

"You know, I've talked with Mom every week since I left. When she kept telling me that you weren't home, I thought the two of you were getting a divorce. I didn't know why you would, but that was the only explanation I could think of. Not once did I think you were sick."

"I'm so sorry that I never told either of you. Julia tells me that I have a grandson. Is he here?"

"The nurses only let two of us come back. He's waiting with Ryan," Jackson said. "His name is Colt."

"Speaking of Ryan, I hear that Wyoming approved same-sex marriage, so when is the wedding?"

"It was yesterday. When I flew Mom in for it, I was wondering why she said she only needed one ticket that you couldn't come."

"I'll go send them back. Maybe they won't realize that you're still in here. I think you three need to be in here together," Jeff offered.

Jeff left and Ryan brought Colt in. Colt looked at Mr. Sprayberry and spoke, "Hi Grandpa, you don't mind me calling you that do you?"

"Seeing how your dad is my son, I don't see why I would. You can call me Grandpa or Grandpa Jack if you want. I've heard so much about you from Julia. Your dad is so proud of you and that makes me proud, too," Jack Sprayberry said. Colt looked at Jackson and smiled.

"Sometime when you're not in here, you should come to the ranch. Dad told me how you bought him his first couple of horses and how much you loved them as well. I'd love to show you Midnight Star," Colt was excited.

"Is that the horse you rescued?"

"Well I got her from the rescue and then she rescued me," Colt grinned.

"From an old well I heard. Not sure why people board them thangs up, they should just fill them."

"That's what Dad said at the time. Then he had someone make sure we didn't have anymore."

"Good, I taught him well."

"That you did Dad. That you did. We're going to go back to the hotel, but we are staying until Friday. We want to head home as Colt turns sixteen that day and we have a party planned for Saturday. We'll stop by every day to see how you're doing."

"Funny, Thursday is when this treatment concludes, then I was going to go home on Friday for a couple weeks. Would you mind if I went to Wyoming with you? Love to see Colt's horse."

Colt grinned as big as he could. Jackson smiled with a tear running down his face. "I think these two love that idea. We'd love to have you join us," Ryan spoke for the first time.

Every day, Jackson visited the hospital. Sometimes it was just him and other times it was one or all of them joining him. Jeff made sure that he went everyday as well. The nursing staff commented to Jackson that his visits were having a miraculous effect on his father. They said that it was obvious how much he loves his sons.

Friday came and Jack joined Jackson and his family on the plane. Jackson sat beside his father. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Best I have since I found out that I have cancer. I really shouldn't have kept it a secret," Jack responded.

"Spoke with the doctors and nurses yesterday. They said that this week, you responded very well to the treatments. They think it has to do with your mood," Jackson relayed.

"You know, the mind is a very powerful thang. Seeing you and knowing that I don't need to hide being sick made me feel really good. I love you, Jacky Boy," Jack attested.

"I know you do, Dad. And I'd love if you could spend as much time as possible at the ranch. I have plenty of room and the fresh air would do you some good," Jackson offered.

Jack told Jackson that he would love spending time at the ranch. Maybe not every time that he wasn't at the hospital, but several visits would be planned. Afterwards, he laid his head back and took a nap.

When the plane landed, Jackson grabbed his father's hand and it felt cold. This scared him and he started calling for him, "Dad, please wake up. I'm not ready to lose you yet." Tears were running down his face.

Colt was standing there and Ryan tried to move him away. "Grandpa Jack, we landed. Don't you want to go see my horse?" the boy said on the verge of tears.

"We landed?" Jack asked. Jackson breathed a heavy sigh and hugged his dad. "Sorry if I scared you, but that was the best sleep I've had in a long time," he apologized.

Jackson took his dad to the ranch and Julia was still there. "Hope you don't mind but we picked up a passenger," Jackson announced as he entered his home.

Julia saw her husband and immediately apologized for telling the boys. "No, I should have never asked you to keep it from them. I owe you an apology," Jack said.

"Dad's going to stay here for a few days anyway. You're both welcome to stay as long as you like," Jackson insisted.

"You want to go see Midnight Star?" Colt asked.

"He just got here from a long plane ride, he's probably tired. How about you let him rest tonight and you can show him tomorrow?" Ryan suggested.

"No, I slept very well on the plane. I'm not tired, I'd love to see your horse," Jack stated. Colt smiled and took his hand.

As they walked into the barn, they could hear two horses carrying on. Jack Sprayberry figured that they could smell his cancer and it was bothering them. As they got closer, Colt saw that it was Gold and Aurixi making the noise. Jack saw them and exclaimed, "Holy bees' wax. I think I died and went to heaven. God sent two golden stallions to carry me the rest of the way."

Colt laughed and told him that Aurixi was a mare and that they were palominos. Jack walked over and petted Aurixi and then Gold. That seemed to get them to stop acting up. Aurixi nickered at him and Jack came back over. She leaned over and put her mouth to his ear. Colt looked at his grandpa and teasingly asked, "What did she say to you?"

"I don't rightly know how, but I felt like she was saying that everything will be alright," Jack declared.

Colt looked at him with a puzzled look. He really didn't expect this response, but his grandfather looked happier and more at peace than ever. When they got to his horse, Colt called her name without thinking. She seemed to respond to his voice. "Did you hear me, girl?" he asked as he hugged her. She neighed as if in response.

Colt ran to tell Jackson, and dragged him out to the barn. Ryan followed after them. When they got back in the barn, they found Jack talking with Aurixi. They left him to his "conversation" and went to Midnight Star. Jackson said her name and she turned her head towards him. Colt smiled, "See, I think she has her hearing back."

The mare turned her head towards Colt as he spoke. "I'm going to try something," Jackson stated. Then he spoke the mare's name a little softer. The mare didn't respond. "Good news is, I believe that she regained some of her hearing, but not all of it. I'll have the vet come check on her tomorrow."

Colt hugged his horse and told her how happy he was for her. He thought that was the best birthday present she could have given him. After he kissed her cheek, Colt followed Jackson and his grandpa back to the house.

In the morning, Jackson called the vet as he promised. Zac welcomed him back and explained how boring the week was with him gone. Jackson chuckled and told him that was a nice way of saying that he was missed.

Jim was in the barn talking to Gold. When he looked at Aurixi, something didn't seem right, so he ran out and hollered for Jackson to come quick. Jackson and Zac ran to the barn and to Aurixi's stable. Jackson looked at the horse and tried to determine what was wrong, but he wasn't sure. "Vet's on his way to look at Midnight Star, we'll have him look at this gal first," Jackson said.

"What's wrong with Star?" Zac questioned.

"She started getting her hearing back. Would like the vet to check her out to see how much we can expect. That can wait until he checks Aurixi out, though."

Jim was worried. He's never seen a horse sick before and they had just gotten Aurixi back. She can't die on him like this. He started to cry and Zac held him. Believing that Jim wasn't ready for what might happen, Zac led him out of the barn.

It was yet several minutes before the vet arrived. Jackson told him about Aurixi and led him to her stable. The vet started checking her out and said that it didn't look good. "When did she start acting this way?" the vet asked.

"She was fine when my dad was talking to her last night, and Jim was in here for a few minutes before he thought something didn't look right. So, I would say that it just started."

"Can I borrow a trailer? I'd like to take her back to the hospital and run some tests. Hope I'm wrong, but I may need to put her down," the vet said.

"Well, I can lend you a trailer, but the horse isn't mine. I do know that she might be pregnant, so." Jackson informed him.

"Well, that may make things more difficult. How far along would she be?"

"We put her to be studded two weeks ago tomorrow," Jackson said.

"I see. I hope I don't have to put her down, but if I do, it'll be harder on the owner. I'm guessing that the young man outside crying is the owner?"

"Actually his mom is, but she says that Jim's the one in charge of her."

I'm going to give her something to help with the pain," the vet said. Aurixi shook her head saying no. "Did she just tell me no like she understood me?"

"She sure did. Jim swears that these two horses understand every word we say and I believe he's right," Jackson grinned.

"Well, let me look at the other mare, then we can load her into a trailer and I'll take her to the Animal Hospital to determine what the best approach is. That is if Jim approves."

The vet looked at Midnight Star and after looking in her ears, he determined that her ears are showing signs of healing. "Good news is, she is healing and will regain more of her hearing. I do see some scarring, so don't expect her to hear completely, but she will hear."

Colt was there while the vet checked his mare. He was mixed with emotions; he was happy for his horse but sad about Aurixi. The vet walked over to Jim, "I'd like to take your mom's horse to run some tests. I understand that she may have a new life in her, so I will be as gentle as I can. After the tests, I will let you know what I think is best for her."

"Do you think that you can save her?" Jim sobbed.

"I'll do my best, and that's the only promise I will make," the vet said.

"I know that's all you really can do," Jim replied.

"So I have your permission to take her?" the vet inquired.

"Yes, do what you can," Jim begged.

As they were loading Aurixi into the trailer, Jack came out of the house. "Where are you taking her?" he asked.

"She's sick and the vet wants to run some tests," Jackson told his dad.

"No, she's not sick. Sure she's pregnant, but she's not sick. I promise you that," Jack assured.

"I hope you're right dad, but let the vet check to be sure," Jackson pleaded. "Who told you that she was pregnant? How do you know that she's is?"

"I really can't say. It's just a feeling I had when I was chatting with her," the older Sprayberry stated.

"Are you saying that she spoke to you?" Jackson was ready to call Dr. Bear for a visit. He had no clue how his dad could have known that she was pregnant, but he was sure that horses couldn't talk.

"Heavens no. Other than Mr. Ed on TV, or Francis the talking mule, horses can't talk. But I got a sense somehow that she was telling me. I really can't explain it very well but I know what I know."

"Glad to know that you don't think she spoke with you. Not sure how you know about her even possibly being with foal, but I am sure she didn't talk."

The vet took Aurixi away and Jackson walked over to Zac and Jim. "He's a mess, why don't you take him home? I'm sure Colt will understand if he doesn't make the party."

"Yeah, I will," Colt said, making Jackson jump. "I hope that she'll be okay. Grandpa thinks she is."

"Thanks Colt, but I want to be at your party. Maybe it will help take my mind off Aurixi and cheer me up."

About that time Joe walked over. "Hey, where's Aurixi? I was planning to ride her and." Joe started, then he saw Jim's face. "What happened to her?" he started to cry.

"At this time, we don't know anything. Jim's just scared thinking the worst," Jackson explained. Joe went over and hugged his brother. Zac helped Jim stand and took him to his truck. Joe got in back of the extended cab as he was in no condition to work anymore either and he didn't feel like driving himself.

At home, Jim clung to his mom and kept saying that he was so sorry. Zac had to explain what he was talking about. Heather looked at Jim and asked what he was sorry about. She explained that things happen like this and we have no control. She assured him that he was not to blame. "But wouldn't it have been better not getting her back and not knowing if she were dead than this?"

"Honey, I'm glad we got her back. And if she does die, then at least we were given two more weeks with her. None of this is your fault, and you don't know for sure what will happen," Heather tried consoling her son.

Colt's Birthday being Halloween, his party was a mix. Jim dressed as a ninja so that only thing anyone saw was his blood shot eyes. Zac was a little disappointed. He thought Jim was going as Captain James T Kirk, so he dressed as Spock. Joe wore a teddy bear costume. When they entered the barn, Jim couldn't believe how many kids from school showed up. Colt walked up to him and hugged him. He was just wearing a loin cloth. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better, and I hope I don't ruin your party. Do you know all these people?"

"Well, you know when I was living with my mom, she got me kicked off the swimming team. After I moved in with Dad, the coach approached me and said I could come back. The one dressed as Neptune is captain of the swim team. Kensi is here someplace dressed as Jane."

"Guessing that makes you Tarzan?" Joe asked. Colt smiled.

"Kensi's idea, but if you ask me, she just wanted to see my body. Jon, the new security guy is over there looking like a Klingon," Colt pointed out.

"No way, wait. What's that on his face?" Jim asked and started walking over to him. Colt went to find Kensi. When Jim got to Jon, he gave him a funny look.

"What, you don't like it? It's only a week old, but once it gets full and I start trimming." Jon started.

Jim was shaking his head, "No, it doesn't suit you. I think you should shave it."

"But I'm growing it so I don't look like your dad," Jon disputed.

"It just doesn't look right. Maybe it's because Dad was always clean shaven, or maybe my dad never grew facial hair because it doesn't look right. I appreciate the gesture, but I would rather you look like my dad," Jim argued.

"I have to agree with you, but I thought maybe it would help," Jon clarified.

"And like I said, I do appreciate that. But be who you are, be my friend, and I'll be fine eventually. Mustache looks good, though."

"You're a good kid, Charlie Brown," Jon stated. Jim gave him a dirty look and Jon just laughed.

Colt found Kensi and introduced her to his grandpa. "Grandpa Jack, this is Kensi. She's my girlfriend, or at least I hope," Colt said sheepishly.

"Wait, your name is Jack and Jackson is your son? That makes Jackson Jack's son," Kensi joked. "Colt and I have only been on a few dates, but I've wanted to be his girlfriend for a long time. I knew that would never happen while he was with that woman. She treated this handsome young man more like a prisoner than someone that she cared about. Then he came to live with Jackson and I was hoping he would ask me out. When he didn't even notice me, I decided to take riding lessons," she explained.

"I noticed you, believe me. It's just that my mom had me doubting my own self-worth so much that I didn't think you'd be interested. Thanks to Jackson, Ryan and Jim and his friends, I was just starting to feel that I am somebody special. I've caught you looking at me a few times and was planning to ask you out. I have been attracted to you since I was thirteen, but knew that my warden wouldn't allow conjiggle, or what's it called, visits. You know, where the con dates his spouse or girlfriend. Not sure where the jiggle comes in," Colt explained.

"You mean conjugal visits, I think," Jack said. "And I don't care who did what, I am happy that the two of you finally got together. Sounds like you both have wanted to date each other for a long time. I hope you both are as happy as Julia has made me. When do you open your presents?"

Colt stood on a chair and with a slightly raised voice announced, "Hey everybody, I want to thank you for coming. Still plenty of cake, punch, and snacks if you want 'em, but I'm getting ready to open presents. Also, on your way out, be sure to grab a trick-or-treat bag. Don't worry, none of the tricks are horse manure." Colt grinned and some of the kids laughed.

With that, Colt walked over to the table where the presents were stacked. He thought that he had more presents this day than he had the other fifteen birthdays combined. First present that he opened was from Kensi. She had written in the card, "I know that this isn't Valentine's, but you've already stolen my heart." When he opened the present, there was a western shirt with a red heart on the back. Embroidered over the heart were the words "She's Mine." Colt smiled and kissed Kensi.

Colt found Zarek's present next. It had new games for Colt's Xbox. Zac, Jim and Joe gave him a Blu-ray disc with Star Trek: Into Darkness. Julia and Jack gave him a quilt with an Indian design. Colt opened all the presents before he got to the one his dads gave him. The box was big, not dirt bike big, but it was the biggest box there. Colt smiled and thought, watch the present be so small like a key. He could see Jackson doing that. As he opened the box, there was a beautiful solid black saddle, only the embroidering was white. On the left side was his name, Colt Browning with a star on both sides. On the right, it read Midnight Star. Colt was so happy that he hugged and kissed Jackson and Ryan.

As the party was winding down, Jackson walked over to Jim. "You look like hell, but I know Colt was happy that you cared enough to show."

"I'm glad. I know that I've been selfish and thinking a lot about what I've lost or may lose, but it makes me feel good that I can bring joy to others."

"You're not being selfish, it's natural for you to grieve over lost loved ones. You think for one second that I won't cry when my dad dies? And I'm given time to spend saying goodbye. Your dad was snatched from you, you were forced to put Shadow down, and I understand you being upset over Aurixi. Zarek already said that he would cover for you and Joe tomorrow. Why don't you take the day off? If the vet calls me, you'll be my first call."

"Thanks, but if I stay home, all I will do is mope and worry. If I'm working, I'll at least be a little distracted," Jim explained.

"Not sure if being around horses can distract you from possibly losing one, but if you want to work. I do have one condition, if it gets too much for you, let me know. Zarek's spending the night here, so he can jump in at any time."

"Have I ever told you what a great boss you are?" Jim smiled.

"Yes, and I never get tired of hearing it," Jackson grinned. "Now why don't you take that boyfriend of yours and your brother and head home? Get some sleep and tomorrow will be a new day."

Jim hugged Jackson and went to find Zac and Joe.

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Next: Chapter 44

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