
By J Forrester

Published on Jun 19, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places and events is unintentional. Please enjoy in safe and legal manner.


You are travelling into an alternate dimension. Do not adjust your connection to reality. Here we find a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. Welcome to the Anthology...

Anthology (III) - You're the Boss, part three

For fuck sake; one more time, ok?

Jeffrey can control minds. He is tasked with infiltrating a rival billion-dollar company whose son, Timmy, can also control minds. Jeffrey's favourite thing is controlling men, or boys, and using his powers responsibly for sexual gratification. Jeffrey has challenged Timmy to a battle of wills – but has he underestimated Timmy's talents?


I can't get you out of my bed, Timmy found himself thinking. Head, he meant out of his head.

Timmy thought about everything that had happened so far; in between his own power-mad commands, there were moments when he had done things without initially intending to.

Timmy realised that he had taken Jeffreys suit off him because the man had demanded it. Timmy had put his face in Jeffrey's underwear clad crotch because the man had told him to. Timmy had stopped jerking himself while Jeffrey was fucking him because the man had told him to.

Jeffrey had a powerful mind.

Jeffrey had felt every instruction, push and silent prompt sent by little Timmy. He felt them but didn't feel entirely bound to them; he obeyed to keep the kid sweet and to keep him from figuring out he wasn't in control. It made Jeffrey wonder though – had he really wanted to do all those things to Timmy? Who was in control here?

It was a quandary for a person with mind control to consider that another like them might be just as strong. How could either of them be sure they had acted because they wanted to instead of because they were commanded to?

If Timmy's compulsion had not compelled Jeffrey to do things like eat his ass, did that mean he'd done it because he wanted to? When Jeffrey agreed to work undercover against the kid's father, he hadn't appreciated the soul-searching questions that meeting Timmy would bring. Jeffrey had been prepared for Timmy seducing him – it had been in his briefing - and accepted he'd have to play along but he hadn't appreciated how much he'd like fucking around with the kid.

"Let's clear one thing up," Jeffrey said.

There were many things Jeffrey wanted to clear up to set his mind at ease.

"You weren't really a virgin, were you, Timmy?" Jeffrey asked.

Timmy chuckled at the question and didn't need subconsciously prodded to answer honestly.

"No," Timmy replied; "I've fucked more men than I can count."

"Because you can't count very high?" Jeffrey asked joked.

Timmy laughed; "No... because I've fucked a lot of men."

Jeffrey's eyes drifted all over the naked kid. Fucking hell, he was hot.

"How long do I have to stand here?" Timmy asked impatiently.

"Put your hands on your head," Jeffrey said casually, almost dismissively.

Back to business, Jeffrey reached for Timmy's phone and started snapping pictures of the naked, semi-hard teenager.

"Maybe I should put this on your Ego page for all your little school friends to see?" Jeffrey suggested.

"Oh no, please don't," Timmy whimpered.

His sad little face made him look even cuter yet Jeffrey couldn't help but feel the response was a part of Timmy's act. Timmy played the role of a wide-eyed eyelid-batting youngster but he wasn't; Jeffrey knew Timmy was a dangerous opponent and reminded himself not to trust anything the kid said.

Jeffrey supposed he was happy he hadn't plundered Timmy's virginity; popping his cherry would have been sweet yet... wrong? Maybe? Jeffrey wasn't sure which was perhaps a sign that his mind was not invulnerable to Timmy's manipulations – since Timmy was now obeying him, Timmy clearly was not susceptible to manipulation so why not him?

Among the other things that would have set Jeffrey's mind at ease was the truth about Timmy's age; the problem was, he couldn't tell what the truth was. Timmy was surely a something-teen but was he eighteen or nineteen... Seventeen? Sixteen? Fifteen? Surely not fourteen?

It bothered Jeffrey that he didn't know if the kid when the kid was lying about his age; moreover, he couldn't divine what the truth was. How could he not know? Whatever the truth was, Jeffrey couldn't stop looking at the kid.

He had a job to do. Jeffrey dismissed the moral dilemma of sub-optimal age of sex with boys and a moment later he was thinking Timmy should get hard again.

"Touch yourself, Timmy," Jeffrey said; "Make it nice and big for me."

"You're not going to take more picture of me, are you?" Timmy worried.

"No..." Jeffrey replied; "I'm going to record you, Timmy."

Timmy was tugging his dick with one hand and caressing his silky thigh with the other. He felt somewhat humiliated and thought (or rather hoped, because he could not be certain) that Jeffrey was lying about putting his naked pictures, and now video, on social media.

Theoretically YooTube could take up to twenty minutes to take down content featuring nudity, genital exposure or masturbation. Who knew how many people would have seen him by then and copied the images and spread them online forever?

"That's it, Timmy. You're such a big boy," Jeffrey said.

His voice was partly teasing and partly flattering - Jeffrey too was playing the same character he had played earlier; the admiring older man. There was no denying Jeffrey thought the kid was hot. Timmy smiled at the compliment as if satisfied.

"You love looking at my big dick and little body," Timmy stated seedily.

Eager not to let the kid think he was in control, Jeffrey thought of a new way to turn the tables. Timmy was yanking his seven-inch cock which was oozing sticky-clear sap to self-lubricate the head. Timmy concentrated little strokes over the moist end of the shaft and then smeared lubricating filth down the shaft.

"Do you have an electric razor?" Jeffrey asked.

Timmy stroked his chin with silvery-wet fingers.

"I don't need to shave yet... I'm too young," Timmy said mockingly.

Timmy continued to needle away at Jeffrey's fears and doubts – it was one of his favourite mental manipulations.

"Do you have a razor, Timmy?" Jeffrey repeated commandingly as he continued to film the masturbating teen.

"Yea, I have one. Daddy optimistically bought me one for my birthday," Timmy felt impelled to reply.

It was a strange sensation. Timmy had always thought his dupe's were unaware of him rattling around inside their brains but he was very much aware of Jeffrey.

"Good," Jeffrey replied; "Go into your bathroom and shave off your pubes."

"What? No!" Timmy pleaded with a genuine but still theatrically juvenile whine.

"Go now," Jeffrey ordered.

Timmy looked adorably hang-dog as he dropped his head, let go of his dick and turned away. Shit, the kid had a great ass. Jeffrey could hardly believe that half an hour ago he was balls-deep in that tight little hair-free tooshie. Jeffrey's face had been buried between those pretty cheeks.

"Don't forget under your arms," Jeffrey commanded.

While Jeffrey waited for Timmy, he could hear buzzing from the en suite, the man contemplated the kid's mind control abilities. How strong was he and what was he capable of? Jeffrey's own sense of confusion was a warning that the kid could be more powerful than he'd anticipated.

Timmy reminded Jeffrey of himself when he first started exploring his powers. Jeffrey had used them for sex and to get pretty much anything he wanted. As he matured, he discovered he could not control the whole world and he would only spread himself thin by aiming too high. It was years later that he started using his powers for good.

Was fucking Timmy using his powers for good?

Jeffrey lay back on Timmy's bed. He reminded himself that he was naked in an eighteen-year old's bedroom and it was fun to look around at the typically boyish room while he rubbed his cock. Jeffrey's morals were undeniably flexible and some jobs required him to be more flexible than others. Like fucking little Timmy. There was a time when Jeffrey would never have accepted a job like this.

When Jeffrey had been approached by Ellis Blockerberg, Jeffrey thought it was a straightforward corporate espionage job. For a man with Jeffrey's talents, it should have been easy. However, over the years Mr Blockerberg had failed too many times to infiltrate Warren Kotes businesses; it took years to discover why and the answer was called Timmy.

Jeffrey's straightforward corporate espionage job was to be complicated by a horny teenage boy with mind control powers – but that was why Jeffrey had been given the job. Mr Kotes family secrecy meant that Mr Blockerberg could not be sure how old Timmy Kotes was; eighteen probably but certainly sixteen... plus or minus a few years.

Jeffrey knew he might get fucked by or have to fuck the kid and had been oddly enchanted when he finally saw the boy in the corridor. His baby blue shorts and t-shirt and fair skin, silky legs and big brown eyes...

Jeffrey had a job to do but there was a time when he would never have accepted a job like this. There was a time when he had used his ability to punish perverts instead of indulging in apologise and excuses of his own.

Ten years (ish) ago, Jeffrey was early in his career when met a boy named Brody who was a few years younger than Timmy – assuming Timmy was eighteen. Jeffrey had been twenty-five or so and the boy was being abused by his tennis coach. It had been going on for years and the Brody's affluent father had found out about. Jeffrey knew the father was about to ensnare the pervert legally – it was a process that could tie up lawyers and courts for years and weaselly coach would squirm and lie. There would be no way to get justice without people knowing what the man had been doing to the reluctant boy. Still, wasn't there some way to make sure the man could not evade justice?

Jeffrey rather thought there was a way to get revenge and justice and Brody's father agreed.

It was a Saturday morning in July and the sixteen-year-old had just won a multi-state competition. Camera crews were capturing the big moment and Brody and his disgusting coach were mid-interview. The coach was actually very handsome which only made the big moment sweeter.

The coach had put his arm around the cute boy, squeezing his shoulder, while the young teenager answered questions about his performance. The coach made a joke about performance that got a laugh but Jeffrey knew the abuser was talking about sex.

Jeffrey was sitting on the side-line nearby and at that moment he reached out and sent a command.

In the intervening years, Jeffrey had become familiar with terminology like Tier I and Tier II mind control but at the time, he didn't know how to categorise the different things he could do. Jeffrey wasn't sure how to articulate the mechanism by which his powers worked but he imagined it was like a radio. Usually the commands were verbal and could be explicit or implied; other times they were silent like the volume turned all the way down but still broadcast and received.

"Piss yourself," Jeffrey reached out and commanded the coach.

A second later, in front of TV cameras that captured a moment that would go viral for years, the coach began a violent stream of yellow that soaked the front of his shorts. The stain spread across the crotch until gravity pulled the piss down. The golden shower gushed down his leg, saturated his socks and trainers and continued until a puddle of urine was floating around his shoe.

The urine flowed for a long time, like a hosepipe that spayed his leg and went everywhere. The coach was six feet tall, broad chested and smarmy-suave but at that moment his shorts were soaked with piss and he was almost sobbing with disbelief.

Laughter from the interviewer and cameraman and then the stadium reached his ears. Fuck, it had been on film. The laughter that hurt the most was from the boy he'd groomed; Brody had pulled away and looked at the urine-soaked shorts with open amusement and amazement.

"What... are you ok?" asked the interviewer.

"I... I..." the coach seemed lost for words but Jeffrey was on hand to help with that.

"Tell them what you did to that sixteen-year-old boy," Jeffrey commanded without the need to vocalise.

"I... I've been having sex with Brody for two years," the coach said.

The stadium was stunned, as were the viewers watching the broadcast and the interviewer didn't know what to do. The confession was full, frank and damming. Humiliating for Brody too, but abuse often is and it wasn't Brody's fault. It always takes bravery for victims to reveal an ugly truth.

"It started by watching him in the showers," the coach continued; "I told him it was totally normal. He was so naïve and he still is. Brody is totally guileless, that's what made it so easy. He's not stupid, just trusting and I abused that trust."

"After watching him in the showers, I started insisting that I join him so I could help him get clean after practice but really, I just wanted us to be naked together," the disgusting confession of the piss-soaked coach continued; "Then I started touching him while washing him. Then I told him he had to wash me... to touch me... masturbation, fellatio, fingering... I took pictures... I fucked him..."

There was the slight possibility that Jeffrey had overestimated the success of his mind control on this occasion. The controversy and confusion were significant and Jeffrey learned to be more nuanced in the future. Still, all's well that ends well.

Brody was brave in the aftermath of the confession. The coach didn't even need Jeffrey to prompt him into confessing to abusing others and he is in prison now and will be for a very long time. Brody meanwhile has gone on to be a champion tennis player and founder of a charity for victims of sexual abuse in sport.

Now, years later, Jeffrey was introspective and wondered if he was any better than that abuser. Was Timmy any better? Didn't they use their powers for their own gratification? Was mind control any different from the control of a trusted elder or a person whom someone fears?

Jeffrey knew his moral compass had been turned over the last decade. The problem was, when you can get whatever you want, you can get whatever you want.

Jeffrey flipped through the pictures he'd taken of Timmy – he really was beautiful. The buzzing in the en suite had stopped and, surprisingly, been replaced with the sound of a shower. It only lasted a minute and then it too shut off and Timmy re-emerged a moment later.

If anything, Timmy looked more beautiful than he had before. Jeffrey didn't forget to aim the camera again – he had a job to do for the rival of the kid's father. Control the boy if possible, blackmail him if necessary and turn him against his father if able.

Timmy's hair was barely damp, his head having largely avoided the shower, but his body was wet. He hadn't towelled off after rinsing the errant pubes from his milky skin.

Timmy's hands were clamped over his penis and testes. His skin was glistening – shiny under the lights of the bedroom. The kid stopped a few steps from Jeffrey who had started laughing at him. Timmy looked up with his big brown eyes, fluttering his eyelashes adorably.

Every hair below his neck was gone – not that Timmy had much to begin with. The hands clamped over his dick obscured the final result but it was obvious for the video that the kid was now 100% hairless from his neck to his ankles.

"Well, you enjoyed telling me how young you were, didn't you Timmy?" Jeffrey said while aiming the camera; "Let's show all your school friends how sweet and young you are."

"Please," Timmy moaned again.

"Move your hands lower," Jeffrey said.

He was able to capture the kid in all his glory – framing him from head to toe within the viewfinder of the camera – and Timmy's hands were now so low they revealed the bald root of his cock.

"Beautiful. Now, hands behind your head again, Timmy-boy," Jeffrey said.

Timmy slowly complied, ungrasping his hands from around his genitals and locking his fingers behind his head. In that one gesture, Timmy exposed his hair free crotch, smooth balls and hairless underarms; the wispy hairs on his legs were gone too and he looked like a porn star ready for his first shoot. Timmy's penis was flaccid again, hanging at four inches long and the head was a shiny mushroom.

"You should get yourself hard again," Jeffrey said; "No kid claiming to be your age would have a seven cock."

There was something troubling Jeffrey. Although Timmy had said he wasn't eighteen and then whispered his `real' age... Jeffrey couldn't think of it. He knew what Timmy had said, didn't he? So why couldn't he think what age Timmy claimed to be?

Timmy gave a half smile – every man had a different sub-optimal age limit and it was almost funny that Jeffrey couldn't quite shake off the chronological confusion he'd projected into Jeffrey's mind.

"You could..." Timmy said, stuttering as if nervous but really he was excited; "You could make me h-hard?"

Timmy pushed the thought as... well, hard... as he could and to his delight, watched Jeffrey reach out with his big hand and grasp the flaccid penis. It was soft and nimble in Jeffrey's hand and the man rather enjoyed playing with it; Jeffrey ran his fingers and thumb over the soft shaft and with the other hand (having put the phone down) fondled the hairless seed sac.

It was only once Jeffrey started playing with Timmy's dick that the kid realised, he was not stuck in his full-exposure pose. He was quite unable to move. Timmy stood with his pits exposed and Jeffrey realised he liked looking at the kid. Because Timmy had told him to like looking? Jeffrey recorded the posed boy; whose cock was in his grip and then slipped off the bed and put his mouth over the half-soft dick. Jeffrey continued to film himself with Timmy's phone but now his face was in the picture too – take the teenage cock on his mouth. It filled and expanded and hardened and soon it was wet and fully erect.

It dawned on Jeffrey that he had stroked and was now sucking Timmy to make him hard – mission complete. But had chosen to do this or had he done it because Timmy suggested he could make him hard?

Jeffrey's nose touched the now smooth patch above Timmy's dick. Gone were the short and curly hairs that would have tickled his nose. Jeffrey reached up and stroked Timmy's smooth skin; fondling his balls and then stroking that impossibly smooth patch where pubes should be. However, Jeffrey didn't want Timmy imagining he was in control.

"Ok, time to fuck again," Jeffrey said, spitting Timmy's cock from his mouth and finally tossing the camera phone aside.

Timmy smirked and started to turn, proffering his tight asshole to the big naked ginger man but Jeffrey stopped him. Anything Timmy wanted; he wasn't going to get. If Timmy wanted another eight-inch dicking, Jeffrey was going to suggest something else.

"No, Timmy... You're going to fuck me," Jeffrey said.


Timmy was caught by surprise which was no small feat. He had enchanted the man to fuck him, or so Timmy thought, so it was quite unexpected that the man was now beckoning him to top.

"I guess turnabout is fair play," Timmy replied; "Turnabout for me."

Jeffrey stood up so he was face to face with Timmy – well, almost. Timmy was shorter than the big hunk of a man so his face came up to the top of Jeffrey's chest. He looked up and pouted his lips which Jeffrey rewarded with a kiss. Jeffrey found himself looking down at Timmy's hairless prick which contrasted with his comparably hairy cock; the gingery-blonde explosion of pubes sat above Jeffrey's rising erection.

Jeffrey closed the minute gap between them and wrapped his muscular arms around the still wet and scrawny kid. Timmy's weedy arms wrapped around Jeffrey and the kissing resumed with increasing passion while their bodies connected. Their dicks were pressed together, exciting them until they were both fully aroused. Jeffrey could feel his groin gliding against Timmy's hairless nether regions. Jeffrey slipped a leg between Timmy's and lifted it until his thigh felt the smooth and hairless scrotum of his boss's son.

Timmy could feel the downy, almost invisible hair of Jeffrey's thigh as it caressed between his legs and lifted his scrotum. Timmy was acutely aware that he was losing control of this situation if only because he was getting too caught up. Things had gone so off track and yet it was an exciting turn of events.

"Get on the bed," Timmy said.

Unthinking, Jeffrey turned and received an immediate slap on his ass from the teenage boy behind him. It stalled him only for a moment – he'd quite liked the gesture. Jeffrey got on the bed and then lay on his back, watching as Timmy climbed onto the bed too; the kid straddled the man, sitting on his abdomen while feeling the eight-inch fuck tool thump against his back like the tail of an excited dog.

Jeffrey was left with the view of the freshly shaved and still pleasantly damp kid whose boner tilted at forty-five degrees like a cannon in front of him ready to volley and thunder. Jeffrey reached out and took a hold of the cock in front of him, stroking with short shifts of his fist and concentrating on the head of the beautiful boy's cock.

"Don't make me blow yet," Timmy said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Timmy," Jeffrey replied; "You're not allowed to cum unless it's in my ass."

Timmy leaned all the way forward and Jeffrey pulled his hand off the magnificent teenage cock just in time. The kid lay on top of the man and began to rub and hump him. Their cocks were caught between them and Jeffrey was caused to reflect on the fact that the kid was so light even though his entire weight was on top of him.

Jeffrey put his arms around Timmy and grabbed his ass, pulling the peachy little mounds tightly and deepening the contact between them. Timmy's smooth cock and balls smashed against the wiry hair of Jeffrey's gingery pubes.

The benign frottage continued for a few minutes and Jeffrey was surprised how light Timmy felt with his entire weight on top. The smooth kid seemed to glide over him and soon it was Jeffrey who worried he'd blow early.

"I think you should get between my legs now," Jeffrey decided.

Timmy was already sated by the brief stint of frottage so he obeyed. Timmy levered himself up again and slid his butt down Jeffrey's body, over his groin and down his legs. Straddling Jeffrey's legs he extended his hand between the meaty thighs and stroked beneath the scrotum, teasing the perineum and pressing his fingers ever closer to the man's hole.

"You're thirty-five, aren't you?" Timmy asked.

"Yes," Jeffrey replied.

"Do you like getting fucked by teenage boys?" Timmy goaded.

"How do I know you're really a teenage boy, Timmy?" Jeffrey asked.

Timmy didn't reply right away. His best manipulations took time and he wasn't certain he had any power over the man or if Jeffrey had all the power.

"You like me looking like teeny kid," Timmy said forcefully.

Was that true?

"You told me to shave because you like me looking sweet and young," Timmy pressed – aggravating Jeffrey's doubts.

The gays shave all time! Telling Timmy to shave wasn't about anything but humiliating him and enjoying the silky results of epilation.

Timmy took the time while Jeffery was thinking to ease himself off Jeffrey's legs and crawl between them instead. Jeffrey spread his legs and bent them at the knee so his hole revealed itself as his back remained flat on the bed. Timmy stoked a fluffy leg with one hand and ploughed into the man's hole with his other. Timmy had three fingers inside Jeffrey when he looked at the older man with his big brown eyes and teased him again.

"Say it, Jeffrey," Timmy implored; "Say how much you like looking at me."

"I like looking at you Timmy," Jeffrey confessed extatically; "I like looking at your skinny hairless body."

Timmy looked pleased with himself which reminded Jeffrey he was supposed to be in control; he was the one giving the commands now and he was going to take control, dammit.

"Fuck me with your boy-cock, Timmy," Jeffrey ordered; "Push your teen-meat inside my ass. Bare back me, boy. Spill your baby-makers inside me, baby."

"Lie on your side," Timmy ordered.

Jeffrey turned onto his side and felt the skinny kid snuggle in behind him. It would have been sweet if not for the big cock poking into the small of Jeffrey's back. Seconds later it wasn't his back that the unwrapped cock was poking – it was sinking inside Jeffrey's ass.

They had both lost track of time.

It was only now that Jeffrey comprehended the hot butler named Michael had probably manoeuvred him into Timmy's path. Jeffrey rather thought it would have been nice if the man had interrupted them – or joined them. Jeffrey had expected to be seduced by Timmy but he had been manipulated by Michael's pretty face, which just goes to show that one doesn't need mind control to control a man.

It must be hours since Jeffrey spotted the beautiful kid and watched him get naked; since Timmy had helped Jeffrey out of his suit; since Timmy had sucked his cock; since he'd spanked Timmy's ass while barebacking his petite ass...

It had been fun making Timmy think he was in control while subtly giving his own orders.

It must be hours since Jeffrey had eaten his own cum from Timmy's pink hole while the kid filmed him doing it; since Timmy had played mind games about his age (was he eighteen?); since Jeffrey had turned the tables.

Jeffrey had revealed himself to Timmy much earlier than he had planned. That would have consequences and probably make his mission harder. Corporate espionage isn't easy, you know.

It must be hours since Jeffrey had taken pictures of a naked Timmy and threatened to put them online; since the man had ordered the kid to shave and since they'd gone back to bed together.

Now Timmy was between Jeffrey's legs and fucking his ass.

Eighteen or not, Timmy had a big seven-inch cock. The unwrapped meat was pressing inside Jeffrey's ass, the sphincter yielding but still pleasantly constricted. The hair around Jeffrey's hole was as fair as it was on his legs but the man's back was a smooth slab of muscle. While Timmy was barebacking the man nearly twenty years his senior, he pressed his younger and impossibly smooth body against Jeffrey's back. Timmy thrust deep and held himself while buried deep inside.

"Don't touch yourself," Timmy warned when Jeffrey reached for his eight-plus inch monster.

The man was disappointed but knew he'd cum again and it would be worth the wait.

"Do you know what pile diving is?" Jeffrey asked, looking over his shoulder.

Jeffrey saw sexual miasma in Timmy's eyes – the kid was delirious with the pleasure of pounding into Jeffrey's ass with his cock.

"I lie up on my neck and the top of my back, ass and hips in the air; you squat and thrust that sweet dick down into my hole," Jeffrey explained.

Timmy was breathless but he pulled up so Jeffrey could turn on his back and get into position. Timmy stood on the bed – for the first time towering over the man who was much bigger than him and stepped down the bed with a single pace. Timmy squatted over Jeffrey's ass which was now pointed at the ceiling and Timmy began thrusting down into Jeffrey's asshole. Timmy felt the ring of tight muscle clamp on the shaft of his cock with every thrust.

Timmy felt his cock glide and slide but his cock was pleasurably bent as it pushed down, driving into the older man. Jeffrey grunted and moaned under him and he felt almost wet with sweat and sex.

"Harder, Timmy," Jeffrey breathed.

"Louder," Timmy demanded.

"Harder," Jeffrey replied automatically.

"Use my name again," Timmy instructed.

"Harder, Timmy. Fuck me harder Timmy," Jeffrey called, his voice filling the room with obscene volume.

Timmy sniggered; "Yea, you're such a little bitch."

"Oh fuck, Timmy. You're so big... for such.... a...." Jeffrey said breathlessly.

"Such a what? What am I? Timmy said.

Timmy pushed into Jeffrey with his cock and his mind, compelling the man to say the sweet words in Timmy's head. Without realising it, their encounter had become a battle of wills.

"You're so big for such a... little... boy," Jeffrey said.

He was looking up at the hairless twink – he had made the kid shave to humiliate him. Now however, he as the one getting his ass pounded by the kid and he wasn't sure how to feel about the innocent smoothie look.

"I'm going to cum in your ass now," Timmy said with barely a second's warning.

Jeffrey could feel the hot teenage spunk enter his ass and since Timmy kept pulling back and thrusting, the man felt molten jizz shoot over his hole, spilling from the cave of his ass. It was like getting douched with spunk.

Timmy held onto Jeffrey's gorgeous fair-skinned thighs as he finished his assault on the beautiful fuck hole. Timmy watched his cock pump cum – some of it so thin he felt like he was pissing over the man's ass. Thicker, creamier seed was ejaculated into Jeffrey's ass while his cock was deep inside the beautiful ginger man.

Timmy pulled his cock from Jeffrey's ass and the sphincter took a moment to close, like the iris of an eye reacting to light. Jeffrey flopped flat on the bed again, his long fuzzy legs enclosed Timmy between them. Timmy straddled Jeffrey's abdomen and he crawled free, raking his discharged cock and sweaty ass over Jeffrey's body in an effort to reach his face. Timmy pushed his messy, ass-flavoured cock towards Jeffrey's mouth.

Jeffrey opened up and sucked on the teenage cock. It was flavoured with teen spunk, teen spirit, lube and his own anal juices. Jeffrey grabbed Timmy's ass and pulled him hard until his face was flush with Timmy's hairless pubis and Timmy's balls were rested on his chin.

Timmy's hands scrambled through Jeffrey's hair and he squealed with erotic sensation. His cock was so sensitive that he reached back and prised Jeffrey's hands off his ass so he could remove his cock from deep throating the man.

Timmy slapped his cock on Jeffrey's face and moved up until his ass was over Jeffrey's face and his balls dropped over Jeffrey's eyes.

"You like that old man?" Jeffrey teased.

Jeffrey mumbled into Timmy's ass which was sweaty and moist. This kid was the sexiest, dirtiest, most experienced fucker Jeffrey had ever met. The eighteen years old was sitting on his face, tea bagging his eyes with hairless balls and grinding his buttocks into Jeffrey's mouth. Jeffrey put his mouth to work on Timmy's hole again and when he could no longer breath...

What a way to go – smothered by a teenager buttocks.

...Jeffrey bit Timmy's bum and the kid yelped. Timmy dragged his hairless balls down Jeffrey's face and yanked his cock again. Jeffrey had wasted his time cleaning Timmy's dick because it surprised them both with another ejaculation. Fresh cum spilled over Jeffrey's mouth and nose but he swiped it with his tongue and ate it in one gulp. Jeffry carried on sucking and licking until the only contamination left was his saliva.

"You look like you could cum again?" Timmy commented blandly.

The kid had reached behind him and was brushing his fingers through the fiery bush of pubes above Jeffrey's cock. Jeffrey's achingly hard cock was bounding on the top of Timmy's small hand as it played with the ginger hairs.

"Yea, I think I probably could," Jeffrey agreed.

"Do you want to put it in me again?" Timmy asked.

He smirked scandalously – Jeffrey knew he was being toyed with. The kid knew how to get what he wanted with or without mind control powers – it had been a delight to control the kid for a night.

"Get on your knees on the floor," Jeffrey commanded.

Timmy obeyed and smiled when Jeffrey stood up and towered over him. The big, hunky ginger man was the most stunning man he'd ever seen – it had been a pleasure to manipulate him for a night.

Timmy had a sweet skinny body and a cute face and the last thing Jeffrey wanted to do was cum all over it.

That is to say, literally the final thing he wanted to do was cum all over it. Jeffrey grabbed his eight-inch cock and tightly stroked it while aiming at Timmy's face.

Timmy giggled and leaned back to emphasise his thin body which the kid stroked with his hands. His hairless skin was shiny under the bedroom lights and the teenager deliberately brought attention to his semi-flaccid penis. It was still plump from its recent discharge but the post-coital shrinkage was enough to accentuate its limpness.

Jeffrey was not far away from cumming as the kid put one hand behind his neck to show off his hairless pit and the other hand prodded with his three-inch penis with a single digit.

"Kiss me one more time, Timmy," Jeffrey asked.

Timmy felt no compulsion to act beyond his own desire to do it. He kissed Jeffrey's slippery head with pouted lips and flicked a tongue over it too. Then he sat back on his ankles and put both hands behind his head to fully expose himself.

Finally, Jeffrey came again and he deliberately didn't warn the kid but it must have been obvious he was about to shoot because he leaned forward so the entire load landed on Timmy's beautiful face. Ropes of cum discharged across the kid's forehead, nose, eyes, mouth and chin. Blob of man-juice dripped off Timmy's chin but landed in his wilted lap.

Jeffrey put his hands on Timmy's slight shoulders and then probed his embarrassingly juvenile armpits. He used his big hands to lift the kid to his feet where Timmy's stature meant he was still looking up at the tall man. Jeffrey tilted his head down and stuck out his tongue, licking his own mess from all over Timmy's face.

"Kiss me," Timmy ordered with a mutter.

He needn't have demanded – Jeffrey had every intention of kissing those sweet, cum-dashed lips. He wanted to snowball the filth he'd just spilled. Their lips met and Jeffrey marvelled at how petite Timmy face was as he cupped it in his big hands. Timmy felt the opposite, overpowered by the big man whose hands and face were so much bigger than him.

With his own cum on his lips and tongue, Jeffrey nipped his tongue into Timmy's mouth and the kiss became more heated and passionate. Once all the flavours were exhausted, the kiss was broken.

"That was the best fucking thing I've done in my entire life," Timmy declared.

"Well, you're young," Jeffrey commented without meaning to raise the issue again.

It still bothered Jeffrey that he couldn't seem to see Timmy clearly and couldn't tell which version of Timmy's age was true.

"I certainly am, you filthy man," Timmy mocked.

"We've both been playing mind games, Timmy," Jeffrey replied; "But tell me. Really... how old are you."

Timmy had no intention of telling Jeffrey the truth. That was the whole point of bewitching him.

"You know the story of the thee bears? Daddy is too much and baby's is just right..." Timmy replied as he cupped Jeffrey's balls and felt the wet tip of his penis; "Well I'm just wrong enough to unsettle you forever."

Jeffrey looked the kid up and down; he was a shrewd manipulator but not as smart or as powerful as he thought he was. It was amusing really but Jeffrey let the kid have his moment.

"Your dad has powerful enemies," Jeffrey commented.

"And I'm your employer's powerful enemy," Timmy replied.

How quickly the opposite sides made themselves clear. As if the whole night hadn't been about opposite sides fighting for supremacy. Jeffrey reminded himself that he still needed to send himself the video and pictures he's made of the naked boy and then the shaved boy. Mr Blockerberg would decide what to do with them but Jeffrey might keep a few for himself.

"We don't need to be enemies, you know," Timmy tried to mentally push.

The effort was so transparent and feeble that Jeffrey dismissed the impelled thought with ease.

"If you want to walk all over someone, you're going to have to find someone else," Jeffrey retorted.

Unexpectedly, Timmy moved his hand from Jeffrey's cock to take the man's hand instead.

"Come and lie down with me," Timmy whispered.

"Why?" Jeffrey asked – feeling no impulse behind the words.

"Because you want to?" Timmy suggested but his mind was working quietly on one final hidden urge.

Jeffrey let himself be led to the bed where they both lay down on top of the sheets. Timmy curled his little body into Jeffrey's buff frame and Jeffrey held the kid who was smooth and warm. It was a nice moment and they knew that when they woke, they would be on opposite sides.

Deep down, they both hoped sex would continue to be a weapon between them – blackmail or extortion or guilt or shame were powerful motivators. They had reputations to represent and protect and they had egos to defend.

"Stay until I fall asleep?" Timmy whispered boyishly.

There was an urge hidden beneath the words.

"You're the boss," Jeffrey replied.

It made Timmy smile – Jeffrey probably didn't even know he'd said it. The little phrase Timmy implanted was a subliminal instruction that let him know he had influence over someone – it always made him smile.


Timmy woke up alone.

He was chilly because he was still naked but Jeffrey had pulled a sheet over him which was sweet. Timmy's phone was on the bedside table and he knew that had been left deliberately – to let Timmy know the naked images were in his possession. Timmy slipped his svelte legs out of bed – his bare feet felt cold on the floor and he padded around until he found the little shorts he'd worn for meeting Jeffrey.

Timmy checked himself out in the mirror - he looked very cute; shirtless in shorts that emphasised the smooth plunge from his tummy to where his pubes should be and his legs were long and silky where they sprouted from the shorts.

Timmy pulled on a bathrobe but didn't tie it – he liked the way it swung open to revel his immature body as he walked from his room through the unnecessarily enormous house. He came across Michael on the way – the handsome new butler who had pointed Jeffrey in the right direction.

It must have been many hours since the party had started (and by now long ended too) and Michael had played his part in the inaugural meeting between Timmy and Jeffrey but he was still dressed in his black suit and tie.

"Good evening Michael," Timmy said.

"It's night now, Master Timmy," Michael replied; "It's nearly morning."

The old-fashioned honorific made Timmy horny. Michael had been encouraged to use it by Timmy's father who felt first name terms between the family and the help was improper. Timmy leaned against the wall and checked the handsome butler out.

Timmy had been checking him out for a while – he was a seriously fit looking young man in his twenties. Michael knew the young master was flirting with him and teasing him, letting his gown open to expose his skinny body. He tried not to look.

"Michael, would you do me a favour?" Timmy asked.

"Yes, Master Timmy?" Michael asked.

"My shorts are stained," Timmy said meekly; "Would you take them away to be washed, please?"

"Take... take them away?" Michael questioned.

"Yes. Kneel down and take them off for me?" Timmy commanded.

The butler obeyed without the slightest resistance; kneeling in front of his Master and gripping the bottom of the shorts. He eased them down, eye to eye with Timmy's navel but very soon that was not what Michael was looking at. Timmy's hairless penis demanded his attention.

"My shorts are stained with semen," Timmy said.

Timmy barely contained his giggle. He had only commanded Michael to take the shorts off – all of Michael's other faculties were fully functional; that meant he was on his knees and looking at a hairless prick and unable to stop or reason why he was doing it.

With effort the butler cast his eyes away but he had to lean forward slightly as he eased the shorts down Timmy's beautifully slender legs until they bundled at his ankles.

Timmy could feel Michael's breath on his penis.

"Oh... you can see my willy," Timmy pouted; "I'm so embarrassed."

Timmy's penis remained flaccid in the face of the knelt man. Michael felt very strange.

"Are my shorts off yet?" Timmy asked teasingly.

"Your feet... you'll need to lift them for me," Michael replied sheepishly.

Timmy lifted one foot and then the other until the shorts were free.

"Smell them," Timmy demanded.

Michael put the soiled shorts to his face – soiled with stale groin sweat, residual cum and, being that he was a teenage boy, traces of piss where he hadn't shaken thoroughly enough. Timmy sent silent commands that controlled Michael's reaction to them. Michael found the odours intoxicating and inexplicably Michael found himself getting hard.

Why was he had smelling his master's shorts?

Timmy knew why. He didn't need words to compel the reaction in one as malleable as Michael. Timmy put his bare foot in Michael's groin and kneaded the hard-on within.

"You've seen my penis, Michael. I think you should take yours out," Timmy ordered.

Michael reached for his zipper to obey, taking the shorts from his face...

"Hold my shorts in your mouth," Timmy instructed.

Michael complied, cramming the shots into his gob. Now Michael could taste the teenage scrotum that had sat in the seat of the shorts. Michael continued to unzip and rummage around until he whipped his dick out. It protruded from his open trousers; his underwear hitched under his balls which teased a spray of woolly balls. The white of his shirt contrasted the black trousers that framed the side of his cock.

Timmy returned his bare foot to the Michael's groin, this time bare skin found bare skin.

Michael could not believe his master was using his naked foot to play with his hard cock; in fact, Michael wasn't sure why he was hard. He was on his knees in front of the young master who was not naked but fully exposed; Timmy's gown remained open to reveal his totally hairless body, his limp dick and legs that were thin and gorgeous and silky smooth. Michael wondered if his master had delayed puberty – that was a medical condition, right?

Michael felt very confused seeing Timmy like this. Moreover, his face was just inches from the bald, wilted penis of his master; Michael himself was hard and his cock was visible to anyone who might come along the hall.

The house should be all but deserted apart from the Kotes family and the other help but this still felt risky. Michael was breathing harder now as Timmy jerked the young man's cock by gripping it between his great toe and second toe.

"I oodnt..." Michael tried to say but then remember his mouth was full.

He could still smell Timmy's shorts and now he could taste them. Dried cum and salty sweat and other flavours were infused into the fabric. Michael's saliva was now joining the mixture.

"Nuzzle my dicklet with your nose, Michael," Timmy directed.

It took great will power not to get totally hard but Timmy quite enjoyed the attention to his non-erect penis. Michael nuzzled the hairless prick, sniffing it and breathing on it. Michael could not rationalise why he was rubbing a limp teenage dick all over his face and when it thickened and expanded, Michael feared the young master would get hard.

Luckily, Michael was very close to cumming and Timmy's balls hurt from Jeffrey's earlier attention. Michael could not believe he was getting masturbated with someone's foot. His cock poking from his trousers. Humiliatingly, Michael ejaculated solely from the attention of Timmy's bare foot and toes. His cum made a mess of his trousers and covered Timmy's toes with a warm spray of ball-seed.

"Lick it off," Timmy commanded.

Timmy leaned against the wall and took his shorts out of Michael's mouth, then he lifted his leg. Michael was drawn to the athletically toned but still skinny leg, smooth but for the stubbly remains of wispy hairs. Timmy popped his big toe into Michael's mouth and the butler sucked it clean before turning the attention of his tongue to the cum that had splashed across the other toes and the top of Timmy's foot. Timmy laughed as his boot was slobbered over by Michael; he looked so decent in his suit except for the cock sticking out and the cum on his trousers and the toes in his mouth.

"Lie on your back, Michael," Timmy ordered.

Michael obeyed and Timmy continued to humiliate the man by pressing the sole of his foot on Michael's face. Michael continued to lick Timmy's bare foot and toes, which Timmy spread as they kneaded his nose and mouth. Timmy amused himself for a few moments, walking all over the young butler without really knowing why the notion had taken him.

Sated, finally, Timmy dropped his foot and pulled his bathrobe closed to hide his dick from view.

"Stand up," Timmy permitted.

The butler stood and looked at the sweet young master whose robe still exposed his bare chest.

"Will there be anything else, Master Timmy?" Michael asked.

Timmy looked at the man whose trousers were still open and whose fat but spent cock was still showing. Timmy smirked at the butler; given how much he liked Michael; he was being awfully cruel. Timmy fondled the little baby blue shorts in his hand. His shorts were too small for Michael – the man would be able to get into them but they wouldn't fit at all.

"Michael, take off your trousers and underwear," Timmy told him.

"Yes, Master Timmy," Michael replied.

Shoes came off followed by trousers and underwear. The shirt, tie and jacket remained but the butler was naked below the waist – save for his black socks which only added to the sad mortification of the scene. Jeffrey put his shoes back too and he just looked degraded.

"Turn around," Timmy ordered; "Get on all fours like a doggy."

Michael obeyed and Timmy leaned over to push up the shirttails and bottom of the jacket. Michael had a sweet fucking ass and if Timmy's balls didn't hurt so much, he would have fucked it right there in the hall.

Instead, Timmy put his foot on Michael's ass.

"Put your body down and ass up, doggy," Timmy impelled.

Michael did as he was told and a moment later he felt a big, broad digit in the crack of his ass. Timmy pushed his big toe into Michael's hole and prodded the sphincter repeatedly with his toe as he fucked the man's ass with his foot. Timmy wasn't going to get an entire foot in Michael's ass – his big toe was enough.

"Are you hard again?" Timmy asked.

"Yes," Michael said ashamedly.

"Sit on your butt. Turn around and look at me," Timmy commanded.

Michael turned around and sat facing Timmy. Timmy kicked Michael's legs open wide and looked down and the hard man in shoes and socks, shirt and tie and jacket. The bottomless man was laughably sexy.

"Jerk off," Timmy ordered.

It had only been ten minutes since cumming but Michael was young - he ought to be able to manage another orgasm by now.

"Keep looking at me while you do it, Michael," Timmy ordered.

Timmy opened his bathrobe and slipped it off his shoulders so he was totally naked in front of the man. Timmy watched Michael masturbate to his vision – Timmy didn't even know if Michael was gay or straight, not that it mattered.

Michael had sped up his stroked and was getting close to cumming again. He felt humiliated jerking off while looking at the teenager. He felt humiliated that he's just been ass-probed by the kid's toe. Michael wanted it to be over; his hairy balls and the dark pubes above his cock emphasised the nakedness of his tights and the dressing over his torso.

"If you're close, close your legs," Timmy ordered while stepping back.

Michael did and Timmy took a hold of Michael's legs to heft them up as he continued to beat himself off. Michael was doubled over, his cock aiming into his own face and then he came. Michael's cum erupted over his face and hair and Timmy laughed with delight.

Timmy was finally happy and he let go of Michael's legs and told him to get up.

"Don't wipe the cum off until morning," Timmy said.

"Yes, Master Timmy," Michael replied.

Timmy pulled on his bathrobe and handed his shorts to Michael.

"Here, put my shorts on," Timmy asked – but provoked.

Michael took the shorts that were too small for him – Timmy had a 26-inch waist and Michael was 32-inches. He squeezed into the shorts but they pinched around the waist and legs; his ass cheeks spilled out at the back and his still-softening cock bulged obscenely at the front.

It was a gorgeous sight.

Michael was bewildered by the thoughts of his dick being where his young master's had been. The shorts were a little damp from the spit of his own mouth and Michael's oozing remnants of cum added to the tableau of contamination on fabric.

"You can go to bed now. I need to see my father," Timmy said.

"You're the boss," Michael said.

Timmy grinned and watched the man go, easing control of the butler's mind so he could choose to take the shorts off once he was in bed... if he wanted to. Timmy cast his eyes at Michael's underwear and trousers that were still lying in the hall but it wasn't his job to pick them up so he left them and headed for his father's office.

Timmy should have knocked – it would have been polite – but he just walked in. His father looked up and took in the sight of his son who was barely wearing a bathrobe. It was partially open to reveal his chest and his bare legs dropped out the bottom; Warren Kotes would bet the boy was naked underneath.

"Good night son?" Warren asked.

"Fuck yea, daddy," Timmy replied.

His father chuckled and leaned back in his chair. An expensive desk separated them and Timmy put his bare feet up on it; his father see up Timmy's bathrobe where his hairless penis and testicles were exposed. Timmy wanted daddy to see his shaved genitals... wait, no he didn't. Timmy put his feet on the floor.

"Tell me all about it," Warren invited.

Timmy looked at his father – a man in his late forties but very fit. He had greying hair that suited him and his physique was buff. His dad had a body that Timmy could greedily devour on the beach in the summer and he was thinking about it now; sucking on his nipples, maybe? Which was a weird thought so Timmy tried to ignore it.

"Well, first I took my t-shirt off for him and then helped him take off his suit..." Timmy began.

"You know quite nicely the details I'm asking for," Warren interrupted his son.

Timmy, abashed, fell silent and thought about the intricate details of his encounter with Jeffrey.

"He's more powerful than I expected," Timmy reported; "Jeffrey thought he had the upper hand when he revealed he could control minds too. I don't think he figured out that I already knew. He made me stand up, took naked pictures of me, made me shave my pubic hair..."

"He commanded you to do those things? Were you powerless to resist?" Warren asked uncritically, leaning closer to his son.

"No, daddy..." Timmy replied but he had hesitated before committing.

His father looked at him with piercing blue eyes; blue like the ocean, a beach where they lay side by side. Naked. Again weird. Timmy continued:

"Things didn't go exactly like we planned but he believes he had control over me which is what we wanted."

Timmy had been unable to resist some of Jeffrey's commands but it could be hard to separate the things he was told to do and wanted to do from the things he was told to do but didn't want to do.

Warren settled back smugly in his chair and took a sip of an amber colour fluid.

"Can I have some?" Timmy asked, reaching for the tumbler once it was back on the desk.

"This is a Macallen Whiskey. It's nearly 100 years old... so no, you cannot have some," Warren told his son.

"I could make you give me a taste," Timmy mumbled.

"We both know your powers don't work on me," Warren chided.

Timmy fell quiet – he could offer a blowjob in exchange for a dram. What? No! Timmy thought about what else to tell his daddy.

"Pretty much everything we thought was right. Ellis Blockerberg is trying to get inside information on your business. He hired Jeffrey to get hired by you so he could spy," Timmy said methodically; "Jeffrey now thinks he'll be able to use me as leverage while maintaining his cover inside your business and reporting back to Mr Blockerberg."

"How strong is he?" Warren asked.

"He's at least a level seven, Tier I mind controller," Timmy reported; "With work, he could be stronger."

Tier I: the ability to coerce or compel another person into a desired action in another.

Like commanding a boy to pose for naked pictures. Or commanding a man to eat his own cum from a boy's ass.

"As strong as you?" Warren wondered.

"Maybe," Timmy admitted reluctantly.

"And Tier II?" Warren asked.

Tier II: the ability to subliminally manipulate or alter another person's perception of a person, thing or event.

Like the ability to persuade a man that the kid he is looking at is eighteen – give or take four years. Timmy rarely told the truth about his age. He liked to keep his audience wondering.

"Nothing. I didn't feel any power on that domain," Timmy observed.

"He can't manipulate perception?" Warren responded to his son; "If his Tier II abilities were stronger than yours, would you be able to tell if he had manipulated your perception of something?"

"I don't know," Timmy admitted; "But I don't think he did."

"Good," Warren nodded; "Good. So, everything is going according to plan. He's ours and he doesn't even know it. Even better, he thinks he is in control of you."

According to plan? Timmy was the one doing all the hard work and it occurred to him, not for the first time, that he wanted to enjoy more of the benefits of a multi-billion-dollar company and a personal family fortune in eleven figures. However, Timmy rather enjoyed the rock-hard work.

"Yes daddy," Timmy replied succinctly.

Timmy felt a throb under his robe. He could almost see his naked father bathed in the sun, his grey head bobbing up and down on Timmy's seven-inch cock which was oozing...

Timmy was exhausted. He shook his head to dispel the strange thoughts about his father. His little body was wearing a bit thin, that was all.

"You look tired. Go to bed, Timmy," Warren told the boy.

"Good night daddy," Timmy said.

He rose from the chair and crossed towards the door. At the last moment he turned back.

"By the way," Timmy called across the room; "I like Michael. The new butler?"

"I thought you would," Warren confessed.

"I'm thinking I might play with him some more when I get my strength back," Timmy reported.

"You're the boss," Warren said offhandedly.

It made Timmy smile – his dad didn't even know he'd said it. The little phrase Timmy implanted was a subliminal instruction that let him know he had influence over someone – it always made him smile.

Warren thought his son's powers didn't work on him.


"You can't stop looking at me."

The words had been ringing in Jeffrey's head all night until they gave him a headache. He hadn't been able to stop looking at the cute kid. Timmy was a sweet-ass boy and the most beautiful human he'd ever fucked.

The trouble was, Jeffrey was having trouble deciding if he couldn't stop looking because Timmy commanded it or because he was interested in the kid. Jeffrey also could not push through the question of Timmy's age. Was he eighteen?

Eighteen was literally the only age Timmy had said aloud throughout this mad adventure yet Jeffrey had been left with the feeling that Timmy was not eighteen. Timmy had pushed the sub-optimal perception and now Jeffrey couldn't see through it.

"Is there a problem?" Ellis Blockerberg asked.

"No. I was just thinking," Jeffrey replied curtly.

"I wished you'd changed before you came to my office," his boss complained; "You stink of sex with that boy."

Jeffrey's suit was dishevelled but, as much as the man complained, he had ordered Jeffrey to report to his office as soon as things ended with Timmy Kotes.

"That boy was quite the fucker," Jeffrey said – if only to test Ellis Blockerberg's distaste for blue language.

"I know. The kid's appetites for barebacking men is well known. Why do you think we sent you?" Mr Blockerberg said.

"Timmy thought he could control me. He acted surprised when I took control of him but he was just playing along. He knew about me. He knew about my abilities," Jeffrey reported.

"Did he now?" Mr Blockerberg said thoughtfully. "Does he know you know."

"No," Jeffrey answered but he wasn't really sure anymore.

"Timmy was very powerful. I hadn't expected him to push so hard," Jeffrey said.

"Are we still talking about mind control?" his boss asked with a laugh.

Jeffrey laughed too – the man seemed sincere in his joke rather than scornful.

"Yes, we are," Jeffrey replied amiably; "I don't think he realises it but Timmy's Tier I abilities are at least level nine... as strong as mine are. His Tier II abilities are level seven or eight."

"So, he rivals you?" Blockerberg asked, his voice heavy with frustration.

Jeffrey was not going to admit the kid had him bamboozled about something as simple as his age. Perhaps the simplicity of the deception was what made it so complete?

"Timmy knew I was coming and that I had mind control powers. He has no idea I can manipulate perception too. I allowed him to think he controls me," Jeffrey revealed; "A little phrase he tried to implant in my mind. It gave me the idea that I could implant things in his mind too."

"Like what?" Blockerberg demanded.

Ellis Blockerberg was a man used to getting his own way – just like Warren Kotes.

Ellis Blockerberg was a man used to being in control – just like Warren Kotes.

Ironic that both men were now depending on literal mind controllers. Still, Jeffrey was never going to tell the man what he had implanted in Timmy's little mind:

  1. To walk all over Michael; the butler who had lured Jeffrey into Timmy's trap.

  2. A sudden attraction to his own father – subtle and chaste but still there.

Would Timmy figure out what Jeffrey had done?

"I shouldn't say in case it hasn't worked," Jeffrey replied; "I'll find out more in due course."

"Fine. You can go," Blockerberg said dismissively.

It occurred to Jeffrey that he and Timmy would have no difficulty taking over Ego-Log and Bus Tracks. They would be an unstoppable pair. Jeffrey was still thinking about the kid when he got into his car to drive home; he squeezed his cock and thought about Timmy's lips.

"Get a grip," Jeffrey said to himself – no pun intended.

Yet Jeffrey took his phone out and started a video of the naked teenager. Just as Timmy had commanded, Jeffrey couldn't take his eyes off the boy...


Building this story was a lot of fun. I wanted to plant multiple twists and reveals that make you realise there were clues all along:

Bill was the wrong man, Jeffrey is a mind controller too, Timmy is just letting Jeffrey think he's in control; except, Jeffrey knew Timmy was just pretending to be under control.

By the end of the story, are you really any wiser as to who is the boss? I deliberately leave ambiguity as to whether either Timmy or Jeffrey were ever under control or just pretending. It's also ambiguous as to who is the stronger of the two and, more importantly, if they will join forces and turn their powers on their father/ employer.

Jeffrey and Timmy demand you donate to Nifty:

Stories so far by J. Forrester:

Chronological order: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told, Anthology.

I'd love to hear from readers about this story. Feedback to authors is their primary compensation and motivation.

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Finally, my next story is only a few months away; stay tuned for A Series of Embarrassing Events.

Next: Chapter 8: Join the Team 1

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