
By J Forrester

Published on Jan 20, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places and events is unintentional.

Before reading the following story, make sure you have read Anthology VI - The Spy Who Lubed Me.

It has been archived separately here:

This chapter contains MASSIVE spoilers unless you have read Anthology I - VI.


You are travelling into an alternate dimension. Do not adjust your connection to reality. Here we find a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. Welcome to the Anthology...

Anthology: The Heroes Saga – Epilogue

Across six stories, heroes have emerged with fantastic abilities and villains have matured their powers for a confrontation. The team is ready! Angelo, Matt, Jay, Milo, Steve, Hugh, Jeffrey and Max begin to assemble their resources to discover the endgame (or is it just the beginning) of their nemesis Jethro Renton-Mass. Together they must save their peer Cyrus but Mr Renton-Mass is not idle; he is devious and cunning, he has unknown powers and powerful allies... and he has a plan...

This is where it all begins.


Jay buried his face in the pillow as Matt thrust inside him. The hour was late and the building was quiet though the bedroom was filled with certain noises. The soft creak of the bed as the weight of two men shifted on it, the gentle tap of the headboard against the wall, the rustle of sheets against naked skin and the fleshy swat of a pelvis against butt cheeks.

Matt kissed the nape of Jay's neck, feeling damp hair against his nose and a faint musk. Jay's skin was shiny with sweat, his smooth back was a streak of young flesh. Jay was eighteen and Matt was nearly thirty-nine but neither seemed put off by the age difference.

Matt's cock slid back inside his lover. They had been intimate since November - since Jay discovered he had the ability to turn invisible; the same night, Matt revealed he could control the weather and Jay's brother Milo could manipulate memory.

Jay and Matt had experimented in the bedroom – using their powers in a variety of ways to spice things up. Jay was excited by sudden bursts of indoor rain during sex or the warmth of unseasonable sunshine when they'd fucked outside in February.

Matt encouraged Jay to practice his invisibility during sex as well (not just during sex) because it was important Jay understood the full scope of his ability. Jay needed to be naked to turn invisible but that might not always be the case – with practice and development, Matt believed Jay would be capable of much more impressive demonstrations of power.

Jay looked over his shoulder at Matt and pursed his lips for Matt to kiss. Matt's arms were wrapped around Jay, his dick fully inserted in Jay's ass, as he kissed the young man with great affection. Matt had been alone for more than two years before consummating things with Jay.

He had been alone since separating from his husband Cyrus – because their son had died.

Matt was close to climax and while he enjoyed having sex with Jay and he was fond, affectionate and even romantic with the young man... Matt found it hard to commit to something more.

"I really like this," Jay said.

"Me too," Matt agreed but he was glad Jay had not used any stronger language than like.

The "L" word was too soon.

Matt came inside Jay. He could feel his milky squirt inside the young man and Jay moaned loudly as he felt the warm jizz breed him. Matt pulled out and watched his slime ooze from Jay's hole. Matt smeared the head of his cock across the hole and up and down the crack between Jay's buttocks.

Jay rolled over onto his back and Matt smiled at the lean, naked young man. His cock was rigid and waiting for pleasure that Matt had denied it during penetration. Matt climbed onto all fours on the bed and leaned over the firm rod of meat. He picked it up and licked the shaft, slurping on the discharge of precum that excitedly trickled out.

Matt sucked on the head and then swallowed the shaft by bobbing his head up and down on the eighteen-year-old cock. Jay had been insecure about his body and still nursed some dysmorphia but Matt's acceptance and Milo's frankly enthusiastic interest had buoyed Jay's confidence.

As Jay and Matt became closer, Jay fretted over the fact he and Milo had sex on a regular basis. The fact Milo was his brother was also something of a concern. Matt knew about it though – because Milo was not subtle – and he was very accepting. Milo had said he'd happily have a threesome but Matt was not interested in having sex with a fifteen-year-old boy. Milo had turned fifteen a few months ago but he was still immature. Perhaps immature was unfair, Milo was: disorganised, dysfunctional, scatter-brained, inattentive, hyperactive and daft.

Matt fondled Jay's balls as the young man got closer to orgasm. Jay flitted out of sight, turning invisible as Matt still sucked on the unseen cock. When Jay came in Matt's mouth, Matt swallowed but dribbles of cum slid down the shaft like candle wax.

Because Jay's cock was invisible, the rivulets of spunk seemed suspended in mid-air as they slid over the head of the erection and then settled on an equally invisible pelvis. Matt licked the shaft, squeezing it hard to release the last drops of cum.

Jay turned visible again and Matt kissed Jay's lips with cum on his tongue.

"That was nice," Jay said.

"You're nice," Matt said.

Jay chuckled softly and lay back on the bed with his arms behind his head. His pits were exposed and Matt was tempted to nuzzle them except for the disturbance in the air. He could hear something coming, getting louder as it approached.

"Do you hear something?" Jay asked long after Matt had detected the sound.

"There's a plane approaching," Matt said. "It's really close."

Matt climbed out of bed and pulled on trousers and a long-sleeved t-shirt, though he pulled the sleeves up to reveal most of his forearms. Matt had let himself go, just a little, for a few years but had been training hard for the last six months and he was getting muscled and toned again.

Jay pulled on a dressing gown and then decided underpants were probably a good idea too so he pulled on his boxer briefs.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Jay asked.

"No," Matt replied – all business.

If they were friendly, the lack of forewarning meant danger. If they were not friendly, it meant a totally different danger. Matt slipped on shoes and walked out of the bedroom with a barefoot Jay following, his bare legs sticking out of the dressing gown.

Matt, Jay, Milo and Angelo were at the Racetrack. It was a base on the edge of Clyde Daer. For Milo, it was like a summer camp, for Jay it was where his lover was and for Matt and Angelo it was where they were working and planning the operations of their team.

The residential wing where the bedrooms were met a concourse leading to the main entrance, a rear entrance, a garage, a workshop and a variety of other multi-purpose areas. Matt headed to the operations and briefing area where he was unsurprised to find Angelo.

Angelo and Matt shared the leadership of the team and each were grateful that they largely agreed on things because a contested leadership would not be healthy. Their main focus was Jethro Renton-Mass whom Angelo had known for a (very) very long time and who was a villain with concerning plans that involved people with enhancements.

"Do we know who they are they?" Matt asked.

"I got a call an hour ago," Angelo replied – having been communicating with Kash Spendpence. "I've given them permission to land."

"Them?" Matt asked.

"Max..." Angelo replied. "And Jeffrey Yates."

"Who?" Jay asked.

Matt cast a brief sideways glace at the young man because there were some details that had not been shared with the rest of the team (indeed, Matt was certain Angelo had not shared some details with him). If the Major and Jeffrey were coming, compartmentalisation of those details was about to change.

Max had been asked to investigate Jethro Renton-Mass but someone in his management (the Glasstower) had put an end to it before he could begin. That was when Cyrus, Matt's husband, had been asked to infiltrate by impersonating Mr Renton-Mass's chief of security, Rider Topsman. Matt had not asked him though – Angelo had. Matt had not even spoken to Cyrus for nearly three years. Jeffrey meanwhile had joined the team after meeting Cyrus/ Rider – defecting from his role as one of JRM's associates.

"What's happened?" Matt asked, ignoring Jay's question.

"Shall we find out?" Angelo asked.

"Should I go get my gun?" Jay asked keenly.

"Absolutely not," Matt replied.

"Hey! I can shoot straight now. I can hit centre mass," Jay said.

"That's why no!" Matt warned him.

Angelo led the way to the prep-room between the garage and the hanger. Unlike Angelo and Matt, Jay was unused to seeing private planes. It was bloody enormous. It was taxiing into the hanger and after it came to a stop, the door opened and stairs dropped.

A tall, handsome black man with a muscular build came down the stairs first followed by an athletic man, well-built with light ginger hair and fair skin. They both wore serious expressions and matching short-sleeved t-shirts that they had found somewhere on the plane.

"Major Flemyng," Matt said cordially as he extended his hand to Max.

"Lieutenant Tempest," Max replied.

Jay looked at Matt with interest. He knew Matt had been in the Armed Forces but it was strange to see that past catch him up. Max held Matt's hand for a few seconds longer than necessary. Matt was the first man Max had ever loved (before his name was even Max) and even though he was over it, it was always nice to see him. It was strange though, meeting an old partner – Max had plenty of past lovers but few partners.

Max had already inferred Matt and Jay were in a sexual relationship – was this pure observation or was it a part of his powers? Abilities he hadn't even known about until a day ago. Max wondered what the pretty young man meant for Matt's marriage (separation).

"It's just Matt now," replied the Lieutenant.

"Call me Max," the Major said.

"Jeffrey," Angelo said to the other new arrival, trying to disrupt the awkwardness.

"It's good to finally meet you both," Jeffrey said.

Although he had joined the team, defected even, several months ago, Jeffrey had been deep inside Jethro Renton-Mass's inner circle and could hardly go to meet the enemy.

Matt looked at Jeffrey as if just realising he was there. Then he realised who was not there.

"Where's Cyrus?" Matt demanded.

"Come on. Is there somewhere we can sit down?" Max said, stepping forward and pushing between Angelo, Matt and Jay.

"Just tell me," Matt caught his arm.

Max stopped and looked at the grip on his arm and then at Matt's face. Max was weary.

"I'm really tired," Max said.

Matt let go and the team headed back towards the operations centre. Angelo stepped forward to lead the way while Max looked at Jay and smirked. The eighteen-year-old had a nice chest peeking out from his robe and his bare legs were wispy with cute bare feet and perfect toes. Max wondered if the young man was wearing anything under the robe because his mind always ran to smut.

"What's with Arthur Dent here?" Max asked Matt.

"That's Jay. He left his clothes and, thankfully, his gun in his room," Matt said moodily.

Back in ops, Angelo lead into the adjacent room – a briefing room with a table and a dozen chairs.

"Is he ok?" Matt asked quietly.

This time Matt asked Jeffrey. He knew Cyrus and Jeffrey had been working closely. He knew they had been working very closely. Matt hadn't decided if he was jealous or not.

"What did Kash tell you?" Max asked Angelo.

"You were on a mission to stop Mr Ernest Sukerfeel from activating an 8G transmission tower that could suppress certain neurobiological responses," Angelo began.

While the others were sleeping, Angelo had been updated by Kash, Max's handler, who had solicited a place for Max and Jeffrey to land.

"Part of your mission jeopardised Cyrus's cover and he offered to help you stop Mr Sukerfeel in exchange for you helping us," Angelo continued. "Then he was captured and you went to save him and finish your mission."

"Ernest Sukerfeel is dead, yes?" Matt asked.

Jay was taken aback by how casual and cold everyone sounded about intense and dangerous work. He took a seat at the table while the adults talked.

"Yes and the transmitter was destroyed," Max replied.

"Jethro Renton-Mass wanted it for some reason," Jeffrey chipped in.

"Hey, what's everyone doing up?" said a small voice.

All eyes looked to the beanpole of a boy standing in the doorway wearing only white briefs with banana's printed on them. He was tall and thin and Max saw the resemblance to Jay right away – the little brother who was as tall as Jay despite being two or three years younger.

"We're working. Come and sit down," Jay said to the fifteen-year-old.

"Oh hi," Milo said sheepishly as he spotted strangers.

Max nodded and Jeffrey offered a hand lift of a wave.

Milo powerwalked to Jay and whispered in his ear at an unreasonable volume.

"What is my future husband doing here and does he know I'm single?" Milo said without an ounce of subtly – literally pointing at Max.

Jay was humiliated, blushing and putting his head in his hands while Max chuckled. Milo smiled at Max and then sat on Jay's lap despite there being eleven more chairs. Big brother didn't seem to mind because he put his arms around Milo and hugged his flat tummy. Max wasn't interested in the boy sexually but he was cute, smooth and tall for a boy.

"How was Cyrus captured?" Matt asked impatiently.

"By Jethro Renton-Mass?" Max asked.

Because technically Cyrus had been captured by Ernest Sukerfeel first.

"Timmy was there. I think he used mind control to trick Cyrus and learn his secret," Jeffrey offered.

"Who is Cyrus and what is his secret?" Milo asked.

"Cyrus is Matt's husband... separated," Jay told his little brother.

"...separated," said Angelo, Matt, Max, Jeffrey and even Milo.

"And he's a shapeshifter," Max revealed.

"Wow! That is so cool!" Milo interjected excitedly.

"That is actually quite cool," Jay whispered in agreement and Milo jiggled happily.

"We need to go get him," Matt insisted.

Jay watched his lover because Matt spoke so definitively and hastily about his (separated) husband and he felt some jealousy.

"Maybe we should take a minute first," Angelo said carefully.

"I don't want to take a minute. We can't afford to waste time," Matt replied but he knew he was being irrational

"You're not the only one that cares about him," Jeffrey said softly. "Now that Timmy and Jethro Renton-Mass have him, we need to be careful."

Max watched the exchanges carefully and was thinking constantly. He was thinking that Timmy probably hadn't even left the Isle of Frith after they crippled his plane and stranding him on the dead billionaire's island... with all his resources would prove to be problematic sometime in the future.

"What is this man up to? Jethro Renton-Mass, I mean. What is the goal here?" Jay asked.

"Yea, we've never exactly been clear on who we're up against or why," Milo admitted.

Angelo and Matt shared a look. Matt's impatience was still bubbling under but he had brought his foolhardiness under control. The two leaders were trying to decide if the time had come to tell everyone everything they knew, to share and collate their knowledge. Matt nodded and then so did Angelo.

"If we're going to have this conversation, it shouldn't be in the middle of the night," Angelo said.

"And we should gather the whole team," Matt added.

Another two young men were on the team but Steve and Hugh were absent. Between them, the team – the SEX Men – had an extraordinary array of powers: chronal cognition, weather control, invisibility, memory manipulation, synesthetic empathy, translocation and mind control.

"Is this a superpowers-only club?" Max asked cautiously.

"No, we'd like you to stay. We'll need your help, if you can," Matt replied.

Helping the SEX Men would mean defying the Glasstower's instructions to not interfere with Jethro Renton-Mass. His career in SCION, the secret service subdivision he worked for, could be over.

"The thing it, I may not be..." Max found himself confessing but he didn't know how to admit it.

The knowledge that he had and arousal augmentation ability was still new to him.

"My parents were nu-men," Max said. "I was given to understand that abilities, Specially Enhanced Xenogeny, were not genetic. They're spontaneous, not genetic?"

"That's right," Angelo replied. "It's complicated exactly where abilities come from."

"Right... so the chances of someone with powers having a parent or parents with abilities..." Max asked.

"Would be astronomical," Matt said.

"Are Steve and Hugh coming here then?" Milo asked.

The teenager could be inattentive, easily bored and even more easily distracted. Jay kissed the back of his brother's neck and squeezed him tighter. Little brother enjoyed the attention – indeed, he enjoyed fucking his bottom big brother – and quietened down for a moment while the boring exposition continued. It was probably important.

"The thing is, Jethro Renton-Mass told me I have powers," Max said. "Arousal augmentation and seduction. How can I have powers if my parents did?"

"You can't," Matt replied with a look of genuine shock and bewilderment. "It's impossible."

"That's what I said," Max replied.

Angelo however was not bewildered but he was shocked.

"So that's what he's up to," Angelo muttered as he finally sat down.

Everyone looked at him.

"You've figured it out?" Matt asked.

"I think so. It's complicated. But I don't know how or why Jethro would do this," Angelo confessed.

"I know the Denego Potentia Department is an independent secret service that has multiple cells and groups but Mr Renton-Mass said the DPD knew about me?" Max offered.

Max should not have abilities! But he did. Angelo was trying to decide how much to say. If it was true that Denego Potentia knew about Max then the Angel's must have known, probably for some time, what Jethro was up to.

"I need time to get this straight in my head," Angelo said but he looked ashen.

"And we need to gather the team," Matt said.

"And we need to be ready to face Mr Renton-Mass," Jeffrey added.

"He has an army. I'll help you prepare for the less extraordinary resources he has," Max offered.

"Is the meeting adjourned?" Milo asked sleepily.

He jumped out of Jay's lap and didn't even notice the cheeky semi that was tenting his briefs. Jay hid his boner and remained seated.

"Yes Milo," Matt replied. "You can go to bed now."

Milo lifted both arms to wave goodnight, proffering both his peach fuzz pits to the men in the room.

"I'm a little bit unclear on who you guys are," Jay decided to interrupt.

Angelo, Matt, Jeffrey and Max were the adults in the room and Milo very much the kid but Jay was somewhere in between and he felt excluded from the grown-up group.

"I'm Jeffrey. Mind controller. I've been working for Jethro Renton-Mass for a year and a half trying to learn everything I can about him," Jeffrey summarised respectfully. "I'm a spy."

"So, who exactly is this guy?" Jay asked as he pointed to Max.

"I work for Security Counter-Intelligence Observation & Neutralization. SION is part of the Albion Intelligence Network," Agent 117 replied. "The name's Bind, Max..."

"Max Bind?" Milo interjected, laughing hysterically. "Maximum Bind?"

All eyes turned on the boy who slowly stopped laughing at the name that had seemed so hilarious a moment ago.

"What?" Milo said innocently.


Jethro Renton-Mass didn't think of himself as evil. He was old though; he had lived a long life and seen a few things. He was old enough to know that evil was an ingredient of the world. What people thought of as evil (amongst other things like power or influence) was really an emergent property of a long life and an intricate world. Jethro had a view of the world that others did not share because they had not lived the same life.

Jethro had helped dictators and tyrants, he had advised kind kings and quixotic queens, he had counselled killers, deviants and philanthropists. Jethro had watched friends die, his people nearly wiped out, the Angels nearly extinct themselves and the rise of the others. The nu-men.

Jethro was alone in his office in the Moonscraper building – waiting.

He had been waiting for a long, long time and it was exciting to see pawns arranged in the ranks and files with the minor and major pieces waiting for the next move. Jethro looked up as Timmy walked into the office. He touched a switch on the desk and the lights came up, illuminating him in a spotlight and the halo capturing Timmy at the edge.

As Timmy walked into the light, Jethro knew things had not gone exactly to plan, which was fine. Strategy was about anticipating and compensating.

"Well?" Jethro asked.

"I have some good news and some bad news," Timmy said breezily.

The young man was a boy. Impish, immature, arrogant and overconfident. Timmy also wore a façade of poise and nonchalance. He was a powerful young man who chose to work for Jethro Renton-Mass, who chose to be subservient which was ironic given his (borderline and sometimes across-the-line) sadistic tendencies when it came to controlling the minds of others. His confidence masked his insecurity that Jethro would be angry with what he was about to say.

"The bad news?" Jethro asked.

"Agent 117 destroyed the transmitter that Mr Sukerfeel constructed. It can't be salvaged," Timmy reported. "Also, Ernest Sukerfeel is dead."

"That's vexing," Jethro said briefly.

It was to be expected. Jethro had not set the young man up to fail but he had anticipated Max would outwit Timmy. He had hoped the spy would fail but Jethro planned for the worst as well as the best. As for Ernest Sukerfeel being dead – Jethro would have killed him soon enough if Max hadn't. It would have been useful to have him alive for a while and his death would complicate the acquisition of any useful assets, technology or data he had but it couldn't be helped. What's done is done.

No-one could go back in time and change the past. Not even the Angels.

"I assume Max has also escaped?" Jethro asked and Timmy nodded. "Any other pieces of bad news?"

"Jeffrey has betrayed us," Timmy said.

"Of course he has," Jethro replied.

Jethro had not really anticipated this beyond the assumption that any one of the people working for him might betray him eventually. If Max and Jeffrey joined the SEX Men team, their combined powers would be impressive.

"The good news?" Jethro moved on.

"The good news is I captured Rider Topsman," Timmy boasted.

Jethro did not reply because he could tell there was more. Let the young man gloat for a moment and then get on with it.

"Except he's not Rider. He can change his face and his body. He's a nu-man with shape-shifting abilities," Timmy revealed.

Jethro was finally engaged. He stood up, interested, keen and even impressed.

"Did you ask him his name?" Jethro enquired.

"Cyrus Hyatt," Timmy replied.

Jethro chucked and approached Timmy with great affection. Cyrus Hyatt indeed.

"Well done, Timmy," Jethro praised the young man.

"Thank you," Timmy responded.

"Cyrus Hyatt is married, separated, to one of our known enemies," Jethro said. "Matt Tempest."

Timmy had a fascinatingly introspective response. Jethro could see the young man thinking about the consequences and trying to extrapolate what it might mean.

"He'll try to rescue his husband, won't he?" Timmy asked.

"I expect so," Jethro said vaguely.

He turned away from Timmy and returned to his desk, sitting on the edge and facing Timmy.

"There are some things I'd like to learn about Cyrus and his friends before they come for him," Jethro told Timmy.

"I'll ask him," Timmy said threateningly.

"But first there is something else you can do for me, Timmy," Jethro said.

Timmy could tell it was important. The young man enjoyed controlling men – from his father to the houseboy to his Year 10 English teacher. But the respect and trust of Jethro Renton-Mass meant more to him. Timmy knew he was a very gifted person but Angels like Mr Renton-Mass were a level above and Timmy appreciated that power.

"Can I trust you?" Jethro asked the young man.

Jethro trusted Timmy's eagerness and ambition if nothing else.

"Yes," Timmy replied.

"There is a boy being held in a safehouse. As soon as we've taken him, Angelo and his team will know. Cyrus is a motivating factor for Matt, the boy will motivate Angelo," Jethro revealed.

Angelo and Matt were the leaders of the SEX Men, their interest would engage the others.

"You want them to move against you?" Timmy asked.

It was too hard to explain what he wanted. How could Jethro explain emergent properties? That complex systems give rise to complex systems? It had already started – a long time ago.

"I'll tell you where to find the boy. We'll have one chance so take your time and plan it well. We'll secure him here at the base," Jethro replied, not answering Timmy's question.

"The young man... the boy... he's gifted?" Timmy asked enthusiastically and Jethro nodded. "He's a nu-man then? Like me?"

Jethro stood up from his perch on the edge of the desk. He approached Timmy with an almost fatherly affection and put his hands on Timmy's shoulders, looking down at Timm's sweet face and bright eyes.

"Not like you Timmy. Like me," Jethro replied. "The boy is an Angel."

Jethro Renton-Mass will return in...

The SEX Men

Nifty has archived Anthology VI – The Spy Who Lubed Me separately from the other stories in the Anthology series. It contains important details that set up The SEX Men. If you didn't read it before this, find it here:

I am literally writing The SEX Men now and hope to share it this summer. Stay tuned to my blog or the sf-fantasy section. It would be awesome if you enjoyed this story and even more awesome (awesomer?) if you contacted me to let me know.

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My stories so far:

Complete series: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told and A Series of Embarrassing Events.

Ongoing (series): Noah, the Embarrassed Nudist.

Ongoing (interconnected) short stories: Anthology.

Short stories: Aiden's Accidental Autoerotic Assignment, Jogging Joe's Jaunty Journey and Peter's Past Posing Pictures

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