Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jun 30, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Jim are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of the character are fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. This story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. Some people have compared my writing style to that of Mr. Todd's and for that, I am flattered. While Another Chance does pay tribute to "Riding Lessons", it is a story of its own and has its own plot and agenda. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at . Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 78

Tuesday the twenty-second day of September, Patrick was nervous. He woke up, got ready for school and then asked Jim and Zac to come into his room. "What should I take with me to Scott's tonight?"

Jim gave Patrick a hug, and asked, "Do you have clothes for tomorrow? You don't want to wear the same thing as today."

Patrick grabbed a shirt and pair of jeans out of the closet, then he grabbed socks and briefs out of his dresser. He looked at Jim, "What else?"

"What do you plan to sleep in. You have school tomorrow, so promise me you will go to sleep at your normal time," Zac insisted.

"Maybe earlier since I promised to get up early with Scott to help him take care of the horses," Patrick agreed. Then he started thinking.

Jim suggested, to help Patrick out, "What do you sleep in when you share your bed with Jake?"

Patrick started stuttering, "Ummm, ummm, ummm, what do I sleep in?"

Zac started to laugh, "Are you that nervous that you can't think of pajamas?"

"That's what they're called," Patrick sheepishly replied. He grabbed a clean pair of red pajamas out of his drawer. Jim and Zac couldn't help but laugh.

Zac inquired, "Do you have the present that you bought for him?"

"I think I put it in my bag already," Patrick answered.

Zac gave Patrick a knowing smile and asked, "Then what's that?" He pointed to a package nicely wrapped in gold paper with a silver ribbon.

"Oops, thanks Papa," Patrick started turning red.

Jim teased, "So, did you remember where you put your head?"

Not realizing what Jim asked, Patrick looked scared, "No, do you know where it is?"

Zac and Jim laughed, "Bud, it's attached, right between your shoulders."

Patrick gave them both a serious look, "I'm glad you think this is funny. I'm so nervous."

Jim gave Patrick a hug, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have poked fun at you. Take three deep breaths and relax. You're just having a sleepover with a friend, no pressure, right?"

"A friend that I've wanted to kiss ever since I met him. What if we do kiss and he doesn't like it?" Patrick started to cry. "What if he tries sticking his tongue in my mouth like you and Papa?"

"Then you remain friends who don't kiss," Zac answered. "Just be yourself and remember what we told you. Don't let Scott or anyone talk you into doing something you are not ready for, and don't push Scott into it, either."

Patrick looked down, "I know, all I want to do is kiss him, but I'm scared that it might ruin our friendship if I do. I don't know if I want his tongue going in my mouth, though."

Jim smiled, "Save the tongue for your first girlfriend or boyfriend. If you and Scott decide to kiss, just make it a tender loving kiss like this." Jim gave Zac a kiss to demonstrate. It was quick and gentle.

"Wow," Zac stated, "your kisses like that still send sparks through my body."

"That looked sweet," Patrick admitted, "Can you kiss me like that just once so I can see what it feels like?"

"Nope, I only kiss my husband like that," Jim stated, "besides, I have to get to school and so do you."

After Zac dropped Jake off, he talked with Patrick, "Did you really want Jim to kiss you to show you what it's like or were you just trying to kiss him because you still have a crush on him?"

Patrick looked down with a slight smile on his face, then he took a quick glance over to Zac. He admitted, "Maybe a little of both."

"You know for either of us to kiss you like that would be inappropriate," Zac declared. "Trust me, if you and Scott are meant to kiss, just let nature take its course and don't try. Dad is the only one I've ever kissed in that manner and he loves my kisses because I have never forced them." Zac pulled up in front of the school.

"Thanks, Papa," Patrick said as he opened the truck door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Zac reminded Patrick, "Remember, I have class tonight. If you need anything, call Dad first, but don't be afraid to call me if you have to. You are more important than anything or anyone except Dad and Jake. With them, you are equally as important."

Patrick gave Zac a kiss on the cheek, then responded, "I know, and I love you, Papa."

For Patrick, school seemed to last forever. He was glad when the last bell rang. As they left the classroom, Scott told Toby, "We're having a birthday party at my house, then Patrick's spending the night. With you being grounded, I can't invite you to spend the night, but maybe your dad would let you come to the party. It'll just be my mom and dad, Patrick and myself."

Toby looked sad as he answered, "I'll be grounded until the end of the month so I don't know. And I don't have a present."

Scott tried to convince him, "You don't need a present, I would have asked you sooner if I was worried about a present. I wasn't even going to ask since you're grounded, but then I thought maybe your dad will cut you some slack just this once."

The boys didn't realize it, but they were by the open window of Richard Maelstrom's car as they talked. Richard looked over at them and inquired, "Cut him some slack about what?"

Scott explained, "I just last minute asked him to come to my house for my birthday party, but he said he was still grounded."

Richard looked at his son, "You've been really good with your punishment. I don't think you'll try acting like you were committing suicide again, do you?"

"You knew I was only acting?" Toby said and then looked at Patrick.

"Yes, the doctors told me there was no way you would have succeeded," Richard answered. "What if your grounding is over as of right now so you can go to the party?"

Toby looked elated, "Are you serious? You really mean it? I love you, Dad."

"I'm serious," Richard responded. "Besides, I want us to spend time together because we want to, not because I am forcing you."

Toby commented, "We're only half done cleaning the basement. I want to go to Scott's party, so can we finish it tomorrow and then my grounding be over, just a reprieve for today? I'd hate to leave it half done but I don't want anyone knowing that I freely helped finish it either."

Richard laughed at that. "OK, you can go to the party and I'll pick you up at seven. We'll finish the basement and then your grounding will be over."

Toby had a twinkle in his eye that Richard was happy to notice. "Thanks, Dad."

"I love you, son," Richard stated before driving off.

Patrick said, "Your dad seems a different man than when I first met him."

Toby grinned, "Yeah, he's the dad that I've always wanted, and I know he's being genuine. He really does love me."

Scott gave a quick nod, "I can tell." They walked over to where Mr. Gavin was parked. Scott told his dad, "Dad, I hope you don't mind but I invited Toby for the party. His dad said that he can be off his grounding for the party and he'll pick him up at seven."

"As long as his dad allowed it, I don't mind. Hop in and let's go party, birthday boy," Ed Gavin answered.

When they got to Scott's house, Dena asked Scott, "Why don't you take the boys to your room and do homework? I'll call you in a few when dinner is ready."

Scott led Patrick and Toby to his room. He showed Patrick where to put his stuff and then started changing clothes in front of them. Toby was surprised and said, "Dude, we're right here." Patrick looked like a deer in headlights. He really liked the look of Scott's body and without thinking, licked his lips. Scott gave him a smile.

"So, we change clothes in gym together. You've seen me in the shower there, so what's wrong with my stripping to my briefs and putting shorts on?" Scott debated.

After realizing what had happened, Patrick jumped to defend Scott, "He has a point, I think we were just caught off guard."

"I suppose, but please warn us next time," Toby requested.

Scott snickered, "I can do that, but it wouldn't have been as much fun."

It was five thirty when Dena called the boys downstairs. "Boy, I hope you like smoked sausage and meatballs, it's one of Scott's favorite meals. After we eat, we'll have cake and ice cream." The boys wolfed down their meal despite Dena telling them to slow down and enjoy it. "Your food isn't going to run away and besides, we're not getting the cake and ice cream until everyone is done. And it's not healthy to eat that fast."

Patrick apologized, "Sorry Mrs. Gavin, this is good and I never had smoked sausage and meatballs cooked together before."

"As fast as you inhaled it, how could you tell?" she asked.

Patrick wasn't sure how to answer it, he just agreed, "I guess it would be more enjoyable if I take time to savor every bite."

"Thank you."

Toby had just finished his ice cream when Richard showed up to get him. He asked, "Do you mind if I use a napkin and take my cake home?"

Dena offered, "Would your dad like a piece of cake, too? I have containers that I can put both pieces in and I get the containers with the lunch meat I buy so I don't need them back."

"Sure, I think he would like that," Toby replied.

After they were done, Scott and Patrick went up to Scott's room. Scott closed the door and looked leeringly at Patrick. Patrick felt a little nervous, even more when Scott said, "I saw you licking your lips earlier. Are you gay?"

Patrick stammered at first, "I, ummm, I don't ummm, I don't know. I like you a lot and asked my dad, actually both of them, if that made me gay. They said that I might be going through a phase, that according to some guy, everyone goes through it. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, but I've wanted to kiss you ever since we first met."

"I told my parents that I thought you were attractive and they said the same thing about the `it might be a phase,'" Scott admitted. "They said that the only way you could spend the night was if I promised not to do anything with you except maybe kiss, and then only if you wanted to. They said that if I forced you to do anything, I would be wrong."

"You talked to straight parents about being gay?" Patrick was surprised.

Scott explained, "Well, when I hugged you at the ranch, they sat me down and talked to me. They told me that they would love me no matter what, but they wanted me to be honest with them and if I discover I am gay, they don't want me to feel like I need to hide it from them."

Patrick acknowledged, "That's cool of them, but I think I have it easier. My parents, being gay, it was easy to talk with them. I think my daddy would have disowned me if he were still alive."

Scott just nodded his head, "I can imagine, I thought mine would have. Now about that kiss, how do we go about it? I've never kissed anyone except for on the cheek."

Patrick explained, "Dad and Papa kiss using tongue, no offense, but I'm not sure I want to kiss anyone like that. And Dad told me that I should save that for when I have a boyfriend or girlfriend. He said that if we kiss, we should just use lips." Patrick gently pressed his lips to Scott's and they kissed. Scott instinctively wrapped his arms around Patrick and started sucking on Patrick's lower lip. Patrick liked the feeling and wrapped his arms around Scott. He sucked on Scott's upper lip.

Without realizing it, Patrick started moving his tongue into Scott's mouth. Scott was a little surprised, but he started sucking Patrick's tongue in. That caused Patrick to realize what he did and he pulled away. "I'm so sorry," he apologized.

Scott gave Patrick a grin and said, "Don't be, I actually liked it. It felt natural, didn't it?"

Patrick nodded, "So natural that I didn't realize I was doing it. Maybe someone's tongue isn't as gross as I thought." The boys went back to kissing and Scott tested Patrick, he slowly slipped his tongue into Patrick's mouth and licked the roof of it. Patrick started giggling, but he thought it wasn't gross at all like he expected. He also decided that while he may tell his parents about kissing, he wasn't ready to admit to them that they did use tongue. Some things should be kept personal.

The boys had fun during the sleepover. They kissed a few times and played games. Other things came to mind, but because Scott promised his parents, they didn't do anything other than kissing. As they lay in bed, Scott whispered to Patrick, "I hope we both decide we are gay, I really, really liked that kiss."

"I don't think we decide that," Patrick corrected, "but I hope we discover that we both are gay, too. I really like you and hope this isn't just a phase. I'm not ready for a boyfriend yet, but when I am, I'm hoping you are him."

"I feel the same way. Maybe when we are fifteen or sixteen, we can start dating, but until then, maybe we can just be friends, possibly experiment," Scott suggested.

"We can take things slow and neither of us pressure the other and see what happens. I think I love you, Scott," Patrick said before kissing his bed mate tenderly on the lips.

"Good night, my handsome prince," Scott giggled.

The next morning, Patrick helped Scott with his chores and they had lots of time to shower before getting ready for school. Even still, Scott suggested that they shower together and Patrick felt nervous but agreed. Scott kissed him as the water cascaded over their naked bodies. Patrick noticed a strange feeling in his loins and his penis getting stiff and growing. He hoped that Scott didn't notice it, but then he could feel Scott's growing as well. He wanted to check them out, but Scott made a promise to his parents and they kept it.

Zac warned Jake and his teacher that he had classes and then they would pick up Patrick first so they could talk to him and might be running a few minutes late. The teacher said that wouldn't be a problem as long as it wasn't too late. When Jim and Zac picked Patrick up after school, he had the biggest smile on his face. Jim smirked, "You kissed Scott, didn't you?"

Patrick was in a teasing mood, "I know you're my parents, but some things are personal. I did get an A on my geography test."

"Congratulations on the A, but you're not getting off that easy," Jim stated, "That smile isn't from an A. I'm guessing that you enjoyed kissing Scott."

"All eight times," Patrick squealed. "It just seemed so natural like we belonged together. And kissing him in the shower was really fun."

"Wait, you showered together?" Jim asked, sounding a little concerned.

Patrick explained, "All we did was shower, kiss and wash each other's backs. Scott promised his parents that we wouldn't do anything except kiss, and we kept that promise. I did notice something down below while we were kissing in the shower."

Jim chuckled, "You mean your penis getting hard?"

"And growing," Patrick added. "I could feel Scott's growing too since it was pressed against my leg."

"That's perfectly normal," Zac stated. "So, did you use your tongue?"

Patrick didn't answer right away, instead, he started to blush. "I thought we told you to save the tongue for your boyfriend or girlfriend," Jim acted like he was mad.

"I'm, I'm, I'm sorry, Dad," Patrick sputtered, "It just seemed to slip in without even thinking about it. I didn't mean to do it." Patrick looked scared.

Jim gave a chuckle, "Relax, if it just came natural, then there's nothing wrong with it. And if Scott liked it enough that you kissed eight times, I'd definitely say there was nothing wrong with it."

"Phew," Patrick said as he wiped his brow. "I hope that this isn't a phase, so does Scott. We hope to be boyfriends when we are old enough to date. Can Scott spend the night with us some time?"

Jim agrees, "Hearing you now, I have a feeling, it's not a phase. We'll get together and talk with his parents, but I think it would be fair since you spent the night there."

Over the next few weeks, Patrick and Scott became closer friends. Jim and Zac arranged for Scott to spend Halloween night with them. They would take the boys out trick or treating and then go to Colt's birthday party/Halloween party and Scott could sleep over. Mr. Gavin agreed to take care of the horses the morning after for Scott.

It was the middle of October when Jackson approached Jim and Zac. "I'm buying a couple of Appaloosa colts from a ranch in Rapid City, South Dakota. I can't go pick them up myself as Ryan is still in Washington and I have a parent teacher conference with one of Colt's teachers, tomorrow evening. I know that you have Patrick and Jake, but can you go pick up the yearlings for me?"

Zac looked at Jim before agreeing, "We'll have to make arrangements with one of our families, but I'm sure they won't mind."

Joe offered, "If Mom won't watch them, I will."

"Then it's settled," Jackson said, "You'll leave here tomorrow as soon as Jim arrives and the ranch owner is named Tony."

That night Jim and Zac took the boys to visit Heather and Nick. Knowing why they were there, Joe took the boys upstairs so Jim and Zac could talk to Nick and Heather. "Mom, I hate that we're springing this on you last minute, but we only found out today ourselves. This weekend, Jackson needs us to drive to South Dakota. We leave tomorrow before the boys get out of school, so is there any way you can watch them for the weekend?"

"They might be spoiled when you get back," Heather joked. "I would love to watch them; it'll give me a chance to learn more about Patrick before Christmas."

Jim gave Heather a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, so much. Joe said that he would pick the boys up from school so you won't need to leave work early. He even agreed to watch them until you get home."

"So, you knew I would say yes, did you?" Heather chuckled.

Zac responded, "Not a hundred percent. We were fairly certain, but didn't know if you and Nick had plans. Joe said that if you couldn't, he would."

Jim looked at Zac, "Next comes the hard part, telling Patrick and Jake, especially Patrick."

They called the boys downstairs. As the boys sat at the table, Zac told them, "Boys, Dad and I need to go to South Dakota over the weekend. We'll be leaving before you get out of school, so Grandma has agreed to watch you. Uncle Joe will be picking you up after school."

Jake looked at Zac and said, "Alrighty." Patrick was a different story.

"You're going to leave me on the weekend just like Daddy and Mom?" Patrick began to sob.

"We have no choice, Bud, it's our job," Jim explained. "And we'll be back on Sunday."

"That was what Mom said, too," Patrick cried.

"I'll pick up a cell phone tomorrow and give it to Uncle Joe to give you. I'll program Dad's and my phone number in so you can talk to one of us the whole time we are driving. And we'll call you Saturday and Sunday. It won't be a very fancy phone, but you'll be able to talk to us with it."

"I guess," Patrick said, but it was obvious that he wasn't happy.

Since Jim would be heading out of town with Zac, he rode to school with Joe. They were both going to the ranch for SWO and Jim wouldn't need to leave a vehicle at the ranch. When Zac dropped Patrick off at school, Patrick just got out of the truck without saying a word. "Hey Bud, don't be like that. I love you and I'll see you just as soon as Dad and I get back."

Patrick turned back to Zac. He thought about what had happened when his parents left and how he said that he hated them. He didn't want to make that same mistake just in case. "I'm sorry, Papa. I love you, but if you don't come back, I'll never speak to you again." He chuckled at that last part.

"I promise, I will be back and so will Dad," Zac assured.

Patrick asked, "What if a drunk driver hits you?"

"I know Bud, that's what's scaring you, but remember Dad's dad visiting you? He's visited Dad many times and he told Dad that we will live a long time. Dad doesn't remember how long he said, but I know we will be back because of that. As soon as Uncle Joe gives you that cell phone, call Dad's number. I should be driving at that time."

"Thanks Papa, but I'll still worry until you get home," Patrick admitted, feeling a little better.

Zac just whispered as Patrick headed for the door, "I know you will, Bud. I know you will."

Before heading to the ranch, Zac went to pick up a simple cell phone for Patrick. When he got to the ranch, Jackson was in the office. He apologized, "Sorry I'm late but I needed to pick up a cell phone for Patrick. I think he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown with Jim and I leaving for the weekend."

"Oh my soul, I didn't even think about that. I'm sorry, would you like for me to send someone else?" Jackson offered. "I can reschedule this conference tonight and go with one of you."

"It's bound to happen eventually and we've already made arrangements," Zac said, "I wish Patrick never had to face this fear, but I think he'll be better off once he does. I feel like a bad parent making Patrick go through this, but Jim and I can't live as prisoners to his fears, either."

Jackson just nodded his head, "You're right, you can't. At least you're trying to minimize the amount of fear he has to face and once he gets past this, I think y'all will be happier. As for being late, with the amount of hours that you will be working this weekend, you could have come in later if you wanted. You are on salary, as long as the ranch is covered and you put in the hours as we agreed, I'm not worried."

Zac looked a little downtrodden, "Thanks, Jackson. I'm going to get my truck ready to go, then I'm going to take Silver for a ride." Jackson gave Zac a smile as he went out the door.

Jim and Joe arrived at a quarter after one and Zac gave Joe the phone he bought for Patrick. "Remind Patrick that he can call us right away if he wants," Zac instructed.

Joe nodded, "I will. In fact, I'll set it on my passenger seat right now to make sure it's there for him."

"Joe," Jackson requested, "when you come in tomorrow, take care of the horses and get home to help distract Patrick from missing these two, please. I'll even pay you and Chris until four."

Joe smirked, "Works for me, but I'll see if he and Jake want to come out and go riding."

"Riding? I guess Matt will have to miss us this weekend," Jim stated.

Zac shook his head, "He's not riding tomorrow. He finished signing the contracts to buy the veterinary service so this weekend he'll be getting everything set up to put Dr. Mann on as salaried, among other things involved with buying a business." Jim and Zac got in the truck and headed out.

When it was time to pick up the boys, Jake was excited to see his Uncle Joe, but when they arrived at the middle school, a snail passed Patrick walking out, the boy moved so slow and had his head hanging down. When he opened the door, Joe looked at him, "Hey Champ, it's not going to be that bad. You'll get to hang with me for a couple of days, and then your dad and papa will be back before you know it."

"Yeah, but it's not just that," Patrick started crying. "Scott said that he no longer wants to be my friend."

"What?" Joe was astounded, "Why?"

"Got you," Patrick said with a little smile. "Really, Scott gave me a kiss and said he can't wait to see me in school on Monday."

"For that, I'm going to wait to give you the phone your papa bought for you," Joe teased.

"No, please, Uncle Joe," Patrick begged. "I need to talk to them. I have a weird feeling in my belly."

"Gas?" Joe snickered as he handed the phone over.

Patrick called Jim's cell. He heard, "There's my handsome son. What took so long, I was expecting you to call two minutes ago."

Patrick was frantic, "Ask Papa to pull over for a few minutes, please. I have this weird feeling in my stomach and I've only felt it one time before."

Zac pulled over and a car passed them with a highway patrol car in pursuit. Jim estimated that they were doing in excess of a hundred miles an hour. "Wow, how did you know?" Jim asked.

Patrick cried, "I didn't, but the only other time I felt that weird feeling was maybe minutes before that drunk killed Mom and Daddy. It's gone now."

"I'm not sure what would have happened if they hit the horse trailer at that speed. You may have saved our lives," Jim nearly shouted. Patrick continued talking with Jim until it was Jim's turn to drive, and Patrick's phone needed charged. Heather let the boy talk to Zac on the home phone.

When Jim and Zac arrived at their motel, Zac told Patrick, "We need to check in but Dad will call you and talk some with you. Don't talk too long, we have to get up early tomorrow and it's almost your bedtime." Jim talked with Patrick until one in the morning, Zac was there beside him.

In the morning, the boys got dressed and headed for the ranch where Jackson bought the colts. A black Lexus sedan pulled into the ranch as Jim and Zac were talking to Tony, the ranch owner. Two boys got out of the car and walked over. One boy looked over to the other and said, "Are those REAL cowboys?"

Hearing him, Jim laughed, turned to the boy and said in a bad southern drawl, "Yup, partner, we're real cowboys! Hi, my name is Jim and this is Zac." Both boys shook Jim's hand.

At that time, Tony turned to the boys and said, "You know guys, Jim and Zac are married." Zac was a little surprised with Tony saying that until Tony turned and introduced the boys. He told Zac and Jim that Trevor and Roger were boyfriends and that he thought it would be nice if they got to see what might be in their future.

"Guys, you should know that Roger and Trevor were adopted just a couple days ago... Well, Trevor a couple weeks ago, and Roger just this past week. They lived in the same orphanage just outside of town. They were roomies and Cupid got `em both with a cuppla arrows." Tony explained. Trevor seemed to blush.

"I was actually adopted, that is, when my mom got married, the man she married adopted me even though I was already seventeen," Zac stated. "And then, Jim and I adopted a little five-year-old right after we came home from our honeymoon." When Zac said that, he knew Jim would pull out his phone and started showing pictures while talking about their adopted son. And he hadn't even mentioned Patrick yet.

Mr. King was just standing there letting the boys talk. Tony then turned and asked if they wanted to invite Jim and Zac to ride with them. "That would be cool!" Roger exclaimed.

Jim looked at Zac and asked, "What do you think, Babe?"

Zac smiled and said, "We've been cooped up in that truck for seven hours yesterday, and we're gonna be cooped up another seven tomorrow, so yeah, a bit of outdoors sounds good to me!"

Jim laughed and again in his bad southern drawl said, "Looks like we got ourselves a posse!"

Tony had a few of his ranch hands get five horses ready while he introduced Mr. King to the guys. "I won't be joining the ride," Mr. King informed Tony, then he turned to Zac and Jim, "I understand you'll be in town tonight and leaving tomorrow?"

Zac looked in his direction, shook his hand and said, "Yes, tomorrow we'll head back to get these two beautiful yearling Appaloosa colts back to the ranch."

"Well, if you two don't have any other plans, please join us for dinner tonight." Mr. King offered.

Jim replied, "We don't want to be a bother, Sir."

"Nonsense! My husband and Roger's parents would love to get to know you."

Zac looked a little surprised, "Your Husband?"

Mr. King laughed and said, "You two think you cornered the market on two guys getting married?"

"Definitely not, our boss is gay," Zac responded, "and his husband is a judge."

Jim looked at Zac and you could see the love in his eyes. He then turned back to Mr. King and said, "We would be honored to join you, thank you for the offer."

Tony's guys had four horses ready in just a few minutes. While they were talking, Jim kept staring at the guys preparing the horses. He had kind of a weird look in his eye. Zac noticed and he said, "He isn't used to not saddling his own horse, I guess he wants to make sure they do it right. Besides, I'm sure that, like any good rider, he'll check the horse's bindings before riding. It's important, especially if someone else saddles the horse."

Roger asked, "Why aren't you guys riding the horses you're buying?"

"Well, Roger, those colts are just yearlings; they're really less than a year old and far too young to ride. If you ride a horse too soon, you can hurt it. Remember like any `child' it's still developing. Usually, we don't ride a horse until it's about three."

"That makes sense, I'm sorry if I'm asking stupid questions. This is the closest I've ever been to a horse," Roger said, blushing.

Jim spoke up at this point saying, "You know, Roger, in my opinion, there are no stupid questions. Asking what might seem to be a simple question to us may be something that helps build a foundation in your knowledge of a particular subject."

Zac turned to Jim and smiled, then gave him a kiss, "How did I get so lucky as to marry such a smart AND cute guy?"

About this time, Tony's men finished saddling up the four horses. Jim and Zac showed the boys how to check the saddles before they checked their own. Once they had all mounted, Tony came by with a shotgun and handed it to Zac. Zac nodded before placing it in the rifle scabbard of his saddle...just in case.

They'd been riding for a few minutes when Trevor asked, "Why do we always take a gun when we ride?"

"Trevor, my horse, Gold, and I are like one when I'm riding him, but, there was a day when I wasn't paying attention and we came across a snake that spooked Gold and I was hurt pretty bad. It was entirely my fault because I wasn't paying attention. I had a gun and had I been paying attention I could have shot the snake before it had a chance to spook Gold."

"Oh, okay, thanks! So, you two are married? You don't look old enough."

"Well, I just turned 17 a little more than a month before we married, Zac turned 18 a couple months after. I had to get permission from my Mom before I could, but that wasn't a problem. We only had to wait until it was legal in Wyoming to do it. Zac and I are soul mates; we'd be together...married or not. I'm sure of that." Jim answered.

"Well, I think it's legal here and when Roger and I are older I hope he'll agree to marry me too. I feel in my heart that we're soul mates too." Trevor glanced over at Roger who had a huge grin on his face.

"You know we are, Babe." Roger replied.

"Man, this area is pretty nice. Almost as nice as back home." Zac stated.

Jim added, "Yeah, and it even has a pond like Jackson's ranch. Anyone up for a swim?"

"Yeah, that sounds great! Roger, what do you think?" Trevor inquired.

"I'd like to, it's kinda hot, but, we're here with two others... And I don't have anything to swim in."

"We can just skinny-dip... That is if Jim and Zac don't mind."

Jim looked over at Zac who nodded before saying, "We've skinny-dipped with our one son many times... As we told him, as long as it's just guys, who cares. We're up for it!"

That's all it took and they dismounted, tied the horses to a tree, then had a race to see who could get naked first. Roger was checking out the older guys, as was Trevor.

They swam for about 30 minutes before Jim mentioned that he was getting a bit hungry so everyone got out of the water and sat down by a tree. Trevor mentioned that it was the same tree where he and his dad had a talk. Zac walked over to his saddle bag and got out a bag that Tony had given him. It had sandwiches, chips, and a couple of bottles of water. They stayed naked under the tree as they ate. Trevor commented, "Um, I hope you guys don't get the wrong impression, but I couldn't help notice that both of you have really nice bodies."

Zac laughed before he said, "You know, Trevor, we're gay, it's absolutely normal to check out another guy. I heard from Jim's brother Joe that he'd read in a story on Nifty where a writer...I think his name was True Fan or something like that said in one of his stories, `It shouldn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you only eat at home.' That means it's okay to look, but Roger should be the only one for you. Lots of gay guys hop from bed to bed, having sex with just about anyone, but when you're truly in love, that guy should be all you ever need."

Roger was laughing at that quote then said, "That quote was pretty cool. The restaurant we're going to for dinner is called, Chez Henri. Henri, the owner, is my dad. I was thinking of what you said and well, how about this one, `I may own the restaurant, but, I still like to look at the menu!'"

Everyone laughed at that one, but, Roger's reminder of dinner plans reminded Trevor that it was probably time to start heading back. The boys cleaned up their mess and put it back into the bag to take back to the ranch. They got dressed, and with the help of Jim and Zac, mounted up and started on the way back. During the ride they chatted some more. Trevor and Roger told Jim and Zac of their time in the orphanage, about finding out that they liked each other. They mentioned how Alex had treated them and how eventually, he came out to everyone.

Trevor showed them some pictures on his phone, especially the one of Nigel wearing his underoos, and he even showed them a picture of him in flower pajamas. They had a good time.

About three in the afternoon, they arrived back at Tony's ranch. Mr. King had returned and was talking with Tony when the boys rode up.

After they dismounted, Trevor was about to walk away when Jim called him back. "Trevor. If you're going to ride, you need to remember that after you ride it's your responsibility to groom the horse. I know Tony has people to do that, but it shows respect for the horse if you do it yourself. Think of it like telling the horse `Thank you'. Come over and I'll show you how."

After finishing their "chores", they joined Mr. King and Tony. "How was your ride, guys?" Mr. King asked.

"We had lots of fun, we even went skinny-dipping in the lake!" In his enthusiasm, Roger let slip.

Mr. King looked over at the Zac and Jim, all skeptical before Trevor explained it was his idea, not theirs. This seemed to appease him. They chatted for a bit before Mr. King said they needed to get going so they could shower and change for dinner. Mr. King gave directions to the restaurant to Jim and Zac before saying goodbye.

Back in Wyoming, Joe and Chris got home from the ranch and Joe asked Patrick if he wanted to go back to go riding. "No, I've not talked to Dad or Papa yet this morning. I'm worried."

With concern in his voice, Joe asked, "Are you having that same feeling as when you called them?"

"No," Patrick admitted, "but I'm still worried. It's nine and they haven't called yet."

"This is the beginning of a crossover with Priorities written by The True Fan"

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Next: Chapter 81

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