Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on Apr 6, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

When writing my first novel, "Southern Chastity", I had taken the time to flesh out the framework of a backstory for John. As mentioned in that story, the character was based on a real man that I had trained with for several years in Atlanta. As such, some of the notes I made were based on experiences he had told me that had led him to the dominant man he became. Later, when I wrote the novella "Manhattan Doms", I added two new dominants that were friends of John and I wanted to find a way to craft a narrative that could bring these histories together into one story. "Atlanta Bears" is the result of that endeavor.

When writing this, I wanted to emphasize my mentor's philosophy that I based John on. He was a firm believer in respect for a sub and that a healthy BDSM relationship was based on trust and respect. I hope that you, the reader, can understand his journey from a young, inexperienced man to one that many subs came to look up to and admire. While almost entirely a work of fiction, the characters' lessons can apply to many in the community today.

The Beginning

John Dante opened the door, stepped out onto the sidewalk, and watched as the cars sped by in downtown Atlanta. There was a chill in the air as the sun set, but it had been an overall mild winter in the city this year. It was March 1998 and he had just completed an exhausting exam in his Trusts and Estates course at Georgia State University. His final year in the law program was coming to a close. After seven years of schooling, he was almost looking forward to the bar exam and full-time employment. He had been interning at a local firm and had already been approached to stick around after he graduated.

Standing five foot eleven inches (1.7 m) tall and 250 pounds (113 kg), John had a broad, sturdy frame. He had a regular workout routine that had developed his chest and arms, but he still maintained a slight beer belly, a consequence of his evenings of drinking and smoking with his friends. He had dark hair with a trimmed beard and his piercing hazel eyes had often been noticed when he was out at the bar.

"How did you do?" came a voice from behind him.

Wes Miller stepped out and handed him a cigar as he prepped to light his own. The man was similarly built to John, though he had more padding around the waist. They had met a couple of years ago in their Constitutional Law class and decided to chip in to share an apartment with Wes's boyfriend, Bart Johnson. John accepted the cigar and pulled out his guillotine to chop the end off before blazing the end with his pocket lighter. As he inhaled, he could taste the smooth smokiness of the tobacco. Wes's brand of choice was Arturo Fuente and the mellow heat of the smoke passing through his mouth instantly sent endorphins through his system. He held it in and then released it and let the cloud waft above him as he smiled.

"Meh, I did ok, I guess. Some of that stuff was right out of the lecture from last week."

"I'm just glad we all decided to study together," Wes said. "It could've been a lot worse."

John pulled on the cigar a second time and held it for a moment before releasing it. He stared at his friend and grinned. Wes came from a wealthy family and had gotten through most of his life with the help of others. He liked to do as little work as possible. Until that is, he got to law school. He had struggled at first, but John had taken upon himself to reach out and help the man as much as he could. He enjoyed taking on the role of mentor and tutor and Wes's grades had increased as a result.

"Well, it is over. Do you need a ride home?" John asked.

"Yeah, I would like that," Wes said as he exhaled smoke.

John patted his friend's shoulders, and the two walked up the street to the deck where John's old car was parked. The sky's brilliant colors of reds and oranges were fading to a dull and muted rust color. The downtown buildings blocked the last rays of light and as darkness descended and the lights came on, John pulled on his coat to close it tighter.

"Do you and Bart have any plans this weekend?" John asked.

"I figure we will go to the Eagle tomorrow night," Wes said. "The local leather club is meeting."

"Been meaning to look into that," John said.

"You should come with us," Wes said. "I've seen how you act around some of the subby guys you have brought over to the house. You might learn a few things about the whole dom/sub dynamic from some of the Old Guard men."

John smiled at the response. Wes was right. He had always been a confident and imposing figure. Even in grade school, John never backed down from anyone. He wasn't mean or vindictive, but he still had the cockiness of youth. He was popular in high school and college and had bedded many women and men over the years, though his preference had skewed to primarily men. He had never had a long-term relationship, though. His preference was for a subordinate that would seek him out for pleasure. He had learned about the BDSM scene from UseNet groups, BBS systems, and the fledgling internet, but no one had ever taken the time to model the proper behavior of a dom.

"Yeah," John said. "I suppose I could use some more experience."

Wes smiled.

"In some areas. With your big cock I am sure it doesn't take much to hook a bottom boy."

John chuckled as he took a puff on his cigar and groped himself.

"Well, I would like to learn more. I grew up in a pretty rural area. I never had much chance for experience in any kinky sex. Well, except for Tina."

"That was that girl you told us about once that you banged in high school, right?" Wes asked.

"Yeah," John replied with a laugh. "She was awesome. She could have written a version of the Kama Sutra. I never will forget her riding me on the 50-yard line of the school football field and screaming at the top of her lungs, calling me her bull. She made me cum so many times my balls hurt that night."

"Fucking hell, she sounds amazing," Wes replied with a chuckle.

"My buddies on the football team were watching from under the bleachers and my reputation went up a lot after that evening. Unfortunately, she got pregnant, though. Tina was scared to death of what her parents might say and I was in no mood to support a kid. So, I had to drive to the next county to help support her and get rid of it and that's when I decided that guys might be safer."

"Well, I seem to recall you were saying that was when the quarterback started riding your pole too," Wes said.

"True," John said with a grin. "He was one of the ones that watched me that evening. Later, he admitted to me that he got a boner thinking about it being him. I asked him if he wanted a ride and he stripped down in the locker room after practice one time and sucked me hard. He was a natural-born sub and had quite the ass. Fucked him till I bred him twice. He kept begging for more and calling me Sir. That was the first person that was like that around me."

"That is pretty hot," Wes said with a grin. "I used to be like that. Back when I was younger, I was mostly sub."

"Really?" John asked.

"Yeah, sure," Wes said. "I guess that is one reason I understand the kink a lot more. Having a different perspective helps you understand the psychology."

"I guess," John said. "But I don't see myself ever switching. I've never deferred to anyone."

Wes laughed.

"That does not surprise me. Have you ever bottomed?"

"Once or twice," John said. "Not my thing."

"Fair enough," Wes said. "I love it when Bart tops me but dominating a subby boy is fun too."

"Oh, I know you crave his dick," John said. "I hear you squealing at night in the next room often."

Wes blushed.

"You know Bart can be energetic."

John chuckled as they neared the car and got inside.

"Yeah, but I have seen how you two are around a good sub," John said. "That one you brought home a few months ago seemed to have been used pretty well."

Wes laughed out loud.

"Oh, yeah. Jeorge. I forgot about that cute fireplug. Yeah, he blew both of us and we each deposited at least two loads in his ass. The poor boy was walking funny when he left."

"Sounds like it was a good evening at least," John replied.

"Oh yeah," Wes said.

The drive to the apartment took about forty-five minutes, which was not bad in city traffic. Their complex was on the west side in the 'burbs and they lived on a second-floor unit. When they climbed the stairs and opened the door, they saw Bart was in the kitchen cooking dinner in his boxers. The man had a broad chest with a coat of fur across his pecs. Dark hair ran down each leg and he had a medium-length dark beard. He turned and smiled when the two arrived.

"There you are! Are you two in the mood for some chili?"

"Sure, that sounds great, babe," Wes replied as he walked over and kissed the man.

"Count me in," John said. "Going to change out of these clothes first, though."

John walked down the hall and into his room. His bedroom was sparse. He only owned a bed and dresser and had a few pictures on the wall from vacations he had taken years ago. It wasn't that he was precisely poor. He just had never invested in buying things yet. He had moved several times during college and graduate school and never saw the need. He threw his book bag on the floor and collapsed on the mattress. As he unbuttoned his shirt and felt the fur underneath, his body reacted and his cock stirred. He moved his hand down to his crotch and groaned.

"I need to get laid this weekend."

John kicked his shoes off and unbuckled his belt. He threw his pants in the corner, followed by his shirt, and laid there with his eyes closed. He felt the cool breeze of the air circulated by the fan above him and he put his arms behind his head to relax. As he breathed in and out, he flexed his toes and noticed a slight musky smell coming from his body. The piggy boys he liked to fuck loved to rub their noses under his pits to breathe it in. After a long day of work or school, he often worked up a sweat that overcame the deodorant he wore. He had learned a long time ago it was a losing battle to keep it away completely.

"Are you about ready?" Bart's voice asked from the hall.

John opened his eyes and scratched his package under his underwear.

"Yeah, I guess."

Bart smiled. He always thought John was hot as hell, but they'd never had played around. Bart was mostly top and Wes's ass was the only thing he regularly fucked these days. John had been known to pound Wes on occasion and there was the time last Christmas, they tag-teamed his boyfriend till they were shooting blanks. However, seeing the bulging package on the end of the bed made Bart's ass pucker. A fleeting thought of bending over for the man went through his brain before John sat up and took his socks off and tossed them across the room.

"I'm coming," John replied as he stood up.

Wes was already diving into his bowl at the table when John entered the kitchen. Bart handed the man a serving of the fire hot chili that was known to make your eyes water and John sat next to Wes to dig in.

"My tongue is already burning and I have only had two bites," Wes replied.

"No bottoming for you tonight then," Bart said with a laugh as he came to the table to eat. "With as much gas as that gives you, I might make you sleep on the sofa."

"If you hate the gas, then why do you make this?" Wes asked with a grin.

"It's my comfort food," Bart replied with a smile.

"It's a wonder it doesn't burn my insides!" John replied as he took a bite and grimaced.

The temperature of the chili was one thing, but the seasoning was quite another. As John swallowed a bite, he felt his tongue react to the seasonings and his face flushed. He grabbed his drink to wash it down, but the burning lingered.

"Your beeper went off a moment ago, by the way," Bart said to John as he took a spoonful of beans into his mouth.

"Fuck," John replied as he stood and grabbed it from the counter.

As an intern, John was often on call. It had been a busy past few months at the firm he had been working at. Some of his duties included performing research, writing memoranda, managing case files, assisting with preparation for trials and depositions, attending client meetings, and researching legislative histories, just to name a few. He had put in some overtime in the past week on a case that had been coming up, but a few of the new interns that had been brought in had struggled to keep up with him.

"Work?" Wes asked as he saw John scroll to the number.

"Yeah," John said as he turned to grab the phone on the wall. "The firm is preparing for a case. I thought I had all the paperwork that had been assigned to me done. I suspect some of those newbies dropped the ball and some more things need to be done tonight."

Wes watched as John called into the office and talked with someone on the other end. John's body language told him it was clear the man would need to go back in and Wes felt sorry for him. He knew he had to be exhausted. When John put the phone back, he returned to the table, sighed, and devoured his bowl.

"Bad news, huh?" Wes asked.

"Yeah, as I expected, I need to go in and take care of a few things," John said. "It should not take too long. But I might be getting in late."

"I'll leave the kitchen light on," Wes replied. "I'm baking some cookies later, so I'll leave some out for you, too.

"Thanks," John said with a smile. "That would be awesome."

After finishing his bowl, John drank a glass of water and milk to cut the spices down and then headed back to throw his clothes on again. He grabbed a tie from the nightstand and his keys before waving to his roommates and heading back into the city. The night had fallen and the Friday traffic was even worse. By the time he reached the law office, it was late.

The building he worked at was on a corner and while it was not overly tall, the top of the building was shrouded in the evening fog. On the tenth floor, John emerged from the elevator and entered the office where he found two of the interns busy sorting and collating documents and joined them for the next few hours. By the time he was done, it was close to midnight and he was tired but still horny.

When the other interns headed home, John sat in a chair next to a desk in a vacant corner office that overlooked the city below and rubbed his crotch. He turned to his computer, signed into his AOL messenger account, and looked to see if anyone he knew was around. Only two contacts showed as active. One was someone he knew from college, but the other was a guy he had met several weeks ago. His name was Owen and he was an undergrad at Georgia State. They had hooked up after a night of drinking several weeks ago and John remembered that he could suck a mean cock and was very subby.

"What's up? John typed.

"Not much, Sir," Owen quickly replied. "Quiet Friday night. Boring, actually. Been sitting here watching TV in my dorm room."

"What some dick, boy? John asked.

"Yeah, I am up for a little play, Sir," Owen responded. "Where are you?"

"Had to go into the office this evening," John typed. "Just finished and my balls need draining."

"Oh yeah?" Owen replied. "I remember those large balls of yours. I am sure I can help with that. Do you want me to come there?"

"Yeah, and clean that ass out too," John said. "Need to fuck it."

"Oh?" Owen replied.

"Yeah," John typed. "Get over here soon."

"Send me the address, Sir," Owen said. "I'll head that way."

As John typed the address in and hit return, he felt a spurt of precum in his pants. He rubbed his balls, kicked his shoes off, and walked into the break room to grab a soda. The office was dead quiet. Most of the lights were off except for those in the hall and the back room and as he returned to his desk, he took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his chest hair. He sat back in the chair and groped himself as he waited. His large orbs sat heavy in his scrotum and had the feeling of being sore and full.

About thirty minutes later, the phone rang and John answered it. The security guard told him a visitor was downstairs and John told him to send him up. John pulled his shirt off and walked out of the office and down to the elevator. He saw the young man staring back at him when the doors opened. Owen was a short, skinny boy with dark hair and stubble on his chin. He was dressed in a tight t-shirt and jeans and his eyes bulged when he saw John shirtless in front of him.

"Hey, sexy!" Owen said as he stepped out of the elevator and reached out to grab John's crotch.

John smiled and put his hand down the back of the boy's pants and squeezed his ass. He raised his hand, pushed the boy's face into his pit, and paused to let him breathe in his scent. Owen groaned in response and arched his back as John's fingers moved in between his crack.

"Follow me, boy," John said as he pulled his hand out and led Owen back to the office.

John locked the door behind them and led the boy to a conference room. As they entered, the lights were off, but the glow from the city buildings illuminated the room. John picked Owen up, placed him on the table, and unbuckled his pants. As he spread the boy's fly, he could see Owen was not wearing any underwear and John grinned. He pulled on the boy's pants and Owen picked his butt off the table to let them come off. John then grabbed Owen's shirt and lifted it from his body.

"Get on your hands and knees, sub!" John commanded.

Owen smiled and turned over, crouching, so his ass hung off the table. John leaned over, placed his face in the boy's crack, and moved forward with his tongue until he reached Owen's hole. As he flicked across it, the boy moaned and John felt Owen's cock move under him. John licked up and down Owen's ass, tasting the boy's sweat before diving in deeply. Owen felt the man's tongue push past his sphincter and he groaned as he put his head on the table.

"Fuck, yeah!"

John pulled back and spat on the boy's hole and fingered it.

"You like that, sub?"

"Yes, Sir!" Owen replied.

"Tell me how much you want my cock," John replied.

"I want it bad," Owen moaned.

John slapped the boy's ass twice and spat on his hole to finger it again.

"How bad, fucker?" John asked. "Tell me how bad you want my cock. Beg for it!"

"I want it so bad, Sir!" Owen groaned. "Please let me feel it inside me."

"Are you worthy of it?" John asked as he felt his cock stiffen and leak in his pants.

"Please let me have the honor of it!" Owen replied.

John used his free hands to unbutton his pants and let them fall to the floor. His socked feet stepped out of them and he pulled back to admire the furry ass in front of him.

"Lean over the table with your legs on the floor, sub," John said. "Now!"

Owen got off the table and leaned over it. He was in the perfect position for John and he slapped his hard cock on the boy's ass twice. A rope of precum flew off the head of his dick and landed on the boy's ass cheek. John ran his finger through it and moved to push it inside the boy and then lined his cock up.

"Here it comes, sub!"

John pushed forward. As his cock slid into the boy, Owen groaned and squeezed his ass.

"Fuck, you are huge!" he replied as he brought his hand back.

John grabbed the boy's arm and held it down. He put his weight on the boy and kept moving forward.

"Don't move," John said. "You can take it!"

"Oh, I know, Sir!" Owen cried out as John filled him.

The boy squirmed as John got in and then slowly fucked him. John kept a tight grip on Owen's waist and ensured he was not going anywhere. As he felt the boy's ass squeeze and grip his shaft, he smiled. This was precisely what he needed.

"Oh, fuck," Owen said. "Damn, I love your cock."

"I know you do, boy," John said.

Owen moaned and whimpered as John fucked him. As his dick slid deep in the boy, he knew it would not be a long session. He had been ready to blow for the past few hours and the feeling of his full balls swinging and impacting the boy's ass only led to the inevitable happening sooner than later. John closed his eyes and growled as he fucked.

"God, you have a nice ass, boy!"

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Owen screamed as he reached forward and his hands grasped the air in front of him.

"I'm close, boy!" John replied as he pounded harder. "Beg for it!"

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Owen cried out.

"Beg for it!" John demanded.

"Please fill me with your seed, Sir!" Owen replied.

John felt the sensation build behind his testicles first. The blue balls pain that had been there initially was replaced with a warm feeling that moved through his groin. A flush of chemicals was released from his brain as his cock began to pulse and his prostate forced his stored seed from his body. As the cum erupted from his shaft and filled the boy, the pleasurable sensation overwhelmed him and he let out a guttural growl that scared Owen and made him twitch. The boy squeezed down on the cock inside him and John held him still as his load drained.

"Fucking hell!" John shouted.

"Oh god," Owen replied.

As John finished and withdrew, the boy's body hung limp on the table. As the man's cock slid out, Owen moaned and then rubbed his ass. Cum was leaking from his hole and ran down his leg. John was breathing heavily and he moved backward and collapsed in a nearby chair as he saw the boy stand and look at him. Owen's cock was pointing straight up in front of him and leaking.

"Fucking hell, that was intense!" Owen said.

"You'll be ok," John said. "You need to work on loosening that ass up!"

"You think you can suck me off, now?" Owen asked.

"No, but you have my permission to jack off if you want," John said.

"What?" Owen asked.

"Jack off if you want, boy," John said. "You earned it."

"I would think after taking all that from you, the least you could do is help me get off," Owen said.

"That's not my responsibility," John said. "Your role is to help me get off. I did. If you need to, then that is all on you."

"You are a dick; you know that?" Owen replied as he grabbed his shirt. "A real dom understands his sub's needs."

"Whatever," John replied.

Owen sneered and grabbed his clothes and put them on.

"I'm leaving."

"Fine with me," John replied. "Thanks again."

After putting his shoes on, Owen rolled his eyes and headed for the door. As he heard him leave, John pinched some remaining cum from his cock and smiled.

"Damn, the fucker forgot some."

John licked it, put his hands behind his head, and grinned. He enjoyed being the one in charge. His balls felt a lot better, too. He stood and grabbed his pants and walked back into the temp office. His cock was still dribbling cum as he caught his breath and he propped his legs on the table to relax and cool off.

After catching up on some emails, John headed back home and when he got to the apartment, it was after 2 am. He grabbed a beer from the kitchen and the cookies that had been set out for him by Wes and turned on the TV. The classic movie Forbidden Planet was playing and he kicked his shoes off and opened his shirt before relaxing to watch it. He finished the beer and planned to get another one but drifted off before he could. The following day, he felt the hand of Wes on his shoulder and lifted his head in response.

"Fell asleep on the sofa again?" Wes asked.

"Yeah," John replied as he scratched himself. "Found a boy to serve me and take my load last night before I came home. Kinda worn me out."

"Nice," Wes said as he grabbed some orange juice. "Someone you will see again?"

"Probably not," John replied as he put his feet down and stretched. "He took offense that I was not in the mood to help get him off after. Like that was my responsibility. I was just looking to drop a nut and have him leave."

"You know you are my best friend, but you can be an asshole when you are roleplaying," Wes said as he came and sat across from John.

"Not roleplaying," John said with a smile. "I try to live the life."

"Uh-huh," Wes said as he tossed a pillow at John and laughed. "You're a cocky son of a bitch too. One of these days, you will meet your match and get taught a thing or two."

"Will see," John replied. "What do you have planned today?"

"Bart and I are going to go into town to run some errands," Wes said. "We are going to go to the Eagle about 10 pm if you want to join us."

"Yeah, I will tag along, I guess," John said. "For now, I am going to go back and get some more sleep."

Wes smiled as the man stood up, lumbered back into his room, and closed the door.

The trio had pulled out their gear to wear to the bar in the evening. Bart and Wes had their bulldog harnesses paired with dark jeans and boots. John had a four-point harness that was custom fit for him, plus some armbands and gloves. He put on some black jeans and was shining his boots as Bart came in to sit down in the living room.

"It's been a while since you decided to come out with us," Bart said.

"Yeah, work has been keeping me busy," John replied. "But I need to be more social."

"It will be fun, I am sure," Bart said.

The trio headed out into the evening when John was done and got to the Eagle a little after 10 pm. The Atlanta Eagle sat in midtown Atlanta across from the historic Krispy Kreme donut shop. It was a nightmare to find parking for and they often had to drive around the neighborhood that surrounded it to find street parking. The men usually liked to get there early to avoid walking too far.

As they came up the road and climbed the stairs to the back deck, they saw a few men were wandering about. John walked inside, grabbed a beer, and headed onto the back porch to relax while Bart and Wes made the rounds. While John was sitting on a bench, an older man approached him. He looked to be in his 60s, with a bald head and white beard. The gray crept down his chest and his thick leather suspenders came over his shoulders and attached to his jeans. He was smoking a cigar and smiled at John.

"Haven't seen you around here before," the man said.

John looked up at him. The red light from the wall behind him formed a dull halo around his head, enhanced by the smoke lingering around him as he exhaled. It was as if he was towering over him and John lost track of his thoughts.

"Can you speak?" the man asked.

"Sorry, my name is John," came the reply.

The man smiled.

"Anthony is my name, but most people around here call me Tony. I'm part of the local Panther Leather/Levi club."

"Nice," John replied as he took a sip of his beer. "I've been meaning to look into it. I'm an aspiring dominant and want to learn more about the scene."

"Oh really?" Tony said as he took a puff off his cigar and looked down at the man. "What's your experience level?"

"Well, I am used to taking charge and putting boys in their place," John said matter-of-factly. "You know. Make sure they know who is boss and such. Not taking shit from them. Kinda like the boy I fucked last night. He came over, I got my rocks off, and then I sent him home."

"So, it is a power trip for you, then," Tony asked.

"Well, sort of," John replied. "I mean, isn't that part of it?"

Tony eyed the younger man and was quiet for a moment. He brought one foot up to rest on the bench that John sat at and leaned in.

"Can I give you some advice?"

"Sure," John replied.

"A real dom knows that a true BDSM relationship is based on communication, trust, and a willful exchange of power," Tony said. "It's not about asserting your dominance and treating a sub like shit. A sub needs to trust you. They need to submit willingly. While your needs might come first, a sub's needs should be equally fulfilled by the experience."

"I guess," John replied as he thought about what the man said.

"Look, you are still young and have a lot to learn, but you can easily come off as a cocky piece of shit with the attitude you have now," Tony said. "There is a lot of bad behavior in the scene and I try to help curb it. No offense to you, man."

"No, it is ok," John said as he scratched his head, embarrassed. "I guess I never really thought about it that way."

Tony smiled and sized the young man up. He was obviously someone that needed training, but it was not too late. His thought process was interrupted by a voice that came from behind him.

"What's up?" Wes asked as he walked by and sat down next to John.

"Hey, bud," John said. "This is Tony."

"Oh, I know Tony," Wes said with a smile as he winked at the man.

"Nice to see you again, Wes," Tony said as he put his foot down. "So, this must be your roommate."

"Yeah," Wes said. "John has been a good friend and the only reason I am likely to graduate."

"I see," Tony said. "Well, he and I were just discussing what being a true dom is all about."

"That is great!" Wes said as he looked at John and took a drink. "It's something he needs some guidance on for sure."

"What do you mean?" John asked, shocked.

"Listen, you are a hot, hung guy and know what you are doing, but I know enough of the guys around here to understand that you walk the line on your behavior. For that matter, so does Bart. This is what I was trying to tell you yesterday when we were headed home and again this morning. Hell, I know I could even use some more experience and instruction."

"Well, would you be willing to train under me for a few months?" Tony asked as he took a puff off his cigar.

"Train?" John asked.

"The best way to understand how a dom should act is to see it from the other side," Tony replied. "I've been training boys and men for years and giving talks on proper behavior and a healthy BDSM-related life. I will take all three of you under my wing if you are willing. It will mean submitting to me for a while and then once you have seen one side, we will flip things and I will introduce you to some of my subs. I'll show you how you should act and instruct you in some techniques and such. Might even help you find a good sub of your own around here."

"I'm sure I could get Bart on board with that," Wes said to John with a smile. "But what do you think, bud? I know you have never been subordinate with anyone that I know of."

"No," John replied as he looked up at Tony. "But you might be right. I would like to learn and experience more. But, fuck, I don't know about subbing for you."

Tony placed his hand on John's shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"Listen. If you want to live the lifestyle, you need to embrace it fully. I promise you will not be harmed and I suspect you will come out of this a stronger man."

"What do you think?" Wes said to John.

"What would we have to do?" John asked.

Tony smiled, pulled a card out of his pocket, and handed it to the man.

"That's my phone number and address," Tony said. "Can you stop by tomorrow at about 1 pm?"

"Yeah, I guess," John said.

"Bring Wes and Bart with you. I can train all three of you at the same time. It will be intense and I suspect, given your background, you may not enjoy it at first, but it will be good for you."

"We will be there," Wes said as he grabbed the card out of John's hand and smiled at him. "If I have to drag both of their asses, I'll make sure they show up."

"Ok," John replied with a chuckle to Wes. "You win."

"Well, enough serious stuff," Tony said. "You two want some more beers?"

"Perfect," Wes replied.

Next: Chapter 2

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