Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on Apr 18, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

Initiation (Part 1)

Through the fog, John could see a clearing ahead. He was moving through a forest. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was peeking through the giant trees as they passed him on his left and right. In front of him walked a cute, naked, husky young man with dark skin and a bubble butt. He looked college-aged and had a patch of fur above his ass. The boy turned to smile at him and playfully ran into the empty area and leaned against a low stump, beckoning John to come to him.

"I've been waiting for you, Sir," the boy said as he ran his hands over his body and turned to slap his hand against his ass.

John approached him and grinned.

"I know what that ass needs."

"Yes, Sir!" the boy replied with a coy smile. "You know it is all yours, Sir!"

John saw the lad reach up and run his hands over the chain collar around his neck. The shiny tag proving John's ownership of him. John looked down and realized he was naked too. His hard cock bounced in front of him with each step. Precum flowed from the tip and it began to drip down onto the grass as he stared at the ass in front of him. When John reached the boy, he ran his hands over the lad's lower back and felt the coating of sweat that matted his fur.

"I need your cock so bad, Sir," the boy said. "Please put it in me."

John moaned, reached down to feel the boy's ass, and ran his thumb over the lad's hole. A warmth radiated from the boy as John pushed forward, feeling resistance at first, and then when his digit entered, the boy instinctively spread his legs and arched his back. John reached down and stroked his cock. He was fully engorged and his shaft pulsed as he touched it.

"I'm going to fuck you silly!" John replied as he pointed his cock and went to enter.

"Not before I do!" came a familiar voice from behind him.

John turned to see Tony. The man loomed large over him. A lit cigar hung from his mouth and smoke encircled his head. His body glistened as the sunlight shone on him and John looked down to see the older man's hard, throbbing dick. It was twice the size of John's and as thick as a beer can.

"Remember your place, Beta!" Tony said as he pushed John aside. "I breed the boys first. You only get seconds if I allow you. Since you seem to have forgotten this, stand over there and watch how a real man fucks. You may stroke that pitifully small thing of yours if you wish. Just remember, no cumming before I do."

John stepped back and watched as Tony grabbed the boy's ass with his large hands. The lad's collar meant nothing. Tony's needs came first. The man slapped his horse cock on the boy's hole and precum dribbled over it and coated the skin. As Tony pushed forward, the boy cried out as the shaft entered him and split him in two.

"Fuck you are so big, Sir! Show my master who owns this ass!"

"That's a boy!" Tony growled as his extra-large, hairy balls swung forward.

John moaned as he looked down and stroked his cock. He had forgotten his place under Tony. His hand stimulated his shaft, but he longed to feel the boy's ass gripping him instead. A familiar warmth moved through his groin. He would have to resign himself to spilling his seed on the dirt and let the alpha male take the prize.

He heard his name called out and he looked up. Tony smiled at him as he forcefully pounded the boy. The lad was screaming out in ecstasy as the older man rutted.

"Damn, your boy has a tight ass. It is going to feel so good to breed it."

"Yes, Sir," John groaned as he stroked his cock faster.

"Remember, don't you cum before I do," Tony boomed.

"I promise, Sir!" John replied.

As he continued to watch Tony fuck, he heard a distant voice calling his name again from the woods. He turned but saw no one there. He continued to pound his cock as the man in front of him moaned. Tony was close.

"You ready, boy?"

"Breed me, Sir!" the lad replied.

The sound of the smack of Tony's groin against the boy echoed in the small clearing. John could almost smell the man's musk, and the smoke from his cigar began to fill the air.

"John!" came the voice again, but it was closer and louder.

John turned, but there was still no one there. He felt the fluids building in his groin. He knew he was close. He turned to Tony to watch as the man went over the edge and filled the boy with his alpha seed.

"Fuck yeah!" Tony growled.

John wanted to cum too. He had the opportunity now that Tony had orgasmed. As he got ready to pound his shaft to completion, he felt someone grab his hand and pull it away.

"John!" Wes shouted.

Instantly, the scene faded and John awoke, startled. He cried out as he opened his eyes and looked down to see his hard cock bouncing and the sheets kicked to his feet. Wes was standing over him, holding his hand.

"What the hell!" John replied.

"That must have been some dream!" Wes said as he held the man's hand firm against the bed.

John looked back and saw precum dripping down his shaft. His cock was pointed straight towards the ceiling and he felt an ache in his balls.

"Oh fuck!" John groaned as he closed his eyes and realized what had happened.

"Good thing I heard you moaning," Wes said with a smile. "Looks like that thing was close to shooting."

"Fucking hell," John replied as he looked up at Wes. "I need to cum so bad."

"No cumming, boy!" Wes said with a smile. "Take a deep breath."

John groaned and he heard the door to his room open wider.

"Damn!" said Bart. "What the fuck is going on in here!"

"John here was having a great sex dream," Wes said. "Walked in to see him moaning and stroking his dick."

John looked over at Bart, who was grinning at him.

"Glad I wasn't the only one with morning wood today," Bart said.

John looked at Wes and nodded and the man released his grip so he could sit up. His cock deflated as he rubbed his face and sighed.

"I was so close to getting that nut, too."

"What were you dreaming about?" Bart asked.

John smiled as he looked at the two men.

"Let's just say Tony was involved."

"Sir Tony, you mean," Wes replied with a wink.

"Yeah, yeah," John said with a smile. "But now I need a cold shower."

"Yes, you do!" Wes replied with a laugh. "You are running late. You slept through your alarm."

"Fuck!" John replied as he turned to look at the time.

"No worries," Wes said. "Bart made some breakfast. Get cleaned up and it will be ready for you in the kitchen."

Wes got up to leave and followed Bart back down the hall as John turned to sit on the side of the bed. He reached down and felt his balls and then stretched.

"This is going to be a long fucking day."

As he stood and walked across to the bathroom, he collected the rope of precum that dripped down from his member and tasted it. He was only about twelve hours into the three-day chaste period that Tony asked them to follow. As he closed the door and turned on the water, he looked down and focused on his dick. It wouldn't take him much to stroke and cum. He could do it quickly and Wes and Bart would never have to know. But he knew that Tony would indeed be staring at him soon and asking if he was able to follow directions. Could he lie to the man convincingly? He thought he might be able to. He wouldn't be an excellent future lawyer if he could not keep a good poker face, but he knew he had more self-control than that. There had been plenty of times he had asked boys not to jack off before coming to see him. If they could do it, surely he could too.

John felt the water. It was cool to the touch and as he stepped in, he shivered and cried out.

"Fucking hell!"

He grabbed the soap and ran it quickly over his chest, letting the suds build up in his fur before rinsing them away. He rubbed shampoo in his hair and then washed his face before plunging it into the cool stream. The shock to his system got his heart rate up and he shouted again before opening his eyes and shaking his head. The water flung from his beard and hit the sides of the shower curtain as he reached down and turned the water off, grabbed the towel hanging over the rod, and wrapped it around him.

Bart passed him and playfully slapped his ass as John walked out into the hall.

"Feel better, bud?"

"Well, I am awake at least," John replied.

"I hear ya," Bart replied. "I'm about to take Wes into town for work. The food is in the kitchen. We will see you this afternoon."

"Ok," John replied as he walked into his room.

John's schedule this term was pretty regular. He was up and out of the house by 7 am and arrived at the law firm by 8 am, where he worked till lunch. His classes were in the afternoon and could run as late as 6 pm, depending on the day. He sometimes needed to go back to work for a few hours and then the evenings were reserved for studying, homework, and rest, where he could get it. He had always been a bright student and never had to study hard until he got to his last two years of law school. However, the amount of material he had to retain increased, as did his workload as an intern. All of this was compounded by preparing for the bar that he would have to take after graduation.

When he was done with work Monday, he headed home and found Bart and Wes sitting in their underwear watching TV and eating a pizza. He smiled and waved at them and stole two pieces before retreating to his room. He stripped down to his boxers and sat cross-legged on his bed when he entered. He then pulled out some paper to begin work on his task for Tony.

He let his pen sit on the paper for some time as he thought about what he would write. He had never given serious consideration to defining in words what a dom was. It was just something he was. Having to discuss the role of a sub with Tony had made him realize there was a lot he needed to learn. He began to write:

To me, a dom is someone that has specific characteristics. They are confident and strong. They exude an energy that lets others know that they are not to be messed with. I have always thought of myself as such a person. In high school, I was popular and could have sex with anyone I wanted. As I have gotten older, I have sought out people that defer to me. When a boy comes up to me and stutters and shows interest, it is like you are fishing. You try to get them hooked and see what they can do for you. I love it when they call me Sir and get deep into the roleplay. Using them for my pleasure and feeding off that energy is intoxicating.

John paused and looked at what he wrote and sighed. "Damn, I do fucking sound like a dick. Don't I?"

Now that I write this, though, I realize that maybe I have been looking at this wrong. When we were with you Sunday, Sir, we talked about the role of a sub, and you mentioned their needs. I never really thought about the fact that their needs mattered. I guess my experiences have led me down a path of entitlement. I don't know of any other role. Perhaps, it would be better to say that a dom should be confident and strong but interested in molding a sub and supporting them in their service. For as much enjoyment and pleasure as I get from them, I suppose I should be sure that they are getting what they need out of the service, too.

Honestly, though, I do not know how that is done. This is something I would like to learn more about. How do I treat a sub? What are the things I need to be aware of? Are there certain things that happen in the community you see as red flags and ones I need to be mindful of? If I am guilty of behaving that way, I need to know to correct my behavior. I am willing to learn and better myself. If I genuinely want to live the life, I need to know what behaviors are expected and desired to model that.

Thanks for taking the time to work with my friends and me. I hope to learn all I can from you, Sir.

John put his pen down, read over his words again, and then folded the paper and set it on his nightstand. He looked down and saw the bulge under his boxers and felt the pain radiating blue balls deep within his groin. He closed his eyes, brought his hands to his face, and rubbed his beard. As he took a deep breath in and let it out, he remembered the dream he had woken up from. He remembered how hot the boy looked with his ass in the air, ready to be bred, and the feeling he had when Tony pushed him aside to take it. He had never had a dream like it before and he pondered what it meant.

He now understood the frustration that a sub must have when denying self-gratification. It was maddening and it had barely been twenty-four hours. He realized that if he expected a boy to be chaste for an extended period, he would have to understand how hard that could be and encourage and reward a sub for their efforts.

He let his hands fall to his feet and opened his eyes. As he rubbed his soles, he listened to the hum of the ceiling fan as it circulated the air and combined with the low voices coming from the TV in the other room. He smiled and got up from the bed and scratched himself before opening the door and joining his roommates. It was time to let his brain rest and think about this another time.

Wednesday evening, the trio got home after 7 pm. They ate dinner and then got cleaned up in preparation for their journey to Tony's house. John was the first to finish. Cleaning out his ass took less time this go around and as he sat on the sofa and pulled his socks and shoes on, Wes appeared in the hallway and smiled.

"How's your dick feeling?"

"Ugh, don't bring that up," John replied. "I woke up with wet sheets from the amount of precum that was pouring from me last night."

"Yeah, Bart is having a tough time too," Wes said as he sat next to John.

"I figured," John replied. "He seemed to lose his temper this morning. I heard him growling about something."

"Oh, he couldn't find his keys," Wes said with a chuckle. "I thought he was going to tear the place apart. He was acting like a bull in a china shop as he looked for them. Hormones and him are not a good combination. I can only imagine what he was like as a teenager."

John laughed.

"Well, hopefully, we can bust a nut soon. I think we all need it."

Bart appeared in the hallway a few minutes later and threw his shoes on the floor as he grabbed a notebook from the kitchen table.

"Did you finish your assignment?" John asked him.

"Yeah, it is in there," Bart said as he came over and sat across from the two men. "I worked on it today in my Patent Law class."

"Exciting class, huh?" Wes asked with a smile.

"Ugh, the woman that teaches that course is horrible," Bart said. "Besides, I have a good grade there. I'll be fine. Did you two finish yours?"

"Yeah," John said as he pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. "I did mine Monday night."

"Mine is in my bookbag," Bart said. "Took me several sheets to finish what I wanted to say."

"Really?" John asked. "Now I feel bad. I only had a few paragraphs."

"Same here," Bart replied.

"I am sure you are both fine," Wes said. "I think Tony just wants you to reflect and think. You know how it is."

"Yeah," John said. "It did get me to do that."

"Well, shall we head over there?" Bart asked.

"Yeah," Wes said. "I'll grab my assignment and we can be off."

When they arrived at Tony's house, they found the lights of Tony's playroom were on and some of the equipment had been moved away from the walls. Three padded tables and some new equipment had been set up to the side. Wes undressed first and John and Bart followed his lead. They knelt on the floor next to the door and sat in the quiet when they were naked.

"This still feels weird," Bart said. "I feel way too exposed."

"You love being naked," Wes replied as he turned to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, but not on my knees in some stranger's home," Bart replied. "Besides, I am fucking horny as hell."

John chuckled.

"I'm not exactly at ease myself."

The door across from them opened and someone appeared. He was older and had a bald head and a cropped goatee that was pure white. A chain collar around his neck was secured with a padlock. The only other thing he wore was a metal band around his waist attached to another piece of metal that covered his crotch area. His penis was not visible at all. He smiled at them and then walked over next to John and knelt next to him without saying a word. John turned his head to look at him, but the older male just looked forward with a stoic expression.

When the door opened again, Tony appeared. He wore only his dark jeans, as before, and walked over and sat in a folding chair across from them.

"Welcome back, boys. Are you ready to submit and learn tonight?"

"Yes, Sir," the three replied.

"I want to introduce you to my sub, Richard," Tony said. "Boy, you may stand and speak."

Richard got to his feet next to John and then walked in front of them.

"Good to meet you all. I have been in service to Master Tony for eighteen years. He is my life and purpose. I live to serve his needs. May I know your names?"

"I'm Bart."

"I'm Wes."

"And I am John. It is good to meet you."

"You too," Richard said with a smile before standing at attention with his feet slightly spread, his hands behind his back, and his face forward.

"Sir, may I ask a question about Richard?" Bart spoke up.

Tony smiled.

"Let me guess. You want to know about the belt?"

"Yes, Sir," Bart replied.

My sub is in chastity. This is a custom device I had made for him by Neosteel. He is not allowed access to his genitals for self-pleasure. Instead, he derives great satisfaction from service to me and I ensure he is milked regularly for his excellent behavior."

"Milked, Sir?" John asked.

"You can discuss this with him in a moment," Tony replied. "Grab your assignments and hand them to me. I will take them and leave to review them. You can spend time with my boy and learn more about him. Boy, feel free to speak about anything and answer any question posed to you. I want you all to become intimately familiar with each other. You will be working together a lot over the next few weeks."

"I understand, Sir," Richard replied. "I am happy to serve you."

John, Bart, and Wes retrieved their assignments from their bins. When they handed them to Tony, he stood and left and after the door closed, Richard relaxed his stance and smiled.

"Shall we sit and talk?"

"Sure," Bart replied. "I want to know more about that belt."

Next: Chapter 4

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