
By John Parker

Published on Jan 28, 2021



If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional and if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

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**** June 17, 1963.

I'm six foot four of solid roided muscle. I tip the scale at 240 pounds. I've got nuts the size of lemons and a fat cock that hangs half way to my knee when flaccid and stands three inches above my navel when erect.

If that's the kind of man you like, you better go looking somewhere else. He only existed in my mind when I was in high school and college. He was my only sex partner until I met Roger. His name was Bruno, and he was a full grown man. He and I produced quite a few pairs of crusty briefs together, all mine. He never ever had a stitch of clothes on. I could probably write a chapter about Bruno's and my sex life, but it would be awfully repetitive. I was pretty naïve. There weren't many places a young man could learn about sex. I had some friends who I knew messed around, but I was never invited. If I had been, I probably wouldn't have accepted. All I knew about a male body I had learned in the mirror. I used to enjoy watching myself getting hands free erections. I knew that at night, Bruno would get one too. Watching that monstrous cock grow and stand up was just amazing. He was cut, like me, I didn't even know there was an alternative, I had what I thought was a pretty normal equipment. I'd seen other cocks at urinals but they all looked pretty much the same, except for Bruno's of course. I eventually learned that I wasn't exactly average. My glans was pretty large and very sensitive, and my balls were good size to. My hammer, was otherwise normal. More on that later. I also learned later, that my balls when played with, almost double in size. I thought everyone's did. When that almost eleven inch monster laid on his belly, Bruno's balls were the size of oranges. Put your tongue back in your mouth, he's mine.

I'm actually a lot smaller than that. I'm a small man, five foot eight with my shoes on. I tip the scale at one hundred and forty pounds, but just like Bruno, its all muscle and looks pretty good. I'm wiry, and surprisingly strong for my size. My face is kind of unique, I've got a Grecian nose, its narrow and runs continuous with my forehead, I have no nose bridge at all. I like the way it looks. My eye's are my best feature. They are on the large size, but well positioned on my face, but it is my irises that are impressive. They are the deepest blue and look like authentic boulder opals. They aren't flat or curved, they look like bottomless pools. That description wasn't mine, you may fall in love with your body or your cock, but not your eyes. That's how Roger described them.

My name is Thornton Weasel, (I hated it, if it wasn't bad enough, I was actually the third. I never knew one or two, but that's not important.)

Let me tell you about Roger, I've lived with him for almost three years. I'm 24 and he's 22. I'll make this short. He's drop dead gorgeous. He could have any man he wanted, and often did. He was a normal size Bruno. Almost six feet tall, but we had very similar bodies. His cock was bigger than mine, but not a whole lot, but I had him beaten in the balls department, and he really liked to play with them, especially when he discovered that they grew. I've tolerated that annoyance for a long time (LOL!)

We weren't lovers in any sense other than we shared sex. If I had to put it into words I say we were very close friends in a warm, comfortable relationship. Every thing I knew about sex I learned from him. I don't know where he learned, never asked, but as far as I knew, he knew it all.

I was a very vanilla, Fruit of the Loom kind of man, Roger was a lusty devil who wore erotic men's briefs. I liked it, especially since he wore them tight. He should be in mediums, but he bought smalls. I'm sure you know what that means. His man stuff was always excitingly displayed. He never took his undies off when we went to bed. How did we have sex? I didn't say they didn't come off, I was just the one to do it. I usually laid between his legs, played with the light coating of fur on his abs while sucking on his cock and balls drenching his undies until he was erect. Then I peeled them off him. I fucked him a couple of nights a week, but mostly we had oral sex while he played with my balls. He hardly ever fucked me, but he was a champion reamer.

His name was Roger Morris, he wanted me to call him Romo. He called me Thor (my hammer!)

We went to a neighborhood pub once or twice a week. Never on Friday or Saturday. On those days it was pretty much a normal bar, with desperate men and women looking for a bit of artificial happiness. During the rest of the week, the clientele was exclusively male, and not many of us. We weren't all gay, but that didn't phase Romo. We came here because he had needs that I couldn't fulfill. Specifically, he needed a big fat cock like Bruno's pummeling his ass for a half hour or so. I just didn't have the equipment. One day, he approached a man, Romo, wasn't above groping a stranger's crotch to see if he had what he needed, and gay or straight didn't make any difference. Most men would be asking to get the shit kicked out of them, but one look at Romo, and no man would dare. "Order yourself another drink, Thor, this is going to take a while." He went into the ladies john, they had a small couch in there. I had barely started on my new drink when he came back out, and he was pissed. "What happened?" "He was an ass hole." "I thought you kind of liked those things." "I do when they're in a pair of jeans, but his was between his ears." "Do you want me to go kill him, Romo?" "You don't have to, I took care of it. He's not dead, but he wishes he was. He's still on his knees on the bathroom floor, and may not be able to stand up for a while." Nobody fucks with Romo.

When we got back to the apartment, I grabbed the mail. There was an erotic men's wear catalogue called "Adam and Yves." This is where he got the underwear he/we liked. After sex, I laid on his shoulder enjoying the after glow. He opened the catalogue and we looked at it together. These men were hot, and what they had on, or almost on was remarkable. We had just had great sex, but we both had boners again.

"You like this one, Thor?"

"Oh, yeah, but if you want that one you're going to have to buy a medium, you wouldn't fit in a small one of those."

"About every two months a small package arrived in the mail, with A & Y on the return address. I knew what that meant, and no you don't, but you're going to find out. It was new undies, of course, they were Romo's and I didn't open it. New undies meant only one thing.

When Romo got home he went into the bedroom to get out of his suit. He was standing in his briefs when I walked into the room naked. I threw a heavy cotton rope around his neck, tied his hands and gagged him, knocking him on the bed. He wasn't really tied, the gag was loose, and I didn't hurt him. I tossed the package on to his belly. "This came today." And then a ritual commenced that happened every couple of months when one of those showed up. I was between his legs playing with him through his briefs. Then I pulled out a pair of surgical bandage scissors, and slowly shredded his underwear until only a small patch covered his pulsing cock head. I did this for him, it wasn't anything that I particularly liked except I liked doing it for him. He bucked and screamed while I did it, but it was all pretend. The ending was always the same, as soon as I gave the final snip to his rags, his cock jumped out and he came all over his belly soaking the little package that I put there. I untied him, removed the gag.

"Thank you, Thor, that was as good as ever. Let's see what we have in here."

About three months later, Romo called and said, "Please be home when I get there." "I will, a little package came today. I'll be ready." "Sorry, Thor, I'm not in the mood." He hung up.

That scared me, Romo not wanting sex?

When he got home he looked like he had been run over by a bus, I had never seen him like this. I put my arms out to hug him. "No , Thor, don't."

This had to be really bad. He started to talk, then choked up and began to cry. I reached out to him and he said, "NO!"

"Thor, I have HIV. You've got to go to the clinic tomorrow and get tested."

We went together, I tested negative. They gave us a pretty graphic brochure on safe gay sex practices that we could still engage in.

The virus ravaged his body in just a few months. That once beautiful man now looked like a wraith, sunken eyes and cheeks, virtually no muscle tone any where any more. One night he woke up unable to breathe normally, I called 911 and got him to the hospital as quickly as I could. I told the paramedics he had AIDS when I called. "Are you family?" the hospital asked. "Were cousins" I lied. "We're going to need to contact his parents." It took them three weeks to get there, he had been in a coma for two days and was on life support when they arrived. When they came in his mother went to his bedside. His father just stood there and said. "Who the fuck are you?" "Roger's friend, the only one he has anymore." "Friend my ass, your as much of a damned queer as he is. Did you do this to him?" "No." He kept insulting me and I was getting pissed. I finally vented. "If you're looking for someone to blame, Mr. Morris, look in the mirror. Roger loved you, God knows why, and all he wanted was a little bit back, but you denied him. How could you call your only son a God-dammed depraved faggot. Roger was a beautiful man, and look what you turned him into. Take a good look, Mr. Morris, your going to see that for the rest of your life." "I ought to slap you silly, " "Raise a hand, and you'll be the next one checking into this hospital. You wouldn't believe what I'm capable of, especially right now." I walked up and kissed Romo on the cheek. "Why don't you give him a blow job while your at it?" "Move your ignorant, prejudiced, homophobic ass out of the way, Morris, or I'll knock you down and walk out on top of you. Don't give me any more shit, or I'll do it just for the hell of it." "John, let him go."

I went to wait in the reception area until they left. I barely got there, then screamed and collapsed. I crawled into a corner, and cried like I had never had in my life. I knew he was gone, ripped brutally from my soul. A young man in blue scrubs came over to me, knelt and said, "Are you alright?" "What the fuck does it look like?" He put a strong hand on my arm and said, "Come with me." "Go away." "You are coming with me!" He lifted me to my feet and led me to a small room that had two bunk beds in it. "Get in there. He crawled in next to me, put an incredibly strong pair of arms around me and said, "Just let it go, man." Did I ever. When there were no more tears to shed, he asked, "Do you have someone in here?" "I did, but I know he's gone." "Do you want me to check?" "No, I know."

"What's your name?" "Thor." He laughed, and for some odd reason I laughed with him. It made no sense. "What's so funny?" "My name is Odin." "Do you need someone to take you home, there's always a police car here." "No, Odin, I think I need to walk home, it's not far.

The next day I had never felt so alone in my life. I collected Romo's stuff and went through it, I was going to give it all to Goodwill, but changed my mind. I carefully went through all of it, I had to file his last tax return. I found the last A&Y package that was never opened. It was bigger than they usually were. I opened it to find a black fishnet jockstrap and a white one. He never bought more than one, so I knew that one of these was meant for me. I kissed the package and said, "Thank you, Romo." Instead of putting his underwear in the Goodwill bag, I put mine. I was going to wear his from now on, he obviously had wanted me to. I lived a lonely life for almost a month, but I needed someone to talk to. Raymond, the bar tender at the local pub was a very good listener, I guess it went with the job, but he really was a friend. When I walked in there weren't too many men in there. "I heard about Romo, I'm so sorry." "Thanks, Ray" He gave me a rum and tonic, I reached for my wallet and he shooed me away. "Do you want to talk, Thor? There really isn't any one here."

"I thought I did, Ray, but I think I just want to sit here for a while and recollect the beautiful times. "All of those you want are on me, and the cab ride if you need it."

I felt very much at home again, a couple of guys we knew came up and asked about Romo, I just said he's busy. There was a blond man, at the far end of the bar I'd never seen, but he looked oddly familiar. I grabbed my drink and decided to introduce myself.



We actually hugged, but we had spent a good long time in each others arms before anyway.

"There's got to be a better way to say this, but are you coping okay?"

"Yes, I've accepted it and moved on."

"Do you live near by, Odin?"

"No, Thor, it's a good bus ride away. I usually sleep in that room I took you to at the hospital, I only go home on week ends." Ray put two more drinks in front of us. "I didn't order that," Odin said. "No, I did, and the other one is on me too." "Do you want to come home with me? I live pretty close." "Do you have an ulterior motive, Thor?" "I thought I was being kind of obvious, Odin, but if I have to say it, will you come home with me and we'll fuck each other to sleep?" "I think I get it." We both laughed. "Let's finish these and go, Odin," "Do we have to wait until we get there?" I told him that Roger used to enjoy fucking in the ladies room, but I had never been in there. "I was only thinking about a few hugs and kisses while we finish these, we wouldn't be the only ones." Odin took out his wallet and dropped a fin on the bar. "Pick that up, Dr. Pierce. This was my party." Doctor, I thought he was an orderly, but he was an intern.

When we got home, we got ready for bed, with his clothes off, Odin's body looked remarkably like Romo's. He even wore designer underwear. He started to remove them when I said, "Leave those on." "But, I thought we..." "We will Odin, but leave them on for now."

I introduced him to the joys of being disrobed by a man. He loved it. "Can I do that for you?" Romo had never done it, but I think that package I found indicated that he intended to. I went to the dresser and got the two jocks. I put the black one on and handed him the white one. "What's this?" "A present, someone I know wants you to have." "Like as in keep it?" I nodded. "Get your head down here, Odin, my hammer isn't going to wait forever." He needed a little help. I know he could give a good blow job, but through the shorts is a little different. I let him play with me for a while, then flipped over and did a 69 with him. "Oh, god, Thor." "That's who we are, welcome to Asgard." His abs crunched, he said oh god, again, and I felt searing sweet cum seeping through the jock webbing. I blew as soon as his hot jism hit my tongue. He ate all of it. We were supposed to fuck each other to sleep. That would have to wait. "Do you want a snack before we go to bed?" "Another one?" I kissed him and went and got each of us an ice cream cone. Half way through he went down on me. It was amazing, that ice cold mouth. That was going to happen again. "I've got to be back at the hospital by six." My bus leaves at seven. "I'll make sure you are."

I fell asleep on his shoulder, he was out before I was. I ran my hand through the fur on his chest, he was so like Romo. Thank you Romo, I said, I know you are where you deserve to be, and I know you gave him to me.

In the morning I kissed Odin awake, I had made coffee and bagels with cream cheese. He woke, smiling absolutely sweetly. We lay in bed naked eating breakfast. "That was a wonderful night, Thor, we interns don't really have a life." We finished breakfast and I asked, "Can I walk with you to the hospital?"

"You don't have to. It's still awfully early." "I want to." "Can I keep that?" "Of course, its yours." "I know you gave me the white one, but can I keep the black one?" "Yes, it's still wet, I'll get you a plastic bag." "No thanks, I'll just wear it." He put it over his head with the cum soaked pouch over his nose and mouth. I laughed and did the same with the white one, it still smelled and tasted like him.

"You are a lusty dog, Odin, but I don't think that will go over well at the hospital." It had to be a priceless picture, two young men with cum soaked jocks on their faces.

"I am lusty indeed, but what can I say. Like father, like son." I missed that entirely, we had to be the same age, or damn close. I walked him to the hospital, the jock was in a baggy in his pocket. When we got there I handed him Romo's key to the apartment. "What's this?" "It's your key. " "Aren't you moving a little fast, Thor?" "I learned the hard way that when you find something you want, you have to grab it before it's taken away." "You can come at any time for any reason, you don't even have to tell me you're coming." "Why are you doing this?" "It's just right thing to do, Odin."

He kissed me. "I promise I'll use it, Thor."

Monday night I heard the door open. It took a few moments, but then Odin walked into my room naked, I could see him out of the corner of my eye.

"You asleep, Thor?"

"Yes, Odin."

"Good, I don't want any interruptions, tonight"

I didn't expect him here so soon, but my hopes that the next time he was in my bed it would be for a lot more than sleeping. You know how disappointed I was. No interruptions, what a fucking downer.

I felt his body ease into the bed with me. If that was all I was going to get tonight, it was still sweet.

I didn't expect what happened next. Two powerful hands stretched my ass cheeks apart as far as they could go, and a warm wet tongue didn't just ream me, he was in me at least two inches. I felt a lot of Odin's spit soaking my ass, it ran down onto the bed. "Are you still asleep, Thor? "Yes?" "Then stop wiggling your ass and lie still." He gave me a hard slap on the ass. This was becoming something very special, everything I wanted, but nothing I expected. He crawled up behind me so I was spooned in his lap, then slowly, ever so slowly he entered me. He was so gentle and loving, but he kept saying, "You're asleep, Thor; no interruptions."

"He fucked me ever so slowly, his slow penetrations and withdrawals matched his heart beat, I could feel it in my back. It was like his heart and soul were fucking me, not just his cock. I think it may have lasted over an hour, it wasn't intense erotic sex, I can't even tell you how it was. I eventually came, but I wasn't totally erect. It wasn't paroxysms of climax, but a warm fluid release of my seed and all the tension in my body pouring out my cock. I fell asleep almost immediately. I don't know if he came or not, but we woke with him still inside me, and I could feel the size of him. He was asleep, but I was filled with with him.

I knew when he had to get up, made breakfast and kissed him awake.

"How many men have you done that for?

"I haven't done if for anyone, I've just shared it."

"Why are you avoiding the question?"

"Just you, Thor."

"Then how did you learn it?" He laughed. "I made it all up on the way home from the hospital last night."

"Home?" My heart melted.

"I'm sorry, is that okay, Thor?"

"I told you, this is your place as much as mine, it's your home as long as you want it."

I suspected that he would have more surprises like last night, he is an erotic devil, or I guess a god; but I had one for him he wasn't expecting.

He virtually moved in. I had to ask him if he could pay some of the bills. "You won't believe how little they pay us, and how much they charge patients for what we do." "Tell you what, Odin, I've got a cookie jar, don't eat cookies, but it's my living money, put what you can afford in and take what you need out. We'll be okay.

It all worked out well. He came home and, I said, "Happy birthday, Odin!"

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Your wallet and license fell out of your pocket, that's how I knew you were really Odin."

You're not Thor?"

"No, I'm Thornton Weasel III."

How about we keep it at Thor?"

His birthday cake was a meat loaf frosted in broiler browned mashed potatoes and peas. But with a big fucking candle in the middle of it. He laughed. We had a Beaujolais, but what the hell do you drink with meat loaf.

I had a present for him. We were getting ready for bed when he undressed, I beat him to it. I threw the cotton rope over his his neck, tied his hands and knocked him on the bed. "Let me go, Thor, now, you know I can hurt you." "No you can't, Odin, you never would." "Remember two hours of, "Are you asleep, Thor? "Now it's my turn. You know you're not tied up, your not really gagged or you couldn't be talking to me, and your not fighting this. This is going to be a lot of fun."

I ate him through his shorts, we did that a lot, but then the scissors came out. He bucked, "Don't, don't those were expensive, and I need them." "Not any more." I scissor stripped him, but had to blow him off, too; unlike Romo, the stripping wasn't enough. I gave him his birthday present and he asked me, "How often do you intend to do this? I don't have that many pairs of those, and they aren't cheap."

"We'll talk about that after you open your present, the rest of it."

I had given him a small white package with an A & Y return address. He opened it. "Damn, Thor, these are fucking hot." "Right now they're terribly sexy, but once you put them on they'll be fucking hot." He did, and they were.

"I hope you aren't going to cut these off me."

"Probably some day."

"That really was fun, Thor. Where did you learn to do that?"

"My first partner had two fetishes, well more than two, but the big ones were sexy undies and sham bondage."

"How often did you guys do this?"

"About every couple of months, and always around Christmas and his birthday."

"Six pair of these in a rag bag a year," he said rubbing his now nicely full bulge, "is a lot of money."

"Wasn't a problem, Odin."

"If we're going to keep doing this, and I hope we do, two things I want to change. First one is six pairs won't be enough for us, and I would like the bondage/domination to be more definite. When you tie and gag me, I want to be really under your control."

"You want me to do this every month."

"No, that would be too predictable, but if we do this, we're going to share it."

"I've never been on the receiving end if it."

"Too bad, you don't know what you've missed."

"I'm going to have to down grade to FTL briefs if I'm going to afford this, and I'm going to miss these."

"No more than I would." I got out of bed pulled a large box out of my closet and dumped it on top of him on the bed.

Odin was like a kid in a candy store. He was buried in a pile of over three hundred pairs of undies, jocks, and sexy swim briefs. "Where did you get all these, there's got to be almost a thousand dollars worth of erotic man wear here."

"I told you, Romo was an undies freak, that was probably an understatement. He was an undies maniac."

Odin spent over an hour trying them on, perhaps as many as fifty. He was a pleasure to watch. He finally put the ones I had given him back on, grabbed a huge armful of them and buried his face in them.

I was still naked, "Give me a pair to put on." He picked one out for me. I put them on as he put the others back in the box.

I walked up behind him as he was putting it back in the closet. As he turned around I said, "Now. Show me," I handed him the rope, gag and scissors.

He grabbed my arm and twisted me around, driving me to my knees. He tied my wrists together tight, I couldn't have gotten out of it by myself. "This is a little much, Odin." "You're in no position to comment, Thor." He picked me up, threw me on the bed on my stomach and hogtied my ankles to my wrists. "Do you think we can talk about this, Odin?" "You're getting annoying, Thor. I think I need to shut you up." He took the bandanna gag, tied a huge knot in the middle of it, shoved the knot in my mouth and tied it around my neck. I was totally bound, gagged, and helpless. If Romo and I were boys playing cowboys and indians, Odin was well on his way to Custer's last stand.

He grabbed my ass and squeezed my cheeks hard, I thought he might have bruised me. Then I heard a snip, and the cold steel of the scissors, moved across my perineum and up my ass crack. He ripped the briefs crotch to waist band, spread my cheeks wide and put that incredible tongue to work. I didn't know how he could fuck me, tied like this, but I expected it.

He untied my legs and flipped me over. He grabbed my bulge and groped it hard, while he devoured my tits, he actually chewed them raw. Then he settled between my legs, bathed me in the briefs, and did bite my cock head. It probably would have hurt if I was naked, but it was something I never could have expected. Then he began to remove the briefs with surgical precision. I had always pulled the briefs away from Romo, I didn't want to cut him. Odin, never made a cut when I couldn't feel the cold metal against my skin. The briefs were in shreds and I was gasping, but I was still not naked. My guts buckled, my balls pulled up painfully close to my groin, and I blew a huge spasmic load into the little rest of the briefs that covered me. Odin cut them off and cleaned the cum off me with his mouth. He untied me more quickly than I expected he could. He gave me a deep loving kiss and said, "Did you take notes? That's what I would like."

"I don't need notes, I'll never forget that."

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"Here, I just made it up as I went along."

We were laying in each others arms and I asked him, "You're damn good at this, how many men have you had sex with?"

"I played around with guys occasionally in high school and college, but not a lot, it was only hand and blow jobs."

"I didn't mean boys, I meant men, Odin"

"Only you, your turn."

"Moho and you, that's all"

"I want you to come home with me this week end ..."

"Aren't we home?"

"Of course, but this will be with just my family. I want you to meet them."

"Do they know about us?"


"Are they okay with it?"

"More than okay. When I told my dad when I was eighteen he said "It's not my preference for you, son, but the only preference that counts is yours. What ever, I love you." I hugged him and cried, I never knew my father, and Romo's father was such a hateful man.

We took a bus to his parents home town. His dad picked us up. It surprised the hell out of me, after he hugged and kissed Odin, he did the same to me. We hadn't even been introduced.

It was a great weekend, I mean the best ever in my life, I had never felt so loved, and I knew it was genuine.

"You're going to need this son." He gave a small box to Odin. He opened it, it was a car key. The car was a three year old Volvo, but they were the only wheels we ever had.

When we left we all hugged and kissed. His mom took me aside and said, "Love him, don't hurt him." and she kissed me. I didn't know what she meant.

On the way home I asked him, "This has been a strange weekend, I had a very good time, but I don't understand a lot of it."

"When we get home I'll explain."

That night wasn't the time for explanations, we enjoyed each other all night, until early into the morning,

"Oh my god, Odin, you should have been at the hospital two hours ago."

"I don't work there any more."


"That family thing was a party celebrating the fact that I'm now a real practicing doctor."

"What are you going to do now?" I was scared beyond shitless that he was going to leave me.

"I've got a couple of options, Thor, but I won't make any decisions without you." That was more of a commitment than either of us had ever shared.

I had to ask, "Why did mom (I didn't say your mom) tell me to love you and not to hurt you?" "I didn't know she said it, but my parents know." "I love you, Thor, you know that, and I'm not going anywhere without you. A wise young man once told me, when you find something you want, you have to grab it before it's taken away."

If you enjoyed this story, I'd like to hear from you, I'll always answer, but if you didn't, I need to hear from you. Tell me.

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