
By Joe Schmo

Published on Jan 6, 2019



This story involves raunchy material like male stink and farts


Jim and I were at our lockers, stripping off our sweaty gym clothes and dropping them in our bags, while he was telling me his Valentine's day plans, "I'm taking Emma to this new seafood restaurant downtown. Then afterward I'm bringing her back to my place so I can make her favorite dessert: creme brulee"

"Sounds fancy," I glanced at him while he was turned away, taking off his underwear and quickly wrapping his towel around his waist. Always shy. But I did get a quick look at his cute, pale ass. And then my eyes were glued to the large dark grey patch of sweat at the bottom of his boxers.

He turned to me with a smirk, "Yeah. And then after that comes the REAL dessert," He humped the air for reference, his tongue sticking out and his fist at his side. I rolled my eyes. He asked, "Are you doing anything special for tonight?"

I shrugged, "You know, the usual. Netflix and chilling. By myself."

"Dude, you need to put yourself out there. There has to be some guy who's right for you."

"Maybe someday. But not today."

"Whatever. I'm ready to sweat away my stress." we walked toward the sauna, "I mean, I'm glad we went Valentine's afternoon," he was referring to how empty the gym was, "I figured most guys would be home showering and putting on cologne and stuff, not sweating up a storm here."

"I'm surprised you're here," I laughed.

"Yeah, but I have time. No need to stress."

We pulled the sauna doors open. The heat hit us first, and then the stink. It wasn't super strong, but it was there, the reeking stench of ass. Jim's hand shot up to cover his nose, "Ugh, what the fuck is THAT?"

I held my nose for show, but in secret I took in short, quiet whiffs of the stink, "I don't know,"

"Fuck, I think it's that guy," He pointed to the only other man in the sauna. He was a larger, beefy guy, with a thick black beard and short hair, and he was laying on top of towels on the bench, one towel wrapped around his waist. He was laying on his stomach, his head on his arms, and the towel draped over his thick ass cheeks. His eyes were closed, and I could hear rock music playing from his earbuds. He looked like he was asleep.

"You think he's just been laying there ripping ass?" I laughed when we sat down.

"Probably. Disgusting pig," Jim kept his hand over his nose, "Whatever. I'm going to calm down and let the heat relax me."

"Ok then," I laughed and closed my eyes. We sat in silence, resting against the sauna walls, the heat tickling my face with a soft burn, so much that it was right at the edge of hurting, that thin line between pleasure and pain. And the stink...he had to have been farting the entire time he was in here. The heat amplified the stink and made the air feel thick. Quietly, I took in deep breaths through my nose, taking it all in.


The guy on the bench farted loudly. I snorted, holding back laughter. Jim's eyes had shot open, glaring at the guy, grimacing in disgust.

"Ok, I can't take this." He got up, "Let's go."

"It's not that bad," I shrugged, taking in another whiff.

"Are you kidding me? It reeks like a skunk's ass in here," he brought his hand over his nose again, "How can you stand it?"

"I don't know," I lied, "You're making a big deal out of it. And I want to relax and enjoy the sauna."

"How can you enjoy that?!" Jim pointed to the guy's ass. As if on cue, he let out another bubbly fart,


"UGH," Jim walked to the door, "Whatever. I'm gonna hit the showers and go home. Catch you later."


Jim left, and there was only me and the man on the bench. I stared at him, he kept his eyes closed and turned his head away from me, facing the wall. I looked at the hair on his arms, some hair that was trailing on his back, and the hair on his legs. I watched a few drops of sweat run over his skin. I could only imagine how hairy and sweaty his ass and crotch had to be. I took in another deep sniff. I didn't care about being loud because the guy was listening to music. I felt my dick get hard under my towel. I started rubbing it, sniffing the thick musky air, staring at his ass.

My heart was racing. If he caught me, who knows how much trouble I'd get into. But I couldn't control myself. I closed my eyes, and breathed in the air. I imagined him farting again, this time with me laying on his back, my head resting on his ass like a big stinky pillow, and feeling the vibration against my cheeks, before turning my head and burying my nose into his crack through the towel. I pulled my dick out from my own towel and stroke it some more. I kept my eyes shut, fantasizing about burying my face into that beefy ass and sniffing his farts through the towel, having him stink so strongly because of the sauna heat. I thought about nestling my face into his taint, so I could smell his ball sack and asshole sweat at once.


He let out a short fart. My eyes still closed, beating my meat faster, my mouth hung hung open, sniffing in deep waiting for his fart to get to me. I could feel drool pooling up at the edge of my mouth. I was getting close, still thinking about his,


His deep voice made me freeze, my eyes shot open. He was wide awake, sitting up now, staring at me just as shocked as I was. My heart even stopped. My hand was still over my dick. There was no way to get out of this. A chill ran down my spine. He was going to report me to the gym. The police would get involved. My life fucking ruined. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I trembled on the bench.

He stood up and took a few steps closer to me. I stared up at him, his tough guy face making me feel terrified. His mouth curled in a smile, and he said, "If you want to sniff, you should get it from the source." And he turned around and dropped his towel.

I couldn't believe what I was looking at, what I had just heard. My eyes were wide, locking onto his gorgeous, giant ass, his cheeks covered in hair, even more hair poking out from his crack. His balls were huge, like those of a bull, hanging just underneath, they too were hairy. His skin was glistening with sweat. He looked over his shoulders at me, his eyebrows raised...seductively.

Is this some kind of joke? Did I fall asleep, and this is just a dream? My cock had gone limp for a moment, but was hardening up again. My lip trembled.

"Don't you want it?" He grabbed his cheeks and spread them, showing me his asshole, surrounded by thick black hair. His crack looked like it was dripping in sweat.

I couldn't control myself anymore. I fell to my knees and crawled up to him, staring at his enormous ass. My hands sunk into his thighs, wet from his sweat, and I dove face first into his hairy trench. The hairs were sticky with sweat against my cheeks and eyes, and my nose pressed into his slimy hole. I took a deep, vulgar sniff. His musk was so strong, I couldn't help but moan into his cheeks.

"Fuck," I said, "You stink," burrowing my face in as close as I could, grinding my face into his ass. My cock was throbbing in pain. I'd never been so aroused in my life. My most disgusting fantasy was coming true.

I felt the guy laugh, and he bent over, my nose slid deeper into his asshole, and I felt the guy stand up straight and wrap the towel around his waist and over my head. I could barely open my eyes because his cheeks were smashed against my face. The towel wrapped tight around my head, keeping me stuck in his ass, the heat of the sauna made both of us sweat, his ass was getting more fragrant. He grunted and his hole pushed against my nose,


It was fucking disgusting. The stink was like rotting eggs, and it burned my nose. The thickness of his gas mixed with the heat made my eyes water, and I gagged from being up close and taking in his concentrated fart. But I snorted it up like the pig I was. I dropped my arms so I could rub his thighs from outside of the towel. I started laughing, thinking how horrifying this would look to any guys passing by: one guy standing in the sauna and farting, the other stuffed up his ass under the towel and taking it all in.

"Do me a favor," His deep voice boomed, "Suck my balls clean while you're down there."

I followed his command, shifting my face down so I could suck on his balls from behind. My eyes were kept shut from his ass cheeks against them, but my nose couldn't stay in his crack. Instead, dragging it down had scrunched my nose up and opened my nostrils more as I dragged my nose against his taint. The sweat from his ass and balls that had been soaking into his taint hair all day was so fucking strong, I had to stop touching my cock or I'd cum too fast. I stuck my tongue out and found the base of his balls, and started licking slowly. The flavor of his sweat was invading my mouth.

"Sorry about my gooch stink, haha," He said, "I didn't think you'd mind too much." He wiggled his ass back and forth, making my head sway. His taint hair was inside of my nose and made it tickle. I tried taking one of his giant balls in my mouth to suck the sweat off of it. I could barely breathe, and all the air I could breathe was stuffy and burning hot, and it fucking reeked. I moaned under the towel. This was the most raunchy thing I've ever done.

He started letting out more farts. All of them silent, slow streams of gas. It was the same awful stink, and the heat of the sauna made me feel like I was in the most pungent Dutch oven. His ass pheromones were triggering some kind of instinct in me that turned me into a ball sucking animal. After several minutes of licking his sweat, sucking in his farts, and making him moan, he said, "Alright. Get your tongue up my shit hole."

I didn't need to be asked twice. I moved back up, tongue first, and dragged it across the hair patch of his taint, and slid it into his hairy crack, letting the sweat and hairs slide over my taste buds, until my tongue found his hole. He bent over, the towel around my head held me tighter, and helped my tongue slide into him, fucking his ass. The pressure was making me feel dizzy, the only air keeping me conscious was all of his ass and sweat fumes. I could feel his sweaty hole close over my tongue. My cock was ready to burst, this was so wrong but so hot,

"Mmm, that's a good service boy," He moaned.

I came. I couldn't help it. I moaned into his ass and started shooting my load onto his legs and the towel. I felt like this is where I belonged; serving and worshiping this man's ass. He saw I was turned on by his stink and marked me with it, making my his property. I was trembling under the towel.

After letting me bask in the heat of his ass, he undid the towel and walked away. His sweaty skin peeled off of my face, leaving a sticky residue. I felt like a pig.

"Glad you jizzed and all, but I still need service for that," he wrapped the towel back around his waist and looked down at me, "I'm going to get dressed and pull the car up to the front. When you're dressed, you're going to hop in it, and we'll go to my place. I want you to rim me for the rest of the night."

"Yes sir." I said on automatic.

"Good. And I've been gassy all day, since you like it so much I won't hold back when I'm sitting on your tongue." He turned away and left the sauna.

It took me a few minutes to realize what he'd just said, and what was in store for me for the rest of the day. It was the best Valentine's day I've ever had.

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