Atlanta Bears

By Locked Cub

Published on Apr 24, 2022


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Atlanta Bears

Initiation (Part 2)

As they sat on the floor, Richard began to speak.

"I met Master Tony at a bar one night back in the 70s. You had to be a lot more discrete back then and when you are in a kink like mine, even more so. He took me under his wing and trained me to be his live-in sub. We set up rules and guidelines and one of the first things I agreed to give up was control over my nub. It was hard at first, but I learned very quickly that I could achieve a lot of pleasure in my service to Master Tony."

"Nub?" Wes asked.

"That is how I refer to this," Richard said as he pointed to his crotch.

"Do you ever cum?" John asked.

"I have internal orgasms when he fucks me on occasion, but it is not something I expect or seek out," Richard said. "It is a nice treat if it happens, but the main thing is that he is satisfied and pleased. Honestly, I cannot explain to you how much pleasure I get when he moans from things I do for him or when he tells me I have done a good job. He does milk me regularly, though. Which helps keep the pipes clean and the blue balls feeling away."

"Yeah, what is it with this milking?" Bart asked.

"He uses his finger to rub my prostate gland," Richard replied. "It triggers it to release its stored fluids. It takes several minutes, but once I am drained, I feel so much better."

"And you never touch your cock at all?" Bart asked.

"My nub?" Richard said. "No. I have not even seen it in many years. I am always blindfolded when my belt is removed for cleaning."

"That is amazing," Wes spoke up. "I know the three of us are about to go bonkers after only three days of being chaste. You must care a lot for him to give up control like that."

"I love him to death," Richard replied with a smile. "I'm in my late 50s now, so my sex drive is not what it once was and neither is his. So, it is not a huge deal these days. But it's not all about sex anyway. I'm mostly responsible for the domestic work around here and doing little things to make his life easier."

"May I touch it?" Bart asked.

"My belt?" Richard replied. "Sure."

Bart moved over, reached out his hand, and felt the steel plate covering Richard's groin. He could see the edges of the sub's scrotum and balls and the metal was warm to the touch.

"The plate has chains on the bottom that go under and around my ass cheeks and attach to the back of the belt," Richard said. "I can use the bathroom as normal and the urine flows down an internal tube and out the bottom. It can be messy when you are getting used to it, but I have worn this for so long that it is now part of me. It is easy to disguise with normal clothing too. It just leaves me with a smooth front instead of a bulge."

"I've never seen anything like it," John replied.

"It's a subculture in the community, but not as uncommon as you think," Richard said. "Anyway, Master says you are here to learn more about the lifestyle. Is that correct?"

"Yes," Wes replied. "These two are aspiring doms and I used to be a sub but consider myself more dom/switch these days. Your master was kind enough to take us under his wing to show us the ropes to understand better our role as doms and how to treat and care for a sub. Part of that is becoming a sub for him for a while to see the other side."

"That makes sense," Richard said. "I hope you all are not uncomfortable being a sub for a while. Not everyone would agree to that."

"It is not easy," John said. "But, it has already opened my eyes to some things I may need to work on."

"Then that is a good thing!" Richard replied with a smile. "Master is an excellent trainer. He knows so much and is kind and patient. I hope you will enjoy serving and learning from him."

"Excuse me if this is a stupid question, but it sounds like you are his slave," Bart said. "Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I am just trying to get the dynamics down."

"It is not a stupid question," Richard said with a smile. "I don't consider myself a slave. I have my own free will. I go out and have a job in town in an office building. I help pay the household expenses and have friends I hang out with apart from Master Tony. In many ways, we are a normal couple. The difference is that I consider myself lower than him in certain ways. I put his needs above mine, not because I have to, but because I want to. It makes me very happy to do it and bring some joy into his life. He is firm but fair with me and we still follow the rules and guidelines we set out all those years ago."

"What kind of rules and guidelines?" John asked.

"It was almost like a contract," Richard said. "I put down what I did not like to do. What my hard limits were. For instance, I did not want to experience extreme pain. No blood or permanent marks could ever occur. I had the right to call a time out at any time using a safe word. But I put down things I wanted to experience. I wanted to explore bondage and sensory deprivation, something he was well trained in. I loved to be flogged and we worked on that, too."

"Ok, I get that," John replied.

"Master Tony wrote down his expectations of me," Richard said. "We talked through things extensively. He said some things were firm and had to be agreed to if I stayed with him, but other things were negotiable. In many ways, it set the tone for our relationship."

"That is pretty cool," Wes said. "Not a bad idea at all."

"You say you consider yourselves aspiring doms," Richard said. "Have you had subs of your own before?"

"I've never had a long-term one," John replied.

"Yeah, we have not either," Bart said. "I can see taking one in the future. There are things I would like to do with a sub that Wes is not interested in and I would like to explore the dynamic more."

"I would agree with that," Wes said. "It would be nice to have a boy around the house, though I think I might end up treating them more like a partner and less like a subordinate. Bart here is the more dominant of the two of us."

"I've only had experience with subs that I have met at bars, for instance," John said. "But I have had an interest in exploring maybe taking in a sub or two. Honestly, the more I learn about your Master Tony, the more I think I would love to have a space like this and take in subs to train. Of course, I need to know how to train them. But it would be interesting to mold them and explore more things that interest me. I've never been one to form lasting relationships, but who knows. Maybe I might end up with a long-term sub at some point in the future. I am still young, though."

Richard smiled and nodded.

"Master Tony and I see a lot of bad behavior among people in the community. Most subs just take abuse and mistreatment and never think that there might be something else or better out there. I am glad you are putting in the effort to better yourselves."

"So, does your master bring boys over here a lot?" Bart asked.

"He usually has a few boys he trains and mentors," Richard said. "They have specific days they are expected to be here. Master works with them within the agreed limits they specified and he helps them become better, more experienced subs. In many cases, they move on to be collared by a dom and to lead happier lives."

The door across the room opened and Tony appeared. Richard turned and when he saw him, he immediately moved over next to John and knelt and bowed his head. Bart and Wes looked at John and moved into a kneeling position to match. Tony smiled as he walked over and sat in his chair.

"Are you learning some things about these boys, sub?"

"Yes, Sir," Richard replied as he looked up. "They are good prospects."

"Good," Tony said. "Richard here was my final test for you three before we move forward. I wanted him to give me a yea or nea to determine if he thought you were worth my time. I have looked over what you have written and I think we can tailor some training for each of you to give you some experience. Typically, I like to write up training contracts and have my subs sign them, but as this is more informal, we will do this verbally if that is ok."

"That is fine, Sir," John replied.

"Agreed," Wes and Bart echoed.

"Very well," Tony said. "I will treat you all as subs for five weeks. You will be put through a crash course of what I normally do with my boys. There will be rules to follow and each of you will have to monitor each other's progress. If there are infractions, I expect to be told immediately. Assuming you successfully progress through this period, I will switch and treat you as doms for five weeks. You will be allowed to be present when my current boy is here for training. I hope that you will see what I expect of my subs and use this in your own life in the end. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, Sir," the three replied.

"Listen carefully to what I am about to reiterate," Tony said. "You will be treated as I treat my subs. You will experience what they experience and be expected to follow everything I tell you. You may be uncomfortable and inexperienced in some of the things we will do. If you reach a hard limit at any time, you have the right to tell me. But I expect you to keep your mouth shut and obey in all other cases. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Sir," came the reply from the three.

"Richard, you may go," Tony said. "It's time for the initiation process. Please set aside time this coming Sunday so you can work with them again."

"I will, Sir," Richard said with a smile as he stood and kissed Tony before leaving the room.

"Initiation, Sir?" Bart asked.

"When new subs start with me, we first have a conversation about their needs and wants," Tony said. "Then, I work out a contract. Once that is signed, we go into the initiation phase. They give themselves over to me for training for a defined period. Part of that is proving their submission to me. I require them to be chaste for a while and then dominate them by fucking them. As a reward, they are milked. I do this one-on-one normally, so it is easier, but I have had to be creative with the three of you. Are you willing to submit to me in such a manner? Tell me now if this is a hard limit."

"Sir, I don't know about this," John said. "I don't normally bottom."

"I got the impression from you and Bart that this was the case," Tony said. "So, I have devised a solution. Wes, what do you have to say?"

"I will submit to you, Sir," Wes said. "If that is what you do with subs, then I want to experience it all. As long as my boyfriend is ok with it."

Bart frowned as he looked at Wes, but his face changed as he looked up at Tony.

"Well, I guess that is ok. But what do you have in mind?"

"Bart, come with me," Tony said as he stood.

Tony led Bart over to the three padded benches that were low to the floor and next to one another. He had Bart lean over the one on the far left side so that his ass hung out. The older man then wheeled a cart over with a mechanical device with a dildo attachment. He moved it behind Bart and locked the wheels. The dildo was mere inches from Bart's ass and he looked back at it with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry, boy," Tony said. "This is a small dildo. It is more for the sensation. I know you are not a huge bottom. Relax for me, ok?"

Bart took a deep breath and let it out as Tony turned and motioned to John. When John came over to him, he assumed the same position on another low bench on the far right side. Richard rolled a second device behind him that looked older and larger

"Luckily, I had two fucking machines," Tony said. "This one behind you is much older, John, but I used it on my boy last night to make sure it was still in working order. Bart, the one behind you is newer but of the same design. As I mentioned, the dildos I have attached are smaller than my length and girth. We will start slow, but you have cleaned out as I have requested, correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Bart and John replied nervously.

"As I have said, you can still back out and leave if you wish," Tony said. "So, I will ask one last time. Are you willing to submit to me?"

"I'm ready," Bart replied.

"I am too, Sir," John said as he faced forward and closed his eyes.

Tony grabbed some lube and began to finger Bart first. Wes watched from the side of the room as the older man pushed his fingers inside his boyfriend and opened him up. Wes knew that Bart enjoyed bottoming occasionally, but he did not do it much. However, it appeared that Tony was taking his time and letting Bart become comfortable with him. After several minutes, he pulled his fingers away and used his hand to position the dildo before turning on the machine.

A whirring sound filled the room as the dildo slowly moved forward. Tony held Bart's ass and watched the silicone phallus begin moving inside. Bart moaned as he felt it push forward.

"That's a boy," Tony said. "Treat this as if it were my dick. I want you to think of yourself as my boy in your mind. As you feel yourself being penetrated, remember that a sub gives of himself for the dom he serves. Think not of your wants and desires but only of the pleasure you are giving me."

"Oh, fuck!" Bart groaned as he put his head down and felt it move in deeper.

Tony waited until the dildo was entirely inside Bart before letting it come back out and then adjusting the speed, so it was slowly pistoning inside him.

"That's a boy," Tony said as he rubbed Bart's lower back. "Breathe deep and take it inside you. As it fills you, remember you are no longer a dom anymore. You are a sub. You are my sub."

"Oh fuck, Sir," Bart replied as he hung his head and groaned.

Tony smiled and turned to John, who was staring at him.

"Are you ready, boy?"

"Ugh, I guess," John said.

"Remember, I will go slow and we can stop this at any time," Tony said.

When John felt the lubed finger in his ass, he clenched it shut and closed his eyes. He took a breath before relaxing. When he did, Tony slid inside him and John groaned. He looked over and watched as the machine fucked Bart slowly. He felt so degraded. He wanted to stop and leave, but he resisted the urge and put forth an effort to continue. After several minutes, he felt Tony move away and knew what was coming next. When he heard the sound of a motor start and the tip push forward, he gripped the bench and clenched his toes. As the dildo slowly spread his ass, John gasped. It had been years since he had been fucked and he was not happy about this.

"That's it, boys," Tony said as he rubbed John's lower back. "Relax and take my dildos deep inside you. Act as if they are real. Take me into you and reorient your mind. You are my subs now. Repeat that phrase to yourself as you feel penetrated. Give yourself over and let your journey begin."

John winced as he felt the dildo push fully into him and then retract. Tony adjusted the speed so it was gentle but relentless in its movements. John could feel the device moving over his sensitive prostate and he gasped as he felt his sore balls twitch in response.

"Ok, boy," Tony said as he turned to look at Wes. "I haven't forgotten about you. Assume the position on the middle bench."

Wes smiled as he walked over and knelt between Bart and Wes. Bottoming for him was not an issue, but he knew that his friends must be feeling humiliated.

"You get the real thing," Tony said as he fingered Wes's hole. "And you have quite an ass for it. I have to say."

"Thank you, Sir!" Wes replied.

Bart looked over at Wes as Tony moved behind him. The older man's cock was engorged. It was thicker than Bart's but not quite as long. As he felt the dildo penetrating him, he saw Tony line up and grab Wes's ass as he entered him.

"Fuck, you are thick, Sir!" Wes groaned.

"Accept me inside you," Tony said. "Each of you has given yourself over to me. For the next few weeks, I own this ass. Not your boyfriend. Focus your mind on your new role. Remember, you are my subs now. Repeat that for me, boys."

"I am your sub," Wes replied immediately as he felt Tony push deeper.

"Bart and John, I don't hear you!" Tony said.

The two began repeating the phrase as Tony looked down at Wes's ass. He gripped the skin and let himself slide inside till he was balls deep. Wes groaned as Tony then pulled out and slowly moved back and forth. As they each repeated the phrase in unison, Tony fucked. His balls swung back and forth and the sound of his groin impacting Wes's ass overpowered the hum of the machines.

John felt low as he spoke out the words. He lost all sense of superiority. He was at the will of this man as his ass was used as Tony saw fit. The pain in his balls went away as he thought only of what he repeated. The dream he had for a few days came back to him. In many ways, it was a premonition.

"I am your sub."

"That's it, boys," Tony said.

The man reached over and turned the speed up on the device on Bart before doing the same to John. As the dildos moved slightly faster, each of the subs groaned and their bodies moved back and forth. Tony then gripped Wes's sides and forced himself inside the boy harder. As he fucked, Wes continued the mantra but grunted in between.

Bart felt a warmth in his groin that he was not familiar with. The sensation was odd. He felt like he needed to pee, but no. His bladder was not full. Then he felt his cock pulse. But it was not an orgasm. He was confused and lifted his shoulders to look underneath. He saw his dick was dribbling fluids. It was cloudy, so it was not precum, but it did not look like sperm either.

"What the hell is happening, Sir?" Bart moaned as he felt the sensation continuing.

Tony looked over and smiled.

"Put your head back down. Your nub is being milked. All those stored fluids in you are being passed. Continue to repeat the phrase. You are my sub. Let it happen."

Bart sighed as he put his head back down and felt the warmth continue. His balls felt lighter, but it was not the most pleasurable experience. Across from him, John felt the same sensation. The warmth was building and his dick dribbled but he felt a different sensation on top of it. It was pleasurable. He felt his cock lengthen and engorge and it pulsed a few times as it was being milked. There was no mistaking the sensation. He was close to orgasming.

"Oh, Sir!" John groaned.

"What is it, boy?" Tony asked as he fucked Wes.

"I'm going to cum," John said.

"Squeeze your ass for me and fight the sensation," Tony said as he leaned over and turned the speed on the machine down. "If you go over the edge, that is ok. Just ask permission first. But I want you to try to stop yourself. I don't let my boys cum unless I do first."

"Fuck!" John groaned as he squeezed his ass and tried to angle the dildo higher.

The slower speed stopped the building sensation, but he felt the warmth inside him and his cock continued to dribble.

"How's your nub, John?" Tony asked with a grunt.

"I'm controlling it, Sir," John replied.

"Good boy," Tony said as he looked down at Wes and gripped his waist. "I want to hear you all repeating that phrase!"

The subs spoke in unison as Tony pounded Wes hard.

"I am your sub."

Wes panted as he spoke the words. Tony felt good inside him, but the man was relentless. He felt the dick spreading his ass wide and his cock and balls were swinging violently beneath him.

"I'm getting close, boys," Tony said.

"Oh fuck," Wes groaned. "I am your sub, Sir!"

Tony growled as the orgasm overcame him. He shoved deeply inside Wes as his cock drained, closed his eyes, and looked towards the ceiling. Bart looked over and watched as his new temporary master bred his boyfriend. Wes's ass belonged to the older man now. He was just a sub cuck. John watched from the other side, too. He realized just how close to life his dream had been. Now that the alpha male had cum, he knew he had the opportunity to do the same. As he squeezed his ass and tried to maintain his composure, he grunted. He was so close to cumming. He needed to go over the edge.

"May I have permission to cum, Sir?" John asked.

"If you need to, boy," Tony replied as he caught his breath.

John released the grip on the dildo that was invading him and tried to angle it as it was before. The sensation was not changing, though. He felt himself continuing to be milked, but the orgasm never came. It was a frustrating experience. He waited for several minutes as Tony finished draining inside Wes. When the man pulled out, he switched the devices off and extracted them. John groaned as he felt the toy removed from him, knowing that his chance was gone. He lifted his shoulders and looked underneath to see a puddle had formed under his cock.

Tony grabbed a towel and wiped his head and chest before moving over to rub the asses of each of the new subs gently.

"You all have done well," Tony said. "Did you orgasm, John?"

"No, Sir," John replied with a groan. "I couldn't get it to happen."

"But you and Bart both were milked, correct?" Tony asked. "It is important to me that each of you was milked and drained as a reward for being chaste as I asked you to be."

"Oh yeah," Bart replied. "You should see what's under me. I feel like I released a gallon of whatever that was."

Tony chuckled.

"Well, at least your balls should feel better. You did very well. I welcome all of you as my subs for the next five weeks. You have taken my cock and pleased me, which is your reward. But, I have not heard from you, Wes. Did my cock milk you or get you to orgasm?"

"No, Sir," Wes said with a moan. "My balls are still sore as hell."

"We cannot have that," Tony said.

The man moved behind Wes and stuck his finger in the sub's cummy ass. As he moved it around, he felt for and located the bulbous organ behind Wes's groin. As he rubbed it in circular motions, Wes began to moan loudly.

"Damn, he hardly ever sounds like that around me!" Bart replied.

"Oh, Sir! I am your sub, Sir!" Wes moaned.

"That's a boy," Tony replied.

Fluids dripped from Wes's cock and collected on the bench below him within a minute. Wes felt a headrush while the warmth moved through his body, and he groaned as Tony manipulated him. After several minutes, the flow of fluids slowed and the older man removed his finger and wiped it on the towel.

"Better now, boy?" Tony asked.

"So much better," Wes replied as he wiggled his ass.

"Very well," Tony said. "Off the benches and kneel in front of me."

The three took a breath and followed Tony's command. John's legs were weak at first, but he caught himself before falling and then kneeled next to Wes and Bart.

"I take you as my subs. You have submitted to me and I promise not to harm you. I don't want you touching your nubs without permission for the next five weeks. No fucking, no masturbating, no nothing. You will come here every Wednesday and Sunday evening and I will milk you if you have behaved and followed my instructions. That is how I treat my subs and how they are rewarded. This coming Sunday, I will show you how I flog my boy. It is something he greatly enjoys. I will try it with each of you gently and we will go from there. As we work through various tasks, I want you to remember the experience. Take note of what you were feeling and how you reacted. Remember that you may have boys who will endure the same when you are allowed to retake a role as a dom. Think back on your experiences and use them to guide how you act and treat them. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," the three replied.

"Sir?" Wes asked.

"Yes, boy?" Tony replied.

"May I clean your cock?' Wes said with a smile as he saw the man's dick slowly dripping the remnants of his load. "It looks tasty."

Tony laughed.

"A little piggy, too. I like that. You have my permission, boy."

Wes moved forward, took the man's cock into his mouth, and pulled on it to strip the last bits of cum away. As he tasted the salty sweetness of it, he moaned and found himself back into his old sub-mode once again. When he backed off, Tony looked down and grinned.

"You must have been a hell of a sub in the day."

"He does suck cock well, Sir," Bart said with a smile.

"Well, I know his ass is well-bred too," Tony said to Bart. "Would you be willing to clean it for him?"

Bart groaned, but he relented when he looked at Wes and saw the look he was getting in response. Wes had this way of just looking at Bart and getting him to do anything.

"Yes, Sir," Bart replied.

Wes smiled and turned and got on all fours and Bart moved to spread his ass. He saw the cum that coated his boyfriend's hole and he leaned in to lick it clean. Wes moaned in approval as his tongue swirled around and tasted Tony's load.

"Thank you, baby."

Bart pushed his tongue in deeper and proceeded to extract the remnants of the load that he could. After several minutes, he felt Wes was as clean as he was going to get and he pulled back and wiped his beard with his hand. He could smell and taste Tony's scent on him.

"Very well done," Tony said as Bart turned and sat up. "Before I see you Sunday, I have another task for you all. Spend some time thinking individually about what you would like to experience and learn about. I am well experienced in bondage, flogging, suspension, sensory deprivation, and various types of role play. If I don't know about it, I can find an expert. We can explore it with you and let you learn and grow in the process. But, for now, you can dress and leave. Thank you, boys."

"Thanks, Sir," the three replied as Tony turned to leave.

As the door closed, John leaned over and groaned.

"Fuck I feel like shit."

"Why?" Wes asked.

"I've never submitted like that to anyone," John said.

"It was pretty hot watching you two getting fucked next to me," Wes said.

Bart laughed.

"I figured you would enjoy that. But I am with John. I feel like shit. I will endure this because I know there is a purpose and I love you, babe. This is going to be tough for me. I'm marked with that man's seed all over my beard and he bred and took your ass from me."

"As long as you both promise me you will try," Wes said. "It is only for five weeks. This does not change my love for you, baby. Plus, I know you have wanted to explore bondage more, Bart. Here is your chance."

"Yeah, that is true," Bart replied as he rubbed his balls. "But I don't know about no sex for that long. It is going to be hard waking up to you every day and not being intimate."

"We can manage," Wes replied as he came over and kissed his cheek. "Maybe it will make our relationship stronger in the long run. Besides, if we get a sub of our own and make him abstain, he will have to find other ways to be intimate with us. Right? This will be a learning experience."

"I guess," Bart replied.

"Ok, guys," John said. "Enough talk. Can we get dressed now and get back home?"

"Sounds good," Wes said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 5

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