At Last

By Steve Smith

Published on Aug 2, 2016


At Last! Part #10 Steve Smith

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Jake and Rick stayed for two days before going home, promising that they'd be back for our wedding. I will admit that the four of us did have a couple nice circle jerks and it was fun to stroke and feel the heat and hardness of Rick and Jake's cocks. Jake got especially excited when he stroked Tommy, making it obvious to me that he still harbored some deep sexual feelings for his brother. A lot of cum flowed, much to all of our delight. As tempting it was to suck Rick's cock, and he and Jake often made it clear that they were open to that, Tommy and I remained true to each other, which made us both happy after they had left.

When Tommy's divorce decree finally came through a few weeks later, we celebrated by having a special dinner in our apartment, nude of course. We felt especially liberated. Manhattans before dinner, then wine, seafood, salad, good bread, and pie for dessert was our celebratory menu. After eating and doing the dishes, then taking a long sensual shower together, we made our way to our bed. As I got in, Tommy reached over and pulled open the drawer to his bedside stand. He pulled out a little box and opened it. Inside was a silver wedding band, identical to the one that I had given him many months ago. He knelt on the bed next to me, ring box in one hand, erect cock in his other.

"Will you marry me?" he asked with a wide grin. "Both of these are for you forever." He put the silver band on the ring finger on my left hand and his penis in my right hand. They both fit perfectly.

"I thought you'd never ask!" I gushed with feigned drama.

He then got his ring out of the dresser and put it on his hand. We had previously agreed he would not wear the wedding band I had given him until we were officially married, but tonight was special so we decided to wear both of them for the night. I told him I wanted to rub my round and hard wedding band all over his body and rub something long and hard all over his body as well. "Oh, I'd like that!" he exclaimed. I told him to close his eyes, not talk, and just enjoy the sensations.

I started with his head, running my fingers through his curly thick blonde hair, scratching his scalp with my fingernails, and messaging his temples, making sure my wedding band rubbed against him. I then got over him so that my rigid cock rested on his head. I moved my cock over the top of his head. It felt really nice having it engulfed in his thick hair.

I then moved to his face. My fingers lightly danced over his eyebrows, across his close eyes and lashes, down his perfect nose, over his cleft chin, over his ears, and across his full sensual lips; again making sure the wedding band made contact wherever I went. Still with his eyes closed, he took my fingers into his mouth and sucked them. I then took my penis in hand and rubbed it gently all over his face paying special attention to his eyes, his nose, his ears, and over his lips. He opened his mouth and I inserted the tip my cock into it. He gently licked and sucked on the end.

I then moved down to his muscular chest and thin waist, kneading his muscles with my hands, squeezing and pinching his rigid nipples, and running my fingers on his abdominal ridges. My penis then traced the same route. I loved the feeling on my cock as it went across his erect nipples and up and down on his washboard abs.

Then on I went to explore his beautiful and oh so masculine genitals. My hands stroked and caressed his gorgeous penis and large testicles. He kept moving his lower body up to meet me. My cock then rubbed against his cock and balls and then I took my left hand and putting both our cocks together I jacked them in unison, rubbing my wedding band over both of them. I felt I was about to cum and knew Tommy was close as well.

To cool things off a bit, I then worked on his muscled legs and smooth feet with my hands and cock. He giggled as I rubbed my cock on the soles of his feet and over his long toes. Then on I went to his small but muscular ass that I love so much, only second to his cock.

I lifted his legs up so that I had free access to his love hole. Lubricating my ring finger and his anus, I entered him and messaged his prostate, making sure he felt the wedding band along his entrance. Clear pre-cum nectar freely seeped out of him. He was squirming and bucking his hips on my finger. He was anticipating the next step. I lubed up my cock, gently ran it over his anus and then entered him fully. Tommy sighed with relief that I was finally in him. First gently and then strongly I fucked him. He moaned and groaned as I thrust in him but he didn't say a word, nor did I. The sensation with eyes closed and without words was ethereal. I felt every nerve as my cock moved back and forth in his warm, moist, and tight love canal. I could feel the semen in my testicles moving up the connecting tubes, through the prostate and finally into my penis, as it took its journey to my lover.

Tommy was panting, moaning, and arching his back. I sensed he felt that same almost out of body experience as his own sperm moved up and then suddenly out. As he gushed all over his chest and face, I erupted inside him strong and hard. After my seed was spent, I collapsed on top of him, feeling the cool wetness of his manhood on my own chest and face. I licked the cum on his face and we gently kissed.

"Wow!" he said. "It just gets better and better. If this is what I get, I should have thought to ask you to marry me a long time ago". I punched him in the arm and we both laughed. We didn't want to break the mood by cleaning up, so we fell asleep in a tight embrace as I spooned Tommy's back. I felt the sweet sensation of cum seeping out of Tommy onto my cock. We'd change the sheets tomorrow.

The wedding plans hit another snag; a good snag. When we told our close friends and children, except for Gary who refused to take my call, that we were going to have a small wedding in the mountains, we were told by nearly all that we couldn't do that. Everyone wanted to be in attendance to witness our commitment and love. It made us feel so good and so accepted by those we cared about that we decided it would be selfish not to marry locally so all that wanted to be with us could. We obviously could not get married in our church, which we stopped attending when we came out so as not to embarrass Patty and Doris, so we decided on an outside wedding venue. There was a particularly beautiful spot in the park that Tommy and I often ran through that attracted us. It was a good alternative to the cabin in the mountains. The date was set and hand written invitations went out. It still wouldn't be a big wedding but we invited all of our children and their families, as well as dear friends, both gay and straight, and their families.

I talked to Patty on the phone and told her about the upcoming wedding so she wouldn't be surprised when the children brought it up. She thanked me for the advanced knowledge and wished us well. I even asked her if she would want to be there but she declined saying it was just too soon. I understood. I was pleased to hear that she had already a number of dates with single men from the church. Gwen was right; the men were flocking around her. When Tommy called Doris she, like Gary, refused to talk to him.

Aiden called me soon after. I was sadden to hear from him that when the invitation came to the house that his father ripped it up, swearing he would never attend a celebration of a sinful union nor would anyone in his family. Aiden told me how he went on and on about the sickness of homosexuality and how it was destroying the family in the United States. He went on a tirade, even telling Aiden that sex before marriage was wrong, as was masturbation. I couldn't believe that this was coming from a man who jacked off frequently when he was young. By this time, Gwen had come out as well and he threw us together saying we both were going to hell. I would have hoped by this time his heart would have softened a bit but it seemed to be even more hardened than ever.

"Papa, I want to come to your wedding", Aiden said.

"I want you to come as well but we can't do anything to alienate you from your father", I replied. "We will try and figure something out".

"What do I do about my jacking off?" he asked. "If he finds out he will kill me. And what about Jeff?"

"Aiden, down deep I think your father knows that you masturbate as he did when he was your age. Just try and be careful and don't leave any tell tale signs. If in bed, try and jack off into toilet tissue that you can flush and of course masturbating in the shower or the bathroom sink makes it easy to cover the evidence. And what about Jeff?"

"Well, um, Jeff and I, um, have done some things together. It's been a lot of fun but we always have to be quick because it seems someone from his family is always around and I could never try anything between the two of us at my house. Sometimes we drive around so we can, you know, touch each other in the car but that is difficult and probably dangerous. We've also hiked in the forest once so we could do things in private but we had to hurry, as we were afraid we'd be caught. Could the two of us come over next Saturday and talk to you? We have a lot of questions and a favor that I think you could help us with".

"OK, I said", wondering what questions the boys might have. "Is it OK if Tommy is here or would you prefer it just be the three of us?"

"No, it would be great if Tommy is there too."

We decided they could get away and be here around 12:30. I told them we'd have lunch and they could hang out as long as they wanted.

Saturday came and promptly at 12:30 Aiden and Jeff knocked on the door. Letting them in I marveled how quickly Aiden was maturing. He was looking more and more the handsome man I knew he would become. It had been a while since I had seen Jeff who was also a good-looking guy in his own right. He wasn't quite as tall as Aiden but he was broader and more muscular, which made sense since he was a tackle on their school football team.

Aiden showed Jeff around the apartment and they spent a lot of time in our bedroom. I could hear them giggling, over the pictures I was sure. We had BLT's for lunch and as typical adolescents each had 2 and split a third. They sure could pack away the food.

"Do you want to watch a game on TV?" I asked.

"Maybe later", said Aiden. "We, um, wanted to talk to you about, um, um, something". With all the "ums" I knew they wanted to talk about sex.

"Sure", I said. We all sat down in the living room, Aiden and Jeff sitting next to each other on the couch.

"Papa, Jeff and I are having a problem. Well, a number of problems. I sort of told you on the phone that Jeff and I have been doing some things together, right?" he said very red faced. Jeff was blushing as well.

"Yes, I got that idea", I tentatively responded.

"Well, first of all we are really enjoying being with each other and becoming really close, if you know what I mean".

"I think I do", I smiled.

Aiden and Jeff then looked at each other, neither saying anything. "Ok, I'm going to just blurt this out before I lose my courage. Jeff and I have jacked together and have even sucked each other. And, um, um, um, Jeff has even put his, you know, in me, if you know what I mean".

"I think we do", Tommy interjected. "What's the problem?"

Aiden looked at Jeff for a long time with his eyes encouraging him to say something. Suddenly Jeff came to life and nervously said, "I want Aiden to, you know, do that to me too but I can't seem to do it, you know, open up for him because it hurts, if you know what I mean".

I so wanted to laugh but controlled myself. "Guys, guys, its great that you are enjoying doing things together but don't you think you might be rushing things?"

"But I want Aiden in me because I love him", Jeff said.

"You do?" Aiden responded. "Oh, I love you too!"

"Guys, guys" I again implored. "You are just seventeen now. You have many years ahead of you to live, explore, mature. Maybe you two are indeed in love and may be each other's soul mates but maybe, just maybe, you two are mixing up love with the pleasure you are having with each other. Take it slow, enjoy the time you are in now, don't make firm commitments as of yet, work towards the future".

"But I want him in me to show how much I care for him" Jeff persisted. He had a one track mind when it came to this. Looked like I had to graphically explain a bit on anal sex. I never in a million years thought I would be talking to my grandson and his friend about this. Tommy gave me an encouraging smile.

"Ok. Let me explain a few things. First of all, some couples but not all, both heterosexual couples and same sex couples, like and engage in anal sex. And in these couples often only one partner wants to be the bottom. You understand the term top and bottom?" Both Jeff and Aiden nodded their heads. "So in heterosexual relationships you probably would find that most couples don't engage in any anal sex, others might enjoy a little finger action, in others the women is the one who is the bottom, in others the man is the bottom, and in others both can be bottoms."

"How can a man be a bottom with a woman?" Jeff asked. I could see that I was going to have to get more graphic.

"Well, you know what a dildo is, right?" Both boys blushed and said they did. "Well, a woman could insert a dildo or vibrator in the man to bring him pleasure or he could put it in himself."

"Does that mean he really is gay?" Aiden asked. Thankfully Tommy jumped in.

"No, not necessarily. He might be completely heterosexual but just enjoys the sexual pleasure and sensation of something rubbing his insides. He also could be bi-sexual meaning he likes to do things both with women and men. Now picking up what your grandfather was saying, in a homosexual relationship you will find the same thing as far as anal sex goes with a man and a woman. Some male couples both enjoy being the bottom at different times, some couples neither man wants it, and some couples only one of them wants to be the receiver, so to speak. There is no right or wrong and just because one of the partners either doesn't want to be the bottom or physically just doesn't seem to be able to be a bottom doesn't mean the love between the two men is any less real or passionate than any other couple".

"What do you two do?" Aiden asked. "We want to be just like the two of you".

"That is very sweet that you want to be like us", I said, "but everyone is different. You have to be who you are and a couple needs to only do what both partners like and are comfortable in doing".

"But what do you two do?" He wasn't going to drop this much to my consternation, but I always promised I would be honest with him so I went on.

"Well, we both like it at different times but one of us more often than the other. And before you ask I am not going to tell you who!" We all laughed.

"I think I know", said Aiden looking at me with a knowing grin. I'm sure the picture in the bedroom of Tommy fucking me was the give away.

"But, I want to try it but I'm not sure how to prepare for it", persisted Jeff. These two were not going to give Tommy and me any slack.

"I bet you guys have already looked this up on line, haven't you?"

"We have, but there are so many contradictory suggestions," said Aiden. "Some say to always have something to clean yourself out right before hand. How can we do that at our homes? Others say to just have a good diet and be sure to have a good poop in the morning. Others say to just wear a condom, which we don't have. It goes on and on. And what about how to loosen up someone who is very tight?"

"OK, ok, ok", interrupted Tommy. "Here is my advice. If you two just want to get yourselves and each other off quickly then simply jack yourselves and each other. If you have a little more time and you enjoy oral action then try that until you cum. If you want to do anal, then you need a lot more time and preparation. You first always want to be clean. This can be done either by a good poop followed by washing or giving yourself an enema, followed by a good shower and hand washing your bottom. You then have to be very patient with your partner. In the beginning it might be that just a finger or two that can be inserted to loosen things up. If that is pleasurable, try additional fingers at that session or at a later one. This could work or you could decide that being a recipient is just not for you. That's OK! The important thing is to just relax".

Aiden looked at Jeff, who had a wry smile on his face and nodded slightly. He then looked back at me. "Papa, can Jeff and I use your guest room for a while so we can, you know . . . . . . . . " His voice trailed off.

I looked at Tommy who shrugged his shoulders and gave me a "Why not" look.

"I guess," I cautiously said. "But don't you need to get home soon?"

Jeff jumped up. "No" he said, "Our parents think we went to the movies and then are playing basketball with friends. We don't have to be home for another two or three hours". Aiden and Jeff were off in a flash to the guestroom, which is right next to the living room. The door closed.

"My, my, my", said Tommy. "You know they sort of remind me of us, which is making me really horny. My guess is that they won't be out for a long time so let's get it on ourselves!" With that he did a strip tease and flung his clothes across the room. "Come and do your magic with your mouth", he commanded. Needing no further prodding I too did a quick strip tease, also throwing my clothes across the room, and we quickly got into a 69 position on the floor. We heard the shower running. Imagining the two boys showering together and imagining what they were doing made us incredibly sexed up. We got lost into savoring each other's cocks and fingering each other's holes. Suddenly the bedroom door opened up and Aiden came out with just a towel around his waist. Tommy and I quickly separated but had nothing to cover us. Talk about the proverbial being caught with your pants off.

"Oops", he said with a bright red face. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something". Then looking down at us he exclaimed with a giggle, "You guys are really hung! I thought maybe older guys shrank as they got older".

"No", I laughed, "Us older guys still have it. Use it or lose it, I always say, and we don't intend to lose it. And from what you told me on the phone you have nothing to be ashamed about either".

"Do you want to see it?" We both were saying "No! No!" as he whipped off his towel and showed us his rigid 6 inch uncut teen dick. "Whatever happened to that shy kid I use to know?" I asked myself.

"Very impressive, but inappropriate", I said. "Now cover up and save it for Jeff". He did. "What is it you want to ask?"

"Well, Jeff wants to really try, you know, what we were talking about before but he wants to make sure he is really, you know, clean. Do you have something to help him do that?"

"Follow me", I said, and led Aiden to my bathroom. I could feel his eyes on my bare ass. I got a Fleets out from under the sink and explained how to use it. I also told him that there were condoms and lube in the bedside stand, left by Jake and Rick, but he told me that they had already found them.

"Cool", he said as he looked again at my cock. I wasn't sure if it was "cool" that I was giving him a Fleets or if he was complimenting my penis. I didn't want to know, did I? "Can I get one too?" I gave him a second one and shooed him off to the guest room.

Deciding that any further physical action between the two of us should wait until the boys left, Tommy and I got dressed and turned on the television to watch a movie, although it was hard to concentrate as we could hear sounds of pleasure between the two boys. The walls in our apartment are thin, as we found out when Rick and Jake were visiting. At one point we distinctly heard Aiden exclaim, "Oh, yes, it feels so good, go deeper, go deeper. Then we heard a distinct "I'm cumming" from Jeff's deeper voice. It then was very quiet for about 20 minutes. Then the toilet flushed and the shower was running again. "They must be getting ready for round two", Tommy said with a smirk.

It wasn't long after that the bed started creaking so we knew the boys were at it again. Then we heard Jeff say "Yes, that's nice. Try another one." Then a little later we heard Jeff shout out "Owwwww it hurts!" Tommy and I had a pretty good notion as far as what was going on and we couldn't help but have hard ons as we listened. We felt like voyeurs but couldn't resist. It wasn't too long after that that we heard Aiden cry out triumphantly "I'm in!" Then for about ten minutes the bed was really rocking and the boys were really moaning with pleasure. "Yes, Yes, Yes!" we heard them both exclaim in unison. They obviously had ejaculated together. Soon the shower was running again and they were in there for a long time. "Round three?" Tommy asked.

The boys finally came out of the bedroom, happily fully dressed. I noticed that Jeff was walking a bit bow legged. They had big grins on their faces.

"I did it", Jeff said, "if you know what I mean".

"Yes, I think we do," smirked Tommy.

Aiden came over and hugged Tommy and then kissed me. "Thank you. It was incredible. We've got to get home, but can we come again?"

"You boys are young and virile, you guys can cum as often as you want", I joked.

"Papa, you know what I mean".

"Yes, I know what you mean. Maybe every couple of weeks you can spend a couple of hours here but your parents and Jeff's parents can never know about this. Even though you guys are seventeen you are still considered to be minors and we could get into a lot of trouble. Your dad would say that I am encouraging you to be gay and that is not the case. I just want you to be you. And we want you to promise that you still keep your options open. Continue to date girls and go to your school dances. You don't need to make any decisions on your sexuality and to each other at your age." They promised that they would keep all options open and were out the door. We went into the guestroom.

"Whoa!" said Tommy, "It looks like a tornado just blew through". The sheets were falling off the bed and looked crumbled and stained. There were wet bathroom towels on the floor and the lube on the nightstand was nearly empty. Two used Fleets bottles were on the back of the toilet.

"Next time", I said annoyed, "If there is a next time, the rule will be that they have to do their laundry and bring the room back in the shape they found it. Fun is fun, but this is ridiculous".

After we cleaned the room and put all the laundry in the washing machine, Tommy grabbed my hand. "Come on, it's our turn now. Let's show up those cock sucking ass fucking teenagers".

It had been a long day and we finally were able to make love. Afterwards we did more wedding planning. The ceremony was only three weeks away. At Last!

Next: Chapter 11

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