Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Feb 28, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. The author of the story which is referenced in this one was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did. I have discussed the idea of some of his characters visiting, but that won't happen for some time and he will have a chance to read and suggest revisions before it does.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 10

All the students chipped in to help pay for their visit to the ranch, and they all enjoyed themselves. Jim was proud as he showed Gold to Dusty and Michael. Coach Jenkins admired the beautiful stallion. He asked Jim if he could ride the horse. Jackson came up. "I'm sorry, but from what I can tell, Gold only let's Jim ride him. I can't allow you to try while on my property. I hope you understand."

"I do, you're afraid that I might get injured and you're looking out for your business."

"I'm glad. So, hope everyone enjoys their day. The food will be ready around four. That gives you two hours to get to the lake and have fun." Jackson announced as he rode off.

Coach Jenkins looked at Jim. "You really do have a fine looking animal there. I would have loved to ride him, but if you're the only one who has, I understand."

"Thanks, Coach. From what I understand, when I had to sell him, he kept throwing the new owners. They sold him to Jackson and Jackson is selling him back to me. As long as I'm around, I don't know if he'd let someone else ride him or not."

"Well, I'm no expert. I have ridden a few times, but I'm not a real cowboy. I guess it's best if I don't try" Coach said as he squeezed Jim's shoulder.

The boys were all taking care of the horses they would ride. Ranch hands were assisting to make sure everything was right, but they let the boys do it to get a better appreciation of riding horses. Jim worked on saddling Gold and another horse. As they were finishing getting the horses ready, Zac pulled up. His last class was study hall, so he was permitted to leave early so he could help the PE class at the ranch.

As Zac got out of the truck, he had a fur ball in each hand. Jim chuckled. Zac handed Jim the puppies and got on the black stallion Jim prepared for him. Then Jim handed the yellow lab to Zac. "Thought they'd enjoy being out here by the lake, too."

"I'm sure they will. You going skinny-dipping?"

"Maybe, you're probably hoping, aren't you?" Zac chuckled.

"What can I say, I love you so much and you have an amazing body." Jim kissed Zac and some of the boys commented about getting a room, but nobody made a rude remark about two guys kissing.

They rode out to the lake and got off the horses. Zac and Jim put leashes on the puppies. Shawn walked up to Jim. "Just so you know, I don't mind you being gay. I know you won't try anything with me, I have a cousin who is gay. All I ask is that I not see or hear about you two having sex."

"Actually, I'm bi-, but don't worry, we're not even having sex yet. We just kiss." Jim stated.

"Kissing, I don't mind. You love who you love, and that's all that matters. You may want to be careful, though. Not everyone at school feels that way." Shawn warned.

"Thanks, Shawn, I'm sure I'll come across some homophobes eventually. It'd be nice if everyone were more like this class.

Shawn walked away and Dusty approached Jim. "What was that all about?"

"Shawn just giving some friendly advice. He said that he doesn't mind Zac and me kissing, but doesn't want to see us having sex. He also warned me to be careful that not everyone is as accepting."

"He is right about that. I think most of this class is, but last year, a senior put a boy in the hospital for being gay. He nearly killed the boy. We had a whole month of lectures against bullying and hating."

"Oh, man. What happened to the senior?" Jim asked.

"He went to jail. He was eighteen so they tried him as an adult and given twenty years. Bet it didn't take long before someone made him their bitch."

"Well, either that'll make him hate gays more, or he'll learn to enjoy it." Jim stated.

Dusty whispered, "Just curious, and if you don't want to answer, that's fine, but have you ever, you know, up your?" Dusty made gestures hoping Jim would understand what he was asking.

Jim laughed at Dusty's antics. "No, all I seem to get done is kissing. I've thought about it, even more since I met Zac. Have you ever had sex?"

"Shhhh," Dusty waved his hand. "No, Chey is only fifteen and I turned sixteen right after school started. We've talked about it, but we want to wait. We don't want to take a chance of her getting pregnant until after we graduate. You know what they say, abstinence is the only guaranteed form of protection."

"That or same sex." Jim smiled. "I can understand wanting to wait. And I'm sure when you do finally do it, it'll be special for both of you."

"I hope so. I love Cheyenne and hope to marry her eventually, but we've just started high school and who knows what'll happen in four years, not to mention college."

"Well, at least you're being smart about it. I hope you and Cheyenne stay together forever, Dude." Jim said.

Some of the boys went skinny-dipping, Zac being among them. Jim slipped out of his clothes and joined them. Just before four, Coach Jenkins told them that if they wanted to continue swimming they had to put shorts on as the families could be showing up any minute.

Right at four, Mrs. Bolt pulled up. Jim saw her and ran over to her. Zac, Dusty and Michael greeted her, too. "Mrs. Bolt, come to check out the cookout before we do ours on Saturday?" Jackson asked her.

"Please, if I'm going to call you Jackson, you can call me Heather. What can I say? Jim invited me to come out. And I'll do anything I can to make him happy." Mrs. Bolt said.

"Well, Heather, you have an awesome son. He and Zac met a week ago this coming Saturday, and in the six months I've known Zac, I've never seen him happier."

"That's what I said about Jim, only I've known him all his life." Mrs. Bolt said smiling. Jackson smiled back.

"Mark my words, those two will be together until death do they part." Jackson said.

"Yes, I believe that. I hope so as Jim so needed Zac."

"And Zac needed Jim. Listen, this is where we'll be doing the cookout on Saturday. Would you have a problem if the boys spent the night out here? It would only be the two of them and I think it would be good for them. Security will be close enough that they needn't worry and will be safe."

"You sound almost like you're Zac's father setting him up on a date." Mrs. Bolt kidded.

"Well, I try to look after everyone that works for me like a father would his child, so I guess I do come across that way sometimes. I'm just saying that if you and Zac's mom don't have a problem with it, they have my permission to camp out here. Won't be long until we start getting heavy snows."

"No wonder Jim likes it here so much. Only worked two days so far and you would think he'd been working here forever. Talks about you." Mrs. Bolt offered.

"Well, believe it or not, since Jim's been helping Zac, they've put out three times as much work as when it was Zac alone. Saying Jim's been doing twice the work, but Zac's been so much happier that he's working harder, too."

"I'm so glad. And if they want to camp out Saturday night, they have my permission."

"Good, I'll suggest it to the boys unless you want to." Jackson said.

"No, you can." Mrs. Bolt said. About that time, Jim and Zac ran over to them.

"Mom, you should see the puppies and Gold. They look like they're chatting about something." Jim said.

"I bet that's cute. What are they saying?" Mrs. Bolt kidded.

"I don't know, I don't speak puppy or horse." Jim said.

"Listen, boys. I've already asked your moms and this Saturday after the cookout, I thought you might like to spend the night here camping." Jackson said.

"Who all will be here?" Zac asked.

"Just the two of you. Like I just told Mrs. Bolt, or I mean, Heather, Security will be close enough if you need them, but it'll just be the two of you."

"Means we might be late on Sunday." Jim said.

"What do you mean late? You'll already be here. Just make sure you come over to take care of the horses and help unload the truck, and rest of the day will be yours."

"Sounds like it could be fun. I'm game if Jim is." Zac responded.

"Yea, sure. I always liked camping with my dad. And we can bring the puppies." Jim said.

"Great, just bring whatever you want to wear, I'll have a hand set the tent and everything else up." Jackson offered.

Jim pulled his mom aside so no one could hear them talking. "Mom, Zac and I haven't done anything but kiss so far. I won't lie and say that I've not wanted to do something more. When we're alone camping, what if." Jim started not sure how to finish what he was thinking.

"I know what you're saying. First, I don't approve of it, but I know there is a chance of the two of you having sex. Just know that I love you no matter what. Just do what you think is best. I like Zac and see how much you really love each other. I hope you two are together for the rest of your lives. Like I said, I don't really approve, but as long as you give your virginity to someone you really love."

"I love you, Mom." Jim said putting his arms around her. Jim ran back to Zac and they grabbed a couple plates of food. The puppies kept staring at them. Jim would drop pieces of beef once in a while, but made sure they were small enough and was only meat.

As bones were cleaned, Jackson would leave them on the ground for the puppies to gnaw on. The puppies were enjoying themselves as much as the boys. It was going to start getting to get dark within the hour and those still there rode the horses back to the stables. Jim, Zac, Dusty, and a few other boys helped take care of the horses and putting them away. Then they headed home.

Jim spent the night at Zac's. It was a school night, but since he was right across the street, neither mom worried too much about that. The puppies went wherever they went.

"I don't know what will happen Saturday," Jim started, "but I wanted to let you know that whatever does, I think I'm ready."

"I don't know either. I just know that I think of you as my best friend. I love you, and you are definitely the one I want to spend my life with." Zac said.

Jim kissed Zac as he slowly unbuttoned Zac's shirt. As it slid down Zac's arms, Jim kissed Zac's neck. Jim worked his lips down to Zac's nipples and his tongue played for a while. He undid Zac's belt and opened his fly. Standing straight up, Jim looked back into Zac's eyes. "I want to, you know." Jim whispered.

"I'd like that." Zac whispered back.

Jim slid Zac's jeans down and Zac stepped out of them. Jim got on his knees and with a little apprehension, he slid Zac's boxers down. Jim started stroking Zac's cock. Zac laid down on the bed and Jim took his cock in his mouth. When Jim tried taking the whole thing, he gagged so he backed off a bit. Zac was stroking Jim's hair. Jim used his hands and took as much of Zac's eight inches as he could.

Being it was the first head Zac had ever been given, he didn't last long. Jim swallowed everything that he could. When he was done, he crawled up the bed to kiss Zac. "Wow that was awesome." Zac whispered as he put his arms around Jim. "What was it like for you?"

"Other than when I gagged, I liked it. You tasted a lot like mine when I jerk off, just slightly different." Jim said kissing Zac.

"Well, I'm glad you gave me my first blow job. I want to eventually give you one, but I don't think I'm ready."

"That's fine. I don't want you to do it until you are. I want you to enjoy it when you do." Jim said.

"Well, I know that you can do that again any time you like."

"Saturday," Jim whispered, "I think I'd really like to feel you inside me. I know it'll hurt, but I love you so much. I don't think it'll nearly as much as my yearning for you to do it."

"I love you, too, but we'll have to see what happens." Zac said. "We can pick up some lube tomorrow just in case."

"You." Jim started but the puppies started yipping at the side of the bed. Jim got up and picked them up. He tossed them onto the bed and they attacked Zac with their tongues. Jim laughed and started undressing to go to bed.

Next: Chapter 9

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