Anthony's Jordan's and Sweaty Elites

By Jason Ross

Published on Mar 27, 2020



My name is Matt and i'm an eighteen year old, finishing my senior year of high school. I'm about 155, 5'11 with light blonde hair. Below is the recount of a fellow senior Anthony, and how i came to be at his feet.

The sound of my iPhone alarm jolted me awake. Quickly reaching it, i saw it was already 6:30 a.m. I had shut off my alarm at 6:00 and fallen back asleep. Now i was going to be late. I stumbled up out of bed. I only sleep in boxer briefs, which i didn't bother to change. I grabbed a pair of jeans off my floor, belt still in the loop from yesterday, and quickly threw them on. A quick glance out of my window told me it was sunny. Reaching into my closet, i grabbed a long sleeve tee. Now, for the only part i really cared about. Opening my sock drawer, i took a moment to lower my head and inhale. The smell of sweaty socks, rarely washed, hit my nose and seemed to turn on all the receptors in my brain. Almost immediately my cock responded and began to grow. You see, i had known about my foot fetish for a few years now. I had also known i was gay, but hadn't ever told anyone. Something about a fresh pair of kicks, a ripe pair of sweaty socks, and the salty taste of a sole got me unbelievably horny. Unfortunately, i was running late today, and i had no time to spare. I grabbed a pair of white Nike crews and slid them onto my feet. I went over to my closet, grabbed my backpack, and shoved my feet into my size 10, white Nike free runs. I jolted downstairs and out the door, heading to school.

I'd say my high school was somewhat typical. You had your jocks, nerds, popular girls, band kids, the works. I didn't really fit into any group specifically. I performed well in my classes, but wasn't at nerd status. I was athletic and toned, but wasn't on varsity teams. I sort of bled the line into a few different groups, but didn't have a close set of core friends. The first few classes of the day passed by uneventfully.

It was early afternoon and I was on my way to gym class. First stop was of course the locker room. We were required to change before every gym class, and, in total honesty, this was the best part of my day. Just the scent of the locker room, the light taste of salty, sweaty gym socks and jock feet in the air. It was almost too much for me on some days. I loved hanging around in there, hoping to find an unlocked locker with some ripe socks that i could bury my face into. I'd done it quite a few times, coming back after hours. Occasionally I'd even find a pair of kicks from some jock that i would immediately lace up and try on. Something about that really got me going too, just the thought that my feet were locked in the same pair of hyper dunks that some sweaty basketball player had worn all game. Life didn't get much better than the days i found a few unlocked lockers, that's for sure.

Anyway, i had arrived early and was already changed, but i hadn't left the locker room yet. I was just standing around, stealing glances, and shooting the shit with my buddy Tyler. Tyler was pretty hot, about 6 foot with size 11 feet. He had very toned legs, and i had always liked that. We were both complaining about a math test when in walked Anthony.

Anthony was 6 foot 2 and Captain of the basketball team. He had jet black hair and a typical straight guy hair-cut - a light fade on the sides, up to a short cut on the top of his head. Green eyes, extremely fit, he was one of the few seniors who already had a defined chest and a set of abs. He was the shooting-guard for our team and was looking to break the school's record in points this year. He was wearing a Nike shirt with the logo and a pair of Nike elite shorts. He wore Nike elite socks, like he did every day, today's were black with a red stripe going down the back. But, on this day, i barely even noticed anything else he was wearing. My eyes were immediately drawn down to his feet. He had on a fresh pair of Air Jordan 5 Retros, i wasn't sure which exact model, but they were nearly all black. They must have been brand new, because i hadn't seen him wear them before. And trust me, i was fully aware of every pair he owned. I completely lost focus in my conversation with Tyler and, after a few seconds of staring, i forced myself to look away so i wasn't caught. Even just those few seconds had already started to turn me on, and what was inside my pants began to chub.

Tyler and i were still shooting the shit, and Anthony came up behind me and opened his locker. I was teasing Tyler about some chick he liked-

"You're never gonna get laid bro, don't even bother trying" - I chided.

"Screw you man! Not like you are!" - Tyler answered and gave me a playful shove backward. Unfortunately, i had no time to brace myself, and the shove propelled my backward. Before i could stop myself, i was colliding with Anthony. Anthony reached out with both arms, gripping me tightly by the shoulders from behind so that i didn't fall over him. Of course, the sudden stop at the shoulders took a moment to register and i still hadn't found my footings. My right foot continued to head backward and landed directly on top of Anthony's right Jordan. I panicked, and jumped forward.

"Sorry Anthony..." I started

"What the fuck dude!" - he cut me off. His hand was pointing at his Jordan. "These are brand new, look at the dirt print you left on my Jordan. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Sure enough, there was a trample mark from my Nikes on his Jordan. I had destroyed the pristine Jordan.

"I'm sorry dude. It was an accident, Tyler pushed me..." i ran out of words and trailed off.

By this time, i heard the door shut. Tyler was already gone. The rest of the guys had finished changing and were heading out of the locker room. I made to move toward the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" - Anthony commanded at me. He moved and stood in the path between me and the door. I said nothing. "You need to clean off my Jordans."

I stared at Anthony in disbelief. "You can't be serious..."

"Do you want to clean my Jordans, or do you want the shit beat out of you?" He then moved quicker than I'd ever seen anyone move. Before i could even react, he had slammed me up against the locker and was holding his forearm across my chest so that i couldn't get away. "I can beat the shit out of you and then you can clean my Jordans, or you can just clean them. Personally, i hope you pick the first option. What's it gonna be?"

I was absolutely trapped. And the worst part was, in the back of my mind, the thought of cleaning Anthony's Jordan was arousing.

"Alright, alright. Let me see it and I'll take it over to the sink..." I never finished my sentence. I was interrupted by a fist to my gut and i doubled over, holding my stomach. He had put his Jordan up on one of the benches in the locker room. His giant hand now came down, holding the back of my head, and pushing it toward his shoe. As he forced my head closer, I realized what was coming.

"Use your tongue, bitch boy" he commanded. "I don't want to see a single mark left on it."

I was humiliated. I knew my face was beat red. Anthony was an absolute alpha. He was bigger and stronger than me, and i really had no choice but to obey him. I succumbed to my fate, and slowly stuck my tongue out to make contact with the toe box of his Jordan. I began licking as quickly as I could, just wanting it to be over. After the first few seconds of horror, i realized i was completely turned on. My cock had stuck upright in my shorts. Thankfully it was hidden. I was actually really getting into it now, running my tongue along the soft material, ensuring i got every spec of dirt that my Nike had left on his Jordan. Finally, having cleaned it all off, i looked up at Anthony and, to my horror, saw he had his phone out.

"Hahaha" he laughed. "Yep, i recorded that whole thing. You're such a bitch boy, cleaning my shoes. Did that taste good shoe boy?"

I didn't say anything. "Take my Jordans off and change me into my gym shoes." I looked up and he was holding his pair of white and blue hyper dunks.

"Dude, screw you" I replied, getting mad now. I tried to get up.

"Look Matt, you can either do exactly as i tell you, or i can post this video online for everyone at the school to see. It's your choice dude."

I sat there, internally debating. There was no way i wanted that video released for viewing. My friends and family would see it. I would be totally humiliated and have no friends left. As much as I didn't want to admit it, the thought of taking orders from an Adonis like Anthony did turn me on. It wasn't the worst thing that would happen right? Anyway, because of that video, i really didn't have a choice.

"Okay", i simply replied and began to unlace and remove his Jordans. I knelt in front of him while he sat on the bench, texting on his phone. As I removed each one, he dropped his socked foot into my hand. The elites were extremely moist and sweaty. It was a warm day, and his socked feet had been sealed in his Jordans since the morning. The scent wafted up to my nose and i took a deep breathe, pretending not to like it, i turned away. This seemed to encourage Anthony, who raised his socked foot and set it beneath my nose.

"Take a good whiff boy. Those smell good?" he said menacingly. "Those are nothing compared to my gym socks and shoes. I haven't washed them all year. Pull off those elites will you."

I took his right, socked foot in both hands. My left hand held under at the sole, and my right went up to calf to begin the process of peeling off the sock. I didn't want to admit it, but i was in ecstasy. I gently pulled the sock off, letting my hand enjoy as much of the moisture as i could, hoping it would permanently soak into my skin. I repeated the process with his left socked foot, removing the sock. His bare feet now sat before me. They were large and smooth, with excellent coloring, and well manicured. I could almost taste the saltiness in the air.

"Grab my gym socks from my locker."

I reached up and pulled down his white Nike crews and hyper dunks. The socks, despite not being worn since the last gym session, had five times the scent of his black elites that i had just removed. They were extremely ripe. I took each sock, again kneeling in front of Anthony, and gently pulled each sock over his feet and up to his mid calf. I then loosened up his hyper dunks, and slid them onto each foot. I took care to be gentle and not to force his foot. With both on, i laced them up tightly, totally sealing Anthony's feet inside.

"Now give them a kiss, and thank me for allowing you to lace them, as a sign of respect." he stared down at me, waiting for me to comply.

At this point, any resistance had been shattered. I knelt even further down, bringing my mouth down to each Nike, and gave each one a kiss.

"Good bitch boy." he replied and tussled my hair. "Let's go, don't want to be late for gym!"

Throughout gym class, i couldn't even focus. I was terrified about that video. My anxiety was through the roof. The gym coach had us playing dodge-ball. Anthony was in his prime, hurling balls, easily the best player. Fortunately we were on the same team. Just as the gym coach blew the whistle, Anthony threw a ball high. It bounced off the mat and over the fenced area. The coach looked at him and pointed toward the ball.

"Don't worry Coach, Matt and I will take the long way around and grab that for ya" Anthony said, winking at me. I followed Anthony around the fence, it was about an 8 minute round trip. When we finally returned to the locker room, it was totally empty. The other guys had showered, changed, and already gone off to class.

"Let's go boy, i'm not gonna change myself" Anthony said, waiting on the bench and looking at me. I walked over reluctantly. "I know you saw me working up a sweat at dodge-ball. I did that just for you buddy, wouldn't want those socks of mine to be dry." he laughed.

I knelt before Anthony again and began unlacing his hyper dunks. "You know what, the soles got pretty dirty. Clean them up for me."

"You can't be serious..." i started to say, but he interrupted me. "Get your fucking tongue on the bottom of my soles right fucking now."

His ferocity scared my into submission. I laid on the ground, face up and the sole of his large size 12 came over my face. I began licking. Even the soles tasted salty. I could hear him laughing above me. The treads were pretty dirty, but i ran my tongue up and down, doing my best to clean them up. After what seemed like forever, he finally moved them away.

"Okay, lets get them off. My socks need some attention."

I began to unlace his hyper dunks. As I pulled off the first one, the scent that hit me was intense. My eyes started to water up a bit as Anthony's rank sock sweat consumed my sense. He laughed again, and moved the sock up to under my nose.

"Take a deep breath" he said. I obliged, taking the whole scent directly into my system. I was totally consumed by the sweaty socks that hadn't been washed since the very first gym class. I couldn't even remember the smell of anything else at this point. It was so permeating, that even when he removed it from my face, i could still smell it on my face. Next thing i knew, he was shoving the sock into my mouth. I opened it, fully submitting at this point. What choice did I even have? The sock was already damp, and tasted extremely salty. I swear my tongue was absorbing the sweat that had soaked into his socks over the past year. It was extremely intense, somehow even more so than the scent. I wanted to spit it out, but he forcefully held it in my mouth, telling me to lick it.

"Alright, socks off." I resumed my kneeling position and took off Anthony's socks, revealing his toes. "Open wide, foot boy!" he said in surprise. Again, I submitted as his toes went deep into my mouth. Lick in between those bad boys." I obliged, running my tongue through every crevice, lapping at the lint, sweat, and dirt that had been trapped between his toes. They tasted so salty and good. I realized I was pre-cumming, but I didn't even care. My entire focus was now on Anthony's feet. I didn't even care anymore, i finally relaxed and just went for the enjoyment. He didn't even give me orders, as i continued to predict his next request. After finishing with the toes, i glided my tongue along his sole, gently massaging his other foot with my hand. All i could smell was Anthony's foot sweat, and all i could taste was his toe salt on my tongue. This was exactly what i wanted. Finally, he removed his feet.

"You're going to make a good foot boy, Matt. I have a nice surprise for you, but you'll have to wait another day. Don't forget, i have that video, which means i own you."

To be Continued...

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