Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on Apr 12, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

Learning to Submit

Bart rolled onto his side and saw Wes smiling back at him.

"I hate the fact you're a morning person."

Wes laughed. It was true that he had no problem popping awake in the mornings bright-eyed and alert. His boyfriend, however, was an absolute grouch. But Wes relished the opportunity to tease him about his inability to jump-start his body.

"Well, I did not drink as much as you did last night. Are you still coming this afternoon?"

"I don't know," Bart replied.

Bart had joined John, Wes, and Tony about halfway through the evening at the Eagle. When Wes had first proposed the idea of submitting to Tony, he initially scoffed, but as he felt his boyfriend lean over to rub his belly and nibble on his ear, he rolled his eyes. Wes was working hard for this one. The man had a way of getting into his head and convincing him to do just about anything.

"Do this for me, baby," Wes said. "It will be good for all of us."

Wes rubbed Bart's crotch and the man groaned. He hadn't gotten any ass the night before and he needed to unload.

"You are never going to let this go if I don't agree, are you?" Bart asked.

Wes smiled and squeezed Bart's balls.


"Fuck," Bart moaned as his cock swelled in reaction. "Ok, you win."

"Good," Wes replied with a grin. "Then I'll let you put that thing in me as a reward.

John awoke to moans and thumps from in the next room. Their apartment had little insulation and whenever his roommates had sex, he could hear just about everything. It wasn't a bad thing since they were both so hot, but their healthy sex life meant that John was jacking off to the sounds of their lovemaking most days. He reached down and felt his morning wood and stroked his thick shaft, feeling the precum dribble over his hands. He brought the liquid to his mouth, tasted it, and closed his eyes. Wes squeals and the unmistakable sound of Bart's cock smacking into his boyfriend's ass could be heard clearly.

John played with his nipple with one hand and jacked his cock with the other as he pushed the covers down with his foot. He imagined a boy submitting to him and sitting at his feet. The thought of the sub getting all his satisfaction from pleasing him filled his mind and he groaned and flexed his toes. The imaginary boy in John's mind closed his lips around his cock and slid up and down, rolling his balls around and moaning at the same time. John jacked his cock faster and squeezed tighter. The boy in his dream was turning around and sitting down on him. As Wes' wails from next door intensified, he imagined the sub moving up and down on his shaft, gripping it as it slid deeper inside.

John growled as he felt his orgasm overcome him. He could hear the loud moans of Bart and John opened his eyes to see his cum flying towards his head and landing on the pillow. John stretched his legs out and curled his feet as his body shook and he moaned in pleasure. When the waves of energy ebbed, he looked down and saw his load sliding down his hand and he reached up and licked it off. Exhausted, he closed his eyes and caught his breath.

John was not having second thoughts about seeing Tony today, but he was nervous because he did not know what to expect. Wes seemed to be the most onboard, and by his admission, he had subbed in the past. And he was glad they had convinced Bart to be there with them. He was a kindred spirit who would understand how difficult it would be to see things differently. John sat up in his bed and pulled off the cum stained pillowcase before wiping his chest and cock down and throwing it in the dirty clothes pile.

"Well, I guess I better get my act in gear."

Wes called Tony before lunch to confirm that they would be showing up. The man asked that they leave any jewelry at home and come only in what clothes they needed to keep warm. He told them to clean their asses out, too. They would not be fucked, but he wanted them to be cleaned out and prepared as a good sub should be when he arrives to visit a dom. Wes relayed the information to the two other men as they sat down for sandwiches.

"I haven't had to clean myself out in years," John moaned.

"Do you need any tips?" Wes replied with a grin.

"Babe, you seem to be getting a little too much enjoyment out of this," Bart replied.

"Oh hush," Wes said as he stared at Bart. "It will do you both good to learn that it takes a long time to be prepped right. It shows you are ready for anything,"

John sighed.

"Well, I guess I will need some pointers then."

"Good," Wes said. "What about you, babe?"

"I know how to clean out," Bart replied as he rolled his eyes. "I thought I did a good job last December for your birthday. You sure pounded me long enough."

Wes laughed.

"You do have a nice ass. I just wish I had it more."

John chuckled and when they finished their lunch, he got up and went into the bathroom. Wes followed him, turned on the water in the shower, and moderated the temperature until it was warm. Wes had installed a Sure Shot douche attachment, though John had never seen it in use. He felt odd standing naked in the shower bent over as Wes instructed him how to use it, fill his bowels, and then vacate. It was a lot messier than he had thought and taken well over twenty minutes before he was at a point that Wes approved. John used the soap to clean the rest of his body and then turned the water off and Wes handed him a towel.

"Does it always take that long?" John asked as he dried off.

Wes laughed.

"Well, you haven't been on a bottom diet lately, so it is not that uncommon. Sometimes you can get overzealous with that attachment and clean too far. Then you have to sit in there for even longer before you are ready. There is an art to it for sure."

"I have a lot more respect for you now," John said with a smile.

Wes laughed and pushed him to the side.

"Well, it is my turn now."

"I'll let you have at it, then," John said. "I'll be in my room when you both are done."

Wes smiled as John turned and went into his room and sat on the side of the bed. He lifted his arms and smelt his pits to ensure he was clean and then tossed the towel on the floor before laying back to let the fan continue to dry his skin. He had no idea that much work went into prepping for a dom and he wondered if some of the boys he had been with had put that much effort into it. He closed his eyes for what was supposed to be just a moment but drifted off as the next thing he felt was a hand on his thigh.

"Time to get dressed, bubba," Wes said.

John opened his eyes and looked up. The man was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and had a pair of socks in his hand. Wes was smiling and admiring John's body.

"Bart is still number one in my book, but damn, you are a hot one."

John laughed and tossed a pillow at Wes.

"Get out. I'll be dressed in a moment."

Wes tossed the naked pillow back at John as he made his exit and closed the door behind him. As he walked into the living room, Bart was sitting on the sofa pulling his shoes on. Wes sat next to him and kissed him before putting on his socks and shoes. John came in several minutes later wearing the same thing as Wes and went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before they left.

"Are you all about ready?" John asked as he put the empty glass down.

"Yup," Wes replied. "Let's go. I'll drive."

Tony's house was on the same side of town, so it only took about fifteen minutes to reach. As they entered the neighborhood, they saw many older homes from the 1950s and 60s that were surrounded by large, tall trees. As they neared the end of a cul-de-sac, they saw a two-story house nestled on a small hill.

"Well, this is it," Wes said as he drove up the driveway and parked his jeep. "Tony told us to walk around to the side and enter there."

"Ok," Bart replied as he got out.

The three walked to the end of the driveway and followed a concrete path that wound around the left side of the house and ended at a door with a light over it. John was the first to reach it and grasped the door handle. They saw they were walking into the garage converted into an ample play space as they entered. All manner of bondage paraphernalia were hung on the walls around them. There was a fuck bench across the room and a Saint Andrew's cross facing them. Several chains hung from the ceiling and the floor had been covered in a rubber mat. To their right, they saw a shelf divided into six cubicles, each containing a plastic bin.

"What an amazing space!" John said as he turned around to admire it all.

"Fuck yeah!" Bart replied as he moved to examine the fuck bench. "Think about how much fun you could have here!"

"Or how much fun Tony will be having with you here," Wes said with a grin.

John's smile fell from his face as he turned to his roommate. The realization hit him that Tony would be the alpha male in the room. Bart, similarly, lost all excitement as Wes continued to grin.

"Don't you two panic and back out on me now."

"Yeah, yeah," Bart replied with a groan.

The sound of the click of a door latch opening caught their attention and they turned to see Tony entering the room. He wore only a pair of dark jeans and his hairy chest was glistening from some sweat that had developed.

"Hello, boys! What do you think of the place?"

"It's a pretty amazing space," Wes replied. "These two were admiring it from the time we stepped in."

Tony smiled.

"It took quite a while to get this to where I wanted it, but my subs seem to like it. Speaking of which, you three need to learn some protocols that I have here. Come over here and line up near the door."

As the three walked over and stood next to one another, Tony walked up and faced them.

"Rule number one. You will never be severely harmed in my household. This is a safe place for learning and exploration. There might be some pain involved, but it will be temporary and you can always tell me when you need a break or time out."

Tony turned and went to the wall and grabbed a short wooden paddle that he brought over to them and held out.

"This is my correction device. If you break a rule or misbehave, I will correct you with this. You will never receive more than one hit at a time and you are free to leave if you do not wish to endure it."

The three of them stared at the paddle and Tony brought it to his side and smiled.

"Second, I want the subs I train to be in the correct mindset from the moment they set foot in this space. You will be showered and cleaned inside and out when you arrive here. Additionally, subs are not allowed to wear clothes here. That is a privilege for doms alone. Thus, you will strip and put your clothes in one of the bins behind you. Any questions so far?"

"No," Bart said.

"No, Sir," Tony corrected. "That is rule number two. You always address a dominant as Sir or Master, depending on their preference. If you fail to do so, you will receive corrective paddling."

"Yes, Sir!" Wes said with a smile.

"Good boy," Tony replied. "Now strip as I have asked."

Tony watched as the three of them turned and pulled out a bin and undressed. John was hesitant at first, but he followed suit when he saw Wes undressing quickly and Bart not far behind. When they were all naked and had placed their clothes in the bins and put them away, they turned to face Tony again.


John took a breath and got to his knees as the other two beside him did the same. He felt awkward but resolved that he could see this through. Tony stood before them for a moment before speaking again.

"This is how I want to see you when I come through that door. You will be naked, kneeling, and silent. You will prepare your mind for service and be willing to submit to my will. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" the three men replied.

"John and Bart, I know you two are new to this, so I will give you some leeway, but I will be putting each of you through a crash course in the training I give all my subs. Put aside your dominant behavior for now and try to immerse yourself in the mindset of a sub. Only then will you truly understand the struggle and commitment that this takes."

Tony walked over, grabbed a chair, sat it in front of the three, and sat down. He leaned back and smiled and looked over at John.

"First things first. Anytime I bring in a new boy, we have a long conversation about their needs, wants, and desires. I want to know as much about them as possible. Usually, this is done over a meal in a neutral location. I got to know you three last night, but I need to understand more if I am to tailor this experience to your needs. John, please tell me in your own words what the role of a sub is."

John cleared his throat and paused. He felt a foreign nervous energy stir inside him. What had happened to the confidence that had been his constant companion in his life? What about this experience had control over him? His usual assertive self was failing him and he was unsure how to respond. He looked up at Tony, who stared at him. The man's face was expressionless. Next to him, Bart turned and looked at him and John's eyes glanced down before he spoke.

"I find it strangely hard to answer that question, Sir."

"Because you are vulnerable at this moment?" Tony asked.

John looked back at the man.

"Maybe. I just feel weird being naked and on my knees."

"Surely you have had boys before you like this in the past," Tony replied.

"Well, yeah," John said.

"If it were you sitting here in this seat and I was on my knees submitting like you are now, what would you say to me? What would you say my role should be?"

John continued to look into the man's eyes. The pale blue wells pierced through John's soul.

"I guess I would say that a sub's role is to please his master. He should want to give up his needs and wants and focus on me. I would relish in the idea you were there to give me pleasure with no concern of your own."

"Ahh," Tony replied. "And there is your first misconception. Allow me to correct you. A healthy dom/sub relationship is about fulfilling both sides' needs. As a sub, it is not about having no concern for your pleasure. Instead, it is about gaining satisfaction and purpose through service. On the other hand, a dom praises his sub for his service. In addition to gaining pleasure from the sub, he makes sure that the sub's needs are met, too."

"That sounds odd, Sir," John replied.

"There are many schools of thought and roles out there," Tony continued. "I see plenty of doms that treat their subs like pieces of shit. They care nothing for them and only want their devotion. In many ways, they are little more than slaves or objects. For me, I see the relationship as a true power exchange. Both parties' needs are fulfilled and specific guidelines, rules, and barriers are set in place and agreed to beforehand."

"But what about just casual play?" John asked. "Why should I be concerned about them if it is a one-time thing?"

"A dominant that truly wants to live the life makes no distinction between a one-time session or an extended one," Tony said. "That is what I hope you will come to learn. You never know if that initial meeting might lead to something more down the line. Modeling good behavior is the best way to stop some of the harm I see in the community."

"I see, Sir," John replied.

Tony looked over at Bart. The man was just staring at John, dumbfounded.

"Bart, what would you say the role of a sub is?"

"What?" Bart said as his concentration was broken and he looked up at Tony.

The man remained seated for a moment and then rose. He walked around behind the three of them. The next thing John and Wes heard was the hard impact of wood against skin. Tony brought the paddle down swiftly on Bart's ass and the loud crack echoed across the room. Bart lost his balance, fell forward in shock, and cried out.

"What the fuck!"

"Pay attention, boy. I told you that you would address me as Sir," Tony replied. "Do you need another reminder?"

"No, fuck!" Bart shouted as he got to his knees again.

Wes reached down and squeezed Bart's hand and they shared a glance.

"You got this, babe."

Bart paused for a moment and then turned to Tony.

"No, Sir. I am sorry, Sir. Can you repeat the question?"

"What would you say the role of a sub is?" Tony said as he sat down again.

"Wes and I love to have a boy servicing us," Bart replied as he rubbed his ass and winced. "The feeling of someone that puts you first and gives up control is something of a trip for me. I love taking on the role of a dominant for them and being assertive."

"Fair enough," Tony replied. "But what do they get out of it?"

"Honestly, I have no clue, Sir," Bart replied. "I could never do that."

"You are naked and kneeling before me," Tony said. "So, it looks like you are right now."

"Well, that's different," Bart said.

"How?" Tony asked.

"I'm here because I made a promise to my boyfriend, Sir," Bart said.

"And for no other reason?" Tony replied.

"Well, I have to admit I was curious," Bart said. "I see the sub tendencies in Wes and I've always been interested in what drives that. I would like to understand him better."

"So, you have never wanted to submit to anyone?" Tony asked. "You've never looked at someone and your mind instantly went to kneeling before them or pleasuring them just for the sake of doing so?"

"Well," Bart stuttered.

Tony laughed.

"You don't have to answer that right now. Let's let your boyfriend answer the question. Wes?"

"When I am in sub-mode, Sir, I feel an intense desire to seek out a dominant. Sometimes it is about sex. Other times, it is just about making them feel better or bringing a little joy in their lives. I give part of myself and in doing so, I get a reward in return. I know when I was younger, I could even bring myself to an internal orgasm just from pleasuring a guy over and over."

"You could do what?" John asked as he looked over at Wes.

Tony chuckled.

"Sounds like Wes might not need much training on the sub side."

Wes smiled.

"I will say that as I have gotten older, I have wanted to explore other sides of my personality. I don't see myself as a sub anymore. Maybe switch if that is a word? I don't know. But I would like to learn more from a dominant such as yourself and I know these two could use the experience. I love Bart to death and I would like him to appreciate the things I enjoy about subbing for him when those times occur. I don't expect the same in return, but it would be nice if he knew the effort involved."

"Very well," Tony replied. "John, now that we have talked about this, I want you to tell me about the last time you feel you may have treated a sub with less respect than they deserved."

"Well, Sir, it was probably this past Friday evening," John replied.

"Oh?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Sir," John said. "This boy I met previously came over to my office. He loved to call me Sir and submit to me. He gave me his ass and I bred him well. He asked if I would be willing to help get him off after and I refused and told him to leave."

"I see," Tony replied. "Was this discussed before you had your session? Did you clearly state that you only wanted to get off and had no desire for the boy to do so in return?"

"No, Sir," John replied. "I guess I have never thought about planning a session out like that."

"Spur of the moment things are hard," Tony replied. "But you need to be upfront. If all you wanted was to use them, then be sure to tell them that beforehand. Some subs will be fine with that, and some may expect something in return for their service. You need to be respectful of them, regardless. They put effort into pleasing you and you need to be honest with them in return."

"Yeah, I can see that," John replied as he looked at Wes. "I guess I was kind of a dick, wasn't I?"

Wes chuckled and rubbed his friend's back.

"Maybe, but you seem to have grown. You just need to make sure your dick is not thinking for you."

John chuckled in response.

"We have made some good progress already," Tony said. "Having an open discussion about this is important. It is what separates a dom that is in it for the scene or for sex alone and one that is looking to live the life to the fullest. So, the next question is, are you ready to move forward and train with me?"

"Yes, Sir," the three replied.

"Good," Tony said. "Bart and Wes, as a couple, you might find the first task I have for you to be a difficult one. But it is important as you all start your journey. After you all leave here, I don't want any of you to touch yourself intimately. No jacking your cock. No fucking. No orgasms, period. You are to be chaste for three days. As you all live together, you will be each other's keepers. If anyone violates this task, then you all will be punished."

"No cumming at all, Sir?" John asked.

"None," Tony replied. "Let's see what willpower you have. You will all return Wednesday at 9 pm and we will take the next steps. Clean yourselves as you did today. When you arrive, you will strip, put your clothes in your bins, kneel silently, and await my arrival. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," came the reply.

"Good!" Tony said as he stood. "We have spent some time today discussing what it means to be a sub. For your second task, I want you to take some paper and individually write down what you believe it means to be a dom. What are the responsibilities of a dom? How should a dom treat a sub? What things must a dom be aware of when he is with a sub? Be as specific as you can and use some examples from your life if you wish. Bring them with you Wednesday for me to review."

"Sounds good, Sir," Wes replied.

"I will have my sub, Richard, spend time with you while I review what you write," Tony said. "He has been with me for almost twenty years now and I believe you will learn a lot from him. Anyway, that is all for today. I will see you Wednesday. Be well."

Tony stood and walked out of the room and Wes looked over at John as the door closed behind the man.

"Well, how are you feeling?" Wes asked.

"This is going to be weird," John replied.

"At least you didn't get fucking paddled," Bart said as he stood up.

Wes laughed.

"Oh, please. I'm sure that's not the first time someone smacked that butt for being a wiseass. I know I have thought about doing that to you on more than one occasion."

Bart smiled and turned to grab his clothes and dress. As the other two did the same, John groped himself.

"This is going to be tough."

Wes smiled and grabbed John's hand and pulled it away.

"It's just three days. You can manage. When I was in my subby days, I abstained for up to a week. It is always hard at first. This one might be going insane after twenty-four hours, though."

Bart rolled his eyes as Wes looked at him.

"I can't help it if I have a high sex drive."

John laughed.

"Well, at least this means I won't be woken up to moans and screams and the bed hitting the wall."

All three men laughed as they turned to leave.

Next: Chapter 3

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