Arbor Vista Amore - Poolside Passion

By Jake Parrish

Published on Feb 16, 2004



A few months ago, I moved into a new apartment/condo complex not too far from where I work. I liked the short commute and the location was not too far from all the action in the city. I guess at the age of 30, I decided that a pool, club house, my own parking space, and 1800 square feet of living space that backs up to the local golf course was more important to me than living in an overpriced efficiency in the heart of the "gayborhood." Sure I'd have to suck it up and go back to living among the heteros and suburban yuppies, but I still held some hope that there a few gay men in this fabulous complex. My hopes were not dashed.

I had been putting in a lot of long hours at my job recently. I work as a massage therapist and my job can be both mentally and physically exhausting. I was having the day from hell and worked nonstop. Between clients, I was filling out insurance claim forms and updating my client records. Anyway, I got home around 9 one night and decided that I needed to clear my head a bit. It had been a while since I gone for a long run, so I changed into my running shorts, tank top and sneakers and headed out of my apartment complex.

The run was just what I needed to forget about my arduous day, breathe in some fresh air, and renew my sense of balance. I was still a bit sore and tired, so the thought of taking a dip in the pool in the courtyard sounded mighty refreshing. It must have still been 90 degrees with 100% humidity when I finished my run almost an hour after I left. I was dripping with sweat and pretty damn ripe. I took my tank off to wipe some of the sweat off my face, neck, and chest. I was not paying attention to where I was walking when I felt a large thud and then heard the shattering of glass. Someone grabbed my arm to keep me from falling over.

I looked down on the ground to find a bottle of wine shattered, along with a variety of groceries scattered at my feet. My eyes followed a pair of designer dress shoes, up the leg of a navy blue suit, unbuttoned, with a jacket over a crisp white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and pink tie loosened around the neck. My eyes darted back to the strong hand grasping my forearm and the broad palm of his other hand across my damp hairy chest.

"Whoa buddy. You all right?" he asked in a rich timbre.

I regained my composure and steadied myself. "Yeah, I think so." Then I looked down at the mess I caused. "Oh shit man! I'm such a klutz. I am so sorry. I was not even looking where I was walking."

"It's ok, as long as you weren't hurt," he replied. I noticed that he still had not taken his hands off my arm or my chest. They felt kind of nice there. I looked up at his face and noticed a healthy five o'clock shadow growing over his square jaw. He had an adorable cleft in his chin that sat below his moist pink lips. His deep brown eyes met my baby blues and we held our stare for a few seconds before he noticed that he was still holding onto me. He let go and took a step back. "Sorry."

"No problem. Thanks for catching me. Geez, I feel so bad for walking into you like this. I broke your wine and dumped your groceries all over the place."

"It was probably my fault. I was balancing three grocery bags in one hand while fishing my keys out of my pocket. I did not even see you coming," he said as he bent down to pick a loaf of french bread out of the bushes next to us.

I helped him gather the rest of his groceries that he dropped at the courtyard gate. Luckily the wine was the only thing that shattered. "I'm still really sorry about this man. I feel so bad."

"Don't worry about it. Stop apologizing, shit happens. I take it you live here?" he asked.

"Yeah, been here for a couple months now. I haven't seen you around. Do you live here?" I noticed him watching me as I continued to wipe the sweat off my neck and chest. I don't know if it was him or if it was actually getting hotter out there.

"Yeah, I live in 12A. I've been here for over a year now. I'm Robert, by the way." He extended his hand to me and grasped my hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jake. I live in 43B on the other side of the club house. I'm surprised I have not seen you around at all. I know for sure I would remember seeing you around here." I felt confident in flirting with him, the sexual energy between us was strong.

"Likewise, but I am away on business a lot. How do you like living here so far?"

"It's gotten much better. And the view is fantastic."

"Yeah, it's pretty good from my perspective too." He stammered for a bit. "I mean, because my apartment opens out to the pool."

"My place backs up to the 7th tee of the golf course. Listen Robert, I am really really sorry for breaking your bottle of wine. Let me replace it for you."

"Jake, don't sweat it. You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do. I can't just go around and break someone's bottle of wine and not replace it. Let me run to my place and get some cash."

"Really Jake, it's ok. It was a cheap bottle of cabernet."

"Cabernet sauvignon? One of my favorites." I picked up the broken glass bottle from the ground. "I have this brand sitting in my wine rack. You're in luck." The brand, by the way, was not cheap. I could not tell if he called it cheap to make me feel better for breaking it, or if he had money and thought nothing of dropping that kind of cash on wine.

"Hmm, not exactly a common brand. Listen, you really don't have to replace it."

"Stop Robert, I insist. You're not going to change my mind. So now that I know where you live, I can drop by 12A and give you a new bottle." A thousand fantasies ran through my head about how I was going to go over there and do more to that stud than give him a bottle of wine. "Or if you want to follow me back to my place, I can get it for you right now."

"I've got an idea, Jake. Since it's so damn hot out here tonight, why don't you go back to your place, grab that bottle and two glasses and meet me by the pool. I've had a hell of a day and need to relax."

"Same here. Sounds like a plan to me. But the pool closes at 10, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Oh you've got a lot to learn about Arbor Vista. The lock is broken on the gate and no one cares if you're in the pool and hot tub late. They just don't want you out there being loud and rowdy."

"Cool. Then I will go back to my place and change into my bathing suit, grab the cabernet and meet you at the pool in a few minutes." My cock was beginning to plump in my running shorts with the anticipation of my night by the pool with Robert.

"Tell you what, I've got some calls and emails to respond to for work. Why don't we make it 11 or is that too late for you?"

Shit, at that point, he could have told me 3 a.m. and I still would have jumped at the chance to get to hang out with this stud wearing practically nothing. The few hairs that were exposed by his open shirt and his broad chest already had me horny. I told him 11 was fine with me and we both headed down separate walkways to our apartments.

The next hour seemed like an eternity. Thinking about Robert had me so turned on that I contemplated jerking off before meeting him at the pool, but I decided that would not be a good idea. I think I spent most of the time trying on different swim suits in front of the mirror. For someone who's so into meditation and being all zen, I'm still such a clothes whore.

My Speedo looked too slutty, like I was trying too hard to show off my body. The board shorts were ok because they sat low on my hips, but were too long and did not show off my legs. Finally I decided on a simple pair of trunks that was not too short or long, but I knew would cling well to my assets when getting out of the water. I had also cut the lining out of it, just in case I was sitting by the pool and I wanted to give a show of the goods to anyone looking.

10:58, I grabbed my towel, the wine, corkscrew, and two glasses. I headed out of my place and toward the pool. There appeared to be other people still in the pool. It made sense, it was sweltering that night. I walked around the pool, over to the chaises and tables, scanning the faces of the people in the water, no Robert. I decided to pick a table far enough away from everyone else and wait until he got there.

11:13, still no Robert. I wondered if he was blowing me off, or if he got caught up in his work and lost track of time. Robert's condo was on the first floor and in sight from where I was sitting by the side of the pool. I dangled my feet in the cool water contemplating my next move. Should I wait longer or just walk over and knock on his door? I was still horny as hell and wanted to be with this stud so badly. I stood up, grabbed the wine and glasses, left the gated area around the pool and wrapped on his door.

Robert answered the door still in his dress shirt and slacks. He had his shirt unbuttoned halfway down. His chest was broad and pecs were well developed. This guy spent some time in the gym, that's for sure. Had he not trimmed the hairs on his chest, he would have a really thick pelt of fur. He had his shoes and socks off. I could also see a line of hair on the top of his foot and big toe. Mmm, I like them strong and hairy.

"Jake, I'm so sorry man. I got caught up with work. We've been trying to roll out this new project and my partners and I have been working day and night to get everything done. I totally lost track of time," he said apologetically.

"Oh, that's ok. I was afraid that you were blowing me off. Do you want to just take this cabernet as a replacement for the one I broke and maybe get together some other time?" I asked.

"Hell no! I just finished up work for the night. I could really use that dip in the pool and a glass of wine with you." He rubbed his shoulders and twisted his neck back and forth.

"Sore and tight from stress?" I asked.

"Yeah, I really need to relax."

"You're in luck. I did not tell you what I do for a living. I'm a massage therapist." I said in hopes of getting my hands all over him.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven," he said as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt with his back turned from me. "Let me just get out of these clothes and into my trunks." As he pulled his shirt off, my jaw was gaping.

His back was as broad as his chest. Even as he was walking into the bedroom I could clearly see the definition in his traps and lats as they narrowed into a V at his waist.

Apparently, Robert did not think that a Speedo was too slutty because that's all he was wearing when he emerged from the bedroom. It was black and looked more like shorts, as it did not cut high into the hip, like a thong. He filled it out quite nicely too. His package was tightly stuffed into the thin elastic material. I had to hold my towel in front of me to cover my own growing bulge.

Robert's hair covered across his chest and around his small pink nipples. The hair tapered to a V at his navel and then began to spread out again into his Speedo. I could not discern a defined six pack of abs, but there was definitely not an ounce of fat around his waist. The only chub on him was the bulge in his swim suit.

Robert caught me ogling him. He smiled a bit and then said, "Earth to Jake, you ready?"

I snapped back to reality, "Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry man. I was just admiring your body. You're like the perfect specimen ... from an anatomical point of view I mean." I was stammering like an idiot. "Do you live in the gym?"

"Not really. I've been busy lately, but I also like to keep active rather than just being one of those gym bunnies."

"Whatever you're doing, it's paying off for you. Damn!" I could not take my eyes off of him.

We headed out of his place and went to the pool. There were only a handful of people left at the pool. Robert and I both dove in and did a few laps. I think he was trying to race me or something. He won because I gave up from exhaustion. I got my workout already during the day at work and again during my long run. I waded to the shallow end, sat on the steps and watched Robert continue to swim laps.

Robert finished his laps and joined me in the shallow end. "How about that wine?" he asked.

"You read my mind," I responded as I slowly got out of the water, letting the wetness of my trunks show off my bulge. I looked over and noticed Robert watching me. Good, I was glad to know I was not the only one checking the other person out.

I uncorked the wine, and slowly poured two glasses while watching Robert watch me from the pool. I held one of the glasses up to Robert and he proceeded to climb out of the pool, just as slowly as I had done. It seemed like slow motion. The reflection of the lights in the pool danced all over his sensual body. He looked even hotter wet than he did before.

He walked over toward me, grabbed his towel and wiped off his face. I handed him his glass of wine and he made a toast. "To good wine, cool new neighbors, and the broken gate lock." We clanged our glasses and each took a sip.

We sat out on the chaises and ended up talking for over an hour. In that time, we killed the bottle of wine and not much later, had the entire pool area to ourselves. Robert had a pretty interesting life. We talked about our jobs, families, hobbies, and recreational interests. We both confirmed that we are gay and shared our coming out stories. Robert just recently got out of a relationship and was not looking for love again anytime soon. I too was getting over a difficult period with someone I cared very much about.

As the wine took its affect, I got more bold and sat on the same chaise as Robert. I knelt behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. He moaned and asked me not to stop. We continued talking as I continued exploring his gorgeous upper body with my hands. My hands found their way to his magnificent chest, across his chest hair, down his torso, and back up to his arm pits. By now, my dick was completely rock hard and I am sure Robert could feel it pressing into his back as I massaged him. His nipples became erect to the touch, so I played with them a bit too. I looked down and saw that Robert could all but contain his beefy cock in his tight speedo. I nuzzled his neck and gently licked and nibbled on his ear lobe. He turned his body around and his moist supple lips, now red from the cabernet, met mine. He held one of my cheeks with his strong hand, while his other hand stroked my thick curly brown hair. I wrapped my arms around his back as our lips parted and hot tongues began to explore each other's mouths.

I broke from our embrace and pushed Robert down onto the chaise. I straddled his legs as I began kissing him from his lips, to his cheeks, to his strong square stubbled jaw. I dragged my tongue along the cleft of his chin and proceeded to kiss down his neck and across his chest. Robert pulled me off of his right nipple and pulled me into him and kissed me hard with his tongue. We were both sweating and panting from the intensity. I am sure that the heat and wine had a lot to do with it as well. Robert's hands moved up and down my back and found their way past the waist band of my swim suit. As we continued to suck face, he massaged my ass cheeks, a few times going up and down the crack. His hands rounded my hips to the front, through my pubic hair, and grasped my aching cock, rigid and moist with anticipation.

Suddenly, something occurred to me. We were out in the middle of Arbor Vista in plain view to any of the twenty-something condos that faced the pool area. It kind of turned me on, but I also did not want to get us in trouble.

I pulled from our sensuous kiss. "Should we take this inside?"

"I don't want to stop," he moaned as his chest was heaving against mine.

We resumed making out and his hand found its way back into my shorts. With one hand, I held the back of his neck to support the motion of our vigorous tongue wrestling. The fingers of my other hand made circles in Robert's chest hair and around his pert nipples. I traced the line of hair down to his navel and proceeded to rub my hand over the smooth fabric of his speedo being pulled taut by his erection. There was a wet spot close to the waistband where his cock head was straining to get free. My fingers were sticky from the precum that was pooling there. I pulled away from the kiss and brought my fingers up to both of our mouths. We both licked them clean and our tongues found their way back into each other's sweet mouths.

The more I would rub Robert's cock outside of his speedo, the larger the wet spot was getting. He had slid my swim suit down far enough to get my throbbing cock and balls out. I felt a rush of warm moist evening air hit my puckered hole when the wind blew as my ass was now exposed to the Arbor Vista community.

I continued to straddle Robert as we made out for at least another twenty minutes. His hands would get tangled in my damp curly hair and then would travel down my back, now drenched in sweat. He would hold onto my hips tightly whenever I would pull back from his mouth and dance my tongue inches his face, beconning him to come get more. He eagerly pulled me into him and devoured my tongue again. His fingers wandered from my hips, over my fuzzy ass cheeks and found their way to my aching hole. All I could do in response to show my approval was moan and suck harder on his tongue. As he slipped his finger inside my hole, his other hand reached between us and grabbed my throbbing cock. He squeezed the head and used my precum as a lubricant for his hand. He picked up the same rhythm stroking my meat as he had fingering my hole and sucking on my tongue.

Robert was still in his speedo, but his dick had grown too long to be contained in the elastic material. His dripping head and about another inch of shaft were straining to get beyond the waistband leaving a slimy trail of matted hair around his navel. When Robert let go of my cock, I dropped all of my weight on top of him. My damp chest hair entangled with his as we began grinding our hips into each other. My raw cock and balls slid up and down over his lycra ensconced erection. The material felt cool against my overly sensitized skin and then would get hot once again when my dick would connect with his exposed cock head. Robert's hands never left my ass and another finger found its way inside of me. I wanted nothing more in this world than to be fucked by Robert.

It pained me to pull away from Robert, but I knew it was time to change positions. I stood up and let my swim trunks fall to my ankles and stepped out of them. Robert lifted his hips off the chaise as I helped him pull his speedo off. His cock was magnificently thick and his pubes were as finely manscaped as the rest of his body hair. I spread Robert's legs apart and dove down between them, kneeling on the chaise. I grasped his dick firmly as my other hand fondled his sweaty nutsack. The scent of chlorine and Robert's own perspiration was intoxicating. I began licking up and down his shaft as he cried in pleasure, "Oh fuck yeah Jake, lick that cock! Yeah, that's so hot, suck it, you know you want it in your mouth." And I did indeed wanted it in my mouth. I devoured all eight inches of it as Robert held onto my head tightly. I was so fucking turned on by all the dirty talk. The thought that we were outside in a public place and anyone could hear us or see us made me suck on him even harder. Robert must have been just as turned on because he started fucking my face with abandon.

"Turn around, I want to suck that dick of yours," Robert commanded. His cock never left my mouth as I swung my legs around and hooked my feet to the top of the lounge chair. Finding a comfortable position for me on the upright chaise was a bit of a challenge. I guess in hindsight it would have made more sense if Robert would have slid down or if we sixty-nined on the ground, but in the heat of the moment, neither of us were thinking clearly.

Sweat was pouring off me as I was doing pushups taking Robert's cock in and out of my mouth. His mouth was hot and wet, and he sucked my dick as eagerly as he was sucking on my tongue a few minutes ago. His two fingers found their way home back into my ass.

My pushup-blowjobs were becomming tiring, so I let my weight drop on top of Robert. I eased his cock out of my mouth and began licking the thick shaft.

My tongue traveled down to the base and prickled against the stubble from where he had obviously shaved. His loose ball sack had the same sensation when I took each nut into my mouth. Robert squirmed and opened his legs a little wider as I spread his cheeks a bit to find his hole. He began sucking my cock harder and harder as I licked all around his scrotum and taint. Robert's dick poked me in the chest the further south I would lick. I felt a sense of emptiness as Robert removed his fingers from my ass and took my dick out of his mouth. That feeling did not last long though as his tongue soon replaced his fingers. I took his long hard cock back into my mouth, but at the rate we were devouring each other, it would not be long before we would reach the point of no return. Robert must have sensed this as well.

He pushed me off of him and helped me swing my legs back to the ground from our precarious position. Robert stood up as well and held me tight. We were glued together by the sweat, heat, and raw lust. Our tongues resumed their wrestling match and our grinding dicks began a sword fight of their own. Robert grabbed a hold of my thick curly hair and forcefully threw my head back. He started licking and making small bites from my chin to my earlobes, down to my neck. If he were a vampire, I would have gladly let him feed from me.

Robert pulled himself off my neck with a loud slurp. He grabbed my shoulders, turned me around and pushed me back down onto the chaise. He got down onto his knees and spread my ass cheeks. His tongue sent a jolt of electricity through my body. He lapped my ass like a thirsty dog. "Oh fuck yeah, eat my ass! You like that ass don't you motherfucker?" I panted. Apartently dirty talk was a turn on for Robert as well. His wide wet laps became more direct and punctuaed as he began fucking me with his tongue. "Yeah, that's it, fuck my ass, use your tongue like it's a cock!"

Robert soon began incorporating his fingers into his spectacular rim job. "Gonna get you nice and wide open," he growled. I began jerking myself off as Robert was prepping me for what was coming. "You want my dick in that hot tight ass of yours?"

"Please! Fuck me, fuck me hard!" was all I could cry. Robert stood up and positioned his slick dick head against my hungry hole. He did not have to ease it into me too much because he had me pretty open from all his fingering and rimming. With a sharp thrust and a quick flash of pain, Robert was inside of me. I let out a meager yelp followed by a breathy moan.

He bent over my and licked my ear.

"You allright?" he asked as he nibbled on my lobe. I gave him my answer as I pushed back against him and rotated my hips. I begged him again to fuck me and fuck me he did. Much like his kissing, cock sucking, and rimming technique, Robert fucked me long, hard and rough. He hit my protate so many times, I barely needed to touch my own cock. We fucked doggy style for another 10 minutes before Robert turned me over. Thanks to daily yoga, I could hold my own legs up to my shoulders. Robert leaned into my face and I grabbed the back of his head and forced my tongue into his mouth. He picked up his rhythm again and slammed all his weight into my ass.

I broke from our kiss and pushed Robert away with his dick still in position. "Drive it home motherfucker! I want to feel your cum deep insde me." I am sure that everyone in the Arbor Vista community could hear us moaning and talking dirty to each other, but neither Robert nor I cared. He firmly gripped my cock and jerked me at the same speed and intensity of his fucking.

I could not control my heavy breathing and moaning. Robert's ass pounding and hand job had me over the edge in complete ecstasy. "Come on Jake, cum for me." I could feel my orgasm approaching, growing in intensity. I started bucking my hips in the air. I used my kegals to clench down on Robert's cock deep inside my ass. "Yeah that's it, so fucking hot and tight!" Robert cried. "I'm getting close."

"Unnnghh! Oh fuck!" I yelled as I began blowing my wad. The first watery shot hit me in the chin. The second shot was more thick and landed in my chest hair. I lost count of the amount of times I came as I was more focused on Robert painting the inside my bowels with his scorching load. I could feel the head of his dick expand with every shot.

Robert fell on top of me. Our lips parted and we made out. Chests heaving on top of each other, we were drenched in sweat and semen. Robert licked the cum off my chin and put his tongue back into my mouth giving me a taste of my sweet load. Completely spent, we layed on the chaise. My satisfied hole slurped as he pulled out of me, dribbling more cum between us.

As we broke from our haze of passion, I looked up and saw an Arbor Vista security guard standing at the gate. I told Robert that we were not alone. He climbed off me and stood up. The guard entered the pool area and approached us. "Nice show, but you two can't be out here like this." I could not tell if the guard was angry or not, but he did rub his bulging crotch a few times.

"Guess we got carried away in the moment Ed," Robert panted as he wrapped his towel around his waist and threw me one as well.

"There've been a couple calls to the office, you two woke some neighbors up," Ed said. "I think you should take this inside before I have to do something I don't want to really do."

"No problem Ed. Did you like what you saw?" Robert asked, pulling me to my feet helping me wipe the sweat and cum off my body.

"Well, yeah ..." he stammered, "but that's not the point."

"Mind if we jump in the pool and wash off?" I asked, already walking toward the edge of the pool. Robert followed me as I dove into the deep end and swam to the shallow end. The cold water broke me from my reverie. I climbed out of the pool and put my swim suit back on with the realization that tonight's events were not a dream. Robert got out behind me and put his speedo on as well.

Ed escorted us out of the pool area and shook his head as he tried to relock the broken gate. "Night guys," he said as he walked down a path toward the security office.

Robert and I walked toward his place and mine. We had not really spoken at all. We got to the walkway that broke off toward my place. "Well ..." I said, not sure which way should go.

"Yeah," Robert said, not sure either. "Do you want to come back to my place?"

"Uh, yeah, we can go to my place too if you want."

Robert came back to my place. We showered together, but were too exhausted to do anything else other than falling into bed in each other's arms. It felt so good to be sleeping next to someone again. I woke up the following morning around 10. Robert was not there, but left me a note. "Thanks for an unforgettable night. Had to get into the office early. Call me." He left his number as well. I wasn't really sure where this could be headed, but I was just happy living in the moment.

*** The End or just the Beginning? ***

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