Army Life

By Roland Deschain

Published on Oct 7, 2016


Army Life Part 2: Officer Basic Course Any feedback would be appreciated

All the usual disclaimers apply here. If you are under the age of 18, or reading materials that cover consensual gay sex are illegal where you are, please do not ready any further.

The following stories are a blend of reality and fantasy. I am an actual Army officer who has been around hot guys all my life. So indulge me while I take a few liberties with where I had hoped a few situations might have gone.

I graduated from West Point and spent an unencumbered summer traveling around, seeing friends from High School, and basically blowing off steam. As a newly minted Second Lieutenant, I felt that I could take on the world, and my whole life was ahead of me. Before too long, though, I ended up having to report to Fort Knox for the Armor Officer Basic Course (AOBC). While West Point strove to taught us how to be officers, AOBC would teach the finer points of mounted warfare, instilling us with the technical skills needed to be good leaders.

The Army basically set us up with apartments on the post, suites with kitchenettes and separate bedrooms. After the barracks at school, it was pretty impressive. The ROTC guys complained a little because they felt they had taken a step back, but for my fellow former cadets and I, it was a definite step up.

I spent a week there before classes started getting moved in, completing basic paperwork, and hitting the gym to get back into shape (yeah I kind of blew it off over the summer). When classes started, they broke us into small groups based on last name, and we began the grind of learning our craft. So began the routine of classes, homework, and partying. Did I mention the partying? Since the majority of my class was fresh out of West Point, let's say there was a lot of catching up to do with our ROTC peers. Not a weekend went by that some of the guys didn't rent a place up by Louisville to stage out of to have a blowout.

I went occasionally because it was a good chance to get to know some more about the guys I would be working with for the rest of my career and because, frankly, there were a ton of hotties. Guys 22-23 years old, in the prime of their life, cutting loose with carefree abandon? It definitely made the testosterone flow.

One of the best things about being there was spending more time with Walt. He and I were in the same OBC class, and even in the same small group. Finally freed of some of the restrictions from West Point, we were able to meet up more frequently, and even have some pretty marathon sex sessions over the weekends. I think that we fucked each other pretty much everywhere in our respective apartments. If those poor cleaning ladies had a blacklight...

We did, however, have to realize that once OBC was over, we wouldn't be seeing each other much anymore. He was going to Germany, I was going to Korea, literally the opposite ends of the world. Because of this, we knew that it was just going to be a friendship between us, nothing more, and that it was okay to start seeing and being with other guys. It was bittersweet, but the practical sides of us saw the truth in the matter. In the meantime, though, it didn't mean that we couldn't have amazing sex.

But it did mean that I could continue to check out the other guys in my class with longing looks. I was still getting to know many of them. Even a lot of the guys from West Point I didn't know before we got there (I had almost a thousand classmates). So getting to see them in the showers after PT was a new experience. Surrounded by a bevy of asses and cocks definitely fueled my twice-daily jerkoff sessions.

One guy in particular drew my attention, though, Curtis. Curt (as he preferred) was a Marine. Since the Army runs the armor training for both the Army and Marines, it was inevitable that we would run into that rarest of species in the Marine Corps: The marine tanker. We had four in our class, with 1 in each small group. Curt was in mine and damn was he a looker. About my height (5'8) with tight cropped brown hair, hazel eyes, a hint of baby fat still on his face, and a deep southern twang.

But his absolute best feature was revealed in the shower one day. We had gotten done with PT and hit the gym to clean up and get ready for class. I had been chatting with Curt about home and class. It turned out that he was a genuinely nice guy too! Although we weren't in the same group of friends at school there, it didn't seem to be any impediment to us getting along. Anyways, we stripped down and made our way to the shower. I have been around enough naked guys to know when it is okay to sneak a peek and when discretion is the better choice, so I held off until we were under the water.

We kept talking, and then I finally decided to look over. He was pretty much smooth, with the barest hint of hair starting between his pecs. Curt was still pretty lean, but you could see the muscles developing in his arms and chest. The abs were still getting there, with that baby fat clinging on for dear life, though his efforts to abolish it were showing. His cock looked pretty good. Hanging about 4 inches soft, with what looked like a thicker shaft than head, and very little fur.

But then he turned around and I saw that ass. Staring at it through uniform pants and PT shorts had not done it justice. The baby fat that he carried on the rest of his body was present there, too. Plump, but not fat; muscular, but not defined; with milky white skin that popped every time he shifted his weight. I almost stopped talking when I laid eyes on it and it took all my willpower not to stare. Then he bent over.

Plain as day I saw his tight pucker, a few wisps of hair surrounding it. I nearly lost it right there; my heart rate went from "relaxing shower" to "full sprint," and I had to look away to keep from throwing a massive hard on. In a shower full of guys. In the DADT Army. Somehow I managed to keep chatting with him without sounding like a rambling idiot while I turned the water temperature to cold.

It was tough to focus that day in class. I kept imagining Curt's ass and the things I wanted to do to it. During lunch I had to hurry back to my apartment and beat off twice to calm down. I then asked Walt to come over that night and pumped two more loads into him.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked, massaging his swollen asshole after the vicious fucking I gave him.

"Honestly, have you seen Curt naked? I saw him in the shower this morning and nearly blew a load," I replied.

Walt gave me this little smirk and nodded his head. "About two weeks ago. And you're right, that guy has quite the package." He gave me a sly smile. "What's on your mind?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to be shitty by talking about another guy while I'm here with you."

"Don't worry," he said, pulling me down and shoving a tongue into my mouth. "We both need to get out a little and see what else is out there. I've been chatting up Marcus (a guy we went to school with), and there could be some promise there."

I looked down at this sweet, sexy, genuine guy, and shook my head. In another world we could probably have gone somewhere. I took my time for round two, more making love than fucking as I slid into his cum-soaked ass.

Two weeks later, Walt and I drove up to Louisville for a party with the guys. We hadn't ever gone to one of them together, so as to not raise any suspicion. We were dressed casually, since we imagined that we would just be passing out up there rather than driving back to Knox and it would let both of us drink. We had fucked pretty furiously before we left, and I was carrying Walt's load after he pounded me for a good thirty minutes.

We got to the party at the hotel and walked around a bit. Several of the guys had rented two suites and a handful of rooms, so Walt and I ended up getting a room on the same floor. Apparently a deal had been struck with the hotel to ensure no guests would be bothered by the noise (it wasn't the classiest establishment, anyways).

We drank and chatted with the guys. Some girls had shown up as well, and I did my best to have a conversation with one about her fascinating career as a cosmetologist. I even put my arm around her and made out with her a bit. Have to play the game, fellas! I drank a bit more and kept walking around and being social. I lost track of where Walt was, as the crowd kept growing. There must have been more than 50 people there.

Eventually, I ran into Curt. He was wearing sandals, khaki shorts and a checkered button up shirt, with an Atlanta Braves baseball cap. He looked extremely hot. We talked for awhile, but in the noise of the place, we had to stand close to each other hear the other speak. Being this close to him started to awaken my dick, and soon it was straining at my boxer-briefs.

"Hey man, I think I need to piss." I said, needing to cool down for a bit.

"No problem," he replied. He looked over my shoulder at the line for the bathroom. "But that looks like it might take awhile. C'mon, I have a bathroom right off my room."

He led me through the crowded suite to the one next door. There were still a lot of people in there but we made our way to his room in the suite. He unlocked the door and let me in. I made my way to the bathroom and unzipped. I didn't see Curt, so figured he just stayed outside. I pulled out my throbbing cock and stood above the toilet. There was no way that I could piss with an erection like this, so I closed my eyes and did what I could to will it to get a bit softer.

Eventually, enough blood left it to where I could bend it down and relieve the pressure on my bladder. After I was done, I just stayed there for a bit, and my thoughts went back to Curt. Even the thought of his body caused the blood to rush back in and put me back at full staff. I heard a sharp intake of breath and opened my eyes and turned my head. There was Curt in the doorway of the bathroom, eyes locked on my cock, mouth open.

Apparently the beer had given me some liquid courage, because I didn't say anything, I just started to slowly stroke my cock. Curt's eyes remained focused on my pole, mesmerized by what he saw. Now I am not huge by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a respectably thick six and a half inches. I figured that I had to play this carefully, as I couldn't imagine the opportunity happening again. So I just stood there casually stroking myself.

Curt kept on hand on the door frame, and moved the other to his crotch, shifting what I assumed was a rapidly hardening piece of Marine meat. He mouth was still open, without a sound coming out. His other hand came off the door frame and touched his chest, right where the left nipple was. In that moment, I knew I had him.

I pivoted towards him, my rock hard cock now pointing directly at him. He shifted his glance towards me, and the frozen look on his face melted into terror. In a split-second I closed the distance between us and pushed my lips against his. I can only imagine the shock he was going through when I did that. Surely, he was expecting me to freak out and declare him a faggot in front of everyone we knew. Instead I was shoving my tongue into his still open mouth.

It took him a few seconds, but eventually he started to kiss back and I felt his hands start to touch my arm and waist. What started as a trickle turned into a monsoon as he realized that we were both into each other. With my cock poking into his stomach, we stood there making out in the bathroom doorway. A quick glance revealed the bedroom door was closed, but to make sure I broke the kiss and confirmed it was locked. When I turned back around, Curt had removed his shirt and kicked off his sandals.

He walked over to me and pulled my shorts and briefs down, helping me to step out of them over my shoes. While he was down there, he helpfully started to suck on my cock. I don't claim to be an expert, but I had definitely developed my cocksucking skills with Walt over the previous years. Curt was a complete novice though. He definitely had enthusiasm, but not a lot of skill. At the first hint of teeth, I had to ask him to slow down. Even so, he eagerly licked up my shaft and sucked on the head, lapping at the precum that started to pour out of my cock. He eventually got into a rhythm, and I told him about covering his teeth with his lips. He was a quick study, and was soon bobbing with the best of them.

I pulled him up and started to make out with him again, kicking off my shoes and pushing him towards the bed. My other hand went to work loosening his belt and undoing his shorts. They slid to the ground with ease and I then worked on his briefs. Pulling them off I unleashed the thick, 8 inch monster they were containing. Seriously, I thought that this was a porn worthy cock, and one that I certainly didn't expect from what I'd seen in the shower.

After taking in what I had just freed up, I started to work on the bulbous head and balls. Curt started to moan and stroked the side of my head, letting me know that I was hitting the right spots. I could barely get half of him in my mouth, but I worked my tongue furiously on his head, feeling him shift and groan with the pleasure. He pulled out and laid sideways on the bed, beckoning me to him. I scooted up next to him in a 69, letting us both pleasure the other.

I wetted up my finger and slid it back to his ass, massaging that pucker that had been the center of my JO fantasies for the past couple of weeks. This caused Curt to gyrate his hips against the digit probing at his back door. Apparently this gave him an idea because he hiked my hips up and rolled me on top of him. With my ass directly over his face, he pulled it down to start rimming me.

"Huh?" I heard him grunt. And then I remembered that I was still carrying Walt's load from earlier.

"Oh, uh, surprise?" I stammered. I had no idea how he would take it. Since Walt had already opened me up earlier, I was definitely in the mood to sit down on his monster cock for a ride.

Getting no response from Curt, I started to get nervous, but then I felt his tongue slip back into my ass and felt his cock get harder. I was thinking that the preliminaries were almost over when he stopped. I kept moistening up his shaft when he started again. I was struggling with what he wanted, but Curt beat me to the punch.

"So you took a load earlier?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I have a friend that I flip with," I replied, not willing to share Walt's secret.

"I have only been with one guy before, some dude back in school that I topped at a frat party," he said nervously. "I have wanted to find the right guy to start exploring with..." he trailed off.

I rolled off him, with one hand still on his pole and looked at his face, sweat starting to bead up on his forehead, spit and streaks of Walt's cum on his face.

"No rush, bud," I said. "We can move at whatever pace you want."

He wiped a hand across his mouth and saw the cum that was formerly in my ass. He stuck his tongue out and licked a little, before taking a broad swipe with his tongue and taking the rest in. He seemed to contemplate what he just did, and I could see the gears turn behind that handsome Marine visage. Then it looked like something `clicked,' like a key was turned and a door opened. He looked me dead in the eye.

"I want you to fuck me, hard."

Woah, I thought. This guy wants to go all in! Who am I to deny him.

"Well, sure. I can certainly do that, but don't you want to go a little easy at first," I said, cocking a little grin.

"No," he said, with a serious face. "Hard."

My grin wavered. I was taken a little by surprise by this, not imagining where this was coming from, but willing to do what he wanted; no, what he needed.

I grabbed his hips and rolled him over, pulling his waist up and pushing his chest down. That perfect ass, and amazing hole, were staring right at me. I dove in like a starving man at a feast. I licked slowly around the hole, massaging his cheeks, and playing with his balls. With the slightest tang, I slowly thrust my tongue past his sphincter. He was incredibly tight, and I felt him shift slightly at the sudden invasion. His hands reached back and spread his cheeks open farther, encouraging me to keep going.

I alternated between penetrating his ass with my tongue and slowly licking around the hole. My thumbs on either side slowly started to stretch him open, giving my greater access to that hot ass. What started as low groans escalated into steady moans, with his hips starting to push back against my face. I got to where I could slide a finger inside him, which seemed to kick him to the next level. His moans were getting louder, but I think the sound of the party effectively drowned him out. His hips swayed around the digit penetrating him, so I figured he was ready for more.

With the second finger working into him, he turned he head around and looked at me.

"Stop," he gasped. "Please, get that cock in me!"

"You are really tight, man. I think I should work on you a little more." I replied, honestly wanting to spend more time eating that ass.

He shook his head and pointed across the room. "Black bag. Side pouch," he managed to say.

I padded over to the bag and knelt down. It was a bottle of lube. I turned back around and saw that he had replaced my fingers with his own, pushing them into his ass. I was amazed at what I was seeing. This perfect specimen of a guy was surrendering to his desires. A masculine, in control Marine officer, fingering his ass and begging to be fucked.

I crawled back up on the bed and started to lube up his ass. He took that over, though, and started cramming his slick fingers into his hole. I lubed my own cock and moved his hands out of the way. My head teased his hot hole, causing him to push back. Slowly, I worked it past the ring. The grunts and groans became louder, so I pushed his head into a pillow to keep it down to a dull roar. I could feel the sweat start to build on his back, and felt the slight shudders of his body as I corkscrewed in deeper. Eventually, his hand reached back to slow my down.

He picked his head off the pillow and looked back at me. I could see the sweat pick up on his forehead, and the grimace on his face. So I decided to change things up. I pulled out of his ass and laid down on my back. He picked up on it and moved over me, facing my feet, and slowly lowered back down.

Curt's ass worked its way down my cock, inch by inch, letting him set the pace at what was comfortable. Eventually his ass settled down to my hips, and he started to rock slowly back and forth. If it wasn't for the alcohol, I could have shot right then and there. He started to pick up the pace, and soon his hips set a regular rhythm of riding up and down my cock.

Seeing as he was now used to me, it was now time to live up to what he wanted. I pushed him off me and rolled him onto his back. I lifted his legs up to my shoulders and aimed my cock at his upturned ass. The look of longing on his face led me to quickly ram my cock back into him. With the change in angle, I was able to go deeper than before, and the look on his face when my balls slapped into him was priceless. His eyes rolled back and mouth flopped open. No sound, just a feeling of sensory overload.

And so I began an assault on his ass, mercilessly shoving my cock into his wanting hole. He moaned, groaned, and whimpered. I couldn't understand a single word he was saying, and at some point he pulled a pillow over his head. His arms took over holding his knees back, and I could feel the little thrusts and he tried to push his ass back on me. This freed up my hands to explore his chest and jerk his large cock.

I could feel his breathing increasing and I ripped the pillow off his face. He was writhing underneath me, trying to get as much of me into him as he could.

"You like that?" I said. "Hear my balls slapping against your hungry ass? Feel my thick cock stretching out your tight hole?"

He gurgled an unintelligible response, and I kept fucking and jerking him. I felt the build up and flooded his ass with cum. Apparently he could feel the warmth and began erupting out of his own dick. I wielded it like a firehose, spraying his chest and face with his cum. As we started to come down from the fuck, I leaned down and started to lick his load off his face. I got enough in my mouth and planted my lips on his, feeding him his own load.

Curt seemed to be in another place, consumed by the thoughts and feelings of what we had just gone through. I rolled off him and just looked at his face, trying to decipher what was going through his mind. One hand rubbed the remaining cum on his chest, the other fingered his wet hole. I drifted off to sleep looking at him.

We fucked twice more that night, both times starting with me waking up as he lowered himself on my spit-slicked cock. He had as much energy those next few times as the first one, and the bed was completely soaked with sweat and cum when we woke up in the morning. I left at 5 AM and wandered back to my room, tiptoeing over people passed out on the floor of the suite. I made it back to my room and crashed next to Walt, who didn't even stir.

I woke up again near 10:30, near when we were supposed to check out. Walt was getting dressed and turned towards me as I struggled to wake up, sore and exhausted.

"So where did you disappear off to?" he asked.

I cracked a grin, and replied, "Later."

As we drove back to Fort Knox, I relayed what happened with Curt, leaving out his name. I could see his hard-on tenting his shorts early on, and he shifted in the driver's seat as he struggled to stay focused on the road.

"Dude," he said. "You're going to have to get tested before we can fuck again."

I started to protest, but he was right. I had no idea what Curt might be into. It wasn't to insult him, but just had to be safe. So I nodded my head. And then I gave him a grin. "But that doesn't mean that we can't do other stuff."

Walt gave me a quizzical look, until I opened up his pants and relieved him of the load he was carrying.

That Monday Curt pulled me aside after class.

"Hey," he said. "Can we talk about Saturday?"

"Sure," I replied. "Want to come over for dinner? I can whip up some spaghetti."


His legs were over his head less than two minutes after he came in the door.

When the tests came back negative, I told Walt that we could resume meeting up. Needless to say, I was keeping two guys fairly satisfied for the last four months of class. Curt ended up embracing his inner bottom and demanded all that I could give him. When I last talked to him right after graduation, he was getting ready to join the fleet for a float. He had bought a butt plug and was planning on that as a temporary replacement for my cock until he could find a regular top. I thought to myself that the guy who could ultimately scratch his itch would be in for one hell of a ride.

Walt and I had a couple months left of cum-soaked debauchery before we finished one more class and finally parted ways. AOBC got a lot out of my system, and helped me get through the next couple of years, which was quite the drought of sex. Only a few bright spots would be out there for the next couple of years. But that is a different story.

Next Chapter: Korea and Iraq 1.

Next: Chapter 3: Korea

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