Artificial Love

By Rick Chasez

Published on Mar 16, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, meaning everything is not true. 'Nuff said

Previous chapters and other stories can be found at


After a while, JC kept holding robot Justin, sobbing on his shoulder. Justin was hugging him back and telling JC it would all be alright. "You don't understand, Justin... you could never understand" "Why? What couldn't I understand?" "I don't wanna talk about this right now, ok? Perhaps later, we need to go meet the guys" "Okay, but you have to tell me" "Maybe" "Maybe won't do, JC. You must tell me." "Ok, I will"

The other guys knew JC had been crying, there was no use in trying to hide it. They had actually been surprised to see how JC had been holding up, they had expected him to crumble. And they didn't even know just how much JC loved Justin. They went through some business stuff, schedules and planning for the world tour. They needed to make sure that the robot was going to be able to perform well.

When the day was over, Joey went to the robot and asked him to come home with him. JC told Joey he would be taking the robot home, which was shocking for all of them. "Are you sure, JC?" asked Joey. "Yeah, I'm sure" "Because, um, you hadn't been very comfortable around him" "I know, I know... but he and I were roommates, and there are always reporters spying on us... they could get suspicious" "You're probably right... but still... call me if you change your mind, ok?" "I would, Joey. But I won't change my mind" "Ok, see you tomorrow then"

Justin was happy to ride with JC. See him smile was always soothing, JC thought. They got home and JC showed him around the house, he told him which was Justin's room. His clothes were back there, his mother had returned them when the robot idea came up. Justin lay down on the bed and asked JC to come sit next to him. It was so weird, sort of a deja-vu kind of thing... Justin patting the bed and asking JC to tell him his problems. This time went a little further, as soon as JC sat on the bed, Justin put his arms around him and pulled JC closer to him. They both lay down, JC feeling safe in the arms of the robot. He didn't really smell like Justin did, that's all that was missing.

"Tell me," whispered Justin. "No, don't make me do it" "You promised, JC" "But... it will only ruin things, like it did before" "Why? What is it?" "Listen, I don't know how good is your knowledge about human relationships... but there are some things... things that maybe shouldn't happen, Justin." "What kind of things?" "You see, not all men are... not all men want a traditional relationship" "Okay... and?" "Some guys... have different preferences" "You're not making too much sense, JC" "Do you know about gay people, Justin?" "Yes, gay people have relationships with members of the same sex. Are you gay, JC?" "Well, I..." JC's voice broke. "Is that it?" "Yeah... I am gay, Justin" "Why is it a problem?" "Because... I am in love with Justin" "I see... is Justin in love with you too?" "No," JC sobbed and tried to pull away. Justin didn't let him. "No one knows about this, Justin. No one must know" "I won't tell anyone, JC. You can trust me" "There's something else... but you have to understand this, no one could possibly know this, ok?" "I promise I won't say" "I told Justin the truth" "Oh, what did he say?" JC's tears rolled down his face. "He hated me for it... he hit me and ran away... He's dead because of me!" JC cried and Justin kept holding him. "He had that fucking accident, it's my fault... and I can't forgive myself for telling him" "JC..." "I should be the dead one, you know? Not him" "He's not dead, JC" "You call that being alive? He didn't deserve that. I did" "No, JC. You didn't deserve it either, why would you?" "Because I had no right to tell him" "You did the right thing, JC. When you love somebody, you have to tell him" "You don't know... the worst pain you could experience is loving someone who'll never love you back" Justin just kept hugging and rocking JC until he eventually got tired of crying and fell asleep. //Maybe I understand, JC... I think I am in love with you, but you will never love me back//


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Next: Chapter 6

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