
By J Forrester

Published on Oct 30, 2021



You are travelling into an alternate dimension. Do not adjust your connection to reality. Here we find a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. Welcome to the Anthology...

Dedication: For Matt!

Anthology (IV) – Join the Team, part one

If people around the world had "superpowers", how would you even know? Many of them don't even know themselves. Jay doesn't know what he can do but he's about to find out. Attracted to his next-door neighbour Matt, an unlikely encounter leads to amazing revelations. Poor Jay though, he's bit slow seeing what's going on...


Jay watched Matt coming out his bedroom.

Not coming out as in announcing his sexuality. No...

Matt was naked, erect and ejaculated across the threshold. It was Matt's fault he was seen because he didn't close the curtains in the hall and the bedroom faced the hall window that looked across to Jay's house.

Anyway, where were we?

Oh, yea. Matt was coming out his bedroom one morning.

Well... one assumes he leaves his bedroom most mornings. All mornings even...

Anyway, let's start again.

Matt was coming out his bedroom on this particular morning. Jay watched him thumping away on six inches of morning wood – Matt liked to wank first and then shower the spunk away. The window at the top of the stairs in Matt's house looked into the same window in Jay's house and the bedroom doorway where Matt was wanking faced that hall window. The distance between the houses was filled with an almost springtime sunshine. Neither Matt nor Jay was there by accident; Jay had a crush and liked watching Matt and Matt was flattered by the attention and was happy to put on a show. Standing naked in front of a lad a dozen years younger didn't bother Matt – in his Armed Forces days he was surrounded by naked men and lads of all ages.

Matt always woke up achingly hard and horny so it didn't take long to shoot his load on the floor – he'd need to be careful not to slip on it as he left the bathroom. After cumming, Matt squeezed the hard, fat member, licked his own jizz off his thumb and stepped out of the bedroom.

Jay enjoyed watching Matt, call him obsessive if you want (Jay, you're obsessive) but Jay liked it. Matt was cute or handsome, depending on your point of view. He had very short hair, that was fair or light brown. His features were soft and round, like the orbits of his eyes were moulded from clay and softened with water.

Matt's abdomen, though still muscular, was slightly curvy but he wasn't twenty-one anymore – give him a break. He was in the north end of thirties in fact, but Matt had lived a long life and the years showed in his eyes. Was he to believe in the soul, Matt would say his was old and who was he to say the soul didn't exist? Crazier things were true! Much crazier!

A few months ago, Matt's brother told him that he looked like Chris Hemsworth.

"Really? Thanks!" Matt replied.

"...From Avengers Endgame."

"Very fucking funny," Matt replied but he laughed too.

Matt looked even cuter when he smiled or laughed. Jay thought Matt looked cute all the time – but he was slightly obsessed. When the man had moved in six months or so ago, Jay had affectionately called him Mr Fantastic. But Matt was a much nicer name that suited his soft features; features that ironically didn't fit with his athleticism.

Matt didn't have the same dedicated fitness regime that he had ten or even five years ago but he had a better than average physique that made him look glorious; he wasn't chiselled like a dehydrated model on the cover of Men's Health but he still ran, cycled and lifted weights. Matt was at the north end of average height and very lean.

After cumming and exiting the bedroom, Matt disappeared from Jay's view as he stepped towards the bathroom to shower. He'd emerged a short time later – four minutes and forty seconds, not that Jay was counting – in boxers and t-shirt but that was ok. Matt's arms and legs were hugged by their attire in a way that enhanced his biceps and thighs and the bulge in his boxers. Matt knew Jay was watching him and he teased Jay shamelessly.

Jay was younger than Matt by more than a little but less than a lot – Jay was still trying to decide if he liked older men in general or just one older man. So, in a way, watching Matt was like... research? Jay sometimes researched with his cock in his hand... because he liked to be thorough?

As much as Jay had been watching Matt, Matt had been watching Jay and planning. Today, he had decided, was the day.

Jay was sitting at the desk in his room and trying to study – he didn't even remember sitting down to start. Jay had just turned eighteen and had started University in September; he was eager to do well so spent most of the day reading and trying to study. It had been a dull a dreary November day anyway – with threatening clouds in the sky since the sun rose and hid behind a haze of grey. From time to time, Jay thought about his jerking neighbour – did Matt know he could be seen? Jay couldn't think of anything worse than someone catching you naked. Jay tolerated locker room nudity (partial nudity for him) but caught wanking would be humiliating.

When Jay could no longer concentrate and was frankly fed up (he was a Fresher for fucksake!), he pulled on long compression leggings, trainers and a stretchy, long-sleeved base layer for running. It was the early day of November so it was cold outside but inside the house so cosy, it was tempting to take a nap rather than a run. It was also quiet but for the cacophony of rain beating against the roof and windows which was heavy and persistent.

Jay hurried down the stairs and peeked into the living room. Empty. Jay headed for the kitchen – he could smell fresh baking which almost made him float like a cartoon character. On the way he straightened a photo of his mum and stepdad, Tony. His mum and dad had separated a dozen years ago and she'd remarried a younger man a couple of years later. Jay's dad, Roger, was now a forty-year-old man who had not remarried but he was happily looking after his two sons.

Jay found his dad and little brother in the kitchen. His brother was fourteen – three and a half years younger than Jay – and while Jay was had started university, Milo was in High School but already graduated in being annoying.

Frustratingly, Milo was cute, clever and only an inch shorter than Jay despite their age difference.

"Did you guys bake brownies?" Jay asked casually.

"I ATE THREE!" Milo announced so loudly that his dad nearly had a heart attack.

"Jesus Christ!" Roger said, jumping and clutching his chest.

"Why did it make you louder?" Jay asked.

"I don't know," Milo said more moderately.

Milo and Roger looked at Jay in his running gear and raised dubious eyebrows.

"You're not going for a run in this?" his dad said.

"It's not that bad," Jay said dismissively.

"Jay, c'mon. If the rain gets any heavier, you'll have to swim home," Milo said.

His dad chuckled and ruffled Milo's hair – Milo swatted the hand away and squirmed while Jay rolled his eyes at them.

"Roger!" Milo complained as he wriggled away – calling his dad by his first name just to annoy him.

"You know I hate it when you do that," Roger said.

"Roger that," Milo replied.

"Almost as much as I hate that joke," Roger added wearily while Milo smugly sniggered.

"Anyway... I'm going for a run," Jay repeated.

"We might pop out for some supplies. Today's going to be a washout," their dad said.

Roger was a planner and rain required a plan. The sun required a plan. Snow, fog and wind required a plan. He planned for non-weather phenomena too like power cuts (candles), Wednesday nights (pizza), wife leaving (loneliness).

Jay would never admit it but maybe his dad and brother were right? The rain was coming down hard. It came down so hard, pummelling Jay and making him wet. This isn't dirty, you're being dirty!

Jay was getting so wet that his clothes clung to his sculpted body, showing off his physique and making him breath harder as he pounded... the street. Stop making this sound dirty!

Jay was a creature of habit and he ran every day at more or less the same time but not in an OCD way. Most people who say they have OCD, do not have OCD; cleaning the windows is not OCD, Karen. Being unable think about anything else to the point where you cannot to go to work unless you cleaned the windows is OCD.

Where were we?

Running in the rain. It was the kind of rain that turned the sky dark and came down in torrents, unless spasmodically prevented by a squall, casting against the wet-slapped streets and jangling rooftiles, letting in leaks, frustrating the calm inside living rooms and blinding runners with sharp, soggy pelts of wet to the face. Seriously! Stop it!

Purple prose aside, it was fucking teeming it down.

And it rained for forty days and forty nights – in the space of one hour at this rate. Although Jay liked to run every day at around the same time, give or take half an hour, he was not going to drown himself in horizontal water. After twenty minutes, he turned back, cutting twenty minutes off his run.

Jay wiped away water from his face using a wet sleeve. Counterproductive!

"Fuck!" Jay swore... at the rain.

Jay could taste hair product that had been washed from his head, his hair now flat and plastered to his scalp. Jay had put on about 10KG in weight just from the rain now soaking his t-shirt, leggings, underwear and trainers. It was actually getting hard to lift his legs and several times he had to pull his joggers back up as they slipped down his ass from the weight of water.

Jay was soaked from head to toe, his feet were soggy and squelching and he was generally getting quite pissed off... at the rain. Nursing a metrological rage, Jay sped up for the last stretch and sprinted into the driveway, down to the front door and... locked.

"Fucking, cunting, bastard, fuck," Jay complained.


A rumble like thunder grumbled in the distance. Jay could see his brother's evil grin. Not literally – Milo had gone with dad to get supplies to survive an afternoon of rain. However, locking him out was just the thing his little brother would do.

"Are you ok, Jay?"

The voice carried through the rain – Matt was stood between at the gate between his house and Jay's. He had an umbrella and wellies on and looked sympathetically at the teenager.

"Hi Matt," Jay replied.

Matt was the handsome neighbour who Jay had been spying on that morning. Again, Jay didn't think it was all his fault – Matt literally jerked off facing Jay's house. The man was nearly old enough to be his father but he was very attractive.

"Hi Matt," Jay replied.

"Why don't you come inside," Matt said.

"Oh... that's ok," Jay croaked.

"Jay! It's pissing down! Come inside," Matt said authoritatively.

Jay was grateful and followed his neighbour to No.40 Logan Street. Matt opened his front door and ushered Jay into the hall. Matt had collapsed the umbrella in the porch and once in his hallway, removed his jacket. He wore a tight t-shirt that hugged muscled arms and chest. Matt's abdomen was flat too... because he was sucking his gut in a bit.

Matt turned to smiled at the dripping wet eighteen-year-old who had just stepped into the hall. Everything was coming together.


"Jay, you're dripping water all over my hall," Matt admonished.

"Sorry, Matt," Jay replied apologetically.

Matt toed off his shoes and told Jay to wait in the hall. He returned half a minute later with a bucket.

"You can put your clothes in there," Matt said.

"What?" Jay squeaked.

"You are soaking wet. Put your clothes in there, take a shower and I'll put them in the dryer for you," Matt said.

"Oh... I dunno," Jay hesitated.

Jay didn't even like stripping off in the locker room – he felt self-conscious and shy. So, for some reason, Jay was reticent to take his clothes off in front of his incredibly handsome, older, next-door neighbour. Go figure. Jay was also a sucker for authority and a well behaved and obedient boy so it didn't take much for Matt to get his way.

"Jay, it's ok. C'mon... you're ruining my floor," Matt said, suppressing a smile.


Jay looked at the pool of water around his feet – Matt was right, he was leaking everywhere. The other thing Jay noticed was that the outline of his boxers was visible through the compression leggings and his penis, shrunken from the cold, was barely more than a small bump.

He hoped Matt hadn't noticed.

Matt had noticed.

Jay pushed his trainers off and tugged at his sopping wet socks. Matt looked at Jay's feet, pale from the cold and rippled with tendon and veins. Jay had lovely feet with ten toes... just a regular toed guy. The eighteen-year-old tossed the trainers and socks (both of which literally dripped water as he lifted them) and dropped them into the bucket. Jay worried at the bottom of his running shirt which was long-sleeved and skin-tight. He pulled the bottom up and Matt saw the lad's lean chest and abdomen come into view... well, he was flexing.

As the shirt came up over Jay's head, his face was covered and Matt let his tongue hang out at the sight of the beautiful twunk. Jay's tummy (flat in the middle with V lines disappearing into his leggings), his belly button (Matt wanted to stuff his tongue into it), his pits with tufts of mousy hair (Matt would happily nest his nose in them), his chest and his nipples (Matt wanted to lick them) were just beautiful.

Matt's eyes bulged while Jay's face was covered by the sopping wet t-shirt. Jay's chest had a small triangle of hair in its centre between the nipples and trail that trickled like water from his belly button into the waistband of his joggers.

The shirt peeled off, stretching and dripping. Jay dropped it into the bucket with a heavy, sodden thud. Jay was embarrassed as he stood in his neighbour's hallway – a man Jay had watched masturbate that morning – topless and barefoot.

"At this rate, there'll be more water on my floor than in my fish tank," Matt commented.

"Sorry," Jay said again.

Don't be sorry, just take your fucking clothes off, you dirty little bottom boy.

"That's ok," Matt said instead. "Here' I'll hold you steady while you take those wet leggings off."

Matt held Jay's arm and the lad pushed the waistband of the stretchy compression leggings down, tugging his baggy boxers down with them and accidentally exposing the bush of pubes above his dick. Matt noticed but Jay was unable to pull the underwear back up while also removing the dripping wet stretchy material that was now around his ankles.

"What are your fish called?" Jay asked to try and make conversation.

Jay was glad of Matt's support because he nearly fell over as he hopped on one leg to pull this foot out and then the other. At one point, while Jay pulled on the second leg, the material stretched until Jay worried he'd catapult them across the hall.

"Kirby, Lee, Jack and Stan," Matt replied, relishing the touch of the lad and tempted to stroke Jay's arm not just hold it.

After freeing his second foot, Jay dropped the leggings into the bucket. Jay was finally reduced to just his wet, baggy boxers – white and red striped. The material was soaked through so the white stripes became transparent bands that exposed flesh-coloured bands of Jay's thighs, butt and his flaccid penis and testes. Jay's legs were long and thin with wispy hairs and the whole nearly naked package was adorable.

"Do I need to..." Jay asked ashamedly while plucking at the wet, partially see-through boxers.

It was insanity but if Matt had told him to take the boxers off in his hallway, Jay would have obeyed. Matt found this obedience endearing and something they would need to work on. However, Jay hated being seen and looked at and could not imagine anything worse than being naked in front of the handsome man. He hoped Matt didn't ask him to strip totally nude. Being in his boxers in front of his neighbour was very nearly as bad.

"Of course not. You can keep them on, Jay," Matt said. "Why don't you go upstairs and take a hot shower?"

"Really?" Jay asked.

His skin was cold and damp and his rain matted hair still dripping. If Jay got any colder, he'd turn into an iceman.

"Leave your boxers on the floor of the bathroom and I'll pass you in a towel," Matt said.

If his bloody brother had just left the door unlocked, Jay wouldn't be in this mess. Jay went upstairs in just his boxers and Matt took the soaking clothes away. Looking out the hall window at the top of the stairs, Jay thought about how the day had started – looking into this very house and watching his hot neighbour masturbate.

Jay faced the very bedroom door that Matt had been standing at while pleasuring himself – it was closed but Jay wished he could peek inside and maybe sniff some discarded underwear or something. The door on the right took Jay into the bathroom; he wanted to lock the door while he showered but it needed to be left open so Matt could give him a towel and collect his boxers. Jay dropped his soggy underpants which slapped against the tile floor with a wet splat. After stepping out of them, Jay contemplated how unbelievable the turn of events was.

Because of a storm and a locked door, Jay was now naked in his neighbour's house!

Jay stepped into the shower and relished the warm spray in his face. Hot and wet, it shot into his face and dripped down his chest. You're being dirty again! Jay soaped his hair and body and closed his eyes.

Matt had silently pushed the door open and peeked inside. The eighteen-year-old was totally naked. Because Jay was lean and thin, he looked tall (in reality he was several inches short of six foot). Jay suited his lanky runners build and sparse arrangement of body hair. Naked, with water sluicing over his curvy ass to make it shine, Jay was oblivious to being watched.

Water tinkled off the end of Jay's dick – his flaccid penis was less than three inches long. Jay's foreskin was pinched closed from the previous cold and made it look like Jay was peeing in the shower. Which was pretty selfish when the lad could have been peeing on Matt's face and chest. Honestly, some boys don't think about anyone but themselves!

Jay didn't get hard but as the hot water relaxed his tense skin, Jay pulled back his foreskin to clean under it. When pulled it forward again, his penis had chubbed just slightly. Matt grinned – now was the perfect time to make his presence known.

"I'll leave your towel here. Just come downstairs when you're done," Matt called.

Jay startled and he hoped Matt hadn't been watching him wash his dick but when he looked, his sexy neighbour was already pulling the door closed behind him. Would Matt think he had been playing with himself? Fuck! A few minutes later and Jay finished in the shower; it was only then that Jay discovered there was only one towel and it was a hand towel.


Matt wished he could have seen Jay's face! Though Matt knew he had to gently stress the young man if this was going to work, he was also enjoying the task at hand.

Jay rubbed his skin until it was dry but the towel grew very damp – not wet or saturated but damp. Jay rubbed his hair with his hand and used the towel to remove the last of the water. He had nothing else to put on but the hand towel, which wrapped around his waist but only just tied in a single knot at his hip.

Even then, below the knot, the towel split to expose Jay's creamy thigh. The top of the towel sat just above Jay's pubes and came down to his mid-thigh. The sprigs of hair on his thighs and wisps on his legs were fluffy from rubbing with the towel. Jay cringed as he looked at himself in the mirror – topless and bare-legged and barely covered.

Jay wanted to hide in the bathroom but Matt had told him to come downstairs when he was done and Jay couldn't bring himself to shout for another towel – to reveal his insecurity and shyness.

So, Jay went downstairs where Matt was waiting...


Jay walked barefoot downstairs and into Matt's living room where the man was sat watching the News: "...despite the Synod and Conclave of the F.A.R voting to annul the Presidency of former leader Horace Hump, his popularity has endured in some quarters. Nevertheless, his latest trial could add another eighty years to his current 311-year sentence."

"Umm... Matt?" Jay said uncertainly.

Matt was listening to the latest news about the once esteemed Federated American Republic and would have become contemplative about its fight for survival against tyranny if he had the time.

"Oh, hello Jay. Come in," Matt said warmly.

"I'm... I'm not dressed," Jay said.

Jay shuffled into view – all feet and legs and upper body exposure. Fuck, Matt almost came in his pants right then.

"Please, come in. Sit down," Matt said warmly and casually.

Jay entered the room and burned self-consciously now that he was in full view of the man he had a major crush on.

"Oh I... I dunno if I should..." Jay replied.

"I have something I need to tell you, Jay," Matt said seriously.

"My towel is wet," Jay added as he stepped closer – he didn't want to ruin the man's sofa.

"I see your point," Matt replied.

Matt reached up and pulled the knot that held Jay's towel around his waist. He yanked it and the towel loosened. Jay had no time to stop it falling to his feet – exposing his full nudity to Matt. Stripping to his boxers had been stressful. Being naked in his neighbour's shower had been even more stressful – especially when Matt might have seen him. But actually being balls out naked?

Jay wished he was invisible – that deep part of him that didn't want people to see him and was embarrassed about what people would think of him. It was a silly thought because Jay was beautiful. He had a good but achievable physique – thin and athletic but not bulging biceps or abs caused by malnourishment and dehydration.

Jay covered his dick and balls with cupped hands. Not that this was necessary – there was nothing to see.

"You were right, you can't sit down with a wet towel. Sit down now, Jay," Matt said.

Jay sat – trying not to look at himself as he sat naked in his neighbour's living room.

"I have something to tell you. Today wasn't an accident," Matt said.

Sometimes you just had to say it outright.

"What?" Jay replied.

Jay had been looking at the floor – anywhere but himself or the man he fancied – but now his gaze lifted. Jay still couldn't look his crush in the eye but he could see Matt was smiling serenely.

"I made it rain to get you here," Matt said seriously.

"You... made it rain?" Jay asked incredulously.

"When I a kid, it rained why I got sad," Matt explained.

"Lots of people get sad when it rains," Jay observed miserably.

"It rained because I got sad, Jay," Matt responded.

Jay looked Matt in the eyes now. The man was sat in a chair to Jay's left and to Matt's credit, he didn't look between Jay's legs. He couldn't look between Jay's legs.

"It literally rained because I wanted it to," Matt expanded. "My brothers can influence weather too. Rain is my speciality."

"That's ridiculous," Jay said.

"Look out the window," Matt said.

Jay frowned and when Matt heard no movement, he jerked his head towards the window. Reluctantly, Jay stood up and went to the bay window. Matt smiled because Jay wasn't thinking about the fact he was still naked as he looked out the window. The boy could have been flashing his neighbours under other circumstances.

"Rain off," Matt said.

The rain stopped in a matter of seconds.

"Whoa!" Jay said.


"Rain on," Matt muttered and the rain resumed its deluge.


"Fog, on your left," Matt said.

Before Jay's eyes, fat water droplets seemed to become fine and gathered in a grey-white cloud that hovered at the edge of Matt's garden. Jay's eyes could trance the demarcation between the deluge of rain and where it suddenly became nothing more than a fine mist.

Matt stepped towards the window to join Jay. Nothing but a ghost of the living room was reflected in the pane of glass but when Matt stepped beside Jay, he was also reflected.

"Cloud straight ahead..." Matt said.

Jay looked but it was an unremarkable cumulonimbus of white and grey.

"Looks like a middle finger," Matt added with a titter.

Jay watched the cloud resemble a hand and a middle finger.


"That's impossible," Jay said.

Jay turned to look at Matt – his nudity was almost forgotten. Matt was so close; Jay could smell his aftershave and see a faint scar above his left eyebrow.

"I know," Matt agreed offhandedly.

"You can literally control the weather?" asked Jay doubtfully.

"Yup. Remember summer 2013? That was me. Though I prefer working with precipitation more than sunshine," Matt boasted.

"Why's that?" Jay asked.

"Have you seen guys in wet t-shirts?" Matt posited with a chuckle..

Matt also remembered the havok he caused when he was a kid and first exploring his powers.

"My brother is good with hurricanes and high winds. My dad is good with cold temperature. He's doing what he can in Antarctica to prevent critical desalinisation of the transatlantic current."

"Right..." Jay replied.

"You're so tense, Jay. Just relax, I insist," Matt said.

As Jay calmed down from his embarrassment and the distraction of looking at the middle finger in the sky, he held his genitals a little bit less fervently. Matt smiled as he finally looked between Jay's legs. Jay's thighs were lined with feathery hair and above the teenage dick were a spray of wiry pubes and in the hands, well – that was still concealed and Matt didn't have x-ray vision.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jay asked.

Jay stepped away from Matt and the window and padded back into the middle of the living room. Jay's ass was now reflected in the window and Matt took the chance to look at the beautiful cheeks. Jay's embarrassment had made it impossible to look at him but as Jay relaxed, Matt felt invited to look.

"I'm telling you because I'm special. There are other special people in the world. Some can control minds or control perception. Some can implant false memories..." Matt explained. "And some, Jay, can turn invisible."

Jay took a moment to process what Matt was saying.

"Me?" Jay asked incredulously.

"You!" Matt said.


"That's impossible," Jay said.


"You did it just now without even realising it," Matt pointed out. "You've been invisible since I took your towel. Didn't you notice you had no reflection in the window?"

Jay staggered back and looked doubtfully at Matt.

"So, you're saying I'm invisible right now?" Jay asked, lifting his hands and waving at Matt.

Matt grinned as Jay exposed his flaccid, uncircumcised penis testicles which hung a few inches underneath is a sac that was neither tight nor saggy. The penis was only two and a half inches long, topped with a short but not shorn bush of pubic hair.

"You were invisible. I can see you now... all of you in fact," Matt winked.

"Oh god," Jay blushed and covered himself again.

Matt wished he could sniff Jay's hands.

"Yes, I saw your exposed little penis. Is that as big as it gets?" Matt asked derisively.

Jay was mortified and wished he could simply disappear.

"Look at yourself, Jay! Quickly!" Matt said.

Jay looked down but he was gone. The lad who wasn't there.

"What the hell?" Jay said aloud as he looked at his hands, waving them in front of his face but seeing nothing.

"It's an involuntary stress response. With training, you can learn to control it," Matt said gently.

Matt approached where Jay had been standing and found the young man's shoulder. He stoked Jay's arm affectionately, comfortingly, and Jay reappeared. He hadn't covered up again yet so Matt got an even closer look at the lad's penis. Matt could smell Jay's fresh skin and see the faint bristles on his chin and feel the warmth coming from his naked body.

"Who are you?" Jay asked pleadingly.

He had been tempted to think his hot neighbour was messing with him but then his hands literally vanished. He had been totally invisible and Jay could not begin to explain how that was possible. Just as he could not explain the rain, the fog or the cloud that had given him the middle finger.

"I work for a non-public government agency, the DP Department," Matt said.

Jay sniggered, "DP?"

"Shut up," Matt chuckled. "It stands for Denego Potentia, they used to love their Latin, you know? It means to deny power. That's our job – to deny the existence of the extraordinary and prevent public exposure."

"Pun intended?" Jay asked in a humourless tone but he was smiling.

"Yes," Matt chuckled.

"You hide people with powers?" Jay asked.

"Sometimes. We protect them and stop dangerous people finding them," Matt replied. "The DPD operates independently of political leadership. We recruit people to protect the country and sometimes to remove dangerous enhanced people from working autonomously."

Makes perfect sense!

Jay looked sceptical.

"Look, it's like this. Since 1963, we have had Seeker. That is someone who can sense and locate other enhanced people," Matt explained. "I was sent here for someone else when we found you purely by accident."

Which begged the question, were they looking for someone else?

It all sounded like farfetched nonsense. Before Jay could ask any questions, Matt continued.

"The Seeker found me when I was half your age. There's a kid who was born in 1981 and still looks sixteen years old," Matt said enthusiastically. "I've mentioned the mind controllers. Recently I've met a man with chronal cognition. He has a habit of dipping in and out of the future."


A man who can see through time and all its variation can certainly evade people looking for them, unless they wanted to be found.

"How many... what do you call them?" Jay asked.

"Enhanced. About one per half a million people are enhanced somehow. It varies slightly globally. The DPD have recruited nearly ninety of them in the Albion Commonwealth," Matt offered.

"Enhanced," Jay muttered to himself.

"The enhancements come from spontaneous alteration of specific genetic markers from generation to generation. Enhanced people can come from non-enhanced parents and those who have enhancement parent can have powers totally unlike their parents," Matt elaborated.

"What?" Jay asked – feeling rather stupid.

But Jay wasn't stupid. He could do sudoku and the Times Crossword, dammit! Not the whole crossword, but he gave it a good shot!

"Xenogeny, from one generation to another," Matt simplified.

"Sure..." Jay said doubtfully.

"Jay, I'm putting together a group that I want you to be a part of," Matt implored. "Specially Enhanced Xenogeny... just think about it, ok?"

Matt knew it was a lot for the bare-naked boy to take in.

"Ok. I'll think about it," Jay agreed.

"I need you Jay," Matt said to add persuasion. "Let's just say the other side, a powerful enemy, are putting together a team too and the DP need men to stand against them."

The other side?

"Why?" Jay asked.

"Because they are dangerous," Matt said seriously.

"I'll think about it," Jay said again.

Matt patted Jay's back and then slipped his hand down to Jay's sacrum. Jay tensed – excited and surprised and then very surprised as Matt squeezed one of Jay's cheeks. The neighbour whom Jay had watched jerking off a few hours ago was grabbing his ass? How many times had Jay dreamed about fucking, or being fucked, by this man? Jay was suddenly aware of how close the sexy man was. Jay hopped away and hoped is dick didn't get hard because his hands wouldn't be able to cover it.

"But can I turn invisible?" Jay asked.

"Things are only visible because of the way in which photons, light particles, interact with matter," Matt explained. "Our best guess is that your atomic biology is capable of manipulating those electromagnetic interactions; perhaps by absorbing photons and communicating the quantum information via entanglement so that separate particles acquire the identical subatomic properties. To all intents and purposes the photons skip the space you occupy."

"You just made that up didn't you?" Jay asked.

"Sounded convincing though," Matt chuckled though he didn't outright admit he made it up.

Jay saw Matt look him up and down, scrutinising the lad until he felt a little uncomfortable again. Jay had never been naked like this before – with a sexy man looking at him. Even in the locker room, Jay would never walk around so exposed. He couldn't decide why he wasn't running away... apart from the fact he had now clothes to wear? Could it be he liked being seen naked? Or was it because he knew he didn't need to be seen? At any moment he could avoid the male gaze?

"You should practice turning invisible," Matt told the young man.

"I'll try," Jay nodded.

"Why don't you go home..." Matt said softly.

"Yea. Good idea," Jay replied almost to himself.

"Like that!" Matt nodded to the nude lad.

"Wh-what? You want me to go home n-naked?" Jay stuttered.

Naked in his neighbours' living room was beyond Jay's imagination, walking around nude outside was incomprehensible.

"I certainly do," Matt chuckled.

"But what if someone sees me?" Jay asked stupidly.

"The point is to practice not being seen, Jay," Matt reminded him.

Matt flicked Jay an encouraging smile and again he let Jay see his wandering eyes. Jay was humiliated again and silently vanished. Yet, as humiliated as Jay felt, he was also flattered by the attention. Jay's dick had swollen slightly but not become fully hard. It was floppy hard and it felt very good.

"Concentrate on becoming visible again," Matt said seriously.

Jay checked himself out – sort of, because he was invisible – and then focussed on reappearance. Jay blinked back and he looked up at Matt with a smile.

"And vanish again?" Matt said.

Jay took a short, deep breath and vanished. After a few seconds he reappeared at will.

"Good," Matt said.

Invisible. Visible. Invisible. Visible. Invisible. Visible.

Now that Jay knew about his enhancement, it was as easy as turning on a light switch. Blink and you'd miss him.

"In fact, I wondered if you'd like to try something?" Matt suggested.

"What?" Jay asked suspiciously.

"Why don't you masturbate in the front garden?" Matt proposed.


Why don't you masturbate in the front garden?

Sure, why not just live stream a video of him fisting himself while he was at it?

"Because I'm not a deviant? Or an exhibitionist? Or insane!" Jay replied.

"You watched me masturbate this morning," Matt reminded Jay.

"Oh... but... but that's different..." Jay stumbled, embarrassed at being called out.

"Why's it different?" Matt asked.

"Because I didn't know you knew about that!" Jay replied.

Matt laughed and repeated his trick of wandering his eyes obviously and openly over the naked lad. Jay's discomfort caused him to vanish.

"Well, I did notice Jay. Subtlety is not your superpower," Matt teased.

"Sorry," Jay apologised.

"You really should consider going home nude and if you want to do the other thing..." Matt said cautiously.

"What, wank off in public?" Jay asked incredulously.

"No-one will see you. Literally. In fact, your enhancement may be linked to your nudity," Matt said.

"Yea, ok. I'm not falling for that," Jay sniggered but then tiled his head hesitantly. "Wait, I can turn invisible but only if I'm nude?"

"Your clothes won't turn invisible and our past experience indicates that reduced full-body sensory stimulation caused by clothing assists your natural ability to cloak," Matt said candidly.

Did that make sense?

"Is that why I've never unintentionally turned invisible before?" Jay asked.

"You probably have. But if you've been alone and looked at yourself, your brain filled in the missing information so you didn't notice," Matt replied. "You're lucky you've never accidentally turned invisible in front of friends, family or random men in the locker room."

Matt alternated between being serious and sardonic. Everything the DPD knew about invisibility indicated that it could be induced by stress and that skin contact with clothing caused sensory input that would impair the ability. Matt also knew that with practice, Jay might able to develop his powers to overcome these restrictions but it was too much fun to suggest the lad had to be naked.

"Well, I hate being undressed even at home or in the locker room. Maybe wearing clothes has kept me over-stimulated so I've never noticed I can turn invisible?" Jay speculated.

"Talking about overstimulation..." Matt said.

Jay looked at Matt and found himself intrigued by Matt's request. Masturbate outdoors but no-one can see him? What an exciting idea. Jay hated the idea of being seen so vulnerable and exposed and humiliated yet, as Matt pointed out, no-one would see him. Jay was still nervous yet he was intrigued too. For Matt, encouraging invisible onanism was funny because he wouldn't actually be able to see what Jay was doing.

"You could do it to... test your abilities?" Matt asked with a smirk.

"Well... when you put it like that..." Jay agreed and his eyes met Matt's beautiful gaze.

The truth was that Jay had always been self-conscious even when he knew he didn't need to be. He was handsome and well-proportioned. The idea of discomforting himself with outdoor nudity but safe in the knowledge he could not be seen was very exciting.

"I'll show you out," Matt said.

Jay was visible again so Matt got to watch the petite buns of the lean lad as he walked towards the hall. Jay's ability was amazing but Matt was worried that Jays control was so poor he wasn't even aware of turning his invisibility on and off. Jay would need to be careful of this to avoid exposure.

(So to speak, after all the young man was about to be exposed in public – sort of).

Matt was already contemplating how to teach Jay mindfulness over his powers – he might need some help with it but Matt had someone in mind for this job.

In the hall, Jay paused as he passed a picture he hadn't noticed when he had stripped – he'd been somewhat preoccupied at the time. Jay found himself staring at the photograph that seemed to dominate its space on the wall. Matt was in it and standing next to a man with brown skin, brown eyes and brown hair. A boy, a young teenager perhaps, stood in the middle front of them; his skin was olive, his eyes big and brown and his hair a mess of dark brown.

"My husband," Matt offered after a moment – he could tell Jay was curious but too polite to ask.

"You're married?" Jay asked – jealous and disappointed.

Not that Jay, an eighteen-year-old, thought he really had a shot with a man in his thirties but there was no need to ruin a perfectly good fantasy.

"Separated," Matt offered cagily.

"And the kid?" Jay asked of the preteen boy.

"Our son," Matt almost whispered. "He was the love of my life."

Jay caught the past tense and looked at Matt's soft features which wore an expression of great sadness. Jay opened his mouth to ask but felt impertinent for prying and looked down, averting his eyes. Looking at himself, Jay realised that he was still naked – how had he forgotten?

Jay was also visible too and he had grown comfortable with his nudity with surprising ease. Jay looked at his bare feet and long legs and dangling genitals which he wasn't even covering. When he looked back up, Matt was composed and smirking at Jay.

"Don't turn invisible," Matt warned quickly.

Caught off guard by the warning, the stress reaction that had previously triggered Jay's invisibility without even thinking did not kick in and Jay remained frozen – exposed and nude before the sexy man. Jay blushed and Matt was pleased to see it – literally.

Matt walked Jay to the front door and reached around him (who doesn't like a reach around?) and opened it for him. The sound of rain, which Jay hadn't heard with the door closed, filled the air. Jay had forgotten about the rain that had driven him to his neighbour's house in the first place. It was cold and the ground was wet; Jay saw mud and water all over Matt's garden and driveway.

"We should make plans to discuss the DPD and the team I'm putting together," Matt said.

"Yea, you'll need to bring my clothes back sometime... maybe when my dad and Milo are out the house," Jay suggested.

Matt was pleased the eighteen-year-old was growing more confident and assertive already.

"When your dad is out, sure," Matt agreed. "Though I was hoping to keep your clothes as a souvenir."

Jay laughed at the joke and then shivered as his skin acknowledged the cold and damp. He wasn't even standing in the rain yet but Jay was suddenly acutely aware of his nudity and how he was about to be totally naked outside.

For a boy who hated being naked in the changing room to even contemplate being naked in his own neighbourhood – his neighbours garden – was a turn of events Jay could never had anticipated. He wasn't invisible yet – what if another neighbour saw him?

"Whenever you're ready, you can turn invisible again," Matt said as if reading Jay's mind. "You might need to concentrate a bit harder. Remember, you have an acute sensory sensitivity. The rain hitting your skin might feel a strange."

"Right. And you still want me to..." Jay mimed masturbation with his fist.

"Yes. It's a shame I won't be able to see you playing with your one-eyed friend," Matt said euphemistically.

When the day had started, Jay had never imagined it would end with him beating his cyclops in the rain. Jay stepped outside and blinked out of sight. Matt was right, being invisible with the pitter patter of rain on his skin did feel weird and he needed to concentrate to maintain his vanishing act. His skin tingled all over, like pins and needles.

Jay walked down the stairs from Matt's porch to the path and then stepped onto the grass. The cold and rain-flushed concrete was been a shock on Jay's bare feet but the garden was worse. The soggy grass was saturated by Matt's rain. Is that a dirty double entendre? The soggy grass was waterlogged and the rain washed over Jay's bare feet.

The combination of sensations – from the pins and needles to the squelching under his feet – emphasised Jay's feeling of nakedness. Rain and wind kissed his ankles and his nipples went hard. Other things were about to get hard too.

As Jay turned to face Matt, Matt watched a ghostly form outline itself in the rain. It was strange because almost no detail was possible but Matt could see the space that Jay should take up because the rain dashed against it. Matt watched as the slim-shouldered form, thin and long-legged too, grew a long, solid tumescence from its groin.

Although Jay was self-conscious about his body, he was proud of his cock and almost sorry Matt couldn't see him hard. Matt's cock looked like it was about six inches long when Jay had watched him beating off that morning but Jay was seven and a half inches. His cock was much bigger than most boys would expect for such a timid and lanky young man.

Jay could not believe it! He was masturbating outside during the day – the day was dark with grey clouds (none of them giving the middle finger anymore) and an early sunset but he was jerking out in the open where anyone might see him... except they couldn't see him.

Jay looked down and couldn't see himself. Not really. There was an almost filmy outline where rain rolled off his skin but Jay was definitely invisible. Jay reflected on what Matt had said about him probably being invisible before and not realising it – his brain filling in the missingness or his eyes not registering that he wasn't there.

Jay also reflected that the rain was unnecessary – Matt could control it, so why was he being drowned again as he had been a few hours ago? Of course, Matt had maintained the precipitation to test Jay's concentration for maintaining his invisibility; the fact that this also meant Matt could see Jay's outline was entirely coincidental. Yup, totally coincidental.

Matt watched Jay's outline shuffling on the grass, the naked teenager's chest glistened and when Jay shook his head to flick water from his hair, it spat out in all directions like a fountain that lasted a few seconds.

As Jay shuffled his bare feet on the sodden grass, his feet squelched in the mud, which pressed between his toes and oozed over them. The mud was sticky and seeped over the little digits; it was strange to watch the mud push between digits that weren't visible, coating the translucent toes.

Jay rubbed the head of his dick and although he could not see his own hands or penis, the rain fell against them creating an outline that was clear but silvery. The water acted as lubricant, helping Jay's hand to slide over the spongy head and to glide up and down the hot shaft.

Jay was getting close to orgasm and he watched as Matt came down the steps towards him. Matt didn't react to the rain that fell on his head, soon running down his face and dampening his t-shirt. Matt must have been able to see Jay's water-cast outline because he stood in front of Jay as he wanked. Jay stroked his cock, the water causing his hand to make audible squelching noises as he jerked himself. Jay let his dick go just for a moment and batted it with his hand.


Jay's cock hit against his abdomen and Matt heard the fleshy hit, making him grin. Matt was impressed by the size of the teenage cock and idly thought about riding it someday. As Jay started stroking again Matt listened to Jay's quickening breath and then held out his hand to catch Jay's cum.

Jay panted as he squirted cum from his cock. Matt was amazed as the invisible form of Jay ejaculated but the moment the cum spurted forth, leaving Jay's one-eye, it became visible again. The creamy goo appeared from nowhere, unsettlingly blinking into existence. Jay's cum was milky and filled Matt's palm.

Jay took deep breaths – exhilarated and ecstatic but cold and wet too.

Matt brought his hand to his mouth and ate Jay's spunk but his other hand grasped the spent shaft. Jay gasped and bit his lip while Matt jerked still hot rod of boy meat. Jay's big, hard dick really was a thing of beauty and Matt wondered what it would be like to fuck or be fucked by an invisible lad.

Finally letting go of the throbbing prick, Matt moved his hand to the side of Jay's invisible face. Matt stroked Jay's cheek and grinned.

"See you around... so to speak," Matt said.

With that, Matt turned and walked back to his house. The front door closed with a sense of finality and Jay was left standing barefoot in the mud, naked in the rain and exposed in the garden – or he would have been exposed if it weren't for the fact he could not be seen.

Jay started making his way home to end what had to be the weirdest day ever. It could not get any crazier... shows what he knows.


This story was dedicated to fellow Nifty author, Matt Smith; my correspondent, friend and confidant.

Part two will be posted in a few days. Check out my blog after part two has gone online for a list of easter eggs, some insight into how the story came about and my plans for the future of Anthology.

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Next: Chapter 9: Join the Team 2

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