As the Willows Watched

By Zach Jordan

Published on Aug 6, 2015


Thank you for choosing this story. Sex accentuates particular moments but is far from this story?s basis, if that it what you search for look elsewhere.

This is the work of the author and he alone holds the rights to it.

Disclaimer; if you are unable to grasp the normality of two people of the same sex being in intimate situations it would be in your best interests to stop reading and expand your perspective of this world.

Feel free to get in touch;

Chapter Two

I?d thought about Brad enough between his texts and phone calls without the weekend looming the day after. I had an incredibly large amount of study to accomplish and it was highly unlikely I would accomplish that with him here as much as my emotional side ached for it. I compartmentalised it away and threw myself back into my lecture notes chuckling at my little anecdotes about things I knew I?d forget.

Dad always had a joint and a beer every afternoon at 5 precisely so everyday at 5 I would walk the long driveway from my house to the family house then to the garage. It was of course so ingrained now that I did it even if I wasn?t drinking or getting high, it was the companionship and conversation. My uncle frequently joined as did Stu who had been Dad?s friend longer than I had existed. Thus there was always something knew to talk about, some knew ridiculous things to be a spectacle of a man myself among the manliest of men.

Walking back to my place in the dark was easy even though my eyes had only begun to adjust to the lack of light. My body knew where to move while my thoughts proceeded to churn away. If only I could wash my clothes in there, so much easier ? I thought as I slowly paced.

I decided I would go for a walk up into the bush that night and look out at the lights of the small townships spread across the plains I lived at the edge of. Best made plans they say.

?Surprise? he said fucking surprisingly. Brad, he must have decided to come straight after work.

Gathering my faculties ?Shitting Neck Hole! Bradley what the fuck is this appearing out of the dark as I silently approach my abode?

?Shitting neck hole? I came to surprise you ? it worked plus I?m here? he said. His eyes trying to read mine, anxious for a response at the early arrival.

?Hug ya boyfriend dick? I kind of said in a ?duh? way.

Flying dive hug we both fell into a bush of some native kind and his lips fell onto mine. It was exhilarating and novel and brilliant. Lifting me out of the native jungle that surrounded my house still holding my hand he walked me around to my own front door.


?Well what?? I asked

?Well are you gunna show me inside or are we going to look at shrubs all night?

I let us in and Brad marched his sweetly toned body directly into the middle of my house taking every aspect of it he could in.

?This is definitely your house, it?s like Dumbledore?s office and his bedroom??

I pointed and followed him in ?HUGE BED, what Wills this is awesome I can sleep in bed with you?

That was a given.

?We ain?t fucking though B? I stated

On top of it all he replied ?Why would we. Firstly I wanna just snuggle with you and secondly sex is a big deal for me. We have to get to that point?


It was given that I was medicated, night was upon us and the sleepy arms of the night time medications swelled around my. Ahh, medication. It always gave me the biggest hug ? unusual of statement as it was the feeling of it in my body suited the description.

Brad lay on the couch without turning the television on, just looking around. My house was not huge but it was filled with peculiar knick knacks one would find nowhere else.

?It smells sweet in here? Brad said smelling around for a source.

?It?s probably the rose oil I was burning or the lemon oil I was burning at the same time or one of the two different kinds of incense I had going in the bathroom and bedroom?.

?It smells like Candyland and gardens. Fresh gardens. Supreme mixture of smells Wills? he said

I was so tolerant to the dense smells in my house that it wouldn?t have been nearly as potent smelling for me as it was for Brad.

?I was thinking with the bees and I have something to ask you? he said

Thinking with the bees, fuck how I loved that.

?Do we talk out what is happening with us and all the crazy shit it involves or do we just live it knowing were together now?

Oh how I lavished talking things out but in this situation the conversation would become contrived and pointless.

?The latter?

?What about the ladder, you have a ladder?? he was perplexed.

?No B you dick latter, in means the second part of what you said?

Laughing at himself he flung his legs into the air and launched himself upright.

?Well that?s good because I?m in love with you and you?ll be in love with me soon, there ain?t much else to discuss in that regard? he said

??let?s go for a walk up the back huh? Look at the lights about?

I was struck by how incredibly similar our take on living was, memories rushed back filling in the gaps. Jesus maybe we were each other?s jigsaw piece fitting together like we should never have been apart.

?Fully, was heading up there before your surprise? I said.

We got back from our adventure tired and proceeded to shower and sleep.

Brad was sleep in the lounge where there entity of stereo system lay, so despite having not woken upon my entrance to the lounge he soon woke to the initially horrifying blast of my morning music. Lucky guns weren?t in the immediate vicinity; the neighbourhood would have heard gunfire.

?Morning Wills? he said eyes still half opening and closing. I was beginning my morning yoga.

?Wait I wanna do it with you? he said rolling off the couch. This would be a delight to watch. And it wasn?t at all because he was shirtless.

?Oi kiddo if you get to see me without a shirt then I get to see you without one? Brad gestured toward my jersey. Sighing to myself knowing that explaining my slim running build and his very well defined bush work build kept our bodies at quite different temperatures would make little difference to the outcome of the current situation ? he would simply wrestle it off me ? I reached for the small rectangular remote and turned the heater on and for humour value right up to 35 degrees Celsius.

Then I stood up from plank position exhaling and slipped my jersey off returning to the floor.

?Mother Fucker Wills who knew you had abs from hell? Brad said

?I did? I said. That was most of all what mattered to me, that I looked good for myself.

?Well I?m feeling them tonight when we?re snuggled up, fell asleep the couch last night listening to music. Was so awesome man. I get your way of living like in my soul? he said

That was good to know because my way of living was excruciatingly unique. And I relished it.

?Ha well buddy that?s good cause you will have to get used to it? I replied smartly but failed because the look on his face was that of complete love. He wanted me and my way of living in his life. Honestly, who wouldn?t?

We completed the yoga routine by which end Brad was dripping with sweat.

?That was like a work out or something?

Shrugging I surreptitiously turned the heater down ?Yup, or that I turned the heater up to tropical conditions so I could see you all glistening?

?But why aren?t you sweating??

?It was just warm enough for me not to have a shirt on, I?m a runner B I don?t have bulky muscles like you to keep me warm? I said

He watched me salaciously ?So you like a man covered in sweat huh?? Proceeding to bear hug me and smush as much of his sweat onto me as he possibly could. I struggle for freedom only a little liking it too much.

He then danced around the room hair sticking to his forehead and the back of his neck;

?Now you gonna smell like Brad all day a ha a ha? he sung

Shrugging again ?Sweet, I like your man smell?

Brad?s whole face curled into a sly grin ?You do, do you??

Lifting he arm up he tried to get some pit sweat on me. Lord God that wasn?t happening, chasing me around the lounge then outside and around the deck trying get his pit sweat on me we were both cackling our unique cackles ? well Brad?s was a roar while mine was a pterodactyl shriek mixed with Voldemort scream ? he never caught me and I was covered in enough of his sweat as it was.

Returning to the tropical conditions I had created inside Brad made himself a coffee and just put one each of my herbal teas into my gigantic mug. We looked for the sunniest spot and shifted the deck chairs into the warmth sitting down. I had my sunglasses on and three layers of clothing. Brad still shirtless ? partly because he was likely warm anyway mostly because he knew I liked looking at his body and he loved it.

?Why the fuck do you have your sunnies on at this hour? he commented

?One must continually protect their eyes fro the harmful ultraviolet light streaming into them from the sun. I shall not become ill sighted because of negligent sunglass use Bradley?

He sprayed his coffee over my blessed elderly dog sitting in front of me; she gave him a scathing look but didn?t bother to move. At least she would smell like coffee for a while instead of dead animal carcass.

?That is some funny ass factual shit you just dropped Wills, Jesus ? Pip looked like she would have torn a piece of leg of if she could?ve been bothered to move? he was still chuckling.

I moved my sunglasses down my nose so he could see my eyes;

?Knowledge bomb babe?

Shaking his head he said ?You shine to maybe I should wear sunnies when I look at you?

I nodded ?Yes, quite a good idea there Brad?

Spitting more coffee out ? this time on himself not the dog ? he laughed even more deeply than before.

?I can just imagine it. Sitting up the hut drinking at night with sunnies on to protect my eyes from your bright light?

This time I cracked up ? the image was fucking hilarious.

?Holy shit, you should actually do that next time we go up. The swamp humans will have no idea then I?ll explain it in my complex vernacular and they?ll be speechless?

?It?s a plan my man? Brad said patting my back. I knew he?d do it as he knew I would.

?And today?s plan, we have the day to do what we like with?

Brad was unconcerned ?It?d be cool to see ol? T town again, maybe get a takeaway coffee or body purifying tea ? whatever you have ? then go to the beach and find drift wood that look like wands?

Eyes wide I was in disbelief that this boy could produce such a perfect plan off the top of his head but also that it was so Will specific.

?Do you really want to do that?? I asked

He looked at me ?Yes I really do. You free up all of me, I get to be me with you. And by God I love it. And You. It?s almost too amazing that I get to be with someone that loves all the manliness about me yet indulges the eccentric things at the same time ? cause well your far more eccentric than me so you take my eccentric ways to a new level all together?

I was starting to wonder just how eccentric, so to speak, Brad had become over the years.

?Now we are going to meditate for half an hour? I announced

This caused a shift in reaction ?Um, I can?t do that even though my thinking is like a forest and yours like the Universe it?s impossible for me to not think of something. And nowadays that something is increasingly you?

?Everybody can meditate B, not very well the first several times. But nah we aren?t gonna meditate, I was just testing to see if you would?

Clicking his back by bending backwards over a chair he said ?Ah well I succeeded in that test then?

?How so??

?Well I could have humoured you and sat there for half an hour hating it trying to prove that I can do what you do or be honest and admit where my abilities lack. You are welcome to meditate Wills, do what you gotta do to be well in the noggin and I?ll sit in the sun?

And so I mediated while Brad relaxed in the sun. Maybe that was his meditation I thought on coming to from my own. There were many different ways to meditate. And all of them were unimportant in the scheme of things.

I gracefully walked outside as angelically as possible. It was easy as I walked with grace anyway.

?Peaceful and content babe?? Brad asked upon seeing me lifting my sunglasses from his eyes.

?As always my dear human of this temporary existence?

?How about, just an idea here you fucking ridiculously attractive dick head, we go about adventuring. I think we?ve stretched and centred enough?

I blushed against my ferocious will and agreed.

?Alas not even meditation can stop you from getting a red face when complimented like that. I?m winning today? he said triumphantly.

I watched him for a few moments.

?I love the way you take care of every aspect of my life without doing it for me, I love the way you always look at me loving me with your eyes, I love every indentation the swell of your muscles leave on your body, I love the way you smell of just your body it?s intoxicating, I love the way you have blended in one day into my life as only my missing jigsaw piece could, I love we spent 11 years growing up together and that even then we shared a sleeping bag, I love so much that you are unbelievably protective of me to the point even a fence post is considered a threat because I am that valuable to you, I love how you facial symmetry is perfect and masculine, I love that you let me learn lessons of common sense while making sure I come to no harm in the process, you automatically know we on a level that would take a normal guy a year to achieve. I love you Bradley Taylor and beholding all of you in front of me now I can say with my heart, soul and intellect that I am quite in love with you? I finished my spiel with a soft smile. Let?s see who would blush now.

Brad did. Like his face kinda transformed colours entirely.

He bent forward on his chair looking a the bark beneath him;

?Jesus Christ William you speak in magic way, nothing any person has ever said to me has meant so much as what you just said?

?Well I had to make you blush, the truth usually does the trick? I replied

Actually launching from his chair he kissed me with such fire and passion and tongue that my mind blacked out and my body took over. So wound up in each other?s bodies and mouths and spirits we joined properly for the first time. Upon releasing me Brad took a deep breath.

He wanted to say something ? tapping his boot on the bark ? but was to unsure of my response.

Shutting his eyes he let it out ?Fuck it. I?m saying it. I wanna be with you every day, wake up to you, come home to you. This whole thing is crazy but so are we, so is love, so who cares. I started my job here in this town then transferred, what if I transferred back and lived with you?

My 14 morning meds kicked in without the food I should have had with them leaving me incredibly disorientated and I fell face first into Brad.

?WILL! SHIT! WILL!? Brad roared to nature

?B, B ? it?s OK ? all of my meds hit me at once is all. I?m perfectly all right? I said after he righted me.

He shook his head ?You don?t drive like that do you??

?Nah, I drive in the afternoon when my blood is mostly blood? I said trying humour. Brad was not smiling.

?This is not happening again, what the fuck would happen if you fell of the edge of the deck??

?Bad shit Brad, I understand what you are saying. It was because I didn?t eat when I took them. End of discussion. Plus you?re moving in, you can catch me if it happens again?

That made him spark up ?So you like the idea??

?Yeah, my house is too big for me. We love one another, if you can get a transfer then sweet?

?Oh I will get a transfer? Brad said ??Dad owns the company remember?

?OH yes I do recall now. Well I guess you have some dramatic changes in your life coming, better start packing when you get home. As for now, coffee to go and beach wand search. Let?s go?

Clapping his hands together Brad gathered himself and grabbed his keys, wallet and own Oakley sunnies. If a T town gay saw him this was shirt slightly unbuttoned they may actually leap at him. No matter I would simply fly kick them.

Walking down the main street it was obvious the people staring at Brad but as he pointed out the same number were checking me out. In T town I just did what I was there to do and left never paying attention to its denizens.

?We so hot? he said laughing at himself

?Well I guess we are attractive individuals who take care of ourselves?

?I do nothing to be this beautiful? Brad said

?You stop working and keep drinking that much beer you?ll have a gut in two months? I replied

?Yeah true, I don?t even care to be honest about being attractive, only to you? he said

?You?re too fucking attractive so drink more beer or something? I joked

?Yeah well your so painfully beautiful it goes beyond your body into the way you move ? look ?? he stopped watching my walk ?? you are like an elf every step and movement elegant and graceful but not in the gay way. In the way that comes from twice daily yoga, running and having the sweetest soul on earth?

?It?s easy for me, I?m slender ? you are well built ? actually I don?t know how move how I do I just do?

We got our coffees and went to the beach selecting only a few wand like pieces of driftwood. The best part was just sitting in Brad?s ute at the edge of the beach talking about this and that. We were not concerned with discussing the move it would distract from enjoying the time he was actual with me.

?Have you ever been with a guy?? I asked Brad

?Sexually?? came his response

?Yeah and relationship? I said

He shook his head ?Nope neither, I?m a weirdo huh? I had plenty of chances with both sexes but your memory was always burning in my mind. What about you??

?Yeah, to be honest I?ve lost count with the amount of people I?ve hooked up with. The first one was when I was 11 at the back of the school field. The other couple hundred just randoms. Only one relationship worth mentioning lasted four years ? very decent bloke but closeted ? destroyed me slowly emotionally over the years until I left him. Never been better?

Choking Brad repeated ?Couple Hundred?

?Yup, I was sexually adventurous in my undergrad years. Problem??

Replying immediately ?No, I mean it doesn?t turn me off you in any way whatsoever ? just makes me a bit nervous bout when we eventually get to it. I have no experience and you could write a textbook?

I reached for his hand which opened to receive mine ?B, those people were fucks. I didn?t know most of their names and it was about the fuck. With you we?re making love ? I can?t explain how much of a difference there is. It?s not about experience it?s about sharing love physically and when the time comes you?ll forget you ever worried about it?

?See you do speak magic Wills? he said softly

??it?s funny though we automatically take our roles in this relationship, I?m the masculine dominant one and you. Well you aren?t submissive or feminie just so you that you need to be with a masculine dominant person like me to look after you but let you be you at the same time. I guess what I?m failing to get at is in the bedroom I wanna try it both ways if you know what I mean. My masculinity doesn?t hinge on what happens in the bedroom?

Well fuck me and fuck Brad. I didn?t expect that, I figured Brad being the way he was would be exclusively a top. But he was considerably open minded all the while maintaining his manliness.

?I?m just a sweet, incredibly kind and gentle guy who has seizures is mentally insane and takes 24 psychiatric medications a day of course I match you perfectly. I see how much you love looking after and out for me. When we have sex it will happen how it happens ? imagine both naked kissing our bodies against one another your dick against mine ? it flows when your in love?

?Magic? he said affirming his previous statement.

?You always speak with such effortless perfection? Brad continued ??you exist effortlessly. You really are a miracle of a prize. Maybe living with you might make me more effortless?

I squeezed his hand ?Fuck Brad don?t you think that I find the way you walk, talk and move gorgeous. It?s you being expressed and I love you, you are effort you make the effort in all you do. So realise that and be proud not of being effortful. You drove 5 hours after hauling, lifting, sawing and towing at work all day to see me. That is effort. I love your effort. Leave me to be effortless?

?Ok Wills thanks for the therapy session and thanks for making it ? Brad said

?All good B, seriously though, you must remember it?s just me.?

?That?s exactly why it makes me even more nervous ? well it did ? because it is YOU. You might think ? pausing ??you do think you are amazing. But you are everything to me and I don?t want to fail you in a fundamental part of being in a relationship?

?Anyway, aside from sex let?s go back to your place and get high? he concluded.

Next: Chapter 4

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