Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jan 13, 2017


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. It is a continuation of the lives of Jim and Zac Bolt along with their sons. The characters are fictional and any similarities to anyone, living or dead, are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other, their family and their friends, so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. This original story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, on Nifty, "Riding Lessons" by Andrew Todd. While "Another Chance" did pay tribute to "Riding Lessons", it was a story of its own and has its own plot and agenda. "Still Another Chance" takes up where "Another Chance" ended.

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©Copyright. Copyright owned by ZarekDragon. You may copy it for your own reading, however it may not be reproduced, uploaded, or copied in whole or in part in any way without the written consent of the author.

Still Another Chance


In Another Chance, we watched as Jim Bolt came to terms with his losses and moved on. His dad was killed by a drunk driver and Jim lost almost everything he had. He and his mom moved to another state, so he even lost touch with his friends. Once he allowed himself to open up, made several friends, he fell in love and was reunited with his horse. Let me explain, when his mom took him with her to look at a house, Jim met Zac. It was love at first sight for both of them, but they didn't know how each other felt. Zac took Jim to the ranch where he worked and Jim would eventually start working. The ranch was getting a new stallion that day and it turned out to be Gold, Jim's horse that he had to give away.

Shortly after Jim and Heather were in their new home, Jim's friends took him to get a couple of puppies which helped him cope with the loss of his dog named Shadow. The puppies, Kunoichi and Colby fell in love with Jim from the moment they saw him. And Jim instantly loved them as well. Kunoichi, or as Jim calls her, Kuno, looked so much like Shadow that Jim felt it was his departed dog giving her blessing.

Jim also had new members join his family. Two days before Jim's first Christmas in Cody, Wyoming, Joe was brought into the family. Joe's father had kicked him out of the house for being gay. Heather took him in under foster care; Jim immediately accepted him as a brother and helped Joe feel good about himself. Over time, they've had trials and tribulations, but they stuck together and helped each other not only to survive, but to thrive.

On the first day of classes after New Year's Day, Jim took Joe with him to show him around school. When they arrived in home room, Joe met a boy, and the boy became a secret admirer of Joe. On Valentine's Day, Buster revealed himself and gave Joe a five-foot teddy bear. The two have grown very close and plan to eventually marry.

During one of the "trials" that Jim and Joe faced, Nick Archer came into their lives. With him, came a boy two years their junior. His name is Chris. Nick fell in love with Heather and spent most of his free time with her. Heather accepted Chris as though he were her own and was proud of the way Jim and Joe took to him like maple syrup to a stack of pancakes.

During Jim's junior year, a young boy wormed his way into Jim's heart. His name was Jake and he had the most loving heart one could ask for. That is, except for the woman who appeared, claiming to be his birth mother and attempted to take him away from Jim and Zac. We're getting a little bit ahead here, that happened after Jim and Zac got married. Prior to that, Heather was able to take Jake in as a foster child.

Jim and Zac grew very close and married shortly after Zac graduated from high school. When they did, they immediately adopted Jake. The nice part was, Jake looked almost like a cross between Jim and Zac. Jake had become a big part of their lives and they would have it no other way.

On Zac's eighteenth birthday, Jim and his family gained another member. The day before, Nick and Heather married, but they already considered Nick and his son, Chris as members of the family. A young boy had lost his parents to drunk drivers, so Aunt Sallie Dewill, Director of the group home, hoped Jim could help him mourn his loss in a loving manner. At first, Patrick wasn't sure about staying with them because they were gay, but he was willing to be open minded. It didn't take long for him to feel accepted and he eventually discovered that he loved another boy, himself.

This story is a continuation of Another Chance with more tales and adventures involving Jim and his family. Their friends, like Dusty and Cheyenne, Matt and Gina, and Jackson, Ryan and Colt, will once again be a part of their lives. At the end of Another Chance, Jackson had just driven off, selling the majority of the ranch to Jim and Zac. Joe and Buster, along with Chris, had contributed a share of the purchase and Jackson retained a small portion. We start this story with Jim, Zac and the boys moving to the ranch.

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Next: Chapter 95: Still Another Chance 1

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