At Last

By Steve Smith

Published on Sep 19, 2016


At Last! Part #11 Steve Smith

Men, I hope you have enjoyed each chapter of this very personal story. It has been a real pleasure, both emotionally and physically, to write this. Would love to get your comments and if you have connected on any level to what I have written. Please send them to

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Remember, you are who you are. Whether your sexuality is out in the open or if you remain in the closet, you don't need to be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with what you feel, what you desire, and whether you want to be open about it or keep it hidden. It's OK. You are who you are. It is your choice to make.


Two weeks later Tommy and I were just about to go out to finalize the wedding arrangements when there was a knock on the door. "I bet I know who that is", I said. Sure enough when I opened the door there stood Aiden and Jeff, looking very sheepish and contrite. I had read Aiden the riot act when I talked to him on the phone soon after they last visited. I made it very clear to him how disappointed I was on how they had left the guest room after their romp in the sack.

"Papa, we are so sorry for making you clean up after us and we promise to never leave a mess again. Can you give us another chance?"

"I suppose you'd like to spend a few hours together here again?" I asked.

"Can we, can we?" Jeff panted in anticipation.

Of course, I couldn't resist giving in. I remember so well how strongly teenage boy sex hormones run rampant. Hell, I know how my sex hormones run rampant now.

"OK, one more chance", I said, trying my best not to smile. "But we are going to be gone for three or four hours and I trust we can leave you alone for that length of time. When we get back, that room better be as you find it, and don't get into our personal things". I didn't want them to see or use some of the toys Tommy and I had in our bedroom.

The two boys started toward the guest room, pulling off their polo shirts on the way. It's a good thing the room was so close; otherwise they'd both be naked before they got there. They obviously were very, very horny. The door shut and we could hear a lot of giggling. As Tommy and I were about to leave the guest bedroom door opened and Aiden came out only in his skimpy boxer briefs, showing off a very evident hard on. He looked like he had gotten even bigger in just the last two weeks, both in stature and cock size. He obviously hadn't finished puberty yet. It was difficult not to look.

"Papa, can I get a couple of those, um, you know, what you gave me the last time we were here?"

"Everything you need is in the guest bathroom or in the bedside stand". Anticipating their return, I had stocked up on all the necessary supplies.

"You're the best" he called out as he went back into the bedroom.

Then the door quickly opened again and this time Jeff came out. All he had on was a jock strap, which was straining to contain his substantial and quite thick cock. The head of his rigid penis was peeking out of the waist strap and you could tell he had very large testicles. He smiled as he saw us staring at his hairy muscular chest and impressive package. "Since you guys aren't going to be here, do you think we could use your room? The bed is bigger and those pictures are a real turn on. Plus, it'd be really exciting to get it on where you guys do".

"No!" Tommy and I both shouted in unison. Jeff quickly turned around and headed toward the guest room. We couldn't help but notice his quite beautiful and very muscular bubble butt. Tommy and I looked at each other and licked our lips.

"Jeff", I said. He turned around, suggestively caressing his cock and balls through the pouch of his jock strap. "Um, never mind, just have fun".

"Oh, we will", he grinned, still rubbing his crotch. Once the door closed we heard a lot more giggling.

When we reached the car Tommy said, "Oh, they need it bad. They obviously haven't been together since they were here last".

"Oh, my", I mused. "We have a couple of sex monsters on our hand. Those little cock sucking exhibitionists. I'm sure they both came out deliberately to show off their goods. Good thing we got out when we did before we did something we shouldn't. Very tempting, I must admit".

"Oh yes!" sighed Tommy, "Very tempting, indeed!"

The next few hours we put down the final payments and took care of all the last minute details for the flowers, the caterer, the tent, tables and chairs, and the printing of the wedding program. Everything was ready. We were so excited that the big day was only one week away. We decided to give the boys extra time to be alone so we went to a restaurant for drinks and an early dinner. We couldn't help but talk about what the guys were doing and how masculine they were becoming. This made us both very horny, but we held off as long as we could.

As we were on the road back to the apartment, Jeff's car passed by us on the road. They both waved as we went by. You couldn't miss the bright smiles on their faces. When we entered our apartment, not only was the guest bedroom spotlessly clean and neat but so was the rest of the apartment. They had vacuumed, dusted, emptied all the trash, and put fresh linens on their bed, putting the soiled ones in the washing machine. A fresh flower arrangement, which they must have had in their car, was on the coffee table with a handwritten note leaning against the vase. It read,

"Dear Tommy and Papa, thank you for trusting us and giving us the time and place for Jeff and me to get together. This means so much to us. We love you!! Your maybe gay grandson, Aiden. P.S. Three Times!" Two smiley face stick figures that were holding hands, with very large erect seed spewing dicks, decorated the bottom of the note.

"Come on", challenged Tommy as he led me to our bedroom. "Three Times? We can't let them show us up!" But we did, each of us having two ejaculations during our two-hour love making session. But they were very satisfying orgasms, resulting from pleasuring each other over and over first by gentle and then intense kissing, caressing, sucking, and fucking. Life was good.

The next week went by in a flash. That Saturday morning I awoke to a deep blue sky and bright sunshine. Tommy was still asleep on his back, covered only by the top sheet. I carefully took off the sheet from him and for a long time just stared and admired his manly body. Not being able to resist any longer I got down between Tommy's legs and began licking and sucking on his morning wood. My tongue went under his foreskin and tasted his sweetness.

"Hmmmmmmmmm", mumbled Tommy as he awoke. "That's soooooo nice. You can just never get enough of my cock".

"You know it, but no time now. We've got to shower, eat, and get dressed. We're getting married!" I exclaimed as I jumped out of bed.

"No, don't do this to me", he whined. "You are such a cock tease. Finish me off. Pleeeeeease".

"Nope", I laughed. "I've got to save me and you for our wedding night. And don't you even think about finishing yourself off".

"Fuck!" he replied.

"Not right now, but hold that thought".

He followed me into the shower and did his best to get his way with me. He tried all his tricks by rubbing his cock against mine, pushing his cock along my ass crack, and then trying to masturbate me.

"No time", I said, as I jumped out of the shower and started to dry off.

"Fuck you!" he said in exasperation.

"Yes you can, but you have to wait until after we are married", I retorted.

The plan was simple. The actual ceremony was to be at 11:00 followed by an afternoon of eating, drinking, and dancing. We hoped to be back to our apartment by 5:00 so we could change our clothes and take off for the mountains. The drive to the start of the trail leading up to the cabin was a little over four hours. We'd sleep in the car overnight so that we could start our hike at daylight, ensuring we would get to the cabin by early afternoon to start our weeklong honeymoon.

Tommy and I got to our wedding site by 10:00 to ensure everything was set up properly and to be there to greet all of our guests as they arrived. Everything looked beautiful and Tommy looked especially handsome. He wore an opened collar white linen shirt over khakis that accentuated his tan skin, blond hair, and broad chest. I wore an open collar blue linen shirt over dark blue linen pants that he said complimented my hazel eyes. We both wore sandals.

The first to arrive was Gwen and soon to be wife, Jill. They looked radiant, you could tell how much in love they were. They hugged and kissed us and dropped the bombshell that soon after they were married they planned to start a family. They had started working with an adoption agency and had already visited twice with a four year old bi-racial foster child. He had some special needs they said but that they already had fallen in love with him. "His name is Steve", Jill said. I couldn't have been more pleased or proud.

Jason and his wife came next. Julie was getting quite big and they both looked forward to their first born being delivered. Jason told me how much he loved me and how happy he was for us.

Intermixed with a number of friends and relatives, both gay and straight, Tommy daughters arrived. They looked so much like Tommy, so naturally they were both beautiful. They too told us how happy they were for us. When asked how their mother was they simply said to not ask.

My daughter Alice, her husband John, and her child arrived next with hugs and kisses. Soon after Kevin, his wife Sue, and his two children arrived. All the grandchildren were very excited for a party. Kevin pulled me aside. With a wide grin on his face he said, "Well, you've come a long way since I found that gay porn site on your computer a few years ago".

"Thank you, son, for being so discrete and allowing me to slowly evolve in accepting my sexuality".

"Hell, Dad, we are who we are. That is what you always told us as we were growing up. I'm glad that you finally took your own advice. Um, some time I'd like to talk to you more about your thoughts on sexual identity".

Seeing my worried look on my face he continued, "No, I'm not gay, but I have to admit that I did have a couple pretty intense male experiences when I was in college. When you came out I told Sue about them and even admitted that every so often I get off to gay porn. She is secure in our marriage and our lovemaking is great so she was very understanding; in fact she admitted to me that she once had a lesbian roommate and they did a lot of stuff together for about a year. Of course, I thought that was pretty hot. Thank you for giving me the courage to be completely honest with my wife. You helped both of us to admit and be open to each other our bi-curiosity. It has made us even closer as partners and lovers".

Then Jake and Rick arrived with Tommy's older brother. Over smiles and hugs, Rick whispered in my ear, "You know, I'd sure still love to get into that cute ass of yours. It looks especially appealing in those tight slacks. Jake and I often fantasize about you guys".

I was about to reply when Tommy grabbed my hand and said that it was almost time for the ceremony. I looked around and everyone was here except my son David, his wife, and their three children. I really didn't expect that my oldest would come but I had so hoped that some how Aiden could have made it. My heart sank a bit and I felt sadness by the lack of his presence. Tommy and I walked up to the arbor, where we would exchange our vows; everyone took their seats.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here to join this man and this man as husband and husband," said David, the Assistant Pastor from our old church. Well, at least I have one David that is supporting me I thought. Suddenly there was a lot of honking from a car speeding into the parking lot. The car screeched to a halt. Everyone turned to see what the racket was. Out of the car jumped Aiden and Jeff. They ran up to us.

"Sorry we're late," said Aiden breathlessly, "did we miss anything?"

"You just made it", I said. "Does your Dad know you are here?"

"He does now. Earlier I tried sneaking out but dad caught me and told me to go to my room. He somehow knew that this where I was trying to go. I did as he said but as the minutes ticked by I got more and more anxious. I finally decided that no matter what I was not going to miss my grandfather's wedding. I called Jeff and told him to pick me up around the corner. I went downstairs and told my parents that I was going to your wedding and they couldn't stop me. There was a lot of yelling and screaming. My dad said if I went I shouldn't come back and that I should not expect him to pay anything towards my college tuition. I told him that I was almost an adult and I would start making my own decisions. So here I am".

"I'm so happy you are here, I whispered and kissed him on the cheek. "Our day is complete with you both here, but I am concerned about the repercussions. But now go sit down, there are two seats left in the last row, and we'll talk more later".

The Pastor smiled and began the ceremony again. He talked about how proud he was to officiate a wedding between two men who found each other on a mountain top and have been devoted to each other ever since. He talked about how incomplete we each had felt before we met and now we are one in our deep love for each other. He admonished anyone from thinking that a same sex couple's love is not as strong or as pure as a heterosexual couple's love. As I proudly looked out over the smiling guests I saw Gwen and Jill with tears running down their cheeks. My sons were giving me the thumbs up signal. I also noticed that Aiden and Jeff were surreptitiously holding hands.

Tommy and I then exchanged our vows and put the rings on each other's hands. "By the power invested in me I now pronounce Steve and Tommy as husband and husband. The grooms can now kiss!" We did and everyone cheered.

The party following was a blast with lots of eating, drinking, and dancing. Most of the dances were to fast music so it didn't matter who was dancing with whom, men with women, women with women, and men with men. Tommy and I requested that the last song of the evening be "At Last", a slow love song. Tommy and I started dancing alone with everyone around us, all with approving smiles. Soon most all the couples joined us for this final song. From the corner of my eye I noticed Aiden and Jeff intently watching us and then suddenly, hand in hand, they moved to the center of the floor and started dancing with each other in a warm embrace. The smiles on their face as they looked at each other told everyone what was going on between the two of them. Although there were many surprise looks and raised eyebrows this was an open and accepting crowd, so soon they just blended in with everyone else.

When the song was over, Aiden and Jeff came over and hugged us. "We couldn't help ourselves, Aiden said. "I know you cautioned about not declaring our sexuality quite yet but we had to do what we felt was right".

"That's took a lot of courage", I replied. "I am proud that you both accept and not ashamed to let the world know who you are. But I worry about both of your parents and what they will do when they find out".

"Well, my father already told me not to come home if I came to your wedding so I need to live somewhere else anyways. I talked to Uncle Kevin earlier, told him the full story, and he invited me to live with him until I go to college in a year. I can easily get to school on my bike from his house. And I hope that you and Tommy will allow Jeff and I to still come over to, um, visit every week or two".

"Of course", I quickly answered. "Our home is your home".

"Well", Aiden blushed. "Do you think that Jeff and I can go to your apartment a few times while you are gone? Maybe, even sleep in your bed? We want to see what it will be like to be roommates in college. We promise to keep everything neat and clean!"

OK" I said, "But you have to clear it with Kevin and check in with him any night you will be sleeping over. And, Jeff, you need to clear this with your parents. It is up to you whether you want to tell them the reason". Aiden hugged me tight and kissed me on both cheeks. Jeff said he had already had a few talks with his parents about him possibly being gay and they were accepting of him no matter who he was attracted to. I gave them one of our keys to the apartment.

Then Tommy and I got in our car, which had been decorated with balloons and streamers during the reception. It had a big "Just Married" sign on the back. As we drove off everyone cheered and waved.

When we got back to the apartment we quickly took off our wedding clothes and jumped in the shower. Tommy's beautiful cock was trying to work its magic on me again as we washed but I resisted knowing we had to get on the road to get as much distance as we could while it was still light. Of course, Tommy was not happy and neither was my cock, which was aching to join Tommy's.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Tommy shouted.

"Yes, yes, yes", I laughed, "As often as you want when we get to the cabin".

We dressed in our hiking clothes and grabbed our backpacks that we had packed earlier. We got to the trailhead when planned, reclined the seats, and quickly fell to sleep. At first light we were on the way. We practically ran the trails knowing the rewards when we got there. In record time we reached the clearing where Tommy and I first met. The sun was shining, there was a cooling breeze, and the clearing was alive with wild flowers.

"I want you to do something for me", Tommy said.

"Of course, anything".

"Take off your clothes and stand over there where I first saw you and fell in love with you. Masturbate just like you were doing that first time".

As he walked over to the spot where he first spied me I quickly got naked and got in place. My cock didn't need any prompting and got quite hard and erect. I closed my eyes as I had done those many months ago and fell into the moment of self-pleasure. As I moved my foreskin back and forth I could feel the engorged veins and the mountain air on my shaft, and the wetness of my pre-cum lubrication.

"Ahem", I heard a very familiar voice say.

I open my eyes and looked over to Tommy. This time though, he was completely nude and he too was stroking his manhood. As often as I have seen him nude, as often as I have seen his erection, and as often as I have seen him masturbate, I still got a shiver of excitement, anticipation, and pleasure. He was such a man's man.

"You are such a goof," I laughed. "Get over here and give me a kiss and then let's get to the cabin. We've got a lot of ejaculating to do".

It wasn't long before I was on my back in bed, lubed, and Tommy entering me. Once he was fully in, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him tight against me.

"Don't do anything for a few minutes" I implored. "I just want to savor this moment of our physical, spiritual, and now legal oneness. Then you can fuck me with abandon and then later I am going to fuck your brains out".

"I love when you talk dirty," he snickered.

We looked in each other's eyes, gently kissed, and felt our connection on so many levels. It was as if we were of one body and one soul. And we were. At Last!


About six months later, Tommy and I bought a beautiful home which had three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, and a swimming pool. It's located not far from our apartment. It is very secluded and a great place for family and friends to gather, which is often. Of course when no one, well almost no one, is around we swim and sun bathe in the nude, our favorite mode of dress. No tan lines on our bodies!

My son David and his wife went apoplectic when Aiden told them he was gay. They put all of Aiden's clothes and possessions out on the front porch and told him to never come back. Aiden's siblings were naturally upset that their beloved brother would no longer be welcomed as part of the family. Of course David called and blamed me for "turning" Aiden into a homosexual. Thank heavens for my son Kevin, who took Aiden in so he could finish his senior year at his regular school. David's church, to their shame and hypocrisy, publically renounced Aiden from the pulpit for his depravity. This naturally further alienated Aiden from his parents; even Patty told David that this was unforgiveable. As David's other children grow older I wouldn't be surprised if they too will separate emotionally from their parents. I think David and his wife will be very lonely in their old age.

Gwen and Jill got married and went ahead with the adoption of little Stevie, an adorable little boy. They are wonderful parents, so loving, so strong. A few years later they came over to tell us that Gwen was pregnant with a girl. She had been artificially inseminated with Jill's brother's sperm. What a gift! What a brother!

My three other children are doing well in their marriages and are raising delightful children. Both my daughter Alice and my son Jason seem to be far on the heterosexual side of the scale, although both very accepting of everyone, gay and straight. Then there is Kevin who periodically discusses with me his and Sue's bisexual proclivities. They met another couple in their neighborhood that feels as they do and became best friends. Tommy and I babysit so that they periodically can get away for a weekend to play out their fantasies. It's interesting because the men never swap wives but rather the men get together in one room and the women get together in another. I think he appreciates being able to be open with me, knowing I won't be judgmental. He even has asked me for pointers on pleasing another man. Who would have thought!

Patty got remarried about a year after our wedding to a really nice guy from her church. She is very happy and I am, of course, very happy for her. She always was a wonderful mother and a good wife. We see each other at the family functions and we remain good friends.

Doris on the other hand remains bitter to this day. She moved back to her hometown much to the relief of everyone here. Tommy's daughters, who are doing well, try and support her as best they can, but find it difficult because Doris wants them to choose between her and their father. They won't. They visit us and we visit them on a regular basis.

Then there is Jake and Nick. They visit us at least once every month or two and they are one of two couples that when they visit swim nude with us in the pool. They know that Tommy and I rarely have clothes on when at home so the minute they walk in the door they shed their clothes as well. It is amusing how the minute Jake sees Tommy naked he immediately springs a boner, which he doesn't bother to try and cover up any more. Jake and Nick can be standing by the pool completely flaccid and as soon as Tommy walks out in all his glory Jake's cock springs to action. Often Tommy will get an erection as well, so obviously there is sexual tension between the brothers, even though they both deny it. It doesn't bother me in the least.

And Nick! Every time he visits he makes it quite clear how much he desires my ass, not only by telling me how hot I am, making lewd innuendoes, but also by rubbing up behind me. Ok I will admit it is flattering and can't help my cock from physically reacting. Nick loves to literally get a rise out of me.

Tommy gets turned on by not only Nick's advances toward me but by his brother's reaction to him. One visit we did give in and had a hot session with the two of them in our king sized bed. Jake and I laid flat on our backs, side by side, legs high in the air. As Tommy fucked his brother and Nick fucked me, I stroked Jake's rock hard cock, and he stroked mine. None of us lasted long and we all had very intense orgasms. But for the most part when they visit we limit our foursome activity to circle jerks and watching each other get off with our respective partners. No need for porn watching when Nick and Jake are around.

And finally there is Aiden and Jeff, the other couple who swims nude in our pool; but we insist on everyone wearing clothes inside the house when they visit. After high school they did room together in college and were open to all about their sexual identity. Jeff's parents were completely supportive of him by not only accepting his homosexuality but also financially, paying a good part of his college costs. Since David refused to even acknowledge he had a son, Tommy and I are paying for a good portion of Aiden's college expenses. At two different times the two of them decided they should date and have sex with other men. I guess this was to test their love for each other. It never was long before they reunited as a couple. They are the real thing and it is obvious they love each other deeply and not just for the sex, although they never fail to brag about how awesome it is. At this point I think their experimenting with other guys is over. Sometimes you find your soul mate early in life like they did and sometimes it takes many years to do so, like I did. I wouldn't be surprised if they got married soon after they graduate.

Oh, the two of them are still cock teasers and love to show off their goods to Tommy and me. They have no inhibitions about walking around the pool or sun bathing in the nude, often with erect cocks. They delight in their lovemaking, which we insist on being in the privacy of their room. It seems they go at it at all hours of the day, wild and noisy, which never fails to be a turn on for Tommy and me. We might not last as long or match their frequency, but we have no problem matching their passion. They often remark that they want to be just like us when they grow older together. They are very attractive and very sexy men, but of course off limits for obvious reasons.

So there you have it. Tommy and I couldn't be happier as soul partners and lovers. As I said in the beginning, "life is full of choices". Yes, I have devoted a good part of my story to the very intense and satisfying physical side of our relationship; but really it's the other side of just being together that is the most important piece of our partnership. Watching a movie or a game on TV, going grocery shopping, taking a morning run together, and just knowing that your soul mate is always there for you, no matter what, is what really counts. Sure I have some regrets and feel badly that I hurt some people along my journey toward finally accepting myself for the man I was born to be. But all in all I think I made the right choices so that I can finally say, "I am who I am, a proud, happy, gay man Ð At Last!"

The End

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