
By J Forrester

Published on Jun 17, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places and events is unintentional. Please enjoy in safe and legal manner.


You are travelling into an alternate dimension. Do not adjust your connection to reality. Here we find a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. Welcome to the Anthology...

Anthology (III) - You're the Boss, part two

Ok, let's try this again.

Timmy can control minds, blah blah blah, rich daddy, rich rival tries to infiltrate his business, Timmy's going to seduce a corporate spy. Timmy's loves controlling men for sexual gratification. Can Timmy's talents successfully seduce the right man this time?


Jeffrey laughed awkwardly at the joke a woman was telling him. She was wearing a short black dress that showed off her legs, her ass and her boobs but Jeffrey wasn't into it. Across the room he could see someone more his type – a handsome man in his mid-twenties with a slim build, black hair and dark eyebrows that made his eyes look deep. Jeffrey would love to be deep inside him right now. The young man was well dressed and bustling between the guests to keep them all happy.

Jeffrey wanted the butler or valet or whatever their job title was nowadays to come and make him happy. If he thought he'd get away with it Jeffrey would have asked the man for a blowjob while the woman continued her joke.

She was laughing.

Had the joke finished?

Jeffrey laughed.

Jeffrey had the build of an American footballer – tall, broad and muscular. He had light ginger hair set against fair skin that was decorated with orange freckles – as if his body longed to be ginger too and had added some reminders.

Jeffrey was a new employee at Bus Tracks, recruited by Mr Kotes himself. Jeffrey was a handsome thirty-five-year-old man; he was also gayer than Mike Pence's boyfriend but much less secretive about it. He was about to dissuade the flirtatious woman in front of him when she lifted her knee to stroke her leg against his and grabbed his crotch with her hand.


"Please stop touching me," Jeffrey said firmly.

She let go immediately and put her leg down, embarrassed; she was used to seducing men and succeeding. She didn't normally give up even when the guy said no. However, from the gorgeous ginger man she stepped back as if stung – she was a little stung by the rejection.

"Sorry... don't you want to..." she started to ask.

"No thank you," Jeffrey replied.

"Oh... sorry..." she responded despondently.

She was not used to being rejected and Jeffrey felt almost a stab of guilt that he hadn't been gentler.

"Forget about it," Jeffrey reassured her; "You can go now."

She should have left in a huff after being rejected but instead she sauntered across to the next most handsome man in the room.

Jeffrey moved on too – his eyes following the sexy butler as he... butlered... his way around the room. Buttlered? Buttled? Whatever the butler was doing, Jeffrey watched it. The butler had a nice butt. Bottomed? No, that's something else.

When Jeffrey saw the butler heading for a door at the side of the room, he made to follow. As he walked through the room, he spied the Higgs boson of the party – Mr Warren Kotes himself. Mr Kotes on the other side of the room - his new employer, the CEO of Bus Tracks, was a striking man in his mid-late forties. He'd made his fortune cultivating a fleet of public transport and cargo transporters. More recently, his company had developed a social media platform called BusTraks that had proved to be surprisingly lucrative.

Mr Kotes was surrounded by a crowd of ingratiating cretins of which Jeffrey felt no need to be a part. He was subtler and shrewder than that; he knew how to bide his time. Jeffrey had agreed to attend the party at the behest of his other employer, Mr Blockerberg – a fierce rival whose social media platform Ego-Log was more widely used, more popular and more profitable. Nevertheless, both men were constantly trying to out-do each other in terms of wealth, power and influence.

Mr Blockerberg had suggested Jeffrey ingratiate himself to Mr Kotes by attending the party but it was hard work and he deserved a break.

Jeffrey followed the butler out the door.

"Excuse me?" Jeffrey called.

The butler had a great ass and when he turned back, he smiled a smile that got bigger when he saw who had called. He tilted his head enquiringly before speaking.

"Can I help you?" the butler asked.

"You can tell me your name," Jeffrey suggested.

"Michael," he replied politely and turned to leave.

"Don't go yet," Jeffrey pleaded.

He watched the man hesitate for a split second before stopping and Jeffrey felt sorry for him – Michael might get into trouble for not working.

"I'm Jeffrey. Why don't I walk with you?" Jeffrey suggested.

Michael nodded and they walked together. Michael looked fit in his dark suit with white shirt; he was clearly staff but he looked good. Jeffrey was dressed in a blue suit with matching tie and a white shirt. Jeffrey was taller than Michael and carried extra muscle but the butler was clearly very fit.

"Can I ask what you wanted from me, sir?" Michael asked.

Sir? Shit, that was a good one. Jeffrey liked that.

"I wanted you to make me happy," Jeffrey admitted.

"Oh?" Michael answered. Then there was a hitch in his step; "Sorry, Jeffrey but we're about to leave the business wing of the house."

Michael stopped and turned to Jeffrey, backing into a door that swung open to reveal a service corridor. He eyed Jeffrey the same way Jeffrey had eyed him. Jeffrey knew that if he asked Michael to go somewhere quiet with him, he would be powerless to resist. However, Michael had a job to do. Like Jeffrey, Michael was quite new to his job but he liked the Kotes family and he had been briefed on the ginger stranger. Michael knew what to do and hoped Jeffrey fared ok with whatever was to happen next.

"This is a big house. There's a suite upstairs we could use... I have a break in ten minutes if you want to be happy for half an hour?" Michael asked.

"Half an hour might not be long enough to make me truly happy, Michael" Jeffrey flirted.

"Meet me upstairs?" Michael pleaded.

Michael had been offered a big bonus if he could lure the ginger stranger upstairs. It was almost too easy; maybe his employer knew Jeffrey's type? Michael himself wasn't into men but even he could tell Jeffrey was a sexy man – seducing him was easy when he knew he wouldn't need to actually do anything.

"Take the stairs, turn right and then straight on till morning," Michael said.

"Straight on till morning sounds more like it," Jeffrey enthused.

Michael laughed and stepped into the service corridor to continue his butlering.

The house was huge. Embarrassingly, scandalously, outrageously huge. Jeffrey looked around for the stairs and found them; he stepped up but was aware he had left the business side of Kotes Mansion. Getting caught could mean some tricky questions that were best avoided. Then again, he wasn't much help to Mr Blockerberg if he couldn't snoop around when no-one was looking.

Except, at the end of the corridor, Jeffrey realised someone was looking.

The most beautiful kid he'd ever seen was watching him from the end of the corridor. Straight on till morning?

Timmy wondered if Michael had felt any guilt at manoeuvring Jeffrey into position. Timmy could take care of it later if Michael did – he liked the young man. Michael was young, keen to please and looked great; Timmy had never restrained himself when it came to domestic staff and other men in his dad's employ – he certainly wasn't going to start now, not with someone as attractive as Michael.

But now wasn't the time. For now, all his attention was focused on Jeffrey – he molested Jeffrey's brain with desire and lust and appreciation of twinky pulchritude.

Timmy watched Jeffrey come closer – he was uncertain but Timmy suspected that, being caught, he would try to talk his way out of it. Good luck with that, Timmy thought.

This was going to be interesting. Jeffrey was, after all, the man he'd been waiting for – after the faux pas with Bill, Timmy was fully ready for the real pawn in his father's rivalry with Ellis Blockerberg. A lot of work had been put into getting Jeffrey to this place.

Jeffrey felt infatuated with the boy in front of him – he was pestered by a yearning that was not quite natural. Perhaps Jeffrey felt that way because he was thirty-five and the kid looked half that age.

As Jeffrey got closer to the kid, he could see he was... well, Jeffrey wasn't quite sure how old the kid was. He felt slightly hazy like a heavy head cold passed over him, carried on the wind. He had never felt anything like it before; it only lasted a few seconds and then Jeffrey thought he was thinking clearly again.

The kid was in his late teens, petite, long legs and body and big brown eyes.

"Sorry, I was..." Jeffrey started to say when he got close enough to make his excuse.

"You were... what?" Timmy asked because Jeffrey never finished his sentence.

Timmy was wearing baby-blue shorts that showed off his long and then boyish legs with their wispy hairs and bare his feet. On top, Timmy wore a short-sleeved t-shirt the same colour, which showed off his skinny arms, emphasised his scrawny chest and petite waist and the neckline exposed his bony clavicle.

Timmy smiled – silently already working on Jeffrey's mind.

"Sorry, I was miles away," Jeffrey explained; "To tell you the truth, I came up here to meet someone."

Jeffrey figured he shouldn't lie to the kid – surely Mr Kotes son – but he didn't have to, did he? Jeffrey really was there to meet Michael but while he waited, he had intended on attempting to access Mr Kotes personal space to start digging for information that would be useful to his other employer - Mr Blockerberg. Now, Jeffrey couldn't stop looking at the kid with the gorgeous curls of brown hair.

"You're not supposed to be up here," said the kid.

"Probably not," Jeffrey admitted and he felt admonished.

Jeffrey's eyes fell on the kid's bare legs, travelling up to his knees and noticing the hazy hint of almost invisible hair on the inside of the kid's thighs.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," the young man said – time to get started.

Almost automatically, Jeffrey reached for the mobile phone in his pocket.

"I was only joking," the kid laughed delightedly.

"Right! Of course," Jeffrey replied as if uncertain why he'd even contemplated snapping a picture of the kid.

"You can keep looking though... I insist," the kid flirted.

"Oh yea?" Jeffrey decided to flirt harmlessly back.

"Sure," the kid responded – pushing harder on Jeffrey's mind to impel him to gaze with greater adoration.

Timmy put his hand on his hip and slightly lifted it, briefly exposing his hip before letting the t-shirt fall again. His leg was at an angle and one bare foot touched the floor with only his toes as if he were emulating an innocent, hangdog expression.

"I'm Timmy. My daddy is downstairs... it's his party but he doesn't let me drink... even though I'm old enough," Timmy said – deliberately dropping his age into the conversation.

Simultaneously, Timmy assailed Jeffrey's mind with affirmation and doubt about the chronological accuracy.

"I'm Jeffrey," he replied; "You're eighteen, are you?"

Jeffrey did not look or sound convinced.

"Yes," Timmy replied.

Timmy could see Jeffrey's features relax as he was convinced to believe.

"Do you want to see my room?" Timmy suggested – sounding like an innocent kid.

It was not much of a suggestion, it was an invocation. Timmy spun around and Jeffrey looked at the kid's tight little ass and his bare calves. Sweet Jesus, the kid was stunning.

"I really was coming up here to meet someone," Jeffrey said.

Only after he said it did he realise he might get Michael into trouble. Still, he was following Timmy into his bedroom.

"You looked like you were snooping," Timmy commented.

"Maybe I was a little," Jeffrey agreed in the hope that he wouldn't be pressed further.

Last time Jeffrey had been in the bedroom of an eighteen-year-old boy, he had been an eighteen-year-old boy and that was nearly eighteen years ago. Timmy's bedroom was large – it was inside a mansion after all – but it had many of the qualities that a good teenage boys' bedroom should have.

For one thing, it had a pretty eighteen-year-old kid in it.


"I love your ginger hair and the way you like to dress," Timmy said.

Jeffrey chuckled and realised the kid was charming and witty as well as scandalously flirtatious and seductive. Was he being seduced?

"I like the way you're dressed," Jeffrey replied.

The contrast between their attire couldn't be starker – Jeffrey was in an expensive blue suit, shirt, tie and shoes while Timmy was barefoot in loose shorts and a t-shirt.

"You like looking at me, don't you?" Timmy asserted.

Jeffrey felt his eyes drawn to Timmy's bare feet and legs... then higher to the dent in the front of his shorts that was partially obscured by the t-shirt that wrapped around his skinny torso. Maybe Jeffrey did like looking at Timmy. What did that mean? What did it say about a man who usually chased handsome men, suddenly attracted to a skinny kid?

"Yes," Jeffrey answered because he felt he should say so aloud.

"You like it because I'm just a kid," Timmy said; "You want to play with me, right? You want to take off my clothes and touch me, don't you? Do it, Jeffrey."

Timmy pushed the command hard at Jeffrey who smirked immediately and acted a second later. Jeffrey stepped closer to the kid and slid his fingertips into the neckline of Timmy's t-shirt. He pulled it down, stretching it to get a better look at Timmy's chest. Timmy gasped and when Jeffrey let go of the neckline to grab the bottom of the t-shirt, Timmy felt a surge of excitement. He could feel Jeffrey's hands near his penis – perilously close to the flaccid teenage dick. Jeffrey started to lift Timmy's t-shirt but when he caught his first glimpse of Timmy's bare tummy, the kid spoke again.

"Maybe you shouldn't," Timmy said in an unexperienced voice.

Timmy put no impetus behind the sentence. It wasn't a command - it was just words, an act. Jeffrey caught the innocent tone but didn't believe it for a moment.

"You know you want to, Timmy," Jeffrey said.

He was still acting on the command Timmy had sent – take off his clothes and touch him. Jeffrey pulled the t-shirt higher, seeing the kid's flat chest and lovely pink-brown nipples.

"I've never done this before," Timmy lied before the top came over his head.

Jeffrey didn't know it was a lie but he was turned on by the notion of inexperience virgin inexperience. Despite his verbal objection, Timmy raised his arms as the t-shirt was pulled off; like a kid being undressed but his dad. Jeffrey took in the sight of two beautiful, velvety concaves of Timmy's armpits before pulling the t-shirt all the way off and leaving Timmy shirtless. Now dressed only in his blue shorts, Timmy looked very sweet.

Timmy acted an anxious expression as Jeffrey began to touch his chest, caressing his skin and groping his pecs. Timmy worriedly bit his lip as Jeffrey lifted his arms to get a better look at the kid's armpits. Jeffrey saw short wisps of wiry hair in the axilla and prodded the otherwise smooth hollow with his fingers.

"I'm a little bit scared," Timmy said; "I mean, you're a man and I'm just a kid..."

Jeffrey's cock gave a jolt at the feigned innocence of the kid – it was an act wasn't it? Timmy was pushing hard on Jeffrey's mind to sell the innocent narrative but it was an act, wasn't it? Timmy continued to silently push tiny thoughts and dirty desires into Jeffrey's head, manipulating him into the nasty narrative. Timmy had no illusions that using his powers to coerce or persuade or force – pick your adjective – people to do things was morally questionable.

Timmy had essentially made Bill, a straight man, molest him. The fact that they both enjoyed it did not change the abusive undertone of Timmy's manipulations. With great power came great irresponsibility – Timmy wouldn't be a teenager forever and maybe one day he would appreciate how wrong it was to use his power in this way. Or maybe not. Not today, either way.

"Don't be scared, Timmy. I'll take good care of you," Jeffrey replied.

Jeffrey, being taller and broader than Timmy, loomed over the kid. He bent down and lifted Timmy's chin before kissing him. The muscular man in the suit kissing the shirtless kid in his own bedroom; Jeffrey was still touching Timmy's bare skin as they kissed and he seemed unable to stop.

Jeffrey's hands sank lower and pushed the thin cotton shorts down an inch and then another inch. The waistband was now low on Timmy's hips, his short pubes almost on show and the long curve between his cute bellybutton and his shorts was a deep dive of smooth skin.

Jeffrey slid his hands into the back of Timmy's shorts and groped the kid's pert little mounds of ass-flesh. Timmy pressed himself closer to Jeffrey so their crotches collided and he could feel a thick rod of hard cock in Jeffrey's trousers.

"I'm nearly naked," Timmy noted with the intention of having his shorts off any second.

Jeffrey felt the urge to take Timmy's shorts down but then he wanted to be undressed too; he smirked at the thought of the kid undressing an older man.

"Why don't you take off my clothes for me?" Jeffrey said.

Jeffrey carefully watched Timmy's eyes as they assimilated the request. His eyes grew wide at the thought of undressing a man. Timmy was excited to see Jeffrey naked so he postponed his own desire to be naked.

"Oh, I dunno if that's a good idea," Timmy played along.

"Sure it is, kid. Be a good boy and help me out of my suit," Jeffrey said.

Timmy reached up and grabbed the lapels of Jeffrey's suit, parting the sides to slide the jacket off his shoulders; it took but a few seconds for Jeffrey's arms to slide out of the sleeves. Timmy didn't even wait, he reached up and unknotted the tie, sliding it free and popping the top button of the shirt collar.

"Before that, why don't I sit down and you can take my shoes and socks off?" Jeffrey said.

"Ok, Jeffrey," Timmy replied.

Jeffrey sat on Timmy's bed. Timmy, the eighteen-year-old son of his employer, was knelt at Jeffrey's feet and unlacing his shoes. He pulled them off and then pulled the socks off too. Jeffrey had tufts of gingery-blonde hair on his toes and the top of his foot and above the ankle, Jeffrey could see hints of the hazy spray of gingery-blond hair that covered Jeffrey's legs.

Timmy slid his hands up Jeffrey's fucking muscular thighs, emphasised all the more now he was sitting, and pulled at the button and zip of the trousers. They popped open and Jeffrey stood up; as he did so, his groin shunted into Timmy's tender face and the kid felt a thick, semi-hard python of cock inside the man's trousers. Jeffrey tugged his shirt free from where it was tucked in and enjoyed his view of the skinny kid's naked shoulders, face inches from a grown man's groin and smooth back.

While Timmy unbuttoned Jeffrey's shirt, he was looking at the teenager's legs – quite smooth but with curls of wispy hair. When Timmy finished unbuttoning Jeffrey's shirt, he pulled it open to see a muscular chest and abdomen. More gingery-blonde hair sprayed across his chest and descended like an inverted triangle pointing down to his navel.

"You're so manly, Jeffrey," Timmy said.

"And you're cute as a button, Timmy," Jeffrey replied.

Timmy smirked – it was him after all who had implanted Jeffrey's attraction to his young body.

Timmy stood up so he could slide the shirt off Jeffrey's big shoulders and wrestled the sleeves from his arms. The clothes were scattered around the boy's bedroom and Timmy loved the thought of his childish clothes mixing with Jeffrey's adult attire.

Jeffrey put his best foot forward and covered Timmy's toes with his own, playing with the bare teenage foot. Timmy felt his svelte leg caressed by Jeffrey's big foot and then the foot-play stopped. Jeffrey took a step forward so his big bare chest collided with Timmy's little torso; Timmy felt his dick and balls swing inside his shorts and Jeffrey felt them too when they swung into his groin.

A soft little tap against his thigh.

Timmy blushed and it was adorable.

"Do you want to take my shorts off now?" Timmy pressed with his voice and mind.

He wanted Jeffrey to say it aloud; "I want to take your shorts off." Timmy's eyes were downcast in the pretence of innocence but also because he was looking at the open trousers of the hot man in front of him and the great bulge within that was teasing him.

"Step back and take your shorts off for me, Timmy," Jeffrey replied.

"I don't know if I should," Timmy pretended to be reluctant.

"Sure you should," Jeffrey insisted; "Be a good boy and show me what you've got."

If Timmy didn't know better, he'd think the man was trying to embarrass him instead of the other way around. However, turnabout was fair play.

"But then you'll see me..." Timmy had been going to say naked but changed his mind. Pathetically, he said; "Jeffrey, you'll see me with no clothes on."

Jeffrey smirked – using the moments before Timmy removed his shorts to imagine him nude.

"I don't know if I should be... n-naked in front of a man," Timmy said shifting nervously on his bare feet.

"Timmy," Jeffrey whispered softly as he gently stroked the kid's arm; "Take your little shorts off."

Timmy stepped backwards, continuing to face the man, and then stopped. He pushed the shorts down in one motion and they piled around his ankles. The move was so sudden that Jeffrey's eyes took time to take it all in – the flaccid dick and loose balls were just the cutest thing. Timmy's pubes were short and his penis was several inches long and plump.

"You can't stop looking at me," Timmy intoned.

"Maybe you could put your hands on your head?" Jeffrey said, unable to tear his eyes away from the naked kid.

Timmy did so gingerly – he didn't need to act reluctant to expose himself like that but he also felt eager to please the seductive older man.

Timmy was a beautiful kid and Jeffrey found himself drawing on distrust that the kid had told the truth about his age – the kid didn't look his proclaimed age. Now in his mid-thirties, Jeffrey tried to remember how mature he looked at that age.

"Are you really eighteen?" Jeffrey asked suspiciously.

Timmy relished the uncertainty in Jeffrey's voice – the temptation to stop and the awakening of guilt. Timmy stepped forward and onto his tiptoes to kiss Jeffrey's lips. After a few seconds, Timmy felt Jeffrey's hands on his head and brushing through the curly hair. Tongues came next as the man and boy continued to intimately embrace and smack lips.

Jeffrey felt the kid's hand on his crotch and then felt those hands work their way around the waist of the trousers until they could be pushed down. They tumbled and Jeffrey shifted his legs to prompt the trousers all the way to the floor.

Timmy's naked genitals kept pressing into Jeffrey's fabric clad cock and balls. Jeffrey was just thinking Timmy should take the trousers away from his feet when the kid stopped kissing and knelt down to do just that.

Timmy loved the hazy sprigs of gingery-blonde hair on Jeffrey's legs, the hair became more matted above the knee, clinging flat to the surface of his inner thighs. When the trousers were free and the only item of clothes between them was Jeffrey's boxers, Timmy knew it was time for more exciting things to happen. He caressed Jeffrey's legs and looked up at the man.

Jeffrey was looking down and the naked teenager and was transfixed by his big brown eyes. A stab of guilt happened again – was this kid really that inexperienced and innocent? At the same time;

"You could put your face in my crotch," Jeffrey suggested.

It was such a sensible and reasonable request that Timmy gladly obeyed. Jeffrey's crotch was moist and tinged with odour that was not unpleasant. It was a manly scent that filled Timmy's nostrils and made his dick thicken. Jeffrey's cock was thickening too. Timmy continued to mash his little face into Jeffrey's groin, feeling dick and balls bashing across his face.

"You're doing a good job, kid," Jeffrey encouraged; "Put me in your mouth."

Timmy used his lips to clamp Jeffrey's cock which was getting even harder now. It grew unmanageable but Jeffrey put his hand on Timmy's head to mash the kids face into his groin. Timmy could barely breath – between the powerful aroma, the big balls and the massive cock.

Timmy muffled a protest – perhaps his first genuine objection – so Jeffrey let go. Timmy stood up – naked and semi-hard and gazed at the outline of the boner in Jeffrey's boxers. He was panting and could still taste the tainted fabric of day-old underwear in his mouth.

"Do you want to see it?" Jeffrey offered.

"I-I don't know if I should," Timmy said.

"C'mon, you can't back out now," Jeffrey said.

Jeffrey reached for Timmy's dick and held it in his hand. It grew after a few tugs and was surprisingly big. It was a very above average seven inches and Jeffrey would be more than happy to suck it.

"I want to see you naked," Timmy demanded.

Timmy felt like he had lost focus and reminded himself he was supposed to be in control here – driving the man into what he would perceive as a sexually perverted liaison.

"Ok," Jeffrey replied; "You have a great dick by the way."

Jeffrey let go of Timmy's cock and pushed his boxers so Timmy could get what he wanted – to see him naked. Jeffrey's freed cock was a monster – even bigger than Timmy's. It was over eight inches long and thicker, the head was oozing and it was a gloriously topped with a sunshine of gingery-blonde pubes.

Jeffrey stepped out of them and was finally naked. They were both finally naked – the big man and the petite kid. Timmy was thinking of what to do next because he had no manual for seduction; he took each man separately and built a narrative that fit them.

Timmy enjoyed manipulating and manoeuvring them and most never even noticed. That was the best part – when men thought it was all their own idea to strip and fuck around with little Timmy.

"You have a great dick too," Timmy responded; "What do you do with it?"

Timmy was pressing on Jeffrey's mind – encouraging him towards depravity.

"I put it in your face," Jeffrey replied; "Get on your knees and suck it, you little fucker."

That was more like it! Timmy was very pleased.

Jeffrey could hardly believe he had just said that, did the kid like that kind of talk?

The answer was self-evident when Timmy dropped to his knees and took a hold of the biggest and fattest hard-on he'd ever seen.


Timmy gave it a few strokes to get a feel the hot meat – so to speak. He licked his lips and looked up nervously and uncertainly at Jeffrey. Timmy impressed his hesitation and simultaneously invoked Jeffrey's sexual hunger.

"Kiss it," Jeffrey said.

Timmy kissed Jeffrey's cock.

"Lick it. All the way up and down," Jeffrey said.

Timmy held the cock and licked the sensitive, exposed head; then he licked down the shaft and felt the weight of Jeffrey's cock on his face, the underside of the head poking Timmy in the eye before the kid licked back to the tip of the raging erection.

"Put it in your mouth," Jeffrey told Timmy.

"I don't know..." Timmy feigned.

"Put my cock in your mouth, Timmy," Jeffrey demanded slowly.

The boy slowly took the eight-inch cock into his mouth and contrived and expression of dislike for the taste of the big dick but really, he was marvelling in the feel of the challenging suck.

Timmy's technique suggested he was no first timer at sucking cock. His tongue licked and swirled, his lips pressed and sucked. His mouth was a warm cave of spit and cock-juice that the kid gulped down.

"You've done this before," Jeffrey commented.

Timmy stopped long enough to look up with his big brown eyes, Jeffrey's cock in his hand, partially obscuring his face, and replied innocently.

"No... this is my first time," Timmy said.

Jeffrey was compelled to believed him, finding the sordid encounter even more disgraceful yet even more exciting.

"Well you're doing a great job, Timmy," Jeffrey replied.

Jeffrey took his cock from Timmy's tentative dick and then whacked him in the face with his cock. Timmy yelped and then yielded to the eight and something inch cock being repeatedly thumped against his cheeks, nose, eyes and lips.

"You're a little fucking tease, Timmy," Jeffrey degraded him. Pushing his dick back into Timmy's lips, Jeffrey added; "Go on, get that cock back in there, kid."

Timmy's mouth wrapped around it again and sucked and licked. The slurping noises were almost grotesque. The teenager sucking a man's cock would have made quite a sight for any visitors but Timmy had made sure they wouldn't be interrupted. A man was much easier to control when the scenario remained intimate. Timmy could hear the cock-gobbling soundtrack and recognised that he was the one on his knees – but Jeffrey was the one who would feel shame over a blowjob from an innocent teen.

Jeffrey was getting dangerously close to cumming in the mouth of the teenager but he wasn't ready for that.

"Stop," Jeffrey asked; "You can stop."

Timmy stopped.

"What's the matter?" Timmy asked; "Did I not do a good job?"

Timmy wiped his mouth and stood up, hanging his head as he waited for Jeffrey's compliment.

"You did a great job," Jeffrey assured the kid.

"So why did we stop?" Timmy asked.

"Because you've got more than one hole to fill," Jeffrey said.

Timmy could hardly believe his luck. The man wanted to fuck him? Timmy wouldn't have pressed such a thing on first contact but the man was practically giving it away and who was he to deny Jeffrey what he wanted.

"You mean my... my bum?" Timmy asked, compelling Jeffrey to ask to see it.

Jeffrey laughed aloud at Timmy's choice of words.

"Yes, Timmy. I mean your little butt," Jeffrey answered; "Turn around, let me see your cheeks."

Timmy turned and Jeffrey put a hand on his back to bend him over. Jeffrey looked at the kid's sweet cheeks and tight pink hole and felt a thrill at the possibility of penetrating it. The hairless little sphincter was puckered Jeffrey put his thumb in his mouth and then against the muscular ring.

The sphincter yielded and Timmy felt a digit easing into his ass.

"Oh fuck," Timmy said and then embellished; "What was that? What are you doing?"

Jeffrey took his thumb out and started to tease the ring with a finger.

"Relax, Timmy. Does that feel good?" Jeffrey asked.

"Ohhh..." Timmy replied; "Yes. That feels good."

"There's so much you don't know about your own body," Jeffrey said.

Jeffrey would have expected an eighteen-year-old to be more worldly. It was almost as if Timmy were... Jeffrey's grasp on the notion of Timmy being younger was lost like smoke. As Jeffrey was programmed to do until Timmy was ready to push that button.

"C-can you teach me?" Timmy asked timidly. "Are you going to... put your dick in me?"

Timmy felt no resistance as he planted the idea. There was no resistance at all - it was almost too easy.

"Yes, kid. I'll teach you," Jeffrey promised.

Jeffrey tugged Timmy by the hand, leading him to the bed where he bent the teen over, his chest pressed into the mattress. Timmy felt his ankles kicked farther apart and he was almost ready.

"You got protection in your bedroom?" Jeffrey asked.

"No, no, Jeffrey. I want to feel you inside me," Timmy replied; "Fuck me bare and raw."

It was another manipulation by Timmy. The idea of a man fucking a kid a generation younger than him was too good to be true. Timmy knew that barebacking could increase the guilt Jeffrey would feel later.

Jeffrey was nowhere near feeling guilt at that moment. He was actually thinking:

Fuck yea! I'm raw doggin' an eighteen-year-old!

Timmy did reach for lobe and passed it behind his back to Jeffrey. Jeffrey was generous with the lube, his hand making squeaking and squelching noise as he spread it up and down the shaft of his massive cock.

Timmy stretched his upper body over the mattress and could feel his own hard-on pressing into the bed. Then Timmy felt a hand on his back, pressing him firmer into the mattress and the tip of a hot, fleshy pole touched his hole. Jeffrey was putting his cock inside him.

The head of Jeffrey's cock was like a sponge, yielding and slipping against the slick hole of the kid. It slipped a few times, gliding up or down the shaft or leaving a trail of excitement across Timmy's perfect little buttocks.

Jeffrey held his eight inches steady and pressed with increasing force until the hairless pink hole spread and the head of his erection slipped in. Jeffrey and Timmy moaned in unison, each feeling different sensations that spread from one location but travelled through their entire bodies.

Jeffrey's cock was the biggest thing that had ever been inside Timmy's ass – the kid could feel bare flesh of the shaft as it slid deeper and deeper. Once Jeffrey was six inches deep, he pulled back and began to thrust back and forth.

"Oh my g-. Of my fucking god, Jeffrey," Timmy moaned.

"How does that feel?" Jeffrey asked.

"You're so big. Fuck, it's just so just so big," Timmy squealed.

Jeffrey pumped the kid's ass, slapping his pelvis into the sweet cheeks and watching the furry explosion of his pubes contrast the golden sacrum of Timmy's back as he buried his cock inside the teenager.

"You're so fucking tight," Jeffrey confessed; one of the few honest things he'd said all night.

Jeffrey took great pleasure in plundering Timmy's tight asshole. Timmy could feel Jeffrey's thighs against his own as the man ploughed deep. Jeffrey was fucking him harder than he'd ever been fucked before; over eight inches were nearly tearing his ass open. Timmy focused on the sensation of Jeffrey's thighs as they collided with his own. Jeffrey's were big, muscular and slightly hairy but Timmy's were smooth and lean.

"Spank me," Timmy said.

"You naughty little bastard," Jeffrey said as he smacked Timmy's butt.

Jeffrey's hand connected with the tight mounds of Timmy's ass; the sting only lasted a few seconds but the heat endured. The kid's cheeks were getting redder as Jeffrey's hand continued to connect with the skin

Timmy started to squirm and squeal as Jeffrey spanked his cheeks but both were starting to tire and Jeffrey stopped because Timmy's ass was getting red and his hand was stinging too.

Timmy's ass was tight; like a vice, gripping the circumference of Jeffrey's eight-inch cock. The ring clenched Jeffrey's cock and seemed to pull him in and clamp his cock all at once. The ring surrounded Jeffrey's shaft and even with the lube, the friction was enough to take him very close to orgasm.

"Don't cum yet," said Timmy; "I want you to cum in me but... not yet."

Jeffrey yanked his cock out and smeared the rod across Timmy's buttocks, up and down the crack and teasing the hole the dilated in anticipation when the head passed over it. Jeffrey didn't plunge his cock in again though – not yet.

What was Timmy up to? What did the boy want now?

Timmy straightened up and Jeffrey moved back so the kid could turn around. He sat on the bed and shifted back, he reached over the side of his bed to grab his mobile phone and pointed it at Jeffrey even as he spread his legs again.

"I want you to look at me when you fuck me, you dirty old man," Timmy said.

"Old?" Jeffrey protested.

Timmy giggled – a sound that made him sound younger than his acclaimed years.

"Fuck me again," Timmy said; "I want to film you fucking teenage my ass."

Jeffrey noticed that Timmy didn't say eighteen. He said teenage.

Timmy pointed his phone at the naked thirty-five-year-old man. His fair skin was flecked with ginger freckles; his ginger hair was a downy fuzz over his chest and legs which contrasted Timmy's relative smoothness. The view through his camera phone of Jeffrey's unwrapped cock against his silky hole was a memory that Timmy would watch again and again. He loved recording the men he seduced for this very reason.

Timmy wanted to be able to relive his conquests.

There was another reason for the change of position. Timmy wanted Jeffrey to look at his boyish body while they fucked. Timmy wanted Jeffrey to see himself recorded while dicking a kid nearly half his age.

Timmy bent his splayed legs and put his feet flat on the bed while Jeffrey pushed his cock inside until his gingery-blonde pubes formed a furry contact with Timmy's perineum. Jeffrey was fucking the kid, with sometimes long and slow rhythms and other times short sharp jabs.

Jeffrey's cock was oozing and aching with hardness while Timmy's ass, as his prostate took multiple hits, was filling with juices of its own. Filming the man fucking him, Timmy was exhilarated.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're doing this to me," Timmy said.

He sent a subtle non-verbal message to Jeffreys mind and willed him to talk dirty.

"You like that, don't you? Don't you, you little fucker?" Jeffrey said.

"Yes, sir," Timmy said.

Jeffrey laughed at the "sir" embellishment.

"Were you a pathetic little virgin, Timmy?" Jeffrey goaded.

Timmy almost answered truthfully but he took a hold of his senses and replied.

"Oh yes. I was... fuck... I was until you..." Timmy panted.

"I thought so," Jeffrey said; "I'm fucking your virgin hole? No wonder it's so fucking tight."

The truth was Timmy was not a virgin and while his ass was tight – no kid could have taken an eight-inch dick like Timmy took it if it was his first time.

"Are you ready for me to breed your little virgin ass?" Jeffrey asked.

"Oh no..." Timmy whined; "Maybe we shouldn't do this."

"Too late to stop now, Timmy," Jeffrey said; "I'm nearly ready to cum."

Timmy reached for his own cock with his free hand and gave it a stroke. The view of his self-managed cock and Jeffrey pummelling his hole was a beautiful sight in reality and in the display on Timmy's phone.

"Don't touch your cock just now," Jeffrey warned.

Timmy let go but Jeffrey still wasn't satisfied and he grabbed Timmy's wrists with his hands, bringing them to the centre of Timmy's chest and restraining them there. Timmy's hands were pinned down as Jeffrey fucked the kid.

"Oh my god," Timmy whined again.

"I'm going to cum inside you," Jeffrey said.

A final few fucks and his cock ejaculated streams of spunk; the milky discharge filled the kid's ass and Timmy felt the hot splash begin to spill out. Jeffrey sent a final spurt or two over the gaping hole and when he saw his jizz leak out, he forced it back inside the loosened boy-hole.

Timmy felt his hands released and he rationalised that he hadn't been able to film the final moments because of Jeffrey's restraint – it irked him. While Jeffrey was still refilling his ass, Timmy knew what he had to do to compensate for missing the big moment.

"You should eat that," Timmy said – pointing the camera at him.

"What?" Jeffrey replied, genuinely caught off guard.

"Get your face between my legs and lick my hole," Timmy said commandingly; "Put your tongue in. Felch me with your mouth and nose."

Jeffrey agreed, diving between the svelte legs and putting his mouth to the beautiful hole. His mouth kissed it and his lips sucked man-juice and ass-juice out with greedy eagerness. His tongue licked from the crack of Timmy's ass to his perineum, even a little bit of the kid's balls but he kept returning to the ass to guzzle the froth in the slot.

Timmy's ass was still oozing from the cum deposited inside it, the sphincter eking open and closed before the ring finally shut for business. Jeffrey didn't mind continuing to taste the flavours between the kid's legs even after he stopped eating his own mess.

"Oh, fuck me," Timmy said breathlessly.

"Are you confused as to what we've been doing so far?" Jeffrey asked facetiously.

Timmy giggled again and flopped back exhaustedly on the bed. His arms were stretched over his head, showing off his sparse under arms and his thin body looked slimmer and longer now that he was stretched out on his own bed.

"I filmed you eating my ass, Jeffrey," Timmy said; "I could put it online... Dirty bastard eats teenage ass."

Again. Teenage. Not eighteen. The wordplay niggled significant at Jeffrey – as it was supposed to.

"You could put it on Ego-Log," Jeffrey mocked.

"I'm not putting that on my Ego page," Timmy admitted.

Jeffrey got onto the bed beside the kid, put his arms under Timmy's back and slid him up the bed. Timmy's head hit the pillow and he was grateful to the big strong man. Jeffrey lay beside the kid and tucked himself beside him.

"I've still not cum yet," Timmy noted; "Is your mouth too tired for one more job?"

Jeffrey gave a throaty chuckle; "Give me a minute."

Timmy was so hard and excited that it wouldn't take much for him to blast off.

"Watch me masturbate, Jeffrey," Timmy ordered.

Jeffrey's eyes glided to Timmy's cock where the kid was now stroking himself. Timmy bucked his hips, thrusting into his own hand and the man almost wished he's sucked the kid's cock. Timmy closed his eyes and spewed spunk onto his chest and tummy. A pool of gluey cum gathered in Timmy's bellybutton.

Jeffrey slid from his embrace of Timmy and gazed at the jizz, fantasising about what to do with it.

"You could..." Timmy was about to suggest Jeffrey eat it.

Jeffrey put a manly hand on Timmy's tummy and rubbed the cum like it was sun cream, coating his hand and Timmy's abdomen. A Finger dipped in the bellybutton swamp of spunk

"Are you going to eat that?" Timmy half asked and half suggested.

He should have suggested harder because Jeffrey shoved his hand in Timmy's face, smothering the kid as he smeared the teenage boy-cum all over his pretty face. Jeffrey then popped a finger in Timmy's mouth – the finger that he had dipped in Timmy's bellybutton.

"Suck it," Jeffrey said.

Timmy liked the taste of his own cum as much as the next guy... if the next guy was a guy who liked the taste of Timmy's cum. Jeffrey's finger tasted of more than just cum but it was a good taste.

"Lick the rest off me," Timmy managed once his mouth was done being fingered.

Jeffrey kissed Timmy's gorgeous, lithe body, licking the spread of young cum from Timmy's abdomen before licking up the bigger blobs that were untouched on his chest.

"Lie down with me," Timmy said.

Jeffrey, fatigued again, obeyed and cuddled the kid contentedly. Now they had both cum and Timmy was cleaned up, they could relax... right?

Timmy smiled and turned on his side to face Jeffrey. His mind was cruel – he'd wanted to get a blowjob from the man and although he'd got to cum, Timmy was put out by not getting to shove his cock down Jeffrey's throat. Timmy decided to push some of Jeffrey's thoughts around, just for fun.

"I have something to tell you," Timmy said.

"Yea, what's that?" Jeffrey asked.

He was caressing Timmy's face with his big hand; the curve of Timmy's face was a cute line and his chin was free from stubble. Jeffrey found his mind recognising Timmy's boyish charm again. Maybe he was just a smoothie? Maybe. Maybe...

"I'm not eighteen," said Timmy.

"Are you nineteen?" Jeffrey joked.

"No," Timmy replied malevolently as he laughed.

This was usually the moment when men freaked out – when Timmy pressed into their minds the ideal sub-optimal limit that was unique to every man. Timmy loved making men feel it was just wrong enough to have done... well, in Jeffrey's case bare backed and felched a boy and then ate cum off his skin. Jeffrey was still smiling serenely when Timmy leaned over.

"Jeffrey, I'm..." Timmy whispered his answer into Jeffrey ear.

Timmy was grinning when pulled back but Jeffrey was still quite tranquil and happy. Timmy's head knotted with bewilderment – people usually didn't under react like that. Jeffrey was supposed to be disgusted with himself, ashamed, freaking out.

"Aren't you bothered?" Timmy replied.

"Not really," Jeffrey said; "I loved every second of it."

Timmy didn't mind that. He'd loved every second too but Jeffrey's reaction was all wrong. Even if Jeffrey were a pervert, Timmy had programmed Jeffrey's mind to react badly. To react with embarrassment and shame. What was going on?

"I know you expected me to freak out, so don't be disappointed," Jeffrey said coolly; "You can do one thing for me though."

"What?" asked Timmy.

"Stand up," Jeffrey demanded.

Timmy felt the thought pushed (hard) into his head and without intending to, Timmy clambered off his bed and stood at its side. He grinned at Jeffrey and then realised moved without intending to.

"Wait... How... how did you do that?" Timmy asked.

"Did you think you were the only one?" Jeffrey asked.

Timmy's grin had slipped and he stared disbelievingly at the man who had turned the tables on him.

"It's cute that you thought you were in control but I wasn't hired by your dad's biggest rival to be a witless stooge to you, little boy," Jeffrey demeaned.

"You've been controlling me?" Timmy said.

There were moments when he had changed his own scenario to fit Jeffrey's demands. Timmy's face dawned with this realisation.

"You probably haven't noticed I've been giving you little orders all night," Jeffrey replied; "Now, Timmy... let's give you a few more."

Jeffrey laughed merrily as he stared at the naked kid. This was going to be a lot of fun.


Another rug-pull at the end - if you re-read this chapter, you'll realise that Jeffrey was manipulating Timmy multiple times. There is one more part to go for this story; it's Timmy vs. Jeffrey - who will come out on top (pun intended)?

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Stories so far by J. Forrester:

Chronological order: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told, Anthology.

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Next: Chapter 7: Youre the Boss 3

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